Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1895, p. 4

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ffll FLISHERT H ADVANCI KBTADUSUKD 1881 f Advance M-BLIH1IKO WKKKLV AT TICK CNTICE. SVD- ENUAM HTUKKT, rLKhilEHTuN, (INT., BV W. H. TIIL-UttTu.<. $1 per aiiniii!i.-i 1 1 tl > 'ii advance Adveitiaing Rates: Oaa Column, 1 year, M . ball col.. 1 year, SI quarter vol.. one year, #15. Traoslbot advertlaeuieDt cbarge<l at the ratv I I cent* per Hoe for Arit iniertiou auJ J cunu eacb >ub4ii|uut iu^vrtiou. Political matters arc now arrivi ug at a focus and after a suniuit- r of ra- mon of war the political battles are about to commence. Within tbe next mouth large questions are to be decid- ed. Parliament must meet and settle tbe Manitoba school question ; senate vacancies must be tilled, the cabinet rearranged, aud elections must be held in West Huron, North Ontario, Cardwell, Montreal Centre, Jacques Cartier and Cuarlevois. This is a pretty bit of work to be completed in tide of one mouth. Mr. Uowell is evidently trying to break the~polilical wood sawing record. T: Hyumb trial is proceeding slowly in Toronto. The Crowu is presenting a stronger case than on tbe previous occasion, but on techni- cal jwiuts the defence appears to be making a successful fight. Ob these technicalities t Many a cane of dark crime has goue nupuuiahcd through thuu), owing to the nupprcesiou of im- portant evidence and in other ways. tet us hope that in this saie technic- alities will not save these men from punishment if they are guilty. the county seat, wat almost obliterated by the battle of Fort Donnelaun, which was fought within its suburb*, and the house* being used for military purpoces were nearly all burned or torn down. Since then the town lisa been rebuilt and contained about 360 inhabitants in 189 0, although its eatiinated population was some 500 twenty yean ago. The intention of this imperfect skrtch of the principal feature* of the Teuneswe river counties within the state ia to ahuw that th cry which fur the past two years has been raised throughout the land that working poor men had uo chance to make a livitiK and a bumble home for thuir wives and little onus, has no foun- dation in fact. Here are hundreds of unandi I't^f-jjj/ land for sale at prices and upo'n irtW'Nf % w|,*t within the reach of any healthy yoflft,^" or under le>s favourable pliyiical conditions, land, teaius, tool , ieud and uheller will bo f'iriiibhed and payment of rent taken out of tho crop. Thu ii a country but a .w miles distant, and where Buffering fn m extremes of heat and cold are not experieuctd, where fuel conts but little if any more than the labor of prepariiiK it, where the people are luoriU^ kind, hos- pitable, social aud induatrious, where wild fruittt and nuts grow in buch prufux. inn that the small children ot the houKe- Imld can Mipply the family demand with- out t;oing beyond reach of the mother's . where tish abound in the streams and imall game ii lound in reasonable <|uantilies in forest and field; where the cheerful, happy shouts of healthful, rin| - ing children contrast mime illy witb the thin, piping voice* of the puny inmates of the city tenement buildings where the sun's ray* are seldom ttuu and the s..m; of birds never heard. Any man with strength enough to follow C'oxey and Krlly to tramp un Cleveland Kriaa, to take poistsHiini of railroad trains by force of nrun aud coupling pins, can, if he will apply :lne mik^uidcd enurgiea ait tln-y weru intendfU to be K|ipliud by nature and by nature's (Jud, supply the needa of hi* family, live in peace with himself and hii felluw men aud vacb year lay up a nuat little sum to keep tin- M-ulf from his 'tr in his old age. T. H. KBLLAMT. Su^ar Tieu.Tenn. Executors' Sale UK VALUAIILB FARM PEOPERTY In the Townhbip of ArU-iuesla, . in tbe County of Grey. Under and bT virtue of tbe powers vi .ert In the executonof tbe lut will and toat.uient of .luliu Hazard, late of the townihlp o' Arte- mesla, In the county of Gier. deceaa.i. inert will be offered by p'ibllc auctlou by D. McC'or niK'k, auctlouuer. at Munshaw's Hotel, IN TUB VILLAGE Or' Fit SHE, WON On Wednesday, Nov. 27th, A.D 1895 At the nrnr of two o'clock In the aft-moon, the following lamia fi i premium, vie : I-.I nninlier 6, in the dftb coucaMion north o: ihe Durham Koad. In the townehip of Arteuioiia, ID the County of Ori-y, ntuinin* -nm i. acraii, uioro 01 lean. Tbeiald property!* Mut- ate abou> four milea from Kleihoitou. Ibero raabuK fortt-nre at rci cleared, balance wl I uiborad. i', u >nr \ reuttMi are a log dwelling and log liable. 'I KK >!.-> -l n i . "t. to be paid on >yr of ali- an I hilauce In tu.ity da; tbereaftei * J out Interest. Km liiiiher particular! apply to Juo. M-w Arthur. Kq. Hric.-villi. W. 1. Bellamt, KMJ . she* tun, vxucutori ; or to LUCAS * YVU1GHT, Vendors' lolici ton.Oweu Sjuud aud Flriberton Ditod NOT. lit, 1N6. Tbe Toronto Mail has reduced iU price in the city to three dollars a year, while outsiders are still obliged to pay six dollar*. Thin is a doubtful policy ou tbo part of tbe Mail, to say tbe least, but when its avowed object ia to kill tbe World tbe policy becomes still more doubtful. Tbo result, bow- ever, is not in doubt, It will only succeed in injuring iUvlf, as it lias in every one of its dozen shuffles for the pail tan years, to tbe immense ad van t*je of tbe paper whose throat it is trying to cut. Tbe Mail is without liouur or conscience, and does not to- day bold the confidence of the party it represent*, or any other parly for that matter. The World now holds the field which the Mail thought it was purchasing when it swallowed up the Empire, and this discovery Las enraged it to each a degree that in- dtscietion has overcome all prudence and its sword v. ill prove iU own des truotiou. Tlie Advance does not in- clink- tin: Mail in its list of cxohangix becauHC the World, as we have said, covers the whole field, and wo have uo use for it or its professed friend Hbip for Conservative principles. It IB a Judas. Tht Advance. 'Way Down In Tennesce On tliu north suit- of the Cumberland in llm nuitli <-;isi 0-nu-r nf tho county, near the hi-aj of Dyers and Dry crook i, II a body of rod laud that ia wuudui fully |jr.-<liii tivu of whuat, rum and ti>l>aco, 70 bu*hel corn, 3U InmliuU wheat and l,til Ilia, uf tolucx-ii hviiiK nut iui|i<iuiUe, and ll< <|imlity uf thu liibacc" IN lu lino M t.< i riiiniiiaiid extromn prices. Tho h : .<n]'i-'lniH'iitH to this otherwise imex- elli il locality are tho scarcity of woutl and water and the distance from market or shipping point*, but oven with then* objections the landd command from fO( to $50 | or ttcru. Nutui , hwi done much Sur Stuwstt County and man should now nopply the want that comoa within Ins nr.innce. The county much in nowl of two railroad* to )m>\ u ita mineral and agricultural producta, atid the demand ii imperative, and onue auppliud would b of " gieat pcuniary benefit that tbe wonder would l>e that the building of them luwl tan 89 lung delayed. Dover, /'<>/ The New York, as Seen by a Canadian Kvcrylwxly knowi that New York ia a grunt city. My lint diaappohitim-ut on visiting it WK to ImJ that jinadway U a narrow trt-ol, rut dervd tuore au in ap- joaruucu by the cxiruinu height of aouie uf the building, many of which tower to a h,-ii(hl of 10, 12 and 14 atorie* abuve the aikewajk HIM! onu at least reaches the altitude uf 21 stories abore, with throe below the atruot line. Tliu clawt la moatly of marble, aupporled l>y a framework of steel. Many are very beautiful, a limited description of which would more than ex- bauHt the apace of a ain^lu letter. A few of ihem I may notice in future letters. Broadway ia supplied with rnUe can, but on their 4th, Uth and other avenues run ulevatvd trains for tin- entire U-n-tli uf tliu city, while thu New Yoik Central llailway liaveraea 1'aik Avenue Heveral milra underground. Tliu ia thu only railway that enter* Now York city, all others I'Tiuinatiiig acruHi tho rivur, Eaat Mid West, counoc-tiiig with the city by atuain furry. One principal feature of New York to atriku tliu uttontion is the general diatri- buiinii of the busiiioii thrnUKhout the city, every street buinir 4 husinuai street. KM n on Fifth Avrnnu the uiot faahioii. atile liotula, ifaUurant.t ami other places of business lie in sitht ,,f il, Vunduibili Astor and tiouM IIIIHI.MOIIM. A (jrand feat in u of the city IH iliHyatem of pnrks and ii|uan>a liUvrally HCAII<TII abroad, neatly kept and free to the weary toiler, where ho or ahu may rest and gaii a breath of (iod'i puiu air. lit wate. syatom, alwi, is wull ni^li perfect, no ex pi'ii-e .ipparontly buinx aparod in provid iiiK the uilixfiiN with tlimo two greateiit and l>cst gilts to man. The rivers East and North present a biiny scene at all hours of the day am most of the night. Tho ferry* do a rush ing buainoaa. It ia estimated that the population of tln< city at noon triple* tbn of midnight, thousands of huy men am women croaaiiiR morning and evening t. and from buiineas, while our I'ronklyi bridge, that niarvol of eugineerun: skill, pours iteady itream* of humanity to ant fro. In future I may notice some local point* of interest, such an Cuntral and battery Parka, the bridge, ducks, do. With wishes for Tbe Advance and old frieuda, Wn. CLAM. House and ten acres to Rent Bmall farm containing about ton acres, good louu, tttblo, >uall kearina orchard, good watur, etc., oue mile iroui Fleabertou. Ajiply Mai. J Lc<: -in. Fleaiiertou P O CARD OF THANKS I deiire to thank tbe official! of the I ^rdi-r of Fort-uteri for the fioiiijit manner i in. -I, payment has been ma.leof tho inmranc lOuU) on the life 01 my too, who died ou Jtil <i lait. Thii payment hat been nnuin pruinpti ail-1 without any ilifflcultit*a beiiift throwu ' ihe way.a.iil 1 feel tlmt I ran racoiiniienil t' fraternal n ci. i to all. Ill ..u U . , KiuiUiley. Out . Nor. 7th, 1W6. Came Astray CauieU'lhe pieoile- <>f tbe uti j ..r, u Kit, i -i. f.u or about Aug. *). . )<iarllnif heifer, ownri ruiiueatext to pi" )>rotiert> . fay tj>*-ij" and tak<* auir HMA. >MI i.irmtn, Uugioia r > Came Astray Cii> tn t' . |iiuni.< - of Jama* Cornfield. IHSi,, Hud !!> r.i-t of Toronto Kin i. -ii.-., on r about l.'ct. 1, ar v calre* Own. r call hai^taiue bv prorlim |, vrty an-! p> ing eipeo<--<. J. ( oK.^ruL Strayed Steer Btr^yed fium theprrtni-ttaof tlieiiuil*nlnnv 1. ot W. con ID, Arttfiit*Mia, u 'ttwir mo tl> r.' i. wlnlttp on tail, i. >n fotriich'l. vti 1'iifct Inforiuatlun BJI in ... b*rcftbont will b thAiikiully recviv.1 by u "lDla.Nuv. lt,ltt. H.Ti Very Accomo= dating The now shed for the accoinodation of horses is complete and ready for use. Dou't be backward about using it. Free to all and room for all. Entrance north side of store. I'ut this is culy t* side show. The great performance is goiu^ ou under the big tent. Here you will find almost riling needed for the adorniueut aud comfort of man, woman aud child. Shawls ("Wales' Wool Shoulder, worth 75c., or *5<lc. Ladies' Wool bliuulder. worth $1, for $75c. Ladies' Wool Shoulder, worth $l.'25, forfl. Heavy Wool Shawls at $2, $22-3, $2.50 and 13. Underwear Ladies' Puritan Vests, at 25o., 50o. aud 75c. Men's Wool Shirts and Drawers, 50c., 75e., $1 and 11.50 p?r suit, Men's Top Shirts, worth 75c , for 60o. Men's lop Shirts, worth !)0c , for CBc. Grey Flannels from IL'i ce-iiU tip. Flannelette, 28 inches wide, at 5c. per yard. Tweeds, nice patterns, 25c., S5c. ai-d .V>c per yard. Groceries Japan Tea. good value, at UOc , 10 IDJ. for S'J.'J"*. Japan Tea.good value, at 25c.. Ibs for $1. Canned Goods, Apples, IVais, Peaches, Coin, Peas, TouiatoM. balnion. t tc. 90 Ib. sack Lest Kolk-d Oats. tl.'.iO. Another lot of those 'jtiui Rubbers at ?1.-"', just anivi'd. B. HcDONALD WRIGHT'S OLD STAND Logs Wanted Wautei. Inline i . Uv ai |~< IOO.UUO feat of rock i-lui law loi|i. ,. I J *u i 'eel loni;. Mint I'* tie*- \it ^ mlil- >ound tnnlier, fn>>n l< tnrhe- In diur-i i i ardi the la-K'-r tin H I - i-kn. lie nhl|i|i<-d greou o->u at r> t. .p..* n-turn--. ;lo<>il |>lii-<M paid loi K -' -.uul'-' IIUI'HT. Call and x > niu .luioaly. ~ |eula .aw uilll, Oca, SI. 11V T. T. Cxaa. Teacher Wanted Teavhr wauted lur H s :<<>.. \, ti I mi<uia.gii<! roniuiuiire I Jati . IIOI Ap|>l :.yl. J. .%. KrxHUDT, Kleeliertou fetation P.O. Thoroughbred Berkshir e Boar T'ir nn^eiKiKUiMl ban . II. 1 1., hi ii, in. 1. 1 f..r Hriooou I 1 134, K Tik B, .,. 1'clUISfl. JOS. W. C'l.AUK. ail Lot For Sals, For nalo cheap a : ' ton. hi' . . ' . K llllt-.l i mi I vur\ tiillj laid uut. Ap: u i<> i :. ,' L-it.iu. Farm lor Sal 1 * Hii'i'Ti Ii 1:1 iii;|-].'vn,i farm for *al In tbe not elrVultaroi if I >i|'h -!. bdllt lot 17 in u Inliix ion sores, all ,i \iti<Mi liiirk vrn llDBS l.iitwn or oal< un thu uwuer. I:, (in. 1 . P.P. Fai in For Sale, Lot 1.1, ron. 4, Oiprey. ronteliiinf '.On arreo Ifll H o;-on cii'ari- i. i , -t^ti UIH 'rhcm Hinu lui'ins aj.ply toaujof tb h iv r JA>. HI-I hiM. Uw*llP.O. \v II STRAYED. 1( yer old itor. red and white, tillinl oloo* eyn, together with an early sprint; of 1SU) calf ith AD lufonaatlnn ,i- i ,il b thai. Ulully receivuJ liv the o r. T. ( au.1 -,iaP. O. Came Astray Cams o tbe pri-n>i<.<> of ||<e uuderl|ind lot I.I, 0011. IJ, Ouprey, about .luiv Int. one year liuij Lull. The owner Ii requuated to prore prupnrty. pay eipeuiei aud taJiothe tame away J. J hMjrisi Came Astray Came to the premlree of the nnilenlfnrd. lot I9H. well back line. Artrmeala, alwut Oot lit two yearling rattle, heifer and itevr. Th own er U i (H|u.t.l to pi-ore property, par eipene< anil take tho lame away, A. r leebaituu P O. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, IM 1'Ue Very e*t PLACE IN CANADA TO OET A Basioess Education, Take a Round Trip r.r l!" u - - - t'ollecea am ommercial Department* lu tnada.tlieu vlil horoushly. we a o pruuoe e horough, complete, pra*tii-l aud riten arse oiitudy : Ibe bmt oo.leae pruuiiHe o bent aud most cuuipletc and inont luit ,n- Northern Huiiueai Colleau ; eiaminv urery ltu thoroushly. If we fall to pruduoe the moet thoro sir* coarse and tho bent aud most cuuipl ablo furniture and i|| llanovs, we will nive you a full courie FKKr Kor Annual Announce taeut.glvlaf full particulars .free, address C. A. FLEMING, 1 Principal " Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery aro dime in first clas ulylc and at reat rates. Spvcial attention en to copyino. li-ibius' photo*. i\ ti'ccml'y. Pictures MRS. IU I' Earnjs . . AND . . Yillage Properties For SAIEcr to RENT in IheTtvr ships Artemesia and Glenelg Ix>ti 1 and 9. con. 9 N.D.K , townnhip of Arte nit-nil, 1UO avren. 7-1 clear, with new f i ainu bai 4.'x69 It., atone baiument. Would rent Lot 47, con i towuclup .-f (ilnnelu. H acre under KOIHI cultivatiou wull wateietl. \Voul rent reasonable. Ixit No. .V Jami it. noith, and lot No. 5. Mil *t noith; also east part of lot 4. 1 ucardin ui-rth llrli-k bouie ind lot at Fleibartoti Station knowu aa thu Wtlte property. All the abora properties will he nld at loi nd ou easy terms. Titlei Ind.eputabl Apply to John McArthur, PRICBVILLp P. o M.. RICHARDSON &Co. There is a good deal of talk about Hard Times and scarcity of money and some truth n it, too. but in fuue of it we turn over a larift- amount of goods every week. \Vl.i M money is scarce a dul- iar tiavels furtln>r to find bi-M*. values, and that's how we c^ich them. New Goods Every Week New Bargains Every Day \Ve have another lot of cheap cot- tons, 3k-. Good useful cloth, nearly a yanl wide. A job line of Tweed Sailings, 35.45 and 53 cents. Borne lower that orig- inal mill cost, bpleudid valuta. Qoods Fancy Tweed, 42 inch, 18c.; Ama- zon Tweeds, 42 inch, 2.V.; Fancy Plaids, 42 inch, 24c.; Snow Flake and Mottled Efltcts, 80c. Kew assorted colors. New Dlaek Crepons. 50c. to $1.L'5, choicest goods. Clydesdale Wool Shawls, $3.20, heavy winter wraps. BOOTS Extra heavy grained, felt-lp - 1 Men's Boots, $2.75, are just the tiling to keep the blood from cooling at the toes. Fine Long Boots in kip, $J.."iU Mm's long, whole stock, f 1.75 u> $2,70. Women's, Misses' and Chil- dren's Loots, all prices, good values. Our Overcoats are riglit and , fast. But stock rrp!ermned thiswetk with balance ol'au unfinished contract gives us full ian^e of sizes. Heavy Frieze, full collars, at $5.75, So' '.;'"> and $7.60. Full lines of Tweed, MeN ton, Worsted aud Beavt-r Ovt: coats. The scarcity in domestic fruiis makes more welcome the imported fruits at low prices- 28 Ibs. Raisins for $1. Choice new Figs at 5c. and Uc. per Ib. Prunes, Plums, Apples aud Jams assort*. J. Thij week we give a genuine Jap- anese Ttapot with 5 Ibs. of our fam- ous 20c. tea for $1. The teapots are beauties aud good size. Original 20 Ib. packages of 6uo Japan Tea oiu own importation for $1.50. Extra choice ditto for $5. These teas are guaranteed aud cannot bo beat for value. I lurcl \vare J Dep't. Now we Have it Cold Weatliex* Do you want a healing or cooking stove. \\> t MI give von tho best at prices away dmui. Wii have a line of Maple Laaf.LtaJ- rr und Disston's croas-cut saws, also some very tine axes and axe ban Use only Uie Nicholson file. ThYy are tho best. Wapacut and Firefly Butcher krives are tbe best. are sold at 25o. aud 80c. each. Every Hade warranted. Cow chains, rope tics, game trap?, stove pipes and elbows at the lowest Have you seen Our Duplex washing machine. It is a great saving on clothes and very easy to work. Price $1.50 each. H]. Richardson 5 $X HARDWARE a (SOCORY DIP..

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