Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1896, p. 1

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> '>'. a' 4 TRUTH BEFORE FAYOR." â€" '• PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, NO 800 FLBSHBRTON, ONT., THDBSDAT, JUNE 25, 1896 W. fl. THDBSTON, EDITOR % PROPRiETCH •â- 'L :i t-* 'f^-f\ ^/^ Special Lines . y For The Ladies X 9i Something very nobby in BELT BUCKLES and BLOUSE SETTS, very cheap and "fetching." Call and 8ce them. BROOCHES I in endless variety. iA An elegant line of WEDDING RINQS just in. Now ia tlie tiiue to invest. Never buy ta-raorrow what you can buy cheaper to-day. ^WL, JLRlVSESTROlSrO Jeweller >Y,t Por The Advance. Doalnioa Day-i896 mmmmM^mmi \ 0ur ^uQiness ^irec^ory §u<)imr^5 (Ennl$. M CULLOLOH <& YOUNQ, Bankers, MarkHale. do a K«n«ral banking boi- loesi. Money loansd at a reasonable rate. Call on na. AS. VANDU8EN, J. P. Clerk .Mb Dlv Court, Co Orey laener of Marrioijo ': ^'.•"'.•at.a, CommUiiiornr in H. C. of Justice, Aaut,ion-)er, etc. Flssuibton P.O. T\KBT8 COLLECTED. Tbe nndenigned ia prepared to undertake the collection of all kiuris of debts. Notes boaght. accounts collected, etc B. Jl. HENDERSON > Fl.«»BIBT0>i TCHISLBTT • Flpsherton Station Poitniaster, CoinmlBsioDer in H. C. J., Con- veyancer; deeds, ruortgages, teases and wills drawn. Charges moderate. Business letters written. dol9 B J. SPKOULB, Postmaster, Flesherton, Coaimtssioner In B. E., Licensed iuctiooeer. Conveyancer, A • praiser and Mcnuy Lender, Ileal Estate and Insurance Agent. Uneds, Mortgages, Leases, Wills drawu up and Valuations mads on shortest notice. Auction sales attended to in any part of the County. Money to loan at low est rates of inturnst. Collections attended to with proDiKtness and despatch Charges low. Agent for the Dominion Stoauisliip Company, eheap tickets from Fl>>sliertou to Liverpool, Glasgow, London or any of tbe British ports. Parties intuuding to visit England, Scotland or Irelani^will pleaHo ask rates before purchasing their tickets elsewhere focifticji. AO.U.W. -meets every first and tbird Mon- day iii eHchnioiith, in their lodge room Strain's Htock, Kl«shorton, at 8 p. m. W. H. Walker, M.W.; \V..I. Hellamy, finanofer W. Irwin Recorder. Visiting Bretbern invited. ROTTAL TKMFLARS OF TBMPBRAMCB. â€" Kegular Council meets every first and th>r<r 'fuesdtiy ovouin^ in each month, In Sproule's block at tt p. ni. Select degree insurauoe) ineots monthly, tbe Wednesday yreceding the 2'2nd of each month. SONS OK TEMPERANCR.â€" Tbii society meets in Dr. Cbristou' Hall first Wed- nesday in each month at 8 p.m. Visiting brakberen invited. Insurance in ooouootion. UP. B. A., meet In their hall, Chrlstoa's Block ever> second Tliursda> in each month. \Vm. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Bec- »tMy. PRINCE ARTHUR LODCi 15, No 88S, A F & A M, meet in the Masonic Hall, Strain's Block, Floshorton, every Friday on or before the tuUinioou. Gno. Mitchell, W H, W J Bellanij , secretary ^ DITPFEKIN LODOR, No 186, 1 O F, meets in C!layton'» Hall every Tues- dfiy evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brsthren oordlally invited AB VAMDDai:ii,MO Wm Moohb, See Jctttistvii. J P. UAKSHALL, L. D.8.,M.D. â- ., Dentist. Visits Markdals tbe 1st and .Ird Wednesday o( each montb, ffleahertooâ€" Uaoh trip on the 4av io«..4Wina. T Q- CAMPBBLL, L D S, DD 8, Dental Sui«aott, Markdala. Oniceover McCulloagh A Tonne's bank. Hoursâ€" 3.30 a.m. to 6 p. m. Visits Plesberton every second Tbarsday as followsâ€" June II and 3S, Julv 9 and 98, Aug. U and 37. Utber dates will follow. frgal pUOBT * BAT80II Barristers, Bollgltor*, Conveyanoen, eto. Office- Next to pos offloa. Sproule's bleck Flesherton.evary Thursday until further notice. C. A. BAT80N J. W. FROST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound offloe, Froet'e block Poulett St. East. 7 UCA8 A WRIGHT, Barristers, Solioitora, Conveyaneors, eto., Owen Sound, Ont. - Markdalo, Ont. W. H. WiuoHT. L B. Ldcas. N. B.-Flesherton offloe, UiteheH'e Bank every Wednesday. TUCKER ft PATTERSON. Uurrlstei s, solicitors, etc. Molsoo's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Qeo. W. Patterson Prdiral nR BUTTON MDCM, MFPftS Ont, Prlceville Office next door to Brown's store; residence one door west ol Methodist church, Kinross st. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, T\n CARTER M C P ft 8 Ont., Physician, Surgeon, etc Plesberton offloeâ€" Bttaina b'ook. Bssidanoeâ€" Munsbaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT U B Member College Physio, ft Burgeoas,Ontarlo Graduate In Medicine of Toror o University Fellowship Diploma, Post Oiaduate Medioal School and Hospital, Chicago. Diseasea of ere, ear, nose and tbroat speoially treated. Resi- dence, Maxwell, visits Feversbam Tburadays IS J P OTTKWELL Voterinary Surgeon. Qraduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Res ideneaâ€" Host door south of Moore's planing taotory, s QR. MARY M. BRAN DEB MDCM.MCPft B, Ont., Prioaville, Office and rosideuoe at Methodist parsonage Calls night or day promptly attended. pB ICBVILLB AND DURHAM 8TA0B. Durham stags leaves FlesbertOQ Btetlon at T.l.'i am., returns 4.45 p.m. Prloevllra stiso leaves tbe same plaoa at 19.30. returning at 4.46. Fare to Pricevillo antfretnrn, .% cents ; Durham, $1.50 for return, 7'o. single fare. Livery In oon- neotiou, O^rdsrsma be left at either hotel. A, M«CAU;<BT, Pirop Tbe summer's cloudless sky. And beauties of July Bid US adore Tbe One whose bonnteouH hands Bestows on these fair lands Gifts countless as tbe bands On ocean's shore. By nnity made strong 'I'D strive against all wrong And forward go May we be true and brave While freedom's banners wave Oar country's name to save From every foe. On this Dominion Day We seek that perfect wav Which never fail! : From selfish strife set free May we mcst plainly see What Canada sball be Wlisn truth prevails. May windom's fruits increase; May righteousness aun peace Have boundless sway. While liope'sglad voice we hear And brifjhter days appaar We keep with Joy sincere Dominion Day. Colbome, Ont., June 1896. T. WATSON Eppins From Our Own Correspmident Before this appears in print the elec- tions irill be a thini; of the past and a heap of eloquence will have expended it- self. However, gome more enterprising news gatherers will supply your readers with the facts. It will be quite a relief ^hen the elections are over and the peo- ple of East Grey know for sure who will repraaent them at Ottawa fur tbe next term. Mr*. Parks, of Willianisford, acoom- pauied by some friends, visited at Mr. W. J. BUck's lately. Mr. Stinson, a Hi«h School student, praachttd here in the absence of Mr. F>x, while the latter attended Confer- ence. Mr. Fox will proaeh his fare'well sermon here next Sunday e>rening. Mr. and Mrs. McCartney, of St. Vin- cent, visited the latter's parents Sunday week. Reeve Gilray ia attending County Council this week. TO BE FOUND .SLttlie ppeKKilses la.tely -va- cated by R. Pedlax*, biii-t NOT TO BE FOUND IHTantin.^ in supplying a first class airticle in clotln and iwo]? ZTry Tls and See . . • G. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor Library for the eneuini; year took place on TuAaduy. The following are the officers : Prcs., Mr. Bel) ; Tress., Mr. Pentland; Librarian, Miss Wright' ! Directors, Mrs. Bell. Mr. L. Walton' j Mr. B. Stafford, Mrs. Hard, Miss Graham. Inistioge. The garden parly which wm held in connection with the E. L. C. £. on Mr. H. Armstrong's lawn was quite a 8uc<:eHS. The young people turned out in pairs and seemed to enjoy themselves. Pro' ceeds of tb<r evening about 13 dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Metheral of Dunedin called on friends here lost Sabbath. Mrs. McGee is speiiding a few days with her daughter. Mis. Geo. Ratlvdge. Mr. L. Wakeley has returned to his home at Bolion. H. Hutchinson drove to Victoria Harber last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hogin of Corbettun wore guests of Mr. Redmond lately. Mr. Stewart of Toronto is visitin,; at the home of Mr. J. Johnson. He purposes spending some weeks with friends and relatives hero. Last Sunday. Dr. Campbell preached his farewell sermon to a lar^e and attentive congregation. During his three years' stay he liaa been recognized as a man of power. His advice and sermons bave been exceedingly helpful. k large place in the esteem and love of his brethren, will be lefc vsoant by bis removal, and their prayers and good wishes will fwllow him to his next field of labor. By the time this budget appears in print tbe ballot box will bave told the tale. It ia our wish that right Diay win the day. EuKcnia. Kimberlcj. From, mir ow â-  correspondent, Mr. Graham has commenced rebuild- ing his mill. On Saturday evening the smoke stack was raisad and part of the machinery put into position. On Mou. day the welcome sound of the ene o'clock whistle was a^'ain heard. Master Ruhl and the Misses Ida and Gertie Baker of the 11th line ef St. Vincent were the guesta of Mrs. ^joll last week. v Mrf. Dr. Wiight of Jaokson, MichigitD, U. S., are the guhsts of Mrs. Thuraton. TheeteQtwnof utficera fur the Public F'om our own Correspondent. Railway meetings and telephone meet- ings have been plentiful during the past week. For the railway we must wait and hope for its coining, but the telephone is now a certainty if the good people in and around Eugeuiu will only give a little labor by putting in the poles which are already laid on tiie road. It will be a great ,M vantage to Eugenia atid. t!... surrounding cou^itry. Every one is pleased at the Rev. Mr. Balfour being returned to Eugenia circuit for another year, na he ia held in very high esteem in all hie appointments. The grasshoppers are very numerous this season and are beginning to do serious danittgo bo the crops. Late sowed grain and turnips are suffering. The question now is, can there not be some remedy found to exterminate them. [See article elsewhere in thi» isHue.] Mr. Geo. Chudwick of Wiarton has been visiting friends here the past week. Miss Minnie Cair, who has been living in Tortmto for some time past, has re- turned home. Miss Ada Sloan of Flesherton was the guest of her Aunt, Miss Beecroft, on Saturday lost. Miss Lizzie Cameron, who was visiting friends in Toronto, haa retiimej home. Miss Wells and Mise Gibson wf Flesh- erton .spent a few days with their friend, Mrs. Williams, of Fair Viem Villa, Eugenia. Mrs. Dunbar of tbe Soo and Mr. .Joseph Walker of Creemore paid a visit to their sister, Mrs. J. E. Sloan, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shervyood have Boiie to visit friends at Drew. The hay crop in this locality will be almost « complete failure owing to the dry weather and tlio gi asshoppers. The strawberry crop hss been goo<l this season. A lai'KO army of pickers has reaped a very good harvest. Times are not very duliaround Eugenia. Many pionios make it rather lively. Priceville From oiir oivn CorrMpo)xdent. The voting on Tuesday was decently and in order. James Watson was return- ing officer while Geo. Tryon occupied the deputy's posi'icm. The scrutineers wore ns follows : For Jainieson â€" .Inc. Wil- liamson and Dcmnld Currio ; for Lander- kinâ€" Malcolm McDonald and David Dow ; for Allan â€" Dave McDonald. Messrs. Wni. and Charlie Conkey, of Guelph, and R. McNulty, of CoUingwocd, were in town l&t week on election busi- ness. Rev. Mr. Hartley will preach his fare- well sermon next Sunday. The Rev. FIELD AMD' Garden SEED5 -^^^.^ in large quantities at W.E.Richardson's J Mr. Hum phreys, of Markdale, haa been I appointed by the conference for this f circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Lomas, of Collingwood, were the guests of Mr. Dan McLean last week. Mr. and Mrs. King, of Grand Valley, are visiting with the latter's mother. Mrs. Watters. Miss Agnes Coboum, of Rochester, if home for her holidays. Mrs. Mitchell, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jhs. Reed. Mr. Thoa. Conkey, of Dundalk, came to this burg last Tuesday to cast his j ballot. ' Mr. George Watson, of Georgetown, icaiiie to town last week to exercise his franchise while Mr. R. McGowan went I to Oiikvillo for the same purpose and then to Pricevillo the same day, thus killing two birds with one stone. Mrs. Chas. Cameron, of Durham, is the guest of Miss M. Brown iit present. Mr. and Mrs. Bolger paid Priceville a visit on Tuesday. Mr. Brander, of Whitby, is visiting friends this week in the vicinity. We once visited a public school At recess a little fellow came up and spoke to the teaoher. As ho turned to go down the platform, the master said: "That b<'y is a boy I can trust. He never fail- ed me." We followed him with our eyes and looked at him when be took hi" seat after recess. He had a fine, opi>n, manly face. We thought a good deal about the master's remark. What u character tbe boy had earned ! He had already got what would be worth more to him than a fortune. It would be v. pass- port into the best store in the city, and, what is better, into the conSdoiice and respect of the whole commuiuty. We wonder if tbe boys know hnw soon they are rated by other people. Every boy in the neighborhood is known, and opinions formed of him ; he who has a character â- whom the master can say, " 1 can trust him ; he never failed me," will never want employment. .»A*VW<

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