f1i<r FLiSIIirot ABtAIll V D. ilcTavish FLESHEI^XON KEEPS ON HAND airs For M'iSioy-H-irriii, and Noxon, Flenry and Wilkinson farm implements. Plearjr and Verity plows ou hand all tbe time, also all kinds of repairs for tbe siiina. We manufaoture Wagons, Buggies, Gutters, Sleigbs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Flow Chains constantly on hand. nil V fM >»%%%'%^%^^^/^%%%i>%^»%%%%^^^»%%^ ,,, FALL 5ALES . . ,,, ^^"^ NOW RUSHING I *^^^ TluH is tho season of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I have them â€" beauties â€" and will soil on your own terms â€" if they are not All ono-nidod. Painting and re-trimming done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my aamplea and getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN %%%«^»%V%/%^%^^%%V%'-%%%%/%^l^% GO TO J.H.HEARD FOR THE BEST- BUGGIES, Waggons, Carta, Spring Tooth and Iron Harrows- Frosts aitd Woods' Binders, Mowers, Horse Rakes and Plmighs. Kleury Plpuzhs, Scuffl.rs and Tuiiiin Seed Drills. Dick's Hliiughs and Land R<ill*4r8. Shares for all kiiuls of Plouiths. H-irs« SlioeiM'.; and alt kinds of UlackHntitliing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts a. id Sliiir^lesf. COME THIS WAY FOR YOUR Fi i i ^ The Best in Town Atoo BANANAS, ORANGES. LC MONS, CONFECTIONERY and e»rry- thiii( ill *.h« Qn)cery line always on hand •lid at ohcapest prices. A trial sulicited. Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at Kiwest rates. S()ecial attention _ Rireii to copying. Babies' photos. I a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULMER WM. BARNH0U8E Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. /^-images made and Repaired, also I'lacing and Matching, Band Saw* 4ng, Wood Turning of every des- cnption. Planing and Oram Chop- ping done while you wait, for th<i Beaver turns the wheel. T. W. WIL80.^ Manager MSION PATBNTi. OOFVHIOHTa, •!«. For Infnnntttna and frm Hudlwok wrIM to MUNN a CO., Ml Oboadwat, New Vork. OldMl burrau ti>r lecniliig pawnn In Americk Erer; palrnt Ukon out by ui Is brought betora Ihs public br a uotleo gives Int ofoluugs la tM t^rSMt elrnulstlnn of »nj solmtlflo paper (n ths world. HiiUniUdlr IIIUMtrattd, Ko iutclllimil pun •heut<l be wllliuut IL Weeklr. SS.MIa rears t\.»i six months. Addms, MViltrk CO., FOBUsosas, SOl BnMidwsr, Mew York Oity. IK loose ill Lot For sab. For sale eliesp and on easy terms In Flesher- ton. Rpleuilid farge, solid lirick dwelling, with good st^iiH cellar, suniiner kitchen aud wood- house, alfo good frame stable, brick lined. P.e'uistis contains twu largo lots and good young orchard, hearing. House and outbuildings are excriitiouslly wbII nuished and Tery oonyeni- sntly laid out. Apply to B.J. BraocLB.FIsJhertoB. Tjam, look here Did ye ever leo the like o' that bread ? It's sae bonny an' white an' flaky, an' its juiHt ss sweecasa nit. It wa'd grace Li Hung Chunx's table ur even o'orsin Kudc Queen's, and its a pleasure to Imke it. Nae wuiider Hendtrson said he wa'd warrant it to mak' gude bresd. Caudna' be better broad than that. Yer'e riuht, Jennie, it does anu aude to look at it, let ntnnu entiiig it. They tell ma he has some rale irude TEA, an' SUGAR an' other GROCERIES, an' his SWEETIES wad niuk' your mouth water to look at them. He haa some gude Trunks and V A USES rnle chi>ap. Tarn, a' think it'ill hs to o'or advantage to patrenize liiin. Ye're riuht, .Tenni». The under- signed tli,\nks Jennie an' Tain for their glide snd truihfu' reonminend. We sell O'Oilvie's Huiigarinii and Strong Baker's Fhiur, the best in the markst. Wm, <ff»nd*rson Cash : for : Hides! OWEN SOUND, ONTABIO, Xa tHe 'very Best PIjAOB in CANADA TO OET A Tlioroti}li \m\\ Edgcalion. Take a Round Trip ;?h\rt.:ino':i _ . ^~ â€" ,â€" ~â€" Col logos and Usmmereial Dopartinonti iu Canada, tliou visit |h« Northorn HiisIiioss Collogn ; onaiiiliie ovory- |»ilu(r thoroughly. If we tail to priMhioe the la >«t tliorouijli, complete, iiraoticftl and oxtnn- slvo aoiirss o(«(iidr i the hest eolioeu pieuiiass • S'l tliu heat and most oonipleta ami uiost suit- *<>lsriiruitureanda|llianoes,we will give yon a rail eonrse FHRK. Kor Annual Anuounes- 2««t,(|TinRtiill particulars free, addres C. A. FLEMING, PrlBotfiU SiMt White Hare Hunting Owen Sound, Oct. 29,â€" A banting party consisting of Geo luglis, local registrar of ihe high court of justice ; Wni. Masson. postuiasler ; W. A. Iii|0is, Jack Inglis, miller ; Robt. Edgar, tuwu tax collector, aud John Vox, liTeryinsn, left here early yesterday morning on a hare hunting exoursioo to Elliott's swamp, near Hall's seltlemaut, in the township of Derby. The party put in the dsy in the swamp, running hate, without anything out of the usual oc- curring. Along about five o'clock in the evening, hewever, Mr. Edgar separated from the rest of tbe party and went back alone into the awamp af trr a bare which the dogs had just raised. Darkness coining on shortly afterward and be not having returned his comrades bct'.an to become somewhat anxious abodt him and returned to the swamp in the direction in which be was going when last a<ien, Iu endeavor tobringhim out, Thsjswamp is not a large one, being but a narrow strip covering soma 6fte*n acres, but after searching for a couple of hours as thorooghly as could be done in the semi- daiknesa they were forced to abandon the searuh and come tn town for lanterns and further assiatauce to con- tinue the search. On reaching here a larue searching paity was hurriedly organized and equipped with tbe necessary lanterns, etc , and a return was made to the fwamp, where, after a search for an hour or s«, the party came upon the lifeless body of Mr, Edgar lyiiiR upon the gmuiid face downwards, with his t;un under hiiu, and himself terribly shot in the abdomen. Death must have been instantaneous. In mskinit his way thrnutih the swamp he must have, by falliuK or some other way, accideutly discharged the gun with the above sod result. The body wss brought in to Owen Sound at 1 o'clock this morning by the soi rowing party aitd taken to his home. The accident is nndoubtrdly a very sad one aud will be deeply lament«d by the wh<de community. Mr. Edgar was uneofUwen Sound's oldest residents, having came in the early days of the town. Ha was for many years bailiff of the first Divuion Court of Gray, giving up Ihe position a year or two ago. He has been town lax oollecter fur the past ten years and upwards, as well aa being at the wme time collector of water rates. The deceased was one of the best known men iu the county, was a prominent Orangeman aad a stauncli and energetic Conservative, besides being connected with many of the different fraternal foeieUos. He was abiut 58 years old and a native of Ireland. He leaves • widow and grown up family. A OOOO WIND MIIX-MAKB rr YOURIBLP I have one of the People's wind mi'Is which I saw rteommende.! in jour paper recently, it 00I7 rest ma | l.4tl and is a splendid mill ; m; w«ll is deep, but it pumps it all right and with very little wind ; the neighbors all like it, and ai 1 am a kind â- >! a oarpnular, I have agreed to put up nine milla already, on which I can make a nice rroflt, and thare are many others for whom o»D pat up mills this fall. I don't s«e why every farmtr sboald noi havs a wind mill, when they ran make it themselves for leas ih..n tlO ; anycna ean get diaitrams and complete dirsctiuns for making the wind mill by sendiui{ 18 two-cent stamps to pay postage, etc, to Francis Casey, 8t, Louis, Mo., and thara ean be doxens of them put up in any loeality by anyone that has the energy to do so. A Fahmkb. â- •IMF K«Us. CHURNING DONB IN ONE MINUTB I havs tti«d the Ligbtuing Churn, you reeinily deseribed in your paper, sud It ie oeriaiuly a wonder, I ean ol am ia less than one niiiiUte, and the butler is elogaul, and you get oouhiderably mors butter ibau when you use a oummon ehuro. I took tbe Rgtooy for the churn here aud every bnvtar maker that sees it buys one. I have suld three dozen and thoy give Ihe best of satis- faction. I know J can sell M in this township, as they oliurn so qDitkly.niaks so much iiiore butler than oommoo ohurns and are so cheap. Some one iu every township oan make two or three huudrtd dollars selling these oliuros. By addressing J. F. Casey &. Co., St. Louis, you Can get cir- culars and full lofnrmaiion so you oan maks tig money right at home. I have made •80 the paat two weeks aud I bavn never sold anything iu my li:e before, A FAnMSB. Vandel«ur Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chased, fur which highest market prico will be paid. Homemade sausages on hand, alto all kinds of moats. »/I. W^IILiSOM', Fleslicvton Meet Emporium pnlCEVILLR AND DURHAM BTAQB, Durtiain stage leaves Flesherton Station at 7.15 a 111., returns 4.it.t p.m. Prlcevllle stuiie leaves th« samo place at lU.HO, returning at 4. 41, Fare to Prlcevllle and return, SO cents : Durham, 81.10 for retnru, 7'o. single tars. Livery In con- asetlou. Orders ma bslsft at either hotel. A.MeOAULMY Pre Report of Engenia Pablio Sobeol for Ocf«>ber. IV.-O, Plant, I. Wilson, W, Madill, A. McMulien, F, BnWennan, M, ^'isher, IU.-8. Madill, A. Munnliaw, B. Tur- ner, A. Wilson. O. Smith, U. Walker, N. MuMullen, E. Turner. 8r. II.â€" B. Pedlar, I. Bowerman, f . Carr, H. Pedlar, L. Munshaw, E, John- ston, £. Oenoe, Jr. II.â€" A. R/./, I, Osbome, V. Mc- Mulleh, E. J«miea-,u, M. Bowerman, F. Smith, C. Smith. Part II. â€"W. Wilson. W. Bowerman, D. Smith, S. Madill, W. Turner. Pt. I.-N. Pedlar, B. Wil.tams, C. Willieros, W. Carr, M. Carr. John II anna, Ttachrr, Report of S. S. No. 9, Artemosis, Class 5â€" Louisa Akitt, ClaM 4 â€" Mary Cameron, Sarah Paul, Annie Kennedy. ClassSsr.â€" W. Euiilish, £, Phillips, E. Carson. Class 3 jr.â€" M. Radley, M. Hanley, M, Million. Class 2 sr.- E. Phillips, Garnet Ben sou, J, Russell. Class 2 jr â€" V.Phillips, L. MilHitai., J. Hanley. Pt. 2â€" Janie Mai;ee, 0. Rusie 1. P. Pt. 1â€" S. Gamey, G. Paul, Geo. Uagee. Phillips. Average 83. JoH.M Coi'LTCR, Teacter. Maxwell public schnul report. Class 4â€" S. Kiuuear, 11. Fennwick, W. Deavitt. Class 3â€" S. Le;;ate, W, Le-^ate, L. Kerton. Class2sr.â€" H Guy, A. D. Deavitt, C. Lonir. Class 2 jr. â€" A. McEachnie, E Buckingham, A Mnrriaon. Pt. 2â€" R. McEichnie J. Feuwick, B McCallum. Sr. pt. 1â€" £. Hamlin, M. Kinnear, A Feuwick. Jr. pt. 1â€" M. Stock, M. O. Brown r^dge. W. McWuiNNSY, Teacher, Kimberley public school report for October, {fames in order of merit Senior department. Class 6 srâ€" Geo. Fothercill, Clara A. Hurd, Mabel McAuelan, E Couo, Jess e Gilbert, Ethel Burd, Lily Graham, Annie Soott. Class 4 jr.â€" Jeaaie Bell, W. Graham, M. Abercrombie, E. Abercrorabie. Class 4â€" Dora Muiidle, M. Bell, M. Wallace, M. Knott, E. Latter,J. Gilbert. CUas 3â€" Hattie Bell, B. Knott, E. Hurd, (L. Latt«r. E. Fawcett) L. Fawcett, C. Stewart, W. Re«r, J. Wickens, Eyra Fawcett, S. Fawcett. Oko. I. 9x»ruMj), Teacher. from our o\in\ Correspundsnl, Mrs, McMannis, of Shelbumo visited trisuda here recently. Miss Annie Wiokons, of Kimberley, spent Sunday with her unole, Mr. John Alcox. Our teacher, Blifig Oilray, has been re- engaged for another year. Mr. Robt. Pritohard took charge of the League meeting last Sunday evening. The Rev. Mr. Mahon has been holding revival services here for the post two weeks. The weather has been very favsrable for them so far, and the attend- anoe is very good. A WIPE EQUAL TO A COLO MINB Will some of your readsrs give me a good reeipe for nuking a eold starch 7 1 am selling self beating Satirons and iron a bttle at every house and have lo use seme surah every place and want to knew how to make a good eold slareh. lly husband was in debt and I being anxloos to help him thooght I would sell selt-heatiag Satirons and I am doing splsadidly. A eent's worth of fssl will heat the iron for .*) hours, so you have a psrfeoted oven beat. Tou ean iron in half the time and no danger of scorohing the clothes, as witb the old iron, and you oan get the moat beautiful gloea. I sell at nearly every lionae, as the iron saves so much fuel everyboby wants one. I make 91. SO on eooh iron and have not sold lees than ten any dao^ I worked. My brother is doing well snd I think any. one can make lots of money anywhere sell- ing irons. J, F. Casey A Co., St. Louis, Mo., will start anyone ia the business, aa thsy did ms, if yon will address tbsm. Mas. A. RossBLL. HOW THE DIPPER SAVED THE PARn Father was slok and tbe mortaafte on the farm was comiog due, 1 saw in tbe Christian Advocate where Ula> A. M. Frits et BUtlon A, at. Louis, Mo,, would send a sample couiblna- tlen dipper tor IS two osut stamps, and I order- sd^na. I saw the dipper could t>e used as a (ruit jar filler ; k plain dip|>er ; a fine strainer; a funnel : a strainer fnunel ; a sick room warming pan and a pint uiearsure' These eight diSerent uses makes tbe dipper such a neeeesary articles that I went to work nlth It audit sells at tery near every house. Audio four months I paid olT the niortgsge. I thiuk I oan clear as much aa S900 a month. If you need work you oan do well by giving this a trial. Miss A. M. Krits.l Station :A, 8t, Louis, Mo., will send you a sample for 18 two oeut stampsâ€" wrlteat once. Johm Q. N. I I IO» I « THE NEW HOOK SPOON PRCB TO ALL I rca I In the Christian Rlai.dard that Mi- s A. U. Friiz. Htatiou A.. Rt. Louis, Mo, wou d five an ologant plated hook spoou to anyouo aendliighor ten 9 cent stamps. I sent for one and found it so useful that 1 showed it to my friends, and made fl.l.UO in two hours, taking ordsra fur the spoon. The book spoon Is a household iiecesalty. It cannot slip into tl s dish or cooking vssstil, botngheldin tbe plnos bv a hook on tbe back. The spooe is same- tbing Sthat housekeepers have needed ever since spoons were fls^t Inveutod. Anyone can get a sample spoon by sending ten 8-oeut stamps to Miss r'llts. This ia a splendid way to make money around home. Very truly, Jsamnkttbs. MAKRY THIS QIRL QUICK I saw iu your paper that a IH year old boy nisde %\Xi tlio first honr ho worknd selling the I'orfuctlou Metal Tip Lampwick. I ordered a sainpln and went to workund tho first werk I cleared SIO, tho second wouk I cleaie I S1-'>. I ex|ieot tonin up to S25 a week in the near future, as tho I'urfootton tlutal Tin Lanipwiok makes encb a bsauMuil white lleht aud does away with smokey chimneys and bad odor and save oil, it is easy to sell. It you wish to try It lend l.H two cent stamps to Miss A. M. Fritz, ntatlon A.,Bt. L 'uls, Ma„ and she will send you a sample outfit, this is a good way to make money around home Miss Tivi W, HAKE YOUR OWN LANTERN Tonr home Is Inoompleto without It, and the price Is within reach of all. I ordered one for my cwn useâ€" aad It was so bandy and oon'. vsnlant I wenttoStakIng orders for them and sold 01 In one day making over (5 clear. It Elves a beautiful white llgnt, obimney never rsaks from heat, it It always clean and ready. Franols Casey, St. Laala, Mo., will send sauinls tor IS two osnt stamps, writs ivt •lis. I got my Start from htm. aaoaoaB. The Markets. €ararallr Corrected E«ch Wcefc Flour .M $3 80 to $4 40 OaU 21 to 8J Wheat ^. 70 'to* 7» Barley , 20 to 30 Peas . 45 to 4A Butter 12 to 12 Ekk», fresh la w IS Potatoes bag ."JO „e 30 Pork 4 60 to DO Hay per tou 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 25 to CO Geese 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 tc 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 8> Ducks per pair 40 to 56 Wo,)l 17 to SO S» TIME TABLE COISO .SOUTH. Markdalcâ€" 6.40 a. in. 4 40 p, fn. Flesherton â€" U.53 a. m. 4.53 p. oa. OOINO NoBTH. Kleshertonâ€" 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p* n». Maikdulo-12.04p. m. 9.30 p. is. FRE:S! Ff^SBtS TBSTIIffG Preserve y<>ur eyesight by having tbam properly tested by W. A. ABMSTBONO, OrnciaM BOAR FOR SERVICE The undenignhdtaaa aflrit class tboroof h* bred itarkabireboarfor terTiovoD lot35. oou* S» Ariemetia. TerxueTA oeutsoaah. #1 bookad. WU. CAU£BON. Farm and Mill Site lor Salb For sals very oheap and ou very easy ter Timber farm, 190 aores, two miles from Flesli erton, known as tbe Wni. Hogg sawmill pnoi perty, and ou which is an excellent water powtr. foundation of saw mill, dam aud pond and water wheel In place and all ready for pattls mill 00. About 15 acres cleared. % acres timb most off, balance well timbered, mixed timh This farm will be sold at a bargain it sold oS once. Small pkj'iueot down, balanoe oa vsay e»sy terms. Apply to B.J. Braooiji, Flssbertoa,«M ttlag Carpet Weaving The andsraigned baa placed la position • first class loom for carpet and flannel wsavlav and Is prepared to give satisfaction. Brlofl Iu your BARB or TABN to A. T. BBRQM. Fleshertoa, April T, tS. FlESIEBTOl STEll UDIDIT. I have opened up a oompleta steam laundry la Flesherton, and am propa<ed to take in any quantity of laundry work at lower pricos than are cbargod oUewhore. I have put in tbo latest and most improved machinery to that end. Kindly give nie a call. Entire satisfaotloa guaranteed, and prioos low. Mas. Qno. Mooaanocsn Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undersigned are placing in po- sition a first class sawmill for custom sawing, which will bo ready for opera- lion iu January. We Lave also added A CHOPPINQ MILL For the ooiivenieuoc of fariMrE. Chopping douo at auy time at 6 oents per 100 lbs. Tbe sash and door factory, \$tA and BoroU sawing business cootiDfled at ubmI. Pile iu your orden. BS£CBOl!^*TALSail