Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1896, p. 1

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mm T!?""^'^" W.1 ;V- .41k' ' -•^^ •^''[•'""^^ff -• ^ ?»" sb^rtrrn ^iiiana. " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, NO 799 FLBSEBRTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1896 W. fl. THURSTON, EDITOR * BROPRlETCR Special Lines For The Ladies Maxwell •Soiiiothing very noliby in BELT BUCKLES and BLOUSE SETTS, very chuap and " fetching. " Call and sen them. BROOCHES I in endless variety. An elo;iant line of WEDDING RIN(iS just ill. Now ia tliu timo to invoKt. Never buy to-morrow v.hat you can buy cheaper to-day. Jeweller '•i^^p^^^v^^'j^nif^ 'T^ -^ -^ -: ,-5~y"<.g«rj ig dfl -.-g ^' ur "^usinsss ^irsctory From our oivii V(tiTespoiuient Mrs. CouHins, from Singhunipton, visit- { ed the parental home here recently. Mr. Ed. CaiT, from Eugenia, gave ua a call liitoly. I Mr. John Gibson, fif>m Fleshurton, ! plastered Mr. C. M. Field's hoUHu a week j ago hist Wednesday snd Thuraday. | Mrs. Maxwell, from BiiUalo, visited ; her parent.^ here last week. She took ' her family back with her. | The fiuieral of the late Mr. CVosby, ' from ue.or Singhamptnn, took place a week ago last Thurwlay. The Rev. Mr. Legate preachinl the sermon and the body was interred in the Methodist cemetery in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Brownridgo and Mrs T. Brownridge, left on Tiiesilay of last week to vinit friends near Blyth. There was a R. R. iiucting held at Mr. John MutliU's on Tuesday evening of laat weik. Mrs. Tuck, fmra Markdule, visited friends here recently, Mi-N. Carr, fn)ni Ejigonia, roturnpd home a week ago luKt Wednesday, aitjr a lending some ilays here with hur daugh- ter, Mrs. (ieorgo Lawlor. Tlie Oningemcn a week ago lost Satur- day cleaneil their hull for the County meetings on Tuesday tlie '.Ith. Mr. and Mrs. TIms. Pallister, from Flesh'.'rton, spent Sunday of last 'iveek in town. Dr. Soott roturnod home a week ago last Friday from New York, where ho Iiail been U-iking a spori d eoui-so. TO BE FOUND ILii the px^enriises lately -va.- C£bted toy R.. PedLlap, tout NOT TO BE FOUND ^SVantin^ in. supplyixi^ a, fi]?st cla^ss a,r*ticle in. clotto. £Ln.dL 'uirox*lcma.]:i.sto.ip. I Ory us and See ... G. J. LEIICH, Merchant Tailor gusiufjs? CjudiJJ. M cuLLouan <& Youxa, Ban'torn, Markdalo. do a Reusral banking bus- iuesB. Muiay loauaJ ut areauonable ratu. Cull on UB. A8. VANUUSEN. J. P. Cloik "jth Div Court, (^o Oiwy Il-'SUc.t i>( Miirriago LicuuHOH, Cominissioner in . H, C. of Jubtice, Auctiont- ur, etc. I<'LRBHBItTON P. O. D EBT8 COLLECTED. The iinilerniitnod Is prepared to undertake the collection o( all kinrie ol debts. Motes b9ueliti, uu>j(>uiit9 colluctud, etc B. N. UENDEK80M « F1.BSBKRTON TCHISLKTT • Flosliertou Btittlun Foitniaster, Commlssiouor In H. C. J., Cou- Vdyaiicor; duede, mortgages, leases and wills drawn. ClmrRes nioderala. BueineBS letters writtoii. dolO J!cuti$n'it. T P. M.UtSIIALL, L. D. S.,M.D. S, Oentiet. Visits Markdale tlie 1st and llrd Wodnusday of oacb month. Pleebertuuâ€" Eacb trip on tbe dar bi.xWiUK- T a. CAMPBELL, 1- D -i DD 8, Dental SiirKoon, Maikdalo. Ofllceovar McCullougb & Young's bank. Hoursâ€" .S.JO a.31. to 6 p. m. Visits KliiKlierton tjvorv second TbTirsday as folKiwHâ€" ,liMie U loitl i5. ./ulv U and UJ, Aug. 1.1 and ur. UtUor dates will follow. ffpl. i»UOST * HATSON R. J. SPROULE, Postniastuv, Klosberton, Commissioner in B. R., LioouBcd /uotioncor, Conveyancer, \ â-  pralsor and Money Londor, Real Estate and Insuriiucu Aijunt. Duoda, MortRafios, Loases, and Wills drawn up and Viiluatious made on shortutit notice, .\uclijn sales attended to in any part ol tbe County. Money to loan at low est rati'S of interest. Colloutions attondnd to witb pronnitiiBHS and dospatoli Chargos low. Asent for llio Doniinioa b'oamship Company. Oboap tiokuls from Flcdiorton to Liverpool, llIasKow. London or any of the British ports. Parties iiitmuliui; to visit liiiMland, Scotland or Ireland, will please ask rates before purebasing tbeir tkikets elsowbora c^utivtifss. AC.U.W,â€" meets every llrnt and third Mon . dav ii. each niontli,' in their lodKo room Strain's Block, FloKlmrtou, at « p.m. W. H. Walker, M.W.; W..I. liollaniy, financier W. Irwin Ueeoider. Visiting Brstborn invited. ROYAL â-  TKMPLAHS OF TEMPERANCE. â€" Hc'Kular Council uioets every first and third Tuesday ovoniiiK in oacih nioiuh, in Sproulu's block at 8 p. m. Select dcKrce intmrsiH.i meets monthly, the Woduosday preceding the 'i2nd of each month. SONS OF TRMPKRANCE.â€" This society meets in Dr. ChriKtoo' Hall first Wed- nesday in each month nt 8 p.m. Visiting brotborcn invited. Insurance in connection. UP. B. A., meet In their hall, Christoe's 4Jlook every second Thursday in each oionlb. Wui. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Soo- ratary. PRINCE AR'miun LODGE, No sas, A P & AM, niuot in the Masoi-ic Hall. Strain's Block, I'Meshcrton, ovury Friday on or before the full moon. Dr Carter, W W, R J Upioulo, secretary DUFKERIN LOnOE. No 180, I O O F, moots in Clayton's Hall every Tues- day evening at B o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited AS VakDosbn, KG Wm Uoobb, See Barristers, Solicitors, Convoyancorfl, etc. Office â€" Next to pos oUlce. Sproule'e block Flesherton, every Thursduy until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FUOST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound ofllco, Frost's block Foulett St. East. 7 UCASA WRIGHT, Barristers, Solloitora, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound, Out. - - Markdale, Out. W. H. â- Wnioirr. I. B. Ldcas. N. B.â€" Fleshertou office, Mitcbell's Bank every WeduoNday. "pUCKEB A PATTERSON. ^ Ban'isteis, solicitors, etc, Molson's Bank, Owen Sound, Harry G. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson glf Hical. nit HUTTON MDCM, MPP&S Out, Priceville Office next dnor to Brown's store; residence one door west of Methodist church, Kiuross st. Oflloa days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, D R CARTER M C P & S Ont., Physician, Surgeon, etc Fleshorton ofllceâ€" Strains h'.ock. IteBidoDOoâ€" . Muushaw's Uotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member College Physio, ft Snrgeons.Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toror o University Fellowship Diploma, Post Gioduate Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear. nose and throat spicially treated, Resi- duULO, Maxwell, visits Fevursham Thursdays 1 2 J P CTTEWELL Veteiinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veter/nary College. IloBidonceâ€" Next door south of Moore's planing factory. T\R. MABY M. BBANDEB MDOM, MCP4 8, Out., Priceville. Office and residence at Methodist parsonage Calls night or day promptly attended. jniCEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE. Messrs. Moffat. Williams, McKeuhnie and McNicol, M. P. P. A number of Durhamitoa were present. Mr. Bi-odie, of Vandeleur, occupied the chair. iMany of our citizens visited Flo>,hcr- ton last we.i-k during the storming of that burg by the political canipaigneis. A nmnber of electors fi-om this cimi- munity attended the nomination last Mi-s. Robert Heron and ilaughter spent Tuesilay in Durham, a few days with friends on tbe 10th line I The cattle fair last Mimday w,is a ro- recontly. I petition of the laiit one â€" poor prices and A number of our young people (Jr.) few buyers. had a picnic at the caves, back of j Last week one of Mr. P. Dow's horses Kavenna. a week ago last Tuesday. A savagely attacked its mate, tearing tho pleasant time was spent, only it rained so tlesh in a terrible manner. M. Mclntyre, hanl that they had to go to uuu uf the : V. S., w:ts called, but held out very little neighbors to get dry. 1 hopes for its recovery. 'I'he Rev. ^ir. Legate is attending Con- Miss Edith Hartley is visiting friondb ferenee in Toronto. in Newmarket at present. Miss Mary Strachan s|i;:nt last Sunday I Mr. C. C. James spent last week in in Eugenia. \ Owen Sound in tho capacity of a Gnvnd Miss Tilly Ganioy K ft last Saturday for ' J\n-ynian. Buffalo. Editor Gleiidinning of Dundalk and The Messrs. Field and Griffith, from Mr. S. K.innel of Swiutou Park were tho Liavenna, spent last Sunday in town. I guests of \V. J. Kliikest^ui last week. Dr. Weaver returned U> his home in Tori>nto last week. The fmieral of tho late Mr. Crofti, Sr., <ui the ^t!. liile, took ])lacc on Sunday. His body was interred in the Metho<list cemetery. Tho Rev. Mr. Legate will preach the funeral sermon next .Sunday evening. Tho Methodist .Sabbath schtdd will picnic in Mrs. Long's bush on Tuesday of next week. Some of our young people from here at- tended the Anny at Feverfrfiani last Sun- dtiy evening. Mr. Julian took charge of tho service in tho Methodist church liiat Sunday. Dr. Sproule, from Markdale, lield a political meeting in the Orsinge Hail last Monday evening. Miss Flossfo Hartley paid a visit to frieiuls in Holland Centre last week. Mr. Bert Ross, of Bay City, Mich., is home for his holid lys. Mr. Thomas Atkinson returned t*i tho tjiieen City hist week, where ho has a lucrative situation. Mr. John McMillan raised an atl- dition to his barn last Saturday. M<!ssrs. N. McLean ami .los. MeDon.dd were capt.{tiiis, the former winning tlie day. Rev Mr. Hartley is attending Con- ference in Toronto this week. FIELD Qarden 5EEDS tfci in large quantities at W.E.Richardson's Swiuton Park KimUrrley .Promoiir oic corresjxmdcnt'. Prof. Moflat. who culls himself th« blind orator, wholiasbcen sojuurninghere for Home time, at the rxpviise of the Travellers, Home, skipped by the light of the moon on Sunday iii^dit without :aying goodby to any me. Tho parties with whom he Ix. aided would like to learn of his wher.'ahouts. Mr. lUichaiiaii of Arkansas is tho gue^C of Mr A. MyluH. Miss MoNary of Benverdale is visiting 1 ajQeinl tliat Mrs. Hammc|ml. â-  f^^^. ],"„„„ „f Mif.8 McKiiiley >if Thornbury ia spend iiig a lew days with Mrs. Ellis. From Our Oiiri» Vu>Te»/Mmdrut A very pleasant event took place on Tuesday of lust week. June '.Itli, at the residence of Mr. Richard Par>low, the occaHiiiU beiiii; the inarriaiie of his youngest dauuhtor, Miss Sara E. Parslow to -Mr E. P. Lawrence of (j!uol>cc. Oil Friday ninht, Juno Bill, Mr. H. Wilson's sawmill was consumed by fire, also alvml .">()00 fi. of Inmbrr of his own and a iiumlior of loL'sof Mr. .lames Knox'a and about hfteeii hunches nt shinyles bo longing to Mr. .lohii Haw. Tho lire stiiited about 2 o'clock in the iii'^lit. Tlif cause is unknown but is supposed to have heoii caiist-d by lightning. The insurance is 8000, but tho loss will far Feverslinin. From oiir 0101 (\trr<:siti>nde>ii. Mrs. W. Julian i« very low at pre.sont iind very little hope is entertained of her recovery. • Mrs. Harton of the valley is visiting with her daujlitor, Mrs. A. .1. Couron. Mrs. and Ml^.'^ Gi ilKn of Wiarloii are visitinir at Mr. J. Griftin'.s of this plac. During the sIimiii last Friday William Wrifiht of tho ICtli line had a horso kill- ed with liirhtninir. tho was in tho stable underneath the barn at the timo it was struck, the I'gbtiiiiig .striking the roof and running ilown. the shaft of the n'iiidinill. Preparations aro uoing on for the R.R. When It comes w.e will have a l)o«t on tho river to make hourly trips between the Mill street wharf and, Conion s point Messrs W. Richardson, J. Mi-.Naiilly, and H. Wilson were all gliid lately by the arm al of a baby boy in each. Mrs. E. Kinndl is home oil a visit nt pruBoiit. Miss Nettie MoMiilan visited friends ho-e lately. Mrs. Csmpbell of Dundalk is the gucsl of Mr. J. Dou'.;laa Pleshcrtoii Station rricovlllc From our own CortenpondcJit. Mr. neiii])hill, of Ini.stiogo, visited with his biotlier, Mr. S. Ilomphill, last Sunday. Mrs. CairnH was very i.ick hint week. Glad to bo able to report lier recovery. (Juilo a number of our citizens jit- teiided tho funeral of the late Mr. Park, Tyrone. The members of this Orango lodge attended in a body. Ono evening last week when tho eleiirents were at jicace with all tho euith and a happy, siihducd feeling prevaded this happy burg, three beings in snowy white suddenly appeared before - J appearetl lieforo the Frmnoiir own Currerpowitnt. astonished gano of tho innocent inhubit- An enthusiastic meeting in the interests ants. They wandered through town and of Dr. Jamieson was held in Watson's finally disjippeare*! in the gathering Hall last Monday evening. .\ largo gloom, going in a southerly direction, audience was present and listened very In tho noisy silence that followed, a attentively to tho s(}eeclios delivered. ' sound as of rushin;! wind Wfis heard Durham staRi loaves Flesherton Station st 7.1.') am., returns 4.45 p.m. Priceville stoKe leaves tho saniu place at 12M, returning at 4.45. Fare toPrioeviileaud return,. 'M cents ; Unrham, for return, 75o. einfile faro. Liverv In con- neotion. Orders ma; be left at either hotel. ,„, ,- , ., w » r, â-  â- "" A. MoCAULBY, Pro^j ilne speakers, besides Dr. Jamieson, were Soon they appeared again, a scared look on their tmce happy faces, whether caused by an unexpectiMl meeting with tho " beast," or jio.ssibly a couple of crazy-looking, two-legged ones, who can tell ( Enough we know : they wavered a little at tho crossing, then slided swift- ly away t<» tho west. .Some coming from that direction say they saw tliein at a disUiiice holding an .inim.ited discu.ssiou, thou sped silently on. Vandeleur, June loth, '00. To the Editor of The Adniiice. Dkar Sir. â€" I sse in areport of asuit in the ci'lunis uf your paper ii which 1 am defendant, siateinoot which are false and mi'-'eadintr. Did your [ ajer not cxteinl heyond those who know the pill lies it would t'o ipiite luiiici'cssary to correc ihem. "All went well later than '87, wlii-n John got in.irr ied,'' hut up to '".12 when John had to ask the High Court to coirecl a Haw in a morigage maile from Weber to him when Weber tliieiiliiied ho would juit John on tlie road, and his evidaiu-o at court, had the .Judge believed him, would have •/ono f , r in that direction. Tho "sltviiogeticsl move" was no more on the p'lrt of .John than the other three broihers, brolhor-iii- law and sister, who were all anxious the iimtler sbouhl be stopped. Tho state- ment that "Neither supplied nor cash were forthcoininy" is falsi\ 1 visited her at my brother's, Geo. Grnl'.a'n'a, and told him to buy her all she nski d for and to toll Haniiiioiid to .send me the bill and 1 would pay it. "She ai;aiii souijht advice " throuL'h Weber, anil a few visits on tlie part rif Mr. Fi-o.^t. I wa.< sued in '!(2 for U,SG2 and part niaiiitetiaiico since, nearly Â¥1000. Li '!i2 1, with my two biothers and brother. in hnv, waited on AJr. Frost and olTcied §125.00 for ai renra of rent and JlOO a ye<\r after, which was refused A\'as Micro not a lack of goi d advice when they have to take S?i!50 and pay ail costs, especially with a wonuu now Hourly eighty yoara of iige I The pBi.son who cannot adviDO their own family right is a very poor ono to consult to give advice to another. J. L Graham. A man named McGuiggan, mar Allis- toii, was tried in Barrio lait week, for having more wives than the law allows. Ho proved, however, that ho know tnthiiiL' of the whereabouts of his first wife for seven years, and as she did not wish to live with him again he was allow- ed to go, and with wifo No. 2 ho went home rejoicing.â€" Cretimoro Star. i!imm*tm^/m*^- -0y^.-f,.

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