THE FLISHBRTOH iDVANCS ?*"«WB MPOMMWIMMg II W ' ^ f D. ricTavish FLESHBI^XON KEEPS ON HAND rs For Mas.sey-IIiinid, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implements. Fleury aud Verity plows on hand all tliu time, also all kinds of repairs for the ^ame. \Vo niaiiufuuture Wagons, Bu^'^ics, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. ibpecial alteiiiion to tender, con- tnicted feet. Lo(,'f;ing and Plow Chains constantly on liaud. I About Cutters and 5leighs GENTLEMEN â€" A» tlie season of sleiyliini; in ngniii .ippnmchiiig 1 would cull your earnest attention to my winri r Rtcnk in which I am pro- l)Hrcd to <;ivo y^u entire sat isfiiction buth in (jiinlity uml price. In cutters I havn n hiiee stuck t^' ncilect from, inudf <>f l>f»' of m.itmial and liitest jHS'gns 111 finish. I am seci'iid to nouo In .sleighs I <un nc onnnodate vou, either liithi or he.ivv I'roinpi atieitinii sini-ii !â- â- re|iiiirlng, paint- ing and retriinmiii'^. Call, wlietheryou want to pnrchaso or not, and be \ •iir iiivii jud^'K. ♦^^•^^'m^^^^w^^-*^*^*^*^^*/*^-^^^^-*'^^ ^ GO TO . . John H. Heard . ^-ae^a^s'OR ti-je: best BuHKies, Wai,'i;oiiH, Ciiii.«, K|.rii.<{ T.'oth Haiio'vs, I'.indi-rs, Mowers, Plows and Horse Ho.-s, also Uepaiis for lUinier-, .M.tters and Plows. Ilufdes'liotini; unH ail kinds of Bl'ickisniitliinu i \ lirri class work- men. Wood, Luinhi-i, Cedar PoHta mid Slin.'.l.-.'* for sale. 1 Laannruwin'tnnnnnnnp ^u^ Be Happy -crilnIn3i!nrijOi>LnjmnInxCrb q, nnnfiftnnnrifvnnnjTruiftivTru I With Others Ci __ ^ Eva('yllini; froHli in the way of leinons. oritiiuos, nuts all hindt, otifuclionvry ol th'.r choiciml variety, tins, dati-i*, pnniea. •rau'iiurries, lli^cuits of all kinds, cainied fruiiH and TC'.jetiililu'', teas, siii^ars and all otiKjr urocoiics ; stock all frBsh for the bulid-iy trade. O y B tc r s ^"^t'z^l^ '^' Ileal flour and feed conktantly on hand. AP;>LeS In Small Quantities or by the Barrel XVm. liarnliousc B cigenia Mills AND- Garria^e Works. OAmagesmarto a:id Ropalrerl, also Plaiiiugand Matching, Band Saw- lag, Wood Turning of ovory dea- sriptioa. Pianlng and Graiij'Ohoi... bin^ 'lorte wLillo you wait, for lti»» Baavor turns tte whoel. T. \V. WIL80:K niaiiufirr JamM Jr. JTta/kolMIK' _ OAVEATS, TRACE MAnKS, DESIGN PATEMT8, OOPVRIOMTS, oto. For fnTornrntlonftrifl frt-o Handliuolc \vritn t«i WII.NN « CO., VM IllliUmvjv, Nkw YnUK. OMcMt litircau for BOturiilKpnUinUln Alnerlpa. krf-ry r'nt'^nt takrn out t»y im i» tiroii(;lit bcftirtf till- )>iit,lle by u uotlcii given fruo otL-UarKO lu iho I^rffpfitclmilntlon of anv fii'I*'ntinopnp/*r fn thrt Wot-ill. Kiiluii'lltlly lilii .tniictl. No intflli.t<'iit nrnii BlioiiM lif) H-ilht^ut It. Wenklv. #3.0Oa re:»r; $!/.! six months. A*l'lrPHS, MUNN' A CO., Vvau^uKHa, 801 Uroadsvay, ^ow York (jtty. Almost Passes Belief â- r. Jaa. E. Nicholson, FlorenoavLUe, K. B-, Strugeloa lor Soven Lons Yearo with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS CURED BY AYERS Mr. Nicholson gays: " I cnnsultort <loo- tors who prosnllcil tor mo, Uit to no pnriHidoj till) caiioor hegau to Hat iuto the Flesh, spread to my chin, and I snlTprert In nprony tor seven Iouk veais. Klnally. I 1 began lakiuK Aye;': .f- ,_^aila. in e, week or two I aoUccju a, Decided Improvement. Eneoura^'erl liy thu result, I pers«. vercd, iiniil In n month oi »o the soro under my cliln hcsaii to hoal. In three >noutli8 my !l|i lieRMii to heal, anil, after jialUK til • fiaiaiparllla for six months, ino last trace of tlio cancer dlaappearod.'' Ayer'siiiSarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Pi (l30cl Farm for sale or Ront tj'it'37,oon.(l, Artninesii, e.oiit*Iiilii(T HB aorns iiiira or l.i axrns cleerart, alimiii £) uilloii i'luieiorton. Thero .iron (lool loK I'lirn a'li Htiiblo O'l thA iirdrnliies. GtnA rnniimg WAter. Kor (aCHur iKi/liciilniB npiily to VV. A, .\nuuTiioNa l-'lvshHrloU' I L0G3 WANTED I Hprnoe Irx-s.niiv nluo over ten iaolius, 1-2 feot laui5. Itiijhost intcuii. n:;!ionoi-'T & tali-.ot AXMU'S 1'HJ.a Jtvgulato the Jiow^ jWE ARE ___-««». Ktill in the 1 md (if the livinj, ettlin' I ftiide li'lour, gnile 'IVa and Hiiuar U'ld other («roeories. Wo havo sonie rivla jj'.ule Sweeties foranid and yon: ;;, and if you want a rale <!ndo Trunk tae^ keep your claes in, or a jjudo Satclicl braw and now frio tli« nianuf'clnrer, jnst ^ano lao' Willie HeiiilerRon in .Spronle's block, and liu will supply yon at lowest prices. WM. HENDERSON ATTENTION To those Contemplating Buildlnj; Havlnojnnt rstiirnnd from Now York, where, to past expurlonoo, I havo.iliieiliL veir'soonrsd of hlHli nutionn licdor thti puvRonaf HMporvisioit of Mr. ('liiiAtoplier MyorK. nrchltoct Iri ohiaf to the HoiMiitlfla American, I am hntter than ever Iiropiirod to A^.-ii'it those cuntumpjatiof; hiitid* lie, anil havUti; formed a eoro<u|i>liii{ partnor- fihip with Mr. Myars, my cliAiits can se,nire Ilia valiiabio aarvicus witlmut extra charge. FUna, eto.,proaiiitly fiirnlahe'l. W. U. ULIIIK, rioibartOD FlESBEBTOl STEiB mmi I have npondd lip a coniploto n^oara laundry In Plo^horton. Min am I'l-epiied to tako lu any quantity of laiimlry work at lownr prlees than MO charged olsewhiiru. 1 have pot in thela'ost and most Iniprovml maoliinory to that end. Kindly kIvo ni« a call. Kutlru aatlafaotioa 8oarautead,aad prices low. Mua. Qbo. MuanKooDM DOT^S CORNER. Politics turn around qaeerly ; they are al)Out as volatile as the weather. Sir John Macdonald used to cay, " These are three uncertainties : tlio rcKuU.s of a war, the results of a lawsuit and the results of an election." Itseemathat the member so well known to us all who might have been Minister of Agriculture, but for his opposition to the Ktinedial liiil, is lik.'.y to encounter a eokl wave from a few of his constituents, who believe in party be- fore jjrincijde. These recalcitrant few are more than balanced however, by t!ie acces.sion of life- long Reformers to his banner who have no tas'ie for Mr. Laurier'a six months hoist, but have a great taste for Dr. .Sproule's stand. But we who have clamored so incessant- ly ngiiinst Remedial Legisbition â€" are we prejiareil for the alternative ? For in the name of all that's jii^t and right, secular Bchouls are the alternative. And not only in Manitoba, hut in every province in the Dominion, this (piestion will soon- er or Liter jjresent itself and demand an answer. And the sooner it is settled against separate schools and in favor of tecular or national Hchool», the sooner we shall bo on the highway to national unity and national greatness. Why In the name of common sense shouW wo pei^jetuate in the rising gen- eration those old antipathies atid pre- judices which have in the past, and will in the future be the oiusu of so much 8 rife > .Surely our legi.slators have plenty to do in attending to the practical work of nmnaging our national linances, developing our resources ami building up our materiid interest, without being j>er. pttialy hanuised by cmbanieting creed and race " ijuestioas." Tiiat piuit generations have been too truculent to power which has Biiico the curly centuries of the Christian Era made it its policy to intrude itself into the iiflfnirs of the litjite, is too true, and it i • high time that we in Canada should stop Khort in this lino of action ; ncver- t cloaa we cannot in faiinea tjike from them a single right which we ourselves retain. And what is this right? A farcical and abottive atteini)t at showing respect to religion by a perfunctory read- ing of the Scriptures and tho "saying" of a prayer. And this gh.istly tornmlity is what we obstinately cling to, and by so doir.;j give Catholics the right to demand a like "Atul so the play goes on," and each generation has its own particularly annoying form of the (jues- tio;i, " liow to meet the contending inter- ests of Catholic and ProtL-stant without oirending them." It is a well known fact that where Cutholica and Protestants are iiiinghd in a cunnumiity, they tind each uihor vei-y gooil neighbors ; becoming ii.t-ju'.epondant tijiou each other fur kind- ly human services, they Boon find that tiitir crecils are a very thin varni.^h in- dted, which tho great ei i^ea of life are apt to rub olf end reveal much tho same material bin-juth. Tliiii i.i good for both <.'a'jR'lic and Protestant, (haw ing them to- gt Iher in tho bor.da of Imman hrothor- liDod while it jienunU!.T.t!y imp.iira the creed of ucithor. One dear old Irish body in describing tho burial of hur huKbiiiid, mentioned Hie bearors Protestant noi^h- b .i-M, and from time to time alhuUd to the kiiiiiiieiw of her Protestant and Catholic lii-ighlior-i, making no distiimiiv tion and seeing nothing e.\tvaoidinary i'.hoiit it, imtil we oxpoRti.Iatcd : Surely Ktiiao of these people were Protestants and Ihircfore to he nlihorred. Her re- ply "Och : the hcai flit he church." The pure kindly ht-tnt of thin unlettcretl old v.cwcu hsd tatight her this jaofound lesrif.n. I i5?r,(Mir;y 'wori'len.d how many I'rol'.istt.Ets. of wy «<iqt;.<tiKtfir.oe liad J<'oked 1 cnenlh the t.mtgco of things t!'...n£:ht to wiy^ »'Tho hcnrt is tho Church." Dot. . â€" ««k« rhaiilford is (o be coi.grntulated on liaving only llnoe siiuiois in a ie«oi.t con- treiatiiii. The fact was demonstiated on Sniiilny evciiiini when a city minister culhd I'.pon all sinnuia in that audience to stand up, and only that number re- spoiided. One of these, a well known iienileman, rose up frnm where he was flitting I.eaidb his good wife, when his fpotige was heard remonstrating with liim and telling him he whs noi a sinner. The good man was firm in hia conviction that he was a emrupt mortal, however, and replied iomewhat testily, "lama sinner, and you are another," and would not sit down. The eTent caused eon- siderable aiuuiemeiit. Honor Rolls. The following is the standing of the Maxwell school for the mos. of January, February and March : Class V â€" W. Scheniman, Millie Heron. I5eat ."5 in remaining cla.sses. Kntraiice Class â€" Mabel Strachan, John Morrison, Eva Small. Class IV â€" fklith, Wm. ^^'right, Etlgar Morri.son. C'lasa III â€" Koby Kinuesr, Robert Pal- lister, Annie Heron. Class IIâ€" James Guy, George Small, Chester Long. Chv^s II Pt. â€" James Heron, Minnie Scott, V\'m. Hamblin. Sr. Pt. IIâ€" Mary Madill, EUie Guy, Lilly Baker. J. L. Wood, teacher. The follovriiig ig the sbindin^ of the pupils of S. H. No. C, OMprey, for the month of March, namis sre in order of merit : ClasiO.- Ada Kaitlin'.'. Class 4. â€" Bertie Kaittini;, \V«*lcy Clcinis, Lizzie Ilodgnnti, Cleiuiiia C'.oiiiis, Jane Um'gson. Class 3.â€" Guy Haiti ins, Benjamin Barber, Mabel, Har.y Tu|ilin, Manetta Smith. C1.133 2- â€" Henry Hemriit, jVhiie! Barber, Minnie McKenzie, Christii.a M'.Kei/zie. Class pt. 2 sr.â€" Sheldon Myers, Harry BuckiiiKham. Class pt. 2 jr.â€" S-indfoid Clemia, John Daiid, Magpie Tuplin, Mort..n Sayers. Class pt. 1. â€" Oi-oar Myers, Mary Dyers, Fred Barber, Thomas Dyers Honor Roll for S. S. No. 1, Artcmesia and Euphrasia, for the month of March. V Classâ€" Eugenie Ilumberstone, Hat- tie Walton. IV Classâ€" Mary HumberKtone, Jlay McLeod. HI Sr. â€" Fred Martin, Nellie Martin, Eilgar Gorley. Ill Jr.â€" Mary Braniff, Myrtle Smith, Percy Smith, Johnnie Braniff. II Sr. â€" Carroll Ilumberstone, Lizzie Branitr, Tom Fawcett. II Jr.- ElfieSmith. Pt. IIâ€" Johnnie O'Brien, 'N'ema Gorley. I- Charlie Martin, Stanley Smith. Kimberley I'ublic School Report for March. Names in order of merit. Senior divisinn. Sr. V Cla-sti- J. Wallace, J. Hammond, Millie Hurd, H. Fawcett, G. Fothergill, B. Camplin, B. McAusIan. Jr. V Classâ€" A. Scott, Jes-sie Gilbert, Clara Hurd, A. ^Vickeus, E. Hurd, E. Camack, Lily Graham. Sr. IV Class â€" E. Abercronibie, Jessie Bell, Nicholas Abercronibie, Beckie Hammond, A. Hill. Jr. IV Classâ€" W. Graham, Bob. Law- rence, D. Muiidle, G. Knott, A. Wallace, E. Latter, R. Fawcett. Ill Class- H. Wi»l!ace, M. Bell, J. Gilbert, \V. Rear, Rob. Rehill, M. Wal- lace, E. Fawcett, Saul Fawcett, Simon Fawcett. Gbo. E. PKSfTLANB, Principal. Carpet Weaving The nndorsisned has pi cod In poaition a first chiKu loom for carpet and ilannel Wiavicy and U prepared to Klvotatisfaction. Bring in your K.V(iS or YAKN to A. T. UEllON. Flushoitou, April 7. 't'fl. BULL FOR SERVICE. The undcrsli^nod has a fine Dnrhara Hull for aevvico on lot i:a, W. T. b. K. Toruia Tjeent W. UAVIS. Tin ELY HINTS^ A wise man knows Hon to take a biiit. This is tlio season of year when you aro rtquirins,' liOBES, m,ANKETS, liKLLH, WHIPS, J SEiT SETT OF BMIESS Curryooinba and everything connected the llarucss Hue for winter use. Do - You = Know Whore to buy them To the beat advanta).;e ? This is where tha hiiit comes in •Vnd it is a good aud broad one : Go to . . . , . WILL MOOKE. Uarnessinuker, • Fleshcrtoii, N. It,â€" Cowhide initls, hair iuside from 60o to 7t>o a pair. The Markets. Cjirefnlly Corrected Each W«»-U Flour $4 CO to ti SO 0.its ... «!1 CO 23 Pels 48 io 50 Butter 15 tw 10 Eju's, fresh 10 to 10 I'o'atooB bag ;tO r.o 3t) Pork ' 4 £0 to 4 50 Hay per too lu 00 to 16 00 Hides . . .' 4 00 to 5 <iK Hh.iepskins ^.'j to 0(1 (j.jes.i 5 to l» Turkeys. - 7 tc 7 Chickens per pair iO to a» Ducks per pair 40 to M Wool 20 to 24 Time Table. GOINIl .SOUTH. Maikdaleâ€" 0.40 a. in. Fleslitrtoi. â€" G.o3 a. ni. 4 40 p. m. 4.D3 p. M. ooiNu Nonra. Fhshei tonâ€" 11.48 a. m. Maikdale- 12.04 p. w. 9.17 p. «. 9.30 p. m. IT. B. Ward. Almost a liopeSess Case. A Torribio Coush. Wo Kast Nl^lit Dor Day. Oivou up by Doctors. A uf|~saved BY TAKING CHERRY PEGTOBAL "Several years ago, 1 caught !<â- aevcrooolil, attended wlih a terrible coUi;h that allowed mo lio rest, either day or nlj;lit. Tlio tloc- l.^rs, after working over mo to th" tost ol their aliKit;-. prouonnced my case hopelc«s. and saKl they could do no more for me. A frIeiKl, learning of r.;y trouble, jent me a botUe ot Aycr's Cherry Fectoral, which I to take, .ind very soon I was greatly rcM.ved. By the t^^« I had used tlio wholo boltio, I was completely curei'. 1 have never had much ol a cough shice t.iat tUne, and I f niily beilevo that Aycr's Cherry Poatoral saved my Iife."-W.'ll. Wabd, 8 Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mass. Aier's Oheriy Pectoral Flesherton * 5aw & Planing Mills Tlie unc'..r8igned are placing in po- sition a iirat class sawinill for custom sawing, which will bo ready for opera- tion in Jumiavy. We have also added A CHOPPING MILL For the coiivenieucc of f'.inviera. Clioppiiig done at any time at 5 cents per lOO lbs. The SKsli and door factoiy, baud and scroll sawing business cni-^tinaed as ustial. Pilo in your orders. BEECnOlbT & TALBOT I Photos ^^^^ â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph | I Gallery | 3 are done in first-class style and at £ % lowest rates. Special attention S ^ Kiven to copyins. Babies' photos. B ^ a specialty. Pictures framed. ^ I MRS. BULMER |