THI niiS&iltltdK iDViNOi -mt9i»v* ifiK <«B^ 9K J B6TAGLISBED 1881 1 s 1 P'JBLI.SHEIl WKKKLY AT THK OKKICK. KYD- KNHAM 8THKKT, FLEKIIEKTUN, ONT., BY W. H. THURSTON. HI per nuniiiu,!t(rictly in advance Adveitisiug Rates: oe Column. 1 year, $S0 ; half col., 1 yeur, tZT quarter 90I., one year, tlS. Trauaiant advertUement cbarged at the ratd 4I i cents per Una for flrat InHertioii and i cents e.icU subdequoDt iuncrtiuu. Tlie political battle iu North Groy is at its height this week and the climax will be reached on Tuesday next, when the people will cook either Pateraon or McLoughliu's dough. If the people are loyal to their homo interest! they will use the homo made article. Nomiiialioii took place on Tuesday. The weather during this past summer has been a fruitful theme of Bpeculalion and slill continues so to be. We all depend upon it bo much. The farm crop, which forms the main basis of living, is wholly dependent upon climatic adaptability, and vagaries of the weather are now watched with a more trembling auxiwly probably than in many years past, owing to ihe extraordinary failure of last year. A good deal of the grain, however, has now been harvested and will yield well, but lauch yet remains in the field and the •wet weather of the past week, if con- tinuing a little lougot, will do a great deal of damage. Anotbor would be north pole dis- coTerer baa returned borne without attaining his desired object. Dr. Nansen sailed from the Siberian coast in 1^94, expecting to be drifted across the opou Arctic ocean. His boat, the " Frain," drifted to 84 degrees north and was apparently on a straight course to the pole, when Dr. Nancen left the ship in the winter of '!)5 and returned home by way of Fanz Josef Land. The ship and crew have not yet been reported. To the casual reader of Dr. Hansen's report it is a matter of wonder why he Itft the vessel. Fuel and food were plentiful, the boat was drifting upon her proper course and the crew had pcrfest health. It would be interesting to ieurn that the crow had accomplished what Dr. Nansen seems to have abandoned without serious reason, after I'oachitJg the highest latitude over reached by man, \\z: 86 degrees, 14 min. north. The Norwegian parliament granted $52,000 to this expedition and King Oscar ol Sweden gave 85,000. The returns for this largo sum can scarcely be considered satisfactory. Coanty and District Proton Council At a big political mooting held in Owen Sound last Friday, at which a number of promnicnt politicians wore piesont, the name of N. Clark Wallace HBM sprung upon the audience as the new leader of the Conservative paity. Mr. Wallace, who was present, did not refuse the honor, and his name was received with some olicers, and with evidences of surpiiHO by many. While The Advance honors and GBteeins Mr. Wailaco as a politician it believes the party would bo working ruin to itself by electing him to the grave respoiiHiLilitios of loader. The [mi'ty wants ami must have a leader capable of commanding respect and adherence from every pait of the doiuiiiion, and this, unfortimatoly, Mr. Wallace cannot do. Li Ilung Cliang, the Chintae viporoy who is making a tour of Iho woild, will viHit the United States in a few days and will bo lionized by Washington snobdom. lie will be met off New York wiih agiMii)oat and feted and toyed with in a wonderful tnanner. It is cusluniary for the United States authorities to charge fifty dollars a head for ev(;ry China- man who cnterB the country. Can it bu possible that Uncle Sam, the democratic Uncle Sam, will forego the collection of this foo in Li's case I Li will also have a largn retinue of servants with him, und will not these have to pay toll V It is safe to wager that this imn'i^rat ion fee will nnver bo mooted to the great Uinnainan, and if tho quc.ition should he mrnlioned in the inteivioA'H Unclt Sam will cut a silly iiguro. lA Uung Obang (the great seoiotary) should insist on paying his feo and pasg through th« country without paying Lis rei'ccts to the officials who tax his people BO sevcruly for entering the ec^untrjr. That would bo a tight for tUo g >ds, but Boaicoly good diplomacy perhaps. But the viceroy uiay be r«)iQ4 upon to placo a pro(>er value •gra tbii Yankfo ofTuaiTeueM.^, Proton Council met at IlnpovilU on AiiguHt 1,<J. wliun the following bu.sine.s8 »aH transacted : VVjitHoii â€" Wilson- That tlio Clerk com- niunicato with Kureniont Council itixl rc- tjUi'Ht them til a|i|><>int a coiiiiniiwioiiernnd act tho date lo meet the coinmis«ion^r of l)iv. No. J, I'lolon, i>n townliiic (ipjmsite oon 4 .niil 0, .tnd to iiorify tliu conniiis- kioner, D. Mnckcn/.io, Cedarvillu P.O. Shaw â€" Wilson â€" That the uwaixl of the engineer, iniiler the Ditches and Wator- couFHOH Act, providing drain on townlinu WeKt Lutlicr luid I'roton, and tlir«u<>h lotH ;< and 4, con. 1, ownod hy Alex. Bell, he received ami fyled in the Clerk's otfice, he to notify the jiarties concerned, the coiiiiiiiKxioner of I)iv. 1 to proceed and let part on roiul in behalf of Proton iuwiiHhip. Wataonâ€" Wilson â€"That tho townshii) treasurur accept the arrearaof taxuii of T. Itogers, pt. 4, con. 0, (1 acre) for year lHtf3, lf4.'.m, tho Clerk to notify County TreaNincr to erase tho aiinio. Shaw â€" Wilhoii â€" That the following he paid for ({ravel, Div. No. 2 : (t. Saije- niaii ^i.!t5, U. WoolHoy 92.85, Cliarles HickH if'i. Mackenzie â€" WalHon â€" Tlmt tho follow ing hu paid for road work div, 5 : Jos. Khscx, townliiie Proton and Melaiicthon, HO (grant), Vi'Hiik Uamne ^1, W'illiaiu Mitchell oil tiiuiilinc I'rotoii and Arto- iiicHia Jt; (grant), .S. l<>li(ertoii 84.;tO (gnint), .lames Nulsoii, gravel, $'J.4U. Mackenzie- Shaw â€" That the l)ill of Will. Smith, inspector of draiiLS, be paiil, W 111. ,S<Mitt, two .lays, S<2 ; Win. Sinitli, culvert, i?2 ; inspecting drains, Div. No. 1, *r> ; of this »;j.fM) Ur he chaiged to the drains. WulHon Wilsonâ€" That tho following he paid for work Div. No. ;t : Win. Mc- Nalty S»21.:.^. Kol.erl IScll «t4, P. Mc- Miirdo Sffi.ttri, I). McColl, urant townline Proton anil Kfjieiiioiit, J<4.(i0. M.icKenzie W'atMiii That tho follow- ing l)o paid for Div. 1 : .his. McKwen «1.'.H) (gravel), Frank Mitchell JllL't), Will, llowlelt, gravel, ft) ; Kdwiird Knowles Jf.t. Will. Smith g4, U. lioyd, culvert, tit ; II- Wagner Wlc. Mackenzie- Shaw -'J'hat the fMllnwing he jiaiil for work Div. I, giants: Thos Ko^;«is, loHiihnt^ l'',a«t l.utlierand Pi'ton, eiO ; Joliii Mulhall, jr., ;t7th siderond, f;i.H4;(teo. .Smith, to siippleineiit 411 diiys j^nitis lalior, p."t.'< ; ,lolin Cosgrill", work and gravel, townline West I.uiher and Proton, ;f41.'.t,"> ; Archie McKadyiMi, ditto, ; Will. .Johiislon, townliiio Kgrmiioiit and Pinion, ^l.'..'i) ; Win. Pickett, t<i»iisliip ilniiii, lut 24, con. 4, $1 : thiM'lerk, part thinl (juartor wdary, IH'.HI, ?25. Wilson Watsonâ€" That tho following Ix' paiil for work div. 4 : Uoht, Menziei l«(i.i.ll, ,h.l,ii llalliday «!2, ,liis. Mcliitvro «!2,»ir<, (i. Woidsey (Kiavel) )i<;i.K(l, "ti. Sngcnmii (gravel) ^l.'JO, Win. (io.Mlfel low, Div. 4 and f>. j" ; Tlios. Ilnnsoii, re- iKiiriiig road cell, ti, hit 15, fjiiint, <fH ; Donald \h\y i}'.\, for damage susluinod- at eulTort, coll. .'â- ), Pi-dton. Watson Shaw Tliat tho rato to inuet expenses of township and <rounty for tH!lti-'!17 he (i niiils on the 8. Also that (Jilliert .MoCaiiinl lie appoinred collector of taxes for ISiMl- '',(", salary %Wi, to cover all postage, stationery, etc. Shawâ€" SVal.soii 'J'hat liy-l.vw No. 7,S, for foneatiou of C. ,S. No. ICj, Arteinesia and Picitoii ; Ilylaw No. 74, for striking township iind county rates for lHi)ll-'l)7 ; and Itylaw 75, for school trustees' rates, tHiX), he lead a tliijil time, signed, aealod and eiigro8.sed. Watson Wilsonâ€" Tlmt an order issue in favor of the township treasurer for S'i.To, iimouiil due West I.nther for diaiiiMand ^l.HI) lie imid to coininissionor of Div. No 5, to he expemled on the 7th sideidiul, con. l.i and 14. That the coiiiniissionurs of Div. 1 and fi he dele- gftten to attend meeting of judges at Owoii .Sound on tho IHth inst. in tho interest of tluH innniciiiality. W»t>ion -Wilson That this (-'(mnoildo now mljourn to meet at the (.'oniior house Duitdalk, on Tuestiay, Oct. 20th, 10 a.m. Jaum Cavanaoh, Tp. giork. Mrs. McArthur, Chralcy, dropped dead of apoplexy a wedk ago. Fred Tramp, who lived on a rented farm in Brant, mortgaged his live stock, sold his grain and slid out in tha early morning learinu his landlord some 8300 "in tho holo," and alao hoodwinked some Brant fanners who endorsed his notes. Theru is a strange disease among the fowol iu Mono and Mulniur. The bird turns white about tho head and dies in- stantly. One man lost 75 hiidi. John ISennett of Amaranih had a span of horaea alHicted with ^landors for a year past. Last neck both animals were ordered by the authorities to bo killed. Jidiii ilayue, the occupant of a fm:i I house in ColliiiRWood, has been acting atrangely of late, and Kriday his house was found to be on fire, while he wai wandering about Buffering from a of I'aria uroen and a wound from a shot- ijuii in tho breast-. It is thouidit that he tried several plans of taking h<s own lite. A story is told of a lady school teacher, who, having an inordinate ftar of ron- taLMous disonsi'R, sent a little (iirl home because she said her mother was aick and had symptoiua of sonietliing alarm ini;. Tlie next day Ihe child prearntod her- self at school, her finger in her mouth and her little bonnet hansing by the •".rin-j and said : " Wo uot a little Viahy at our hoiiHj, but mamma told ine to tell you it isn't eatchiiii;. Mr. Charles J. Gilby sliowed ua a neat |*ioce of miniature panmanship on Tues- day which he had just oxecuted on an ordinary postal card. The writing, which was so small that it could not be with tlie naked eye was perfectly lei;ible when view throutih a magnifying glass, erery le'.ter being pBrfeclly formed. The card contained from the 78th to the !t2th Psalms, both inclusive, beinx 15 I'.salni), which made 113 lines the full length of the card, and consisted of 5329 words. Mr. Uilby ia an expert penman and an excullent accountant, notwith- standing th* fact that hu is ana uf our progressive young agriculturists â€"Chats worth news. -^* » •^i^Vl^^i? Equal Rights House <ff, •, .J'*. <•'.. 0'/.. ^le, .vi .jt«. .&'â- (. ^% iSj? Wvi'P^ffWW^ii? viJ- "id- "w E]IEB CliOSei MPPiM But always alive to business â€" Keepina; in view that GOODS well bought are half aold. We have added to our .stock a fine BclocUim of Keady-mado Clothing at CLOSE PBICES. i Hil I Boys' Suits at $2.00 MM I13ESS COOOS Is u-suallv the business holiday MONTH. We keep business huraming even in dull seasons and have some of the best SN.\PS this month. AND LPWAKDS. Youth's - and - Mens IN ALL SIZES. The fiitjt wot day call pnd see what we have in BLACK WORSTED and NAVY BLUE SERGE. Wo can make you a suit in theiio goods from §12 to §18. In PINK, CIjEAM end BL.\CK- GROl'NDS. 5 cunts per yard. Died Moawoonâ€" In Marh'lalo. "n Tuctday AuguKt 11th, Um. Ja.iivs Morwoud, at;e<l 00 >airi>, H ilavH Kitnural on \V.'ilnwiilav at 9 p. la. to Now Kn^'laud ceiiiotttry. MeinonuWe'- viou in Mark lnl« Uutliodist churcb lost Huiulay tivouiii^ ^WHIflB»ff Notice to Creditors In the Matter of Samuel H. Osborne of the village of BuKenla. In the County of Orey, Merchant. Notice IB )iorel>y pivtui tliat tlio above tmiiu'd KiiiduhI M. OHl>ortiu )iiiH iiiiidu an fifthiunnieiit in iiin of all iiU 4<Htnta Hiiil i-fTuctH for thu ^ctiurHl ht'Tifttt (if hJH cieditorH iiii'It-r thu proviHioiis of It.h. 0-, 1KH7, THp 1-J-t ttii.l aiuautliMM Arts. A ti>et)tii)K>>f the crixlitoisat llic saldaaRtKDoi' will lit* liL'lit Ht my oltleo in tUu VilliH*e ol I'lcHht^i ton in tlio I'ounly of (Irov, on Friiiiiv, llio 7tli ilay <>r AimiiHt, A. I). Itm, at tho hour of liMi o'clock in tho loreiioon.for tiiu a|>;)oiiituu>nc of iiHiicctorr and thv divine of dlrvctiuiis witli rt-furunco to tho diKposal oi tlio vhIaIo. AU ormhtorH of thi' said estate aro hertby riM|iiIr< il to nifl thoii clatins, veriflod by afliiU* vi( MS ii'uiiii'uil bv Kuiil Act8, with tue on or !>.'foi« IhtiMthilay of SoiitenibiT. A. I). is-jlV iiftor which hist Tuontioiirt.i (Into 1 »!uill piocuwil t" (liMli-il)ntH thi« Haiti tstuto, having ret^anl only toHitcli etniui't n-^ I thiMi «ball ha^f notice of, and I .IniU not hu it spontii liln for the i.t.t'utti of thu sail) f htatr or nuy part thoroof to any Cort^on or piTKous wIiohu clatiua ahuJl not have tH>n tlluU. Dato.l July ;UHh, A.U. IHX. (JIH)U(iK MITCHKLL. AsKiKuoo. Li:CAS Si, WUKIHT. l''lppht'i-ton.Ont HuliclturH fur AHhijjnoo.Owon Hound, Out. Buy Your SUGAR . . By t ho baiToi or KX) wii-ht It will cost you IcsH. We have a good. stock un hand. Also â€" Quait Sealers & ?1.00 dozen. â€" i (Jallon Soalem (â- â- '^l.'M dozen â€"Dinner Sotta ( KXJ pieces) dv ««.60. â€"Tea Setts (44 pieces) (* 12.60. B. Mcdonald Notice to Creditors In the matter oi the I'atate of Jane Radley, lata ol the Tow nahip oi Artemealo, In the County ol Orey, marrleil woman, decaaacd. Notlcu n lii'rii'.iy (-ivc* I'lirsimlU to R. S. O. lhM7, (<ha|)U<r 110, Bi'iaiiu Xi, uuil Ail'iiuli<llilnnts till 11 to tlmt alt (^rcilitain and otiial liLrxuim liaviiiii clniiiiH aKniiiHt thu l-.Htatu of tliii moil .la no liadly, do'iianril, wIioiLfiI on or abu^it llio "111 .liiy of Mnv A. 1). IHiLX lire riiiiilroil to b I 1»> I'ubt I'l-upuidor didivor to tho iitMleiHlf-nuil, Solic-iloiH for (lnoi'to II. Kiullty, tho adiniiiiH iritor of thoKnid !-'.HtHto, cm or lioforo tlie iil«t day of Siiiiteliilior A. 1). t8!Xi, tlioir cliristinll and surimiiirH, H(ldrc>hSi--t. and doM-riptinim, and full imltk-uliirH of tlloir i'lAiin«, nlicl ptatflnuntn of tlinir fti'couniH mid tlio uuluru of the nioiniiy. Ii any. hold by thcni. .And 3otlc<i Ik hovoliy fmllinr glvoii that after tlio Bald 'list diiy of Hrlitouiher A. l>. IBWi, tlio rinid adinii.lHtrator will iiroci'ti-l to distiibiite the iiHtato of the fwld dercutud aiuoni; tho jiarti, .lutitlod thoi-««to, ImviDf^ reii'Viil only to thoia i-lniiim of which he nhall thin havo luitliMi, nnd the Knid iLdiiiiniHU'ntor will not bo llatilo for llui rinid uhhoIh or any part thoreof to any pei mou or lioiKons of whoHU ulaim or i'IhIimh he nhall not hiivo had notica ut tho tiiuu of Hiiuh dlKtrlbulioii. Uatod this I7ili day of Aiigntt A. 11. 1h'.h;. l.UOAb .V WUlUll r, Dwoii Hound, BjlicltiiiB for tha Ailiiiinliitrator. CAMEjVSTRAY Cama tothiMiroriiiNos ^^f the undorMieuo'l lot IlHiid l.con. H. (Ihi.rav on or about -July 1, one yoarllni! heifer. Thu owner U n.,iiioRt d to provB proiiorty, jmy exponst-H and take tho aawe away. WM. C0UTT8, Maxwell I'.O. STRAYED Yearling «toer. avatled, iitar In forehaad moatly r«ad. Iiiforniation ai to, lila wliera- »b4ntl tbtqkfiilly raealvad. " ""^ 2W? Tjouch Tjhe Spot/ On FOR I>RICES seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NOTSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS^ UnUlKU 11A8H APRONS, lllNDEli WHIl'S, lUDlNT. SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE (iREASE. Goii^e ill and' Exaniine â€" 15c Print.s {.-oing at lOo per yard. â€" 12e I'lin'.'s ^'oiiig .-it 8c per ynrd. â€" 8o Priiitf going at 5c p'.-r yard. â€" 18c Cropoiis going at 12o per yard. â€" ICc Da Ijjiiiies going ;it lOo p'.T yard. - G Di;z. Latliis' I'nderve.stnat uccaeh. â€" 100 p.'\iri> I»idies' l;U.;k Hose at 4 puirs for 250. â€" lOJ p.irs Mi.n'» Wool Socks at - paii-s for "Joe. â€" 2nc, '25c !ind 30c Ribbons clearing out v.* 10c per j;inl. â€"50c Paiasola at 35c each. â€" t(5c Piira;it)ls at 4.5c eacli. â€" 75c Parasols at oOc c.ich. â€"Cream Laces at HAU PRICE. â€" .^ll-Wool Tweed, nice patterns at 30c por y:iid â€" Stylish Suiting Tweeds at D5c {>er yaitl. â€"NEW PANTIXGS. SHOES â€" Ladiea' Dongola Oxfords at 95c per (lair. â€"Gent's Dongola Oxfords at f 1.10 per jiair. â€"Gent's Huff Oxfords at 'JSc i>er pair. .11 ST RPX'EIVED A CARLOAD OF Closest Quotations For Quantities.. Hcirciware \ X)cp't. w. ivtoore: Earnessmaker, Flesheiton THE BEST OF'* Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. AL.SO Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice Block of Orocorios, Lomona and Ontngo.s. 2 hottlo.i Piekhvs for iioi: hest htand. Don't buy anylliinx hut tho LEADER CHURN.'it i.s tho hest. I soil it. A choice line of HAUDWAIIE and GLASSWARE. R: PEDLAR ///onej/, Tjnno and ijemper / Are fiv(|iicntly lost hy Inlying a jnwr iirticle booaiiKo it is chiap. IJut wh«n ytni gel ,1 koikI article, as in tho case of our HAKVKST Min't^ata low price, why jou arc all t). K. â€" Shocp Skin Mitts, 20c pair. 10-iii Sariiiiae Tan Mitt«, L;r>c pair. -- 10-iu .-\i-tiioii Horse Mitts, t.'5c pair. --12-in Saninaf T,nn Mitts, :>0c pair. â€" 14 in Heavy S. Skin MHt.s, 35o pair â€" 15-iii Hoiivy S. Skin Mitt.s, 40c iiair. â€" Moose Hide Mitts, 76c pair - ICin Oonuino Calf Skin, 75c mii (Mtir. ir IMiir. BINDER TWINE - Aiuotictii Stnt-.dard at 7ic lb. â€" American Sheaf at 8c lb. The Above Prices Are For Cash LADIES! IS your to buy a Now timo full Dinner Sott of Dishes of the newest stylo luid pHttern cheap; thily 87.50. Call nnd .sou them. C 7