TRUTH BEFOIE FAVOR. ' PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, NO 77-J ' FLSSEERTON, ONT. ? THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 1893 W. H. THOBSIOH. SPECIAL G0023S W H u W NOW or NEVER It i .-r.!v ! c ill i .r -jt /rlilL . i i-.-ahi*, : i "US ^ . i ui.ide a ;>< > ..ic of Waltham I Elgin WATCH ES Of nil grille* iu Ladtc*' aiul (Jen'*' z-, wh oh MTST Us soM :i UJ. T and E : V;III w.r Jics :ue el <ii<vd with the bes'. tiiuikor|>. i>, ; t MM.,;.. KI.- l!:it ' I 1 : : n.iili thilMUi. VV. A. Armstrong, Jeweller SPECIAL PRICES 13 B H W > H * l/l kimberlv. Our Business Direcotry Cbristm.14 and New Year'* day have gain curue ami gone. Aijjin the best of rtvilufoiis been formed, and !! w it remains t be neen how far thry :.! l>ruiiiifi our. But wherj are those w. dai.-nt l*lUi we wire 1 steiing for T We have r.ut heard a sound of them, but we have patience ami will wait and pro- balily tlie joyful peal will sound ere ', n.v Our school ope red Friday with Mr. w piii.cijal and Mt*a \Vrig'. t 111 ii r department. Mi. H. L- iuhead spent the holiday* w:t!i friend* in Toronto. S--w Year'* etc waa the time appointed for the annual : a niee:ins> of the Meth- du'. church h.-ro. but owii.g to a storm !,u-'i waa raying it waa only the village people who could tfet there. Home talent was brought i. at as not any uf the adver- ti-ed >p<_- ik. rs erv present, and a very erji. .rg wan spent. The peo- ple in Kmberley never niy fail, and ati- otli.r tea meeting was appointed for M >i.uay er,. n:i .f, .Ian. ii, !:>'ii Mr Mahan of Flesl-erKn and Mr Balfoar ([<a*t. r) wero preS' -i' *i.d dehvm>! Fall Woollens . ALL IN STOCK NO\V FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS CALL AXD SEE B< >TH AND WAKE YuUR .SELECTI 'N- \Vorkmansliip and Prices Guaranteed C. J. LEITCH nERCMANT TAILOR Cl'LLOltill* V J P. U.UMIIAIX, i!i-s White "f Romt t.'ti. c :n' ;rt':ier thrt proceed inirt an'.ounUil to 935. Wo think we fcenf ysters not v*ry far off. Bring them aln;. An oyt:cr atew would lc very i.-cept i' le providn-g it is iiot too high a price fr our i<nce fat pocket b>.k, but which ii tliiu thii year. :;<. reaiint. Vie-.u MarkJalf lai,,,.r,.Mark.UU. do a cen.ral banking boa- u> . , | ,, , w , , i..e-s. Mo,,., loaned a,.rea,on.b!e rate. Call pu . b . rwa _ Ellch lrip , h . ,,., tt ., wm ,. on at. As VANDI -; Clerk Slh HIT <V,irt. Oo Urer nses. Coiuir.ini. H.I'. J., C;ivvaroor. Auction <nr. etc. Acn-it f,-r tin- ': , ,-l!ril Ai:ri viltmal ' menu. I' 1 * K. Flecbortou. oi<ptxiM liu hanlfon tiardwai e (tore. fjKUTs COI.LKCTKO. Tbe anJrnliiiir.l In prepared to nuJertake tl.e nil kit .! of dibii. t^UKbt. i. < ' t -I. etc i: N i: M I l.-"S T> PottiUMter. Fl*brton. ComcilMloncr la B. Ii . I.icfKirJ >u<:tioocor. Cotmyancar, A |.r.-t-r aoil Money L*udr. KU KtaM n J l-i-amr.v Ajjont. D-*d. Mort<m;<-. Lau. ml Wills rirawnnp an-1 Vati>atio:i< iuvl. n -hoito-t ..t! Auction aalM attomlvU to In any part * th- I vunty Uonv> to l.a-i at 1 >w <><t ratt of luWTMt. follivtitm* (ttruilad to uh i-roiii"tru'i an I Jyth Chsjges low. IIUKIII ht*uih!i>(\'mpujr. .lioap tlckcU (iom Kleibcrtoii to Linorpool, i:!a*i;ow. Lotuloo or any of tba BrltUh port*. Pirtle* iou-U'liiii! to rUlt KnsUn.t. Sc lUnJ or l;tanJ. will p.uav.' aik rat bafor* pi.. tbi-ir tiekota PlUi.-'T * 1UT- liarruum. Solicitorm. (.onTeyaacan. etc. Offlcc Next 1 3 po*l >Oce. b'froulv < block Fl< iharton. i- A Uatoon J. W. froU I. I. H N. H. -Owen SouaJ office . Frost blovk Pvulctt St. Kl 1 UC'AS* \\KK.IIT. ParfiHeri, So*icilort. Conveyancer*, etc.. Owvu jo^n i. v nk - - llatktlti. W H Vfi.i>.nr. I. n Li-c N H I' .shiTHjn office, Uitchcll'i I'an. erery Wednenlajr. BUAirxl I\K IH'TT 'N M D C y. M P P * S Ont. 1'ru-. w'.'.i- O!BT next Jnr tJ llrown't >tore; rc.*-uc onedoor c*i ' .U. tl i.t oujrch. Kuioutt. Offlce dayi. Tji !> a:id Saturday*. rvuc- \UTER U C F & 8 Ont.. Physician, Surgeon, etc Fleaberton oCce Straw* b'ock. KeaiJeaoe Muu.han ' Rot>>l AO.l'.W intserery firt and thir I \l.>-i ilav v. . U-M i i-'itth. in ttu'ir IO^K* rbriUw l..oi-k. ! I-'f. i ..:!. t t< p. ui. A M. Qikaoa, M.W. ; W.J. Dellau.y. fl \> Iiwlo Bucinvlrr. ViitiU|! Ili-jlhoni liivitw*. ROYAt. TKHPLAKS OK TT.M I'J KANl'K ItaMtel Council meet* every first and th'rl Tuo>U> rvonini: in . . h uwniti. in Sproiu. - llo.kat 8 v in. 8rloi-t ilcnt. * inn t monthly, th Wdueday huSttudot rach uuiitb. SONS OK TKMPKH \MT.-.ThIs safely iu>'> :* in !': rUrutoo' Hull Cit Wed EOf'tav m t*ach \|*I"H.K biolbtron iiivitd. m vouucctloa. UV. K. A., meet In their ball, Hl-wk evert eecond Thnreda> iu cacb luniiili. Wui. Sharp. Ua*ter. T. I'laylou, Sec- retary. JOHN A S-OTT. XI B Meuib.-r CoIl<i:ePhv>ic. A Suri:-.>on. Ontario ia Medicine ol Toror o L'uiveraily FollowiLip Dip'^ina, Poet Giaduate UeJioal School and Ho>pi:al. rbleafv. DlMaaeaol eve. ar, now aud tluoat j'Ot!!\- tii-.*tcJ. Bei* dence. \ta\we I, titite Feveraiiatu Tb.ira-lavt 1 i , r I'TTK\V::U. N torlnary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario V.-toi uair College. Kaa ! itoucr -Nekt door: toutb of kloomV planing fact HK M\r.V U BKANUKR U D C M. M C P A S, it . 1'r .-ille ' Oilto* aud rei<1rno at pai v>nai;e Call* Difbl or dy i'r.>ru|-t;v attended. Viittf Ple>bertou Statiot. 10 to II a.m. YYedueadayi lilS. K AKTIITK U>IX4K.Xo 3SS. A r * T>KIOKV1I.LK AND Dl-RHAM STAOK AM.ini't 01 Ike MSWU.IS Hall. Mmle^ t U!vK-k. Kl->tu'i ton. ir*rv Kri.Uv oa or i-.-f-ire tlu- ("11 moon. -1'ioalo. ivcrvtary Dr Carter, \* M , K J DfKKFMIX I.>: 1 i) i> 1'. ivort< in I >tou 5 Hull '\i'iy ll!0 day evening at M o cltfk VUUtnK brethren oordlnily lavlted \-\vx'.' \VV UOOHK. 8'V M 1 Puill of Bob* Mhr. cf Berlin O>rmany. (viollni; Mrs Hrattlev. i-f Toroulo I oni vtoi> Jliimc. iVolse Cohurel Prof Krriwii,late of Toronto. iPianoi will reevive jnuplls iu 81.NU1SU, VIOLIN. Pl- Durham t.< K-avee Klhrti>n Station '. TIN ;. n\ , i' p .r Prtssrvtlls itaire i.-. at U.AI. r.'tu:vuii at I 1 tiul rolurn.5iloelltv . Purhaiu, r return. 7V. >iuKl<i fare. Livery to cou IM ti.'ii. Orrfer* iuv be Iftt at either h'ot.'l A. aleCAfl.EY. Pn>|> t ottr I.ITM CvrrttpotuitiU. \\\-l', Mr. EJn>r, Uf.vs is rather- , .iid even that li'.tle Cun y i DV< r fi-r anothir yt ar. Mia* Cuihiiie opened uur tch<'l > .1 ' 1 IT but there was A 4:n.\ll atteiivlaucv on account uf lli extremely c-.lj weather anil the tad aute of the road*. Mr. Mahan is holding ron.-al meetings in the lull this nt-tk. The U <yal Teiup!r of this place nrv - iiu-etn.i a^ain. An.! livrly meetiiu;t t>K>; lots of fu;>. Aiiii * g '*! moiulh'rship. Mr (.'uslii ie hit left thi bunt to take rhanro of a achool iniewhre iu niont t"wn'ii}'. Ge.>. i a young aud will i c.vfjn rite wherever he f>v. * MIIK S A. C. .K-rid^o w;w the guest of h' r -i- i. Mi^ H. P. Legate, the laMer j>rt of l-jut we< k. Our livery mm. Mr. McAulev, i,i irade t!uso time*, tomi; on the seven days in the week and teTeral tii,;!,fi, h'-Mtlc* making uuoil ciinec tiu wiilihii l>ua t-i Pru-vvil!e \Ve uiidi'iHtAiid oiieof our ffciret laihc* inteiida U> iui-tte to uncle Sam'a domain* before 1 .11^. Sciry to K<*e you Marr. \Vo thiit Mr. Cook ami family in tend returning to this p'ace shortly. Tho city U a bi place, but wo think t!i<r- &rv serrral better plaoea to live in, or eviii to d. bujtucw in. and we would raiher see you Iwc, old b.>y. Mr. Lrgate staited opormtionn iu his mill again this wtek after a week's ho'i- day. He a;iy < they have nut had a day they cvu'.d caJl their own for orer two year*. T'.u. 1 Orarge stalwart* of this district wnl aseniblc at the hall here n>'*t Tues day. I wnnd.r whjt they will hare tit nay about the Manitoba schniil* this time) or if thy will still >up;>ort the tnctit. Kwluton Park. tion with the Sahbath was largely attended. Everyb.<Jy seeiced to eoj'-y thrni.-oives, and after the beautiful and c- stly gifts of the well UnJe 1 Xmas tree were dietributed e^eryond went horn* happr, or at least l-.oked happy. We are very tornr to learn that Ann c Punlvw u very lw a^aiu. M :s Nellie M.-Mil!in spent holidays .it h< me. Mr. and Mr* W J Blakeston of Pncev: !c .<; nit Xmas hoiiday* at the latter 'a parental h> uie. Mr J. liu Ftrr.* f Mehucthou spent Sunday with frioade We arv ^la>l i >e- the smiling face of Masttr T-iii Uarily in ur m-elat acair. atU-r ipendinir period uf thiee years in the Noi'.Lweit Territory. Turn looks wr.I, and <>uie ne eUe li> ks pleased < *r. Miry M.MiKan Uf: last we..k for . '.i-ri-L- intenda to teach for a time. .M.:- .'. 1 1 the 23r.i, *t the rei deuce of t'.e br:Je's father, by the Rev. Mr. Hnrri'.OM ..f Duudalk. Miaa K.i th Heard, eidrst dailichrtr of Ur. R. Heard, to Mr. John Sc"tt. b-th of Prvtop. We wish them much happ.nes* and a pleanaot ;.. unify throuxh life. \:i .<!i-l. Itr. . doht*T. Ktbe, was united in the holy 'bond* . f matrimony t-> Mr. William ^!ed f t'.,e same place. Th_- c. remuoy was ' performed by the Rev. J T Moriuut Stayn- r The bridesmaid waa Miss A. Dinwootiie of Flesherton, while :he groom was supported by hu brviher. Mr. L. Sled. Mtny fnends wer present to witness the tyi..z of the nuptial kont. After (he ceremony had bees) performed I and the young enaple had receded '.he 1 jt. J wishes of all, the iruents part. I a sosptoous dinner there prepaied. The prrKents were numerous and costly, ! among thrm bein^ t handsome tea set ' from the Methodist choir. th bride and 'gro-'tn beitig huhijr esteemed mem 1 * | the choir. The remainicu; tiose was jspei.t in gamca and singing M s Ella IWbotne retur.ied to Hea*i if.-rd after spendnu: her v*oUion uutl-.r J the. parental touf. Th-.- home of Mr C. was made j Happy by the arrival of three little boy v all J >:!u well. Mr.C.orgv Sled spen: Chnstmi home and attended :he shootini; matcii. MIM Fanny Klippert has been engaged to teach the K.irkvi;le school fur the cum- in.- j ear. A' riie .>;.! i.k! nie.tinii "fi'io brethren 1^, No. 15XJ, K - < men, Arteu.eiuA. the flluwii g officer* wre duly elected and moulted : W. U., Suu :.,A H iwles, jr : D. M., .Umes Coaler: Cha| - !. *! r.-v \V:'^ht; R. !<c^.. Thoiuas KflU, Fiu. Si'C . IVtcr Irwin: Trva., Wesley Bowler: D. of ' 1<K; lx-c., \Vui. T. Kelts; lit Cum. Man, Samuel B-'U-; Au-iit-T*. Win. MoLouvhry ai.d IKrtert Irwm. The f..'.l< win^ resolution was also ausni- 1 nmuely aJtpted : Ro*lved that we, :he CLEARING OUT THK IULANXEOF MY Holiday Goods AT COST Cash : for : Hides! Slux>p*kins an, I all ki-.uls of fut pur ' chax-d. r>r which lu^hcat market price will U- paid. aauaage on hand, also all kinils of niofta. M. WILSON, FLSSBKKTON MEET EMPORIUM A vory heavy snow >torru piuaed over our section l;.t week, tilling the side- - jtitt about lerel with the fences. Xini* pawenl off vory quietly, and though tho roda were) very muddy, yet fnt-uda g iiliotvd together to ((lend the d*y. The annual meeting of the Sle'.hoint church waa fairly attended, it the mad* wen-'y, *<>nie did not fail to C"ne a long diltaiie*, also the social in oumiec brethren of L. O. L . No. 13*3, at ihi* otir oiecting, aail oumvlves of the oppvrtui.iry of nj, t heartily endors- ing the course pursued by i-cr wonhipful Supniue tiraud Muter. Hon Nathaniel i' Wallacv, in relation to the Manitoba school tjucstioa ; and of expres.tinj .'.ir pride iu him u one who fr m principle could maJte the sacrifice th^t he has done. UiNiClaja Krll* ia visitinu at her sister'a Mr*. O. He i ry, at Iuyvr>l. Master Alf Duolop from Caledoti MilN spent ihe holitUyg with uu parent*. The auuual Sabtth BCU>I ente; :in- nu i:t was held Hi the Metbcxlist church hero on Friday tie -T'.h IVc. Xotwith stunilms; the state the rxxids were in the house was well tilled. IVoceeds f'JO Mrs. Cameron of TOI-T.'.U spent the ho!idys at her lthrr', Mr. Thou. K!l. Mr. llrolt fr.'oi CkU-don \iit->l friend' iu this uon-hborhood last week. Mr. Thomas Kui^ht 14 vtsiti.i^ fnund* at Mu Muir of Ch.k'sworth visited her mother, Mr* Samuel Douyla*. Uat W'-va. Mr. C'has. Raid of Otnane viaiteil her swtci, Mrs. Jui. Uuchai>ao, Usi week. Lino Xutta<uisa CIRL5. This is Lep Year ! Now is your opportunity i.-f i a handaome present for voui iatcnded, " for yourself. cousin, joar uncle or your auni at reduced prices from W. E. RICHARDSON Prtuvis; and Slatiooer, Flcshertou TIHELY HINTS^ A ery ^leaninf; event took plaoe *t the re* denoe i>f Mrs. Prillingcr, when her \ wlee man in--"* How to take a bint. This id :Li- season of year when you arc itquirini* UOHKS. BLANKETS. PKl.l.S. WHIPS. i KIT SETT OF ' Cuu-ycoiubs ami everything eonuocted j with tin. Harness line in- winter use. Do - You - Know Whore to bny them To the best ailv.iu:agc ' This i3 where th hint caws ia Ami it in a good aud broad oue : (K> to ..... WILL MOOKE. ll.irn--viiuW-r II. Oi. rton N. U. Cowhide uiitts, hair ioiid\ from 50c to 76 a pair,