Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1896, p. 8

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THE FL88HIKT0H ISVANCI f til D. ricTavish FLKSHEr^TON KEEPS ' ON HAND \ R^P cAts For Massoy-HaiTid, and Noxon, Ficury and ^Yilkinson far.n iruplementa. Fleury and Verity plows on hand all ilie time, also all kinda of repairs for the eauie. Wo manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. KurseRliooiog promptly attended to. Speo'al attention to tepder, con- truottd foot. Logging and Plow Cliaiiis eon'^tantly on liand. DOT'S CORNER. m About Cutters and 5 jei^hs GENTLEMEN â€" As tho season of sleii^hing is ngaiinfapproncliing I would call your oarnost attuntion to my winter stock in which I am pre- pared to !?ivo you entire satisfactiiiii hdtli in (piality and [iiico. In cutters I have a larife stock to select from, mndit of best of i:t<!tttrial and latest dosigMH 111 liuiah. I am second to none. In sleighs I cdin acconnuodate you, either li^lit or heavy. Prompt attoiition >;iveu to fepairing, pnitit- i:ig aiid rutriiinuing. Call, whether you want to purchase or not, and be yoiir own judiio. . . John H. Heard . . ^ l^iw ^fOR TUS BEST BussioH, Wafmons, Carls, Spring Tooth IJarro'vs, Binders, Mowers, Plows and Horse HocR, also Repairs for itiiiders. Mowers and Plows. lior:<cshuiing and all kinds of Blacksmitliin^ by fir-it class woU- men. Wood, Luinhei, Ocdar Posts ^nd Shingles for eale. «J. "Him Heaipd - Fl&slx&vtojn. ^ L I inru? njwiuiinruiirtnJV Be Happy ruuuu! o. nnruinianwnnnriruvtiMmiM\j3 fi With Others C> ' _ , ctiruitQu&aiiirintuiriirSuWrini'X â€" ^- â€" Everytlim,' fresh in I he way of lemons. AraiiuuM, nuts all kinil<), coiifectionery of till) choitiist variety, tigs, dates, prunes, ernn^crries, liibCiiilA of all kiinls, canned fniiiM and voi;etablei, teas, suijarn and all ndior sii'ocerioi ; stuck all fresh for the (loliday trade. r Bent Dour and feed constantly on hand. APULF.S In Small Quintltles or by the Barrel Win. liaruhcjusc Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. (J%rnage9 made and Uopnlrod, also Pla.:ingand Matching; Band Saw- \a.z. Wood Turning of every des- orintlou. Planiug and Qriiiri Chofj Oin.fjdono wbllo you wait, for thi Boavor turns the wheel. IK. ir. Ward, Almost a Hooeless Case. T. W. WILSON niaiiuKer 8olentiflo American Aflenoy for CAVEATS, TRADE MARXa, 0E8IQN PATENTS, C0PVRIOHT8, eto. A Terribla Cou~h. No Unit Nleht rot Vay. Qivdu up by Doctors, A UFE^AVED ijtf^ CHERRY Fur lnr»miAtlnn anfl fren llanrtitnoit %\ rlt*> to Oltti-Kt Ijiirrnu for ficourliiff jxttunts Id AiiierU liiiii'Kt ijiirrnu lor RC'iuniiit jxttuiits iD Aiiierlcit Rvrry I'fili-nt IftktMi nut l»y ii*i In LrouKlit bt-r(v« tho puhllr l>y M M'ttlcoglvi'n rruooCchui'h£0 lu lUO I^rfrent olMiiUtlon of onv Bdi'nilflft pHper In ths wni'lil. HplL'iKltdly IMuntraloil, No lutnlllii'iit â- nmi Rhnulii |„> ivUliotii It. Wxikly, gS.iHIa y«ar; #l..'ill»lxiuiintliJl. Ailc1rr>iis, MIIN.>J tt CO., Vvw-UHWU, 301 Urustlway, ^ow York City, Our Clubbing List For the conveiiienco of our readers who wiitli to secure more tli:tn oon ]Mpor we huve m^dutho f ol In winit clubbing; arra >go. nionts : i Advance and Toronto morniiin World, daily $2.55 AdvaiiC'! and Montreal Htar ... . 1.80 Advaii'^e ami KaiiiiiiiK, tliu now farinoiH' iiiai/nzine 1.80 .\'lr.inae and Youths' Ooiiipaiii<m (n«w) 2.35 .VdvaiiCe and Daily NsWR 1 HO Advance and VVeeltly Mail 1.60 Advancu and Kami and I<'irusida 1.60 AdvADce ind Weekly Olol'U 1.40 "lipvcral years n^n. I caiicl't a tcvcro ool t, •Itouilc.l wUli n terrlbli) coukIi that allowed Ill's 110 ro3t, eltlicr d.iy or nlijlil. TliO doc- t"!?), after woiUliis over mo to tlio best ot llii-lr ability, proiionv.ced my case hi'iieksi, niicl sal'l tlicy could do no moro tor nio. A frlcnil, learning of ny tiouljlc, Sfiit ir.o OtotUo of Ayci's Clieny rectoral, wlilr'.i I lieijaii to t,->kp, and very noon I was nlli'vcd. By lie? Hire 1 liad used liio wir la boillo, I was completely cured. 1 liavo never hv\ much (.f a eouirli alneo that tliiio. and I flnnly believe that Aycr's Clmrry »aviMl my life."â€" W. II. WkSiD, 8 giilmby jLvo., Lowell, JI;,S3. Ayei's Gliorr^ Mm\ HIGHEST AW.yiriS AT WORLD'S FAIR. . durr'» nils tho I.'eaf I'lUiiHu I'KysiOt Good Farm for sale or Rent TjotST, flnn.6. Artoiocsiit, anntulidiiK US (nrns mora or le,ii,40 acrua eloareil, about U^ inllor from Klniliarton. Tboro area pood \»g harn tii'i atsbl* on the piainlana. Uood ruaaih| Vstsr. f or'utbsr psrtloiiUri apply to W. A, AnXHTiioxa riMbartOD- WE AP" Still ill tho land of tho livitij, suUin' ((lido Flour, ({udc Tea and f^ouar aod other (Jroccries. Wo Imve some ralu L:\ido for auld and young, and if you want a lale gude Trunk tae' kesp your claea in, or a t;ud« iSatc^llc^l braw and now frao tlin manufacturer, just ijauit lao' Willie lluiiderson in Spniule'a block, and ho will supply you at lowest pricsi. WM. HENDERSON FIESIESTOX STEm UDBBY. 1 bsvo oponoci up a eoinplote ntoam laundry In FluHliorton, and nni pro))a ml totnkAluany (jiiRntity of laiin Iry work nt lowar prUum than are ohurged elsevvlifit'e. I havo put In ihelsiOMt anil moat liupr.ivail niachlntiry to that end. Kindly glva m < a call. Kntira aaUnfaotlon gaonintwd, sad pricaa low. Ufts. Qao. .UooBBUotisa Who said Spring ? To-day as I write wo are having thu .seventeenth blizzaitl since wo woro led to hojw that, winter had ceased io linger in the Lij) of spring â€" at least for tlii.s year. Biit the foolish old fellow is 8*ill hanging round her, â€" Bometimea ui sidlun, nioroae and frosty mood, â€" sometimuti in a fury of jealousy that he is so Boon to be cast off, he be- stows his rough caresBcs where they are no longer welcome. Meanwhile the farmer who has boon buying feed all or iiKwt of the winter, bearing a bravo front and during to hojie that .spring would be early this year, is well nigh discouraged, â€" inclined to give up altogether. Trudesmen are Vdue, for whatever effects thengrieiilturiKt ultimate- ly ellects every bu.siness, trade and jiro- profession â€" tlmt is every profoHsiou ex- cepting law. (Did you ever know the man too poor to " have the law on him " or tho hiwyer who could not collect lii.s fee ( " Revenge is sweet" and niaiikiiid would sooner have it tlwin bread.) .Viid so it comes about that we are all high and low, the play things aud tho dupes of tho weather. Do you plan a pleasure oxcuraiun ? Tho weather may spoil it. Do you reckon on your field of corn ripening ? Tho weather limy blight it. In short when one con- siders how dependant we all are upon such precarious and variable ciuantity as tho weather, â€" something over which wo cannot have the slightest contnd, and citn only jn-ognosticato with perfect certainty 24 hours aheadâ€" when we cnsider all this, it becomes little short of wonderful that mortals have tho phiek to keep on. They have jirobably iiKdr|H)ratud into every day practice tho amusing pliilosiijdiy contained in thu lines of lUmsiky'n funny weather song : " It's the weather ! Blow tho weather ! " But whether it's odd or whethor it's hot. We'll have to weather it, whethiror nut." Thix aeeniB to be the motto of all peoplo who ever amount to Hnylhi.i^. To it the Anglo >j.ixons owo their domi- nance ; they always "ke|it on kickiii<{." But perhaps you have not heard the story. A milk man having pumped the usual (pianlity of water into the can of milk, left it until such time as he should start on his rounds. And this is what liappeiicd in the can : Two fruu'S had unliapjiily pumped into the can at llie i'.aniu lime as I lie water, and stood in iiniiiineiit peril of a milky grave. Said one : "What viie inixlure is thiii wo are in 7 It stifles iuh ; I can't stand it ; ,1 slial' i:o to ihu bononi." Said the othc: "TLoro is no uic i;iviog ni) like that; let's keep on kiekinij nnd see what cornea <if it. But the liiNt decided tlint thers waa no use inakiu'j hiimolf tired trying to keep up, so lie A'eut to tho bottom at oiiee and conimiUtd siiio'de. But when t'lo iiiillc mail canui to open his can he f.uiid No. 2 res:iiig bims. If upon a nice Utile piece of butter â€" the roMilt of his kiokini! - ;>iid sioging in a contented lasa "There is rest for tlie wcaty. " Now, after liU I've s'lid about blizzards, snow Btoruis, etc., it would be just like Ihe weather to tuin rounu and bo beauti- ful, balmy and bri;;lil by the time this is III print. But should my remarks about tlie weather have any <iucli re-iult 1 shall not carw how m(il(ipioi>ti» they may be. Artviuesla €oiia<*n. Tliis <oiincil nu t in die Town Hall, Kleshurtt>n, oii Mond:iy, AprilOth last. All tho inHuibert present. The iniiiutoa of laat session wen^ reid anil coliflriiiud. The amiitor.i' rL'iiort waa presented and finally audited by council. A. Neilson and Goo. Binnio pro'ontnd anieudod petition re formvtion of Union school, ArteuiOAta and Proton. ,Iacob Thomp- son waited upon council re timber on Valley road. Malcolm MuOooaltt pre- aoiiled a larifely signed petition of the (leoplw of Priceviile ve opening streets in I list village Jos. Dow^ett waited upon Council le appointment of in hia divisii n, and conplainsd of fence i.ppo-ite lot lU), con. ", S. W., beiiiK on the road allowance. JaiuK Brodie waited upon council in reference to damages to wa^'on. M. Richardson, Esq., presented a peli tion on Jaa Williamson. A letter from W. K. Flosher, Esq., re removing timbor from 160 sidurond was prosniitcd and read. J. E. Moore preaanted a bill of 916 for burial of the late Mrs. Hanlsy. R. J. Sproulu presented curtificale of ovuraeor that John FIrsher'g siatuto labor on h>t 23, cons. 9 and 1(1 for 1805 had been perfoinied. Kelli â€" Thompson â€" That the tuditors re- port for thii township fur the year 1896, as submitted by the auditors and finally audited by this council, be' adopted, the clerk to order 200 copies printed forth- with. Carried. Thompsonâ€" Bestâ€" That J. E. Miwiro be paid Ihe suui of ten dolUrs re funeral exfenscs of the lato Mrs. llanley, she be- ing an indigent. Carried. Kelli-Bestâ€" That W. H. Wrijjht, bill of $3 for lecal advice re Donald McLuod case be paid. Carried. Kelliâ€" Thompson â€" That the auditors be paid $10 ertch for llieir lervicca, in c!udiii!;a 1 expense as per Bylaw. Car- riiid. Beatâ€" McMiileiiâ€" That the Reeve, Uep. Reeve and Mr. Thompion be paid ;^1.60 each for their services on coiumittee re (^nald McLeod, disputed school debenture rate.!, and Ihu Boyd ohstruc tioii matter. Carried. Thompsonâ€" iMcMil!onâ€"That $4.00 be refunded R. J. Spioule for statute labor porformod by Wm. Hislop for lot 23, coil. 9 and 10, Mr. Sproulo having paid .Mr. Hishp for said work and it being returned drrieJ. Thompsonâ€" MrMillen-Tliat in re- ference to the Utter of M. Ui.'h>ird!on Esq. re Jas. WilliaintDn, Mr. Best is hereby appointed to enijUire fully into ihe matter and report to the council. Carried. Kells - - Thompson â€" That Joseph Dowsett and Joseph McLeod be allowed until to the lat of November of llie. current year to remove their fences off the public road and that J.-«eph McLeud be notified in accordence with tliia. Cairied. aicMillonâ€" Begt--Th»t the petition of Malcolm McDon ild an I others, a^kiii); to have the street) in tUe village of Priceville opened up, lay on the table for further coiKiderutimi. Lost. Kellsâ€" ThompHjuâ€" That where as a largely signed pcution has been piesent- ed to this council setting fuitU that certain streets in the villau'u of Priceville have been closed so as to be uiitit for travel, therefore be it resolved > hat the clerk notify the paihmasters in Priceville t J hare obstructions on the streets in the said village removed and that any p.triy or i^rtios in future placing obstructions in said streets sliall be prosecuted as the law directs. Carried. Kellsâ€" McMillan- That thwcomiuissiir- er of waid 3 sec after some cedar rails and other tinihur said to bo on pt. of the valley road , and report to this Council regarding value and the advisability of belling said timber. Carried. Thompson â€" Kells â€" That the matter of reniovim; timber from 150 side road in Ist con. S. W., referred to by W. K. Kleshcr, Esq , bo referred to lUo over- seers for Flesherton division to repmt upon. Carried. Bestâ€" Thompsonâ€" That Boyd Bros, having ignored all iiotico, and lawyer's Irtlers sent them to remove obstructions off the road opposite Iheir sawmill yard. There fore this council hereby instructs their solicitor t» proceed a^jainst them forthwith as he deems best. Carried. Kclla -Bustâ€" That the reeve, as soon as tbe snow is gone, is hereby instructed to repair bridges over Beaver River at lot 23 con. 10. Carried. Thompsonâ€" McMillan -That S. iMc- Calluui, Jas. Suinincr.H and Wm. Smith bo asked to refund hvo dollars, the same having been paid by this council to E. Brodio and V. Teeter for dauiaye-* to broken waaon^ by road being out if re- pair where they had been takinit sand on hasH line, E T, and S. ri-ad. Carriwd. Best- Kellsâ€" Tliat Biodie's bill of ♦ 2.50 for daniaues sustained by gottins; his wav'on axle br^ko by the road bcinK out of r< p.iir, be paid. Carried. Kelbs - .McMillan â€" That a Icga'ly siirntd petition l.avini; been pretented to thu. council re the formation of a union school Kection, ill or near Piotou Station, to be composed of pirt of tho tovnunhip of Pro- ton and pait .\r oino^ia, iheieforo be it Vesolvod that tht) said polition be outer- tained and tho a|-pointmint of ,101111 Mc Arihur as arbilrntor in lielmlf of th s township bo contirnied. Carried. Kells -Bestâ€" That the npoit of com- mittee appointed at last meeting of coun- cil to examine certain niiiiutea and bylaws in connection with the lovy and collection of certain seliool deletiture rates which Doiiidd McLfod claims to have been collected in oiror from him on certain lots on tho Sod and Urd con., west, and wheroia this council have !eg;>l advice 011 this matter, Iherefoie be it ro- solved that tho report of commit too be accepted and that iu> action ba taken. Carried. McMillan Thompson- Thak tho fol- lowing persons bo inserted in bylaw 42o, appointing idhcor.s, viz : J09. Dowsett instead of Jos McLi od ; Noble Lawrence instead of Robert llntledge ; Wm. Stew- art instead «f V. l.iouoka ; S. McCallum iiiHtead of Win. Smith ; U. McArtluir in- stead of P. E. Purdy, and a new beat be formed out of lots 11 to Iti, con. 2 and 3, S. D. U., and Hui(h McPhail bu over- seer, and that said bylaw be now read a 3rd time, signed, sealed, etc. Carried. Council kdj mrned. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Ea»lj W«'f U Kiour $4 00 to «4 of Onts ... ... 91 to S3 Peas 48 to 6i) Butter . 15 to Irt Eu-'.'s, fresh ... . 10 to 10 Potatoes bait - . oO to 3i> Pork , . 4 f.0 to 4 50 Hay per ton . .. 15 00 to Hi 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheep.skiiis 25 to CO (Jeese 6 to 5 Turkeys 7 tt 7 Chickens per pair 20 to 25 Ducks per pair .... <!0 to 50 \''ooi .... 20 to 24 Time Table. COING SOUTH. Mrirkdaleâ€" C.40 a. m. ' 4.40 p. m. Fieshertoii â€" b.53 a. ui. 4 53 p. ni. ooiNc North. Fleshertonâ€" 11 48 a. m. 9.17 p. m. Murkdideâ€" 12.04 p. ni. 9.30 p. m. •/aiMtfj E, JV'tc/. .J4vn« Almost Passes Belief Xr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florencevtlle, H. B., Sbrupsles for Sevea Lone fears with CANCER ON Ti^E LIP» AND IS CUS£B BY AYERS Sarsa* i\_A^ Parilla Mr. Nicholson savs: "I consiiit«(1 doc- tors wlio presiUoed ti>r me, but u> no purpose; tiio cancer tegsu to Hat into the Flesh, spreiid to my chin, and I suffered In a^oiiy tor seven loim year.?. Knally, I 1 uci;.iu takianE Avers SitrsapaiUla. la 1: week or two 1 uuUccd a Decided Improvemeat KneouRiged oy th'.t result. I perns verpil, until In a in.iuth or sj the sore under my clitu lie^-:iii 10 lical. In lUrva mouths my Up lunar. ♦<> heal. ami. sfter tishig the Sars.iparllU for six months, tbe last trace of the cancer disappeared.'' Ayei'si^Sarsaparilla Admitted r.t the World's P^ . AXMS'H riLMH Jiejutato the JBotrtIm Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills Tlic nndersigucd are placing in po- .^itiou a fiiat class sawuiiil for custom sawing, wliicii will bo roadv for opera- tion in January. \Ve liavn also added A CHOPPING MILL For llie coiivtnioiice of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 6 ceuts per 100 lb."!. Tlio sash and door factory, band and scroll sawing bnsines.s coiitinaed as usual. Pile in your orders. BEECKOyX & T.Vl.BOT >''lfe»V«&^Mii!fe:i!fc.*!fesSli^"<;i>'A>M«' *«• ^It- *lfe I Photos "^ I â€"TAKEN I -AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph | Gallery are done in li>stclass slylc and at lowest rates. Special attention civon to copying. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. j| MRS. BULMER

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