Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1896, p. 8

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T'w^m i Wi T'HS 9LI8H1KT01I iBtiMCI I t l^ I > D. ncTavish FLltsHKr^TON KEEPS ON HAND 7^ e fairs For Massey-HUrrii*. and Noxon, Fleiiry and Willtiiison farm implements. Flfiiry and Verity plows on hand all t!io time, also all kinds of repuirs for tlie same. We muiinfuctnre WagonB. liii^'gics, Cutters, Sliiiglis, etc. IIurBeBhoeiiig promptly attended to. hpecial altonlion to tender, C(ju- trivcti d fcfi. Loguiiig iind Plow Cliaius consiaiiily on liund. f About Cutters and Sleighs (i KNTLKMKN- - .\» tlie Koiisoi. cii dleijiliiiiy is iigiiiii iiiirrnflcliing I wonlil c:i)ll your o.-irnent iilieniiun m my wintir stink in whicli I iiiii | ri'- i>Hi><l I') i'lVK yiiu eiitiio Matii.faoliuii l)i'lli ii) quality ftnd |iriie. In ciitfeiR I hiiv.' a Inrei' stuck t" "elect Iri'iii, iiiaih' uf hes' of iii:itfii,il and lHHf^t iIhs <jiiK III finish. I Hill 8ec"n<l In nunc In Nlfi|>li.s I can ac Kiiiniidiite \ 'iii, fitlmr liiflit nr lii'.ivv Prnmpi Htiei'lii<ii nwmi t'l lejiairiig, paint- jr and le'riiiimiu.;. Call, whether y>iu want tu puroliavu or imi, and be nr .*ii ju<);!e. «-tk%/«/%/%.'%/%^/%/%^%.-%/%«'%,«/%/«/%^^-V^^^«^V% »^ '%/%'%%'%%'«/«^%/%/«^'%«^%^^%^«/%%%%^ %/%TW%«^ '^'%/^ . i OO TO . . John H. Heard . . THE BEST Bu>!t;it)8, WauKoim, Cm is. 8|>rii.|( T^'otli HarrnTR, [Jindt-rs, Miiworn, FlowK and Horee H' f«, alsn RepHirn fur HinderK, Minora and PIuwb. lli'r osht.tinu nn>i all kinds of liliclisniithinK liy Krut class wmk- 1111 n. \Vo4id, Luiiibfi, Cedar Pints and SliiniilfH for naie. «). H. Kleapd - Fle8l:i.e]:*ton. ^ annru^ru-tnarvruMH>iViUiU3 I Be Happy thrtnihi^ I With Others ;; ttiiiiOitiKiifiiiinnTui/ir^ii^iiiiii' ISverylhm'; frmli in the «»v "f Ittimm- oraiue-, iiiukVII kind^, cmifKctionvry > ^lu) ch<)iu«»l viiriiMy, fig*. dnt.-«, prunu •lanhctriea. <ii'>ci]iia of all kiiida, cann i fnniM and vi'u'i tnlilu'*, tcaN. aii:.>arH and ii other wriici't'ioa ; stock all frtisli for ili bolKliiy traiU'. Oy H t(? rs '"â- ""ti'mi' '*"• BukI fliiiii aiiil feed c(Mi>.|;ii<tly on hano APPLB5 in Small Quantltlca or by the Barrc â- "^Vni. iiarnliousc Eugenia Mills AND Gnrriage Works. Oarna^^es 'ni'lo ar.d Repaired, al^c Planing .i!uJ Matching, Rand Saw. ing, vV'oodWSwtJaing of every des ofiptlon. Planing and Oram Chojy OlDjJ'ioae Willie you wait, for tb» Baaver turns tlie wheel, T. YV. WILSOM Mnungrr OAVKATa, TRADB MARK*, DBSIQN PATINT8, COPYRIGHTS, ato. F«f Iifnrmatlon on/1 fn-o llmulixtoi: wrlln t** Wl.NN Ik to.. Ill ":iii>Ar>w.«Y, N«w Von«. OliJr.t liuroiiM f'>r M'ctiiinc piuonulu Aiiifrlp*. Btijir pfi: nt t'-.;:!'!! nut l,y iim Is bruuirht b«*f€>ro thr ! uullii \>f a notice Klvet'. rrcd efctauvo in Uw liUtrcttairiMilAtlnn of any nrlcntlfln rnpr In «h» worlil. fiileiitllillr llliutratvil. Nn liilrlllin-nt man iihinilt ii.! wUhuut 11, Wankly, sa.OOa rjari ll.vitUmonihu. Aildt^aa, MUVlT ft CO., lULuiiuu, s«l Divadwa/, M«w York City, Our Clubbing: List 'Fi(i° tlie (Mnveiiieiiou of ourrenduia «rli« vriad t)t uriuiu'e inoro tliAii one pipur we Ikks-e iiiHiiotlio folluwiii'julubbiii); arrange- piantj : .\d»iiiiL-.> itnd Tiiroiit'j m'>rnim World, daily f2.56 Advaiiox an,| .Moiitreal Star ... .. 1.80 Adfaii'ii 't' d l<'aiiiiiii|{, t'le new 'faiiii'iiK' iiviijay.iiin . l.W) Adrniic^! ant Youths' Cuinpaiiidii (.ie.») 2 35 AdvKiicoaii'l OailyNvna 1 HO AdvaiU'u and Vv'iiukly Mail 1.50 A'ivaiiou and l<'anu iinil l<'irusido 1.50 Aav«iiuttsnJ-\V««kty UluVie ...... 1.40 Ckarlr* S. rZutehUtgt, Sick Headache CURED PERt^ANENTLY BY TAKTWO Ayer's Pllh •I w»<t Irn.iMi'.l r. lonn tllt>a «llii sl.'k liPiiilncho. It wiM nsiially i o.'onii>niitod Willi Hiviro inhiH ill tho tonirles,»i<>>n'ii> o( liilliK'tii ami loiiilriiiC9» ni ono sjc. a Kill laitc 111 iiiv month. Imiciic oo.iii-il. III! Mil .inil fi'i-t piM. ami t :rl:iir<<.s at Hia »toni'irh. I Irlid a RooJ nisiii ri'inpclle^ leci iiinioiHloil (,>r ilils conipUiluij but it n.H3iMii until [ Began Taking Ayer*s PiJis I rponlvi'il nnvMilns Ilka p^rmv ll'Mlt lilMrCrif.. A Slllirnl li.lX or pill* ('ill llio Miirk (or inc. ami I mn niiwTri'O IriiiM lieiil;iii!ii'H. ioid a vrll mini." â€" ('. II. Ill rciMMM, Eatt .\iibuin. Me AVER'S PILLS Aw n r rlc.ri W ert n I nt WorUVa Fair d-l/er'a Sarsi^parilla. ta tho Vest* DOTS CORNER. WE ARB - Still ill lh« land of the livin;;, SfUin' eiidi' Klonf, giido TiiK nnd Siiuar and other Ciiooorii'9 Wo have ttmnc rule ^'udo Hvvcctics for kuld and young, and if you want a ralti xude Trunk I no' keep your clang in, nr a yude Satolicl liriiw ami now frie tho innnufacliiri>f, jiial ,iaim liiu' Willie HtoidcrHun in Spimilu's Id'iuk, and he will kuppty yini at piicen. WM. HENDERSON Good Farm for sale or Rent I.ilST, m»n.r' ^itrvntila, nnolaluliTii M* acroi. troiiu or lata,4'l iknriia uluart*,!. all >iii ^ inll<ii fto.n I'MiwiiorNiii. Thorn «ib a pool Ior hain all iitab'.u nn tlia prcmlina. fliioil inuiiinR irator. Korfutliar iisr^lc'ilar* apply to ff, 4, AaMariiova flatbtrtoB- FLESBEBTOII STEIM LIOHBY. I haVH "Period nil h iuMtip1i>to nioan) iaunilry In Klo'lHirlon. nii'lain piupa nil to taliii In any •4iiantlly of laiiiolry woi-k at. lowor inlimH Chan ara oliavfiml rlavnhurn. I havn put in tho In eat Mill liioat Injprovad inaoliiiiMrr to that anil. Kliiillv Rtva ui« s aall. HuUre aatltrnotlaa luaniikMKt.and prlSi^tlow. . Uua. dmo UooaasoDW The Marvels of I am jiiHt a little tired, are not yt)U, of the humor which protende to see possi- bilitiee for photographing the thoughts â€" for diacoveriug inlinitesiinal conNcienceH, or searching out the location of the soul â€"by the iwc of tho Roontgon, cnthode or X rays, as the nuwly discovered medium ia varioualy called (properly X rays, be- cauHu it is an inknown quantity ?) In all wjbuincsR, the new plmtography js iniirvellouH t-n<ni};h, and lm.s such far reaching ptaclioil apjilication to niattrial. lifu, that it leads the imagination a inun-y diiiice, niurely to jjush in rt-view the many wiiys in which it may be useful to huiiiau- ity, w ithout tVit.'iiiiig, evuii for fun's nake, tliat it ponBcKM.s grciiter (jualitics. Suruly it.s iinuxaggcnitfd poweii* are humorous enough tor anything. The piovurbial " Nemlle in a hay-stack" â€" tratlitionally .so hard to Iind, may lie readily discovurud by turning on a good sb.ud X ray ; tile fustive piuk-jHioket, can make "duad sure" that it is not "liash" but gootl coin of the realm, hu is getting, l>eforu he delicati.-ly tweaks his neighboi's pni-se. And tills aarns us that should Cathixle Ko<laks coinu into cxi^itencc, their use wimld, for the public good, require to bo curtailid or regulated, â€" eoiilined to the detective and medical man â€" just as tho sale of pmsons and aiiussthotios, and the practice of hypnotism have had to be placed within certain limits. While ill Toronto, a fortnight after the great discovery had been given to the world, I met a young girl, who fur the most part < f that time had been prepar- ing a diseased limb â€" (tlmt is, had cea'!ed blistering, &c.) for ex(K)sure to the Cathode rays,â€" then being experimented with at the University â€" "And when I got there, I found 500 people of me, so I camo home and claiijied on an- other blLster, for I cannot tell when my turn will come," said she, brightly. And .as I thought of those hundreds bo eager to prove the virtues of the new light, which jierhaps is not. light â€" the mitigation of physical suffering this one discovery h;ia broughtâ€" (no more blind probing for embedded biillctH ; no more uncertainty alxiut the exact location or actual presence of hidden tumoni, or broken needles ; an end to tho horrors of vivisection let us hope) â€" and remember- ed the long hours of patient toil, without hope of gain, tl e earnest love of science which kept a man chained for 16 years to his laboratory in the hope of knowing something, "Truly!" thought I, "the greatest gifts to the human race have been unlxiught and unsought by it and often ror-'.d only by revilings and con- tr'.iely. Ualileo must recitnt hia heresy that tho earth moves round the 8uu, or burn for it ; Huxley in a gentler age is refused eutomliinent in the Abbey I" And yet, a.s u much loved preacher often told us, (fixl has never granted nature's great nqpreta to any but good men. Ne- cessarily so. What self denial ! Wliat long vigils I What disregard of and for- getfulnesH of the purely physical ! What slei'jilcus nights I What hard thinking ! Wliat concjiitratcd devotion to something apart frinii self, luia characterized them all, from a Newton to a Darwin, fi-om a Koch to a Iloenlgeii 1 II.ivo you ever nnUceHl with what fttoilily wo of tho nineteenth contiiry ac- cept the jemly ricurriiig marvels and piMctii:al iiiveiition-i lightening our labors and increaaing tho joy of living ? To-day we lieur ot tho telephone, for the tlrst liiiie ; next V. eel; we are impatient if it should happen to be out of onler fur an hour. The horse cars, which have pruvod a conveuienoe to city people, are 8UpcrcL'de<l by tho electric, and gre.'it h the wrath next day "If one roipiires to go upon a street htill havini; the pokey old hoi'Mo cni'M. If the trains should happen to bo blueked for one mail, wo refer to it, as if i'our iniiils a day hiul been instituted nt the begin n;; of time. Wo hoar of tho nmrviilB of Uie Kinetoiicopo, which photo- gr.ijil.s iHHfi:<ii, or of tho fact thai r«/i(r Citn now be photographed, and snjipre.'ising a yawn, remark trnntpiilly, " Uoubtluss pliolography is still in its infancy." I verily beliovo that wo are hwing the power of being surprised, and have arrived at the stage where we do not think it safe to'.urt anything imposeiblo uium the pihysic'd plane. Much like the rustic who, for tho first time, gazes open niouthod upon city ways and is ready to bo ttuffcil with tales of marvels which do not e.\lst, becauso his laxlaity.led mind has not yet rocovernd the power of tlis- orimination between tho possible and the impuesiblu. And thia laingR ua back to the humor- ists contention that we may, hy the Roent{{en rays, ])OH.sibly read the thoughts 6f the brain «iirf the feeling of the heart. Who but a child could wish for such a power? When a child I remember read- ioi; in Hans Andci.-<on's Fairy Tales â€" or was it in St. Nicholas, Uiat rarest of ehild's mngazines : â€" the tale of a iierstm who got possiJS.sion of a magic pair of Bpectaulos, which eu.ibled him to read the hearts and minds of .".11 with whom he Cfime in contict. No doceptioji was j>ossible with him ; but what dissillut:ion- ment awaited him ! Tf I remember rightly he was glailrto abandon hi.-* spec- tacles. In my heart I thought it a fine thing and wished mightily for a /jviir. But, older and wi.ser grov.ii, I Snow that the best of us would .shrink at times fr*:m. the Bcrutiuy of the dearest friend we have got. And who of us would have the temerity to turn those sjjectaek-e Ufxih the liea't of the gi-eatest and the noblest human being within our ken I Wo would bo sure to Iind a flov.'cr garden, Imt there might be a mud puddle^ and weeds there, too. In tho casket of purest gems, we nhould, alas ! find also base metal and paste imitatioua. In the cage of singing birds would lurk the caion crow and fie bat. No, none of us should wish for those spectacles, or herald a possibility of sciene- working such magic, for tl:i.iij;h we are all of us bettor and xorse than our neighbors siipisise, we are better satisfied tlmt only the eye of the Intinite slvuld look upon that bundle of incongruuie.sâ€" the human heart. "He only cfi.n aiijuiit it." Dot. A Good Work ;;.,-" 1 V sM-U â€" ' B ssssssBmsamsBtsmammmmm The Markets: , • Varefolly Corrected Eaoh Wcwh Flour f -1 00 to 94,M O.^ts 91 to St Fe#» 48 to *M Butter â-  15 to Ti Bv';,'8, fresh ' U to ii Potatoes bai{ 30 to 30 ."ork 4 00 to 4^0 Hay por ton 15 00 to Wft Hides 4 00 to i W) Sheepttkins 25 to M( (Jopsi! 5 to Turk-ys .... 7 tc Ciiiokens per pair JO to Ducks per pair 40 to W(,ol 20 to »4S Tiio Owen Sound Ohildrnn's Aid Society, for the |iriilectioii "f netlectntl and dr|iendont cliilditu. clrHire to call attt'iiiioii iiiiliH work ill which they are eiiKaifd and to solicit your hearty syuipatny ,tiid cu- operttion. The olijecla of tile- Society are to protect cbildri-n inun cruelty, tocirti lor oegleei rd and abandoned or oriil'aned children, and to provide such children as m ly be eiilrustril to the Society with suitable homes ill )irivate familiea. Tho paat year's work has ln^en lanjuly iniiii. ivt* in its cliaracicr. An excellent Teinpoiaiy Home w:u providcl. In the month of January three liltte children who had lieen eiuelly .'tiaiidoned ««ie coniuiittfd to the Society's care by the Police Ma'.jislrate ; sulM>H|Ui-ntly ihM cliildien were retsored un U.u parents enleiing into a written a.'reeiiieiitpromis iiiK them belter lioiue ireatment. Ill May last a cirl under ti-n y<'ara of a«e eliaiged with theft, wa-* coinuiitied to the Society's care by his Honor, Jud^e Creasor, and is now haiipily paced in a );<iod Cliriatiaii honii>. In Aui:uat last two brieht little uirla wore deserted by their inotlvr. An nrdi-r was obrained fron ihH Police Mauisiraio ciMninitniig ihein to the cure of the Soeieiy. 'I'hey are now placed in oood liomi-a and are be ini; well cared for. A boy of nlamt thirteen years, ha^ found a- teiii|>iiitti y home with the Sociely and liv, ton, Un» juat been placed in an rxcellent family, so that at thia dite eveiy child has heen ha|ijiiU placed, and ih«t at a very small oosi to the country. Eiieourage<l by the paai ihe S-citty is deairoua of eliliirgin:; the field of its o( er- atioiis and exteiuliiiit its la-ni tii to ilie County a*, latge. To e He it tlna the So ciety has itpp 'lilted the Uev J. Lcdiaul, of Owi-n Sound, as its ttfiu-iul .T.tu' for the County of (irey. Mr Lediaid »i:l at once coinuii-nco his new iIuIiih, which wdl eiobrncii : Public addre-scs on the woik aiiioiii!st iieulecloil "iid ile|ienileiit iliildr. n ; The oiganization of Irniich asai eiat.i lis ; 'Vhe viciii g of children in liia'er Immes ; The raifii ^ of luiiiis lo cany on lite work, ami lie will nlso exircisii as an a^ieiit tlie po- era of ilie act futile well heingofclnUl en gi'io-rallv. No belter aiilpetiuii Mr. ,Iaiiies l.i'iMiird eou'd have liem mule as he is in full ayiiipathy with and nl.del^falâ- da liie ilutie.s, hitviiiK been llie liadn g spirit ii this locali[.y since tho iiioption of the nood Work. Mr. Ijedund is < nri.usia'tic in th-' and of tl e ii-,lit aye to ap- |>ri'Cii>te Its iiiiportniiee No niote nolile woikc >uld be eie.'akied in All eoininunieitions regnnlin^ C'hiM Saviin; in tho rouiity ahmild be addre.-.i- td lo the ciun'y agent, l!ox 74H, (>*t-» Sound. ATTIONTION To those Contemplating Building HaviiiKjnat rutienud from Now Yoi'a, wlinre, to puat iixpio iottv-i. I liavfi aitileit a vcar's oonrso of luatrontiouK uuilar the pai-vonai snparvitilon of Mr. ChiiKtripluH Mvm-x, ai-thitrut in cliiet to the Soloiitino AMi»ii«an, I am h.'ttci- than tivtn inaparoii lo ii-.ii»l ilioDo i!nnl<nii)ilntini; liuilil- liii,*, and having* fiivnitul ft c-oioii|iuim oAi'tncr- Mhip with Ml. Myui's, my cliinits can tiov'uru Ilia valunb.e H'lrvii'cv withotit u.\tra cliurijo. riaua, ato., promptly runiiHhi.i I. W. M.Ol.AKK, Floahortoii NOTICE Tho anpnal niiwkln^ of tlin patifinii nf Flesh- ortou clicmii tiu.tory will Im hi'M In tho town Hall, Kinshni-ton. Hatutdav, Marth IWth. at I o'olodk, (or ilii> piit(iO/.B of li'ltln^ inllk routes aril otlitir l)UHlnut;ti, ami aa the |>i-|t'ti for niuiiu- faoluriini clipet;« will lt» rtiituiml to one oent per 11) thiaseawm, iherafoie all who wlah to •and milk Ihia saaaon will plenaa give their uainsa to tlia ifirwitora on laoh route hctoiH milk voutaa art- Iv. WoulU like to aou a full lUMllan at pa', osa. OSOMOB ciTSWAST. Time Table. GOING SOCtH. M« I k daleâ€" 6.40a in. Flesherton â€" ii.oti a. m. UOINO NORTH. Klesherton â€" 11.48 a. ui. Ha kdale- 12.04 p. m. 4.40 p. w. • 4 5o p. m. ^ 9.17 p. «. n.30 p. m. Dr. B. R tln^a. f?e3uJt?5 Ast onish MEr^ Ci" SCIENCE. AVER'S A .'lEDJCINH WjTHOlIT ^AN EqU/vL F'.alcmcut of a Well Ucown Doctor ' '• Aye's San!ap."r!i:-v I 'â-  wltl.oit .in ?3 a L'looJ-purllier anl Spr;ag mcdicii.e. .laj runnot 'luiro praUc enough. I tiavo watobad Ui tiTccti I'.i ciitr.iiio cases. wUcro other truatr.r:,; v-:>.5 nf no avail, aud have hrtn n>:o:il»Uod al '.e rs.^ults. No ether blood r.ic.:!-:;::9 l!i:t 1 have cvit used, ami I bars t :rU V.'.cm a'.l^ii -m t.'iovoiigh In lis aciloo, i: !.| c"ei tj fi) ri".' y f^i-annent cnrrs as Ar-T** S .rn^'ariilu."â€" I>r. II. 1-". V.ERauj.. » •::;>t;ta, Si-j. "rr'siluSarsoparilla • •'•T'ttt/'.; Pi; ih- \T'o-!.-i» S^'r. - ' â-  â-  - Flesherton 5aw & Planing Mills Tlie ntulersigiied ato plucin^ in po- sition B fust clasfl sawmill foi- enBtuia sswiiii!, wliicli will heirad> t.ivojwi'*- itoii ill .Jiiiiini'v. \V( liHvr » so added A CHOPPINO MILL For ilie eofvenienco of farmers. Ctioppiiig done nt any liiui iit 5 oeuta per 100 lbs. The snsli and door fuciery, btud Hiul 3cioll suwing InsiuesK eontinatd as usnal. File in jour ordtrp BEECKOFT & I'ALliOT ^ Photos *M ^ â€"TAKEN ^ -AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph | Gallery | are done in first- class style and al b' lowest rates. bpeeial attentiMii Kiveii to copyinu. llahiea' photos, a specialty. Pictures fivmed. MRS. BULTflER i : I: i*" mm>^'

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