Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1896, p. 8

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THE FLI8HIRTOM ADVANCE D. McTavish I ICl^TON KEEPS ON HAND ft? airs For kfassey HiUiis.Riid Nuxon, Fleury and \Vilkiuson farm implements. Floury and Vt-iiiy i>l >\vs on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for tin s mi". Wo manufacture Wagons. Hnggies, Cutters. Bluigbs, etc. Jlorm shoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender, ecu- ti:u ied feet. Logging ami Plow Chains constantly ou hand. About Cutters and Sleighs i . KNTLKMKN- -As the aeaaon of sleighing in again aprrnsching 1 ^ would call your uarnjut atiention to my winter st"Ck in which I am pro- paiiHl to '_ vc y. u ei:t!ie K iti-faction both in quality and price. In cutters 4 I h:ive a l.t me (> ek t.. (elect from, made of oel of material and latest d< s -/us in tinish. 1 am svc'-nd to none In sleighs 1 can ac niiiniodate j) "i. r hiiht or hoitvy Prompt atiention given to repairing, puint- t\ iiig and it-trimming. Call, whether you Want to purchase or not, und he 4 your mrn jn ^ || R.T. WHitten FlesHerton <* 1 ssm j?^ < .> to li IK KOK TUT. l.KST [alters, : Shijls, : Kajois, : Bogjiss * and * [arts Plow nod I/ov; CliiiiiiH ShoreH and Repnini for every kind of plow. Wood, l.iiintii-i -,S!,in.;hi, Siraw CulieiK, horre[Kiwcr, for aalo. Conio and *ee them. John H. Heard - Flesherton E-3 C Be Happy cf uuvru u-uuuuijin TT With Others EferylMn.' fn Ji in il.c way f I.-IIHUIH. rranga, nute all laioU, oonfoetioitfvy uf the dm -tii' d!", prone-. ivanl ta*iuofal] k.ii'l", canin d fruiiK ;iinl vi'i!i-i.ilili--i. t. s. unbars and all nth' r truc-iii."! ; i'<li .ill fresh for the ll'i! liny Made. ' >\ atera '" ,V,,Y. nt ' 10 ;l ,-n and fi ! 1 roiihtaiitly on hiind. ! M>l'l !.. In 5mall Quantltli. or by the Barrel \Vm. I {;irnh HIHG Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. t: u . ! :i: (I Kip L.iroil, ' og and ttatobinf. H.uut i . "f ovcrv des- jript.inti. I'lauiiu; iunl O rain Chop- ping whila you wait, for thi .-or turns the wheel. T. Tt WILHON ^""G--^: \*f I .-. //. F. Mrrrllt. Refill ts Astonish MM AVER'S WITHOUT AN EUAL. Ktato ai lit of a V.YII Doctor SELLING OFF I h <ve dc -id. I to i <>ir my entire K'oclt i.f It.niik and Shoes at Sacrifice Prices. Money I want inoMy I inut liare. Tlierefore UIUM) VMtittf Bwtt I.. . . will e.iiiiiili !. i ii IMMI iiiterema by iiuymg w.iiie my |. if. 'iii h!clt India, at 1 I ) not In ' Great Bargains in iV '" h'fl now. 1'lir aiiii- indncu- muiKn may ntivor a^ain lie givtn. Call lid tent my taluini'iit i. i lnvlt!mi:t an wjunl a< 1 1 li.oil ;.url!nT aii.l Bprini; mi-dlcl r. nn.l eannot IUTP"iiin:;!i. 1 have :;ii li .( lt< tltfitt) l:i clir< :i..i cason, wliers oilier t .1: .<! t vui i.f DO avail, anil hava beit i ':cil .it I'.io roiuUi. No oilier Mixxl i!. l I Sii^c "vcr iiKfil, anil I hav t .. i, j tiui o'nh In ID ncllon, n ..I ii M ) !;..< v | .-rmniwit c.iroi at Ayer's ;.iM.ii>ar.:i-."-l;r. II. tf. MUUHII.L, Ptolr. A<tmilf<Hl ot - . '. . . . . n -it. JOS. Smith, ricsherton Culm work and ru|mit ing altondnl to OM i. Our Clubbing List K'.r t 1 , I-OIIM our ri'd(>i8 who HIM', lo < uiti iniiru Hi. in "in- papor we Ju>\ o madf tlm fiill.uvniii i luliliiiif; arrange- in. -i i : \ilvmn and Tiimnt'i nn.riiiiiK W,.r!d, daily |2.66 AdiAiic.i nnd Moi.ii.,il Star l.HO Ad,n -.- nnd K.truiin|f, the new fiiiii-i' iiinna/.:n > 1.80 AJvimv uii'l Youlha' ('oiiipaiiiiiti (<*) 2.TO mid Dily New* 1 80 and Wuukly Mail 1.60 Irnncu and Farm and Firid....- 1.60 Olobu 1.40, WE ARE Still in Ihe land of tlm livinp, tellin' ifiuli- Hour, (judo Tea and Suj;ir and other (Irocuriva. \Vo hare some ruin gudu DOT'S CORNER. for tiuld and young, and if you want a rale guda Trunk t o-' keep rour claoi in, or a gude Satchicl hraw and nnw fne the inaiiufuclnrer, juat ^aug t;i. ' Williu llenili i-s.ii, in Sproulu'a block, and ha will supply yon at lowest prices. WM. HENDERSON FLEHEDTOX STE1I I li,>np.'i:1 nil n>ni|ili<tii utMtii laundry ID Klenliprton, np .in piap.'Ufl Intftkoluftny quantity "f Imnulry work at lowar itrltwii tlniti krn'rliaruiiil eliawlixr*. I hvo put In th*Utt anil moat luiprtivetl mftolilnrv tn that end. Kliully fir* a call. Kntli., UifioUon .aad prleo. low, Mac. nio MooaB*oaa Entertainments and candy Throwing 1 *x Tlie halcyon time for tea meetings, church and Sunday school fetes, etc., is passing and those belated ones which could col be crow led into Christmas and New Year week, me bringing up the rear with as touch i iitlniMiisin as can be spare'. 1 from talk of municipal elections and the dreadfully co'id weather, which nips lib while it uiocks us with it's sunshine. And haven't the 'Lizaht'lh AIIDH and Sai y Janes leen Laving a "noil tiiiie of it ! especially win n the Itobort Julius nnd William James, s v.iri- aloiif,' to help? They have funly stormed the tea uiretiugi, annivfr- i-'iiii's, tie , getting lucre someway or uUier la spito of the rou'ls. l{ob<>rt John uiul William Henry have laid in a good pocket full of convenmtimi loz- and when liny cun evade the chairuian's eye they eucli toss a !ii2L'ii^'L- bi-aiiujj aiiappropiiale li.^end, at li.t gill whuui it is inlt>inl>(l lo hit in mint- ways than one. H >w thcv ki i [i up the fun ! Gig^li!)^ a'id chalf- m_; \\iili a delightful i^norin^ of tho pio^i iinnic, whicli iniglil be u pan- ii iiiinie t'<ii all they 1 tar of it! The ni.iny worthy peoule who have bteif al so iniiuli panid 10 | u-puie thai pro- Xiaiiiiuo for weckh previous mmht liavu ppiued tlii'iii'i IM -. the trouble ; and the i-tully hum IIKS if luis/inded people who have paid their money and really wish lo hear the programme, n:i",!il almost bettor have st>\<il nt home, liut whul c.ue the linboit Johns and Sary JOIIPH, so Ic'i)}^ as tlnii Iliitaliou is not iutcriun'.cd '.' Oin- mif-lit think from the way they puibiie tl.i n fun thai they <-n- tiic i M> nan. iiii-iii tiifinselvt-s and tli'it Uie peiformuiico on the stagr WIIH a more side show, put on to utmise those ni.foi lunalo ludividuals who could nol !. .u und see the glanccf>, the ^I^K'H-S, uvdgtt tud dimplufs of S.i,y Jane, 'J.ii:al:i-th Aim, 1; In 1 1 Jiiim and Wllliubl Hi 111 \. Wl.ili'Vtr would malic tlirlaiion do without the aid "f the culmination lozi nge ? William lU-my would never dare tc say the things lo Saiy Jane that the. obliging nine candy conveys lo her, mid us f >r itobi-il J.ihn tin- candy supplies him with more ideas llum he would be of iii a monili nf SuiiilajK ami ItioM- m a terse, neat ind sweet way thai 'l.i/.nbeth Ann iu her kind little heail promptly Kivcb nun ciidi-, for us if he, had oiigmiited it. Kali' 'rah I for the convcisaiion /.i nge, the clergy will reap rich hiivtxtit dining the next twelve months, from its lender sowing ; and rah ! for I ../. tin tli Ann and the rent f them, tin. an- many people men itophislicale'l and with nicer sense of now to behave thciuselvts at public i-Mti, who would give much lo be as easily pleased an they. DOT. Canada Viewed Abroad London, Jan. 8. Tlit-uuh the excito- nient IIKK In en .it fuvur heal rc|>ei 'my i hi- Tianivial mattt-r inti-rust wan a!*<> an>un- ed hy the niatemriit in the ( '.in.nh.ui |ii-fi-|i from ilu- thrniiu that the militia d.'fonceKiif Citna<tanri' to he itrL-nutliriiod. I untluiataiid that tin- Ciovurntnuiil here fully reuli/cs'H jjrave prril from invnaion if war wvru dec-lured hy the t inted SiiiirH and it is t|uitu pro- pared lo co i>;<ritie in putting tho Can- .idiaii militia and di>f< ncca mi a lint claiut |.i-:n-e footing if ( '.iiKid.i itm-ka the Krituh aid. The Irglivnt authnritiea here ap- |d tnd Canada'a calm attitudn uinit-rihe groat provt'CHtion of khuftu, and n-.te the aoli'Jily of the Cmiudiana from ibo At lnii U) the PHCitif mi the nido of liroat Britnin. They, Imwovor, admit that haaty legia!ative action at this moiiient may ini|u>nl a pnitcefnl agreriin-nt. Tho Si. .UnieH (iiizettii noli'H ho\v Krt-ut n pe: - cuntago of tho nn nilii-ni of th (' Parliament had United Kinpiru Loyal. iali fur grandfather*, and sayit that this in an inijioit'iiit element in (lie pn-xent aituatioii. Tnrnbull. oixaniBt of the St. Andrnw'hi-hurch, th-Hii^erilK-, waKprei<i.t- ed with an addrvu and foi-iy dollar* in gold. Rev. D. McKetizie, psHti r of St. Aiidiow'a chueh, Orangov'tle, ii oflf on a ail niontha' trip to the Holy Lind An order waa niudit ly llm Honor Judge OnMM on Tnexday, re.lnrini; the bail In the I- inla\ cnar lo $1500 tlm |HIH i ner in flUOO, and one surrty ,n S.MMi Miia Kinlay will likely ln ruleaiad tin- week. < >. H. Advurtiiwr. Three hundred and tixlecn^ igncd the temperance pledge at Iho Mrthodiat church Ml. Forotr, on Huatday night week. Pvbtiihrd l IN THK \VAV Mather, (lod will not fortak* ua In our oM day ; HC'B a friend Wlio liaii hltli< rloprottd faithful, And wu'll trui>t Him to tin and. \\'i- liv,- pautd tliroaiili many ti-lala And affllctloni In our rtay. But tlm bllterot cn|i'.w \- lnt< it U to fut-l wu'm iu tlio way. Wo'd a pli'avini boina wi: li nimm. Wbera he ^*tiJ wj'J ;i-u 1 uur day, Itut God took tlio doar b>y from aa How nn nti-i i-m i HIM Hi . wavt! Now that John baj g: own M> wealthy flu 1 * aftbainad, or eciiiB to be, of hU poor old father and ni'ithcr, Uod foi ;ivo him ! to will we Haiiuab, too. oar only daun'itor. Dooa not < u to want u< tin. e. i;ilal'i at t!ioo|K)-iW5 Aud that we arHo luuth cars, (III. ll-, i. 1L.I ll, U> I. , I. -T, Icllt. On tin. . i ,.-ti. w'-:u *r. Aii-l to IK Hut Otxl'i will bo d 'i.u. my ilaaj : When I iliink of all our h%xl4>iini Day of toil an I iiiitiiti >>f cm* ; aiaiiv in. ildrtfS Wbieli we wo. r ao (jl* 1 to h.-ar. That our i-biM.-i-n mulr. b i jitj.v I An 1 1.1,1 lo toil as we . - li ..-'I that hi oar fttd J\ i >\ o al:oi:i 1 Ih'-i: ut-ul.-ctoU be. It'it we ..! i'.'-. i.i<i:iiitii, m itber, .1, Im is hard to boar; I'or wlieruvor He may leal u \\ can trin-t our Katlier'a earo. Though i-lnl lieu mav f.iri;.-t in. Now we're old. wu'll comfort take. Ki owlun II nt tli- iMTit has proinlKwl That He tiuvor will forsake. \Vi- hMI roach the en 1. dear mother. We are drawing n- ir it f i . \\a bave paaaed the Huth inilletotie. Aud I think it if the lait. Hi-i'im; in (i ' I ijriicii t i iit'lpn*, Lt ua trtint Him d ,\ 1> Ai. I nlien w J nhal! Ret up you Jer We Khali not be Iu the wr. luUtlogp. /Yum intr OITII ctirrttponiitnt. Tho Inibtii ^e S. S. annivertary, which was held on thr.'kHt ;.s atmounood, wax a MUCC>H. TliD f nw, which fell ii. the early |-ait i-f the day, made the roatla p.v-iali!i-. At an early h mr the ladu-i iu C'Minectioii with the school could 1>0 teen coiiOK^ t .wards the hall with their bask- et* tilled to the u''iMi eapaciiy with (hole d t Ii,-acie that arc | It-a^tnt to the pn'ate. For thiee hours r>r ir.or* the children and adult* labored vig.iroiuly to leluve the table of itt load, after which they went to the church to hear one. of tho best programs that has hern rendered in connection with thin S S. It waa a credit, not only to the superintend nt and those wh.) hai! chaige of t!ie childran. but to the many who held out the tuny pitlhetu- ;md helping hand. Tho rucira- tii n, dialoguua, etc , were a grand nclec- tii'ii, and were rcnduu-d v> ry ably by tho children am) (he young people nf tho ochool. Matter John Wdhuiini, who left here a few yearn ago, was prevent, nnd hy the ablu way ho ive two recit.itiou* nbowiid b.s school in-iti'i Low much im- provement it is ponmhle for a boy to in:ike ill a -h"it lime. ''.''.- innnlciil fart of thx prok-ram was very appropriate. We fee' suru Inisli-'^e Will tint be behind m S S. entertainment*!. Piocveds of the evening were about WO. Mr. ('. 1?,, lion, of the town of Hilti:i, been visiting Ilia staler, Mr*. S!,,.ir- dnwn. Mr. Arnold, student of the Toronto univrrity, KJ etit the vacation at the homo hit uncle, Mr. (I. Moore. Rlias and John Williams of Holland wem at Iiii.ttioijo oil the eve. of our nniii- vcraary. /'rum ei'r <>H,I The event i.f the seaaoii took New Yeal 't iiivhi, ih" iK-oaaiou boing 14 -,u i.d viven in the tie* r.ianso hy the ladits of tli I'ri'tliyterian church. Tho uni. u i r, Jile weather and roadt did not mtei fun- to liny extent wt'h th,> attend- aiii-e, ua tho si'Hciou* 10. iim of the- hand- some ImiUlinti tre well h Its] witli "ilutts. The enleriaininent roii!utud ol game*, p!ayn, vooitl and iustrumeMnl nuisi,-. nup- I leinent, ,1 ly an abundant supply of toolliRome \ iitnds. Although tho admix- Rion wi.i ihn n. sum of I."; cvnu. rtt $17 wn lenlizrd. An exc.tml, arL'U'nentntive but good- hiiinoieil einwd thronged the telephone tli'-e l.i-l Mondny cvemiiK awvitinn co- Mil l. \\lien it waa tuinoiinced that lioland wan elided ,1. W.'B polttionl trill- pi .iituio ilioppt d biloW zero, while M. U.'s lmt up near tliu hodinit point. J. S. WH* left out in the cold but lie made it pretty warm for tho n^|Mi*iiion. If his coijii'iinen d,.eini'i yrttct the votorn' lint this \-i-ir li" is iroing to know the rei n why. M. Mel). " baa vone and done it nijitin.'' Wo are terribly afrurl he la 1 u> k.sli,liiiv;. Now that tho iniinieipal elecliont ar* over everyone is Kpoihn^ for a tight in tint great coi.lo t which ii buing rapidly prreipitated by ihe reaignationN of many cabinet ininniiert and tho auccusa*! of the LilwraU. Kumr* of war and p ihtioul diiturbancrt are furniahing ahundant material at prevent fur oditonals and leading ntalter io our daily paper*, if nothing else. Newsboys must be barii .( a harvcHt. Our P 8. opened on Friday with a very ainall attendance uwnij; to th Stormy welh'-r. The following teac'ie-a are away t,. Iheir rex|iecti\i: MI|IX)'M, viz : Mini I''ain,y JamiM t.i M t/, Mial Jennie .lolled f,. t'l.v.-ring and Mr Walter XichoJ t B<>->ihvillf Mr. Reginald Orief to the < '. s l'-giate insritufe lat Moivlnc ' HTU K ; -*d io Irani that Mrn. ami Misi Si,i,|,,oa iii,. r.-ci'V. rmi; fioi.i ihr I||II.-M. We t'ual that th-y will s i 1^ ei)n,|.|.;tely rra>. -rel to their nontftl health aud Hlreiigth There ia a strong feehn'/ against i - I- . r .Siio. tia t Vtllurliulii and K.-auliii-n na The Sii-ntf bid t.. e IIM p iii'.i- -i >| n.tri-: I Jail on F, id. iv eienint'fo e.r i>i' lyilcli- leg, alld on SatUHMV evr; , ^ 1 | metiiirf wa.t heid al Valley fed, |ir. snlnl >! by tho nt winch r.-wilu i in ..: in. Nt Hi.- (iovei-m r-( i.-n> 1 < co ir,e iii e -:-.i .iu n.- the d atli s i.teuif WcIV p.l,-. The Markets. 'iircl':ill> t orrrrlrd S'nrll Flour f.'! 40 to i <> . .' tn t -to 4 ' Butter 13 t. 14 Ki."J. fresh . IS lo l.'i I'oiiitnea l*g . . . . . .'(0 to ,S(I Fork 400 to 4'.-> H:iy por tun Iii 00 to 16 OO Hnli- 4 00 to 5 ii'i Sh". jukins L'.'I to .''ii ieeie .. to ii Turkeys 7 t.. 7 Or. -k. TH per pur 20 'o -j"i l*iick i per IMUF 40 to frl \Vi>ol . 20 to _! Time Table. OOI.tti HOfTH. Markdulo- 6.40 a in. 4.40 p. in. Flehln i-tini - > ." j .t. m. 4 53 p. m. i;o|Mi XnUTH. Heolierto-i I I 4^ a. in. 9.17 p. in. Maikdalo -!_' ill p. m. 9.30 p. m. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Coueh. No Beat Nlfht nor Day. Given tip by Doctor*. A LIFE~SAVED BY TAKINQ urniA CHERRY AlEKd PECTORAL "S<' yean a BO. I caught a severe eoM, aUctultnl with a terrible cough that allowed me no rrst. either day or night. Tl.e doc- tors, afur working over me to tho best of their ability, pronounced my case hopeless and said they roiiltl do no more (or we. A [rli-ml, learning i ( 017 troublo. sent me a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which. I began to take, and very soon I w:u (really relieved. By the time 1 h:<t used the wholo bottle, I was completely ruroil. llnvc never bad much of a cough since that tune, and I llrmly believe that Ayer's Cherry IVctoral artd my lif*."-W. II. WAJU>, 8 Qutmby Are., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HIGHEST AWARDS AY WORLD'S FAIR. 4y*r' 1-ilU tht Itttt Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undoraiRned aiv plai'inf; in ^i sition a Hi-sit oliis-i f>a winill for cnstmn sawini,'. which will In- ready f.u-opt > M tion in January. A\\- liavo also ccUlcd A CHOPPING MILL For the oonvuiuuri' of farnu-rH. C'hoppini; duuc at any tinic ui C ci iit-> pi-r ltU HM. 'I'lic Hii.sli nnd door factory, bmul and toroll s-iwius? bnsiuesfi cootinucd an usual. File in your orders. Mr. Sloitu will still bo ii laiueil af manftijer of the wood- work iusj Jt-p.ul- lutnt. DKKCUOiT A TALUOT

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