THB FLESHERTOM ASYANCI ne R Do ricTavish KI. B S H B L^TO N KEEPS ON HAND R^t> airs For Miissey-Harrits, and Noxon, Fleary and Wilkinson farm implements. Fl.-ni-y and Verity plows on liand all tliu time, aleo all kinds of repairs for ilio same. We uimiiifiieiiire Wagons* Bn;iKie3, Cutters, Sleiglis, etc. IltjrKcslir.ciug prouipily ultiiided to. bpecial uttciuioii to tender, con- tractu! fcpt. honiimif and P:ow Cliains conPlanlly on liand. About Cutters and Sleighs (J KNTLP^!VIKN--.\». tlie ficnsoii of Bleij^liiiii; i» ngaiii aiirriuiching I woiiUl cull your OHrneHt inii-iition lo my wintt r stuck in whicli I uiii ire- plied til ijive y.'U iMiiiie siiii»fttctioii bi.tli in ([uality and price. In ciittiTs I li.iv,' Ji l.»ii!i' stc'ck t i celeot lr"iii, iiiadi' •â- (' l'e.-<' of niatfiial and iHtwt (1,-H ^ns 111 iiiiisli. I am 8ec'>nrl In noiu- In Aleigh» 1 can ac iiiinnidxte von. I'jtliur liylit i.r lii'avv Prnnipi at' uiven t" irpairing, palnt- i'ltt H^d re'iiiiimiuii. Call, wlieiher ynu want to purcliasu ur not, nu(l be 1 .iir .i«n judifH, K3 R.T. Wliitten Fle@Hex*-ton M GrO TO â€" i«2^^fc«-^ ^ . . John H. Heard . . ^â€" uB ig U fc^gOR THE BEST lliiuKics. \Vai;i.'oii8, ChH». Sprini; T'otli flaiTii'va, Hindi-rs, Mnwers, PiiiwH and llnrsu Hif», aki Repairn fur l!iinler», Mnwers and Plowi. Ill r<eiilii>i in^ »n<l all kimlH lif ISlHcksniitlnnt; liy Kr«t claMS wnrk- men. Woml, Luiiibfi, ("edar Pndla aiul .Shi ml;!, a for sale. <J. XX. ]E2eax*d - FlesHei^ton ^ -inrmnnnni Be Happy | !• ilruuu JrilnJiiiKShJilnjiKrb With Others a iJuiihJOiJmWrCfmjiSSVKfSfflriit) i Bvuiylliinv ir«iili 111 ilii* way nf li»iniin«. •/•ticO^, utii" all kiiiiU, cniift'ctiniii-rv I'f ; Wir chi)ii-ii-t vHiiciy, hav dHti'«, prunes, i •ciii'iei ries, IiIkcuIih of all kiiidt, ciniu'd < friiiia Hiiil vi-.'^taliltw, if»n. Niiifurs and all > oilier -jri'i'M ion ; »riick all Irtsli forihc! huliiliiy trade. i Oyntors "'"^ un?" ''**' ' Hu-I fliiui and feed constantly i>n hand. APPLES In .Small Quantities or by tiic Barrd Will. JJarnliouse j TAomtM A. JoKn0t A Common Affliction ^ageaia Mills AND Gnrria^e Works. tJirrmifiis iua'Ao a:id Repaired, ali-o i PI HI 111 4 I lid ivlatobing, Band Saw* m ;. V nil Turuiuft of eve,ry dau ; 3P1 jiiua Planing and Grain Chop Oiii r 1 )ae Willie yf)U wait, for th« jfjH,ver •urns the waoel, I T. W IV i LSO^ Mniinsf-r PermaDently Cured by Taking 5ar.'»:»- parilla r; OAVIATS, TRADZ MARM, DKSION PATENTi. OOPVRIOHTS, MO. Pnr lnri>iTn«tlon And tno Handbook write tii IIL.NN ft IK)., :ki1 ilsOADWAT, New Youk. OMi'Nt humsu rnr sociirlnir piit^nts In Anierlff*. Evi-rr nntiMit ukrnout i)jr iiH l4 brutiRht bufor* tht> iJuUlo b/ a iiotlofl^lviic fjtjoo/ciiargoln tiM Ij^nftt elronlktlnn of unr KlcBUfla paprr fn th« wurl.l. Biilanillcllv IlluitroUil. Mo latollliriil man ^hmllll Ix, wlUiout IL w Mklr, SS.OO a niar :«!.»> Ill mniitlii. Aitdmn, MUNlTil CO., VvsuiiikHS, SCI Uroadwar, Msw York 01t7. Our Clubbing II 1st For lliu ciiiitotiiencu nf our rosdoii whi> wisli III aeoure more than nnu paper vre Jiav'u niadu the following! clubhiiif; arrangu- men Is : Ad»Hni!- and T'irontii mnrtdni; W, .rid, daily 82.B5 AdvAiiuiaiid Wiiiitraal Star ... . 1.80 Advnn •' and Faiiniiig, the now fiimtint' ina;<azint) >. .80 A(iv,-\iicii and Ynuthe' (yiiHipaiiiim (iiu«) .. 2.:.5 Advaiico and Daily N«wB 1 80 Atvaii;ti and Woiikly Mail ... 1.50 A It'Hiicu and Harm and Pirusido l.'O Adrauco and Wetikly OluVia 1.40 AYERS A CAB-DBIVER'B 8T0B7. •I was affllrtod for cljrht ypixiswllh 8aH Klifum. Durlni; tlmt time, 1 liieilagient lii:iiiy mpillc'Inei which wciu highly lec- ommeiided, but none (lavo mn icllef J W.1S at last advl.HCil in try AytM'» Snr-sr- p;irlllii, hy a frli-iul who tiilil nie Ihsi I irmt six liottleH, nnd use lijeia acforiiliig til <llrectliiiis. I ytrhleil to hii norsnnslnii. hought tin" six hottles, ai.J oiiK Iho contents of tlueBof ihos.j Iw . ties without noilcliiK any illii'ft bene.'.f. Befori! I had flnlslicj Ilia /uurUi but.lo, my liniids weroas Free from Erfjptions as evrr they were. My hii«liiniis, which H ihat (if a cali-drlvir, reqilie.-i nie tn ho out III colli and wet weiilInT, ofita without Riovea, and the Irmible I..--1 nnver iPtunioU.*'â€" TUOMAS A. JoiCjOi, fivralforU, Out. Ayer'sSSarsapari'l? JLper'a I'illa Cl»anee tho B^tuZiii. WE APP Still in Ihn land (>r the lirini.', stdliii' tfiidi' Flour, gude Toa and Sui/ar and oilier Urocories. W'l, hav» sniiieraleKudv for auld and young, and if ynu want a lalu );uda Trunk tno" keep your rlara in, nr a liude Sntc liel liiii v and now fno the luanufauturer, jiial j,--A"i tau' Willie UenderBoii in Sproule's Id' ck, and lid will supply yuu at lowest prices. WM. hBNDEkSON Ojod Farm for sale or Rent liiitfT, flon.S. Artsnionia, onntalnlng Mil aorns mora or l*.|i,40 aorei oUarnd. aboiti 14 riillaf from Plesltartuii, Tbaro area (pnil io( barn *-i4 stabia on the pramlsea. Oood rannmii «r<t«r. Vix-Iutb-irpartioHlars appir to W. A, Aaii«TB<i«a riasksrtea' FIESIEBTOH STEtl LHOBY, I have oponed tin a uninplete ntesm laundry In Kluuhorton, aiul am piepaed to tRko In any quantity of laundry woili at lower iirloni than are obarged vlsvwber*. I have put in the la. est aad most liuproTed maehluerr to that and. KlndljT |1*a lue a sail. HatiVe satia(aetJ*B g«aranle*4, aad prleee low. Maa.Oao. VUoammmum DOT'S CORNER. A Hat In the WInd-Ooldwin Smith Apolo- gizes- Sidewalks and Snow. What a tantalizing thing a hat i.i on a windy day, especially when it takes lease nf your head, ai much aa to say "you have put wings on mo and I intend to use them." Like a provoking living thing it Hoeni.>< to just wait until yon have all but caught it, when away it goes again. At tirut you think of your tlignity and re- solve not to run after it ; you will just walk. There it lies, ajiimrently waiting for you to come atid pick it up. You leach out your liand in a Icisuroly insii- ntT ciilculated to impress bystanders that you are not in the least excited, when a quick putt" of wind lifts it just be- yond your reach, while you resume your wonted upright attitude, smile foidishly, feeling that you have " ti)o|icd " indued, but not " to conquer." You gaze wist- fully after yoiir nullini,-iy, noting the springs and whirls and giddy gyrations the wicked wind is giving it, in the vain hope that if you pretend not to no- tice, it may light near you. liut not a bit of it I It is making its devious, but certJiiu course up street and threatons to commit suicide under the hoofs of an approaching t-aiu. So, realiz- ing that siiinething must be done, you sneak up b hind it and furtively reach for it, half afraid you may scare it away, just aa if it were aoiue biilliant bird or butterfly. That terribly windy Saturday all this and more happened to a certain maid.:n as she took her way over the crossing be- tween Richardson's and Clayton's. A regular snorter of a wind was blowing up the station road and took her toijue ludf way ti< Munshaw's. Now this young woman hail been un- duly boastful of a line steel hat spring she piissussed, which was destined to supercede hat pins, and gloried in it all the more inasmuch as mnie of her friends or acquaintances hail one, nor could get one, "not even if they went to Mur- ray's fur it," 8ho was wont to say. Then sliu H ould go otf into uii account of its goo<l qualities. "So giHal for driving in I DottHii't slide back or tmlh on the top of your head as hat pins do, and should ynu be thniwn nut, will nut stick into ymir heail and leave a hole for your brains to leak out. Catches my hair just so, with its light little prongs and turns up with a s|)ring into tho cmwii. Perfectly solid t I should 8;iy sol" Yet there was her hat yards away, walking otf on its eight little legs, so to speak, and when it tired of walking it took to skipping and turn- ing sunimerNaults and handsprings on the lips iif the frail wings and birds and wiled ribij.;!' Ime's. I couldn't wait to see tho end of the tragedy, but when 1 left two young people of opposite sexes were approaching that hat warily frnni ditferent points of the compass, and 1 have no doubt they succcucd in corner- ing it somewhere between this and Col- liiigwood. .Mr. Goldwin Smithâ€" that perennial HpologiKt for United States " w;iys that are dark and tricks that are vaiu " â€" has been at it again. In the npininu of many people ho might lA'tter not iiav, Iried, ah he has only succeeded :n iiiaking IhuI, worse, lleferring lo adverse crilicisins by Canadian Journals of the I'. S. govermnent of its delsy in the sit- tleinent of the Hehriiig Sea awaixl, he has this to say: (the italics aie miju-). "Wo cannot atl'ord to add an u;uiec.'S".ary (Imp to the cup of iiiti tiiHlii iial liilteiiKss, ir to incroasu in the slightest degreo tho danger to which that bitturiups is giving rise. Tho $4l'6,(I(M,> oniy/o luh'iuUl by the American governniuiil, 1 u the sum is not |>ayablo uiidur tho awai-d of an international tribunal. If it were, the refusal to pay it would be a distinct breach of national faith. It was the amount nanud by Si eietaiy Ciiesham as what he deemed satisfactoiy, and he re- conintelided Congivss to pay it, but Con- gress demurred. While uiuiei the ( '(i6(ii«t fijdtm u( ijiintiiimiiit tho executive com- manding a majority in pailiament can pledge the as.sent of the legislature to a diplomatic agreement, under the pieni- UeiitifU .ij/vffm it has no such power. The iiicon iviiioice in exti tiur 1 a fhe ciiHe 11/ tren titi whichaftfi hein , fmiwi witU th<- pirnileii', wKiy tiK thrall II out by the Sviutte Hut those who negotiate with the U. S. know the conditions of negotiation. Tho ground on which CoiigrosH demurred to the ])ay- ineiit was that tho nationality of the claimants, or of some of them was (iotitioua, they being not really Can- atlians, but Americans. Tho require- ments of an afiidavit of nationality might porhapM help it to cut the knot. 'vVo are inclined, however, to suspect that |Xm(i/ ferliug wan at the bottom uf the miachirf, and that the actuating motive w«« not so inuf .i unwillingucsB lo pay the money as willingness to ililler from Mr. Oreshain." Which is all very much like saying, "They know they <uight to do thia thing but you can't make them." And the more one looks at it the luore the atti- tude of the U. S. roiKizubloa the man who in order to escajic his K'gal obligatioa<), puts everything in hi.s wife's name, arui then snaps bin fingers at hLs creditors. No self respecting individual will act that way. and no .lelf respecting nation ought to. The trouide is, neither the private citizen nor the legislator seems to feel individual reaponaibility for his nati-'ii's honor. Now that tho hare board* of tlie side walk.s aio rca|>pearin!» under the jniot etforts of olU 00', Mother E.rth «iid zeab-UK CitizeiiH. aIio, axu and nh vel In band, a'e cle-irin;; away the la«t of ih«? ice and kiiuw fr .in ihe front nf ih.-ir pri-inises-tbM ilmuijht naturally ari-e». "Why have we allowed this ai.nvv atiil ice til remain hero tliroufih all the winter iiioiilhH ?" I bave spoken to MfViral of nur tnwn^inen and they are of the "piii- i..n that there i» im reason fur i', ex eiit- iiiu the slip bi^d iiidiffeioiico to the a<pect of their town winch overtake.-! ihe usual rural p>>pnlui inn. The sin ill Imy anil 'jirl will re;jard it as a uri. vime if the sidewalks arc kept bare, as they have fi end our snitwy sideAi-lkn make excellent Tub. ggiiii sliies, while elm-rly and tiiunroiH people hiive ha.l to take tie middle r the ri ad. I do not. I lame Ini* ^nlall penp'e at all, fir I have a ivry vivid recolleeti'n nf doin:i the same thi' y myself, ui.d also that the pleasuie w:ts eidiauced by my kiiowledL>e â- ai it waa against the law. But " atiil,-n swee's, " you know. But after all, tie siiewalk... werH not ni.<tde for tohogjau kIhI-s. I5y next winter w« fully expect to be â- â- eeiic lighted fio 11 sjiirret to cel!;tr, let us then have a !ii'.le »r.yle about ua and inn let the snow acjumula'c at our doors hy the 1(111. The 111 lie exercise neces-ary In keeping' the walks clear would ou men ifiii d whoaie enga<.'ed in Hcibntary em p!i>}meni; and in the early winter niorit- invis and forruoons, before the bu^inei-s of the day h ik Uot into full awiig, many of tbein Would bo m>>re hc-t'tMnlly em- ployed tlian when standing: with their bands III their pockets iiaziii'.: into >p.iee, lonkmi; for prospective customen, or mayhap go.skipiiig with each other. Dot 4.^ â€" The MarJieLtj. Carefully Correct*-*! K.irli Wccfc Klour $4 Kit.. 54 !S# O.'.ts ... -'l c jj I'eaa 48 to M Butter . 15 ti lii E,'i:.i, fresh .... l^^ t.. iJ Poiatnea ba<; . wtO r.o 36 Pi.rk 4 50 to 4 in nay per ton 1. 5 CO to JGOO Hides 4 00 to 5 M Sheep.skiiis ' 2.'i to 60 lieese 5 to 6 Turkeys. ... .... 7 ti 7 Chiekei'S nor pair JO to 3& Ducks per pair 40 to M Wool 20 to 34 Time Table. GOINI! SOUTH. Mark dale â€" 6.40a in. Fleslitrtoii â€" 0.53 a. m OOINC NoKTH. flesiierton â€" 11 48 a. in Maikdale-- 12 04 p. ni. 4 40 ;.. m. 4 o[\ p. wa. !).17 p. '>.S0 |. Proton Couucil. Proton Council met at Dundalk on March '23 last, when Ihe following tuisi- nesH was transacted : Watsonâ€" Wilsonâ€" That G. McConooH be refuiidi;d 93, being an error on face of resident colleclur''i toll for 18S>5. That tho clerk note all coiniLunicaiioiti > Come before the Council »â- d l.sve ilnm publiNhei! along with minutes, alMinninei of pathnianteis, fence«icweis. and pniind- ketpers appointed. Also that as de- faulteis' r"ll has been ovetlooked and an error apfieais in connection wiili lii 223, range 3. nbieh should he lot 233, lange 3 owned by Edwaid Murpby, the cleik notify the ciuiity Iressurer to make II. e necessary changes. C'uirred. Mackeiizit â€" Walson â€" That byla.T» f>8. 69, 70 and 71 appoiiitiiig iou'i>.>h>p engin- eer, poiiiidkewpem, feiici viewers aid patnma.Hters, read tirst biih fUiioi.d nine, be read third time and passed. C.irned. SShawâ€" U ilsoll â€" That ibo folloviir; ehangi'S I'e made in divismi, 2 md 4 f<o the I urpose of dividing lond muine- : L)iYi^io^ 2 goiii;{ east lo hits 29 ii.clufiie 111 con. lU, 11, 12, and 13. <liv. 4 to run west oil inn. G and 7 to lirs 12, Inclusive. Also that th > neve issue his order in favor of nli or Municipal W.nlJ or mx copioe. J.^.and the cleik l.e paid $:i7 50, balance first quarter salary for 1800. Cariieil. Vi il.ion Wtttsonâ€" That Kobert na.^«Hid b«» paid for lefiairiiig Siiaper in lSil4, dit'. 4, 25 oenta. Mackeii:',;,!â€" Wilaunâ€" That the lrea^ur. er accept $'i laxoa ai>aiiiKt pa "t lot 220. lani!; 2, and part 1< t 231, range 3, lor 1^93, anil for 2^ acres pmt lot 231, riiiii;e 3, for ISW. S3 75, to Ulani-e 86.75, the clerk to notify county trensuror to erase. Carried Shaw â€" Wilsonâ€" That each farmer's hod aid others liable for pull t.->x to be bahle to perlorni one day's work on public roads, Ihe cleric lo instruct th.^'pathiiias ters to that effect. Carried. Waiaon-Wilsdii â€" That the collector leeeive Ilia salary of 8S)0 Can ied. Sliaw â€" Mackenzie â€" That 'he tuxes, S3, chaigttd a);aiiiat part lot 25. con. 8, 2iid coll., he erased fmin collec nr's roll for 1805, as thia am lunt has been paid. Carried Mackenzie â€" Watsonâ€" That H. E. (ileiidiniiii'gbepaid lhefo!low iiganii'unt : Fiftt'On line fence acts, 81 50, audilora' report, $18.00; 100 road notices, $1 ; 50 bylaws (pouiidkeepeis) $2. .4lfo that the treasurer send to U. Diiigwell, llnpo- ville, » slaleinent of taxes against [lart lot 13, con. 13, known aslrviti'a pixipcrty Carried. Walsoaâ€" Shawâ€" Thai the clerk drsft a bylaw in conneciinu with subool seclioii No. 2, authuiizing iheni '.u build a wire fence opposite the school, i ft put on road allowance. Carried. Maekoiisieâ€" WiUMon- That the (/'ounoil adjouui lu ineut at ilopvirdlti >in May 28 as a court uf reviainu on asaeMamant ndl, eooiincnoiiig at 10 a. ni., »t 8oarl«it'« hotel. Carried. Jas. CAtAiAion, T4.. Cleik. AVER'S Hair VaGOR Itc3torc3 nat-oraJ color to tlio liair, and also preventa It laliiug out. Krs. H. W. Fen wick, c« Uigby, K. S., says : fe-:-f^ S'lpfM "A little more .S^?v; i t^'ili t^'J years ;igo ' "' â- my hair ,beff a a '•to turn K r i* y and fall out. AU ter the US3 of cnoh-ittlo of Aver'3 Hair Vigor m» li.iir was restiirtxl to its original color innl orawd fallins out. An o.-c:vsi(>:ial iip-ilieation has since kepk till' liai" it' 'ood coiulitiim." â€" Mrs. U. r. Fj^-mici:, I>igby, if. S. Growtli of Hair. " nis'it vc.'JS ago, I bad tlievario- loi.l, a. lit my hair, which previ- ously V.M3 quit'j abiiiiilaiit. 1 tried a variety ot preparations, but witlt- It lienelici;u result, ti.l I began to f 'ar I should be permaiicntly bald- About sit moiilhs iigo, my htisband b;-oiiglifc houu! a bottle "of Aycr's ll;iir Vi^or, and I bepan at once to ujj it. In a s'iort tinip, new hair b'ri;i to appear, and there is now c.i'vy [iro.'ipei't of a.s thick a growth of li.iir a^j Is'foro niv illness." â€" J[r:j. A. V.'i:ui.:i, Polymaia tt., New Orlean.'., La. IYER'S Hair Vigor rBEr.4REj r.r 0.1. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL. MASS., U .S. A. Avar'* mit oure Sieb i/cat.'acA«». Flesherton Saw & Planing^ Mills The iindfisigind aii 1 â- po sitioii a lii ST. ciass snwc torn sawing, wliicli will Ih >• pvh- tion ill .liiiiini- ^ \N'i tdctl A CHOPPINQ MM !. For til- ((ii'Viiiniici .' let*. Clinjipini,' (loiie at any tin • ' â- • tule per 100 lbs. Tlio Basil and door }u»;i'>. band and scroll aawiin; linsinet-x ci<ntiiia*d us iiSHal. Pile ill yonr uiiicis. BEEGROFT & TAL150T I Photos -^l ^ â€"TAKEN I « â€"AT THE r -â- h Flesherton i Photogfraoh | Gallery are dune in Best-class stylo and ai lowest rates, Special attentiun given to copylnit. Babies' photo*, a ipeoialty. Picture* framed. MRS. BULMER ER I