Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1896, p. 8

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â- Â»^^"^SSP^ l^" -p «^^ invi^H^N«i«P"<i" THI rLISHIIvON iDVARCE tn A ilcTavish FLESHEI^'rON KEBPS ON HAND rs For llMiey-HArrU, and Noxoo, Fleary and Wilkinson farm implements. FUurjr and Verity plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the st:ae. We manufacture Wagons. Duggics, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Hiirseslioeiug promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, con- thtoted feet. Loj^^ing and Plow Chains constantly on hand. * %%%ilK%%%%>%^%%%%%%%%%1»%%^^%%^V»%%l FALL SALES . . NOW RUSHING I This U the season of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have them â€" beauties â€" and will sell on your own terms â€" if they are not all one-sided. Painting and re-tritnniing done to order. Don't buy without liH>king in upon ray saraplefl and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN JP*^:^/XfSl/!>JSn -^ â€" GO TO ^h* J. H.HEARD FOK THE BEST- BUOOIES, Wnttamo, Crtrts. Rprinn TiKith siid Iron Harrows- Frotti and WihhIs' Bmdi-ni, Mowers, Hun>e Ritkon iind Plmi^ha. Kleury Plouvhii, Scuffl.ra aii<l Turnip S«t-d Drills. Dick's Piuuulis and Land ilollTS. 8h4rfs for nil kin'ls of PIouu'Iin. H -n-i Shoxi'iK and al' kind* of BlacUsuiitliing. W<Hid, Luinl>cr, Cedar Puste CM Shiuules. m BARNHOUSE The Flour ud Fruit M&n Wishes to draw the attention nf the jtubiie tu the following specisltiea : r jllfedlfedlfedlb-M&dS&illb DOOSKIN MITTS and LRUOINOS .«iade tu urdar, or • ill sell out uf Stock. ITRDITS AND CONFECTIONERY :i. jOYTrERS IN SEASON Try oar breakfast CEREALS. Hour «f all grades in sttMsk. Photos Boot and Shoe business «lso attended %o as usual. W. Barnhou5e, FIcsherton JSagenia Mills ASD Carriage Works. OArriages naade and Repaired, also Planing and Matching, Band Saw- Aag, vVood Turning of every des- sription. Plamnf^ and Oram Chop Oingdona while you wait, for tbt Beaver turua the wheel. t, W. WILHOX Manngcr > i > TRAOi HAIIM. DCSldNS* OOPYRIOHTS *o. anrom ssndla* » skateh sne dMorlptinn nay anlokljiiMMrtala, frM, whetbsr so InTcntlnnU protMblr iwtatitaM*. Commuiilostlnns. strlctlr •oSJMmtlal. OI4«st MWier foriMiiniia ii^snu In Amsrta. Ws hsTS s WssblDRtoa ofB«a. Patanu tsksn ibroaiili Mnu a Co. tmsIts siMei^ notlaa lu tlis ' SCIENTIFIC IMERiCAN, kmnittfsit/ IHoarratM. IsrwMt sIraalailoB s( •nrMl«ntiS« Inamsl, weekl j, tamulUO • /satj Uilfflp aMiths. HpMtmim ooplMsndUaaa Inak Iw Patbnts saat frM. ArtSrsss MUNN A CO., •M Mnmdmky, Haw Varb. â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firatclass style and at l><we«t rstes. Special stteiitioii Kiveii to copying. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures frsmud. MRS. BULMER W UF W W UK W' W' W'*ilFHfr^S?^|FW' loQss ail Lot Fir sals. Hor asls ohesp and on easy t«rni* In Fle*li«r ton. Hpleiidlil larits. •olid brick dwclllnR, witli Kood stoii* collar, •iiiiiiiiiir kitchoii and wood* liouHO, aliio i;ood ftanifi itiibU, hrlck liued. 1' fiM)l«oft coiitftiiiii two large lutff anduood youuR oruliard, b4iai-iiii{ 14<iu>*« and ou*biiridlii|{fi arn ejic<«piionally witll fluiklitid and very convent- «utl> laid out. Apply to K.J. BraoCLB. PIsfliartoD. ^anij iook here Did ye ever loe tli» likt' i>' that brend ? It'll aae b<iiiny ail' white nn' flaky, an' i's juist as sweet as a nit. It wu'd graco Li HuiiK Chutiit'k (able or evrnn'orain liudt Queen's, and its a pluaaura to liake it Nae K'oiidrr Hundi r««n said ho wa'd wairantii to mnk' gude bread. Csudiia' Ho better biesd tliiin that. Yt-r'o riuht. Jrniiie, it does ane nude to lnok at ii, lot alanu enting ii. Tliuy tell nie hM hsH some ral- i/ude TEA, nn' SUOAR an'^r GROCERIES, an' his SWEETIES Wad niak' ynur inoutli water tci lonk nt iheiii. Ho has Homu xudit Trunks and VALISES rile cheap. Tain, a' thii.k it'ill be In o'or advaiitaxfl to patrnnizr him. Yo're riuhl, •Joiiiiix. Tl>e undor- •igiiefl tliAiiks JKiiiiie an' Tain for their gudu and truthfu' reconiiiiend We sill O'Oilvie's Hungarian and Strong Baker's Fliiur, the best in the market. Wm. Jfanderson OWBN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tH« very Best PIPAGE IN CAKAUA TO OKT A Wrn^ Iflsinss ElacatliiD. Take a Round Trip ;?h*er t.:.„:;i _ Oolle«»a and euoi'iisrsial Department^ In Canada, then visit SSd N.jrtherit 11'if.iuoHi (/ollexe ; eiJtinine evory. J^llH ! tNorouilily. If We f^il to prn<luotf the «1 i«i %h->rou(li,eoinplste. pranllcal and HXten- •ITS oourtaof iludy ; the t>e'<t (ioIIouh prainlieii • 111 the hnitand mas' oninrlata and ninsi suit- ablar>iriiltaraaoila||llanass.a« will hIts you • fall oanne rHiIl. for Annual tnnoaoee- â- taatiiivlaffsUparttauUrs rraa.addra* C. A. VLRMINO, Prlaciyal Cash : for : H ides! Shenpskiiis ami all kinilR (if fiiis pur chasfd, for which iiiglieat market price will be paid. Hompiiiado sauMvges iiu hand, a!te all kinds nf meats. IkH. IVULtSONT, Flcshcrtou MuotEnipoiium pniCEVILLF: AND Dl^RHAM BTAOR. Onrhani itaff' leaves Fleaherton Station at T.lil am., rpturnn 4.<.f pm. Prloovillc stafia luavoa tlm >anie place at ia..ia. retnrnlns at 4.4S. Pare to I'rl'rvlllrvid return. SO cents: Durham, •IJe for return Tie. slniile fare. I/lTsrv in eon- Otdanaia be left at eitliar hotel. A.MsOAULRT fra ProUa CmiiicII. Proton Council met at Hopeville on Dec. 16, when the following buMnesH wan truntutcted : Witteon- Wilstm â€" That this Council i' in favur of bui'ding a bridge over the Saugeen river at lot 4, con. 19, townline Proton and Arieinesia, provided Arte- inoeia grant their share, the Clerk to not- ify Artumusia Council and to upjioint their cum inLssioner and date for letting same. Mackenzieâ€" Wilsonâ€" That report Of comiiiissiuner Div. 3 regarding the let- ting of bridge on townline Proton and Arteniesiu for $52.50, Proton's share be- ing S2C,26, be adopted and fylvd with the clerk. Watson â€" WilBon â€" That the treasurer receive the followiu-.^ monies from tlie Com. Div. 3, overdrawn : John ^lc- Murdo, job, 30c., grant on townline Egreinont and Proton. (Kte. ; froton and Ai'tumuHia, gnii.t, ISofi 11 ; total 9u6.UI. Mackenzie â€" Slmw â€" 'I'lwt the collector rceivt) taxes from S. Egurton on part lots 230-231, Range 3, for 18%, Itss tflO. 15 arrears for 1893, a» tho same has Ui ready been m ttiud. \^ ate- n â€" Wilson â€" That J ohn Hodgina bo paid (S52 foi 100 hmIh of ditching on townline Proton &• d Arteinusia, under the Dit«;he8 »nd >\'atcrc'>ui'So'H Act, being Proton's share of drain ; Ja' otFergu on, $2.68 for gravel, Div. 3 ; Adam Scarlet, job, $1.76 ; P. i*lf Wurdo, gravel, 20c. Mackenz e--Watson â€" That the follow- ing bo paid for «-ork Div. 1 : Fred Ellis, plank ami g<uvel, ^1 ; V\iii. Uockr.dgo, 5il ; Jaa; Coi>p r, gravel, 00c ; D .Men- zicH, $.).r)<), gmiit ; . as Corlxstt, repair- ing handuuit's for towniihip ciinbt.'ble,75c. Wilcon â€" Watso.iâ€" Tliat the following piyinentH be made for ix'iutiru to bridge on 200sideroid, range 2 uii I 4 : D. Mc- Millan, $1 ; Tlios. McQuay, lumber, $1 ; W. Corbitt, »1 oO ; Jo . Mc Millan, 7Bc. ; and for four stringers, 80c ; total Â¥4 00, grant. Wilsnâ€" Shawâ€" That G. Woolsey le jMiid foi gravel *2, Div. 4. Mackenzie â€" Wutson â€" That the col- lector receive the taxea for lot 25, con. 8. iesH i<l oliari^cl for atatnte labor, as Coun- cil gives \\ oolsoy purniis.sion to perform the work ; Kobt. Alenzies, for niwiring culvert, 12 sideroml, $2 ; Win IVliddle- t<m, gravel, 5K)c, Div. 4 Watson -WiUonâ€" That H E. Glen- dinning licpaid 70c, notices for nomina- tion ; If<aac I'niyuor, P. L S. , 1 map of school section, $6 ; Clerk, l>a1. 4th (juar- ter salary, $40 ; half year's P' -stage, $1 86 SliHW â€" Wilson â€" Tlmt the treasurer re- o<-ive arrears taxcfi |)art lot 21, con. 8, for 1805, $;i Kt, the Clerk to, notify County Trea^. to erase fur work Div. 2 : JoKoph Ellis $4.30, Jaa. lUddell $1, Geo. Sage- inan, gravel, IHk; ; Mrs. Goo. I'ryiie, grikvel, $1.85 ; Jaa. Dyco, gravel, $5 ; A. Scarlatt, job, OOc ; Jaa. Shields, $2.35' grant townline E. and P. Mackenzieâ€" Wilson- -That Alex. Carrol l>e pad yl, work on townline Luther and Proton (rep. causeway) Proion's share. WutRon â€" Wilsonâ€" Th t R. Russell, Troaa., Im! i>aid half year's salary, $5<) ; IMiHtage $1 28, sUiiionery 67c; total $51.95 Mackenzieâ€" Watson â€" That the trens- urer receive from Ctun. Div. 1, ovenlrawnj $1 for liinbtT for causowity, 55c for gravel, $1 unexptnded grant, townline liUther and Pn t-n Mackenzie- Watson â€" That the school sections Im) |Niid the general school grant levy, 18iKi : No. 2 $160, No. 3 $150,No. 4 $15(J, No. 5 $150, No. 6 $150, No. 7 ♦160, N... 8 $160, No. 9 $150, No. 10 $m*. No. 11 $160, No. IS $160, No. 13 $150, No. 14 $1.60, Union $21, Union 10 «1B 00, I'nion 14 $7 60. Shawâ€" Watwm- -Tlutt Geo. Prydo, in- sauf in county jail, and his family in need, the township taxes against lot 20 con. 9, bo remitted. Mrs Cooper, indi- guiit, $6, to be expended by Jaa Gillis in her behalf. NN'ilson â€" Wataon â€" That tho Council be [Miid $20 each for letting and inspectinu road jolm in 1896 and $2 each for 1 day sitting of Council. Wataon â€" Wdson â€" That this Council take action against the UcU Teleplione Co. for damage sustained by cutting shade tr-'cs oii|KiNite lota 226 and 227. ningu 1, on public highway, the recvu and Com Div 2 be a committee to confer with Mr. Walter Bell, the owner I'f said lots, in regaixl to the matter. Watson â€" Mackenzie â€" That township and county rales against lob 8, Con. 12, bo remitted Mnr. Wm. Troup and hor family, being irndcstitutidu. Wilson- WaUiop-Thftt Wm. Mitchell be refunded $2 for statute labor chnri:ed but performed on ]>art lot 191, range 2, ceiiillei) by J. Rc<ldick, imthntaster, also thu troasunr receive 11.26, nrrcMrs part lot 13, eon. 12, owned by Alary .McEkioh- eni, tiie Clerk to notify Co. Treasurer to erase same. Shaw- -Wilsonâ€" That the resignaticm of (Jco. Watson, member of L. B. of H., is hereby accepted. Mr. P. SliKW t<K>k the chair. Watson -Wilson -That whereas Jas. Corbett, Esq., ha« been our reeve fjr 1896, and in thst capacity has acted fairly and inip.v'tinlly to all (mrts of the township, and his rulings white at the Council Hoard have given univorsnl satis- faction, also it has been a grent pleasure to transact business with him, as his ur- banity and genlleiunnly conduct with all who came in contact with him rendered him a generxl favoritu, wo therefore, ns the Council uf which ho formed the head, are sorry to jMti with him, and we hereby tender him oua liost wishes as an ofliciai whojias a<:ted H^U oases for the aoud of the township of Proton.-â€" Carried unani- m<>U8ly. (bulbil adjourned tine dia. 4ao. CavASAon, Tp. Clark. Honor R«ll4. Kitnberley Pulic Sehont, report f-t December, Names in order of merit Senior (It-pttrtnienl. Class Var.-Oro. Fothergill, C. Hurd. J. Gilbert. E Hunl, A. Stoit, M. Mc- .\uslaii, E. C'>nn, L. Gtabani Class V jr.â€" E. AU rcronibia N. Alwicroinbie, J. Bi-'l, W . Gruhum. CiasslV sr.- M. Bell, P Cairuthers, D. Muiidl*-, J. Gilheit, M. Wallace. Class IV jr.-S. Fawcetl. H. Bell, E. Kawoeit, E. Scoii, (E. Hurd, B. Knott, L Lriiter. W. Rear.) E. Fawc^U, S. Fawcetl, F. Steoait, C Stewart J. Sifwari, L. Fnwcett, A, J. Wick ens. Oko. E Pjhtlakd. Piin;ii'iil. *i» Cheapest and Best Reading in Canada THE BUN Is the Canada Farmets Bun re-orstinlzed. , It Is strictly Independent, and A B>«tander" Is a regular contrilwitoc ti Us columns. , ._. It« marlcet roporta are acknowledg ed to be l-he ful'.eai and moat accuratt pubnsh*d In Canada. _ It ffivea the loest farn>en pa»a .r. Uhe Dom-lTiSon. It contains a short atory from L,OB- don Truth. weeWv. It B<ve« an avprace of 40 oolumna of briffht reaidlnB In each lasue. â- 1 bis pup«-i will b«»* H«-nt to niiy :i(lrir4>HS in Cnnnda (..ntaJde of '. oroiiic) to the end of 0« fur "><> contH, Three copies will "be aetrt to any three addrt«»«« (outside this rtty). for the eame period for » dollar. ;lu« un nni Wet-kly Ol-to cniiibined will bo acnt tothe viid of IS<.>7 for «»no Dollar. AdKlro«s all oracrs to mSUHPrtlNllNCCOMPAHY. ltb. T K 'NT;.!. Agents Wanted. Write for terms. aji<) beer how to aecure a Kold watch or parU/r clock, without the coat of a dollar. Specimen copies tree on appllcatton^ Mail - - Contract ! SFALRD TENDEItS. addressad to th« Post- mastar Ganural, will b,* recoired at Ottawa until tit ou, on Friday. th« aand Jaauary,i897, for the coiivovaiicti uf lltir M«jttsl>'t uiaila, on a propoicil contract for four Years 81 tltnaa p«r wvek racli way, l>ctweeii Kleihartou and rmil- wav station from tli« Ut April uuxt. 'I'liB couvsyaoca to bo mad* in a vahiols or othoiwUe I'rinted notices ooutaiuliig furthar Inforuia* tion as to conditions of pro^iosed contract may b« Keen and blank fornm of Tender may be obtaliio'l at the i'oit UUcu at Fl ibertou an Kloihertou btatiou and at this ofllce. H. O. HOPKIRK. Pott COlee lutpeclor. Po8i Ofllce Inspector's ofDcr, Htratlord. lltb DAeniber, 1(06. Public Notice! NOTICK ia hereby gWeo forblddlDR any peruoii or porHotis treftpaasitig nt\ or cuttioic, interferlMK with or reraovlnn any timlior off lots 21. ou tbe 0th and 10th oouoessfon, Artameaia, and lota lil. 14t and Its as any and a'l peraons doing so will be prosecuted aooording to law, H. i. SPROULR. Agent, PleshertoD. December, IS, "OS. Came As-tray Came to tbe premises of the undersigned lot 13S, K. T. 8. K.. Arteraeiiia. no or alx>ut Nov. 6, one spring calf. The owner is requeated to prove property, pay expenses and ukke the same away. W. BTEWART Flusberton P. O. JLo^s IVanted Real Rock elm logs sre as follows â-  15 Inch in small en'l and cut II feet, 1.1 font, U feat. 15 feet and 10 feet. Price, (5 per lUOO (cot. Maple logii Dl iuclisa and upwards. Hmall end out 19 feci plump. Price of maple, M per lUOO ft. L'asb paid for logs- Logs must l>e perfect' EDWARD HAROBNT. Flesherton Station, Ho^ for Sex»vioe For nervloe on lot I9t, T. and 8 R.. Artemesia, a IlKrouRhbred recUtored Berkshire boar. Teriuaâ€" #1 at time rf seryioe. JOS. CLABK. Wlil WrNI' to handle established trade iu Tin WJiH I ,i,is county. Canadian stock AfikNTR KHHi KUteod to live. Permanent AUI^niO piiKltlon, whole or part time. Lilieral turuis. Yuu ca>i luake trn dollara a week or bu)te with us. for every week yon wuik. No cKperi"ncfl necessary. Brown Brothers Company, Contiaoutal Nurseries, TORONTO, ONT, IS Mch, GAME ASIRAT Came to the pr>-niises of tho undsrsigned, lot. :ta con, S. .\rtf moAla, one cow giving milk. The owner 1h reciuestod to prove propurty, pay expunsus and t'%Ke the same away. JAS. u.vnaoK, Kugonla P. O., Not. SO, '96 Boar for Service or for Sale The undersigned has a nne Berkthirs Bear fur servloe on his preuiisoa fur tbe season of imi'T. Terms ai.OO. N. II.â€" This fine snimsl is also offered for sale. A, WICKBNg, Plsshwrtaa. Dsoeniibsr 7, 1890. BOAR FOR SERVICE I havs a well brsd Barkshire koar tor aar?ice us lot IT*, T. •. B-, Arteaissla, Teraas fa««ats. ilVt OMI r llM Baby Give the 0Bl7 food" that will build! up a weak com- \ ^^^^ titution gradu- \ Chance allr but mely U \ Martin's Cardinal Foodi % a simple, scientific and highly < % nutritive pr^paratioiv >jr infants, ) t delicate children wt invalids.' a KcR.ny waraon * co ^ aiONT»**L. ?W» The Markets. CsrenUlT Corrected Enrb Klonr _ f.3 80 t' Oais Wheat Bxrlc/ Peas Bolter £kks, fresh . . . , Poiatoua ban.... P..rk Hay per tun . . . Hides Skrepskiiis (ieuSM . Turkeys tJli!ukei-8 per pair. Ducks per pair . . Ww.l 16 t(> 76 to St) tu 40 to Vi k.. 15 tu 25 I.II 400 til 7 OO to 4 00 tn i;6 to t; to 7 1. JO to 40 to 17 »<> Week 14 4* »? m 9* 40 I % 74 • v> M Farm and MUI Site lor SaHf For i>»la very ubcap aur) on very o\ti term*. Tiuil>er farm, ISU acre*, two mii'ii trnin VXttJn CI Inn, knowr a< the Wm. MiiM:»awuiill pra- piirty, and oi, which i<< an vxiallent vatri powe>. founiiation of (aw mill, daro and pi.nd and wator wheel in place and all rrs'ly fur puttin* mil on. About l.^acres clo»r«d,;iO«creHtiinb*T, moot off. balance well tiu>h«r"d.mi.M.'d tiuiliur. This farm will b« sold ut a baitraio if seldsi once. Kniall payiiient iluwu, bslaoc! on vsi^ terme. .^pply to R.J. Spno'Ji.K. FlcsbeitoD.Oa Hov^ is Tiie Winter Of Our Discontent Says Bhakeapeare. Tliere wffi be no discontent if you oral with me, and Shakespeare won't |t iir it. TITWIELY GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh Rnbes, Bulla, Blsnkets,Ctrciiigi«j|, Whip*, Curry Uoiubs, Bruahes, Co* Ohaiits, and ewrythiu); in hariieasoiakan^ goods. An aleKsnt GOAT ROBE frA* 97 50 tu 98, othrr rotMs kiglmr if ywt want them. Coiv.e and look at nsy thinsa, anyway. Always {ilad to pi ices. Dry cordwood and stove wood taka ia exchange. vuTAi. imooRs: Harnessnuker - - - Fleshertoi. Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undersigned aro placiug in po- sition a first class sawmill for custom sawing, wliicli will be ready for opera;< tion in January. We bavo also add«d A CMOPPINQ niLI For the convenicucc of farmu'*. Ohoppiug done at any time at 6 dents per 100 lbs. The Baab and door factory, bond and 9oroll sawinc; business conliuuctl as nsoal. file in your oiders. BEECROFT A TALBOT TESTIIHO PnearT* jrow eyeaivht hy having tilbta ptoperly teated by W.A. ABMBTBONQ, ^u^|i ^>/.

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