assMsasb* kshtrt0tt TRUTH BEFOIE FAVOR " â€" •â- PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.* I VOL XV, NO 788 FLsSHERTON, ONT , THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1896 W. fl. THUBSTGN. tOITOH » H ^« *NJ, Hi :J r^^- ^s S Something ^"^ Something ^^ g Good J Durable l'K-!»hertou Station. ^•«.%«= ^;« ^4? 'rti" ^«- ^? o><. ^'. ^St ^!& SSfe &«• -i'fe dife ^!fe ^^fe i*. =*»? ^j? ^^ •S"?! SSi ."4!& ^'<i a?«!^^ g Soii)ethir|o< that n^avySometljinf? good as ^ II bo knocked about J. tinie keepers Its- ^? .^.? %p %«= ^r? ^8= 5^ 'SR: ^& •$>fe :^!& ^fe <9!fe 2$% :3Ife ^«£ i? â- •»? ^1P ^^ L^esAcl Soinctliiii ^i5 ^â- c- About Xhcrn : ^ Liiiin's i.pen face, O liii Silvt-r \\;ircli, S3 00 (i> Ill's 6 u7.. I>uiitiii>2 cash, Coin Silver Ward), witb go-d Aiuericau [M..v.'ni-iit. JtlO 00. (•cut's 3 »x. l.uiiiiiiL' cane, Coin S Iver Watch, 8tt-iH niud, $8.50. Goiit'K op-'i faa*. key wind, Ci»iu Silver Watch, wiih a-i4<l Aoitrican ni'iveiiiei't, l}5.00. (!â- -kI Ciiin S 1*6', Swias Lever, huniing cvms Wawb. 83.5" Tlii'»e »ie only .'i f»'W »iu"nig il;e iiiiny bargains we hav.- t" offer jmu in the Wa di lunj. C.ill and exam tie iliviu. You may have any iiiore- iiiciit y<'U A ill). Ooiiio early as tliuy wi.l uut last lui>g ai ihene [ino-s. I Our Business Directory Suoinfss tfiirils. JScntLstui. ft* CULLOt'OH & YOUNQ, p,«.aV«n.Marki1ale. do a Kouarml banking bua- lac«. UoDoy loaned at a raaaonabl* rau. Call •a u*. J r. ILUISHALL, L. D. 8..U. D. 8. Dentist. Visits Slarkdal* tij* IM and .Ird Wednosdar of aach nioatb, PlMbartOBâ€" Kacb trip on Um da* c>..^wta«. AS. VANpt'SRSJ, Clfrk Sth DiT Court. Co Orty lacQvr i-r Mairiiti« Licenwt. i'oinminleaor in H.C.I-, CouTeviucer. .Vuction er, tte. Acaiit far tbo Ma'-ccv -Harris Acrlcultuial Iiaplx- laeuts. t'Uytou J Block. Fl«h«rtoo, opporita Rtohardaou's bardwara iton. PW^l T\Kr.T3 COLLKCTEO. Tbe unJorfigned la pr«|iar«l to nndertak* tbe i-ol'er'iu u« all klud» of debls. Sote« IwuKbt. accounts collected, etc n. N HKNDEKSCN « FLISBEaTOK pHUST * BATBOX I Barristert. Solicitor*, Coavoyancer*. etc. Ofllce â€" Next to po«4 offlee. Sproiile't block ! Fksherton.every Tbursd ly antil turtbor notice. C. A. BATSO.V J. W FBO.-.T Id,. It. I N. B. â€"Owen Sound office, Frost's block Poulett St. Ea«t. TCHlSLKXr • FlesDortou Station rostiua'ttfi-. in H. C. J.. Con- veyancer; deodt. mortgaaes, lea-ses and wills drawn. Cbarges uioderato. Business letturs nltMa. dots •n' .'.sritOt'LE, Postniasti-r. Flesbeiton. Coaiml'slooerln B. R., LicoiisfJ /ucticucer. fouvtyaucer, A â- praiser aud Money bender. Real Kstate au'1 Insiua.ce Ateiit. U-e»l«. MortgaiKS. Leases, and AllU Urawn up and Vi',iati«u« made o:i shortest notice. Anctum siles attended to io aa> i>art ot tbe Couuty. .v'oiiey to loau at low eet rates of iuterssu Coll-Uons uttcndel :• with iiroui"tueRS »tid 'l(ie)i..-,ch Ch»ri;es low AgeML for Ike fJominion vtvuuisbipCoinpan-. cheap tickets from Fi-sLortou to Liveip'^- 1. 01»»so»r. '-""don or «i.y of .he British ports. P;>rUos inteudiOK ,nj v: tit i;nj,laud. Kcollani or treUnd. will pea L' vskvatei before purchaaiun their ticketa alsow'ure 1 L'CAS A WRIOHT. Barrister*. Roicitora, CoBVeiraoear*, etc., Owen sound. Got, Maikdale, Uut. W. II. Wbiobt. I. B. Ltras. N'. B.â€" FlesbertOB oOoe, Uitchell's Bank every Wodnendav. PUCKER A PATTKKaON. a Barristeis. solicitors, ate. MolAt^u's Hauk. Owen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Ueo. \V. Fationoa ilrdicale u K HOTTOS MDCM. MPP&S Ont, Priceville- OfOee next d-or to Brown's store; residence onedoor west o' Methodist church, Kiuroae at. Oifioa days, Tuesdays aud Satardaja, D B CARTKR HC V & S Ont.. Physician, Burgeon, etc 1 Flesbertou Oillcc â€" Straiua b'ock. Kesidenceâ€" Muushaw'B Hotel l^oci tin AO.U.W.â€">- lii tend third Mon day ill each month, .,i their loilRe ri'oni I'liristoo's lUock. lUsUurion, at « .p. m. W. It Walker. M.W.; \V..i. Ilcll*u.y, flnsecer \\ . lrwi:i UiH-.nder. Visjunu li-.etburu iuvileu. UOYM. TKMPLAIW OP ti.:mpkk.\ncr. â€" Itegular t'ouo'-ll meets every first am! th'r.l Tuoala* evciiinK in each ui<>n,h. In Sproule's block «i » p ni Select dc|;|.e iusurancci meets nioihU. the Wednesday precediuK the asu't pf eacu inontb. JOHN A SCOTT U B Member Colleff* Physic. £ Sargeons.Ontario Jra^luate in Medicine of Torop o University i-oii,>wslip Piplouia. Post Utaduate Moilical .-"Cbuol autt Hospital. ChicH4;o. Piseasesof eve, L*a;', uotte and throat specially treated, Kesi- Jeuce, .Max we I, vi^ta Fevorabam Tburs lavs 1 3 •POTTBWKLL Frorxotir • wi V"rresjiimtlfut. The stomi of Thursday last blooked the njods 8o that no trainH g< t ttin^ugh till Suni'ay aftem<x)n, while there weru no niaLlK until Monday. Mr. Egau yiixA in Durbsiu iast week on biisineiiH. &Irs. H. Tucker is visiting with friends in HuLstein. Mit* Mary McLeoJ ih visiting with her siHtef, Mrs. McMillen, of the South Line. Mr. Jim Warling i.s home again to spend a few weeks with hia parents here. We hear there were no wall-flowers at the Leap Year Ball. MiLster .\lf. ChLslett is apprenticed to Mr. Kartitedt, of Fleaherton. Stick to your trade, Alf. Au epiden ic is going the round.s just now in the form of whooping cough, in conac«iuenue of which the attendance of tittle folk at schta^l itt very small. A uuiaber of our young men expect to "coija money" liuring the coiuing sea- son, by imnii<;ratiDg to different parts. Mr. Rod. McL«id and Miati Cairns viated friends in Maple Grove last week. Reports say they had a pleasant time. Mrs. Xuffi* McLetxi and family, form- erly of this place, now of Farewell, Mich., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Black, of Durham, who is very ill. I 'At. Artley, of Markdale was in town last week. He fixed a pump for Mr. Hogarth and put in a new force pump i for Mr. Legate. 1 What Some people woclJlike to know : Whose face was freezing when the match was lit ,' Uhat was "L" after, when he went through the window at the {Mui-cake •ucial 7 What mads tboae funny looking marks in the snow, down tkc Back Line last week 7 Four gentlemen go for a " Drive " late one night. Tiiey go sailing along ; two fat gvutlcmen accidentally fall out. I Then what can the others do but tumble after. Wonder did they make their \ " Mark / " A few evenings aiiice the young la<Iies of Flesherton Station eutertainetl the 1 young ijctits of the burg and vicinity to a ; ball, but, a.s fre<iueutly occurs, one of the village HwaiuH waa not invitetl; and, as ilia fairvst girl, with gliHwy curls, was to be one of the pnrty, placed hiin in an awkward dilemma. To let " Another fel- I low " take his Dulciuea there, would be opening the gate for the luliuission of his rival's atfectiona ; so, a happy tliought . w.'niied its way thro" his cran uin, and he : drove her to the rendeztous, and returned I home, with the proniisu to be on hand at !4.t. m., sharp, the following morning. Morpheus outwitte<l Cupid this time, for the drowsy g<d held the smitten swain in i tight embrace till 8 a. m., when, horror â- of horrors: the "Other fellow ' hail driven his inanioMta to the f.M»retita' home, somewhat dilapidated from the ef- fects of an upset, llecriiuinations and teiirs were in order when they next met ; but, as frv<|Ueiitly happens, such incidents , often " hurry up the cake.s. NOW I is tke tixYie to ^et yovax* I .Ordered .*. Clothing .*. Cheap, Jj ^1 E^verytlring at very close ^i pj?ices no'w ^If - G.J. LEIICH, Merchant Tailor est of Neikon Bros. The young ladies of IV>ton extend the hand of welcome, f Bob. I Mr. Thos. Lockhart took a cutter . drive to Brantford and Toronto last week. As he has not yet returned it is likely he will tind abundance of suow in some . places. The Inistiage E. L. of C. E. held a very succet>sful leap year social at the residence of Mrs. Sherson last week. The pro- ceeds of the evening were something in advance of $14. The Salvation Army Indi:in8 of the Rama Reserve had a very successfid fight with his satanic majesty in the hall here one evening last week. Wo under- stand a retreat was toads after the first grand change. The blin<l orator. Prof. Mollat, de- j liverevl a lecture in the hall a short time 1 ago. Subject unclean spirits, or govern- I meat worship, which was not very inter- : esting to a Proton audience. The Prof. : was interrupted several times. | The Kaw-iuiU Ls again in motion. This : is, we believe, the best mill erected yet on the preuUHes. Mrs. Thos. Wyvillc, who kis been under the weiither for some time, is re- covering slowly. FIELD Swinton Park. This Votoriii&ry Surgeon. Gritduato of Ontario Vetei'uaiy College. Rectilonceâ€" Next door *o%\h of Moore's pluiing factory. D R UARVU. BBANDEB SONS OF TKMPKKASCE.â€" This soele'y meet- in Dr. fluistoe' Hall ftrst Wed nesday lu o«eh u:ontl! at 8 p.m. ViailiLg brotbt ren iuvited. losui aueu in conueotiuu. UF. B. A., moot in their hall, Ohristces lilock everi second 'ihursday in each luouth. W m. Sharp, Master. T. Claytou, t^oc- ralavv. ilKlNria ARTHUR LODtiE. No 833, A F ft A M, meet in the Masoi ic Hall, Strain's Uloik, Fleshoitjn, every I'rilsy on or bofiire tho full moon. "- ' â- >tpiO'.ile, seoretary L)r Carter, \V .M, K J DUFKIORIN LODCR, No ISfi, too F, meets in I'laytou's Hall every Tnea- day eveniufi at 8 o'clock. ViaitiMti broth reu cordially iuvite<1 ASrANOuaiN.KO Wu }lawaB.Sru MDCM,MCP,t 8, Out, Priceville. OQlce aud resi<leuce at ^lethodlst parsona^o CallH night or dsy prumptlv alteudetl. Visits Flusbortou Station 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays pRICBVILLR AND DURHAM STAOR. Purhainstng* K'ave^ Flesherton Sts.».ion ni 7.1'> an)., returns 4.*") pin. Priceville sto^e leaves the same place at lil.Mn, roturniutf at AAA. Fare to Priceville attd return, jo cents ; Uurliam, ^l..'Hl for return. 75u. siui:ie fare. Livery in cou- noctiuu. Orders may be loft at either liotol. A. McCAULKY, Prop gluisif. M 138 EDITH RICHABDSON Pupil of R<vbt Mahr. rf Berlin Oermany, (violisl; Mrs Bradley, of Torouto Conservatory Music, (Voice Culture! Piof Korrisou.late of Toronto. (I'lanoi will rec^ire puidU iu HUiOlXO, VIOUN. P1> S»0 and OUOAN I'roton sUatioB- Fmm our oiet* Cnrrrtiwiident. Yes, it was a big stomi, but as everyone is aware of the fact we vron't make a song i .>f it. A very pleAsnut time was the reault of tho button swi.J at tho residence of Mr. . U. Noil.'^.iu's last week, given by the Sua- I day Schmd scholars and others. I There pa.s8ed away on Tuesday, tho 17th ult. after a lingering illness of four OT live yeai-s, Elizabeth liotlgius, beloved wife of Robert Hoi'gins. I>ecea3ed ' leaves a husliand and ,% family of small ' children. Peep syiu}>athy is felt for the I bereaveil f.tmily in their troublj, I Mr. .Alfretl MeCauley ha'> been en- gaged by Messrs Neilsons to work the old hoineatctul this coming su'jinter, foniierly occupicHl by Mr. T. Stokes. j Mr. Robert Rielly, of I*riceville, has opcnetl up the second blacksmith shop in town, chiedy, we uudorstaud in the intor- Froin our outi t'orr««j^.'»«feat. Moving seems to be the order of the day. Mr. aird Mr*. R. Black and family left last weeli for their uew hi>iiie in Tara. Mr. D. tJillis has reinond to 0<prey, where he has purchasid a f:irni, hav ng dispt'Sed of ih*" lariu he formerly owned. .Mr. A. McC.iuiy removed to the Net son farm, Proton St.iiion. i M'-. (ioorue Cainpldl hjis uon-.- to re- I side near Priceville, t.ikin^; with hini a ' helpmate m the per^ioii of .M:.>s .Minnie Mc.Munlo. M e wish the young couple a ! pluuaut journey thiouith life. ' One of our |iiiiiuisii>K liaclieUirs visited j d'>wn Country bitoiy. Listen for the bells. • Miss M. J. IJatci.eior is llie guest of Miss Mary I)\tm«. Pt VT11C The Misses S and K. Fergus.n of I'dl H!'^ B,ilsaiii Va'>l<y wcie ibo k:uest:i of Misi | Jennie Hawruve lately. Miss Alii.e Bell teiuriieJ home from the (jueen eiiy lately. MirS Adeline Fergoson also homo from the Queen city last «eeU. Wonder which wits the most appraci- at«d. the load that L took, or the sin.iU loaf of bread and the print of butter that w;i» sent to feed a lame crowd I Does not this re'.ir.ud one of feeding t!ie thou- sands with barley loaves aud suiall fishes ? But we hive i-ot ;, • heard h<-.w many baoliietsof frai^uteiits were tuken up. Mr. (.loorite Blaek v' ted friends iu Uuttl|'h last week Mrs. Y>'Uiij( from iiiiHr ilamilton vis- iced fiiuiids heie lately. AND' Garden 5EEDS -^^^^ in large quantities at W.E, Richardson's TIHELY HINTS^ A wise man knows Hew to take a hint. This is tho season of year when vo« arc reijuiriii^ ROBES, BLANKETS. BELLS, WHIPo, i lEiT SETT IF mmi Cutrycombs and t'.er) thing couuected with the Haruc'ds line for wiater use. Do = You - Know Where to bny ibem To tbe beiit atlvantasf ? is where the hint comes in Aud it is a good aud broad one : (io to WILL MOOKE. IIarues!iiuakcr. • Flctherton. N B,â€" CowliiJe uiiits, hair iuside from 50c to Tdc a pair. . . AND . . . . Yillage Properties returiLd j ^^T SALE or to RENT in the Tc wnshif s o Artmesiawi G/enel^ At t)raiigeville la'.'ly Mr. Juniice! Fer.;uson k;a\'e jud;>n>eiit ii; faVvir of ."â- hs. Gel ti lido Kid of Toioulo in her luit against the executorsof her ln»e husbtcid. tbe late Jihn Kid ..f Mono Mills, fir one third int«iest iu the lutter'a pro|irr.y near Oi»iit;«\ille, value* at t^,000. Lois 1 and 2. con. 2 N.D R , towusbip of Arte uiesia, I'K acres. 13 clear, with new f ame barn I'ix&i It., Hionc b:i.soniont. Would rent. Ijot 47, con. i, t.>wnnh!p of Oleuoln, :« aorea under Ro id cultivatio.-i woll watered. Would rent reiwouatilo. Lot No. :•, .laioes St. no tb, aud 'ot No. 5. Mill at. north; also east part ot lot 4, Klucardiua north. Brick h.ni9« ana lot nt Flesbertou SUlion. knowu an \lu Waite property. A'.l tbe abovn properties will b<> «ol.l »t low fignroii nd on easy terms. Tifiss Uidi.aputsblH Apply to John Mc.Arthur, PRICEVILUB p. o Logs Witnced Ii!gha«t pries vaid in oish (<r rock and soft olm lo>^, tn bo 'leliverod \t. our niill I,ocR-.ha Kock Klin tii( .rd 17 feet fu)'; 8of< Klni, 10, UaudUfeet. Ku8«nia U*t. It, 'V5 y\ A