Â¥ Jt â- 0 • "TBUTH BEFORE FATOR." â€" '• PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." 70L. XVI, SO 818 riiSHIRTON, OUT., THDBSDAT, NeVIMBER 5, 1898 W. fl. THDBSTON, EDITOk k PROPRIETM ^ B g S I'M SLOW I'M FAST.. OR la aa eKpresskm often heard when • man look* at hit oat ch. Hel' not be aluw or fart if he carrioa one of Ariif'lniiift'a wmAhm, but be wili he juat nn time alwayk. Our Hue of good tiiux ke«()«rs is eztcuaive, all at reaauu- abld piioes. SILVERWARE A larse cor.«i|/nnient of beautifully deai^^ned SilTerirare just bo hand. For the qualitjr of ttitMe ){<Mi(la the prtcea aru exuecJiri'jIv l'>w, iu fact the ch>a|>est that we hava ever Hhowu V'"U may not have another such achauce ta buy good Silvervt'uie at a<i liiw a price. Examine tbeui. jf ^uU tt}**l Ztfeli jfssorte^ Stock 'Ukrouyh»mt Give us Your Repairing to do W. J{. Jirmstronff, (^ur ^xisiness ^iVociory Stt$itif$i9 €avil5. ^CULLOUQH * YOUNQ, Bankers, Markdale. do a xaneral banking boi- towB. Money loaned at a reaaoaabla laU. Call OB Dl. AB.VANDU8EN. J. P. Clerk 5th DH Court, Co Gray laanor of Uarriaga Lieanasa, Commlatioaar la B. C o( Justice, Auolioneer, ete, Fi.B«HaBTe« P. O. T\BBT8 COLLEOTKO. The undarslipaed li prepared ta aadartake tbe collection o( all kinda of dabta. Motaa bought. Accounts collected, etc' B. M. HKNOBKSON • FunnBTOM TCH18LETT • Kleaberton Btatioo Poatmastar, CommiMilonar ia â- • O. J., Cod> Tayancer ; deeds, mortgagsa. laaasa and wills drawn. Money to lend at 4) per cent.and up^ wards. Debts oollsoted. Ciutrgea modsrate. geutiirttt!. J p. MAKSHALL, L.D.B..M.D.a.. Dentist. Ytaits Markdale Cba 1st and ard Wednesday of aacb aionth, Pleabertoaâ€" Kach trip on tba day f buuwiag. r O. CAMPBBUi. L D 8, DD S. Dental Burgeoa, Maifedala. OiSoeovar McCnllougb A Yoang't bank. Hoursâ€" 11.30 a.a]. to 6 p. m. Visits Flaekarton tbe saeond and foortb Tbnraday 01 eacii month. OlBoe at Muusbaw's hotel. •p HBNDBBSOM D D 8, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto {gold aie<faJistl will visit Flesherton profossion- aily tbe Urst Wednesday of each uionth and Dnndalk the day tf>llowing (Tboraday.) fegal. p J. SPBOULB, Poatmaster, Fleahertoa, Commisaionar la B. ft.. Licensed >uctiooeer, ConTsyanoer, A - pralsar and Money Lender, Baal Estate and Insurance Agent. DReds, Mortgages, Leasee, and Wills (iniwu np and Valuations made on aborteet notice. Auction sales attended to in aoy part of the County. Money to loan at low- eat rates of iutersst. Colleotioaa attended to with promutuess and despatch Charges low. Agent for the Dominioo Stoaiashlp Company, olieap tickets from Flesherton to Liverpool, Ulasguw, Loudon or any of the British ports. Parties iutendiug to visit fingland, Scotland or Ireland, will please ask rates before pnrckaslng tbeir tickets elsewhere ^0(\tt\t$. AO.U.W.â€" meets every first and third Uou - dAy In each moutb, in their lodge room Strain's Riook, Klesliartuu, at 8 p. m. W. H.Wiilkor, M.W.; W..I. bullaniy, fluauofer W. Irwin Uecorda'r. Visiting Uretberu invited. PBOBT * BAT80M Barristers, Solieitors, Con*eyaneers, ete. OfBoeâ€" Next to poa ofBae, Sproula's blook FlaabertoB,eTery Thursday until further notioa. C. A. BAT80M J. W. FB08TLL. B. M. B. â€"Owen Benad elDcc, Frost's block PoDlett St. Eaat. T UCA8 * WBIOHT, Barristers, Rolieltart, Conrayaneets, etc., Owen ijound, Ont. Markdale, Ont. W. H. Wright. I. B. Locaa. M. B.-Fleaherton efflse, Mltehell's Bank every Wednesday. TUCKEB * PATTEB80N. Barriateis, tolloitora, etc, Molson's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson WACKAT A HATTON Barrlaters, Solieitora. eto. OfSoesâ€" .10 roulette St.. Owen Sound ; and Main St. Dundalk, every Saturday. N.K.â€" Always in attendance at Fleaberton and Dundalk Division Courts. A. O. MacKat, M. a.. W. J. Hattox County Crown Attorney. ROYAL TEMPLARS OF TKUPEBANCB. â€" Itegular Council meets every first and third Tuesday eveniua in each moiitb, la Sproule's block at 8 p. m. Select degree insurance) nieota monthly, tbe Wednesday preceding the Kud of each month. SONS OF TBMPKHANCF..â€" This society meets in Dr. Cbristoo' Hall first Wed- nesday in each mouth at 8 p.m. Visiting bretherau invited. Insurance iu oouuectiou. UP. B, A., meeV In their ball, Chrlstoe's Block every second Thursday in each month. I. O. Brown, W, M., T. Clayton, Bec- ratary. PEINCB ARTHUB LODGE, No 33.1, A F & AM, meet in the Masoric Bali, Strain's Block, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the fulllmoon. Geo. Mitchell, W M, W J Bellamj , secretary ^ DUFFEBIN LODGE. No 186, I O O F, Mioets in Clayton's Hall every Tnes* day evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren sordially invited A 8 VanDosbm, NO Wk Moou. Sea pidical fVB HUTTOM MDCM, MPPAS Ont, Priceville Office next door to Brown's atora; residence one door west of Methodist church, Kinross st. Oflloe days, Tuesdays and Saturday D* CABTBB H C P dt B Ont., Physician. Flesherton ofDce â€" Stroiua b'ook. Mnnshaw'i Hotel Surgeon, eto Bealdeuce â€" JOHN A SCOTT KB Member College Physio. A Burgeons ,0 nlsri Oraduato in Medicine of Toroi* i University Fellowship Diploma, Post Oi adnata Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. D iaeases of eye ear, nose and throat apooially treated, Besi- denoe. Maxwell, viaita Fevetsbam Thursdays 1-8 Fleahertoa Stetlea Fromour ow- correspondent. Mr. Ashdown spent a few days in the Queen city laat week. Mrs. Irwin, «f -Markdale, ia visiting friends on the wast back line. Mr. and Mrs Caims riaitad acquaint- ances in Holstein on Sunday. Mrs. Hogarth ia visiting in Prica- fille. Mr. and Mrs. Tbibeaudeau spent hallowe'en with the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Stewart. Mr. Frank Cole is on the market thia week. Mr. R. Cook ia spending a few days in the Queen city. Hallowe'en passed off very quietly with the exception of a few moan tncks, but, we hope the boys will honor them- selves higher anothi-r year. Wa would luiviHe the young men who are disturbing one of our store keepers to let " well enough alone " before action ia taken. Many people of this part will be sorry to learn of the death of Mr. J. Inham who died at his home in Toronto last week. Mr. Inham was well and favor- ably known around here. "nimM...,„ntnlllllltll1i S^ffs^ Soods "»^ SSesi Workmanahi'p jfs that Consti'tuttt !3eai Values C. aJ. X^EI^rCH, MERCHANT TAILOR Maxwell from owe atm ('ort e«pou<ient. The harvest-home festival held in connection with the English church here, on tbe 27th, was a decided success. A vary elaborate supper which was prepared by the ladies of the church was fullawed by an excellnnt program. The chair was occupied by th« Rev. Mr. Farrier who filled it in a very acceptable m&uner. Addratsea were given by the the fullow- ine gsatlemen : Rev. Mr. Farrier, Rev. Mr. Hudson, Rev. T. Legate and Mr. Wm. Whinney. The church choir furnished the musical part of tbe program. The eiitertainment was also a success, as the pr(«ecda were about $30. Mr. Juhnstou Liitle and family moved last Wednesday to Proton station. Mr. Qeo. Lawlor moved last week into his own house which was occupied by Mr. Little. Mias Eva Small gave ua a call last week. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Robert Heron is rery ill, bat hope te hoar of her recovery. Mr. Wm. Clark haa built a new fence in front of bis lot recently. BoK-vâ€" On the 23rd of Oct., to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison, a daughter. Mr. Blnkley and family iroin Dundalk apent liwt Sunday with friends in town. Miss Field returned to her home in Ravelins last Sunday. A busioees meeting in connection with the JCnglish church was held on Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. Bi>yce from Artamesia has been visiting this vicinity recently. to Epping both inuming and evening. It will make the route shorter and will be no doubt more satisfactory all around. These mail contracts are run down to starvation rates. Mr. Dillon, we be- lieve, will have a salary of f250 per year. SEE THE NEW Pa.x*loi* Town Lioe A and B Epping From otir o\sn CorrtapondtnX, Miss Kate Stewart, uf Meaford, has been engaged as teacher in this S. S. for the yeivr '97 at a wilary of $250. Miss Hiibel Charters hna been engaged to teach the junior departinont of Heath- cote school. MisH P. McKnight returned Monday after .speuding a week or so with friends in Omngaville. Miithows gave a small Saturday evening for M's RiNtcr, Miss Josie A very pleasant even- in games, including Mr. and Mrs. J. hallowe'en pai-ty thoir guest, Mrs. Ball, of Toronto, ing was spent broke J P OTTHWBLIi Veterinary Bnrceon. Omduata bT Ontario Vatarinary College. Basidenasâ€" Meit doer ' â- OBll! of Moore's plaolBC taetac]^ i hallowe'en games. The company up before midnight. Election matters are beginning to inter- est the male portion of society. No lesa than three Euphrasia men are named for the county councillorship while Mr. Erskine is named for reeve, Mr John DUlon, of Rocklyn, has sectire4 thre 'mail 'contract between Spping and Meaford, or rather between Rooklyn and Meaford, as we believe ha will start froiB Rocklyn, oomiDg dowa trvm, our »vm corretpmulent. Mr. J. M. Davis announces himself as a candidate for the County Council. Mr. Jas. Sewell and family have mov- ed to their new farm on the 11th line, Euphrasia. Mr. G. Richardson is over in CoUing- wood at his son Charles at present. Mr. J. Brodie was over in Priceville nne day last weak paying the prize money to the suceasful winners of the red and blue ticket. A very succesaful social ander the aospices of the Epworth League society was held at the residence of Mr. Heath a short time ago. The proceeds amount- ing to over 920, which was givtu to the minister, the Rev. Mr. Scett, •« part payment of his salary. Mr. N. Lewis had a successful auction sale last Friday. >^ â- Ensenla. .from oitr oioii Corr««po«<ien< Miss Jennie Derusha spent part of last week with her parents at Proton. If our girls don't " put a hustle on " leap year will soon be gone and the op- portunity lost. I am afraid those but- tons of Richardson's, made especially for bachelors and prodigal sens, will cause the young men to feel very in dependent. Mr. Juseph Williams has moved onto his farm at YalleyfielJ, near Eugenia. Mr. Morden Kaiser, uf Sunnidalc, is visiting his cousin, Mrs, John Fenwick, at present. A most startling bit of news which your tcribe has to report this week is in regard to Mr. Duckett's wonderful gold mine. We are told that a gentlemen from Toronto offered him last week fl, 000,000 for the farm on which the mine is located and that he refused the offer, he purposing to work the mine himself. It is also reported that he will begin to sink a shaft this weak. Many people are visiting the location to see the niinernl. The wiiitery w^eather of last week made people fuel rather gloomy but now we hope to have a spell of good Indian summer days before winter comes to stay. Mr. Marcon, of the veneer factary, accompanied by Messrs. Keiley and Spruule, of Torento, paid a short visit to Eugenia on Wednesday last. Messrs. Keiley and l^proule are thinking of going into partnership with Mr. Maroon in the business. They are for putting in some new improvements for drying the veaeer. If they do this the factory wili work steady all winter. Basineai ia booming at Sagenia, The AND MANY OTHERS WHICH HAVE JUST BEEN RECSIVSIX QUANTITIES OF NEW GOODS JUST OPENED OUT THIS WlBJti. The Automatic BUTTON Is the finest thing out for bacheloxa. No needle or sowing required. Toys, Stationery, and Omamenta* Goods in GREAT QUANTITIES. Oa^ in and see them right away. ThoM goods are cheaper than vrer. W. E. RICHARDSON DRUOQIST the price smile aad of grain is making spend their money tise !â- farmers freely. Mr. Will Nixon, of Drew, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Peter Sherwood, at present. Mr. Joseph Sherwood got one of hia finnurs bnikon by a threshing machine. Mrs. H. M. Bowerman, spent a weak recently visiting her sister in Toronto. The Rev. Mr. Nixon, of Toronto, s a graduate of Knox College, preached in the hall on Sunday afternoon. His aar- men was highly appreciated. Mr. Furdy's chimney oau;(ht on fire nne afternoon last week. It gave the old gentleman a bad scare but a few of the neighbors gathered and soon put out the fire. The above items were held over from last week â€" Bd. DID YOU BVBR MAKB HONBY BA3Y » Ma. ta)rroB. â€" I have read how Mr. C. B, B. made ao much money in tbe Dish Washer business and think I have beat him. I am vcty young yet and have had little experisnoe in selling goods, but have made over eigb( hundred dollars in ten weeks selling Dish Washara. It is simply wonderful how easy it ia to sell them. All you have to do is to show the Ihdies bow they work and Ihey eannot help but buy one. For the benefit of others 1 will state that 1 got my start from the Monnl City Dish Waaber Co., SU Loaie^ Mo. Write to them and they will send you full parb- oulara. 1 think I can clear over •.1,000 the com- ing year, and I am not going to lot the op- pertunily pass. Try it ahd publish your snooeaa for the benefit of others. J. F. C S, McCullough, Dundalk. lost a valuabla 2 -yeareld 'Prince Erie colt by tbe aoimal gettib^ its foot over halUi and throwing ilaolf. til*