Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1896, p. 4

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THI rilSHlRTOM 1DYAICI BBTAHI l-HKil 1881 * fari-ma luhject*, Mid the president, which will come ln.-fi.rr you, perha| it might lie |>r<'litnl>lit to occupy a little time in inking lock, nit it wore, of our pr.-- it-lit |N>itii>n as a |>eople dopiMidiiiK en tircly u|K>ii agriculture f->r thu measure | IHlNi. Carried. linn- yean, George Laiimer twn year*, and Peter Holiimn one year. Thompmm Heat That Mr. T. Kella )x! ni/it deputy reeve and Mr. D. Mu- MilUn lecoud deputy reove fur the year i- 1 ei.iMiir.ii WKKKI.Y AT TUB orricR. M i' KMIVM -inter. Ki.K-.nru i -s. ..- . , BY W. II. TlirK.vr.lN. M prr anuum.Hirlrtly la ndtnnre Advertising Hates: L> Column. 1 r. *V>0 ; ball cl . I year, S7 1'jartri cut., OMB yaar, li. Tranniant a>lvinllM>iuniii chawd tln< rat* f 1 cunt* par line far Hrt iuertn>n uJ J culitl all >atMqut-nt Imwrtlod. Farmers' Institute fleeting. T i- in- -'in; nf C-ntr. i:-.-v Kirmor* Inatitnti- hrld at Maikdalc on Turi.l ty the 13'h, waa not htri'rly nlti-iulnl, then- being only some f>7 pn-nvnt in the .ifl.-r- io<>u, and owinK to noun- m- r si^l.t mi the |>ait of the Kiiperinti-ndri.t of inati- tuten or the uopuUtiDiii'the *pc.ikrra did not arrive ui.iil ii' -on on tin- 14th The meeting waa adviMiul at- -.mliti.' l-iln- Kulh-lin ttHiiud fr thn while IVovmru. The President, John li >land, b. in.' I ring present, called tho m --cling to til. r aud aaid wo would not loan mi r>p|x>rtunity t" make good ne of our time-, lit regroti-d the trying ea<oii wo were | through and exprrs<cd the 1 .p< that tho liko w..uM not return .am, thi-n called on Mr Hulla Mr. Ki-lln *aid rouragf wa enariilial t aucceu in farming and i-Hprcmlly a year of tlna kind. He U'god them to keep their farm* in <>d cu'id.ltou for -ri'tfiiij a crop when a surcemful year would comr, and strongly ur-.'cil tho lieceaaity of growing corn, 'iinl uUo iinpriiving of our *tock. XX'o hoiihl also try to produce an artule f' . which there ia likely to c.miinuo a favoia fitrk tl.aii 1 ho 'h -n.-ht tint clu-en-, app'r, v.i.l heavy hotao* ah. mid hi am m^ th j i-.iluit weshould ram*. Mr. Morw-'od, a retired farmer, bum.' csllid, aitid In- I ad alwiyi trieil whil*;." tn k. r,. the farm ch-un ami lo"k wr'.l after the i .anurr p-lf. Mr McCormack wa* as'- i.l to make a few remarks. Hr ail>. . .u. -.1 fn<|ucnt neinln g tVvSI to improve i'Hr liinl and keep it clean, on.l nri.'.-! tin- i cut of im; roving our *t-*-k and t" ful'y make up i>ur minds aa In which li O-H ..: I inning we intend t.i purttue. I'-, have a varuty "f thoughts, XV. A. r.n.wn, jeweller, wt ca "<!. I.ikr r ii ii, hi- lU.'lt on M-rn. h .-f youth and I - iu- of childhood, of con .HI' ' k - f.trm. Mr. A. Muir gave his experience with corn grown. ^.nd t'n- n'o. Hr did .t know whnt IIP wnuM have done this year without the CITII for thu stuck, but I.e had come to gather information. Mr. Win Mill (poke a short timo on tho low prices of al pm.lui -.-. II" thought mixed fitrining beat, itnd thr in ill.. mill hr to have a profit on v h it trver wan produced on ihr fn'iu. MfCaHluagtf, bitri ih'ri. bring railed, that of all the occupation), <d fur-inn'.' wat the onit thrtl Teipiir- til tho most eMhangMg of i.V.i/.. II wa* i fj, howeti-r. to tfiv.> n.lvin'- Few f.tiinrn took aiitlieiriit hlnaluro. $10 <r $15 apei.t in papeth and iii:i.'.-i/.inr - for a family wa* woll apnit T.I nuke i i-.y -tln-iild not he Uie aolo ' itn-rH wa< no calling lliat can iijintl farming .' M I>ni, firt l)i p. Krcvtj of Kuphruia, aaid he had not' pn-par i d to apt-nk. One limit; hr rrgreted to tie**, WIIH so few here. At a im-finx of tliia kinn thi* large (mil Kh'.iihl be hlh-d Thurr was thing that nature iliino for the fiirmur that ninny Khould have done hi f-.u m.*, lutlucu the . uiiitity f atock. Many krpt f.u ti> i nn h strrk . It was bettiv t" k.'-p leai flock sin! ft ill Ihrin hrltrr. Mr .1. I tiiaham gave a paper on ' Xitpigrn, mid hi.w to fi'{ il." I). H Kiln and XX'm. MI]M. n i-m-h |i.ikr for a .-hint time It wa* learned by t- -li-pli that thr apeaki-n would bo hm-r nn ihr t .-mi ii.iin TiiKwIity. The meeting wa* ii'inyly adjunrni'il. TI'ltMtltY, I llll The pruti'li-nt, Mr. .lolni Itolatul, reove i.f Arti-int-siH. again rallnl th. 1 nirt'ling to . i.h-r and i/iyve an inlrii-itin^ o|riiio^ addrem. durinu the cour-i- of which he j-id : It ia a well known fact that when- ever an l.ntitule. oxiita tho very beat and ni. -at progreaaive farnjera within reach are nmnibera of that Inatitute. >f..r eutering into diacuwioA i-f the f oui pniaperity. Our pruapevta in the pring of '!>6 were iiiiwt encourii-^ing, hut iinfi.i :un:itrly were blighted in one in Jit hy frni-t. which dr.ttr.iynl our fruit pr.ia- pi'. t, folliiHi-d hy ilioutli wliich pre- vented mir mti:idowa ami p.i.tniv.i from rri-. .vernii:, which in hoth r isi-.-t proved a failure with n short cmp of xtraw and ^rin and only a putial crop of roota, which ha* lift thu inn] irity of the fariu- ri in ' i HT. ( l.i-y in a piMitimi nrire easily imagined than deaciihnd. The In-.! ail>nv hu could { |Ve under the t.-ircuiiiHtiincv wan to look not mournfully into the He h..|-il a mnnlnr con- diliiin would never return <ai XX'm-ly improve tho prcsunl and K" '"'" the future with utahihty of purpnae and with a niu.ij hi-.ii! ' In concluai-M!. he benpoke from tho an in tereated ami attentive hearinv for tlsme wli.> ware pr.- <nt to adilroix thu meeting Mr. A. McNi-il - j. oke mi the suhjrct, "K'lry furn.i-r lui own miuull,'' and U m- Home |M).nti>r.-i oil I in'. hi)',' . Il ior-i. eti.-. XX' e would liko to re- h H remark* more fully, but Hj'iice f.iihida H. Harcourt, IJ. S. A., wai tl.e neit np.-aki-r. Tho nuhject aani-.-iifd him was. Mow to maintain the rVrtilry "f the aoil." Time are a'tout ten oleuient.aaiil the K|H*aker. of fertility that ai nwea- aaiy to grotv a cri.p. Kcarly all aoila |).'Xe mrviii of I hone in aurlicient qiian- litie*. hut three n-iptired to ! put on ilu-a<-il, viz.: nilrogun, potnih and p)i " photic :ic: 1. (ir.en cio|u ihoiild ho phnughud uudt-r to I;IM- hiiunn t.i (he oil. The i|iiriti"ii of drainage ihouhl nU.i )< coniiuered in connrc'ii.n with thin auhjcct. Only the lni>hril articlr nlinuld he (old ..II the farm. C'orn t.ikea largrly from ih<- constituent* in the soil, hut il i- lan;i-l\ n lurni-il atjain. Ilian it a yini.l fi.od. iii-h in niiro|{en, auJ returua a large |n.-rct-iit.i^i- tn the il. XV. S Finstr gave nomr hinta on clover. It >hi.ii!d hv cut h.i. alnmt one of the hlooni had i-iiiiriu-i i nl to turn .I .n K.I pit well Hhaken out. Never i-t it 'liy no t! .it the mil fall olT.and tramp itiolul in the mow with a horae. A. McNi'ill vi.hintt-eri-d a f i w remnrka in "Km. i i;ioin^ with '.' funning. '' Flii-ri' vtat inually a fnvomhlu upot on moot farms for n fe* acn H of nn orchard. Applra alii) | i-nra could raaily ho LMOWII hy the general farmer. I'luina bvlontred rather to the K|-cia!^t. Hi- thouuht the M..HH-! should l' ery rich mid kept well .-.illivated. Klrawhenic* could easily be Krown. Thr ahi.uld he vny rioh and free 'ruin nil u>od nerda. The light way WK to Infill i n a email sc.iln until thr ncceaHary km-wli-i'yr HK ynii cd. At the evening meetiii^Mr. McCnlloiigh iirciipied the chair. The t|H-akrn* i-n- \X . S. Fravr ou " FnrineiH 1 need*," and K. II ir... nit on the Ontario Auiicultu- ral Colleite." Mr. Hnrrourt naid thrre ! acho-ils lor all other*, nml *l y nhouli! not the furmrr have Ilia ? Ihr l.i-'i Hohi.oli ed-i'Mtu frm the farm. Tlie atli'lion of tlo- huh s.-hool air t ,ikrn Up III ihr r. 1 I'U'r ill ti.||.-|l With f..rill w nk. Thr win. Irni* rrcri\u two tectures a week during the whole y.-ar on X'l-triinaiy, (, Itulany and Hi.lomol. jjy; ho is | Urrd on Ilia own r -mmrces with h iy of ihirrn-nt ii.i'iona of the w 1 1.1. KucIi a training will m.iku him think, and to think ia th real oi.j. 1 1 of e Township Council. The Kr*t inci-tinif of the new council WHS hold in tin- Town Hull on Mniulny with the n-i'Mi, Mr. Itoland, in the chair. Af'rr tho member* had taken tho nccrHMiy declaration* of AM the clurk read the f.>ll..wing cmnniunicatioiiH : I 1 . ! ill. ni from Jna. McMullon and other* nuking for chango in Ixmndurie* of S S. No. 10; from M. Itih-y, chairman, Hi mid of llritlth, report; from Co. Trt-aa., lint i>t lamU in arrear* for laxu*. Ac- count* were reml trom U'. H. Tl:urt..|i, i-lrrtion itatioi.ary f 14 W(: do. printnu' financial lUlmrnt, $!'.'; fiom townthip cleik, bill nf rhetn'ii expenw*, 153; from r....ird of Health, hill Dr. |3.00; from Hoard of Health, hill lr Hutlnn, work in connection with hoard, 93. Hy lav. No. rVJO, to appoint an asmvs'-r, waa tilled up witl. tin- iiaii:i of John XX'hittrn Hylaw 521 to appoint auditora, waa Hllet up with the ii.iinri of II. J. Hproule anc Jat. Hrndie. Hylaw 622, to appoint member* nf the local board of health, waa filled in with the num-i of M. RiUjr for KelU Host -That the petition of Jaa MMnlU-i,, i: MrUill anil (i. F. Me KuiiZIO, tlil.trri of S. 8. No. 10 of till* municipality, be eniertained, clerk to Klve notice to interested pnrtioa r.-ipiuol )>y law to IM considered any meeting be* fore the first of May. Carried. Kells- Thompson That Frost A Bat- MIII, lolicilora, be paid f 1 for loijnl advice re qualification of ceitain ottii.ern. Car- lied. McMillan Thompvm That R.,|H-I! Iteid be refunded 41) els , the *am hi-ing nn nr.r in MMi.-i-amrnt for 181*5. Cariied McMillan Thompenn- That the ac riMintn of l>r Hutlon ad liruul- r be referred to the | hoard of health for a report. Carried. Meat -McMillan That tho deputy rr- turning officer* be paid for their seivict-a aa |wr bill : XVard I, fi); waul 2, *9; ward :, tH; w.n.l 4, #!); ward 5. |U: ward G, 8!>; XV. H. Thiir.t. o. eh-cii-.ii ntuli n- i-ry, tl4.&. r >; XV. H. Thur>ton piinting liiiitiiciiil stall mi-lit, tl2, total HIII. i ml, '955. Carried. ThompHiiti - McMillan lliat the bill of It i In rt McLtMnl for opt-nini; aimw rad lie Pot culritaiued, a* thia council hnh provided for nail! work by statute labor. Carried. Kell* -McMillan TW.) XViiaht. colh-ctor for ward :'., having; rvturnml hi* roll acconlinit tn law, be paid $,'10 and f 1 for pottage, likewise D. McCrinick, cul- Irctur, ?'.'."> for hi* oervicea an prr hjl.iw, .n.. I (1 for i-o.t,t.-,.. t'.iin, tl K !:. I'.. i That Matthew Iti.hmd- ton be rviuntlud 94 !K2, beitiK the charge .n XX m. XV. ...!' PIIS..HK! pii.prity. tae aid Win. WIMH) Ixiiim.' left the country. < ' .1 1 .nl Uetl Thompson- That whereo* Fonter Heron IIKH leturned $1 to the cominis- aionei of ward S fur *aw lo^a rrmovrd on old Uurhaai roail in Mny Isat, a iid amount hating been piitl to XX illinm Caiwcll for u muting naiil logs from inidd e of high way, that the H.IIIIC he pl.ic.-il to the of thw township. Can ied. K.L-IU McMillan- That the report of he board tf health be adoptul and iled. Carriwil ThompxMi - That the following iirinl n- of thmcouoc I U- and are hereby ippoiated nwd conniii*Mionei for IWHi or the aeveritl ward-, as follow*: D. Me- Millan, ward 1; T. Kell*. wuid 2; Jaine* ltet, ward .'!. <>eorge Thm|i*on, ward 4; he r.rv,- to it'triiil to the buihlini; and rr|nr of biiiUoi on report of tomniia- sinner ii.tritM'ul. Carried. lii'liip-on Krll* -Thitt in-tice inhere- by givi n, and also the i ' ik is hereby autlmrixiil 10 notify nil pititirs who are res|K)iiHihlo for placing i.UMi iut .n.s on stieets or highways within or on tho boundary li c f ilu iniinici|m'iry, of Inch com). lit n' ha* I men maile by rri(iii r Inl. r, or in pern, all p.-i' t r.i Failn i! to it-nnivr olixtructioiiM complained of, iil in ten ilays In- dealt wiih a -c..ul ing to st.tiiil iv hvlnw i-f thi* tow inthip. Carnr.l Krlli- Thoirp-on That the rt-eu- nnd ch-ik hi- ,'t r.nilnilt.e to enquire into aid nil. n the liramur s uietiea at next inert n g of council Ci.riuil. Thoii!p-on- Ke'ls Thai thin ci-u-icil adjourn until the -..-... nl Mi-iidity in February Trus'oi-. i f S. S (i, 7 and 10 to attri d o.unril on laid date. Carried. Out at Maple X'nll -y the paople are having *.inie fun in procuring a po*t mauler. IVtitioiii and contra ]>et'tum* Imvti t.,-, n (igiird sn.l rent otf to Ottawa. Thu vacancy wits canard by the i ai /nn ti.iii of Mr. II Itowman, t ho having di* pohi-il of hi* Htock ..f groceiica and dry goniln, did i-ot car to continue in the poHui.iti, l i h. , arn lead to hrnvn iH not very remuiienttive. Our inform- in. l Icll.'i ua i lint a "very largo petition wns allied mid sent to Ottawa, pnty'iig for th. i sp|Miiiiliiu-iit of Mr. Amn*O_-i!vie, n hiislil) no, ri toil rrsub-ut of the village, and who, by the way, now carries on the utiiro hiin.i-M which he purchaatM from Mr. 1'..* in in In icply the mat er wits irleti-ril lo a pr -mini-nt C nis.-rvatiue in Th* pmtition wa* off. rud to Mr XV. I). Taylor, who declined, and i r. -..111111. -i .1 I Mr. Ogilvie. It i* aaid that the Contort ative to whom the mutter .. referred, mn.le enquiry and diaoover- that Mr. Ouilvie'* political viuwa were not in acc.inl with hiH, and that aaid he is a dm; he can't have it. How- evei true thia may IM, he did not get the appointment. A Mr. Jai McKenaie haa U-nii appointed. N-IW anothar OUR WINTER SALE.. January and February are alwuys consid.Trd llie dull months of the year. J'nl we are K'"X l " reverse this order of thing* and this i the way we do it. 30 day sale From tlte 15ih of Jaurrory to 15 li of February we will ofTt-r special induce- ments in every dp|>ai tnient. Wo have put in the knife and when we cut we cut deep. Space will not allow us to mention all tha bargains in store for those who attend this great Bale, but we will en- deavor to give you a ft-w iiiuU of liow things will go. Boots & SHoes Tliii dt-parlrunnt is well worthy of special attention and nales have MM fxceptionally good this fall but we want to keep the bull rolling, licit she go** : fiiiin-i price I'liiloVn's shots Mlc (iirls' UnfT shoes 7i Boys' do 11 <*> Womfii'n GO. kid 1 40 Men's heavy boots 1 -2:> Men's long boots $i ! ) and upward*. Mi -iii's gum rnbhem 1 bn\s inblx-.n :>0e. Men u ovcrsliotc. f-1 2~>. wo- men's overshopf", fl.l.V Uvoicoatc. boys', $2 60, $l.i!. r > ami $>. Over- coats, Men's nUu-is. |l W. $5 75. 17, clearing prices. Mi-n'i all wool shirts aud drawers. 76o prr suit. Men's union shirt.-* and Jra-vers, 50c per suit. Men's IICHVV brace* lOo per pair. Men's asuachan caps, S5c each. Dry Goods '28in. Flumit'U-tU at &- per van'. All liiitn table da.uask lite per yard. All linen towelling ' per yard Ml bleached blu-eling Itfc per yard Double fold all wool dres series 21c per yard. Groceries Get our prices on these goodi. We have them down. Now i* your titue (.1 hit them. Good accommodation for horses in our new shed. B. Me Don old M./ RICHARDSON &Co. now 9c 590 7- c SI. 1 9 9:)c Does This Interest You? XV i> ofTer 5 overcoats price $"> 50 fir f i 7 "i each. W,- utter H overcoats uric^- 87 f.ji $1 75 each. We offer G overcoats [net- $7.;~<fr for 94 75 i-a-jh. XV i- oiler S overcoat* price $^ 'ui i uch. XVi- (iff>-r 6 oveicoats pri'.-e $10 for { . 50 c-ucli. K vr r) thin:; in hati. ceps, furs, luaullti at coiri-pouiJingl v Reduced Prices A ust-ful 24 inch Gn-y Flannel fot cents per yd. All XV (W | Oolf Cloakin-. 51 inclu - . egnlarfl.15 for 75 :mt.. A few \X'ool Shawls nil at tl each. A lot of millinery Kelt Hals at 10 cents Qach Only a nominal price to clear liicm out. IMitition ia beinf cireulatr*! to h*T* ihe ap|Miintiiieiit cancelhil XVu believe that i. i* being largely it(n*J, aa tho appoint meiit made ia not aatiafactory. Meait*, Sprnule, l.tnderkin. and McCarthy havo li. en written to on the luhject. Hull, -tin John Tweed nf Elmvale hi* had haid luck lately. On tie 7lh of July, 1W5, hia linr hotrl waa destroyed by tire. He at oncv ci-iiiiiienceii to n build and put up a very hue building at a C"at of nearly $4MH). It had just been finished anil la- had commenced buaine** again when it waa again dtalroyid by firr on the 7th January. Several . f the iniimies had a iiarn.w esi-apr. A comniercial traveller waa taken from the huiUlinu in a lifelex condition, but recovered. He loat all his rVthmg and hia aamplea. The fire oc curred at the name hour and on the lame day of the month in both oaiea. The effort* of any newspaper to builil up a town are practically nuliititd unit a* they he backed up by buaiuea* men. A stranifcr tuins from tho news column* ol n paper to it* adverti-ting paxes, and if he fail* to find there the buainea* card* ol t he merchant* and professional limit, ho cornea to the conclusion that the pubhih rr i* not appreciate?, in which caae it ia a good place fur him t keep clear >f No town ever grew without the activ aaautance of the newipaper. Nor can papers nrow and build up their localiti without the assistance of the town KiMinraa men ahoud i-ealize thi* am remember in giving auppoit to the new* |.i|ir liny are but only bmlilin^ U] their own huaincw, but helping ti support that which i* itendily workin fur the whole cuniBiunity. A civil right of pi-nous with sentitiv enra waa vindicated in Milwaukee ni Wednesday of la(t we k A jury liennaos in the cour* of a jualicu of th peace deculed that the W'pipe waa i.oi musical instrmuriit. A number o Sjolehnu-n were preiti.t and it >ook tl best effort* of the juitioe uid a contt.ibl to prevent them from aaaaulting the jury. The caae grew out of tho frightening of a hnrae by the playing of a proconaum of freak* which the XVincooain Theatre Com- pany turned loone in the itreeta. The hone, according to the rinding of the jui r. waa aoared to death by the noiae of the baffpip*. or "dmlhuavk," a* the Oennau attorney called i. The plmiutiff wa* |ITB % Twfdict of f 1*6 . lines- aud children's overshoes 50 gents fair ileavy all wool ladiea' black Loae 15 cents Ni-w Tartan fabrics for blouses lOc and 15c yd JlT- Harcl \Viin* J Granite Steel=ware NEARLY ASCHKAT AS Ti n ware soap dishrs 18c each '2 ijuait iiinH-d pudding pans Ik- 18c " I9c " l!-.'c " X3o " '2So " 24o " 28o - It'J inch oblong " llj " " 1- quart dippers 6 quart nnlk paus - 11 j inch \v*8li basiim - 1-24 " " - 8-quart preserving kettles 4 " " 6 " " 6 " " 8 " " 1 4 quart dish pans 17 quart dial) pain 2-quart loa pjts - 14 inch basting spooua - No. 9 M kettUts 8o 44c 49o tt8o 7Ho 57o lOo ll-a&c Don't fail to sec these goods,** they *r tlie bst. IQ,, Richardson

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