Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1896, p. 1

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fi)- - -V ,-..;f' '%' ksb^rtun Aiiiana, c "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR "â€"" PRINCIPLES NOT MEN-' VOL. XV, NO 789 FLBSHBRTON, ONT , THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1896 W. fl. THURSTON, EOI (OR & :»nOPBiE7CI» f J 4 -i . , • r ^ost ^^is S^S-^^ â- m ^^ Attetitinn has been recently drawn lo tlie sad condition of dipt. Audtews, of Toronto, wlio lout liis fcigLt hy i<avin«,' tlie lives of oi!ii-r«, liaviDji ii-eiud f;oiii dioW!iiHf» citjlitten pe soiis. An appeal is to be n>a(lo to the uovt-n-.tnent lo ^tiintbiiu a {jinsi^io, wiili whicli :i >8 to bf Iiopi d ta«-y will comply. Unf)i-lunat»^iv, slmll wesay many lose liipir xi-^iit, not as Ctpf.. Andreivs lias done by Having a i*ciir« of liven, bnt b> the deriie to shvi- a few cf'nts by niHriii)r clit-ap or o'her gofclao'cs that are i)f inferior umterial, not pioperly gronnd. or tl'at n.e not il'i- proper coii-ection. Olli?r8 injure Meir siglit by not wear- iiit; spfcljioles when they need tliei.1, tliinkiii<; ilie longer tliey can do wii.ioni tfteni ilie b', whereas it is tl'e rev.-rse. We leconunend |l tliat y>u fin not allow false pride or otiier reusiiio to keep yoti from \veurn;ti sptcttcles wiitn yon need tlieiii, aii'l when yi<n do bi ain iii:ikf KiiiH dmt yon are wearmi; llie riglil kii^l for yon. Tlieve is no whv iif knowitii; this but by liavin-? yo'ir ey>s properly t. sted Hud (••iiKwa t;iveu ancoi-dinjj to the needs of cifcii eye. I liave made u gtnily of tlie testin;; of Mi^^lit by improved !<.i'Hli ida, and K^Aranlee a peiftct tit at reasonable prices. ! i W. A. ARHSTRONG, Jeweller & Optician NOW is tlie time to ^et youx* .Ordered .*. Clothing .*. Cheap, Our usificss Directory liii!«ti»::e. Prum <iiir oipu dirretputidcul *^priii'j riri|> are iiumeruiiit. An early apriiii{ wuiild i>u h weluoiiix uUfHt. oi ilna locality o«in-j i"tlie roarceiiess "f fe^d. Mr .M. L ecli, Sr., hiW refurttvd b> Ini-iMD^re, wlicitt lie |jurpo>es spfudtiig tUu suiMn'r luiintlis. Mr. Lrech ru auiiii'S tii-* )vo>k ill rhi* simp himI is pr^. jMirud til lU'ike yon a ii^-w <<ett <if baiuciMt iir ri-iiair y><ur ul<l ima-s Mr. F>'liic«i liHS Hi'ld Ilia |ir"pHrly lieie, kmiwii m till- Ne<biti faru, lo .Mr. W.,t. smi. (if Ferjus. Geo. Lcccli, E-i| , h >8 a Id bi« tifty acres to Mr. E. Nonell. Thin ia ilie second f,ir >i 'liat IVIr. Norvrii baa pitr ciMsed ill 'hf lit»t 'iz mnath*. Mr. G«". iM'..r>* irlurued fr"iii (Jwen Simtid Satiii'l ly eveiiina after aite dint; the fum-riil >>( li.n ki-ter, .Mrs Sini'li. Aluiui ilnrty )enrsa'.;i> Mrs Sim b wh* a â€" . _ ,j i rexid.iit "f it.ia |.li.c«. The s^rr-iwiiij BUkeV"""' th» <» D. ft. The ci'tt»mc«- frii'i.dH have the «yiui.»thy uf all ^,^^ ^,ar' ie» wire Joliii \ViMmiii»..n and Mia. C. Wiifceloy. Dunkalk, was ih« f,,^ Bl..k.-s all of Aneiiiefia. The j guest -i .Mi.v C. RuCe<tgi>t'a« dfaj low cerwuv ny was p.-f<ir.i.od in tlie presence **'*'k. ,,f ^1.,,,,, 20 jfue»t«. iiiosily relatiteg i>f 'he j ftlisH K. Hutclnnaon is ris ting at \,rid»I i.air. Th.- brid« m»» asaiited by j K"lt"n. â-  • Jlisa .VUiy WiHiiiinsoii. aiid^tlie grumu by . M« Krs E Lyon* jnd A Wyvdle, jj^ si.ln-y Blakest..n. Tlie pruseuM j rroi.'ii, writ) at. liiisii.-ii,- Sunday ^^re nunienuK .nd ImndiMiina, We wish Mi^ Ma gie Armntrwuir, Dundalk. the liappy cvu;.le mucli joy. sprnt Sunday lust with ber paraiiu. Everything at very px*ices xioiHT ; C.J. LEIlCH, Merchant Tailor % a^ m • 'V-%^V^-%''«' *'*^ %^^'%%^%^W%%^%%^^%/% m. olose ^ •%.-*•• Ifield AND gu$iurp$ (Sard?. rnj CULLOCOH * TfOUKO, Baukem. Mark<talo. do a Kpnaral bauking boa- luers. Uouuy loanad at arMMonabl* rata. Call on U9. gfutistin. Mount Zi«u. FlfHherton Station. J p. UABSHALL, L. D..S.,M.D. S. DcntUt. V\%\\>, Markilals tb« IM and :ii'd TVsdniiidajr of aach moiicb, Fleabortoaâ€" Mach trip oo ths da* i...w«ruiK. A 8. VANDT»aEN. Cl«i k 3th Di» Court. Co Gray Ueuer of MairiiKO LicuiiSMS, Conimi««loDar lo H.C.J., Cji^J/iincur, Aucliou ar, »to. Agaut for tlia Jla»»«'y-U*"'» Aitricultural Iiiipl«> j inanta Clayton's Ulix-k. FlaaUorton, •ppoalvs j Bichardaon'ii liarilwaraaior*. i frfial. TVEUTB COLLECTED. The iind'-rviKUcd )« proparad to uadertaJia tba .yiPcctiin of all kinds of dtbtn. Notas bought, »ccuuiits collected, etc- B. K HEKUERSON « ' n.IiiBEBTOM pKUfiT it UATSOrt RarrUters. Solicitors. Coaveyancara. eto. Officeâ€" Next to poat oflDca. Sprotile'a block Fliabertoii.evaryThuradty until furtber notice. C. A. BATSON J. W KRO.'>TLL. 11. N. B. â€" Owen Booad office, Fiott'a block Poulett St. East. TCmSliETT • Kleanerton Stiitioo Poatinastur. Coiomlsalorer lo H, C. J-.Con- yayancoi ; deud^, inortg»«<w. laaiHMi and wllla drann. Charge* moderate. Buslneaa lettera written. del* R .1. iiPKOL'LB, Pof taiaster. Kloaharton, Coainiiiialoiior in B. 8.. liconed >uctioa«er. Couv.yaiKor, A - praisur and Money Lender, Keal Kstate and Iaaurci;:ce .^gutrt. Dpo.U. Morig«Ko8, LeassB. and WllUdrawwup au:! Valuations made on abo.i t iiKtioo. Auction sales attended to in au.> par. of Iho County. Mouey to loan ai low •at rales \.'i iuter»»t Collnotions uttonjod to wttii 1 .OM"»n«»s aud d«apatcb Chargea low. Agent for i,h» Dotiilnloo btoauiship Company, abeap tickota !»•â- Â» Flfshortou to Liverpool, 01aHi;»jw. ixiudon or any of the British ports. Periies iiitoudiug to visit Kn^land, Scotlaud or Ireland, will pioase ask ratea b«fo.-o pnrcbasing Ibvir tickets olsewboie UOAH ft vvaiaHT, Barri stars, Rolicitors, Oonveyancara, etc., Owen Sound. Ont. - - Maikdale, Out. W. H. Whioht. t. H. Llcas. N. B.â€" Flesberton efflcs, Uitcheira Bank every Wedn«sday. r From oxooinn Currtgpondnnt. t'rutnour >u."i Cnrrei>pi»,dei.t. Alex, and Cai rw T»yl>'r, .il*' Will and I Mr. Lome Hogarth left Tuesday mom- Tiibe Taylor ait-odcd the wetldiuji >•( ing for Whitby, where ha iuttnda to their lousiu, Mi^ Mngjie Broadner uear spend tho suiumcr. R«xkl.vii, laat Wedniwlay week. Mian Maggie Hemphill went down to Mi-s Lizzie Frr^u»nii, of Swiiiton Park, Toront<i thi.s week. visited » nil fi lends here. Mr. U. Cook is spending a couple of _.J»rry Tayh.r and Will G-odfellow paid I weeks around town. .- , <^ viait t.. fiieiida at Swintun Paik Mr. luid ML-ai McLe<xl visiteil in Dur- recently. ham last wetik. Mi. Bdward Rn*' family moveJ to Rev. Legate of Maxwell ,ind Mc-wrs. Dundilk tins »eik. Mr. snd Hill aud Cleave of Balaklava, vi.^ittd Mr. family »ill. be greatly inisae 1 here, but Legate this week. we extend ..ur warmest wiahes fnr their t)ii Monday morning there wa.s quite a fuiu.e Wflfare, Garden SEEDS -^^•^ in largeiiuaatitiesat W.E.Richardson's Kiaikcrtey. rUCKER it PATTRRSOK. Banistaia. solicitors, eto. Molaou's Bank, Uwfcii H^mnd. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. PattaraoB ^cdiriiU stir at the depot whore a numlrer of young men took the train for dilferent points , in search of fame and fortune. The K. T. of T. of this place paid the S. of T. of I*riceville a fraternal visit Thursday evening last, aud though th«t B"l'on at preaeni. night wius both cold and stormy the' Quite a nunilet of penple here are young people enjoyed a very pleasant scarce .f fe.-.!, but theie seems to be evening, and were right royally enter- pl«m JP for sale, tained by the hospitable Pricevilleistee. A liMlt- daughter CMiiie t'l the home nf W. J. H-nd. r».n on Thur»d:»y evening. 19th iiist Both mother and child are doing Well. Miss Carrie Taylor ia visiting friends in nR BUTTON MDCM, MPPAS Ont. Prlceville Office r.cxt d'.or to Brown's store; resideuca one door west o> Uetbodist cbuich, iUnroaa at. Office daya. Tuesdays aud Batucdays, D R CABTEtt <foci1if$. AO u w â€"meets every first and third Mon â-  d«y in each month, in their loiige room Christoa's niock, Klssherton, at » p. ai. w- B Walker, M.W.; W..I. BellaD;y, flunie.'er W. Irwin Kecorder. Visiting Urothein invited. R OYAL TKMPLAKS OF TK,Ml»KRANCK. â€" Ucgular Council rueete every llrst ami third Tuoa lay evealiiK in each uioutb. So bproiiUi's block at 8 p ui. ^ t'e'e". deg'co Insurance) meets nioutbly, the Wedueaday Fracedinc the SBad ol each month. M O P ft 8 Cot., Physician, Surgeon, eto Flesberton otSoeâ€" SIraius b ook. Kaaidence â€" UuDsbaw's Hotel JUBN A SCOTT U B Member Collage Physio, ft 8nrecons.Ontar<o Orailnate in Medicine of Toror o University Fellowship Diplouia, Post Giadnste Medical School and Hospital, CbicatiO. Uisuasosof eve, ear, nofe and tbroat specially treated. Besi- dence, .Max we 1. visits Favetabaiu Tbarsdars 1 4 T P t>TTBWKLL Vetorinaiy Surgeon. Sraduato of Ontario Vaturnary Collage. Roe ideooeâ€" Next door sovii: of Udora's planing fastory. Rumor says there is going to be an «, elevator iHiilt hero in the near future. We lio|ie it will prove true. An elevator would be a valuable actiuisition to our town from a businesa point of view. Kucenbb ^ -fint oiii iiirn i'orrentjotuimit. From iiitr out curmvittidntt. Our little village was visitetl on Sund.-ty last by quite a little freshet taking for its course Main street. Miss Tumor of Tuenw:iter retiurncd home uu Saturday lust after spending two or three weeks with her eou.sin, Mrs. T B. Carruthers, and other friends. Miss L. Cnthani tangh* fichool in the absence of Miss Wright oti Tuesday, while the Utter attemled the wedUiiig ot I her cousin, Miss A. Wright, of Flesher . ton. j â-  « i»i I i Feversham PrirevUle. out like a lamb, ani^l am sure every one I in satietied that it left onthing undone ia the way of storiu and blow. From mir oipti e<irr*i}iotultnt j All the sick folk.s around are on the The Priceviile budget did not Ko astray mend except Mra. Sloan, sr , who still ls.Ht ^Mek. It rem:uiii d in our pocket fur remains in a very precarious uonditiim. c day orHwi.. thanks to a treachernuB Ibe Sidvation Amiy corps, accompain- nieiimry. ed by some Indiana, held a concert in the Mr. An>!Us McPhail of thcO D. R is Orange Hall the past week. Great inter- sonn-what riled nveraii item that apiiear- oet w,i.-4 tak«a in the meeting, e^l in the l.ica cnluins of the last week's A leap yetir party was held at Mr. issue of ihii Advance, stating that his Rob. Purvise's on Friday evening, last. iiO:<e, hinds and feet had been bauly The night cap social held at Mr. friizm. Angus inf.rn.ed us that such Williams' wa.* a success. A large number S' rrow has again entered our iiti^jh M,irch is foUowiag the old rule this bcrh.HHl by the death ..f Mis. G. T year incoming in like a lion and going Buckingham. Deceased wns a daughter of Mr. Sandy Sinclair of tliia place She wasiiiarii^d to heriiowNormwinu husband on Dee 20ib 1894, and suiHed in Culling wiiiid w ere they livtd till laat fnl!. Dur- inu her short life, twenty two years, she WHS a kind hearted g rl, a loving wi.'e, al ways ready and williiitf to do what, was riulit snd so won foe nerself many trlend:> I wherever she went. She died < u ihe 7th of .March, 189«, after a shoithu*. eevi're iliness, leaving; a liule baby which has since ifune to thu butter world. Her'd was a must beautiful death. Ou the D R. MART M. BRANDEB enjoye<l a goo<l time. The vocal and ' MDCM.MCPft S. Ont., Prlceville. Office and rsBidcao* at Methodist parsonage SONS OF TBMPKRANCE.â€" This society I Calls night or day promptly attended. Visita experience, iiiests in Dr. Christoo' Hall first Wed_ Hesboitou Station 10 to tt a.m. Wednesdays ' n>, , , „ _; nesday io each mouth *t 8 p.m. Visiting â- ' Ihe folluwi nesday â€" - ^, teetbvrcu invited. Insurance in couuaotiou. UP. B. A., meet in their hall, Christoa's Block ever> second Thursday in aaob â- wntta. Win. Bbarp, MasUr. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. FmCBABTHCBIiODOB.No.naS. A F ft AH. meet in the Uasorlc Hall, Straiu s Block, Floshotten, every Kriilsy on or belore the full moon. Dr Carter, W M, B J •pseula, secretary DUFPKRIN LonOR, No 186, I O O F, meets in Clayton's Hall every Tiiea- dav evening st 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially Invited A S TAMOoaaic, N O Wm Meoaa. â- â€¢Â« pBICBVILLB AND DURHAM STAGS. Durham stag* leaves Flesberton Station at 7.15 am., rolurns 4.«S p.m. Priooriile stage leaves the same piaoa at 12,:I0, rutu: uiug at 4.4o. Far* to Prlceville aud r«ttirn.30<i«nts, Durham, •1.90 tor return, Tia. aiu.rla fare, Livery In eon- necttou. Orders may be left at either hotel. A. UeCAULKY, Prop I was iK't the cake. He came through the storms of winter n'ithout a scratch from Jack Friist. The roads are in a badst.nte at present. It is almost impossible for a home to in.itruinontal music rendered -by Messre. travel on some of the sidelines. As Baskerville, Sullivan, Vandusen and smne of our ciii/.eus,bave found out by Williania, w.ts highly appreciated. The proceeds amounted t^i fifteen dollars, ing youn'.^ men have gone I W'e are pleased to hear that Mr. to the old settlements for the spriic and Marcon is coining from Toronto pretty •uniiiirr, viz :- Messrs. W. MoKechiiie, soon and that there is some prospects of J. McRae. W. McLean, W. O. Watson the factory starting work for a i^ile. , afteriKinn before her death a bright Ann came from Flesherton and other places „.. bin expreaaion .shone on her face as »h» around. A good supper waa served by ^^^ i,^^ |„,ej „^^ ^„^„l ^ye. She also the ladies of the church, and everyone j ^^„^ olenily and sweetly many beautiful tt.$tr. IIBS KDITH RICHARDSON and C. Huddy. Most ot them have secured work at ii<>od wage*. Mrs. Alfrtd Watsmi of Cbeyboaan, Miob., is visitinz friends in this vicinity Mr. J. R. Atkison has ret'.irned fn>n> Toronto, where he has been attending the Barbord Street ColleKiate Institute. We conifratulate Jas. on his success in Mr. Walker Sloan is puttiin; a new eu(;iiie into his aiw mill this week. He expects i;i be able to do some good work, see her <ti(aiii His iilhur enuiiie had nut enough power tu drive the machinery. 1 tbink the past winter will be long re- luembered by the farmers of this part of the oi.niitry for the hard stru:ii{le ibey hymns, among which were, '' Guide me. O thou ^roat Jehovah," "Rejoice and be glad the Redeemer is come," "Sound His praises," and many others. AFterspend- iiig a few hours in «ini>lni( and (.raising God, she bocaoie w«akcr aud gradually sank away. TlH>ugh she is sidly missed ft'oiii among us and we kn<>w her sveec voice will never be heard mi earth again, yet wo rejeice to knuw thai her soul has aoiie nn before to be with Ohi:.-t, "whici. is far better." We kno y also if wo aru faithful tor a little while longer we shuU A taw mora years sball roll, A few mora seasons con.aâ€" And wo Bboll bo with thuss that rett, Atloep witliin the tomb. Mrs. Buckingham wus interred in the I Metho.iist ocmotery on Sunday by a veiv .,^Ju^n ,,,„„.v ' p««ng the Trinity M.ttriculation Exam, bad to provide feed for their cattle. ! '-"^e """''••'• "f fjieid., thus showin,: «*"•"'â- â€¢â€ž*•"»•"»•"'?''?« i~~" a , ' . , . .,,. ,u Lf 1 k . 4 .u the esteem m which she w,is liel.l. H-»r ,f Toronto Ceaaarvator, Maal*., In HVMSN 8 BONDS. -A very interest- I here is many • thankful heart to «eethe ^ ,,^,^j j,^^,^^„ huaband has the deep*.t late •! Teroak^ "*•«;}_ •"« w*ddin« tiHik jrlaceou Tuesday, the snow ifo away so the cattle and sheep can | aympalhyof tho entire eo.umumty.â€"Cim «â-  tUiaixa.viOUi,?!- 841^ u». »t the residence of Mr. Robert get out to hunt • bite for thero sclvet, iBu;iuliti. I m tmmm

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