Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1897, p. 4

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PF â- w? Jl||iiHl„j|,^.li|iipi ^iF THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE V £ =â-  BSTADUSMto -/tf^/- »»BU»IIKD WEEKLY AT THE OrKJOK. SYl)- XNHAM STIIKKT, FLESHEKToN, OST., BV W. H. TUl'KSTOH $1 per aiiiiiiin,.strictly in ndvanrc Adveitising Rates: Oae Colnua, 1 yosr, i:>0 ; lialt col., 1 year, (27 qasrtkr col., one year, tlS. TranaloKt advertlBeinonl cbarRed a^ the rattj B cents por line for flrnt inflerlion ao.1 it coiiti HAcU KuWe«f*iont itrnei tlnn. NEWSl'APER PObTAGE 'Ǥ III lilt Britiali ansiocraoy â€" well, tliey lik e t° d o it. and fit'itaii) does not appear to obji'Ci. boiuebody has remarktd tlie iwmiiient datiijcr of Orrat Britain uiiil Cupid tu)(ctlier " annexing tlie hull uiiiuii uiid niat «panglc'd banuer." But lia wii.-i a p<' niist. A largo ainouut of discusKiou is ^oiiig on in tlie press ihrougiiotii tlie country upon tlie qntBliou of ilio re- impoBitiou ofpoataneou newspapers. lleietofore tiiia paper lii>8 not uipresB- cd any voice in tlie luatter, but is now prepared to do so. We have decided tlial it is to tlie best interests of country publislieru, and it certainly is to the e:(:liequerof llic country, to Uave a moderate amount uf (lostai^'e placed ou all newspapers. During; the twcjvc year!) that the free systcem has been tried it has been sadly abused, and country newspapers know to their â- ort'ow that the cheap city dailies have interfered wuli their business and injured business in their own localities through the departmental St lie advertising. Mack in last week's Saturday Night points this out in a forcible ariiuie which all newspapci men should read. The country press as a whole appears to look on the question from a purely lellish and peculiarly short sighted point of view. A tax of this nature would tLake the posial siivice self subtaiuing, and would in all prob ability give us a two cent letter rate ; it would tend to prevent loss through bad subscriptions, by making the country publisher more particular to whou> he sends the paper " on tick ;" it would assist the country rucrchant by hampering the departmental busi- uess (and that which assist! the mereiiant assi.sls the publisher ;) it will make an houeet press where in certain quaitcrs a groat deal of dis- hjnefty is thought to prevail. Added to these considerations it will bo a satisfaction to know that t'le press pays for its mail service the same as other business men. lu fact we can see no just reason whatever why newspapers should be franked tlirnngh the mails. They are iii(iruhandii<e and all merchandise should pay itfl transportation. Yes, you may put T.he Adv»nce down as asking no free carnage through the mails. Mack thinks the very commerci-il life of the country, ai it is, hangs for the pre sent on the action o^ the postal department, and he is ri<,'iit. There is a little war excitement now in the island of Crete, in the Mediterranean, which is held by Turkey. The population of this largo island is 300 UOO â€" eloveu-twellths Christians. Crete wants to belong to Greece and Greece wants her, hut the European powers, as usual, have a good deal to say in the matter and will umpire the game. It is thought war helwuen Tiiikoy and Greoco is almost ineviiahlc. Dr. ItuUtin is still after the Huron & Ontario electric railway people fur a bi<r HUin of money {iir valuable services rendered in persuading the people of U^prey to go into the suheino. When IJi- l{ul!<lin wait here he I'lade us all believe that liis services were to be paid fo, in a block of stock in the concern. Can it be thai he has decidtd this stock is not good collateral and lepndiates it ? timely not I It'ritten For The Jidixince. Christisra vs. Churchism Lord and Lady Aberdeen have gone to Tenncsseo to attend the marriage of the lattcr'a brother to an American besnly. General Montgomery Moore ia acting Governor General in their absence. Thisi^a kind of reciprocity tt^at the Americans are only tec happy to indulge in. They will not allow oar male population to go to them under contract, but when it comes to pAjmiilg off UicU- matro) s . «u thie^ â-²â€¢ Dr. John \Vat4oii ( MaCUreii ) re- iiiaiks III Ilia *' Mind <if the Master," <iur ^>nviiiur lievur laid any biiuss nn tbu sulijucl of chui'Ci iiiuiiship, but kupl uiiii- Htaiiily bifi>re itiu iiiinds of Mm heaiviB tliti Hiihjbut of Ilia kiiiKdoiii. In our dny. Via un chrisliaiir, ni-eiii lo liavu du- paitudvuiy laiyt-ly fiuiu uur Mutitt^r'tt fiiriu ofduotiinn in this particular, and, iimtcud III dt vtjtiD;; our eiirr^ies 111 n<>ii- Hrct»riiin cliiiiiiii Ih tor the iiilvatiuii of our fi-llowiiiL'ii, wi! dcvotu llieui in tlie iiuriuu Oi^o ed cliaiiiit':s uf fcumo par- tii:u ar church and art) soiiietiincii tiu Hepantted Iroai other churches in uur ruliKiuu^ etfuiiH, that, iiiKtuxd uf lielp- \nn the wurk lu sister churclius, wu retard It. In ni.ty castes our cifortH ara directed tuwards lei>gihtnin|{ the liKt of iiauicu t'li uur church ruila iuitead of ii)creasiii>{ the tlie iiuiiitiur uf naiiiea in the I.Aiub'a Uouk uf Life, Home of us aie â- Â» deliuDto when du.Lhii'.' with our felluw mail ill regard tu religious thiiiya, that, if wu wish to kiiu.v what prufessioii they make in icgard tu clirmiiauily, instead of KKkiiig them bre they the Lijid's, we will ask theui"du they beluiig to the church." Nuw tli« fnct of any man's " belun^- init to the church" dues not imply hia buli<ng>U){ to (^'hrist ; for we liehevo that su'iresuf uur cliurch muinbera know vrry little more about the Clirist life expcri- ineiitally, than do hiiiidreJ.i of thoKO who make no profesniuii. nieiiihers of cliurchea are so ruli^iouH, that, thuuuli they can Dot gi-t uut to a week iiiuht Service, nor sonietiiiie an early Sunday Kervici-, they cnn inaiiHge txi come to the church and drowsily listen to tliescrmi>n, iiiul sometimes place a trifling collectiou on the plate, then Ku home and lay olf the large part of their reliitious fervm until the following Satibath. The rehuinii of the iiiiieleciith century inuMt he iiiorb aggronsive than that juHt described. Its devotees are called up»ii til lie lioly men and woinin, to be con stantly doing sniiioihiiig for the salvation iif othiTS. The Bible, in the latter pari of the Od TiKtument, proiiouiiciH a "Woe" on all of God's people who are at e no in hii sorvikV, and when a elirintinn gets into auch an oany goiiiu slate HH that d..'Scrihed above, it is veiy har«l to say wliuther he himself any longer belongs to the Lor.l or not. Our eveiy day work should airoril lis constant o|i|iorlunilioH of doing L'ood. There aro times when a warning; woid or a hulpfiil one sjioktn by a hunil le cliri.stian may do more g-md lo some poor wanderer thin a sermon from n minister might at another time. There aro times wlii'ii a tract or a roliu'ious p.iper judiciou.ily placed iiniy bring a soul into Hiibnii.isioii to its Lord. There are times â- vheii the prayer of a righteous man nmy loid to niiigniliceiit results in God's cause. flow then are we as christians fo he led lo a live, devoted Rtateof service for the Master ? The only answer i*, hy our living einte to our Master, and hav- ing the coiitiniious guidance of W'm Holy Spirit, fjot ui then, aa folhiwers of the Loid and aslho salt of tha earlh, s.fek for tho cleat (.'uiiliinco of that great iiiolive force in cliriatian life, tho spirit I'f (Jod, that wo limy see our neighbors and friends brought to the knowledge of Mini, " whom to know ariylit is life over lasting", and that wo,nursulves, may not be afraid of that hut great July of giving account of our stewarJship to our Lord. J. C. Town Line A and K From our oivn Cortttpirndtni, Mr. and Mrs. William Ellia lefk <m Mif Sth inst. for their future hniiiu in Uiitisli Columbia. Ther have the good wialies uf their many friends for »u<^cead Came to the home of Mr. ai.d Mrs. Walter Kiohardson on tim l^tli, a diiighter. The revival sorvicea closed here on laot Friday evt-niiig. Mr. John lilain has been on the 4'ck list for some lime. Mr, J. Brodie was in Fles.'-'- ..i last Week aitending lo the auditing of ti.e Arteniesia lowuship accoiin's. A Kiinsss man has discovered tl fti- braiitly can be made ouf of wot sH'.vduni. Now, a discouraged prohlliitninsi a.-k8, what chance can a uoud cause have when a man can go forth with a rip saw ui.d get drunk on a fence rail. Qpen Air Rink I HKRT OPEN AIK BINK in th6 countyâ€" 5Jxiao ft. Skating- Monday, WfldDeetUy, Friday evon- Uitlt and Saturday af.ernouns. Admission only 6C. Wednesday evouiogaâ€" LadicB and chtlJren free. Hluk back of D. McTavioli's blackamith sbop. P. DEFOE, Proprietor. "QUOEN VICTORIA, HER LIFE AND REIGN* (irtfai hiHtorle work, hoIIh on fiiifbt to tbou- Nandh. hord DufTuriu introduces it to Oattad' iuriM ni KlowiiiK wordfi. Ku^y to make (t2U.0Ua week. Home twice that. Many nittke more lu I- i>are time than durn>^ i ay at r<'(;ular employ- nifut. This year's Gr*<at Sei icunary C*dobra' tiou are boomiut; it. Hooks ou time, x'roHpectUH frt-u to cauvaHtteiB. Territory f^oiuf; fae. Tbo Bradley Uarretsoa Co.. Ltd., Toronto. Out. we CAN QtVE POSITIONS Topertionsof all K^ades of ability. AgentB, book-keupers. clerks, fannern' sons, lawyers, mi;cbauictt, rbystcianR. prvachtfis, atudentii. married and sin^'lo women, widows. Positions are worib from tlOUto •O.VKt per auDUin. Wu bave patil several canvafsers $50 weekly for yuarh. have stnited poor and become rich with us. Particulnrs upon applioatiou, and if Bitisfactory and neceMsary. a pvrHonal interview uia> bo arrantted. This is au bouest Hdverti enient, ami if yuu want to better your position, write hufeire yon sleep. Btftta salary tiXpected. Ntfilher lo^^ers" â-  '• • •'^•* ..v-.u apply. The Hradley^tiarretsoii Oo . * fi , y.^rouUj Uatario WE WANT; I tut'.M>rll0 •â- tabllshsd trarle In tliU count)'. OanaillaD stock ARhNTS t;i!»r»iit»'«<i tolive J"eim»iient lu iionltiiin, witoln or part time. LlliHral ttiriiis. Yuu . c%\i niakd tnii dollars & week or Iwitxr with uh. fur evury week you wurk. No »'Xi>iTl"iici' noccBhAry. Brown Brothers Company, CoDtiaeutal Nurserivs, TUltUNTU, ON'T l&Ucli. Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders for tbe erection of a school house for section \h, Artemesia. riann aud speciflcatlonH may be seen at U. A A- Neilson's store, Proton, after tlt« 9th uf Vjah. and up to I'J o'cK>cli a. m. on Keb. 20th. Kowest tenters or no texider Qjcossarlly accepted. Aidrou BecretAiy bohool hoard, TrtftoQ HtatloD. Ho^ fox* Service Th« undorslKiieil has a thoronKlibrod H»ikf)lilra Hoar for lervioa oti bit 9, con. 5. townnliip of Oniirey. Ternu. 7/1 cents at time of •er»lce. C. W. CROKT, i»io •. RUCTION SALE OP IN THI! TOWNSHIP OF ARTEAtESIA IN THE COUNTY OF ORUY TFIKIIE WILL HE BOLD ON Monday, Feb. 23rd, '97 AT n O'CLOCK IN THE PORKNOON AT nUNSHAM"S Hotel, in the Town of FLESH ERTON Ky Tirtue of TowBrs of Hale contained in a cnrtain MortKauo wliicli will he produced at the sale, the fojluwit.f; Property : LotH IWI auil 1110 iu the IliBt concrssion. north east of the Toronto aud Hvdenham Itoad, in tlib aaiil tuwnsliip , f Arteluesla. eoiicainini; KM) acres more or los4, save aud except one aero uoid foi hcIiooI ptirpoaue. Tho followinii iiniiroviieents are raid to lie on the preniiKeH ; AnotitU'i seres cleaved hav- niK erected tliereou a frame concrete dwelU..); anil fiauio barn. The land . are watered by Biitall spring creek. THUMH â-  1." per cent, of the purchase money to he palfl down on the dav of «ale For baluncn terms will be iniide known at the sale. Pur further parthii'arB apply to JONI'.'.l, M.\rKKSZIF) * LHONAKD Hollcltors. Toronto St., Torouto or R. J. SPROULK, Flesbevtou M. Richardson & Co Remember K©t>. the Date I ^soti^ Thote who have Catarrh and who call on the above date, will be uiven a Oeimicldo In- haler, and luenicine, for the unre of that diseaxe, without havlnf) to pay one criit in advance. After a fair trial at yoiir own home, anil tha remedy proves siiccesiful #1 can be re- mitted us to pay tne same. II not satisfactory in every respect, the Inhaler can ha retnriie I at our expense, and no cliarKe will be lua lo. We have thouoands of letters fiom all sorts snd conditions of men and woman, telliuit ofc as, not only remarkable, but lu inauv oases miraoulou*. BrhiH no money witb you, ju^t lea' a your name and address, and our re- riresetit'^tlva will K'lve yon tbe remedy on aboTa lbai»l terms by calling at RICHARDSON'S Durgston, *^* rieikiton, Dee. 19th. Tblsrttr|aodMabovadat« snty, 9 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITIES for • *• - FEBRUARY BUYERS I I I I Bufore our iinniinl .St'ck-Takinji w» liavo rleciilad to reduce our winti«;r stoclt t« thu lowest piiKsibl.- limit, .iinl lo thi.s er'l h ivu CUT PRICES right down on all winter goods to cluur. We don't inteiiil to carry these liiie.s mer t â-  ne.xt Hi;:i.ii>ii â€"THEY MUST GO, and at tlie.e tignres will go iiuickly. i 1 Pill MEN'S WEAR . . Full Cloth Pants, r*giilar 91.75 sellini; Corduroy Vohi, rt'giilur 81 70 ci'lliiig (fiuiliiona'nle gixxlH) . . Astrakhan Caps, ret.'ii'ar 5.')c sellini; Hare Swal Caiw, regular $1.50 »el!ii g IJeavi-r Oppos-suiii Caps, regular f.'5.00 selling Lined Overshoes, regular $1.50 aelling Heavy All-wool Drawers (a npecial drive) regular 75c selling Heavy Flannelettes Shirts, regular 65c aelling . ITnlauiidt-red Whitv Shirt<, regular 65c selling Heavy SuspcndHrx, regular 15c selling H"?-. ^ .\Il-w<A>I Ai otic Sox Htsavy A'l-viiii>t Sox Lined Ki.' Oriviwg Glsvea, regular 75c selling t\ 25 2.> MM i;» 25 ,2» .49 60 35 10 80 15 45 WOHEN'S WEAR Felt Overshoes, regular SI 50 selling S .9& Felt Boots (foxed) regular fl 75 selling .. 1.60 Lined Rulibors, regular 65c aelling ... 40 Cardigan Rubbers, regular SI. 50 selhng 1.20 Misnea' Cardigan Rubnc ., legular 9125 selling 1.00 Liiie<l Kid Gloves, regular fl. 25 selling .S3 Lined Kid Mltt«, regular 9100 selling &i) t^ WOOL SHAWLS. All colors, different sizes, at bargain prices to clear. \yiNTER Dress Goods 36-inch Double Fold Dress Goo<l8, regular lAo selling % .12^ 40-iiieli Double Fold Drnsa Goods, regular 20o selling 15 42-inch Double Fohl Dress Goods, regular 3Uo selling 22 t3r All WINTER DUESS GOODS at clearing prices. jy^ANTLES Wo hare sold Winter Mamies this week as low as $1.00 each. We have some yet that cost us 96, 96 and 97 each, all selling at on* price now a a $2.95 r^i^RD^WARE I>EI>AFiTlMENT gTOCK^TAKINQ SALE This is genuine sale. Wo liave too many goods. We want the room for our spring stock. No trouble to show you tho articles. Patty Pans, regular lOc dozen for. .9.7 Window Shades, regular 50c for 39 Pint Tin Cups, regular 5c for 3 1 Milk Crocks, regular 13c for .10 White (}ranito Wash Basins, regu- lar 30c for 20 Bedroom Hand Lamiis, regular 25c for 19 Larije Itnckinghaui Tea- Pots, regu- lar 26c for 20 Tin Wash Basins, regular 10c for. . . 6 52-piecrd Dinner Sett, regular 910 for 6.75 Fire Shovels, regular 10c for 4 Clothes Brushes, regular 15c for...9 .10 Gravy Pitchers, regular 25c for 10 Slate Pencils, regular 10c box ivx . . . 7 Granite Pudding Dishes, regular 20o for 14 Black Prince Razors, regular 60c for 36 Cuspidores, regular 20 for 12 Sail Iron Handles, ivgul ir 20c for. . .13 Fancy Black Teii-1'ots regular 30c f'T 1« Improved Champion X-t^ut-Saws, complete with liaudles aud File, regu'ar 93 for 2.00 ^a^s / i^ais / HOW ARE YOU OFF FOR MICE ? We have tho best tiaiis for thom made. It is not sure death at forty rods, but it KILLS when they come iu sight. IT IS CALLED THE Out^o^Si^ht / We include STOVES in our Stock-Sale so if you need one COME ALONU and we will give you a bargain. M. Richardson & Co f # <vmK!«K!Mt)mtmifmm>

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