Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Dec 1896, p. 1

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wmmmmi> mmm. mm. J Xhtiana & "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XVI, m m FLESHERTON, OST., THDSSDAY, DBUMBER 17, 1896 W. H. THUBSTON, EOiroR* PROPRiETCR m r" I'm SLOW I'm FAST.. OR la an expr^Ksiun often heard when s man looks at his watcb. Hei' m>t be sli>w or tntt if he carries one of Aniistn-iisi'si witches, but hit will be just mi time slwnyk. Our Hue of aooii time k«!ei>ei8 id exteusite, all at teasou- abla piii-es SILVERWARE A l-»rs* coiisiJiiiiiPnt of henuufuily desi.nned Si'.verw«r» ji-.s. to liiiu I. For thr i)uiiliiy of these gmula the prices rn-u excetiii.iuh- l.'W, i:i fact the chtajn'St that we ha«e eviT sho-rti Y'^u mjy inX have another such a chauce to buy good Siiver*»ie at so low a price. Examine them. ^ Juti and tl^all jfssorted StocJt Vhrouy/toui Give us Your Repairing to do Eugenia. a 'JLT business §mw$» (gatdji. D^ rectory MCUIiliOCGR ATOUNG, Baii<t<ir«. Mark>lal«. do a )!«D«raI bantlnj bne- luaes. Uoaej loauwl at a r«a«uaabl« rata. Call A' 8. VANDU6KS, J. V. CUik 5*h Div Court, Co Gny laaaer ot Uarria^e Licensaa. ComtuisaioKer H. C. of Justice, Aactioui^er. etc. Fi.aKacRToN P. O. io T\EBT8 COLXiKCTED. Tli« a«il«r»iSB«d is prepare-l to unJertake tha loHci-tion of ail kinds of debts. Note* t>ought. accounts coUactvd. etc B. N. HESDKRSON ' Fi.»sbibt<)» TCHISLF.TT • ridsnertoa Statioo Vostuiastar, Cou«uis»ioi:er In It. C. J , Con- vayaucor ; deeds, mortgagvs loa»OT and wHI» drawn. Money to len.t at 14 p«r cout.and up~ wards. Debt? coliacteJ. Ch»rj{v.s aiiKlarata. £(t)ti$tti}. J p. MABSBALL, L. D. S.,M.D. S. Dsotiat. Visits Markdalr cba 1st and Srd Wsdaasday of aach moutb. PlsahartoQ â€" Each trip oa the daT c...jWios. T O. CAMFBELL, I' D S, DD S, Dental Surgeon. Markdala. Offlca ov«r UoCulIoti«h A Young's bank. Hoursâ€" S.JO a.31 to 6 p. oi. Visits Flesberton the second and foorth Thursday ot each mootb. OfDce at Uttosbaw's hotel. •p HGNDKBSOM D D S. M D S, Dentist of Toronto (gold mer' all St) will visit Pleabertou protessiou- S'ly the flrsi Wednesday of each uioutli aud Duudalk tba day toUowiug (Tbonday.) From OKV own Lor respondent The weather at preseut is mure Lke spring than winter. Our populatkia ia iocreasiD^, whether we lief a railway ur uot. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowurman and Mr. aiiU Urs. David Smith have each be^a blvs'ted with the adUitioo uf lictlo daughters to their fauiiltts the past week. Mrs. Thoiupsou Wilson has been in very poor health for «juie time past, but is now some better. The Rev. D. W Thompson bss preached a( Gu^euiii for the pacit two Sabbaths. A large u umber was present, as he is an old aui^uitiutauce uf a great miuiy of Euiieuia pe'ple. All were much pleased to hear hiiii, aud I can say for him that thoei- who came out tu hear a ifood sermoD did not ko home dis- appointed. We ht>po to have him with us again. Miss Lottie Dreyfus, of Mulmer, who bits been visiting at Mr. Gorley's for some time pas', bai< recunitd She was si>rry she could n'>t wait for that bat^hcl' t'a sale, but she placed a chattel inortga:; e ou una of theui bcfuri she went away so as to secure tier property when she returns. Mr. Samuel Pedlar. Sr , paid a visit to friends in Maripoaa the past Week. Mr. Edwin Pedlar, who has been in Slauiioha for some time past, has re- turned home on accuutit of his health, which is very poor. Mr. Robert Purvis has been spending ! a few -lays in the city the past wvek. Mrs. Bell and Ai(n>.s Hialop bad | a narrow escape fr<'ui a serious acciden: | the past week. While commi{ up from 1 the Valley, near Mr. Latimer's, tb« | horse they were driving dmppea dead, | falling on a lot of stones ou the side of : the load and u^isett:ut^ the bu^gy. The | hi>rse was a Hue yt.iuu.: bi>a8t and highly • prized by a 1 the family. Fortunately | neither of the laiiies was seriuualy hurt. 1 luly badly fiiglteued. i Mr. Wealiy Pedlar has zone to visit his brother iu I{ebnuifca, U. S. Segal. p J. BPROULK, Postuiaster, FlesUertoo. Commisslouer in B. K., Licensed >uetiooe«t, Couveyanoor, A - pralser aud Money Leudei, Kcal Estate au-1 Insurance Agt -t. Di-eds, .Vloitgages, leases, and Wills urawu up auil Vaiiiatious made 00 shortest notice. Auction sales attoiideJ to In any part of the County, iloney to loan at low •at rates of iutercst. CoHinitious itttuuJkKt to with prow'tuee* and despaccti Chtrget low. Agent for the Doiuaiiou ?>tuaui'<Uip Company. cheap tickets from Kleeiiortou to Uvorpocl, tlla.'ijiow, Loiiduo or any ot the Btiti.'b porta. Psjtios iuteuding to visit KD«>*nd, ScaUud or Irelaud. will pi«a<e »sk raUi bef'>re puroaasiug theit' ticket* •li.awUars (itu$ A O.U.W.â€" meets every first and thirl Moa day ill each uiont... in their loage room Slrain's Block, Klcsbctou. at » p.m. W. .Waiiier, M.W.: W.J. Ucllaiuy. fluaiic-er W. Irwlu Bocorder. Visiting Urotbern invited. ROYAL TKMPLAR8 OF TRMPEB.^SCB. â€" Kegular Council meets every tlrsl and th'rl Tueslav evouiiix iu each luoiuh, lu Sproules block at 8 p. ui. Select degree liisurauoel uieets luonthly. the Weduesday pruoeding the asud of each luoutb. SONS OP TKMPER.VNCK.â€" Tbls sotletv meets ia Dr. Christoe' Hall Hist Weil uosday la each month at 8 p.m. Visitibg bretbereu iuvited. lusuraucv iu couuoctiou. UP. B. A., meet In tbeir hall, Cbrlstoe's ttlook ever> second Thursda) iu eaob uionth. 1. 0. Brown, W. M.. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. I-JRINCV'.VUTHUKIiODtlB.NoSai, A F Jt A M. meet iu the Masoric UhII. strain's lik>ck, Klosberton, overy Kvi;t»y ou or bofore tha f ull^moou. Geo. Mitchell, \Y M, 'W J UeUamj , seuretary ., TtUFFEKre LOnOR, No ^ I^HIS ^ V iw. I O O F. meets in Iw^ B^R ^Jr Clayton's Hall every Tuea- JQ^^^^V'^Mktf dav evfiMQg et 8 o'clock. ^EJm^^L,1^ Visiting bret'neucurdially ^^^PB»»' iurltod a^^^^ A S VanDuiuin. N Q â- ^^ ^^ WiiUooaa.Seo PBOST * BATSOM Barristers, Solicitor*, Conveyancers, etc. OlDceâ€" Neat topos office. Sproule's block Flcsberton.every Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSOM J. W. FUO.-^T LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Bound ofDrs, Frost's block Ponlett St. East. 1 UCA8 Jt WBIGHT, Barristers. Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound. Ont. - - Uarkdale, Out. W. H. Wbioht. 1. B. LocAS. N. B.â€" Flosberton office, Mitchell's Bank every Wedueaday. TUCKER ft P.\TTEBSON. Ban istet s. solicitors, etc. Molsou's Bauk. Owen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson UACKAY ft HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. OfScssâ€" ?0 Pou'ette St Owen Sound ; and Uain St. Dundalk. every Saturday. N.H.â€" Always in attemlance at Flesherton aud Duudalk Division Courts. A. Q. MAcKa-r. M. A.. W. J. Hatton County Crown Attorney. pdual. QR KUTTON UDCM, UPPftS Ont, Fiicevilts OOics next door to Brown's store; reeiueuce one door west ol Metbodiat church, Kiiuoeast. OSlce days. Tuesdays aud Saturday D" CABTBK M C P 1& S Out., Physician, Burgeon, etc Flesherton olllceâ€" Strains b'ook. Kesidenceâ€" Uunshaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT H B Member College Physio, ft Snrgsons .Onfsri Oraduate lu Mediciue of Toror â-  University t'ellowship Diploma, Poet Gtaduate Me<.lical School aud Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eye ear, nose and throat specialty treated. Hesi- deace, Maxwell, visits Faverabam Thursda ya Ui tfTKxl program was rendered. The pastier. Mr. Wa-is. presided and Mr. C. R. Sim? of Meaford made the spr«ch of the even- ing, delighting iho audience. Sii of Mea- ford's best .-singers besides Mr. EJaagjpi, Tiolinist, and Dr. Bennett, organist, were present, and Epping enjoyed such a mu- sical treat as it has not enjoyed for some time. The solos by Meadames Spike and Gray were particularly good and called forth loud applause, while the choruses and anthems were fine. The iustruniun- tal duets by Dr. Bennett and Mr. Kna^i^gs were excellent, beautiful â€" in fact we can- not speak too tiighly uf them. Alti igether the entertainment, thi>ugh somewhat short, was of first class iiual ty and every- one present was more than satistird. We have not learned ihe exact amount rea- lized, but believe that the proceeds from tea and cvllections were something under thirty dollan>. A ten cen' socal will be held in the basement Thursday nii^ht. Reeve^jUray is in Owen Sound on the fas' -becoiuiB^f»m<)Us Holley triaL Mr. J. W. Shore was up laot week as a wit- ness in the s^ime case, Mrs. W. Falls of Rocklya is spendihi; a fi'w days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . J. Black. HURRAH For Boys and Girls, Youths and Silaidens, old Fulks aud CliildreD. I9VE got preE^-Dts for yoD all aud I intend all sl.all get tljem. 0!d Father Xuias is on bis roniids again ami will be sure to load np at RicLaidsoa's Drngstore as lie always Las done for the last thirty Tears. Well, to namerate some of tb« mauy tilings I have got, we will begin with December Sessions Don> rncevSlle wi!l fitna oit> oicn Vorrttyoiuietit. Eiifertaiiinicuts of dillurent kinds hold >be fort for a frw cvsnings iu this buig. To-morrow nn-hl the P S. will give a Conceit In Wat'ou's Hall, and next week the Presbyterian and Slethodist Sunday Schools balding tea- inet'tin^s. The cattle fair on Monday was a ftilure as far as sates were c>'uccriied, as very few animals changed hands. Next Sundiy will be chiidrens' day iu the villagf, as services in the Presbyter- ian and Methodist churches are particular- ly for the lioys and xirls 'i the Sunday Schools. We tiust there will be a large ttteiidance at both services. We are ulad to report that Mrs. .Joseph McDonald is now reci^verinit after a very serious illuess. M:>iiy farmers are takini; aiivantaue nf the fine weather by cuttii.g their woo<l for use during next summer aud winter. Mr. A. Buttera has bcighteued the appeOTiince of his store ty the addition of a handsome show case The following arrtve<t home last week : Messrs Duocan Mc.-Vuley nf Detroit, William W.-irtera of Peepahun, James and Charlie Tryou and Bert Watson of Whilhy. EppiiiK From our ou'14 Vi)ir>txi.tu>uletit. Tlte auiiiversai'v services held in the church here ou fcabbaih last were. C'U- sidcriu;< the stato of tlie roads and weuthor, very successful. Rev. W. G. Uowsou, of ticaford, preached twic* as advertised. In the moruiiig he choose for his text the aowls found in the 13th verse of the t>th chapter of Loviticu.s "The fire sliall ever iio burning upon the altar ; it shall never go out." He preached elo^iuont y, touchingly. show- ing that each heart was a temple ui which was an altar, and urging upon each the necessity of having the divinely kindled fire ever burning uiwn it In the after- noon he discus-sed el quciitly ou the subject of "The rntn.H.Ulen Paths," laking for his text these wortls fiom Jishua : " For ye have uot puisscd this way herotofure." His remarks on thi.s ocoa.<uou were mainly uddressed to the youug people, eipocially the young men, of whom thoie were a gootlty number present. Both sermons wei-e instructive, encourjigiug. inspiring, and were Ustcutd to with rapt attention. The congre- gations w^re on Ixith .'Cv'ttsious very giVvl at we remarkwl befere, iu considei'atiou of the state of the ivads. (.)u Monday evening followuig there was a tea given at which a fair erowd presenteil thorn- selves to do justice to all the gtwul thinga provideti by the ladies. The litorwy aud musicid part of the CDfer- Gradnate of Outario taiument was exivUout, ueithen Mr. Veteriuarv College. Ke<Iden«e-N«at deer Howson or Mr. Mahan put in an appeai-- iottfclot Mo«*e-t planing fa««ea. •W^ W* Bo»with«(taud»ug thta a »«iy The D' cem^if S-noms opereJ on Toss- : day morning at the Couri HutLie be rum ^ His Hunor Judge Creasor. The following geuilemen composed tha G. and Jury : Eui( eiiert Wiiiintver. Norm»o>'V ; \\ ilUam Gii>8on, Meafunl ; Pe er Reui, G^remou Walter Tayli>r, EupbraAia ; Sanaei Sii Is, Proton ; John S. .McL-irvO, !^yllenhanl ; Hubert A. Campiied, Normauby ; R. D. Bii;gar. Markil«U ; Wm. Metcaii St. Vincent ; Jo-h. AicKen, Derby : Dun> aa Sti- Kinnon, L'eotinek ; Jas. Irwm.Col iugwood; Caristiau Ueokimger, Beunm-k. Atter tae Grand Jury had elected Mr. Wm. Msiea.f, of St. Vmeeni, asfoieman, they were briatfly charged by his Honor, whv vxpiaiufnl u> them the nature 01 their dutirs,aud refHrrinl at toiue length to the ttriratly overorowoed ooudiiioo of the j»il, in wnicu so many vagrants are coufiaad. Uis Houur poiuted oat tbat the establishing uf a hun>« of re:«iga fur the p«t« did not naoesaarily , imply an increase in expemti tare, ks 11 wm | at present a veir cosily tniug t< keep eo many pruoners in jiul. He «xp aiued <hat j it would bo within the juri^dicllJn uf the (irand Jury 10 lake the ttcts into heir oousidera lou and make such recomin' a-l- atious a* they saw tit. Ful owing is a' summary 01 the business 'trnnsacteu up to , Tuesilay eveaiuK «f this week. Paul T. 8cidy. â€" Tof part;es resile in the i township 01 Usprey, ami ilie sc ion was I brougb: lor 01 girods under distr«sa> Seined by p>ynienl of $lliU. Lucas Jt\ W right for p S. ; MoK^y it Hat ou lor daft. | Han V. ,\lo*-»ffrey.â€" Tuis was an sctiou j brought by J. A. U.rt of J..cbcott P. O, ! sgaiust U. D. McC»Siey, a dealer in tele- ' graph poles, eic , to r cover ine urioa of a utimoer •>! poles which p siiitiS ha 1 taken i out under an a leged coulract wob defend- ' au'. .ladgineut lur left. J. U. Kdoouru > (acting for II. G I'uoker) hit pUi-; A. G. \ iieK.*y for delw barret v. Gladston A Eveleiifh â€" This was i an aciioii oU a ws|;e clam- â€" the pUuutiff. | who worked at me Coulsun Hou^e as a i laborer, claimiu^ he wa* lu itied to (Io ' per mouih, aud neleudaot cUming he wa-n to wurik tor tokrd and clitl «#. Tiie coae was trien tiefurs Ja ige Murrisun and a I jury. Wtdic'. tor he def. iia»»t J. M. Kil- ' bourn (aotiim for H. G. Tuoktrlior p.ff ; W. ' J. .ttun Jor deit. Hr^iuarJ V. Kicine --The plaictiff lives in MiCPi^ai), the dcfeu.iauc in Harri.tou, I Out. Tne action wss on a pinniissurv note I iha defendant cla miun to have a Jo euce or^gm^d p*yee. aud aslo ou Rubber Dolls, Chinis Dolts, Nig^or Dolls. Dolls ^aked aud Doils Di'fcSiied, Duils with real Hair, Dolls with imiiaiiou Hair, Dolls without any Hair, Cliioa Dolls aud Cbioe«e Dolls, Kid Dolls and DoHs iu caniuges that kick tlieir beals aud liuld out tbeir bauds to be taken away from here. I have stoves with dtlings, Wheel- barrows, Carts, Waggons, Drays Curi'ia^fes, bleighs, bkyes sod Cut- ters, Horses, Cows, Doukeys, Goats, Muukies, Cats aud real bve Cats, Dogs real aud ituicaiiou, Wooley Dogs. Ii'ou Dugs, Troiliog Dugs io Carls, Darking Dogs, Cats, aud G uus to sliixit the Cats and Swords to ctt tlietr beads off. Pistols and Pocket Kuivef. bleam Boats, Canoes aud Sail Boats, Sieaiu Eujjiiiesaud Traius, Bicycles aud Tiycicles, Trnuks, Batiks, Boxes, Money Boxes, Surprise Boxe*, Puzzle Boxes, Glove Boxes, Uaudk'jr- chief Boxes, ilusic Boxes, Pill Boxes, Necktie Boxes, Work Boxes, Too! Boxes, CoLdr and Cuff Boxes, Iroa Boxes, Wooden Boxes, Paper DoxeS, Celuloid Boxes, all kinds uf Boxes. TIN HORNS, Tin Trumpets. Tin Whi-fles, Drums and Pifes, Picaloee iuhI Flutes, Fiddles, Fidde Strings and J"'ulilie Sticks, Carpet Swcvi/ers, Sad Irous, Cruet Stands, Clowns, Clocks, Watcher and VVa.\ Matches. Candh s and Uoldert*. Cups and Sauceis Ink Stands and Shaving Mugs, Shaving Soap and Looking Olajises, Noah's .\rks and Uutcht^ts to suiash them. Ladies" Dress- ing Castns Geu'ts Dressing Cases. .Mani- cure Setts, Travelling Coiiipauioiis. Jewell Boxes, Writing Desks, V^alking Sticks, Smokers' Companion, Pipes, Cigars, Cigar Holders, Peni, Inks, Palter and Pencils, Rings, Pina aud bi-ac-elets. . I asagains- ihe ori{ tnegroand mat pi J P OTTEWEUj Veterinary Snrgeou. ' itt wss U'lt a bona tide holder trom th< payee. Ttiee«-e wa>4 tne<l I befi re Ju'ne .Morrison. Juiljjement ior I p. iff. J. M. Kiibouru forpitl. ; ^V. J Uaituu lor d. ft i tjtieen v. .iiam Holioy, of Buphaasia for ^ asssttU t. P'isoner found guiUy. I Queen v. Holley- -Theft of sheep and j i;rain. The jury returned a verdict of guilty. A. G. MiwKty for the crown, I J. W. Frost fi'r the prisoner. i Queen v. John Crate â€" Burglary at Eaton Bros. Bivwery, Owen Sound. The jury found a verdict of stealing. A. G. ' MacKay for the crowu, J. W Fr^wt for the prisoner Queen V. Neil Kelly â€" Svductioirof a gill under 21 under promise ef maniage. The paitio^ live in Noltawasaga aud CollinsjWiM'd lowiiships, pnsontr w*s found i:<idty. .\ G. MacKsy for the cro«n, W. H. Wri^lit (or the prisoner. Queen V. Allan â€" For tarnally known a girl under H. This case came from Durham. The was found guilty with a i-ecoinmciidalioii to mercy. The case lasted two days. A. G. MacKay for the crown, W.H. Wright forthe prisi'iier The court i.'» s'ill engaged on a t'uird case against H'Alh-y and two other cases as we fo to press, and the court would not bo lliiouah until Wodnesd;w evening or Thursday mornins;. The Ixnly of Wui. Clark, a young man drowueil otf Cape a couple of weeks ago, while trolling, was found Ust week ou the Tiny beach, near La Foutaiue. It had dviCied scruea the lake. VASES .\ handsome lot clearing out at less than cost. Tea Setts, Knife and Forks aiidSpo-'Us .\ tery select lot of beauti- ful Photo .\lbuin and Autograph Albums. Perfuiueti in bulk or Kittle aad Caster Oil the same. School Bags, School C^oiu- pauions. Shopping Bags, Paper Bags and Grain Bags, and some other kiiida of Bags. Christmas iH-x-iklets, Birthday CanLs Christmas Canls. Visiting Cards, aud that other kind of Caras. Day Books. Toy Btxiks. Bibles and Hymn Books, Poets, Waloguen. .\U kimls Recitation Bo>'ks, Picket Books, Purses aud Cai-d Cases, Macliine Needles ;uid Oil, Mixed sweets from ik per lb. up, Oranges, Loscngers, Lemons, Sweet- heart, Cupid Wlii.spors, Nuts, Filbert Nuts, Almond Nuts, Pea Nuts, Wall Nuts, Brazil Nuts. Nigetti'e Nuts, Pea Nuis, all for Christmas cracking,»na after Christ uias. We have Pink Pills, Liver Pills, Kidrey I*ills, Salts and Senna aud Casleroiland all the niediciue to set you up sgaiu for another year. With the at'-ive bill of fare I hope you will be satisfied. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I am yours to serve, W. £. RICHARDSON 1 1 ave got things a litrte mixed, yoa catt pick them out yeurtslVee. iMI i^'fn^sf9/nvm •^'^â- vf&pvf "MWniH iiWWO^i jifcj«u^Tq)t»,, â- ii»,.. wimk A, yJGa^Mikiiiiif

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