ksljertnn ^iirana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, KO 7S0 FLESEERTON, ONT,, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1896 W.H. THURSTON, EDITOR fc â- Jn=jr^ f^-lr^3r=lri=J ^Jr=fi I I I ^O^t ^.IQ S^3^^ Attention has been recently drawn to tlie sad condition of ('apt. "AudrewH, of Toronto, who lost his sifflit by saving tlie lives of others, haviug roBCued from drowning eiKlitten persons. Au appeal is to be made to the government to giant hitu a pension, witii which it is to be hoped they will comply. Uufi)rt.nnal<'ly, shall we say many lose their sisjlTt, not as Capt. Andrews has done by savinf;; :x score of lives, but by the dcsiie to save a few cents by weariiis; cheap or other specUie'es that are of inferior m-iterial, not properly ^;rouud, or that are not tii<> proper correction. Oilit-rs injure their siyiil by not wear- ing ppectacies when they need 'hcu, thinking the lonui'r they can do wi'.liciiit them the btttcr. whereas it is ilie revi-rse. We recommend that you do not allow false pride or other reasons to keep you from wearing sptct-mles when you need tliem, and wh. n you do begin make sure ihat yon are wearing' tlie right kind for y'lH. There is no w;iy i)f knowing this but by havin-^ yo'ir eyes properly tested and <^lus*s given according to the needs of each eye. I have made a study of the trestiiig of sight by improved methods, aud guarantee a perfect fit at reasonable prices. W. A. ARHSTRONG, Jeweller & Optician Boitthville I From our oton Correipondtnt. Sprinu in making its. appearance 7an<l is very aceeptali'e after our loiij;, severe winter, although feed lias not been ao scarce around here us in otiiar partn. Say, boys and girl.s, are we !(oing to have a tutfy pull this spriig hh au many are niakitiij! niaplu s^r-jp ? Mr. and Mrs. N. WiljHjn were visiting their brotht-r in \\ alter'a Falls, who is not iuiproviii^ much. Mrs. Ed. Motjueen and Miss Mary, are visitini; at Mr. .T. Mc<juet:a'a. Mr. and Mrs. J. Aichorn have been to Hiiwick atCfnding the funeral of her oiutlier, Mrs. Hruwu. \Va extrud to them our syiupaihy. Mr. Sid. Blakffiiuu paid our burg a dyutg visit la&t Week. MisiN Annie Wilsi'D left for the Quoen Ciiy last wetk VN ho Wiis tile yllun^ man that two youi.j ladiea called on Friday evening afti-r uchiol i J McQueen has biMiu ailing for a ^'^^'^^'^^^f^issrt NOW is tlie tim.e to ^et y^-y\iip .Ordered .*. Clothing .". Cheap, § pr*ioes no^sir . C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor oloso s^^; <0>, • %m^%^%/%%%%^- %^%^' %%^ih^%%^%^^»%%^STIL%^^r!C-?« :^a« I that tliey n^ay be uf intei^st tu it least I •unie of your renders. I Weil, Mr. Editor, I take this epp j tuuUy I'f cuii)tratulatiiig The Advauce iu -r^ FIELD D r=Jr=Jr=}r. 2^0 Our business Directory Swintuu l*ark. jJCULLOUOH* YOUNG, J P- MAR8H.\Lt, .^ ,. ,. ' L. D.S.,M.D. S, Dentist. Visits Msrkdalo i Banyor«,Mark.lalo. do a Kauer.1 banking bus-. ^^^ ^^^ ^^ .vd We>ln«<iay ot each month.: ioeK.. Money loaned at a rM.on.ble rato. Call p,„gh„rtoo-Kaoli trip on tl)« day .c on U3. .^WiUIJ. As. V.4NDU«r.N. J. P. CiuikJth UiT Court, Co Qrey bsuor of Marri'i^o Ltodnnas, ComiiiLisioner i B. C. of JuBtlce, Aactioouer, eta. Fleshbbtom p. 0. \GBTS COLLECTED. fegal ilUOST <k BATSON The under»lgnod is prepared to ondortake the collection of all kinds of debts. Notes bought, accounts oolloctod, eto' K. N. HENDEKSON •> Flbshebton TCH1SI..HTT • Klosnorton Statioo Postiuoster. Coiumissiocor in H. C. J., Con- VSyancur; dUL^ds. mortgages, leoseit and wills drawn. Charges uiodurate. Business letters writteu. dcl9 LCAS A WHIGHT, Barristors, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc.. Owen dound. Ont. - • Markdalu, Ont. W. H. Wright. L n. Lucas. N. B.â€" FlesbcrtoD office, Uitdiell's Bank every Wetluettday. » J. bPROULE, Postmostcr, I'lcsherton, C^niBilasionor in B. B., Licoused Jiuctioncor, Conveyancer, .*. • pralsor and Mottey Louder, Keal Estate and lusuranco Agout. Doods, Morteofios, Leases, aud Wills drawn up auJ Vahiationa made on shortest notice. Auction sales atlondod to In any part of the fouiity. Money to loan at low •St ratca of inlercsk. Collections attoudod to with iiromntness and despatch ChargoH 16w. Agent for the Dominion Stoamsblp Company, cheap tickuts from Flesliorton to Liverpool, OlasKow, London or any cf tho British porta. Parties intcndlug to visit England, Scotland or Irblan.L will pioaso ask rates before purobasitts tbsir tickets elsowhors TUCKER A PATTKB80N. * l}arri.<ituis. eolicitors. eto. MolRon's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Oeo. W. Patterson nu BUTTON MDCil, MPP48 Ont, PrlocvUlB OlDce next duor to Brown's store: residence one door west ol Methodist obnrcli, Kinross at. Utllca days, Tuoudays aud Saturdays. T\B CARTER M C P Jt 8 Out., Physician, Surgeon, eto Fleshertou ufBccâ€" Strains bock. Besidunouâ€" Munshaw's Hotel rOHN A SCOTT M B ^ociilieji. (y AO.LI.W.â€" uicels ovcvy first and third Mou day iu each uionth, in their lod){e room Clivistoo'9 llloeit, l-'lesherton, at.S .p. m. \V. H. Walkov, M.W.; \V..I. Bollaiuy, fiUHUvfor W. Irwin Uocordec. Visitiug liretheru invited. ROYAI, TKMPLAB8 OF TEMPF.B.ANCE. â€" Kogular Council niee's every first aud third Tues.lav evoniuR iu each month, iu Sproule"s block at » p. m. Select degree insurnuou) meets monthly, tho Woduesday preceding the 24nd ot each mo,.tb. SONS OP TEMl'F.P VNCE.â€" This society moots in Dr. Chvistoe' Hall first Wed- iiotiUay in ench mouth at 8 p.m. V'uitiiig brutburou invited, Lusuranoe iu oouueotion. Member Colleno Physic. ,t Surgoons.Ontario Qradiiato in Medicine of Toror o University Fellowship Diploma, Post Qiaduats Medical School and Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eve, eai', nose and throat specially treated, Itesi- denco, Moxwo.l, visits Feversbaui Thursdays 1 i J P OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Votor.'nary College. Ret'dence â€" Next door ^outb of Mooie's planing factory. few liays, bui iH all niflit now and w>;ars a broad snnle. for he w.i« presented witi. ; '''« "'»'"* '* â- ""* '»'"'" "" ^^^ Ii«u>vdi«l a tine boy la^t week. j '^^I'^ras I think it is quite lu aocordanca '- â€" -. . â- â- â- ..» with the heading of your paper. And in duiuK HO we are sure tliat we voice tlie I sentiiueu: uf a lar|{u majority u[ tliia cum- niunity. Mr. Joseph Cruft has bought the Richardson ^luperty un the 4th con. and has moved uii toil. WeH, Juicph, wa welcuuiu you ititu our midst and nish you suocvss. Miss Uella Blackburn spent a week visiiiiig bur friends and old ueiuhburs iu this vioiuiiy. Fanners of this section seem t» be tak- ing aUvai.tajiiu ot ths good louiis in tt-ani- lUg uut thi^ir grain, the uiajority uoing tu .VJarkdalu. Tliey compiaiii of prices be- ing very low, but perhaps it is as well as tho must of the ijrain seeuia to be needed lor local, uao this season. Mr. luid Mrs. Ueu,HargraTO visited the parental hums of the latter uua Jay last week. Mr. Jeremiah Thompson is going into ths dairy business very extensively, na he is milking Uftceu cows and is slapping his butter to tho city, where lie expects to receive the full bciietit uf the market. Us bos also hired Mr. Lafayette Badjerun for the suinuiur. Mr. and Mi». Dyson wers the guests of Mr. Oeo. Thuuipson, Jr., one day last week. We are sorry to note that leap year has not done aHytliinx fur the bachelors uf this vicinity as yet. Keep up your cuur- a^u, boys. It is belter laio than never. Mr. John White, of Toronto, is at pro- sent vibituiK at Mr. Geo. Thompson's, tsr. Mr. Edward Moutgonieiy, of Toronto, has bocii visit. n^ in th's locality of late. Come oKuiii, Kd Mr. John Lyons, Jr., is busy at present taking out the timber for u now baiu which he iniends buililing this summer. From oar own Correspondent. Sprint; w slowly appoaiinif and the warm weather is ugiin makiiio itself felt. Everybody is busy, as sugar making time has come. Mr. Dan. McAuly, of Uuniilton, visited friends here last week. Miss Nvtiie AlcMiilen spent Easter holiihys at her parenial home. Miss Minnie Wilson returaed home from the tjuecn City last wtck. Miss Bessie Kinuell spent Easter holi- days at her parental home. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, eto. Mr. Win McAuly spent a few days at Offloe-Next to post offloe, Sproulos block !„» parental homo lii Uauiilton last week. Fltsberton.everyTbursday until further notice. I ., • â- , ., .. , . «r „ â- , C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST LL.B. *'"** ^'^^''' '^*'''^> ^'"^ *^'"- ^'"^i"^'^, N. B. -Oven Sound office, Frost's block ! "f Ospiey, spent a few days at the forin- Poulett St. East. | ers parental lioiiie lately. I Mr. John Kisk took to himself a help- ; mate lately in the person of Miss Alice Boll. \N'd wish the young pleasant journey through life. couple Towu Line k and E. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraini Brudie havo taken iheir departuit fruni our neighbor houd and uone to live un the old valley faini, Mvaford Rond. .Mr. Charles Kich.irdKoii has purchased a farm in Cullingwoud township, aud moved over tliero, Mark'rett lieath is vi&iting at Mr. J. Sloan's, Eugenia. Mr. H. SurvslI has returned tu ths town line .tnd will live on iho old farm. Mr. Tihbitt has rented Mr. J. Biacly's farm on the 11th of Euphrasia, aud inoired thereon. - I Miss .Mary Brodie spent a couple of i wooks a short time a«o visiting with Miss Ella istcwnrt, Kloshertoii. Kluiberiey. I Also Mr. Wiliiaui Tayl >r intends build- ing a new house this summer. front oi(»- otoi corre»j>oii<fciit. | Mr. Tlie roads are in a very bad condition hood AND Garden SEEDS -^^^â- ^ in large quantities al W. E. Richardson's the barn amongst the hay for ilio iiiijhf The young f.trmur returning honii' a little later on, and thinking tliitiKS looked rather suspicious about the barn • bought it wise for him to seek shelter at a neigh- bors house fur tho night. This ho did. That s rixht, there's nothiiip like beinu safe, .Toe. [The Advance is glad to welcome cot* respoiidence frtmi the new pustoffice. The above items came to hand a day tci) late f>r last week's isFue. All corres- pondence should be received at this oHico on Tuesday in ortler receive publi- cation in the current ixsue.â€" Ed. Adv.] Ma.xweil From o>'r otp.i ('o> r* tpmnictit. Mr. ThoR, Gamey, M. P. P., retumwt home laKt week, after attending parlia- ment duties. Mi.ss Kinnear, fn)m Turouto, is visiting with her parents in town. Miiis S. Sterling was in Toronto lately buying her sunmur stock. Mi's. Couaiiis, from Singhanipton, gave us a call recently. Messrs. Guy and Pnllister spent Tues- day of last week in Rob Roy. Tho school concert was a very good owing to tho mud. Mr. W. H. Thurston, of The Advimce, at Pnjtoii Station. This wo consider to and Mr. A., Thurston, of Toronto be pretty good work, considering the Junction, spent Satui-day and Sunday ; scale of t,ho roads this winter, with their parents here. David Jauuesou ol this neighbor- ' succes-s, being iis tho evening wiut very has taken out over one hundred i stormy. There was an excellent program. cord of green wood, which ho delivered Evcryboily seonifd to enjoy thciiiselves. Mrs. Thos. Brownridge \viu( in Owen Sound latit weok. Mr. Sauj Beatty returned h<mio Itom nR. MART M. BRANDER MDOM, MCPA S, Ont., Prlcovillo, Wo are glad to note the ful! recovery L^ollarvilla two weeks ago hi.'-t Tuosil.iy. UP. B. A., nioet In their hall, Christoe's liSock ovur\ second Thursday in each month. Win. Sharp. Master. T. Clayton, Sec- rotary. PRINCK ARTHUR LODGB, No MS A F 4 A M.meet iu tho Masoi.io Hall, Strain's Block, FlertUertou, ©very Fridav on or before tha full moon. Dr Carter, W M, R J Bpioule, secretary DUFFBRIN LODGK, No 18C, I O O F. mo«ts In Clayton's Hall ovary Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited â- A% TANOnUH, N Ct of her son, Mr. C!eo. Walter, for a few one day la.st week ' I weeks, hasTeturiK-d to Walter's Falls. Judijing from tho vo;oe of the children pBICEVILLS AND DURHAM STAGE. | Mr. Pentland attended tho Teachers' I of this section wo think our presentscUoul 7.R'",^Z reru^r;?. T,'f„^'"'f.',!li'ofille"°1«,1^ ^""r""l"J'' Thoriibuiy bust week. _ | teacher, Miss Lizzie Usndei.on, is high- loaves the same placo at ia.:Ki. returning at l.ik' Mi88 Whlto, teacher on the iiASt : ly appreciated hy thciii as a teacher SLMf^,''^S;:^?S;;1(i^K.°«i;fCi,^';;,'y^^ Mountain, ia spending her holUayg with I Mrs. John L)<5ns has been viMting with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Fleahorton, last wook. Tlio people of this locality are anxious- Miss Eilith Maxwell, of .Singhainpton, spent her l^aster vacation with frieiidH in this vi.inibv. Mr. Will Turner, of Toronto, was tho of Mr. Ceo. Thompson, councillor, from guest of his uncle, Mr. Geoi-ge Turner, ! his recent illness. Offlbe aud residence at Mothodlst parsonogo during the Easter holidays. j Mr. aud Mrs. James Blackburn were Calls night or day promptly attended. Visit. Mi's. W,dtt»r, who has been the guost , the i^uests uf Mr. Geo. Thompson, Jr. Floshortou Station 10 to Ua.m.%Yedno.d»ys j ..f w .,.,. M- r:,.o VV.lf^.. f.., . f..» ! l,..., ,. Douiiira Ladies College at Oslmwu was burned, toss $'.*o.OOO. The Coroner's jury at London found a vei-dict of murder ajjainst tho participants ill the Field rtutiago at Wingham. It is reportod from Philada'iphia that NVhitlen, of ' 'L U. ijolms h:i3 made a confession, in which he acknowtodges twenty murders, including those of the Piet.?ol finiily. 'y '""''"'8 '">•"'« •'n'xrlt'io of snow, j The euyine tnd Kve car, of lheTorout<> Fr.mouro^rniorre,pondcM. | owing to the scarcety of fved. express were Ji.ched on S.it,a.liiy morn- P„„nof ^:Z ^ â- ? ^'^""'"''••''"-•K"*''! l>uiingthe recent cold snap two be- ing n.*r Perth and ei«ht passe, gers in- Koht Mahr, rf Iterlin Qermany. (vioUui; P' "t-lb^-e n. this locality I thought We :>iuhled travellers calkd at tho l.oa.e of jured. Ti-ain- wreckers weie ro.nonsible' .v^.'c-.^^.^i^ii'" ^°'-'"' '^-"""-'»'' "-"â- , â- "'«'>' ''«•'>'• '""â- "» y- -^ f«- "•"» of <>»• ot our young farmer ,u aeek lodging L invos.i^tio,. showed Thai. l'",rand new, without infringing upon the right, for Ih. hittht, but finding the door lock- fishplates had W. remove*! and one uf Of any other correspondent, and hoping cd and no one at home took shelter in the rail, broken at ths entT, Orders may be loft at either hotel. A. UcCAULEY, I'rop mt. â- frionih* near Markda'o, Port L»w. J^lBS BDITH RICH.VBDSON Prof Kerrisou.Iate of Toronto. (Plane) ^ ^ » wtll roowve popUi la UMeUla, VIOUN, P^ Wn Moeaj». See aik) aaCURAAJI ^am â- MM