Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1896, p. 4

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BBTABUBBBD 1881 i rvBLisnsn wkbklv at the office, syd- â- Ha&M HTHRKT, FLESBERTON, ONT., BY W. H. THURSTON. $1 per annnin,8trictly in advance Advertising Rates: One Column, 1 yeiiT. 850 ; hftlt col.. 1 year, $27 quarter col., one year, (15. Transient adrertiiienient charged at the rate f 9 ceota per Hue for first Insertion and S ceuta each subsequent inoertion. Fitzsimmons and Maher, with their friends, ran over into Mexico last week (o have a fight. Fitzsimmons knocks ed Maher oat in the first round, took his money and then the party returu- edto the United States. It is a happy sign of the times when American prize fighters have to go clean out of the country to wa^e their battles, and proves that a sudden and decisive sentiment has arisen in Sanimio's Domaiu against tiie disreputable art. It is now called the disreputable art wlien a very short timt ago it was termed the manly. Even bull fight- ing Mexico was unfavorable to the invasion, which was worked surrcptiti ously. That was a wonderful gathering of ratepayers which convened in Massoy Hall, Toronto, on baturday night, when 6000 people were pieseut to enter their protest againist remedial legislation, hue it was nothing to what the government will see if ii nersists in its nefarious scheme. The speak- ers on this occasion were drawn from both sides of politics, and iiielndcd Mr. E. F. Clark. Mr. McLean, Mr. Muloek, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Martin of Winnipeg and others. There was a geneial spirit of fairness pervading the the meeting, but an intense earnest- ness nevertheless. Tliis same earn- estness, or dot-jrmiuatiOD, is general over the country^ onlside of Qiicbro alone, and as the important day ap- proaches it is showing itself more plainly. This meeting is only a foretaste of what is to follow if the rotten thing is not dropped Father Lacorab, a Catholic mifsiorary, has written a letter to Mr. Laurier in the imino of tjie Catliolic hierarchy, dcinandiiig that he should vote for remedial legislation, and threatening the political enmity of the church if lie refuses. This docs not come as a curprisc to oppon- ents of the bill, as it has been under- stood for long enough that it is the hieraiciiy and not the laity who have a ";{rievance." Mr. Lanrier is not, we believe, the supine jell; fish that the clergy M'onld desire hiiu to bo, and, to be outspoken, neither do wo credit him with entire sincerity in his deniro for conciliation, patience or commission of enqiiiiy. He knows perfectly well that nothing but absolute separate aoliools will /ill the dt'mand, and that demand will bo per- sisted in until it is eidier granted or abrtolntely and irrevocably refused. It is better that it should bo settled now, once and forever, and the country freed from its dcpiessing and aggravating influence. A compromiso would but bo a truce and the matter would be revived again al a future date. After n time, with a few such compiomiseH, the minority would gain all it is now asking for. nisleading History To tJut Editur of Tht Aihauce. Dear Sir â€"I would scorn to iiitor- mod.llB in tho friomUy litxrary conteat hitherto wn^ed butween "" and "Fritz," irhonre, appHtuntly, mambera of the hircliwiulddr profeuioii, woro it not that a grave historical error exi.'<ts ii\ the laat communicaliiin of "Fritz,'' who, either by ignoiance of historical fact*, or by intentiuual oniiHsiun, easts a, feuian •lur upon the Micutcheon of Eoglaud, when he aaaerta : "Papists keeping â- choul to b« prosecutud as criminals." Wheu Hanry II iuvadad Ireland in 1173, it was at the command of Pope Adrian IV that he (Henry) should "conquer that country (Ireland) and bring it under the dominion «f the Church of Rome," for, be it reiueaibored, ther« was nn Popory in Ireland until this period. The first uct m this drama was tho closing of :h« Irish churches and colleges by the ghi'stly bigotry of tho above named pope ; aiid, when the Irish people sought to keep alive tho true apostolic faith of their forefather* in the public schools, the eini.H.s<.rieti of Roinr discovered this fact, and tho thunders of tho VHtican compelled Ue<iry In uive an unwillnijj h^s nt to thia pagan edict The historian Churchill raeiiiioug that .many Irish teachers, in their znal for the faith (if their forefathers, suffered the death peoalty for- ihe crime of teaching fichools in secluded places, hencn thtj name of "Hedge Schools." (See Carle- tun's Ttaita of Irish Character ) The other defamatory clauses (1, 3, 4 and 5) quoted by Fiitz weie but the out- croppin); of the teaching of Che Monk Augustine and his forty friars, who were the first poUuteis of English honor and humanity ; and not until ..he protest and ruforniaiion, inaugurated t)y tho fearless Enijliahinan, .lohu Wycliile, had etTaced the deleterious doctrines of Rome, did the Eiiglifih character regain its true manly lusire, as it existed prior to the days of Etiielbert. The English people had lie>'n ei^hl hundred years under the the t.-achiiiiis of such theolo^iitnn as EuscbiuB, Bellannine, Thomas Aquinas, etc., at the period of the reformation, and it is not to be woudered at that they should apply to Roman Catholics tho intolerant di>ctriues propnuuded by tho above learned worthiea low.ird all who dissented from tho Roman do'.;nias. Tho cause of Irish degradation I nill not enter upon ' and merely took uj) my pun that your readers may know upon whose shoulders tu lay the blame fur Ireland's misfiirtunea. Yours truly, S. L. M. LvKK. ' Proton t'ouucil. Tlie council met at H^-pevillo on Fob. 17th, 1896 Maekunzie- â€" Watsnn â€" The auditors' re- port be received and adopi.v.d .-."'l auditors be paid $8 each ant! 100 copies l>u pi 'iited. Watnonâ€" Wilsonâ€" The petition o,' R. A A. NeilHon and others, to form auni. •• school section for Proton and .^rtomeaia, be entertained, and timt Thoa Lauuhlin bu appointed arbitrator on behalf of I'roton, the clerk to notify the F. K In- spector. Shawâ€" Wilson â€" The collector receive $28 C5, less 84-52 which is an ernw in iirrenrs of taxes lots 28 and 29, con. 3, tor 1H«2. Wilson â€" Watsonâ€" Tlio clerk to pro- cure six copies of "Municipal World" for use of council. Tho question re Irons property, Hopeville, bo deferred to next moutiii'/, the tren.surur to bring rolls bear- ing <m case Watson- Wilson-Tho hill of H. E. (ilendennlni! for ass. roIl(>, iirintinir and Htationery, etc., amount $15.;i,3, be paid The clerk be paiii 912.50 for registraticm of I'irllm, marriages and deaths for year 1805, also g;j5 part of Ist quarter of salaiy for 181)0, Wilaoii- Shaw- The report of cm- mittec appointed to ii. quire into treaxnor's bi'Cin'iies bo received and fjhd with the clerk. Tho council ho paid for two days' skiing of council, $4 each. Watson â€" Wilson -That an order for $5 bo isHuud for Fred Milrs, nn indigent, to be (^xpui'ded for him by the reuvo. .Shiw -Watsonâ€" D. K. Mc.-Vrthur bo paid 80for hutldiii'^ a eulveit nt Hope villo in 1890, al8o0iP>ert McArlhur, te paiiiiiu scraper, 40 Ota. Sliaw- Wilsonâ€" The collector receive the taxes for lot 12, con. 7, for years 1803 and 1806, le».s 83 for statute l.ibor, the clerk to corr<;ct roll. Watson â€" Mackonzie -This council now adjonin to meet at the MoCullou^'h liou-o, Dundalk, on Monday, March 23rd, at 10 o'clock a. ni. .1a8 Cavanami, Tp. Clerk. Inistlogo. From our oiini correspo^ulmi. llfv. A. Brown of Owen Sound, preach, ed a missionary sermon here Sunday. He Uiok for his text Psalm 72 and 15. His sermon was an able discourse, one of those sreat solid deliverances which ^et at the foundations and builds up four squares. He is the picture of strength, energy «nd eaijerness for the mission cause, Tlios^ who failed to hear hiw missed one of the great treats uf the season. Rev. O. H. Cnbbedick, a former pastor, will preach in the Iniatioite church next Sunday at half past two in the aften oon. The Methodist cont<regation h>^re hate treated themselves to a now orjtan. , Mr. Brooks of Toronto was here a week a;(o last Wednesday evenini; for the purpose of organizing a teiiip«rance iiiciety, but only a fe^r bein<! in favor of it, the matter was left over for the present. After a visit of some weeks with friends, Mr. Win. Johnston has returuod to his home in the N. W. Mr. W. Cslhonii of Dundalk paid Iuistioi:e a visit lately. Mr H. AriiiKtriing of Owen Sound spent a few days with friends here last week. "Bill Nye." the humorist, i- dead. Jordan Miii<>r of Sparta waa compel- ed to pay $450 for runiiiiit; an illicit still. Judi>e Woods sentenced William Clark at Chatham to livo years in the penitenti- ary for stealing graiu. A death under distresxing circuiustan ces took place in Kiou tow!ii>liip on Tues- day nioriiinv! laat. Neil Cairns, sou of Mr. Duncan Cairns, llib con.. King, was eni-aifed in urindinV an axe on a grind stonu which was beini; driven nitha home power when Ihe stone liurst, a portion of the stone or tlie axe head strlkiiiu him on the head. His injuries were of a ser'oui nature, the skull being very badly friictmed. Medical attend aiice was secured at once but was of little a\ail owiut; '" 'f"* terrible nature of his 1' juries. Ue rei^aiiied cuiaciousnessfora time bui la'er complications resulted in deitb. The accident occurred on the 4th iiist., deaih eiiHuii.g o:i the 18th as above staled â€" Boftoii £jitt>rprt<te. FARMERS^ ATTENTION IMPHOVK TOCR STOCK. I have faai (rutl Huctfusa wilb my bull, Lord HaIco, as a »tov:k Ki^tter. <*n acruuut of hard tiniuB I httVR netlded to mil hioi at 4i ro pi-r cuw lor 1K.>G |>a\abltt Jau. Ist \h9l. if uut puied fiuorb«iuro that dale &±5 cts. extra wi.l be charged. pou PAI.E, â€" I have also for nale a yoiinf; tliorouf^librud bull, which took llrHt pri7u ttt rit-shurtoii and .Vlaik'ialu fnu-H utrcd by liurd Italcu, diim Iiaday Oluuiiiore. ono of the bust Diilkioi; OUW8 lbatuv«r caiua iutuihis country. ARTmii JoUNKTON. Vandeleur P. O. ATTENTION To those Contemplating Building HavJuK jtiBt returnei] from Now Tork. wlior«, to pUHt «x|>tMiuiict». i hHVoaddcila yuar's coiirtij of iiiatruuti'iniit uiidur the personal tttipei viiinii of Mr. (*hi i,Ktopl)nr Myora, architt-ct in chiof to ttu* huiui btflo Aineilcan, I am hitttcr than uvor , ...,.^. i t,, aaiditthoBe couteuiplatiug build- inu, and liavitiK fofuied a cunciilinf* partiior- dhip with Mr. Myera. mv cUtnita cau Ht-ouro hiti valuable Mtiiviceii without oxtra chai'^u. riaUB, utc, pioiuptly fiirtiiKhod. W. M. Cl^AllK. Kleshnrtou NOTICE Tho annual nicotine of tho pat'on« of F'esh^ nrton ch(*v»<ti fActorv will hu huld iu tho Town Hall, KuaiiHiiuii, Katutdav, Hnrcli ' 1 o'clock, for ihi) inirpo*»o of l*-ttinu niiik rouloH ai-d othiir biiK)n<tH8, and as tho in let) fur niaiiti- f»eiuii!iK chtdbo will be reduced to onu eont por Ih. thiKHtJaHon, thtirefora all who wiah to htiiid i«ii)k thiti HufiHon witl please rIvh their nnmu.^ to thu iliieclors on iRch ruute before luilk routHH arc let. Would like to Keu a full moblini; of pations. Okoiigr SrjrwART. Notice to Creditors In tlio iiiHttoruf tlie oKtHte of John Wosloy AiHi'-truiiM. late of the viUhko of Flcthortun, iu the County of Ores, docHasail. l'ur«iiat<'t to K S. O , chapiter 110. and atuoud- ihKuctH, uolioe iH liercby given that all pentoiiN haviiiu claluiH a^'auiHt the entato of tlu; above ilnccabod, who <lit!<l on or about tho 'JOth day of Novt-inher. Itt'J,':, are rtiquivi-d to solid by post, me"ai i, to W. A AiniittronK. Ktsqiiiro. j< wollor, Kloshui ton, unt.. acting tixctutor of tho oatate f tho Haiti deceafut), on or before theOthdavof Marcn, A. U. 1H'.?0, a atatoinent in writ.ii.K of thoir naiuoH and a<l(lroBHii8, with full pnrLiculavK and prn.tis of tht-lr claims uiid tho raturoof the su'juriiy, if «n>. hold by theiii ; and furltior natl'!o is hortjjy Hivon. that aftur iiaiil la^t nun. tionod date, the uxocutorH will iiroco d to din- tiihuto tti6 asHetHof the Haid dcooaaod, having roKard only to ths claims of which tht v shMll tlion havt! nntico; and the Knid oxecnlora will n Lh liable for ttio Bnid nBrets so distributed hv theiu, or Huy part tliLTttof, to any peiBon of whoMt* claiuj tn«^y hball not hovo received no- tice ut Iho liniouf ftitid di»trihutinn. KUOHT *11.\Tr>OM, 8<diciinrs tor tho ezecutorn Dated at Flc^liorton this 5th day of Kouruary, A. D. 1806. 10 In ilie !n»tt«r of .loiin IHc^oMasi or <lie Viilauc of FrkovllJc, In the 4 oiiiity ol'Cire}, lllillnr. Notice is liflieliy given tlovt thenbovB named Juiin .iltsCluwan nia'ie nn afsjgionent to uie lit all liid BBtnto ami erfuclx for the fjoiiuial boll, fit oi his inudltors uudur Jt. S. O. Is.^?, cliaii. Vii and (iiitondiiu; a<:tR. A inaetinK ol tliuoieditorn: f ttieaaiil nssiKiior will Im lioiil nt my ultlop in tho villak'a of Fioiita uilon, in tlifl county of firoy, on Wednoxilny the t.lin twtw.ti Hix'li tiny of r'eliruarv. A D. IHW at tho tour of two o'olot Ii iu tlif afti iiicon for the up oint 1 e'lt of iuspeolo s ori i)o-gvjni{ oi| ' ro I 'lis Kith elo 01 CO tuthedlsposalof tho said o .tate /I. >, uiiitni'H are Imreby veqiiiroi to fvlo their olaiius, verilloii by atfldavit aa required liv said act, with mi- on orbuJoro tlio llihday of Maicli, A. )y. I8y0. aftur which taut menvioued rieto I alkali i>roue«d to diRtribtitn the a'<fiot9of «ai<) ostatr, havii g egardon'.v tot eol'lm^of wl li;h 1 ehali tliun uavunau notice, aud 1 will hot be liable for the auBet, or any part thereof t.0 any lierBon or iiarsous of whoae claim I ahall not then have bad notice. Dated Fub. lUth, 1896. LocAi & WmoHT, A. B. VanDoseh, Owen Sound. AaalRDee, Uflloitnrifttraislgnoe' FUHbetion OUR 30 day sale Was a p^rand success, far exc/sedinij our expectations. Almost all lines of WINTER GOODS have been cleared out or greatly re- duced in qiiantitj. But the balance innso go, and go quickly. We want the room for spring stock. Nothing must be carried over this next season. A few Meu's and Boys' OVERCOATS Mens Underwear, Flannels, Gloves Shawls, Mitts Wl FELT BDDTS S BIBBEBS will move out at than you have ever bjught them before. Are you iuterested iu Boots &i Sl^Loes? If so wo want you to see our stock and get prices. Wc handle nothing but reliable goods, and lots of them. \a to value, w* will let ynu decide. Come early and' often. B.McDoNALD AUCTION SALE Of Vauabls Kann Properties In The Townships of Euphiasia and Aitcmcsia 111 The Couutjr Of Urej Tbere will he sold by riiblic Auction on Friday tbe M Day of larcUiSe At U o'clock in the forenoon, at Munsha.'w's Hotel III the Town of By virtu»> of uowtis of nalecoutained Iu certain uiort|iati>'« which will be rruduued at the tale. the tullk.«iuii piupertiea : PAWOKL OXE Tba nor'h half of lot uumlier ten In the first rom-'ea^iou of the tuwniiMiti f i p^rA^i«,cou*>ain IDK ( po liuii.^roducrea more orWus The followii'fl *iii|»ovtliU'litH aio Biiid to be on the jiioiK'rty : about H-'t acrca clear, having uiectuo thurcou a frauif dwelling, frame baru aud framo stublo. There are two orchardH ou the preuiiriOB. nAI^OKl. TWO Lota 18T aud 18H iii tho flrut coucceslou north east of thi: 'Ion mo and tiydeuhaui Knad iu iho aaid towi)»hii> of Ai'teinosia, ooiitaiuiug luu aorca luui t' or lt'e<<. The fullowii K luipioTomentK are saiil to bo o» tbv pio|ierly : About HuacruH cleared, hav- ing clecttitt tliereoi. a f<am« concrete dwuliioK. one auii a half bloi'ics, coi.creledwelling friuuo kltchei) an, I w>>c>,lHhotl. loK barn, f i-anie grauarv n tlieaud Btable, leunto baru aud d. ivii g malle baiu and ^lttb.l•. 'riiare ib an oichanl iiropuity I'AKOKI. TilKISE Lot U3 in the A et corioeHsiori eaBt of the Torout'iauil Svdeiihaio Itoait iu tlie liain town- ship of .\riumes>a, cuntainlDK Bltyauies uioro. or loH». The followiiiK iiuprovouionts are said to bo on tliu prtiiiiae.t ; Atiout 511 acrwi uleaied. havii X fitcmd thuieona fiaipo dwelliuK, 1! BVuiitu hj|,'l>, tiaiiio l>arn and stable. Tbeieia an orchard ou the property. TKieMS i IS per cent, of tho puroliaao inonov to be paid down inl e .my 01 tale, i or balauca ternii will bouiade kllow.i st tho Dftlo. Koi f.tuui I'tti tii-ular> a:>ply to JONES. MACKENZIE & LBONARD, Or to Solicitors. Toronto Street, Toronto R.J. SPROULR, Fifctiliorton I ICO. Just received a case of 27-iDcri English FluQuellettes , at 62 cents Full sized Men's Flannellette shirt* 15 cents each. Men's Heavy Woo! mitts 15 cents pair. Men's Heavy Wool Socks 15 cents pair. Job lot of 50 cent Tweeds for 32 cents yd. Lot of 70 cent Tweeds 55 cents yd, 2i in. Grey Flannels at 10 cents yd. 20 lb. original packiige fine Japan Tea $3.50. 28 lb. Box Raisins â-  $1.00. A lot of Dress lengths in Cashmom. tietgbs, Melton, Tweads and other Dress Goods at aactioo prices â€" what you lik»« Women's $1.50 Winter boots at $1.00 pair. .Men's Heavy Winter Hoots at §1.00 pair Winter Millinery. Fell Hals 10 cents each. Administrator's Sale OF REAL ESTATE Onder and by virtue of ths powers vested In the adiniuidtrator of the estate of .lano Kadlev deccahod.UiDie will bo sold by public auction by A. B. VauUueuii, auctioneer, at Munsliaw's Hotel Iu the village of In the county of Oroy. on Wednesday,18th day of March, A.D. 1896 at tho hour of two o'clock in the afternoon the following property, viz.- Tho westerly thirty- four acroi of lot number thiity-si.t iu the Bevuuth coucojHiou of tho townehip of Arte- mania. in ti.e county of (4r«y. Fo terms and partloulars apply to ur to JLurAH A WumaT, Gio. H. KADLTtT. VeiidorB Bolicitort. AduiiuiBttator. Owen Sound and Ploabtrton l^lethartou P. U. Furs at half prices Overcoats d Mantles. at cut prices. BMEIISS in iviry DEPMTIfEIIT Mard-warc J Dep't. STOCK = TAKING a dor., cups and sauoern, sb*ll pattern, at 78c (loz. liiloz <Jiiic!i plnlHa, brown p.'tttorn, nt 73c ddz- 24 (I07.. 10 inch plates, brown pattern, at S4c doz. IJ lioz. 9 inch plates, uiosa ro8ti pattern.. «t $1.20 <loz. * B'C (1..Z 10 inch platen, moos rose pattern, Ht fl.TO, IJdoz. soup pla'os, brown pittern, at 80c doz. 6 (loz. soup plates, aconi pattern, at 75c do!! 2 (lo». cov'U vegetable dishes from 35 W 60« each , 1 only i»7-piecod lUnner sett., mi)« rose patbom, for j!) «5, ri-i{uliir price, 813. 1 only 120 pieced dinner aeti, Bredalnne patti-rn, f,,r 811.85, rps;u':ir piico $15. Granite tt-n sleepers. 1 ;juarl, 112600.1011. Graiiilo toa puta, a qmirts, nt ("iOoeanh, Oianite pie pl.ttoa, 10 inch, at 13.-eBch. 1 only 42 inch baby's till bath ak $1.45, A snap. Bostoij Cliinax,>xe8 at 55c, regular price 76o, Shanty Kiivg axos at 70c, regular price 90o. » t" Iinprovod Champion saws at 35o foot. Kooji Edi;e X cut saws at 550 foot. A 25 inch Florence box stove with swine top for «4.20. A splendid cooking stove with 26 inch fire box and 24 pieccH of fiirnitur* for . 922.50. * * .,i-,.'.'iji3«i(t.-r

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