THl niBHIRTON ADTAliGI f^S JLUiJlMLJ.g ^ KSTABLI6BBD 1881 »"JDLISHEU WKKKLY AV THB OFKU'E. SVI>- â- NUAM HTUKBT, FLKMHKKToN, ONT., UY W. H. TnUKSTON. 91 per aiiniiin,slrictl}' in advance Arlveitisiug Kates: One Uolumo, 1 yoar, «.iO ; liaK ool., 1 jroar, •27 q jarCur col., one year, tld. Transient adverliseuient charged a^ the rate t • oentH p»r line for nrat insortiun and J cents uauh Biibsequeat iuneitlou. There is nolliing new in tlie Ocmedial school hill mutter at time of writing. Tlio comiiiisBioners are alill at Winnipeg negotiating, bat it it not tiiou^ht lliat mucli will come of these conferoiioes. it being rumored that Mr. Greeiiway refuses t^ treat whilo the livmcdial bill hangs orer liis head. The Tiappist monks of Uka have a grievance which should without dela} be made the cubject of a remedial order by the government. This body were found guilty of maiiiifacluniig illicit whisky and lined thiW. They COiupluin that a private citizen whh only lined flUO for the same offense. Inasmuch as the monks are a com- muuity and llie citizen only one man, it is hard foe an ordinary individual to 3ee where the justice of the complaint comes in ; hut perhaps if lln matter were properly presented before parlia- ment an excu3e for redress might be discovered. Budyard Kipling, the novelist, was asked by the New York World to write 1.000 words for 11,000 on " Why America could not conquer Englauc'." Mr. Kipling replied tliat it wai< impossible, " as it would in- volve discuasing tiie armed strength of the empire, a quef.tiou on which no Hritish Rnbj<'Ct has any information for sale." It is such uiiiinpcuchabie honor and loyalty ns this that has made the British nation wh.ii it is to day, a matter of pride to every true Driton, and a syuonym for all that is honorable and noble and good through- out the vast teirit.irieti which slie owns ard controls. This, njtwitli- standiiig all that the " Fritzes " iiiiiy charge uguinst Icr. Kiiglaiid caiiuol be briOed, neither can her tnio sons be purchaued for her injury. All honor to the Kiplingn. A Cuunter-Irritant Tv lh« EdiUir of The Adeaucc. Dkaii Hiu, " M«(til^nl prnctitioncrH fifiiubiiily ii|'ply "cciuiiter-iiiii»iit!i" with heiieficia: reaulta ; but whin thi'NO runiod ieH iir« ii|i|>liud Id iIio "Itody politic," ill -^ aviiiiiiii proiu olIiKiwiso tliiuin (luiriiuKiii. Mitiiil-iliH luriiifi a p.«rti»l BJLoeptiin). Tiui atudeiil iif i)iiiiiiniiin imliiicU liiKt4iry will reiiiniilier that llio Nunjii.iy ndiiiinistiu- tioii of Munitoba nan diHpliiced liy iIih present iiiuuiiihuiit!i of ofjice by iv ilisii p •••iilile ilddge. A» eurly hh 1«8«-'8!I the iiii<liiili«i of thii (Jrcciiwiiy niliiiini.stru lioii linil nlicnnled every lioiirst nmn from lliuir ranka, and iiriiiiiiiiniiiia ilff»Ai â- tared tlio GruniiwnyMurtiii ISifioii crow in the fiic«. Dreadful oniorjiencion re- ipiin) powerful roiiiudieR ; niid ihn moat potent " couiiter-irrilunt" wan n ooiii- pouiid of '' old-liiiiu feud" niid " laltur- .Ky fminljcisin," which raised such nn riioniioiiH blJHtor called ihii Hepantu .Schiiol bill, llial MiH Alaiiitiibaiia forijot (JlHeiiWHy'H iiii(|uiliea, driiL'gt'd him out â- f lii» Nrlf iiii'inu'ud lillh pDiil, and oli.tlied the uiirogenerate aoavenger in angelic Katb It la nil »okn(>wlodv(ed f*()t that a gov- ernment, ns siioli, can dn little or nn- tiling to elevate the uinMca; that, moral M\i\ Hiii'.ial develiiptiieiit of a niaii>n de I d» upon Hie ii,i|iiiduiil eft.irt of ita ijiliahilaiita i !»iit a Hoveriiiiieiit depraved v^iyhiniuelf .jan, by piriisaii pmidering U< ll^e dubniicliiiig iiilluenciis of a corrupt (â- l.fctorato, mar the buat iiifliiuiice» of ^l^'Lstiai). and tocial philaiithrojiy fhere is a Temponuice orcanization at Fleshertun Station, where devote J men and woman are striving to rerlaini the fallen and shield the innocent from the effects of the national ctirae, alcohol. The Ontario K"vei I'liient. however, ap- plies a "counter irritant " in the shape of another hotel license, merely because the drawing plaster nets them over one hundred dolUis. Oliver Mowat ! Oliver Mowat ! when will the cup of thy infamy be full ? " Tlie mills of tlie «oil» grind Blowly. I)ut they grind excooding amall." S. L. M. LuKB. Co-operative Agriculture Comparative teats of over one thousand varieties of farm crops- Reports from Ontario farmers -Experiments in Agricul- ture for 1 896. A prominent featjce in the unrk of the Gxperiineiital Department at the Ontario AgricnliUinl C.'lleLT, Guolpb, is the test- iii'.; iif different varieties of farm crojw. Within the past ten yeais, upwards of 1,000 kinds have been yrown on phit- aiuillar ill size and shape, and situntud side by side. Fully COD of this number hate been ijrown from four to si-ven years in succession. Not only have all the available v.irieties in Ontario been ttsled but similar testa have been mad>- wiili varieties from tnrenty one fi-reign countries. A few imported varieties in iica:ly a'l classes of faun crop* have given I utter resulia than the beat Onlaiio kind" ill the average seven years' experiments. After the varietiea have been very care- fully tested at the CoIIkri: for about five years, llie best are selected fur testing' in a co-opuralive way throui'liont Ontaiin. These oo-optrslive experiments are car ried on ehiely throuith the medium '<i the cx-sludentN' Kxperimental Union ; but any farmer in Ontario may join in the work, provided he applies for the seed early, and agrees to make a careful test and to report theresulU according to spccilied insiruciions. Within the past live year*, we h.-xve distributed to experi- menters upwards of ;t2,000 packages of choice seeds, wi h veiy giatifyiiig results. LEADI.NIl VAKIKTIB.S For a detailed account of the rarmu.s teals c>>ndu<'led in ISUi'i, the ruader is re- ferred to the report of the Experimeiiial I'liixii, which in published as an appeinlix to the Agricultural Colloue report for the same year. Tliia r.-jeirt is now beiiii; dis triliuled I y the DepiirinnMit of Auiicul lure, Toronto, to those who reported the ro.sults of their cuoperntive exporiineiits ill IH'.lo, and to the ineiiibors of the Fariiieta' In.ilitntca in Ontario. Our Ai;ricult oral Ciilleye has imported into Ontario HMniu foreign varieties of farm crops, which have iimde bi^h reouriU both at the College and iliroUL;hi>ul the province, and which ate beuoinini; quite P'ipular fur general cullivation. TlioHe nhicli we will nienliMn in this brii f iirtlchi are as follows : Sibt-rimi Oata, KuHSia ; Joanetle Oals, France ; Poland White Oau, P'raiice ; MatKUcbeuri Har ley, Kn.'aia ; H.-riaoii Itearded Sprinu Wheat, Krai. CO ; Miiiiiiiioth Cuban Corn, I'. S.; Wi.scoiisin Km beat White Dent Corn, U. S ; Sidzijr'a North Diikota C'irii, U. S ; .lerney Navot 1'uinip, II. S.; ijalzer's Dakota Millet, U. S. ; etc. Aiii'<ng the leading v.irn ties of farm crops, the HUtid nf which we obtained in Ontario, the lollnwipg havn inadii hiiih tecorda ; DaWHoii'a (ioldrii Chaff Wii.jei Wheat, llavarian Oata, Hed Fi-rii'Spring. l^iUHsiaii JUue Peaa, Cmm.lian B'aiiiy I'ea.-*, Egyptian Mummy I'eas, Hartley's Itionze Top Swede Turnip, Iiiipriivid' While (Carrol, Improvud Mamniiith S.iw Li)|>.Mai.gil, Empire State Potatn.eto. Tlie-o are otlnr varieties both foreign and Canadian which have jtivoii exoellenl rimiiliH, some of which have ikiI boen used ill CO operalivc ex|>eriineiits. Any person wiahini; to join inthonnik Hhoiild select one of the expeiiments for IH'.MJ, and inform the Director of hia choice. A« applicatiiuis several tlioii saiida packimea have iiliesdy been re- ceived, and as the x-.ipply ia limited, tlnwo who apply liiat will be tho Surent of ob- taii.iim 111" desired "Ullit. It iiiighl be well for each applicant to make a sicond choice for fuir ll.e tir,t o.iuM not he uranted. A sheet coiilaiiiiiij; iii.iliuc'.ion.s for coiiductintf the expei iiiieiit sjlectcd, and tho blank form on which to repmt the leault of the work, will ba aoni to each exporimciiler, iit the lime the feriilizeis or tho a -edH are foraaideil. Material for No. 1 experiinont will bo H.-iit l,y expreha and for each of the olliers by iiiail. I'ailioular varietiea need not be niBiilioued, as all the kiiida lo bo dia- iributcd are thoae which have dona ex I oeptionnjly well <ui the trial plots at the : College. The area ol land iei|inred for j the dilferfchl experinienta varies from ^ to 10 rods. LIST or XXPERIMHMTS FoU 1896. 1. â€" Testing nitrate of soda, super- phosphate, muriate of potash, mixture, and no ipannre with i>a>s. 2.â€" Comparing the advantage of nitrate of Hnda over no fertilizer with rape. >i. â€" Ascertaining the relative value of four varieties of Millet. 4.â€" Growing three fodder crops. 5. â€" Growini{ Lurcnio as a cnp for urecn Fodder. C.~Growing Crimson Clover as a crop for Ilay. 7 â€" Testing six leading varieties of Fodder Corn. 8. â€" Testinj! five hadinji varieties of Turnips. 9.--Te8tinK five leading varieties of •Manules. 10.â€" -Testins five leadinc varieties of Caniita. 11. --Telling five leading varieties of Spring Wheat. 12. â€" Testing five leading varieties of Barley. 13 â€"Testing five leading varieties of Oats. 14. â€" Testing four leading varieties of Peas. All material will be fuinished entirely free of charL'o to each applicant, and the priduce of the plots »i\\ be the pr>'pertv of the person who conducts the experi- ment. Ill return, we ask that each exptriineiiier be very careful and accurate in his work and that he forward to the Director a complete report of the resultn obtained from the test, as snon as [losxible after the pl'its are harve^ited. C. A. Zavitz, Director. (.)nt*rio Agricultural C'\\n%t>, Guolpb, March 27th, 18%. Connty nnd District The member for East Grey, Dr. Sproule, is at least supported iu his stand on the Ueniedial Kill by the cuisiituenta of Thornliury. Gnl and Tory alike. Last Monday a ciicular which endorsed in the iii>itt tl.itteiintf toniiH, our iiieniher's stand on this iiiiporiaiii political issue, was pre- pared and siuiod by nearly everyone who read it, ai.d niaihd to Dr Sproule. Wo helive the opinion of ihe Thorubury con- ^titiieii's on tlii> i|ueHtion is heartily shar- ed by a very larpe nmjorily of the electors of Easttii.y. â€" Standard. Coiiiplaiiil was laid la^t week before â- luH'ico of the Peace, And, Shore, charg- ing linger Blown, a young niarrieil man oftlnliih line, Cnlliliiiwood township, *iili .lienipting rape on the |iei-»on of the l.fiyear old dauulner of (i«„. Urown, ;» 11' ighlior. but not a relative of the man clmrged with the ciiiiie No atlciiipt wa-" made to an eat Drown, he was simply 8uiniiion,-il to appear before Mr. Shore at UaveiUM. li.Htaail of i<bi-yiii){ the sunt- moils tli» itccunrd iiiaii took theafternoon tiuin ai Thornliniy on Tlnirsday and inadj hiin»olf scaice. As yet, nothing hiia bi'in ill. II. lowaids effect iii'4 liiowii's Cttutme, but it is Slid the authorities in- tend In use every int>aiis to bring the cul- prit to task. Tho father of the uii I baa been a lesideiit of the township for on'y a short lime, coiiiiin from C'lliii^'wood. He at niii! time kept hotel at Fevershani â€" Thiirnbury Siand.ird. \a\»1 week Ihe Siandaiil made Ihe following correction to the above item : In the Hist place the oainplaint Aas made to A'oxai.iler MaKo'iii, J. P. and not Andrew Shore, aa atatcd. Tlio iiiforuia lion was faulty, and the case dropped throiiRli. Subsei]iiently, however, a prop- er informajioii has licen made, and county ooiistable Husk of Havana furnMiod with a warrant for Itrown's a rest. Injustice to the accused man we also state that the charye is not for cnininilti.i^r rspe, but for llie lefSKiavei.ffDiico of attempting to eoiiiiiiitle rape. The youinj man alao says that he did not likip the country, as aim uiiccd, but Nin.| ly went to Cnlling- wood nn priTiile btis.ins.s and returned lo lii.u IniiiiH in a couple of ibiys. Laywur lb uco of ColliiiKwiiiid has tho csio for the coiiiplniiiant. D. Cuiiiiiiinjs, of Uivervi^w, dropped dead week while crosaiiig his own lhre^h.<ld. A. Faweetl, Win. Head and Jin. Keat lii^',, were lined for lighting their bulldogs, -!r.l ' '" ^ BULL FOR SERVICE. Thii iiiiderKlunod huu a lliia Purhnin I'.nli f„v servieo on Int 1.15, \V. T. 8. U. Te. nm 75 i-Pi.t W. DAVIH. i. Bli SPRING GOODS ar- riving da'ly at the Store Oil the Hill. Rafts of Print? tochoot^e froin. Somcoftlic best patterns in the market, ranging in price fiom 5c per yartl up. There is no need for customers travelling miles out of their way to go to other town.s for bargains. This store is beginning tiie season in earnest and will not be undeisuld by any living white man We have c me to work for YOUK interests as well as our own, and are well aware ot the fact that the iarmers are the main stay of the country .ind we are de- pending on them and when they put their shoulder to th< wheel everything must go and we feel it our duty to s-tand by them in hard as well as in good times. In dealing in this store you will find all our goods maiked in plain and at the lowei=t prices. You can sen J your smallest child and they will be dealt with the same as when you come yourselves. Bring along your Butter and Eggs. B. McDonald house and Lot For Sale Fur Falo clieap. on I'tuty tnrms that oomfort* able resld«nc» on Mai-y St. FleBtiertoti, coiitaiii- ii.R K I'ooii'N and wood whi-d, with hard and t<o(t WAtor punipH. holtt under cover, beautiful ^;ardcn ami 01 olmrd nUo well fluiitbeti stable aitd drive houHe ^x^4 ft. Apply to J. K. MOOKK. Furtiituro dtialur. Seed For Sale A fi'W cars of peed wheat. ro« f»fe, or clJ KlakK^iw. For sale at ttie Frloevllle roUor mills (or caKh or will cxuhan^c fur other wh«iav. • U. McCOWAN. FARMER.% ATTENTION IMPHOVH \ornsTocK. I have ba 1 ftruni nurcosit with my bull. Lord 1taU*o, a^ a iitovk getter. Pn account of hnrd tnnuK 1 have necided to run biro at %\W per cow for IHOfl pavahle Jum. iHt 1^97. If not pnied onorbutoro that daUt lU eta. extra wi 1 b»t chiir|;ud. ron t»Ai<n, â€" 1 hav alKo for Ralo a vouuk thorouithbied bull, which took flrKt prize at FlPtiltertou nnd Mnikiale faira sirod by l..>rd naloo,dain l>adBV Cloiiinore.ono of tho hAHt luilkint; cuwH that ever canto into this country Artui'H rfoiiNDTON. Vandelour V. 6 1B005 LOGS WANTED Bpnicp loRi.any Dliooter ten inchet, 18 te»l lanif. Higheit |>rlou(. »?a.OB(>rT A TALBOT llT Kiilckerhorkor *2IX\ the Hire of ten In the 9..t0 liat. anil ihi< i«iru of the dam of AUr 2.11, C.hroitog 2 VOi ard elt,v„n othurs. This hhuwf thai hiK Block is breoding on and iu Ihe vi ry froiit iiiiikft. KnickMrbockor i» by the king of airop, Hani- bletonlHii 10 Kill)! Tin s ilam in Touiev b^ Koiitsckv I'linco Zi'O, Hire of iiuv, 'J.OWj. Kloiao, 2 15. aiicl ovw thirty others in i ho list. fiecDii,! dam ov Korent Kini! 17."'l, lh» sirii ol l.ady Ha^set. .SUirj, and oth(M-«, unci Korest Kinii U bv that gri-at Firtt, Manihiino riitilu'n "iH.^lroof 2,'> in he list, and 8ii'(inf thtMlaiiiA of ll'J fast p vformrtrn, inelii.l- iuu Ualiih Wilko .«(i>VJ Kind Fin'BdaiM. I'opsv. ia ill tiiB Kieit brood iiiaro ll»t. Imins tin, il >,» of ZmlftiK'. 2^1 Kliiti rill U ft yoarM i»l.i, , hOKiitifiil da<kbnv 11) hands high, and noiKhs, l:mo. lliiii-ali rs,' of Cleat Bti hi, <]nalit\. UI1.1 a maiHl ertor, ami citii now, wIMiciit iraliiinK. Fhiiwntl'lUi.'Ait. Ill- liu« tjrout anlistanri'. strong bnllil, till' iiiiiko no ofa blio, th« ipaud i,i tiuns. mil and the hrei'diiig and bloo<l linna to make liiin inopotiiiit, iMiil not only a slro of rn.H hoi'HKii but a slro of elegant citrrlnge and .iiidJIe horeeB with uniiid kiim and hock urtioii. and lai'Ki'i-noiich for all kinds ot f.uni work 'IIiIh voiinK Htallion WU1 hnported bv inn lant wiiitor.did a laiKo l>ii»ii,«s:< last siiason. mil is a miro loal (!i-iter. His servioo loo will ),« witldiironoh of civcry farmer. Kae aniall billB latiir Tim nrinclpul HtiiiulB forscaaon of W will b-, : rrliwTil o, at or near lloiuville. I'roton Sualoii. Sontli-Hast Artomi>i,iH, 'Warehajn, Mclntvie. Maxwill, KuKenla Kiills, Ik'^hcrtoii and liouio stable, Markdal -, J. E. HARSH, Mtrkdale, Oot Millinery Opening MMj Qj,^â€" -Ksear J{pri7 /si d 2nci. M:iss Kline, of To- ronto, will t.ike charge of our Millinery Department tLi.- season. We open this week another large consignment of English Dress Goods, Newest I^'abrics and designs. New Fruits, Apples, Peaches, Plums, Prunes, Figs, Jams, Marmalades, NTEVir GOODS Opening Every Day at U. Richardson d Co. 's. Hay and Grain for Sale. The iinilysiKnert la telling hay, seed and feed oalt and aU-rowed barley at market inlco. «, BKATlV, Orange Valley Marcivvarc } Dep't. LOOK NO MOllE nf China Cup» and Saucers, Muxk, Pie Plates m.d Teapots l.y miing White Enameled Ware A irraiid as^nrtmeitt now diaplnyt'd ill tho Hiiulow. All iirticlos in.tik- ed in plitin tiguros ami at li.wfiit prices. Sap Buckets ONLY g8,no I'KK 100. Horse Clippers AT $1 26 AND $1 50 A PAIR. X=-Cut=Saws AT 40 AND OO CENTS KO(*T. Chopping Axes AT W AND r>r> C"E2<TS KACH. II]. ^iclrardsoi] ^ 6o.\^ F^