Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1895, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFOrE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XV, HO 763 FLESEERTON, OUT., THURSDAY, NOV, 14, 1895 W.H.THUKSTON, Is this the Place? Ye*, tins if the place wher- you get BARGAINS IN Jewelery OF ALL KINDS 8nch hurraing well only Imit for a SHOI^T PERIOD Come Now A. Armstrong Our Business Directory i ' -n our own Correspondent. Lax' . ek a woman from part* un- pAased through this burg asking t<> [my for tli amputation of her i .-' .nd's leg and her arm. Of coarse her p.; if 'il tale had a w tuning effect on the b- .- < of some of <.ur citizen*, result- ing in a dime or two being added to her wallet. But the fun of the whole affiur a that her suppooed crippled hubby wag- at the Mine kime) nimhly sneaking along the back streets trying to escape olwer- Tation, but ne didn't manage it, as his wpicioua manner and action* had attract- ed the attention of Mr. Scott (Mr. 3. didn't know at the time there waa a wo- man in the cane.) who determined to keep his eye on the strange customer and see what he intended doing. Suddenly Mr. Tramp waa aem to acale a fence, run acroaa a garden and join a woman who had just come from the village and the two proceeded on the mad to Durham. It in unnecessary to nay that it wae the Haw lady who had HO cleverly tricked one of the villager* with her mouruful talk. Look out for her. Mia* Fanny James ha* bean engaged to teach the Meti P. S. in o,unty of Well- Fall Woollens ALL IN STOCK NOW FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS CALL AND SEE BOTH AND MAKE YOCR SELECTIONS \Vorkmanship and Prices Guaranteed C. J. LEITCH nERCHANT TAILOR A Denial I*- To the Editor nf Tke Advance. DKAK SIR Within the put few weeks word hai come to my oars that some ill- ' faVored report* were afloat lut your vicinity regarding my*e!f. The** iagton for 1886 at the 1. ndaorae salary of report, were tu the effect that for tome U$lf. \ I ARRIAUB LICKMBBS. Issued iter or nifht at th* J.welery Store and at In* residence of U andenigBed Connr.isannar in H C J, Conveyancer. tr. Notary public JOHN W AKM STRONG FutTO! H IBS EDITH RICHARDSON -75. 'A o extend Mis* J. our hearty cnngr ' :! itions. MesMra. Samuel Henl> nwin and Charles Hue l,i vcd home from the Prairie Provim' !; week. Mitt* '> x of Durham is the guest of Mrs. M. * ' hrnne at present. ncaiidolous act I had been committed to the Kingston penitentiary for a lengthy term. Will you kindly permit me space in the columns of your paper to flatly contradict inch *tatements and to de- nounce them a* utterly fake and alao tn add that they are quite ai unkind aa un- i , Pupil of Knbt Mahr. rf Berlin Germany. (violin* ' Mm HraJiey. of T-rouio CouMrvatory Music. w/as tir- < (Vote* CaHavii I'tol KerrU>m. la'e of Toronto. iPiinol will r.rlTe pupil. In SINGING. VIOLIN, PI ANU ar..l OBOAN \. s eitt-iul to him oar beet AS. VAXDU8EN. Clerk 5lh Dlr Court, Co Grey l*susr of Marriage License*. Coturoi'Mloner in H.C. ].. CooTjncr. Auctioneer. t<-. Aleut for th* M*Mey-Hsrrls Agricultural Iniple- menu Clayton'* Bloek, Flesherton. opposite Bicn*rd*on's hardware **. MCCLLOUOH * YOUNG, Banners, Markdsle. do a general banking bnt> ions. Money loaaod at a reasonable rat*. Call OQ us. Monday Mr. Win. Oonkey nd true l havc ""* ilr - ue " committed by d to Guulph. Mr. Conkey ' Pblic authority above mentioned, and I f .mr moat energvtic citizens and " ni thankful that aa yet I have n-.t b*en ,U is a great low to our village. ' X^'ty "' * t8 iuch * would lead m to for his "och * condition. I am here at Corn- wall, whvre I havc been for some month.-*, J P. MAKSHALI* L. D. 8.. M D. 8 . DeaUit. Visits Mark dale Ibe 1st and Srd W*dae*day of eub month Flbrtoa Kmeh trip on til* dar icouWiu. tuccut* '.n the Ri;,-al City. Mo l:.-iley alao left on Monday : u take a pcmition in a carriage Now in Stock | ATLAS S( KIHULERS with map, of the county of <irey, Ontario anil thu world, only live cents. Buy those for your children. SCHOOL SUPPLIES .,( nil kinds . in block. ' STATIONERY IN QI-AXTTTT- We are headquarters for station- ery of all kin In. VlSITINU CARDS-A full stock on band for the ladle*. Patent ledjcinesof all kinds \V. and I am in the employ of the C irnwall Manufacturing Co. Fun her in- factory in Durham. Bob will be very '', '>"'"> rrg.rding mys.-lf may be had much mimed in th .'ifferent societiea of I b J application to the proper authorities TVBBT8 COLLECTED. The nnderigned I* prepared to undertake the collection of all kind* of debt*. Mote* bought. aeconnt* collected, etc R. N HKNDKR8ON Ftm*TOii R. J 8PWOULB, Postmaster. Flesherton. Commissioner in B. R., Licenced Auctioneer, ConT*yaneer, A praiwr and Money Lender, ICeal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deed*. Morties, Leases. and Will* drawn up and Valuation* made on shortett notloe. Auction sale* attended to In an j part of tb* County- Money to loan at low est rat** of Inter**! Collection* attended to with promptness and despatch Charge* low. Agent for the Dominion Steamship Company, cheap ticket* from FloLertou to LlTerpool. Glasgow, London or any of the British port*. Partle* la-tending to visit England. Scotland or Inland, will plea** ask rate* befor* purchasing their ticket* elsewher* TJB HUTTOH MDCM. MPPAB Ont, Prieevill*. Kesidenc* and office one door wet of the Metho. dist cbnrab, Kiorou *t Offlo* day*. Tuesdays and Saturday* J\R CABTEB M C P 4 8 On*.. Phyrician, Snrgeon. etc Fleshertoa offlee Strain* Munshaw's Hotel b'ock Beaidenc JOHN A 8COTT, M B Member College Physic. * Bargeons.Ontarlo Graduate In Medicine of Torer o University Fellowship Diploma, Poet Oiadnat* Medical School and Hospital. Chicago. Ulseaeeaof ev*. ear. nose and throat specially treated. Resi- dence, Maxwell, visit* Kmrakam TbnrrUyt It J P (iTTBWKUi Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vettrfnary Collage. Betideno* H*i door south of Moore's planing factory. J. W ' R08T. which he i a mtitin r. Kar-ister. Solicitor, Conr*>yanc*r, Etc Fleahorton office Neil the poet office Sproul* baiMing. on Thamdaj*. uwen Bound offlc* | Frost's buildinc. I UC AS * WBIGHT. Barriiten, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen donnd, Ont. - afarkdale, Ont. W. II WBIOBT. I. B. LUCAS. V. H -Flesherton offlc*. Mitchsll i Bank very Wednesday. A O.t'.W. meet* erery nrst and third Mon- day in each month, In their lodge room (' istoe's Block. Fleshertoa. at 8. p. m. A. M.Ui. on. M W.. \V.J. Bellamy, financier. W. Irw in Recorder. Visiting Hrethern invited. ir OTAL TEMPLARS OF TEMPEKA.sTK Kogular Council meets e*ery On* and third Tuesday evening in each month, in (Wo. lo's block at 8 p. ui. Select drgrt-e Insurance) meet* monthly, the Wednesday S tb* ttnd of each cue nth. SONS OF TKMPEHANCE.-Thl* meets in Dr Christoe' Hall Drat W. nmday in *ac i month at 8 p.m. Visit. ng bretbenn invited. Intnraaee in connection. UP.l B B. A . rr- t In tbalr hall, Christoe < Block every lecind Thnrsda> in each month. V -.1. S!:r;-. Muter. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. I one,' -<38. A F * I.M Masouio Hall. Strain's lesherti n, every Friday on or before the Dr Carter, W M, B J ':ry The nianae in nwring coninlrti-in and when finished will be the moat pictur- esque building in the neighborhood. Mine Sara E. Parsl.>w of Swint4>n Park was the gueflf of Tu-r lister, Mrs. W. J. Blakeston, lat>t week. Mr. Neil Cameron of Grand Rapids, Mich., came home laot week to attend the funeral of his brother. I is expected that special meetings will bo held in the Methodist church next ck. The Rev. Mr. Mathewaon of To- ronto will aid the pastor in the good work. Born On Thursday, 7th uwt., the wife of Mr. Dan. W'hyte of a son. Died On Thursday, Nov. 7th, after a lingering i linen. Donald, jrininflgwt son of Mr. JanieH Cameron, aged 20 years. The funeral t >< >k place on Saturday afternoon, a Urge number of friends following the remaum to their laat renting place in the Bunessan cemetery. The sorrowing fam- ily have the heartfelt sympathy of the community. Truly the poet has said : "Friend after friend departs Who has not Uwt a fnend ? There is no union here of hearts That baa not here an end." here. I might just say that I wan never in Kingston except aa I paused through it on my way here. Without making any accusation against any one, in conclusion I would just like to say that whoever originated these re- ports and whoever willfully satiated in their circulation are uncharitable in the extreme ; and that Dow the truth has been learned that those person* will show themselves manly by contradicting such statement*. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for this opportunity, I remain sincerely your*. OBO. McMruAT. Cornwall, Nov. 5, '95. A Clever Capture DL'KFERIN LODGK. No 1H. I O O F. meet* in Mount /.ion. From owoicn Corretpondent. The revival services conducted here by the Rev. Palfour have been very success- ful. Ni'iti - fifty have been brought to Jena*. M:iy the good work still continue and n\<: nil prove faithful to their trust. Mr. W. J. White has decided that it Mr. Thus. Cant Ion of Arthur township was returning home late Thursday night and noticed a buguy track leading? out of his brother's place at a point where the fence wire bad been cut or broken. This aroused his suspicion and he notified his brother. I* poo going to the stable they found a horse find biiiyy gone, with the tracks of two men leading to the stable. Hurriedly starting in pursuit they pro- ceeded to Bell's corners, where they pro- cored fresh horses and continued the chaae,cKpturirjg their msn near the SHel bume roller flour mill One roan in be- lieved to have become suspicions and got out of the rig jmt before reaching Shel- burne, leaving his partner in crime to drive on. At any rate the track of a man wan next morning followed down the railway track a considerable distance .md then lo*t to view. The prisoner, J F HALBTEAD M D M C * B Ont.. practice* at Kim- berley. Rheumatic disease* speciality. TVK MAAT M. BBANDK* MDCM.MCP* B. On*.. Prloevllle- Office and residence at Methodist parsonage. Call* night or day promptlv attended. VlisM Fletbcrtoa Station 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays Cash For Clayton's Hall every Tuee <1ay evening at 8 o'clock . K brethren cordially 1* not sn Tiled AS VANDCSKN, H Q , WM Mooaa. Bee i .__ Falconer and Hamilton Friday njoruing I J 1 1 "" """ all< i cnmrnitted to Orangvville jail to Mi Marv Norton has reh rn d ho "'-'"'d hii trial at the next court of com- from Toronto afr'er a lengthy vUit to her P etent J"*'- T" 9 P^" 8 ' "^ " n 1 him when arrested four new shirts, two pair of pants and a number of silk hand- Miss Loci-hart of Homings Mill* U the kerchiefs, and forty cop purs and a five guest of Misa Hnttie Hancy. cent piece. These are believed to Jhavo for man to live alon. and h^s " ho S* vehis " Rme " 8 Willlam T1 '""P>'>. united for life with MJK, Jane Shire of nU who U * man about * {t * '"" of Maxwell. W. wish the youn, couple a ' WM brou ht b-for - -*l**^" prosperous and happy journey through life. Sheepskins and aU kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade sausage* kinds of meota. on hand, also all 1VI. WILSON, FLESHEKTON MEET EMPORIUM It is stated that the publication of The Northwest Official Oacette in both French and English has been discontinued, and that the laat iaaue wag printed in English only. ti"- been stolen. Sholbnnm KiMiiomist. It w aniioxnced that Premier Whi'cway of Newfoundland willshortly visit Ottawa,, and the presumpton is that his mission is In reopeu the nu<;oi iation for eoufedera- to Creditors In the Surrogate Court of County of Grey the la the matter o< the estate *f John Hazard. late of the Towhlpol \ tlM County o( (irey , former, JeccuwJ. Nntica in beraby nirea. pursuant to the U. 8. , 1HH7. ubapter itu. sc. Jn. and amending acts, that aJl |iursonii baxinu ulaim* antmt the es- tate of the above nauitl John Hazard.deotaieai wbo died oa or about the tfth ilar of A A. D. 1MUS, are. ooor before the tw.ltth .lav of Decembvr. A. D. MB. rvquiradlso semi by host. B repaid, to the umleroigued solicitor* fur loliu cArtbar.Rsq., and W. J. Bellamy. K.|.. tb* exeontora of tfae las* will and tastninent of tbe said deeeeMod. a tatmeot in writing, contain- ing their names, addrissss. descriptions, and full particulars of thoir claims, and nature of tbe securities, if any, bbld by tbein. Ami notice is hereby further lirun that after the aid laat mentioned data the said executors will proceed to distribute tb* a*wt of amid es- tate among tho parti** entitled tlx-rrto. haTint! regard ool y tn tb* claim* of which they shall then have notice, and they will not be liaulo for tbe oai.l wiate so aistribuud or any piirti.Mi tbereof to any praou or ponobs of wbo*e claims they shall not bare ha.l notice asaforwaid. Dated this 1st .lay of No<r*mb*r. A. D. IMS. Li-i A* A Wniasrr, Owen Sound and Fleeherton. Hulicitur* for tli.i Kxevntor* TinELY HINTS^ A wise man knows Row to tax* a hint. This is the season of year when yon are requiring ROBES, BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, 1 1E1T SETT OF Currycombs and everything connected with the Harness line for winter nae. Do - You - Know Where to bny them To tbe beet advantage ? This is where the hint comes in And it is a good and broad one : Go to . . . , . WILL MOOBE. H:irn'NMii:ikrr - H< -lu-rton. N. H. Cowhide mitts, hair inside, from SOc to 7.3c a pair. PBILUP*. At St. Paul, Minn., on Oct. 15, 'if* of Mr. Fiud Phillip* of a daughter. tbe test Bl.AHn.IT- 1 Flesh.rtoii. on Tnixdav. Ith inst., Oarnet W., only eon of Mi. Joe. Blako- l*y *>,! T rear*.

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