Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jan 1897, p. 4

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Tfli ri/itHiftreH iDymcE L5'» r â- > i ^^: â- â€¢TABLtaHED 1881 ^Ke Advance <^JBUSHKI> WEEKLY AT THE OFKIOB. 8YI)- CNSAM 8THEKT, rLKMHERTliN, ONT., BY W. H. THtTHATON. $t per annuin,»(rlctiy in adTance Advertising Ratssi 9ne Ooluma, 1 year, tM ; half col., I j««r, 927 quartor col., on« year, tlS. ^ranileut advertisemeDt charged at the rate •f 8 oentt per 11q« (or flrat insertion aod t eeuta eaoh aubBequsnt limertion. BIRTHS, MARUIAGES. DEATHS Tlio i'6rised Act respecting birllis oiaiTiagea and dpatiin, passed last jear, docs not appear to be so tlioron^lily understood by the pudlic as it slioiild be. Wo liave been re quested to lay the iiuportant points before our readers so that tliey may •void prosecution. The Act, after defining tlie duties of iicgistrar Qci.iei«l, gocfc on to (live the dutii » tffDivixion Begisliorp, who are tlie Cleiks of eacli municipality. Tlic cleikn, or Division ' lietfistrars, are supplied with blanks for Hllinj,' out births, inariiages and deathe. Tliese returns are eiitertd in a book kept fur tlic jKiipose. In the case of n^tfistra- liou ol deaths tlie Actreads as fullows: The oruupier of a house or '.enemeol in • hirl a drath taker I'luco. or, il tl e txru- pii'i br tlic peikC'ii will UuH ditd.itei' soino otia of ilie perKous ririiliiii; in >i. : lioux i , whiuii the aeatli took )>•<:<', nr if ihc (leath l'a> Lot lukeii yitce wnliin a tioiiie. then Hii; ppmou prvHr: t at the clualb or having nny Ltiowiedi'e of ilic ciiciiii.i,iktjc<s •t>«ui)iiig tlie (Hiiie, <i' the uorooer who aitendud auy inqui'Hl .leld on suoli perKon, â- hillbefois the iiit-rnieot of tlia Ix-oy â- apply 10 I'le ilivmiuo rei;i)lcar of thii diTlainii ill which thf iliiith took p^ace, •oourdi!i|{ ti> hiK »r \wr knourlrdge or be- lie', all pariiculars nqiiireii to lie registered tuuchiiig siioli dattihii, in the form provided l)Dder tills Act. K. S. U. 1887, o. 41), i. 14. Beo. 2a seta fuith that - No re- moval for burial of tlie dead body of any i>er8ou sliull take place, and no undertaker, clorgyinau. sexton, bonsie- liolder 01 oilier pei>on ehall ouf^agc iu the buiial of the dead body of any person unless a oeililionts of registra- -iion liuit been previously obtained. Sec. '14 provides that no tmitnker or owner of any biiiiul ground shall ftllow a bod y to bo buried unless lie lias received the Division Ui'i^isfrar's (clerk'K)cer titicate, FHilure to coirply with ilicse ret{ulutii)UB carries with it severe penaltit-p, and everyone should tliorjiighly nndo'slanil this in order to pitvent dolny or fiiction at fiiii'iaU. Tlie caietaker of a ceinelciy iu liiible lo a U)i(> of Ion (Idllais and cukih if In- allows ail intei incut wiUiimt the no- cessaiy uccoinpHiiviiic (•(•i-i(1cite. Scenes in Qothani. Mr. Ediliif, hm my Uht h'lloi left tiio •t iln> dnorof tliH M, tr< |)<illtiiii Miisi-imi of Art, and nf| imiie "f my frieiuN Imvo bsen wiiiuKiring wln-ilier nr ii'>i 1 gut ou' aliw, I kIihII ciiduAViir ti> art tlifir uiiiid.s «t n-Ht ml MiiH poii t, Hirl alxc. rii givo nn iiiifiorfecl ncCMUiil iif wlmt I i>iiw ilien* The inuteiini i.i cniiuinvd in n VKg- niliceiit liiiil(liiif( nf hrirk hikI HtuK "f iarpe (liinenaioiin, niiiiniiil ithdiit ci«i|tral in ('i^iitiftl F»ik, N Y.,' I.nli.nns tn the city, mill Ih cDiitn lied l>y n omiiiiiIh.iIhii, IHtrtly oligtjye and |i:iitly (ii>|i'>iiiit!il liy thi< t'liy coiiiicis It i;iMii|>riiiO!i nn l<u- roeHse ciilli ctioii of ii|>eciinena, rfprusent inj the vaiii,uH ariH, aiuiiunt nnd imidL-rn. On Saturday, RiindHy niid MuiulHy of each work a fi'O of 25i! is cliarKi'd fur nd- iniHoion. During tilm runt of tlif wi-i^k it in >ipi<n free frmn Ion a. in. till 4 p. ni. It is cnrufully kept and efBciiMitly inan- agui by oourtfOiiUHiid oMiglnconioiAla. On en'«riii); the niHiii hall fnim tha nrnith, we find nuraelvca in a Infty nparl- meot, aeparated from the exiiibiii by a, brass railing. Turiiing to the right we pM< a turn s'ile, the click of which ra- gittors the eut4«iiqe uf another viiit<ir. f^^ m»_ are; mi»t by a polite young m^u^ â- iiU iiifurui«d that oanea, umbtellas and parceU ar* to b« left in hia care, for which checks are given free. This mat- ter settled w« have tht option of purchas' iiig a cataloKue or riuwing on our own hiKik. On looking around we find our- Helves in the statuary department, where the first ubjecia to catch the eye are a gioup repieaeiiliiig the Babtis iu the Wood, calmly sleeping folded in each rrt.hers aruis, and watched over by tlie luMious robhi, Mid as we look and catch Bouif thing of inspiration of the aitisl we obtain a Ueepur and more ]>athelic uiider- alsiiding of the etory thuii ever befuie. The iiKXt figure is to ds the most won- derful triumph of the Hitist'a chisel, the Veiled Lady. Thia is a statute »f a beiii.lifu! women. Over the bead and face is drawn a veil of finest lace which is held ill the left huud near the ihmat. The lace i« drawn over the out- lines of the features, all of which iire plainly visible beneath its tine texture thi'Uxh the wholti is carved from one solid block of marble. Another proiuinent object is Lincoln ill Ins Death Chair, nitd is very suuijestive aud tuuchini;. Near it stanOs our own lady Queen, taken from a painiing of her ill her (>riine, and alongside is n group which cannot fail to cull up tlio teiiJel'est feeliiiuH, this is the iiiidilu '<t the body of Abel. Mother £vu in priniilive dress beiida on one knee while U|ioii the uther sh.t utidravors lo laise the limp aud life.enH Ixidy of her son. Uver hur classic features i<picadHaliiok of won- di-riiig Sorrow »hi li seems to aKh, VVImi ails uiy buy. In the background Htands the guilty Cain wiih dowiiciist look while a bla<ig<-<iii, '.ho presniiiable iiiatruiiirni of duiiili, lieN at hia feet. But 1 must liai-ten on and pars a score of olIiiT iiiteieistiiig and bi-aulifu pieces of sculpture, as my piovram only hIiows me two hours to view this col Uitinii, two to the iiiuieuiii of naturul liiniory and two in the ziioioKical uarduim, so I pasN to the scenes from ancient Eiiypt There are iiiiiuiuiicii by the scoie ill their glmstly tvrappings. mummies of queens and princcKHUi*, kings mid pnniua, l^rds and nobles, jud|.ii:g fioin ihu insciipiions oil eucii. The loreiiiust tlmuulit that coiiu-s up Is the (|ueHliiiii, where m the hno wherti the work of the ghoul eiikis luid that of the KcieiitiKl begins, followed by the coiiHoliiig I'oniembriinco tliat the loss of the art of embalming seciiies our Kiaves from tbe ravu^us of the curiosity seeker of the future. Passing this we enter a lar)<e a| art nieut dedicated to Hpcciniens of ancient NCiilpture. ileru wo I'liul a statue ef a warrior who lias lost an arm, there nn otiicr minus a leg or botli ; yonder a wo- limn ill ilowini; lubes in an attitude of liHHiy Hiuht, bui the story that tlm face mi'.'lit lull is btyoiid our ken, for the heud Is lost. NfJt we enter the nrcliileclural de- piriinent, wIuto we lind relics from (iiveco and Kouie, fioiii Babylon and Ninevah, from the Euphiates and the Nilu kpcciineoH nf all the various orders and Hnuie of the fineitt exaliijileH of the aitiHlH' skill, and lakini; a comfoi table seat become veiitably lost for the liiiiu being ill contempl'itioii of column and arch, of cuiiiicu and |iliiitli and gi-oove, in a ineasUKi ashamed of the piuductsof our own time. Feeling the pnunptinga of the inner â- mill, ive look nt the time and aiu sur prJKed to lind that our two hours are vuno and also the two alloled to the visit ro the natural history building, Wu unike a flying run tliroiigh iiiUHii.'al in- siruments, macliinuiy, iron work, etc., etc., hualch a hasty IuulIi and olf to see the olephaiitn. Xours, W. M. Cmjie, OHprcy <'ouiiril The members olecieil to the couneil board of Osprey lor IS97 nnt iii Maxveli on Jan. I Itli last and sitveia bv' jAile the staiiisry oath ui folioN r : WirfJ^toiisghan. rreve ; ,Iohn Clark, Ui depiinSsve ; ,)ohn Spcors, 2iid depuiy reev„ ; I|9m Morrison and W. U. Ouy, couiiciil'.rs. Minutes nf lis: iur«'.. lull read and contirmed. Cixnnmi.ic .lions were rend from W. H. Thurston, b II St{0.7n, )iriiiliiig and sta- lioiuiry. I'Voni Itullotiii oniue, ('olliiitjwood, tender for printing, ('ruin ,1. U. Biii^, J. 1'., bill ii\, bails used for niagisora*u'H cuorlH. From clerk, ccriitioate i f elucilon aoronntii. Applicutloiia fur the appoiutiuent for assessor were reooiveii from C. M. Brownridtin, John Rons and bamnel ;T< ylor. From Jauioa rutts, applionliop for appoint, ment ai auditor. Ouyâ€" !<peersâ€" Thai Tlios, 8oott bo paid tl.ll'i, carriage oa iialiouery and sundry iiains re el»aiion expeDsea. Oarriad, Sjiee-sâ€" Gny â€" That, the rv«ea_ issne his ordar in favor o< V>'. H. Tburstoa for tl9.7S, prioliug aod itatioiiery/ (Vrri'll. Morrisouâ€"Spneraâ€" That tba ftnifg i«SM bis order ia favor of the following partictf for lis* of hall* •* DoUiot booths : Uus UobiiiioD, 13 ; Dr. Sootr,, 92 ; Hy. Heii- man »2 ; R. Weir, t2 ; Ed. Putts, 92 ; Th^s. ^tutow,' M ) Dr. Scoit, Im.l for noniio- aiion, $2. Carried. C/'iaik--Moriisoo â€" That tha reeve isnDe his order ill favor of ihe fo. lowing partis* for service as depiiiy rsitirning .iffioxrs aud poll clerks: D. Wiutert. ,/ariah Ottmey, Ira Perigi,, .fohn Lindsay, Thus. S utt and 1'hos. Freeiby 'or 8,3 as depu'y re nro- iug ofliflers, and li S'.ewsrt, .). W. 0.iui'\, A. MoUirr, J. D Christie, 8. S. Soon aii'i A. Caiiisrou for 92 each as pull clerks. Carried. MoiriaoDâ€" Clark â€" Tl at Robert Biattv be granted 93 as chsr'ly and that \V. J .Monitgnan expend tbe amount. Carried. Speers â€" Morrison â€" That Wm. EUioil he paid 9S for graTid aupiilied on road m Div. No. ft for I89J. Can is I. Clarkâ€" Morrison â€" That the staodioR com- mittees for tlie carreiit yrar be comrnse as fidb'Wa: Ruad and bridces â€" Clark, Spiers and Morriso . On Treasurer's >e. I uriiyâ€" Monaghso, Ouy snd Speers. On printingâ€" Ouy, Speers hoi Morrison. Or finaDOe and sssestnieni â€" Monaehau, Clark . SpeeiBsnl Ouy. Carried. Fp.-er8 -Ouy â€" T at tl,e taxes of Cliai". S'ewart on lo'j 4.') ard 46, con. 3. N. D. R . f<«r 1.H96 amaunting to 93 be exemp's'. Cariied. Guy â€" Morrison â€" That the eommnni. cation from J R. Slug re magistrate' conrs be Isid over for further oonaider- ntion. Carried. CUrk â€" Morrison â€" That the reeve iksn hia nrirr in faver of Mrs. M'ock* for 9'i as cnarliy and th t Dr. Bo"tt (-xieod tli> anount lor her. carrii d. Bylaw No, .t45 ai-pninting Ssmil Taylor a aessi r at a salary of 975. Ky'nw No 3'd sp|Hiin'iu7 R<b'. Hero;; and Jairs" Polls aiditorx and bylaw No. 347 appoint. ini{ W. ,1. Monngl'sn, Thos. 3-o'», John CUik, Irwin Morrison and JsliD Spetrs iu< nibrrs of board of health wore eaoh read the necessary uumiier of times and pissi^d iu comniiLiee. Councrl sdjonrned to meet ..I Fevershaui en Monday, February 'i2u<t next. TuoHAS Scorr, oierk. L » --"J,J- â-  wa â-  ( M. Richardson & Co Clubbing List Advance aud daily World |2 80 News 1 80 " Montreal Herald 1 80 " VViti.eHS 1.80 •' Youths' Compsnion 2..16 Weekly Globe 1.66 '• Sun 1.40 J-A-N-U-A-R-Y • • • • • RUCTION SALE IN THE T0WN5HIP OF ARTEMESIA IN THE COUNTY OP GReY THERE WII.I. HE SOLD ON Monday, Feb. 23rd, '97 AT 11 OCLOCK IN THE FORENOON AT nUNSHAW'S note), in the Town of FLE3MERT0N ny virtue of Powers of Rale contained In certain MortRnnes which will k>e produced at the xale, the lollowli.e Pioperties : PAltCEL 1-l.otii 1H9 and 100 iu ibe flmt con- cesHlon. iiorlh last ol thp Toronto and 8vieii ham ItOKil, ill tht, said towtiHliip , t Arteuiutiia. coiitaiiiln;; KXI acres nioru or le-^^, nave and except Olio acre »old foi behool purposes. The f«llowln^ iniiirovin'eiits are naiil to be on tlie preinii^ftK ; AbootfCi seres cleared lisv- lUK eroctoil tliuruon a frame concrete dwulli.,i< Slid franiii bar. . The land • arv watered by siiinll s|>rli)f; cieek. TKUMH: 1.". per coiit of the purchase money to bo |iniii down <iii the day of t^ale For balaiicu terms will be made known at the vale. h'or further parti, nlais apply to JONEU, MAI'KKNZIE * LKClKAHD Bolioitors 'loiouto 8t., Toronto or R. J. HrKOULE. Klesberten Came Astx^ay Caioo to tha preiuisoH of the uu letHlf^iisd lot 1:M, V. T. H. Ha. Xrttimeiiiti, nn or ubout Nov. â- '», oiiu fiprlti^' ealt. The owner i* requostecl to in'ovti pi'0|)orty, pay oxpouHos and i,ake tU« SAUIV HWfty. W, BTBWART ric»h«non P. o. Annual Meeting The aiHinal meetiii)! of the Sydenhnni Mutual Kire InsHrtncu ('uiiipany will W hidd In tlio council ohanibur, Owen Sound, Jan. I!6, 'U7. at IU a. 111. HUOH REID, Secretary. n Open Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday even- ing. Open to tickotholdera ^nd learaarson Friday, from 2 to i p. m. W.J.HOWARp. ?ro^, - 6ARGAI This moDlb cnta deeply into pricea and tL? slirewJ bai'cr -nrlio li»s wait«4 for a good opportunity now takes advantage of it. Any pc-isan wiio will look at our pilo of O-V-E-R-C-O-A-T-S prices fioiu $5.00 to 83/)*» >)<, cat dowu to one figure $375 IVill See we IM[ea.n B«:isl2iess Come and look at our table of Ladies' MANTLE.S and JACKETS Finnns cut riglit down. Yoiu- cinnce of tbe lot foi $3.95 iudicutes wtiat Jauu:iry p.iceu will bo. riantle Cloths and Golf Cloakings We have a nice assortin^'nt in these liues and are offeiing them at cut puces. FURS BARGAINS TN FUR5 FURS are quite seasonable yet as the gcnuin.i winter woatlnr i» only juRt commcrKiiii^, but we twill refuse no reasiuablo oQ'ei' f-ir aiiytiiiu^ in this line. Onr fur eali-* have been eueouragiiio â€" we have only on.? For .Mantle and six Fur Capes left. are ele^at goad^i â€" itll uck, sulcctd dkins. Come and luake us an offer for tlieiu. Men's Underwear Notwitlistaniiing our large wiles in this line wo have still a splendid asMirt- niunt of heavy weights t3S^ Bargain prices during JANL'AKY. The riillinery Season Is over, yet we have aoine nice uoods left â€" we offer them at half prices during JANUARY. Bargains in Staple Dry Goods 40 dozen Bkachuil Towel-s 2c each or 20c d-izen. 10 dozen Linen To-.vcl:i (rwl border) 7« each or 7oc dozen. 20 White Bed Qnilts, largo sizoa, 95w. OS-uiuu VVliitu Cotton, tti; yard. 34-inch Grey Cotton, 3c yard. Job Line Grey FlunnelH, 8c yard. Heavy Crash Towelling, extra widA, 5c yard. Women's Wool Uos'?. full sizes, I5c pt. January Bargains in Footwear Felt Boots, 4 buckle, regular »2.50, selling for J1.75> Felt Boots, 4 buckle, No. 1 <|uality, regubir P2.7», selling for $2 25. MoccH-ssins, No. I, hsirliued oil ttuinud, regular 91.60, .selling for $1.20. iMoccassins, No. 1, oil tinned, revular 91.35, selling for $1.10. .Men's (lenuine Gum Rubbers, pair. Men's Long Manitoba Overshoes, regular S2 85, selling for $2 25. Men's Lined Ovei'shoes, $1.26. Woiueu's Fult Liued Overshoes, $1 2# Child's Gum Rubbers, buckle<l, 85c. HARI>WARE: IlEIPARXmSl^T §HE IS A CORKER I don't mein ray NEW YORK GIRL but the Cold Blast Lantern . . . I got at RICHARDSON'S. It won't blow tmt. It won't flicker, but it gives a daiiily light. The above is the usual expres,sion useil about the L-A-N-T-E-R-N-S. They are simp'y the very best ry TR\ v.NEl: Are goinl paying invt.stiiuints iu<<t now, any one getting a GOOD CHKElt or CROWN PKARL Co-.k Stove hava a gold mine of tluir own a.s they are very saving on the wi ol, yi-t they BAKE well They HEAT well and they LOOK well. GOT TO GO! Only 6 7-pioced Water Setts of the Celebratetl Wild Ruse Pittern for 08c • sett, regular price, $1 40. 5 Lovely Vime Laiii].>H at SI. 40 i-uch, reguUr price. $1.75. Only 2 String Bella with 40 bells at #1.25, regular price, $100. Only 6 String Team Bells with 10 bells at 60c, regular price, Toe. TIMES ARE HARD to deal with us We want your trade. It will pay you Ijowen IVicts. BEST G()OI« ! ' M. Richardson & Co -C ♦-->-

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