Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1896, p. 4

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TH1 FLE8HERTON ADT1NCI ESTABI.ISHKD 1881 W Advance M'BLIKIIKIl WCRKI.V AT Til BNUA* STBKKT, FLKMI I Hl-N. ONT., BY W. 11. Tin, R, f>l per aniiuw.Klrirll> in advnurr Advertising Kates: On* Colamo. 1 year, * VI ; half col.. 1 year, S7 quarter col., on* year, 13 Tran>lent alvertiwinout cbargcd a< the rat f t cot per Hue Iri flrtt loiprtmil u-l 3 cei.U aob iubjoqutu: WILL IT PA in the teeth of tbe ctorm and arc to day as (l.-tn mined as ever to cuaot their unjust law. If this government is not smashed to atoms over tbia question it will bo a Bad day for Can- ad*. Trade and revenue arc side issues compared with the importance of tliis question : Will it pass? pro- The much talked of remedial bill will , ire this reaches the public, be before the House at Ottawa. From a cast of its nature in both the \Y,n M and Mail we would simply infer that the minority IB given even tiling it asked for and probably more than it expected. It grant* separate schools to Manitoba. It provides for the appointment of a Catholic board of cducaliuo for the province, all to be Roman Catholic, which will be all powerful in the selection of text books, issuing of ceiiificatea, and many other things; a superintendent of separate schools murt be appointed. I'ower is given to the board to enforce the collection of tax >.s. In the event of the province neglecting to appoint a board the federal government will do to. In the face of all these things the despatch (which, by Hie way. bears the stamp of authorizati n, aud does not appear to have come as an ordinary reportoiial despatch) says that the bill will "in no iiiauiur , i form be found to encroach upon the cherished principle of provincial autonomy or contain any pro. bearing the semblance of coercion." We would like to ask in all strioua- uess if the framers of that bill cr.i- sider that the people of this country are unable to understand what thoy read t There is nothing in this pro- posed measure so ambiguous that the people cannot clear!) see coercion clicking out of every line of it. The same despatch gives us the not too joyful! intelligence that "the bill will become law. It will carry in the House of Commons by a majority ranging between 20 and 30." It claims that sufficient Quebec Liberals will vote for the bill tocouuUi balance tho defection* on tho Conservative side. Will it actually d.> so ? is the very important question agitating all minds. This paper protests loudly against it as a form of ini-pity which oliould not be tolerated, and we have i'ie satisfaction of kuowmg that there are able men at Ottawa who will fight to the last breath to pro /cut its passage. If obstruction were ever justifiable it will bo in this case. No semblance of coercion, indeod ! This is what the Globe thinks about it: "Tbe Manitoba Catholic is, iu short, to be handed over body and bones to an iriosponsible oligarchy, who will establish schools for him, appoint the teachers, choose the text-books, map out the course of study, collect the taxes, and, we suppose, if the Uxea are not forthcoming, send its bailiffs to seize his household gear by way ol uiforciug obedience. And this is called, Heaven save the mark t 're- di easing the grievances of the mi noiity ' " In an excellent article from the To- ronto World we find those wi>l "The present moment, not the future, is the time foi the government to realize that the diiect sequence of coercive legislation H revolution and civil war." The Hamilton (Spectator aks . "Could coercion go farther than that '.' Could anybody iU vie a moie unjust law llian that? We think not." I n the face of all these Berions expressions of opinion aud the warnings that have from tiuie to tiino been given, the Conservative govern- ment at Ottawa lias blindly ruthed on Without waiting for the slow cesses of Turkish official action, Clara Harton, president of tho Am.n- can National Red Cress Society, with several assistants, Btarted for < Htautinople January '2'2. Her confi that the sultan wroulJ relaj l.i- OppoEition to relief work ainoiiL- tin Armenians was justitit d in a measure by a cablegram from Minister Ti m-l!, ice, ,. l.ri ill i>iirtui(, announc- ing ihut vitile the Turkuh go. niriit would n.t oftR-inlly nc' Mii/i- the lied CIOPS, it would permit any persons named and approved hy Mr. Temll to di.Hiibtite. relief in the in- U-iior of Tuikcy. Unlesa the sultan O'-jain chin , .i:i'l. tin n fore, tin !; I Cnii.s iflicials, as individuals, will be permitted to enter upon their hu- mane work. Congress lias adopted resolutions asB.iring the administra- tion of its support in all cflorti to p.oU-ct Ainrrican oiti/.ens in Tuikty ; aud n['(i' ;ili.i^ to the signatory powe r s to protect the Armenians fioui further massacre. --Youth's Companion. Bull vs. Eagle Again [Tlic follow ii ; communication liiu born sent u liy Fr.tx at a reply t llio > i|iiot'.'d limt week ly Dot and written by a Toronto journaltiit. While l>"t hu> dropped utit of the fncaa with hcuior >ntl i*, an he expr< mra il, "up a tree," we fuel that Fritz dusoivos an opp Hunity u> tilt hit lance aguinit tin' e, iiilt-iirtn ip.iot.-d if hu HO*, and wu will thcro hold these cnluniiii n|n n the |ueniiuti until fiither notice, mid thii.K can promise our rvad-jra aouietliin;; warm in tilt- wayof d, 3. PapiftU keeping school to be prou- cuted IIH ei iniin il-,. 4. l'.i|ist |inehU who aru converted (to tliu Kn^hsh church, i>f course) to ro- coive 30 |Hir HIIIHIIII. 6. Nu Papist ti> foe in it line nf entail, lull (lie estate to |wuut ..;. to 'Ii next ProteMl.uit heir ivi if the Papist were ilea.l ; if .i Papist ilien iatoKtiUe and no ProteMt.'int heir ejill he fniilid, |>l'o|(i 1 1 v to bo equally divided union;; tin- F.,IIS ; if -..t]. n . ',11 illy iiinoiu,; the daughters. This hitter chtuite our friends Dot and tin' K'.'ii.iiMir will t on. ./.u UH thoroughly mid exclusively Kn^li.-li. S. .- 1'unell'h history of the I iinh popery laws for further light. Ami for tin- M..IH- of hoiior.ili!.- v. ,.in.mhoo<l il"i,'t :i!ii.w any ell i, -;-." K>;;. \.i '.1 nif.irineil daughter of Kve talk of Knglmul'n chivalry, for nl n ilnl .ijiii liull eliriii-,'.- tin: I nv ,;1- lowin,; a woiii.-in t e..llect the wii'-e-i sli- i..l .-in. I l.r.iin ( (>; lii-n ilitl he give !ar tin- li^lit t > inli n! iin.lii the Common \n\\l No women PI uny |>;irt i f the wm M i-re in >ie ignomiui- tr,'.-it. !!. ih.i:i v. rre omen of i Jr. ,i I'm mi l.y your Juhi.:iu>M. Kor |>ro..f iwul "\\ i ..ijjii-h hi rtori .n > il.-ulin. Thi-ii. .in to tin An knowing Hiiythuig, i. Inn .or ii :.i ilk-*, hurJy thrir aizing up and getting ru] ol him in Mich !l"lt "I.liT WIW a ]>ul|Ml>lr lllill' '1 their intelligence. lVrli;i|w it is on :it of tliL-ir i; they Imve for j i .n - run the best railway tr.-iius in tin- : (Ir IKI.IIIM- within the pMt olioit year they h iv,' . n l!U out of !.'."< internatioiiul e>.in|>. tiii'.n.s ln>in the Kng l.-h ' Till-, of eoiirhe, iiiakeN it clear to the avuntgu Jol'iini ISull that i tl. \N a lot of s;.l In er lufciilill il i M iloiighhfiulh your .lohin.ii-. in., .t Iw ! N , if tin- Kohiiio,,r U Mill troulikxl with tin - i.'king him i.uul, MI woulil fulvisi'a dnik p. .1.1 uhi-ri' he e.iiniot jhi-wilily get n-lli-etion of FIUTZ. OUR WINTER SALE.. Artem.sia Council T,- thf h'Hliii- !/ rr. I'KM; ^IK Dot' "" in you re of uh 30th xay->. nfvr. ing toiuy |,r \ ' a- I. t .thitthe u|,eriieialiiiftlii-*lmn ,,.,,! U> '.- like the '' 4it that ate the o\ ter can, his iwn wor.! enemy. "Moot hrilliiint yoiii'tf jounmlixt in the province," <ut Dot <le- ibea him. Now in all kinlm-sK 1 would nnggiwt th.-it I), it .-iti'l her tiowly I 'I \lt. Illesill polisjied Kohn ^., t.iiil a dictionary nnd look up the rig of "miperiienl' theirp-t ill and compare the answer it h their I int John Hull i | 1 i-oninliiitioii on thu i|iii-sli<ui at i- in-. It may then bo t., i! i in nhy 111., i jewel nut not npprc i it ! in the I > , it now H to the otli. ' .i.l, -t "f the Ail Ofcourw nil, lie" -;.:p.'i nu n who an- anything more th.-.n a pair of i anil a piste |H,( know that no i.oi M are : MO n I all tunther. us well jwxiil tui in the I'. S. They |y t!ieii -clio.,1 teaelii i-.s n little ae tint I more than we do in I'm nda. I n ,-.].! in the t'. S. knight* of - .111.1 |*iste jK>t ill. Hot. .1 In I , eo'ne under th" huad of journal sts. I praam i' . i tin- Kohiiioor miike thu following StSttMMBl just as n wimple of khtif boosted -oh I Kii|(lifdi information : "Tile people of the I . S. ale (IllllllCtor- ized hy ii M ' , <h . p iletj*tttion of thing* Itriiixli and a very shallow (piality ,,f tea son for it." Now if that i-iniug young journalist will lay down bin sciwwirn long enough to rood on aiitheiiti,: account of the Trent :iHair, the cailH of thu Ala Iwma claima, KnglamrN Nyinpnthy and aiwiHtance to the South and Nliivery ill 1MC.L', that knight may yet learn mune- thing. In l>'.' the London Times pro <!. limed that tin-re must lie two eoniV.l urations. In no other !'... ting will pe.iee U. nui'le. "In our opinion the for, ilih- siihjngatioii of the South will prove a l | clcwt tjixk." Mi -I that ' Mi . .1. il, i I .is haa n. .ul ' of the S, 'ith.i n:iti"ii, unil si pai-at i"ii is as ,. i t\in.u*.uiy eM nt Ml fiitnie MI, I e.,iilin gent can hi-.' For proof see Chitten il, n's hit.tory of Alx> Lineohi an, I the I nit,, I S;.. The following arc n fow of tho very humane, ami quite KngliHh lavs \\!u,-h John Hull iiia.l,: for the governuu-nt of li.-l.tud, and millions of Ainencnna wuru Irish : 1. No ProtcsUnt to marry a Catholic. 8. No Catholic- to marry a Protontant. Any priest celebrating such to he hanged. The Council nf Attemena met in the t wit hall,Kleihtrtn.on Monday Feh. 10, There were | ivirnt : Mr. Itoland ;C..uncill r> McMillan, Kclls, lle.t and Thompson. The minutes of last n^ were iad aiiJ continued. John WhittakiT, jr., vr.iited upon the council in reference to aei/ure for taxea by collector if waid No. 1, IH'.i.j. The Tiunt-.-n of S 8. Ns.6, 7, and 10 were pii-seii t in repaid tochant>iiig the Ixiundar ici of aa.ii Heho. ,1 sections sa per p< (i lion prenenled at Ins' ei>ion A.NViNon an 1 < ten. Ilintre p'e.selite 1 a joint |ietni..n from tho towiihi|M of I'n.t .n and Artemestit asking tlml a union HC!I<-O| t formed, (he school houne to be at or near Piston -!.i'i"ii. K,!!H lieHt Thai lot.s 23 to -.7 in cluaivu in cell 3 I . D K ! taken fi, in S. S N . and place.: in S. S. N... 10, anil t'.ut a h) law In- nit i, tl need an, I | used for tl.Ht ]i i: po.e. Canir I. McMilLin Ivells -That tho reniiri- iiil! lots u k.d liy the TrimtetM of S. S N., in to he uk.-n fro-:' S. S. N..K. Oitn,! 7 and p'ee i in S.S. No. 10, \ i.-. HI, v -on. :;s. \v , .,,,1 ui. -'. 8 M N n. U. a.,d L'4 lo 'J.H II.elllH-Ve III 'i ,oli. X. D. K te in 1.1, in III. ir r.-Kpeetive n- 'on- ,u,,l th it ll.e |el.ti"ii of said truNties so fur as these loin are coucei in-il l.e not i nli-ituin- ed lliia without pi.jiilii'e. t'arried Tlioinpiuii II,: t l.i aineii'liiieiit, that lots I'o. -'7 mid US in c,.n. U S. 1 'I I', 11 f S S N 7 .111,1 p!:t el ill S.S. No 10, nnd i|n.t n bylaw fur that pinpose In- intriduocd. L !. Hulls Thompson the joint peti- lion of A. Neil* n -tn,l other rnt"[myi<r of thu toWiuhi| s of AtteiiiiMii and Proton, aikii'gto have a union acbool formed at or Piotoii St ition |o l,ecompofud of PMI-IH of the towtmhtp< of Aiteimsi i and Pi ton, 1 e rnterlainril, ,inl tlnit this r..uu ell her-'lx' appoint John MrAitlun of Piiccvillt) srbittator on Imhalf of tl municipality, all rxpeuacs in Conneetion with fo- i-.iin;; i.,-\id union .school Kec'ion to IM- p'lid hy i 1 e parties in'.eriii'nl. Car 1 1 -,1. M.M.IIiii' K.-Hh ThHt -lane Th mp on. Inker, he |mid $4.50 fur hread fur- i"-l,e i Mi. indigent. Car n. -d. |:at KilU That \V .11. Thiirslon 1m paid the following : as -U.-S'.IK' rolls, $5 25 aaausfoifi' si hednleit. 3~<; priiitini; not i es 75', niitl expie. n f>."c. Ci-r led. Thompson Host That J. It. Sloan, collector, No 4, IKI |*i,l Its salary, 925 and 81 for |Mistai;e, he having duly re- turned his collector's roll for 18110. Car- ried. K, lls P., si That the sec,, uni of Hurt A Riddle fur tmoute bonk, 82 25, be paid Cairied. Kclls McMillan - Tint the cleiVa January and February are always considered the dull months of the year. l>nt we are going to reverse this order of things and this ia the way w do il. 30 day sale l-'rom the 15ih of January to 15 h of February we will offer upoeial iiiducc- inentH in every rlppartniciit. We have put in the kuife aud when we cut \ve cut d p. Space will not allow us to mention all the bargains in sl-uv fir those wl>< attend this great pale, but we will en- >r to give you a few Hints of how tilings will go. Soots 8c S-Uoes This department is well worthy of il attention ami ) !:ve hci-n pxceptionally pood this fall but we \\aiiL to lid (i tiio hall rolling. 11 she jjotii : fmr.ei pi ice'B slices (iuls' 1'uff shots 7-"/c Hoys' do $1.1)0 \Voim u's 00. kid 1 1" Men's heavy boots 1 .->' 9'c .M. II'H loii" boots 81 9i> and upwards. Mciu's KUIU rubbcra $1 boys' rubbeis '.I0e. Mi-u'a ovcrshorfi, 81 2-5, wo- mcn's ovcishoes, 81.15. Overcoats, boys', $2 60, $l.'2o and 85. O\vr- coat?, Men's ulsters, 8190, 8575, 87, clearing prices. Mi n's all wool shirts and drawers. 75o iier suit. Mm s union shirts and drapers, 50c lit. A!, n's heavy braces lOc per pair. Men's astrachan caps, ii5c each. I>x*y Goods 28in. Flauneletts at 5s per yard. All linen table daitiask l'.)c per yard. All linen towelling Oc per yard. 8/4 bleached sheeting I'.ta per yard. Double fold all wool drcs* serges '21c per yard. now :t!ie 59o 70c $1-19 Jost received a casj of 27-inch Knglish Flnnuelli'tU'S at 6:, cents Full sized Men's Fbunelletta alii l 15 cents each. Men's Heavy Wool ) 15 cents pair. >U!'K IK.i\y Wool Socl.s 15 cents pair. Job lot of 50 cent Tweeds for 32 cents yd. Lot of 70 cent T weeds 55 cents yd. 21 ill. Grey Flannels at 10 cents yd. 20 Ib. original packag* fine Japan Tea 3.50. 28 Ib. Box Raisins $1.00. A lot of Dress lengths in Cashmer*, bergts, Mcltcu, T weeds and other Dress G-oods at auction prices what you like. Get our prices on these good). We have them down. Now is your lioie to hit them. Oood accommodation for horses iu our new shed. McDonald H>*tnge account, 82.05, beinx incc Augual, 1895, h paid. Carried. Kelln Thompson - That tho clerk no- ify Meatrs. J. A W. J. Boyd to remove ill ohMr.ii'ti.'iiH placed hy them on the Highway t or near their *aw mill and to >lace no further obstruction* therooii,a1o to notify Mr. Mtgau to remove all pole* eed or allownd to he placed by him on nxtd at Proton Station. Carried. K.-1N Thonipmm- That each member of this council vwit the indigentii in their rrHpcctivu wauld with a view of ascer- taining whether or nut it U necvasary to eoniinue the granti heretofore made to luch and find out ai to thu application uf ueh granU and whether any further aaniatanco it reipirod. Carried The Council then adjourned to meet the firat Monday in March. The following motion waa omitted Trum thu minute* of cnuucil of hist month : McMillan Tii.'inpsnn That thef rint- ing for thia townihip for 189C bo let hy tender, tho clerk to receive said tenders up tn Fed. 15, the lowest or any tender not nowwwrily acceptml. Carried. NV omen's 81.50 Winter boots at $1.00 pair. Men's Heavy Winter Boots at $1.00 pair Winter Millinery. Felt Hals 10 cents each, Fursatjhalf prices Overcoats & Mantles^ U cut prices. in m; BEFIITIEIT County Lodge. The Co. Secretary of the L. O. L. neglected tn iiupply tu Uat week with a report of the late county meeting held in Shi llnirni- on tho 4th inM. The follow- ing fact* we clip from tho Duudalk Herald : Every Dutri t and nearly every Lodge w ref>riHtciitid, about 110 in all. Cnunty Miotor'a and 8tiC''n re- porta showed the order tube in n ftouriah- iii roiiilili Hi with tho menil,*ihip in- ereatiinx- A strong resolution waa paia- ml eiidorsint; ih action of N. C. Wallace. It \\iis decided to hare the County Pro- ctiaaiuii in Shell, irnu on July 13th neit. A committee to nrrmigi' for tpecial traini aud ratei tt.i.i np|i.i nti',1. The follow my ,.tli :erH wero p|Miinted: County Master, Hi... -I. Kiliot, Mitrkrialu; Deputy County M i-tei. Simou Jelly, Shvlburnti; Co. Chaplain, llev. W. A. Graham, Shel Imrne; Co. Secretary, J. Corbett, Dun- dalk; Kin Sue., Joa Stintou, Singhamp- t"ii Troai., John Agnew, Duudalk; Director of Cureiuoniu*, T. Canning; Lecturers, Win. Cullini(buriie and Jame* Hi. .die The next annual meeting will be held at Markdale and the leiiii-aunual meeting at Maxwell. Collingwood ton nnlnp hai decidud to re(waJ ita dug tax bylaw. Hard \varc $ Dep't. STOCK - TAKING BARGAINS 2 dox. cupi and saucer*, (hell pattern, nt 78c dox. 14 dor. 9 inch plates, brown pit torn, at 72o do/. 2| doz. 10 inch plate*, brown pattern, at 84c dox. 1J di*. 9 inch platea, moss rose pattern, at fl.20 dux. f> ti doz. 10 inch plate*, mrws rose palteru, at 81- 30. U dor. soup plate*, brown pattern, at 80c dox. 6 di.z. soup plate*, acorn pattern, at 7 doz. 3 dox. cov'd vegetable dishes from 35 to oOceach. 1 only '.17 pieced dinntr sott, moan rose pattein, for 19 60, regular price, 813. 1 only 120 pieced dinner lett, Rredalane pattern, f,.r 811.85, regular price 815. (Jraniie U> K' coper H, 1 quart, at 25cesch. (liaiiitt! tea pnU, 2 qiwrln, at 60ceach. (Jrnnite pie plateH, 10 inch, at 13ceach. 1 only 42 inch I y'a tin Utb at 81.45. A map. Uonton Climax axes at 65o, regular price 76c. Shanty King axes at 70c, regular price 90c. Improved Champion taws at 36c foot. Keen K.le X cut sawa at 55c toot. A 25 inch Florence box stove with iwinu top for 84.20. A splendid cooking stove with 26 inch fire box and 24 piece* of furniture for 822.60.

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