,*1»W."» THS niSHIRTON ADflNCi •*• 88TADLIHHBD 1881 f O'niLWIIKn WKKKLV AT THK OFFICK. SVD- â- NUAW STllBBT, KLBMIfKIlTim, ONT. , BY W. H. THURSTON. il per anniiiii,strlctly In advance Adveitisiag Ratea: (Jaa Column, 1 your, *'0 ; luilf ool., 1 year, *87 quarter ool., ono yoai', 915. Transient advortlsomoiit chargoil a'j the rato f S conta i>Br liuo tor flrKt iiiHortion and i ceutB dftoh lubsaquont iuKcrtioo. THE BILL PASSED. Tlie secoud reading of the Manitoba •oereion bill was pasaed io tlie Houso of Commons ou Friday last by a ma- jority of tigliteeu, and the govern- meat, which fiuds itself so strongly supported, has announced its inten- tion of forcing the bill to a tliivd read- ing before Bdjomnment, or before the legal life of parliament expiies on April 2*. In the meantime a depu- tation or commission, consisting of Messrs. Uickcy, DeBJaidinta, and Bii Donald Smith.ttccompanied by Father Laconib, has gone to Winnipeg to ne- gotiate with Mr. Grecnway 1 Tins is the condition of aiTiiir& at the present moment. Whatever be tlie result of this conference the govciumeut is de- termined to push tliu bill to a iioal reading. They will put it tlirougli in any event in order to force Manitoba into subjection, la this connection we would draw attention to an article elsewhere eniitled "Will tlity oat fried eel ?" It seems tliat the eel must be skinned if it docs not slip oat of the clutches of Its butclieri at Uitawa. Why the government should persist in its suicidal policy is a marvel. It actually appears to bavo been going bhndly through with this matter from the beginning, regardless of conse- quences. And we can tell it that the consequences will be serious, if pro- testantism, Orangeism and Equal Rights mean anything. ISy thiH one act it is laying a strong foundation for the stai liiiij of an t^itation to do away with separate schools through- out the Dominion, nveii tliougli the Dritibli North Anierican Act has to bo remodelled. At the proHeiii mo- ment the peop'e of this cunnlry are standing aghast at the audacity of a moribund, decayed government such as we now have, passing legislaiion fraught with such serious possibilities. They did iini believe it of them. They will never submit to it. Cockbuni, Colter, Craiu, DaTie», DdW- snii, Edgur, Edwards, F«u»el. HVatliBr- stoii, Flint, Forties, FroMBi-, Onuffrlnii, (i'IImidii, Gilmiir, Godhout, Uri'-ve, OuHy, (Iiirnood, Hoiidframi, floilgiii«, IiiufH, Laiiderkin. IjiHmulit.'r, Linii«-r. Ijiivirgne, Ijeduc.Li-gnu, Lister, L>>iiii.'e'Mie, Lowi-ll, Macil<.imUJ(H'iriiii). Maclean (York), Mc- Carthy, McOrenor, McMIUhii, Mc.Mullen, McNeill, McSiiiine, Mhrtiu, Mi-jnault, Mills(Bolliwell), Monet, Mulcck.O'IJrifli. PurerBon (BrHiitjl, Perry, Piofniitninc, Priiulx. Hitler, Rfufret, Hoatiiiiiiiid, San- lx)rii, Scri'-ir, Seinple, Soimrville, Spioule, Stubhs, Sutherland, Taiic, Tyrwhitt, Wnlliioe, Weldnii, WeUh, Wil- »oi., Y«<..â€" Ti.tal 91. NayH â€" Ainyot, Anueis, Biiinl, Bar- imid, BeauHoleil, IJulley, Berneroii, Bor- gin, Bluncliyitd, Boyd, Bciyle, Hurnlmin, Cameron (Inverness), Caiuill. Ciivii^iian, Carliiig, Caipeiiter, Caum, Clieslu\, Cli-velniid, Ci»it8W.Ttli, Cochrane, Coi- lM)iild, Ccstigan, Daly, Diivin, Dmis, Delisle, iJemiulniers, Di-vlui. Uickiy, Diiga«, Diipont. Dyer, Eiirle, Fairlwii,, KeriiusiMi (Leedi iind (Jreiiville). Fertu- sni) (ilt-titrew). Filter, Frectntt.', Fre niiint, Oillics, C>ir<iuard, Grandhor, Grant, Guillet, Haggard, ilaxlaui, liazon, Hujlius, Uutchiiis, LiPnmi, Ives, Jeaii- notte. Joiico.^, Kaulbach, Kenny, Liicli spelle, Laniievin, La Riviere. Ledaii, L«pin«), Lippo, Mai-di^nald (King'»). Mac donoll (AlgHtiia), Macdowell, McAliHtvr, McDonald (Aisiniboia), McDtmall (Vic- toria), McDouitald (Pictou), .McDiiuiiidl S:»pe Breton), McOilli»rny, McGreovy, olnarney, Mclh»»e, McKay. McLean (KingV), McLennan, McLeod, Mara, Maraliall, MwMon, Metunlfe, Miller (AnnspoliB), Moncrisff.N'iriliinp.Ouiniei, Paitorson (Colchestor), PoUetier, Pi.pe. Powell, Pridhain, Prtor, Putnam, Reid, RohillHid, Rolnnnou. Iloo.nc, Ro^s (Dun- da-), Ross (Lisirar). Ryckmaii. Smith Tayl lUA I M il - I C»»nty and Vintticl Three weeks ajfo the OrarKfevilTe B:in- nor npi'loiilzed to J C. Morrow, a Frrijus hotelkueper, for certHfrndiaii^i 8 contained ill an anitte headed " Hum an 1 Ruiuan- mm," wliiuh appeared over a Vfar ago. Besides puhli»hiiig ihe ap^dogy and Rup- plyiiiL' 40 copies of the paper to Morrow's Holicitors, the puhlisher of the Banner was compelled to pay |100 to the plaintiff »od netllu the Costa incurred in d«reiidiii|{ the action. Fire iiiado aclean sweep of the dwelling wiih ciiiiiuntK, of Mr. F. Fike, of coii- oesmon 12, Noimiintiy, at an eaily hour • Ml Tuesday niorfinig. Such headway had the (lames ntrtSii.eil before Jiftcovery iliat the niiniietlmd to run forilieirli-es, reuaidlesi of cloiliiiii;. Tlieru was an iii- .surance of $900 in the Geriiiauia, while 1 he 1. .»» ia eat imntedal?2,eOO. â€" Chronicle. Mr. Aicliy Brown, i-l N.ittaw.-\ Village. one of the pioneois of U<ittawa«aga lown- ship died on the 6th iiisi , at the a^* <> 81 years. The deceased was born at Uownnire, in the Isle nf lalay, Scot and, in 1816 and renioT«d to Canada when only 12 years of aire. Deceased w»» highly respected liy everybody and will be Kreatljr uiisHed. .Mrs. J P. Maruhall and Mrs. James Chaluiars, of Skelbiu-ne, are dau^ihters of th« deteased. On Turpday ol last week, .Tohn Bell, (if the lltli Con of Miiito. had nne of bis lu^s broken in a very liinple inaiiner. It appuara that he and another man were BHfSSBB" . HBi (On'ariii). Staiia, Stevenson, »",.â- â- ., ^ , ,, . r „, ^ i, m i. Temple. TiKdale, Topper (Sir CV.a ), \ takmi! a colt out of the stalde. Iho cdt Turcotte. Vaillanc»uri, Whrte (Shol- burne), Wiluiot, Wood.â€" T-tal 115. Sir Donald Smith and Mr. Rowand were paired. Messrs, Deni«on, Corby and Montague were absent. Tlio Speaker did not vote, and three Conservative constituencies â€" Pontiac, Soulaiisjes and Missit'iiuoi â€" are vacant. This accounts for the total iiioiiibership iif the House. When the motion for the sec.'iid read- ing WHS put. Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. Lnurier wanted it carried nn the same division, but vuveral inninbera called for a division, with the result that Ihe fiKuresstood: Yeas, 112;iiayt. 94 ; Qov- ernineiic majority, 18. Reduction in the Gorcrnnient's ma- jority, as compared with the previous Toto, wa< due to three CoiiBiTvativep, MoHsrH. riuKhes, Ri^ss and McOillivray voting Rgainat the second reading nf the bill. Will They Eat Fried Eel? McCarthy stock is goinf^ up. It ia likely that one or two appoint- ments to judgeship)? in this country will be announced before long Fancy a judge who plays traitor lo his cnii stituents presiding over a court and sentencing malefactors for petty pilfering I What an unholy sight it would be I The Vote On The Bill Five minutes later the whips entered, and Mr. Speaker put the question. On the Miniitorial side the following vo'ed for the six niiiiitim' hoiitt : Mi-BHrx. Wnl. laco, McCarthy, Hproule, O'Brien, Mc Neil, Ciickburii, Wuldon, Tyrwhitt, Mac- lei\n (F'ast York), Hod'.'ins, Btmiictt, Orai;{, WilMon, Htiibba, llendorsim, Kosa- nioiid, Camoallsn and Calvin, a total of 10 CoimervHiives, exelusJTe of MuCarlliy and O'fJrien Seven Libernls votcj .-^sainst their lead- er's Binoiidniunt, vi/.. : Fremont, lleiiu. Holuil, Viiillaiicouit, McLiaar, Angers, Devlin nnd Delisle. Tho vote Mined : Yeas â- -91 ; naya â€" 1 15 ; majority for (ioTernmeiit, 24. Tho division wiii as follows : Yei.8â€" Allan, Hain, Becliiird, Ueith, Bennett, Beinier, Borden, Boston Itourasais, Bfjweri, Bowman, Brodeur, Hrown, llrunsau, Calvin, Cmnerun (Hur- on), Campbell, Carroll, Cancallen, (Wt- wriKht (Sir Uichard), Oasey, Charhon- Nfau, Charlton, ChiMiustte, Chriitio, Apropos nf the R'uiedial Bill qusHtiim Msck Writes in Saturday Night : It is, however, within the recollection of many of us that even the nmst diciatoiial of arohldahojia, moved by cntiteni|da>ioii of the jfi'evinH wii-kudness of creed wais, Inivo asked for peace and invoked unity These pli-iis for peace, these iiivocation.s, hive bueu timed with amno eccsnlriciiy, as a rule, li is not yot forgotten that wlien the Jesuits Ettatea Bill was \u'\\\^ pnased, tho hierarchy was openly in favor of religious lidoraiice, and now that Manitoba is to be cootced the iniquity of Canadians quiirndiiig amoRg themaulveH once again cau.sos extrnmo re^rrut. it xh very sad to see • young count'y t >rii asunder by croud ditfeiuiices. Thu man who, when •kinniiig an vol, cried "Lie still, can't you, till I skin you, "no doub< was quite irrilnted and felt that he lind a lirievanco. But tho eel had no tune f'T syiiip.i'hiziii:» with lhe]iiian. There iver tivo ways tif U'ljus'ing their ditroroiicsatid ending lliu slippory Hlru'.'irlo. Tho eel could have patiently submitted to hrini; skinned, or tho man c<.uld have ahnndon- ed his desiftn and allowed the eel to escape. Unfortunately, while th* man readily perceived that ths eel ciuld end the unseemly contest by lyin^ s^i'l, the eel did not think of this ; nnd while the eel RH readily prrcoived that thu iiisn could end it \y iinhnndiii!; that to which ho had no claim, iho nisii did not think of this Hiiiiple soluiion. The slru'.'gle was dislshteful to bolh of them, yot tlioy kept it up, owing to what you must at (mce puroeivo was a very unfoituimto differi nee of opinion aa to how to en I the alTair. Both were in favor of pimce â€" alis*lute and iininedial* poaoe. How- ever, the eel wantud to live and tlis man wanted to eat, deaires that were very creditable in tlieniflelvvR tint utterly dwBtruciive, oae of the other, under tho circumstanors. The whiilu ihiii'; ended, no doubt, in a lirwl man ea'iii!; fried col, uiid so the present diaagreenienl may end if wo do not resist as we never did before." was a little wild and in iheir endeavor tt> 8[et it out it fell, aliiihting upon Mr. Bella leg ill such a manner as to to break it between ths knee and ankle. A terrildo accident occurred recently about tlree niilea from Paris. Luuis Jarvis a young faniior about 30 years •f age was enuaf;<-d fee<iiiig a straw cut.er run by hor.-<o power, when in some way one of his hands uiit cauuht in the cutter. It was clioppud off inch by inch and the arm was also ground away almost up to the elbow. Jarvis cxhitiiled threat pluck and despite the pain retained his coii> acioiisiiess He liaally attracted the at- tention of an aiaiitant who at 'pp«d the machine. Easter Sunday tliisyear falU on April 5th. The entablishuient ot tbe Christian- faitival of Easter, typical of the reaurritc tion of the Lord, was a niatier of much controversy in tho Church for co'iturie.", but was finally established by the Greifor- ian calendar adopted by the Roman Church in 175'i. and Ea.ster is always the fiiHt Sunday after the full moon which happens upon or ncit after M.irch 21, which dalo ia the bcicinninK of the occlesiastical year. Theiefore, the earl- i.-Bt date upon which Easter may occur is March 22. If the full nioo!, shall fall on .March 21 E'lsrcr is the following Sun- dae. The lati Kt date upon which the festival may fall ii April 2.5 In ITffl and 18IR Ea-t«r h II on March 22, but that wilt not occur at:aiii in this or the next century. In 188t> it fell in April 25, and will do so nj;a>n in IDKI. 30 day sale Was a ffrand snecess, far exceeding our espcctaiions. Almost all Hops of WINTER GOODS have been cleared out or greatly re- duced ill qnaiH.it\. Rut the Iviknce mnsi go, and go qiiiekly. We vviitrt the room for spring stock. Nothing must be cunied ovf-r this next season. A fuw Men's and Boys' OVERCOATS Men's Underwear Flannels, Gloves Shawls, Iif it is KEI'S FEIT BODTS 4 BIBBIIS will move out at LOIZVER Prices than you have ever bought them before. Are you interested iu Boots &, SHoes? Ifsowewant yon to see onr stock and get prices. \Vc handle nothing but rcliublo goods, nnd lots of tlieiu. As to value, we will let yon decide. Come early and often. B.McDoNALD Mtilinery Opening ON â€" «3aaa7- ^pril 1st & 2nc/, IVKiss Mlisae, of To- ronto, will take charge of our Millinery Department thi^. season. We open this week another large consignnrvent of English Dress Goods, Newest Fabrics and designs. Spring Millinery Largo cases of lia's, floweri, foa'hers and novehica of all descriptions, suitable for head wi-ar. just in at Mis. Trimlde's niillineiy ruoins. We will be ready fot orders iK-xt week, see further luiuouiice- incntq. Fcvrrsfaain. Frunx vnr own Correnftcmdeiil. OwiiiK to the BPVere Htorni of late IhiiiKS hav<> been very iiiiiut. There was no sertice in tho church hereon Suiidsy and very fow at the Barracks, but tha Indians at Ihe Barracks a week auo Sun- day brought out a big crowd. Things passed off very well only for ih* lecture dvlivvred by one party re ChrLtiian Sciencrtaiid other modes nf worship not to his likiiit;. A tirade like that has epoiliid all g.ioil that m'jtht be done. Ho siiiiuM be ik little more iii'idersto in his lani.'U«',M Mr. mid Mis (ieo Mitchell of Kleaher- loii W>re vi>il iig at Mr A. Mctiiii'a b.st Hmiiniy. Mr. l'>'rii<ol will on tl-.w sick list hkst week, but i.t around akiain. Also.Mr. I.>ou Sanderson. Mra. Wood is villi ing friends in New- Mai kei Mrs. R. T. Mcfiirr look atrip to Mea- ford Isst week. Mr, l>ongIa«Hii on the sick lint at present but. we liopo to be abia to report him better next week. House and Lot For Sale For Fain i'buftp. on eany tenuR thst conifort- ikb1ftrtttti<IoDc«nn Mary Rt. npHhertoD, contaiii- ii.K H rmiirH aud woud Khed, vith hard and eoft watttr puuipn. both uiulor cover, b^'autiful ^aidt>n and o'clinrd alto wotl Qititthed stablu and drlvi' bi)U8e VMx'il ft. Aiiply to J.K. UOOUU. Furiiiturv dealer. Seed Wheit For Sale A few cars ot seed wlisat, red Cfu, or ol.l glsHRnw. Fur aale at the PriCBVille roller inil1» (or cauli or will exclianKS for other wliaac. B. McGOWAN. FARMERS^ ATTENTION IiIl»n0VK YOUttiTOCK. T have ba 1 Rvan 1 KiiccDsn wUb uiy bull, Lovd Italcu. as a stoL-k getter. <'n accunni of burd titniifl 1 liavo nvcidod to run biin at •) 00 per cow for 1H9G pavnblt* Jail. iKt lb97. If nut palud on or buioro that datu )i5 cta^ oiitra wiil bo clmrijud. you PAI.E.â€" I bavH also for salo a yonoK thomuubbrod btill, wbicb took fVrat \tn/.o Ht KloHburtoiiand Maik'tato fairs sired by Lord r'ftlco, dam l>ndoy Ctoniuoro.ono of tbd best New Fruits, Apples, Peaches, Plums, Prunes, Figs, Jams, Marmalades. NEW GOODS Opening livery Day at M, Richardson d Go/s. nillkini; cunv that over caiii« into tbi<t country Amuun Johnston, Viuidolour 1*. [ii I rr 1 BOOo Tlio Preihytorian coii|tre|i{stion of Mt. Forest took up a oolleotiou for the Armenian â- ufTarers which netted th» bandsoiue amount of t5'i> BULL FOR SERVICE. Tho innlnrslHiicrt Ii«h a ftno niirhsni W\\\\ for ••rvlre on lot 1H,1, W, T. 8. H. Ternm 7S onnts W. DAVIS. LOGS WANTED Sprues logs, any ilieoTer tan Inobst, II fast i«n(. nifbest prisei. BKKCROrT A TALiOOT B» Knickerbocker iMO. ttie sire of ten In ths 8:iO Hat. anil tlia liru ot thu itam of Alar B.U, Chi-nnoii sa \'X\ aiitl eleven nlhera Tbis ahowf that Ills stoek it breeilinti on and tti lbs voi-y (I'ont ranks. Kntokerbncker Is b; lb* king ot alret, Ham> blotontan 10 King Pin H ilain lo Tousev b. Kettaeky Prince 2l.".0. sire of (Oiv. a.-'DJ, lilolse, fl IS. anrt over thirty ittliovH in lie li^t. iiu-ond dam uy Korest ''.nif^ 17M. tbo hire of Lady llaitset, '^^^^ slid ..thiii-b.and ForeKt KIni! in bv ttmt Rruat firo, .Vlttiiibrino Vfttohi'ii .^S.i'lvuof 'i"> in n>>litt..oid niieot tho dania of II'J (iiHt |> ifornioin, ini'lurt- liiU Hftlph Wilko ,'Jli«i KiiiK IMn'B diini.ToiiBy, iH in tlin Kroiit brood inai'O U*i beitm tho duiu otZorlBiu'. aiKi. Klnu Pin la 5 yonrii old, ii hnnutitnl dnik hnv 10} linnds bitib, and wi'lKhn 1^)0. lie ii.Hli rstM)( Kieat Ht.li>, nuulitv. hiuI a |<rand ector, and i-i\ii now, without Iraiuiii;^, Bhow a >!4U^'ait. Ho h«» Kroal !i'.il>»taiioe,stn>i>i! hnild, tho niako m» tila hbe. iho HpatMlto traiis- luit and tho hreodiMx and blon<l Hnt^n to uiako tiiiii iiropoti'iit. ifciid not onlv a hire n( v«i-h linrHeH hot a »\xf of elegant carrlase and .tadtlle hnrsea with ^otnd loi.c and book i-o'.ion. aiui luruu onoiiKb tnrull kinrlti of fdini work. 'I iilH voniiK Ktiillion wa" imiiorted bv me lant wiiitor.dld A lai'iif btnn)l^^H laut euaeon. and it; a Huro foul gutter. IUh vurvico loo will ho within roach of every fanuur. 8eo mio^l l>ill» later. Tlio nrlnolpal Htand« fm- weason of 'lie will ho : I'rioovillo. at or near Ilopevillo, Proton Station, South-east Artcinosia, Wnrelmio, Mcliilyre, Mnxwdl, I'hiKonia KallH, KluHhcrton and home Hlablo, Muvkdalti. J. E. HARSH, 15»7 Markdala, Ont Hardware \ Dcp't. LOOK Hay and Grain ftr Sale. Tb* ni>d«rti|ned It nelllnR hay, aaad and (awl oata aad aix-rowad barley at market prloa, k, BKATl'T, Oram* Vail*} NO MOltE 1JUE.\K.\GKS of Chi«» Cupa and Snncera, Mu;;s, Pie Plates ai tl Teapots by using White Enameled Ware A L'V.iiul Bs.«orfcincnt now diiplayrtl in llui wiiulow. AUnitiolcs niArk oil in plain figures nnd at loweat Virices. Sap Buckets ONLY JtS.OO PER 10«>. Horse Clippers AT SI -Tl AND $1.50 A PAIR. X-Cut-Saws AT 40 AND CO CENTS FOOT. Chopping* Axes AT 55 AND 6fi CENTS EACH. + nj. I^ichardson \ 60.^^ ♦ '- V -. lil i& i i i . „«a««p»!!W!B»«;jPK!»