Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1895, p. 4

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ftift FLlSHllfOI ADTAKCl ESTABLISHED 1881 ri'BUallBD WHELV AT THE OFFICE. YI>- BNHAM STBIBT, F LB8H E BTOM , ONT., T W. H. TBl'RMTON. *l per aiuiiiin.Nlrlctl) in advance Advertising Rates: Una Column, 1 year, 40 ; half col . 1 year, W7 quarter col., ou year, $19. Tremlent adTertUeiuent charged at the rat* I Mat* por llu for firat Intertiou and 3 eauU each aubiequeut luMrtion. MUNICIPAL MATTERS. The Advance has aome thing definite lo announce tl is week regarding municipal matters iti Artemesia. There will be a contest for the reeve- ip between the present incumbent, Mr. Boland. and Mr. Thorp wriglit. This wa decided on Saturday last. Mr. Bolaud does not feel like stepping down and out without a verdict from the people as to what they think of the manner in which he has conducted 'lie afliara of the township We hive not yet learned what Mr. Wrights platform is or ou what his claims to the reeve's chair are based, but we presume these claims are based upon the broad principle tin', any qualified ratepayer is entitled to aspiro lo any claim in the gift ef the electorate if he is so disposed. The contest will be an interesting one. In accordance with the hint given List week the council dealt with the pctitiou banded in by Mr. Thorp Wright in Aagust last. Mr. Tuomp- *on explained for the benefit of The Advance and all interested that the petition WM laid over at the August meeting for the purpose of giving an importunity for others of the petition- . i besides Mr. Wright to be heard, but that no one had appeared and that this was the reason the affair was ii'H dealt with. This explanation ap- pears quite reasonable. With regard 1 1 this matter the councillors be- lieve the majority of people in the township do not want any change. If this is the case they were certainly justified in refusing to change the ward system at the request of eight) ratepayers. Ai matters now stand there appears t b a likelihood of but one contest for councillor. Mr. Best will be opposed by either Mr. Goo Bwautou n, Mr. John Doyd, but it is not yet decided which <vill filter the lists. The result of the North Ontario 'oction has been all that the most - inhume Conservative could wish for, Mr. McGillivray brin." ' li'-t.-d by a majority of 790. Mr. Mcflillivray is no', fledged to remedial legislation, neither u he pledged against it his WM a sort of compiomie where he haa the liberty to vote as he aces fit. I *t us hope that he will see fit to use hit vote in the lino of progress. The Patron order has decided to don a new suit of clothes. It will branch out as a straight third (or isit fourth?) party in politicse.schcwing all pledges, passwords and limitations of every kind. The order would have had much more sympathy and asait- ance extended to it at the beginning had it adopted this plan from the first. Kxclusivcncss hampered it at many 'mints and niado the order just what it wasitselfappartntlyirying torefjnn t iiiluictl oligarchy of farmers, with oath-bound subserviency to its 1' mlers. Now that it has broadened its pri'ieiplis it will be welcomed as a powerful lever for the purification of poliiius, providing it remains pine of rsdf There is room for it on these principles iu order to keep both of i'u old parties straight. This was the resolution adopted at tlie Orand Board of Patrons held in Toronto last week: "That the Patron constitution be so amended as to admit all classes and professions who believe in the necessity for the existence of an independent party iu this country to iuve the Dominion from the late which hangs over it of having its life crushed out between the upper and nether mill- stones of machine partyism, aud to abolish all pass words, signs and pledges bcyoud the acceptance of onr platform and principles as being more fully in the interest of the people than are the principles and platform of any other existing party." The General Sessions ThueiwUy at2p in tlie General SeMioni of tlie Peace and County Court opened in the court room at the court houite, Hia Honor Judge Creator presiding. The docket WH lengthy one, in addition to tliu fact that there were CHM-H both civil and criminal which, it waa known woul.l occupy ci'iiaiilerable time. The following were awoin in as the Grand Jury: Jacob 8. Kntcla.l, BtMiliiick; Chun. U. liudmoii, Lauclilau H . Campbell, I'M. (Ulloway, Colliiijwood; Robert Mackic, Norman by; John Kills, Samuel Kcnnell, I'rotou; Henry *Buri.hnm, Owen Sound; R- W. Clark, Artemuiiu; Win., (Jli-nrlg; Win. Harmon, Sydenham; Albert Mc- Vitty, St. Vincent; lieo. Graham, fore- man. Krpjnl. The folio* in); reH|>ondod t the roll of Petite Juront: l^ibert Vair. W. K. Stark, Thoa. J. HarkneM, VT. F. C. Alridge, Henry Oi'ver, W. H Miixlow, Wro. Dundwi, Sr., Heury Firth. NV..I. Sym- ington, \Vin Wilkie, Geo. Ciekill, ueo. Parke*, Henry Miller, Diivid Munroc, Jno. Chnlmcri, Artl r Ijn W. J. Me- Ilium, Alex McDonald, Jon. Cnllim, Jug. McGee, Peter Hattle, Win. Didds, I*ac Hutchingaon. Duncan MeLennan, Hugh McKenzic, ThiM. Dunlop, John Mack in, Thoa. Johnson. Gvo. Huddy, Au^uxti.H Hotrhkian, Win, Scutt, Win. Ward, Jaa. Darcey, Win. F. Davidv.n, Tho. Mc- coinb, J<ui. Mmlmll, Geo. .lerry.Jno. Dvakeiia, Jno. 8. Lucky, JIM. Stewart. Alex Robinson, AlexKlliaon, Jno. Moll'ntt, Abraham Knot, Jno. Gault, August Dituer, Win. White. The criminal docket ia: Queen v. He!en Fimllny , manaUuKhter, Queen T. Man. n, theft; Queen v. Ulie Hrown, t juvenile c*e of theft. In addri'Miing the Grand Jury. Hii Honor aaid ikat while there wcri prison n in raol, and he would like to haro IK-CII able lo receive their coUKnktutationa on aucli a fact, yet there were three prinonera who were out nn bail. Tliun- raa a Rood doal of crime nn>ro than in fonnai yean the atatiatica allowing 115 convicliont in tln county during the paM lineal year. The u-aol waa tilled with vac lAiitK, who are not in bucnute of any crime, bui bujauHe (hry wore |mor and fiieiidlma. He had tried on every o|> piirliinily to ini|ii'iiw on tliu liiaml .lury that the gaol *a not intended kaa i-or liou<c, bui for the coiiliui'iiient of |H>faoua charxed or guilty of urinie. Tin- law pro vulrs for the i-s'.vlil nlinu-nt by county CounciU of induHtiial f.niiiK for aiich peo pie, but ii I though year after year, when tlie matter haa Wen brought up, under H. .m* pretext thu pro|KM>l haa been thrown overboard. It waa not *> much tho c<>un cil'a fault IN the pe iple who tent them there. Let the people demand a more humane treatment of the poor uud inKrm and it will not be long commit. In all theie were thirty two |>ruonen in gaol. Twelity-eivht of whom were vagrant*. Two of ihiu number were women, aged i .--p.M-tin-l v 70 and 78. They were there not for any crime but from uii^fortunc. He nrx 1 '1 them and all who heard them to examine their hearta nnd COIIHCU n<-< * nud e if aiich a condition WH |.rop<-r or creditable to any Chriatian community. Two men were confined I" ><l hrlplett. Tlii'y ahould be in some other (ilace where cnivful nurHinx could IK- given thorn . One WIIM a poor blind man, wbiwuonly crime WIIH poverty. He urt;ed they u*u every influence to brniu a tietter condition of nil tin. Ilia II m.i ih, n proceeded to initruet the (inind Jury I\H to their duties, with regard to the > nrioua criminal caaea on tho doekut. Ho par. ticularly referred to the crime of mm nlHUght#r or culpable homicide, and ru ferred to the peculiar c*n of thoft, in which tho pi isoncr U ch-ir^ed with uftir having depomtud till on tlie purcliaw ol the hornu, rr^n Mr.l hia bantam and wul Imck and aecured the inom-y which he had paid over, gave up the animal to the original owner and dwclured the bargaii off. A juvenile crime ala > waa on the docket. RUARKOW v. CARMCHAN and C. P. R waa at requeat of council for C. 1*. l\ po-tpoml until Friday. Tl:i action ii taken to rocover damiH;ea for injurieH HU ttained by the plaint iff, the occupant* o the C'niinghan iU^e wlieu itruck by tin C 1 . P. K. oxini'KH. CI.-MK.II A Smith fo dvfendent, C. 1'. U., and MacKny A and ll.ilton f..r plmntill. It will he tried by tin ll.'iiiT Jui'ee M.'i iisi.n Iwfore n jur iu the library, Friduy af lernnoo. (ioonwiLL v. HITR.SMIIE, an action fo $2.)0 for tlama^i-H for peiannal iiijmie rucnived, waa tho firat ca>u taken up The plain'iff IH a (ilenrlir farnnir and th defendi-nt a cattle dunl<T. Whilo in hotel at Murkdalu tho defendent Htrucl thu plaintiff in the ritfht chiH*k breakii the cheek hone and oauiii.g other injurif to the face Thu striking wai admitted but extieme pruv., ration wi. pl.' Dr EUO of Mrkdlt( and Dow of Owe Sound wore called and (tare exper evidence, the former making no of human skull to ilhiatrate the iujuriw TUe verdict returned waa 91CB with fu I. B. Lucaa for plaintiff and H. U Tucker for the defended!. IBB v. OUNN, the wane claimed which h;nl lifi-n before the curt for o ii time, waa next taken up, and occupied the court on Wednesday, rwult- ng in a verdictof dUtniMalwifhoulcoiit*. M.,,. S. Pat tenon for plaintitf.J. M. Kil- journ for the defendent. LANIITR v v. ( 'I.AKK, an action of illegal aeiiure followed, and occupied the court part of Wednesday afternoon and Thun- iay morning. It waa an intricate caae of farm leaae. Tbe jtiry wan out at I he t At. V II jtue of oonuiiencvinent of the rttuliay caae at 9 p.m. to day. H. 0. Tuckrr f .r plaintiff, Jaa. Maaaon, Q. C., fur defend- ent. BBFOBB -r>oie MORRISO* 'I'll.' docket being ao heavy and the iiiiiis'iully prolonged, Hia linnur, Juutre Morrtaon, ia hearing in the library ho noil -jury case of Noble v. Stouten- berg, a wage claim, the partiea being reei- lentaof Ci'llinitwood township. (1. M. Vance (Shelburnu) fnr the pUintiff, H. 3. Smith for defendent. Tiniea. G HRISTMAS. . . .Almost Here Sohn Scafe, a prisoner in jail at Chatham, managed to lock the turnkey in the cor- ridor, and then tried to break out. The turnkey's shouts brought asMttancc, and Scnfe cave up tho job. Boar for Service Tunrouplibu-d llrrkuliln- boar with i r.llKrie. furiarviou on lot 100 aud 107. T. * S. h Turuis 75 canU- Fns CiiAiin Prop. NOTICE Notice la hereby (Iran that the partnerriilp uoretofuie cxintniK between the umlrriliiin .1 haii tliln day been JlK>lved by mutual content. The bintiiiMH will be carried on by Hewn. liwcroft & Tallmt. All accuiiuU due at will Da |.ynljlr to Mr. Heocroft. and any indrbtedneu of tliaflrui will be rattled by tlie (ame. A. BrKcnorr Fleaherton, Dec. 1KB W. School Meeting Tl.e annual nrhnol nirrtinc for ivrtimi S, I.'KliiTt. in. will IrheldonTbim'lav.'Ji'lli mt . at 10 o'clock a.m. nba^p, to ret'flrethe trutteea' and auditors' report aud to elect a truitee for ennnini; t.-i m. TENDERS will b recrlvrt by the nndenlnno-1 for tile dvlivoriinj of 43 oordt ufaoandbeaob and iiiaplt.. twof. *. lone. >t the anhool tiou^e. Alto TENDERS for carvtakluf! of the vrbool boune. Conttltiont known of tbe underii([i*<l. Herricee to ooramence with January. INOA All tenders to be rec -ive.l on or b*ifor itcbool nieetlnR The loweat trudcr i.nt neceMarily accruted. W. ( N KI - 1 . .K 8*0 Tr-. Perhaps you want a present for a friend. WHAT SHALL IT BE? Something useful as well a* orna- mental. A bard year yon will want a lot for your MONEY Well, this store is the place to get it. A look through the stock may reveal many very suitable article for presents Men's and Bo}n'Ovrrooats. Caps Shawls. Dress Ciooils, HtfHiery Uovt'fi. I. arc 4'urtalnft, While lied Spreads Table Linens and .|iki!i, .Hen'* fiiie Sli!rls,\r'kwenr, Braern Knots. Mi >-. RnbherH and Overshoes . . , . Prices must Be Right :-: As sales are increasing every tUy. RICHARDSON & Co. FOll Don't fail to insp >3t our stock of Bull Came Aatray. Cam* to Hi* prxiuixM of Iho on derlenr.|. let 1M-15A. eon. 13, ArtameftiA, nn or about the 10th day of yearll'iic bull. Owner fifth !] lauia l>, |ir<i\itiK |ir<.',n.rt> and u*ti"K RnBT. M Knurr ri<-narton P. O. Straw Cutting by The Day. In every department of ou r sior we have Christmas oiTeiingi. CHEAP FRUITS CHEAP TEAS CHEAP SUGARS The biggest baaketfull of groceries for One Dollar You ever took out of a btore. HERE ."!! Currants ,)lh Raisins ;"ilh Bice ">1!> (liiu. Sugar nr> Figs lib Piuneg J-tb I,i iiniii Peel banip'.e p'k'g Tea j IT IS This lot for ONE Dollar How is your supply of Grocesies& Fruits For Christmas T If you Lave uot yet bought give (u a call. Wishing you all a Merry Cliri itinas and Hippy New Year. B.flcDoNALD Bilk Landkercliicfs, genuine goodF, for TEN CENTS Fur Capes and Collars at lower prices than we ever quoted. COME AND 5 d d Tn and. r*iini*.l liv a lerg* iitraw rutting marhlnu and r iircjNkriH to do t>trw cutting for farmer* by tho dar. Pur particular* apply to A. IIXTHAM \\ PKTI-B Pliulinrtun. DM. 3. 91. Hogs for Service ThoroiiKlihred llerk'hlre Boar n> Tti-<-oMi;li bradbnprond Yik-lmv. f.>r T...I\I<-.- <>n lot 10, ron, 7, Oeprey. Tt-.i iu #1 >t time >.f IMI vi. > \Y. \v. iin h Maxwull P O Berkshire Boar f'ir Service The nn 1..I Kii;iit.| li * Dot . lx HrV>hlre boar Inr nui nee n lot 17:.. 1 . 4 K..Art<<i>inla rUetaker at Kent tirejr fall fair. Turin- 7A tnt>. al.l*. OHU. Boar for Service Thoroiiflilire.1 ll.Tk-lnrr buor for ot 144, T. 4 S. It. 'lurnn *l at Ihuo of AMDKKW rricr on wrylce. \ Farm and Mill Site lor Sale Fur ale vry tbeap ami on very eav (. 111- ilnber (arm, IW avrei*. two ttillw fritni r'l.'^h rton. known atf tlu. \> Ul flrif4i> Kitwiuill |.r 'i n . mid <u, whloli i" TI excellent wt r |.. . ulin.latlon ot HHW null, tlani au'l |... nit itu<l watvi wli"l in |>!ai-.' anil all r.-adv fur )' ill on. A hunt l.'i iii:rt.N cleriMl, :H> Ktin-ii iliubr, noiit ..IT. 'xtlAiire wftl tiinlHit > <t. >tn \ii.l tnnlwr 1 1nn Ui in will bit >i.).| at a barcMln If wld at Mmall paemeuil 4owa, blaucu un very .--> to. in-. Apl'l t '' n.j. FI-H..I I.- . Klosliviton Onl OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, la tlie ver-y Best PLACE IN CANADA TO MET A TkoioDjk Business E.DGatioB, Take a Round Trip SSL nTiB roininircial Department* in Canada, tlien MIII the S'.rihern HntlueCi>llaM ; examine every- thing thoroughly. If we fall to pnxluc* the uioiithoroURb, complete, practical and eztn- altoeouraoof ntndy ; the bent colleae proiule> airl the boat au>l o.oa' oumplete aud moot anlt- ablefurultureand t||llance. wo will give \ou a foil oouro* KKKa,. Kor Annual Announce ment .(iving full partleulaxo .free, adtlreko C. A. FLEMING. Principal. This week we want to give you something to remember thus season by- Logs Wanted WMtr 1, iiiillH-'liMtrl V "1 IllUcklV * pOKniblt*. f.-t t ..t I.M k vhii MW i), N), 111 an I I feet luni;. M IHI bo clnar of knotn aound tiinbar, from \'J Inchen in Jiaiiiftor np- wardu tlie l> tbu iMitter. Tbu utocK can be >hl|i|l Krwtn toon aa cut. quick return*. Ooo,l kin. , r ..i I for ii-xxl, aultabf* limber. Tall kl. F. T. Ctnn. 1 in* f|inckly. a nw mill, uct. ill, 'itl. and lot For Sale, For K. cbii and on eav rm In Flrli.-r ton. K|ilen.lid li i;.. olid In |, k ilwelltnK. with Kood it .ne cnllur, mnninur kitrhen and wood- liouae, l*ti KI..N! fraintt ftbli* t brick lint* I. P e'ni-.'H i-oiiinlnit twolarKxIutinndeood yonng orcbar.l, l aiiuu Honne and cm" l< i ilingt ar BIoaptloHillr Wull AutabM an<l very couveiil- illtly Inld ..ii' A|>ply to It. J. Mi-ii.'i'i.i:. Kl*hitou. Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firat cla*a atylo and at M-at rate*. Special RtUntion Kivvn to copying. Babiua' photos, a a|iocialty. Picturea framed. MRS. BULMER We had to buy more ovt icoaU this week IP ketp assortment of all sizes. \Ve sell none but Sanford's clothing now because we find their goods the most re-liable and they receive the credit of making best clothing in the Dominion. It is going to be a hard wiuter and sonic people are preparing for it by baying onr frieze coats to defy the cold. AND Logs Wanted HI<linKt price* piil In oath fnr rock and aoft rim I"^H, to IMS dulivoi ft*l at our mill Uaitha Hock Plw M and IT fet full; Soft I'.liu 111, 14 mill Ufuel. J, H. Ri.oiX A BON Kniieiila Deo. IB, 'O'l Logs Wanted. We will coinuienoa to take lo ou the Brat of January uest. Lotin mut bo olar and noil ixt, oft elm. for which we will |iy 4100 per thouxndfeut. D*MUD A WIIK.UI Cattle Wintered Taitlaa ilimirlnx to lite cattle wintered, u*d for he*d, will i'l*ae correapond wl tb W. B. BoaaT.L. Dundalk. Farms . . Yillage Properties For SALE or to RENT in the Ttwcships o Artemesia and Glenelg LoU 1 and i. con. i S.D R , towntlilp of A , |. ineniii, 100 aoreu. 75 clnar. with new f.auie barn I ni'v. it.. Htonu l,.eni.'iit Would rent. Lot 47, con. U. tiiwimhlp of (llnnftlc, 50 aero* under good cnUivatlou well watered. Would rent ren<innat>lfl. Lot No. A. litin.'H it. north, and lot No. 5. Mill it north; alao eatt part of lot 4, Klnokrdiue iiortli llrlck homo an.) lot at Fl*berk>n Station , known aa the Walte property. All th above properties will boaol.t at low fl|urn nd ou taiy ternia Titlm Indisputable Apply to John McArthur, PRICEVILLB >. O. We carry the biggest stuck aud we think tho boat selected stock, and if you will call and see our pi ices we will allow you to bo jiul^n of the values ws offer. Wo claim to boss the boot track in Artiinesia. In rubbers aud overshoes we have an immense stock comprising nearly every style made. Hardware J Dcp't. From Germany Some most beautiful China with photographs of the churches ou it. YOU OUGHT TO SEE IT A piece of it would make a very nice present to give to your visitor ou leaving as a souvenir of Flesherton. . . Other Goods . . Such as novelties in Olanaware, Cntlery, China aud Silverware, are just the things most suitable for Xuias presents. CROSS-CUT SAWS AND AXES Our stock v.-as never so complete as at present with the very best goods that are made at prices which are within the reach of every oue. See them. Skates ^^^.^^ We have a line of Genuine Acme Spiing Skates iu nickelled and plain steel. IT.. Richardsoit flo.

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