3e: ;:uw. srrcrj:x::tir ros '^H'fi FLISHSRTON ADVaKGI D. ricTavish FLESHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND TS For Massoy-Harritf, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Flenry and Verity plows on hand all tliu time, also all kinds of repairs for tlif same. We manufacture Wagons, Buj^gics, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horst sLoeiug promptly attended to. bpeeial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Cliains constantly on han^. SUMHER SALES ,,, NOW RUSHING ! Thin is the season of year when you want to buy a nice buggy or cart. I huvo thvm â€" l)eautio« â€" and will soil on your own teniiH- -if they are not .all one-sided. I'liinting and re-triniining done to order. l)ou't buy without looking iu uiton my samples und getting prices. R. T. WHITTEN ^"7^ -^ -r- -w ^^ â- ^'""^^'â- :r^.. '^'â- ':^^'-^^^^^^^T^,»^T'Mi^^mt^^-'-^''^»^^M',r^ , i'^ 3^ "^ wr,'tt?gagwwaigrfiwaw^ GO TO m J.H.HEARD FOK THE 13 li l'loU!{'l SllOli'l; CiGIES, W.maonn, Carts. Spiiu^ T"rith iiml Iron Ilrnrnivs. p'io<l»aiid WtMids' ItindiTR, Muweis, fbirst? llikrs and l'liiii;.;lis. Floury PloiiuhH, Scuftl.rs and Tuiniu Kurd DrillH. Dick's s mid L'lnil U.illiTN. Sh.ires f«>r ;dl Kiii'ls of I'lou^'tis. H >rs« (lUii all kinds of ISlacl'.sniitliinj;. Wood, Luiii'icr, Ci-di»' I'uhIs 1.1 Shiiifjles. g^», i| » i; w .u« i j.i » l, P iiwM » nil w fiVLi m , â- i 'w; >w . i i w ." w m»,»ut) w ww â- !»â- â- ». [.v. . .i '<\ A Road Making a.nTyijy\nr{f\r\iyu\iyyyrLp fj Be Happy I U uvan/ui/uuuuuuuuuvru c. njx/>n!yu>n.Tru^...j.iJVir.njTnri;' I With Others - ^ ^- - Evcry'luiii fnuli in the wiiy of Isniniis oran^u5, uula all Utiid<(, cnift'ctioiicry o tlia clio'cBHt variety, (ig>». diiti'«, prunes, cratilieirifs, liincuits of all kinds, cinned fruits and veijetalilei, tens, suijurs and all other i!n«c«iics ; stock ad fresh for the h<dul:ty tritde. Oysters ^''"^W^!,' "^° lltiil flour and feed coiihtanlly rtn hand. APPLI!5in AinallQuanlltiesor by tha Barrel Will. I3ariiliouse SiU^ tor* ^^^ Eugenia Mills -AND- Carriage Works. Oarria(»e8 made and Repaired, alno Plnr.iiif,' and Matching, Band Saw. In?, v/ooii Turning of every des- oriplion. i'laning and Gram Chop Oin{i(li)ne while you wail, for th<> Bsaver turns thewlieol. T.W. WILSON Unimgcr OAVEATB, TRAD! MARK*, 0E8ICN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, ato. r,ir liif,»miat!'in and fn-o Handii-xiU uritfl to »n;.SN a CO, sm iihoahway. i+iiw v, ric. OIiiiHl tutrcj.ii for fiooiirluff palcntJliD Amr-iina. Kvpry rnt^nl taki'H out hy iih la LrullKtit Iw'foro till' |iiif III: hj a HKilo* nlvuu rrue ofcliarKO lu Uia largest ctrcTiTatlnn of any nrlmtinn pAp4*r In tha Wurld. Hi.lunitlilly lllllHtrat«il, No lulolllRnnt man ohonl'l Im wllbuut It. Weekly, 03.(M» a lean ;i.r,ii six in'intJK. XMrnm, KiiHS * CO., PmiitMras 301 Uruoilway, ^«w Yurie City, A. JLiJtart Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Whicb Doctors Failed to Help, CURED BY TAKINCS AVFP^^ ^^^""^ ^ I i-^ly O Pectoral. "I contr.ictod a serero mill, wlilch aettli'd on my lungs, ami I <lld what In i>(t«n dimo linuch cases, neglected It tUliiklng It would Ro away us It cuinui but I loiind, after a ttio while, that tho sUglitest exertiua pained me. I then Consulted a Doctor who found, on oxamlnlnR my lunps, that the lippor p^irt of the left on.- was imdly alteettd. Ill) K.ive mn .suino inedleino whleli 1 tool, as uirceted, l.ut H did not soem to do any pond, furtiinalely I liai.ix-nud to read In Ayer's Almanac, uf ihs effect that Aycr's riieri7 1 eetoral Ii.v.' oa oliinrn. and I rietermlued to fivo It a Iri il. After taklnij a tew dosM n y rpidilo was relieved, and hifoin I had flii- Islieil the hfiltin I w.is cured.'"â€" A.Lb»'LAK, watchmaUor, OrangeviUe, Out. Ayer's Chernf Pectoral niiirliest j\wpr aa nt 'World'a Fatr. Ai/cf'n i'illa Cui-o liultaeaUon. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is 11-2.6 vory B<Bst l'l.Af;B m CAN'AUA TO (JP.T A TliOfOQSii BQsiD8SS Ediicalion. Take a Round Trip J?,?„, ^iriul' . .„. â€" _ ColleKes and UoiniMuruial DnpartinentB in O&naila, thuii vinit the Nonhurn IliisineHB Collece ; o*Htnjiiu uvurx'- tbiii: thi>rnin{hly. If wo full I, |>i'oii\ic« tlie rioht (.hnroi)tfli,ooinpluto, practical and nxten- â- ive eoiirxa of Htndy ; the boHt ooUtifto prtiiiiiBes anil t.lio tiqf.t anil niOB*. ooinidote and moHt ault- abliifurnitiiru and ailllanous, wo will i^iyo you a fall oourae FRRH. Kor Annnni Annouiioe. fMBt.glvlug full particulars free, addrea C. A. FLEMING, Principal. A. W. Campbell, C. U., Prorinoial In- structor iu Koad making, Ima isHued the following bulletin from his department ; DKAINAUE Perfect drHinai(e, first, of the found- ation uf the ruadlied ; secondiy, of the road surface, are the points in road- making on which too much stress can- not be laid. Tlie fir«t is accoin;dished by under- drainage, tile drains beinf; laid at a depth of three or iimie feet below the surface on each side of the r>ad-bed iit the foot of the ^rado and parallel to it. Care should be taken to lit and settlu the lile in the trench ko tliat, when re tilling with earth, tliey will not be dm- placetl. Ah a rule two and a half inch to four inch tile will bo suflicieiit. 'I'lic joints Khiiuld be cliRe and tho grade a true line. Loose jointb and an uneven L'rado allow silt to pasH into the tile and remain there, destroying the drain. Surface drainage is nccoiuplishcd by open dr.iiiiH on each sidu of the arade, huviii;; sullicieiit capacity to drain, not only the road-bod, IJui the land adji.in- ini;. With open drains and with tile diaiii.i make and uiaioiain a tree outlet til the nearest watercourse. A drain nithout an outlet is uselcNS. In con Htruuting a coud ri>ad a dry foundation ix the matter of tirat importance. CROWNINO TltB ROAD The graded portion of the road should be wide enough to accommodate the traircl upon it, and nut s/reater, the slope being uiiifunii, not he^ipud in the centre. The cruwii should be well abuvu the over How i>f Htnrin nater, und ulioull have a iirade Kutiicienl to she 1 water rei«d ly in the open ditchei on tither side. Do nol muiid It up S'>aiito make the grade steep .Hid (lnn.'eMU!', uiulur tho miataken iiii pre.sAion that better dia iia^o will therel y iiu secured. Nor aliould it be so luw a.-< to alhiw water tn Mind upon il in de- I restiiotm. I'ndor ordinary circuontanees one inch or one inch und a half ti> t!iu liMit ii a proper glade ; that is, a road 'nil iweoly-.-ix feet »i.le should be fri'io tliir oeii to twenty iiiohej hi{.her ut the centre th n at tiiv Nule, <^f.»LITV OF OUAVBL Tha gravel should [irefeinbly be slnrp, clean und of unifmin size. Pit gravel usually C'litaius too much earthy matter, and where the hrter is in excise, the L'ravel, an a loaduukiiig material, i.s use Ids. Lake gihvel is upl to be rounded, na'cr-WMin and Kek.ng in the necessary oaithy niotter t<i make a solid and ciiii pact suiface, but im gonerally a lielter load metal than pi'. ;.'ravel. A cuatinu i f pit grav 1 with a siiriueing of creek gravel >H a giKid coinbiiiatiiiii. All lar.>e stoiit.s • himld Le removed a.n they will work to the Hiirface, and nili iheii uiU loosely or fiiiin tiiugh |Xotul>vrances ri.AcrNO TIIK OKAVEt 1'ho gravel shnuld be spread evenly over the suiface of the sub-grade to a depth of Hix or ei.;ht iiicheH, and ts the reipiired width, then rolled with a heavy roller. Itiilling should be performed iii showery weather, us il is impossible to C' nsolidnte dry eaith or gravel. Tl.» heavier the roller tho belt T will bo the itKultn, but if a heavy mllur cannot le obtained, a light luller is much bettei thin linnu. I'lie roller nbould be passed .'Vir the surface until tie giavol or earth IS ro coinprt't «M nut til l>e ilihplaccd and Mitt' il ly tho wlieel.t uf a wa^'oii paswiiig over it with an indiii iiy load. The sur- face must bo inaiii'ained ainooth and hard, to shed water and resist weir. Lvery niuiiieipality xhould have a roller, till wheilier one can be obtained or not (ho uiavel shiMild imt be left in a heap just as it falU from the wa.<on. JSpread .t eveii'y. KErAIK.S Gravel roiuls alreaily c instructed will need rejmir. Iiy the use of ro:td ma eliiiiery aerupe the auilaco and cut otf llie corner.*, which •ill have forn.ud at llie foul of llic .,'ra lo by lli i wasliiuij d'pwn .if ilu-ty niatiiiil from ihe crown if the riiad Loofcn ilio Murf.ice, patliculaily ilmt part of the truvellxl portiiui and where tho road is rutted, with picks, or. If p'l.ssible, will) riiad machinery, then ap- [ily H ciiatin^' if grnvid i nil roll thinouiili- ly. It iM id niino iiniioi tarce, Jiowever, III K«e that the diains ue not wlislructcd in their cnuise and that their outlets ate fice and open. East Qrey S. S. Convention A t Henclersor]'s Store Strai-ht Uoljpr Flour, $:}.75 per bbl. Otiicr trvfidi'.s cqiuilly lo'.Y. Our 25o TEA is iiKiiinniici d by our cnslonuns tho bebt • vilue for tlio inoiioy they Ban yet. It is a fine (liivoivd tea, {try it.) ()i'aii;:'i'S, Lohioub and BatmniiH nii hand. Fiifit cliipfl To-, tnato I'laiitH for pnlo. We are selling off our Trunks and Valises at near cost. An cirlv call solicited. *^WM HBNDEKSOn FLES1EI1TI8 STEJH UKI18Y, I havA oponod up a cninploto steam laundry In l''lt*sherton. anil mil prepated totakolnany iliiaiititv of liiiiiiitrv work at Io\v«r prieeR tliau are cbaryod oUi>wlinre. 1 bavoput In thelai«Hfe And most iniprovnd niacbinory to tliat end. KIr.dly give me a oall. Rutira satUfaotiou |uaraDk«td,aod pricea low. JiBB. Oio. UeeoBBocia The Reccnd aiiIiUaI meeting uf the Sabbath Hclioi.l A.^suciatiMii of Centre liioy was held on Tiiosdae^ t)ih list., ill the Metliodiat church, Alarkdale. I ho iiicleliK'ii.-v of the weiMier seriously 1 (beted the «!Zo of the niidieiioe, while ho absence of the MuthoJist preachera lo tho Toi'into C>iiiferen:e interfered W'.lh the piigiani, but iiotwiihstanding these and oilnr adver.io circuniRianceK tho attendance was fair and, the pii'giaiii excellent. The following cler,;ynien were iireseiit : Ilev. J. F. McL:\reii, 1>. I)., Kocklyn ; Kev. 11. ,1. Murphy, Walter's Falls ; Rev. Dr. Di.toii. Gait ; Key. Jt. J. Husband, Uollaiu'. ("outre ; Rev. Mr. Walker, Meaford, aiiu Revs. Hunter, Ooldberg and Kdwards of ilaik dale. Uev. Mr. McLaren was ro e'ected prea.dont, Mr. C R. Sing, treasur< r, and Mr. W. a Pickell, secretary, /or the ensuing year, and it was decided to hold tliti iiUKl annual convention in Thorn- bury, the executive committee to arrange tie dale. At the morning session R. v. M--. Murphy gave an interesting paper on '• Lesson Helps," which was in- tellijiently discuised. In the afternixm Rfcv. M. M. Gold- berg gave an able an 1 very interesting paper on ihe Jewiek triining of children, which was followed by a diicus.sion. A papir on " Teaching the catechism in the S S." by Rev. Mr. McLaren was also interesting and briefly discussed. Rev, Mr. Hunter gave an addrepB " Organized S.S. VVork," which was well received. An address by Rev. Dr. Dixon of Gait was a treat, and closed the p. ni. session. KVENI.NO SEE8810N At 8 o'clock the president took the chair and after devotional exercises Mr. Picked ynve an address of welcome after .vliich an animated di-.cusiinn took placid on " The aim of 'he S. S. in his work,'' which discussion lifiiUiht out tho tlieoloiiioal side prominently. Later on Di . Dixon give an excellent and much appreciated address on "Home in lluence in relatinn to theSabbathschm 1." The Dr. also conductud the riuestion drawer in a masterly manner. The clmir rendered various appropriate aelectii.ns vtfiy jroditably. At 10 ii'c'ock thia very interesting and profitable couvenlion closed. â€" S tandard . > > lei * â- Ilonar Kull;i. Ernest Mervin Harry Carrie Willie Linda Flesherl on Public School, honor rtdl for May 18!K5. Class 6 sr. â€" Frank Irwin, Ariu-itriing, John Hill. Class 5 jr. â€" Z lb Trimble, Vanzjiiit. Class 4. â€" Ida Gjerdrum, Stewart, Hal tie Sullivan. Class 3 f. â€" Teenio Smith Rui ledge, Rus.se 11 Smith. Class 3 jr. â€" Mina Beattie, Swanton, Geo. Mc'.'oi iiir.ck. Class 2 ar. â€" Roy HatuiltUD, Flisher, \\ dda Crus-ley. Cla-i-s 2jr.-EvaGo..daM, Willie Halo, Albert Legard. Part 2 sr. â€" Walter Loucks, E.nerson Wicken.H, Ida Sullivan. Part 2 jr. â€"Ella H»rnshou»e, Miliie Cro.ssley, Lottie Miwre. Mr .\ithur Honsiin shot two very 1 ir.e coppor head snakes at Sliawanaja l.v-t Week, with a 22 calibre ritile. Onu i f C'le snakes niei.iui'e I 7 ft. ins , tl e other G ft. 8 ins. After shooting tie reptiles Arthur skinned tb.em. TI.eKVins are exccudiogly beautiful, atid niik.s oleL'ant belts or slippers fur ladies. â€" Eiittrprise. .1. Nelion, who lirrs three or i. ur miles east of .\ytoii. had a couple of ghc-p killed one night of last week .iiid iiatur»l- ly concluded that do^n were the offender.'!. The next night wo understand his milk cans were emptied and from the tracks about he became su.ipicious that it was a very lai"" kind of a dog that was abmit and he sent word lo Jiui Peters, a neigh- bor and .-v noted hunter of by gone ilitys. It did II >t take Petert long to decide that the marks were boar trucks and he armed hiin'<elf will his gun and started ilf. Pretty soon a report of a shooting iron was heard and on investigation a big fiiur hundred pound bear was found mortally wounded by Peters Bruin was on exhibilioTi at Ayton on Sunday. -Post. One uf those pleasing events which gives ple:i.iure to sn may t'lok place at the lesidence of Mr. Richard Parslow of Swintiin I'ark on Tuesday, June <Jth, the iiccasion Icing tho marriage of his ynuiiuest daughter. Miss Sara E. to Mr. Percy Lawrence of Bury, Quebec. The Rev. Han ley olH.i.ted. Mr. George l'.irs!o.v tilled the positi .n of Broomsmaii while the bride was assisted by her couKin, Mi<s Minnie Parslow. The liiideand bridegro<>in were tastefully costumed in cream cashmere trimmed With chiffon end wore boijuets of I nnigoliia blossoms. Miss M. llaidy playotl and with the insiitance of Mr. John Shaw on the clarionet furnished music for the afternoon entertiiiitnent of the L'uests. A larjio number of friends wiini'Hsed the ceremony and after the wedding a most sumptuous dinner was served. The happy c luple left on th* afternoon train for Ottawa and nther (daces. Ma>iy and costly were the presents, the bride being one of the ino.tt popular yming ladies iu the neigh- borhiiiid.-- Herald House and Lot For Sale For pule chrap. on (*afly tcrnifl that comfort* nhlt' roBldeiiue oil Mary St. KieHliermu, roiita'm- tt.K H rooiT's and wootl Khud, with hard and > utt wiit..)r piitnpR, hoth under cover, beautiful i^ti ili>n aiKi orctinrd tHao well flidshnil atal>1i> a*i(t ilrivc houHo <.iHxt24 (t. A^iply to J.K. MOOUIO, Furniture dcalor. Uo Tjhe !Pubii'e The Markets. THE BEST OF" RoHer Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Brar), Shorts, Boiled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Groceries, Lemons and Oranges. 2 bottlcn Pickles for 25câ€" best brand. Don't buy anything but the LEADER CHURN, it is the best. I sell it. A choice line of HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. Carefully Corrected Ea«-h Week VUniT $3 80 to $4 40 Oats 18 CO 18 I'eas 45 to 4» Butter 11 to 12 Egya, frosh 9 to » Potatoes bag 20 to 25 l'"rk 4 50 to 4 at) Hay per ton 10 00 to 1100 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins. 2J to £>9 (ieese 5 to 6 Turkeys *. 7 to T Chickens per pair .'.0 to 26 Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 20 Time Table. OOING .SOUTH. Markdaleâ€" 6 40 a. in. 4 40 p. m. Flesherton â€" U.C3 a. ni. 4.53 p.m. GOING North. Fle.shertonâ€" 11.48 a. ni. 9.17 p. m. Maikdaleâ€" 12.04 p. ui. 9.o0 p. m. AVER'S Hair VIGOR Besto703 natTurol color to the hair, and aleo prevents it itUlin^ out. Urs. n. W. Fenwlck, o£ I>isby, N. S., says : "A little more than two years af^o my hair bpgan to turn g r .t y and fan out. Af- ter the use of onf! bottle of Ayer'a Hair Vigor mjr h:iir was restored to its originiu color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept tlio liair in good condition." â€" Mrs. If. F. PENwicK, Uigby, K. S. Growth of Hair. " Eirjht years ngn, l hasl the vario- loid, iiiid lost my liair, which previ- ously was nuito abundant, I tried a variety of preparations, i",it with- out Ijeneficial result, till I began to f.-ar I should be pcrmanenily bald. About six mouths ago, mv husband brought home a bottle of Ayer'a ILiir A'i^or, and I bcRan at ouce to U3J it. In a short time, new hair bcrnn to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of b.Tir ai beforo my illness." â€" >Irs. A. WiiBEK, i'olymnia fct., New Orleans, La. Ayer's Hair Vigor ri:KPA.RED nv O DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Ayer'a I'illa cure Siek Ileaaaeha, R. PEDLAR i Photos 'ii â€"TAKEN ^ â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery ^ aro done in fnst-cla.ss style and at % biwest rates. Speeial Hitention & t;iveo to copyiiiB. Habies' photos. .^ a specialty. Pictures finnud. I MRS. BL'LMER Flesherton Saw Si Planing _ Mills The undersigned aro placing in po- ailioii a first class sawmill for custom sawin},', which will bo ready for opera- tion in Jainiavy. AVe have also added A CMOr PINO MILL For the coiiveuieuco of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 6 cents per 100 lbs. The sash and door factory, band and Boroll sawing business continoed as usual. Pile in your orders. BEECROFT & TALBOf i