THE PLI8H1ETOH ADV1NCI D. McTavish I KEEPS ON HAND airs For Masey-Hanis, and Noxon, Flcnry and NVilkinson farm implements. Flenry and N'eiity plows mi hand all the time, also all kindi of repairs for the tame. \\V iranufactiire Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. HOI-PC shoeing promptly atUuded to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Lodging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. About Cutters and Sleighs i KNTl.I'.M I.N An the season of sleighing in again approaching I would call your earnest attention to my winter stock in which I am | re- pand to give you entile aatinfaclion both in quality and price. In cutter* I have a larve stock t select from, made of beat of material and Istcr-t dea'gns in finish. I am second to none. In sleighs I can accommodate her litflit or heavy. Prompt attention given to repairing, paint- ing and retriminiii". (M), whether you waut to purchase or not, and be your own ju I,''-. JR.T.Whitten Fleshoi-toii [alters, : Sleighs, : Wagons, : Boggles * and ' Carts Shores and Repair* for every kind of plow. , : Plow i.d Wood, LmnU-r,Shinxlp", Straw Cutlets, horsepower, for aale. Come and ee them. John H. Heard - Flesherton 14. nnnnrinnnnnnnnnn/V 3 I Be Happy i 'KruxrLnjinAnAAAJVTLrutrta With Others . I Kverythin; fn-nh in I ho way of lemoiiH. nranuca, nuts all kimN, confectionery of the choice*! variety, Kg*, date', prune*. cran!>urries, biacuita of all kind*, canned frniii and vetfi-table^, teas, aiittars and all iiher uri'o rie* ; slock all freeh for the holiday trade. ( ) V --i f f > T*t '' ' * "*'' n " "* ^^ J> ^* l * tlnio Best Hour and feed constantly n hand. APPLES In -mall Quantities or by Ik* Barrel Win. I Eugenia Mills i Carriage Works. Carnages made and Repaired, alto Placing and Matching, Band Saw- , ing. Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Q ram Chop ! oingdnae while yon wait, for tht Beaver tarns the wheel. T. W WILSO* Side Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKING S Pills SELLING OFF I htVH decided In clear off my entire 'i" k of lloolk mid Shoes at Sacrifice Prices. Momy I want and money I must hare. Therefore those wauling Dottia or Shoca will eonmilt their own interests by Inlying while my present atoek laats, as I I . i, nt intrnd to np'.-i -i it. Great Bargains may be h i 1 now. The Kamo induce- menlK may rover aitaiii Ira given. Call and test my hlatrmei.tH. I wa trnuMwl a lone tlinn with |r!< MMdaeke. It was usually nrrii.iipsnlivl wllh <eprr pnlnln Iho tcmplei, :< of fiillnrai SIM) teiidi-nirs^ in one ere. a !''! liiate In my inoiith IOIIKIIP ruiinl. lii rt .iml ff t colil. ami |rkncni nt thfl toin.ii-h. I lrll a (fixxl riiitiv ri-nnvll^i reeiimriiili-.l |nr tiiiJ veuililauit : but It was not until I Began Taking Ayer's Pills tliat I rooHMvl anything like pmna. nrnt r>-iifllt. A ilni-le li of tlirc lillll i' i M Hie iM.ik fur DIP. an>t I inn luiw irre from lipfids^li^n. ;ini| n ^> e.1 in in." C. II. Ill 11 HIMIS, i..ia' Auburn, Mo AYER'S PILLS Awarded |V!cri.->r a? WorM'n Fnlr jf<fr>ajHtr<I<<> i> the Deft. JOS. Smith, nesherton I for auld Custom work and repairing attended j ra ' e K u ^ WE ARE Still in the land of the livinp, lellin' * o ^ Klour - 8 1 "' Tu n<l 8 ff '"> other droeenen. \\e have some rale ('' S\V<otics and young, and if you want a to as TrXink tae' keep your rlaea in, or a t,' ll( ' e Satchel braw and now frae lh manufacturer, just tne' Willie llanderson in Hproulo's Our Clubbing List K"r tin e'lnv.-iiion.'e "f our resdeis who' block, and he will supply you at loweit wind to sAcuro m iro than oiis paper we! prices. have raaau the following ulubbingsrrango- 1 WM. HHNIJt-RSON ments :. Advance and Toronto morning World, daily 2.B6 Advance and Montreal Sr ir ... . l.HO Advance and Farming, the new farmers' ina^ar.ine 1.80, FLES1E1T01 STEM L1IID1T. Advance an 1 Youths' Companion I I have opened nn a eoniplete aleam lanndry (new) ... 2.35, In rieahorion, andam prepaiert tovake In any A j i . v i un quantUv uf laundry work at lower mii-,>i tliau Advance and I>ady News.. ... 1 n , rB eharjort elwhere. t >ia. put In thii lale.t Aevau*e and Weekly M.ill l.uO and moat Improved machinery to that end. Aevsoeeaad farm and Fireside....- l.M *"*'.'; !' """ W"aWo. W^kl/ Qloke DOT'S CORNER. Facts. " Fact* are to the iniiul what food in to tlic l>dy" a iiitinuH of Hiixtenanco, growth anil enlargement. Tin- thought naturally HUggustH itnelf that a lot i>f undigested fmtM facts which hare not become part of the "|MMH- and sinew" of the infilled, must pr>l:iee, ono would think, a KOI t of nunta] indigiwtion With must of no who engage in heterogenous reading, and thinking from that reading, thu inin<l is receiving and retaining impressions, f.mi ing opinion* from those impretwionH, and ends by retaining nothing but a picture gallery of unprvwiion/i. Bat how uon- plu-sed we are, when wo wage a wordy war, t<> have our op|>onent suddenly de- mand "factH, HUT ! facts !" and he will take nothing lean than facts an proof for your statement*. All the impressions of Bit-time, and all your ansunuice* that you have certainly Been or heard some- thing somewhere that would certainly con- vince him you are in the right, pa** for naught. At mn-h H moment you cannot help but wihh that you had a few undi- gested facts lying around you lose ; that instead of havnu; a living, thinking brain, you hail made of it a dry-as-dust encyclo- pedia, or a disorderly luinhtr room of ready-made, un(>acked fiu-ts, labelled ready (or uae in variouit emergencies, thus "(act: warranted to knock the annex- ationiM into a cocked hat." "Fact: H<M*\ for taking the wind out of the nails of a remedial legislationiiit." Or "fact: mire proof that fashion ho* cntiHed more slavery and crime than either strong drink or war." The fact in, the finer (tort of mind* refine to l made thu [M-I | t.ial repository /or a lot of disjointed, (Unconnected facto. Having fed u|Min them and received due iioiinKhiiient they ciu-t them aside a* HO much drowi. To the perpetual t rutting out of diMorti-daiiddi- " factH, we owe thu war of creed* which dutgrace ' l.nst. ndom ; to thin name vmroe, the ilv.ntnrrr who in making a living nt |>liUcH, owes bin ability to make |uirti- /jtni nnd climb by their aiwutUncc into power. Strip mankind of their poor lit- tle niitxidu cloak of formal factH, ami how- ever different they may have ap|wari d in all the glory of what they are pleased : call then beliefs, they think very ninth alike after all. In the |>: t MI pn me and unforeseen ri i>es, Ix'fore man has- luul lime to adjiwt his little cloak to unit the occasion, or mayhap the cloak winch ho IIUM fondly behoved wan part and parcel of himxelf, ban in the ft rose of the mif'.r.-secii fallen awny from him, he tindi lie is. after all, very much like hia neighbors. When wo get back to the primary and fundamental "we are all a .ui and n brudder." AH this does not prevent un loving a real go<>d fight and a nharpening of our witH against our neighboni,oH|M)cially those of us who boast of Irish blood in our veins. For such I can prophecy a "right nuart" fight, as Kritx, believing his last article had found per|>ctiuil repose in the W. I*. It . will IH. found thin week "pitch- ing into" the gentle-man whom a couple of weeks ago I referred to M a brilliant journalist, at the name tthe publishing his encouraging letter. l\o no doubt the "Kohmoor," a* Fritz oMp him, will produce mime good m/.ud ttifc*, and there mny be lire workn worth nefeing. I con- feuM I have been h-mpttd to sit upon tho f.'ii.v for a week or no and watch the duel out. Itnt HH the end is not yet in night, and anolVr amusing feature has just loomed up, I might have to nit there a long time. Tim new feature in J.i^ There is a certain journalist in Toronto who fur some time has been writing over tho naiiie of "Fritz" and thin week he in dignantly repudiates being the author of those anglophohic letters, but hints that (UK pen iiani" has been deliberately stolen, for thu sake of casting blame II|HHI him. While l bin happens to be very much wide of the mark ("Unser Fritz's" name beini' bin by right of bapt ism) it may be that we shall have a vory pretty three corned fight on ; in that case it might bo safer up a tree. DOT. Mat, JoHNarox-At tin Methodist partonago. Tren- ton, nn Fell. Hili, Maud, aecond ilaiii;>il<'> >! il.n I , v \\ m lulinntmi, I 91 yeara. CASH At liar fitlbor'i rMldence, Tliurvlsy, Bill nut.. Agnxn. daughter of Andrew Can, ag IB yeara 7moa. Mr. Dan Oillei of I'mlon bus purchns- d a fine farm up in Osprey for the small turn of f2800. Dan got a tine barjjtin. The farm hns 80 acres of clearing en it. He can run machinery on any l ; eld and besides the building* are very valuable ones, and the toil i good. Brownsville Cor Review. Honor Roll f. 8 MO. 1, AKTr.MKtllA AN!> EVPHBAHIA Ki-ji.irt for month of .laiiuair. 6ih Eugenie Humhertftone, Hatt'e Walton. 4thr. Mary lluniltcntoue. Mary Me- I u.'il, Walt.r Smi:li. 3rd sr. --Nellie Martin, Fro-l Martin. 3rd jr. Mary UrainlT. Mytile Smith, John liraniir, I'ercy Smicli. 2nd r. Carroll M.HI.IM rstone, Lizzie Braniff, T. F.iwcett. 2nd jr. - Erne Smith. 2nd pr. Johnnie O'ltiien. 1st'. - CliHrlio Martin, Willk; Me Lend. Average attuadanue, Itl. KIMIIKKLKY ri'BLJC BCUOOL Ki'prt for January. Naun.i in orcirr of merit, lnt four. Senior il vii<jii 6th sr. J. E. li,.. IIUIOIK!, (jeo. r'othci- gill, Herbert Kawci:tt, M:l;i.- lln>d. 6th jr - Clara Hunl, Anni Soolt, Jeuie Gilbert, Ethel (.'.mmck. 4th sr E. Aberciombio, Beckie Hani- nii'iid, N. Abcrcroni'iio, JCM>.- liell. 4th jr. Wellington (Jr.di.iui, Era Lat- ter, Dora Mundlc, Louie Ui-lnll. 3rd Henry Wallnce, *M<rtlc IWII, J. Gilbert, k !. It-h 11. G*o. K I'KNTI i\i', rriucipa!. I tuiiil > nnd >i>lrirr. Perth County Council have decided to build a poor hoU3e. A farmer ha* I *en fined ^5 and cmti t W'alkellon fur ftvdms< uncooked ollal to h^s. The township of KhiL' will spend 91700 in gravelling its roads during the coming HII. inner. Mr Lueaing of Hsnovcr has a cow which give* 63 pounds of milk each day. The weight of bulter made from tho milk of this cow averages 'Jl p iuuds per week. Hanover Pot. We are informed that iho pr>'<|ject* of obtaining a charter and nubmdy frin tin. Dominion (ioveniment fur the Huron and Ontarri Railway are g"ixl, nndfuthrr- more that the promoter, Mr. I'u^h, han made arrangement with a firm f Aineii- C.-IH brokers for the purchase of the stock am! the coml ruction of Ihv rmd. Sliel burne loojist. K< >l aiisbruiigh, the Patron nominee for North Wellington, has retired fn in the tiold. Ti.e ti^ht will prubably be between .1. lines McMnllen antl L. 11. Clarke at the next general election. The 11-year old son of JamoH Mc('oail> of Granger, Mono towndiip, lout his li'e in n (wcular manner on Saturday. The lad wan haulinx wood into a ihed on a mall ileigh. From the rafters nf the shed hung a rope with a nonse on the end of it. The boy stood U(ion hi-i sligh to reach this rope and take it down. His head by tome means got into the Divise, tho sleigh .-lipped fioin under hit feet, and he found himself haiii-iiii* by the neck. A younger child saw him there and gave the a'arm, but it nai too late. The lad was dead when asniitance arrived. He was the youngest of four. No in quest was held - (>ran*eville Advertiser. On Saturday morning Feb. 1, John Kelly, of con. 1, Proton, went to tho hay loft over thestable to foed his stock, leav- ing the lantern below. By soineniraiiB thu hay ho threw down caught fire, burn- ing up 7 hond of cattle, about 3 tons uf hay, 4 loads o| straw and other article*. Kelly managed to get down from the hay loft nd took 'Hi: 4 hones safely. There bniiiK a henry rain at the tinio and with the aid of the neighbor the tarn wt aaved. Iniiiicd in the 1'iilisb American Asaurnnce t'uinpnny of Tmonto. Soiree & Concert Greatest Event tf the Season L. O. L. No. 244 To be uiven in tho NEW ORANGE HALL Proton Station Tln> ft.llowiri; al>',i. ^i> uk.'i tiavo lieen docurod tor theoooaaioo: Kv. A. WlUon. Charlviton ; HOT J lla u an, Plesbertoo ; >obn LT*M, Mark ilale. an.l Dr. J. A SiMtt. Max n Tea to ho porvt'il from A .'10 to 7 '-M p.m.. after \ilorli thaclialrw'll ho taken by District Mat- ter I'.ni W M MrI.uKhiy, and an cxciOltint |tio({rani will beilven cnnHlstlUK of coiniononn*. rncitationi. riialoKiiea ami >pveh, alia inilrii- ninutal iiiimic by tin* I'roton Orohentra, Parka Droa., Mlaa Furd, MaikJale, aiulothra. <H>1> HAVE THR Tea and Concert Admission 25 Gents Bee. WM. SHARP, The Markets. < nr. fiill> <:rr<-( led Knrh WVrU Kloiir..n. ............ ' *>0 to $4 40 OaU ............. to - Peas .......... 50 to 61 Butter ..... ..... i;; i., j:j Potato* br ....... 30 to ::o Pork .......... 4 57 to Hay per l. (ii ...... 15 00 to 1*5 00 Hide* ............ 4 (Ml to 500 Sheepskin* ....... :'.". 00 fie****) ... ......... 5 to 5 Turkt'yi ---- ....... "re. 7 Chii-kei-M |.IT [>:iir ..... 20 *o -1~, Ducks |.i -i pair ..... -10 !> 50 Wool ............ 20 to 24 Time Table. IH.. Murlcdalo- 40 a. m. 4.40 ].. in. Vli ulii-rtmi ii.."''; i. in. : p. m. 001*0 NORTB . FKshirtoM - 1 1.4H a. m. !> 17 p. m. l- IL' 04 p. in. 9.30p. in. Almost Passes Belief Kr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florenoevlll*, V. B-, Stratnrles for Seven Lone Tears with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND 18 CURED BY AYERS Mr. NVIiotenn aT: " I eonnilteil doc- tors who prescribed for me, Out to DO purpose ; the cancer began to Hat into the Flesh, priMj to my cDIn, and I fuffrrM In agony for seven luaa yean. Finally. 1 llctnn takinn Ayer T BarsapariUa. In a weak or two 1 ocdoed t Decided Improvement. Inrouraired by thl rcsnK. I pe " "J !! - -^UIS), J t^' * tared, until In a month or so the soro under my chlu began io heal. In thrra lunnUis my lip bt-ir:in to bal. and. after Mine the Sanaparllla for six montlii. the but trace of iat> cancer tusappoareii. 4 Ayer's^r Admitted at the World's Sarsaparilla I/HJ Flesherton 5aw & Planing Mills The nnilcrsigncd art 1 placing in po- sition a liis i-lass Mtwuiill for custom sawing, wliicli will bo rrady f> i up. i lion in Jiinuaiy. \\ i 1'uvo a!so addid A CHOPPING MILL For llie ( CUM iiHiifo of fHtuiciP. Chopping il;>ne at any time at 5 ct'iu^ l>0f UK) i! The s:i. '. and door factory, band and scroll sawing business contiin- I as iisicil. 1'ile in your orders. Mi. Sloan will still be retained a.- aiunaper ot tlie wood-workinij dopart- uunt. I'.KKriiU.VT &TALDOT Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first class style and at lowest rates. Special attention givpn to copying. Babies' photo*, a specialty. Pictures framnd. MRS. BULMER