Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1896, p. 1

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zvlon Aiiratta, & "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XVI, HO 797 PLESHERTON, ONT^ THDBSDAY, JD»B 4, 1896 W. H. THUBSTON, EDITOR k PHOPRiETCR ;x^^;:r^'d.?;-:v-3i-T'i52^:c^^^^^^a^ Special Lines MlaxweU For The Ladies Sonic'thiD'^ vi-rv nobbv in BELT B'/CKLiS aua BLol'SE SLTTS, very cfaen;i ami •• fotching." Call and 8<2c thv-ui. BROO ACHES ! in endless variety. An eleg;.ut liae of '»VE-iDIN'G RINGS ju'?t in. Now is iJie tiuie tl> ijlT08t. Never bay to-morrow what you ciin bay cheaper lo-day. IN, i^LMM STRONG Jeweller w Qur business ^irector^ From our own Corrtiptmdent. Our «chool had a picnic on MoD^y the 25th, in Mn. Long's bush, and it waa w«ll aCtitnUed. Mr. «iid Mtb. Wm. Feawick, from BIyth, visited friends in this Ticiuity lately. The Missel Strachnn from here at- tended the picnic at Euuenia on tha 25tb. Urs. Richard Preston, from VVin- chei^ter, is vutitiai; the home of Mr. and Mrs. D K. Prescon. A Iiti le boy camo to the home of Mr. Sliier's the week before last. Mother and child are doing veil. Mr. Fred (latuey, from Flenherton, <;ave us a cdl last week. Eva Small, from Fleahsrton, ga\ e us a call laat Fridiiy. A number of ^ntlemni from here at- tended the Grand < intnge Loage of British America at Culliugwood laat week. Mrs. Carr, from Eugenia, is attending to her daughter, Mrs. G«org« LawIof, who is very ill. Our teacher. Mr. J. L Wnod, leai-^a i>ur schiiol after serving faithfully for nearly sii years. He is well koovii a/i beioK one of the best teachers in South Grey as has bf«n ahoirn by his work here and the standard mir sch(HiI has reached. Hp is » hard luan tu follow. A Mr. McWbiniiey, fr<'iii Hanover, t»k<s charge uow. The children her« cannot express their feelini^s in words for the Iocs of one • ho has been s<j kind to them. The Oiprey Cuoncil met in the Oraage Hall on Monday. \ Mr. While takes charge of the ser- rices at St. Mary's church here for a time. MCULLOUQH 4T0UNG, Bau<ters, Mark>tal«. do a sanetal banking bus. Moaa J loaoad at a rvasoaabla rate. Call AS. VANDU8EK, J. P. Clerk 5th Div Court, Co Orey Issaer of Uarriags Licenses, Commissioner in R. C. ot Justice, Auctioneer, etc. Flssbbbtok p. O. nEBTS COLLECTED. The undersigned is prepared to nndartake the uoDoctfon of all kinds of debts. Notes keoght. aocoantft collected, etc B. N. BENDEBBOM • Flesbxbtoh TCHIBLETT • Klesbertoa Station Postmaster, Commissioner in H. C. J.. Con- rejancer; deeds, mortgagee, lea^es and wills drsorn. Charces moderate. Boslness letters wiiltwi. dcl9 t» J. SPSOULE. Postmaster, Flesherton. CommissioDer in B. B., Licenced Auctioneer, Couveysncer, A . praiser aad Money Lender, Real Kstate au<l Insurance Agent. UccUs, Uortg*ti«s, Leases, and Wills drawn up aud V'alustiuna made oa shortest notice. Auction sales atteuded to in any part of tbe County. Money to \oa.\i at low sat rates ot iuterest. Collections attouded to with promt>tuess and desi^atch Charges low. Agent for the Dominion &toaLiship Company, ehaap tickets from Flesbertou to Liverpool, Ulsagow, London or any of the Bricisii ports. Parties iuceuJiuij to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will p!eai>o ask rates before purcbasiug their tickets elsuwbcre ^futijstvii. T P. MABSHALL, L. D.S.,U. D. S., Teatist. Visits Msrkdale ibe 1st and %d Wednesday of each month, risshertouâ€" Each trip on tha Jav Ci.uWins. T G. CAMPBSLL, I' D S. DO S. Dental Surgeon, .Uarkdale. OfllceoTer McCullougu <jt Young's bank. Hoursâ€" S.3U am. to 6 p. m. Visits t'losbrtrton evcrv second Tbursdav as folloarsâ€" June 11 and Sj. July 9 and Si, Aug 13 and 87. other dates will follow. :cniU. PKUST <k BATSON Barrizitors, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. Offlcoâ€" Noit to post office. Spronle's block Flcsherton.every Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSOM J. W. FK08T LL. B. N. B. -Owen Sonnd ctfice. Frost's block Toulctt St. East. Sofifttfji. AO.l'.W.â€" meets every first and third Mon- day in each mouth.' in their lo<l(!o room Christoe's Block, Flesherton, at 8 .p. ui. W. H. WalKur. M.W.; W..I. Bellamy, fluuuc'cv W. Irwin Becorder. Visiting Krethern invited. ROYAL TKMFLAKS OF TF.MPER.\NCK. .â€"Regular Couucil meets every first and th'rd Taos lav eveuini; in each uimuh. in Sproulo's block tit » p. ui. Select dcBvco insurance) meets monthly, the Wednesday preoediug the 3)lnd ol each mouth. SONS OP THMPERANCE.â€" This society meets in Dr. Christoe' Hall first Weil nesday in each month at 8 p.m. VisitiLg brethsteu Invited. lusurauceiucouuoctiou. UP. B. A., meet In their ball, Chvistoe's Block ever> second Thursday in each raontb. Wm. Sbaip, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PRINCE ARTHUR LODOE. No M3, A F .t A M. meet iu the Jdtvsoric Hall. Streiu's Block, Flesherton, tvory Fri lav en or before Hie full moon. Dr Carter, W .M , R J Spicule, secretary ^ DUFFKRIN LODOE, No la?. I O O F. n:c«t8 in Clayton's HaU ovory Tiiea- • liiv cveniUK at y o'»*iock. Visiti»>q brethreucoitiially iDTitod ASV*NDiBjt><.NG Wk Muo&b. Sec T VCAS Jt WEIGHT, Barristers, Sollaitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound, Ont. - - klarkdale. Out. W. H. Wkioht. I. B. LCCAS. N. B.â€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's Bauk every Wednesday. "PUCKER * PATTKR30N. ^ Harristets, solicitors, etc. Molson's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson Pertiral TJR HUTTOM MDCM, MPP4S Out, Friceville once nest dcor to Brown's store: reeideuee one doot west ol Methodist church, Kinross St. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturdays. D ,R C.VBTEB M C P & S Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc Flesherton office â€" Strains b'ock. Besidancoâ€" Munshaw's Hotel JOHIIASCOTT MB Member College Physic. A Surgeons.Ontario Graduate iu Medicine of Toror o University FuUuwskip Diploma, Post Giaduate Medical School and Hospital, Chica,jO. Diseases of eve, ear, uoso and threat spcciiUly treated. Resi- dence, Ma.wve 1. visits Fovcrsbaai Thurslavsl 2 JPOTTEWEUi Vetoiinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. SesiJencoâ€" Next doot south of Moore's planing factory. rjR. MART M. BRANDER M n C M, M C P & S, Ont., Priccvillo. Oltico and rosi.ienoe at Methodist parsonage Calls night or day promptly attended. pRICEVILLK AND DURHAM STAGE. Durham stSR-' leaves Flesherton Station st 7.1."> a.n:., returns i.\i p.m. I'liceville stsfje leaves tho saujc place at IS.30. retuMiiog at 4.43. Fare toPrieevilleaudreturu.SOcents; Durham, ♦ l.W for return, 75o. single fare. Livery in con- nection. Orders may be left at either hotel. A. MfCAULSY, Proy TO BE FOUND A.'t -tlie ppexnises lately va- oat'Cd t>y R. Pedlar*, but NOT TO BE FOUND IVantin^ ijo. supplyiim^ a fix*st class airticle in. clotlx and TJry 7/s and See , • • C. J, LEIIGH, Merchant Tailor (kMikcrtoo StativB trom OKI o(M» Corrttpondent. We l<«t â€" a fiua ytuui; lady, in the p->rson of Misa McLeod, whe took her departure fas New Marlborough, U. S. , a short time a^o. Misses •/ani.e Uoiuphill and Vine Warling have gone to Oihawa fur a few months. Miss Bessie Kianel, of Prtiton, ipeot the 24th with Miss A. Cushtiie. Mr Geo. Cushiiie spent the 34th with his mother, Mrs. Tucker. Mrs. E. White visited in Durham lately. Mr. and Mrs. Coleridae, of Walter's Falls, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lui(ate a few days recently. A number of the young Royal Temp- lars celebrated the 24th by takini; a picnic over at Eugenia, and though the evuiiiuu proved to be very diaagretable the yuung pe<<ple :jay they had a good time. Mr. Cook's store is progressiriK finely. The niusons have now Knisbed their part of the work, atid the carpenters wWl commei'Ce theirs iiiuiiedlHCely. Mr. Malian holds prayer meeting every Wednesday eveiiin'.; in the hall here. Tbvre are a couple of cases of typhoid fever aU<ut a uiilu west of th« Station. The victims are very small and both children of Mr. B-'yce. At last reports tbero was Very little hope for either. Mr. Archie McLean, af Toronto, holi- dayed at his parentel home. Mr. H Hardy, Misa B. Hardy and Mr. Prichard, of <>iprey, spent a few days at the funners parental home lately. Mr. Tom Hargrave, I'f Proton Station, visited friends here last week. The barn raising of Mr W A. Richard- son to<ik place on Tuesday of laat week Everything aent aloui{ in tirstclasa ordrr. W. Richardson and D. Do* captained the aflair, tbe latter beiait the winner. Abo uD Wednesday ef laat we><k the barn raising ol Mr. M. McCannel came <.v£ J. McNaulty and W. Richardson vera captains, the former beiau winner. Miss Maggie Parslow returned home from the tjueeii City last week. A number of oar youne people took iu tke concert at Dromore Friday last. rriceville. From our Currtspondent. Miss Bella McKiiiiion, of Detroit, is ou a visit to her parents at presen*:. Mrs Martatt, or Shelburne, i^ visiting her uitreiits, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. Mr R. Blakr^stoti has returned from Mitchell where he has been visiting friends Mr. C. C. J.iniea is visiting friends in Bellwood and Metz this week. We are sorry to Ie.»rn of the s^'inewhat seriouA illnegs of Miss Susie McKiiiiion and Mr. James Caaieron. We tniat both will soon "oe art>und sgaio. Miss Mai'gie Smith, of Swinton Park, wns the gut-sl of Mrs. W. J. Blakestun last week. â- â€¢â- â- t f iOB. From our oirri Corretpo^uient. Master Tom Haney left last week for the Soo, whore be intends spending the summer. Miss Annie McNevin baa gone to Ter- onto for the summer. Miss Sara McKee of the 4th line has, we understand, secured music pupils ou tbe centre lii>«. Success Sara. Rev. Mr. Hamphreys, of Markdale, preached and instructive and appreciative sarmou here a ct>uple of Sabbaths aiio. Mrs. John Burk, who has been sufier- iajt from erysipelas in her bead, is now rocoverinu. Mis. Love, Sr., has alao been on the 9ick list. Hope aoon to see her better. Mr. and Mrs- Jaiues Orr, of Toronto, spent the 24th with Mrs. Morton. Mr. Orr returned on Tuesday, while Mr=. Orr and two children will spend two -jt three weeks with friends here. Miss L>ckhart, of Horning Mills, also Mr. Ed. Steven.^, ot Dundaia, spent lue 2-lih with Mrs. Haney. Quite a number fmni this place took a trip to Eugenia on the 26th and report a FIELD AND' Garden SEEDS ^^^^M^ in kige ^oa&tities at W.E.Richardson^s Th e Clarksbanc boys played a friendly game ef fo<it ball with the boys of this place. The Fleshertoa Brass Band en- livened the fesrme scene with their presence. The Methodist Garden Party was a grand success. The ladies of the church had a first class tea prepared, to which ample justice was done. The pro- ceeds ara>>unted to thirty five dollars Mr. Sli >an and aiater of Chesiey wera vtaitin-{ their friends here recently. Mr. Mclnnes, Montreal, is engaged as foreman for the veneer factory. A large numb/>r i>f guests have been at the Eugenia House the past week <ir so, who came to enjoy a few days fishine. Business is quite brisk here ac the present time. pi t tune. EppiHK From Our Own Coi respondent TawB Line A- and E. From Owr Oicn Correspondiit Miss Jane Nelson, town, lineita^ married last week to a Mr. McCallum of British Columbia. The newly marriud couple left I'll Satur<)ay for their boine on the Pacific Coast The wind storm of Sunday the ITth inst. ... , .1 .». o- u J f*" ••""* o' *h* farmers here plenty of The 24ih, oi rather the -Oth. passed | eniplovment repairing damages in varions «ff very quietly here. It threatened ram ^^, g. Very tew there were that had not their in the moniiiig but cleared off nicely ' (enoes blown down. Otheis had them to about mMin. Several of oar pe<>ple went j build in new by having them burnt by a fire over to the garden party at Rwklyn in , which started on Mr. J. Sewell's (arm. Mr. tbe Hfteriio-n. Tne rain, however, which ! Lomas was the greatest sufferer, having the Swinton Park From our otcn Correspondtnt. The refveshiiiii showers of laat week stop|ie<l the out-cry of criii>8 being dried out. as they are quite revived and are looUiti^ well. T'.'.e 25th was celebrated in many diflfer- eiit ways. Some went t^shinv, soma |vci<icin!{, others visited, while still others orkcd. A l).tptiani of the Lnttor Day Saints church was peif. -rtued at Wilson's M'tl Suiid.iy before last. Quite a number were prr-scnt. Tho Rev. Mr. Drown, if rh« Preshy- teritn church here, prvacliod his farewell Bernioti Snbbath List. Wr Brown will leave for Toronto this week .ind tho Rev. Mr. Patterson will tjkke his place. A xardcn party is beiiii; t^tlked of in coiinectioa with the Preshyterifn church. I Misses M. Sootc and M. Smith at- I tended tke convention ia Durham. held' up all afternoon, came down in the evening in fine style. The farmers will rejoice, and the rain will certainly do a vast amount of cuod to growing crop«, pasture, hay and fmit. Some people were begimiin^ t« fear a repetition of laat summer's dr^hi^ht Rev A. Gilray of Toronto visired his father week bef"re last. He was. up con- ductiii;! the reopening services of Erskiu church, Meaford, Rev. Mr. Walker of the Baptist church, Meaford, exchanged pulpits with Mr. Wass Sunday week, preachins an ex celleht sermon here in Che morning to a go«>d c^>nureg>ition Master Ed lie Younians bad the mi»> f< >rtuiie to bi-eak his arm one day lately, while playing at school. 1>t. Bennett sett the tirokeii uieiuber and he is I be- lieve, doing well. Mr. John Mathewson and family spent the holiday with friei'ds in Creemore. entire fences on the back part of his farm burnt. He bad a bee last Wednesday -aeex I when the most of his neighbors turned out laud assisted him in rebuilding tb<>m. Several farmers here have bad to reiiOW some of their fields of grain, wl.ich have been destreyed by a large grey grnb. Mr. Bowers of St. Vincent and M'SJ A. J. Seweli werp sncoessfullv joiced together as husband and wife by the Sev. Unmpbrics on the ITtb inst. Mr .'ames Brodie attended the annual meeting of tbe Snpreme OraoRe Lod<{e of British America in CoUinswocd. Mr James Ellott o{ Enphrssia accompanied him. Mr. H. Seweli is home again. He spent last winter in the Michigan lumber woods. Ensmia. From o>ir oteti corrtspondetit Eugenia Fall* does not sc in to have lost any of its old time p< pularity as a pleasure lesort, at least one would think it had not from tlie crowds that visited it on Minid.iy. May 25 th. From an early A pecular and possibly fatal accident •e-.'urn d last Weduenday evening iu the township of Downie, mear Stratford. Win. Kelly was shooting at a mark with a double-barrelled <;un, which, being overcharged, kicked violently and was thrown over Kelly's shoulder. In the act the second barrel "vas disch^irged. shoitiiig bis brother, Mioh.-iel Kelly, ami J. Welsh, who were bohind liini. Over .1 hundi-ed shot entered Kelly's "rrcikj^t and alxiomen, while Welsh reci ived s«>ine in the face, tho most serious being one in his eye. Tbe ultimate rueult of their injuries is problematical, none of tho shots having been removed when tbh hour ill the day i.>«<'ple began to Cume in from ail jMrts ef the surruunding^couuti;/. ] report rvached ua.â€" Mt. Forest B-eip, 7:

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