Ct'KRKITT .VOTES. WUile no one dsnlrs that the rlgh' of residing iu part* of China ha* been con- eeJeit by treaty to Christian mission - r .-. -.r i Ii it all violations of that right ought to be punished, the belief is ipreading among well-informed men that the attempt to convert the civil- ised peoples of Indii. China. Japan, and Kg pi is of douhtful expediency. The sipml nhange which baa come over in- telligent ojiinii'ii with regard to this mallei was brought out recently at the meeting of the anthropological section of the British AasociUion. when almost all the scientist* and men of practical experience in the Bast, who took part in deliate, concurred with Prof. Flinders Petrie in deprecating efforts to impose idea* peculiar to our own race, age. or cit ili/a'ion upon countries which on dif- ferent line* have alieady made consider- able progress in culture. Lord Stanmore. for Instance, better known as Sir Arthur Gordon, a colonial administrator of vast experience, ex- pressed s conviction that a* tnuch wrong ha* been inflicted by a desire to carry out civilizing ideas a* by vio- lence. It was a mistake, he said, to regard the seiui-civilized races as im- moral ; their moral sense is very un- like our own, but il is none the less real. As to the attitude to be assumed toward the social usages and fieculiar habits of the natives of a given country. Lord Stanmore, of course, conceded that certain customs, such a* cannibalism, infanticide, widow burning, and the wholesale plundering of inferior* by local chiefs, must be put an end to i once and firmly. But it would be well, be thought, to permit the oontinu- ince of many usage* repugnant and tven repulsive to European idea*. In luch matter* be would truat to the transforming influence of time. Herein ae cordially agreed with Prof. Petrie, who bad reminde.l his hearers that Paul f Tarsus did not deam it needful, any more than did Kpictetus, to prohibit slavery, polygamy, or even gladiatorial ahowa. The elimination of *uch evils w*a left to be brought about, a* it was I. rought about, by the growing enlight- enment and energy of the public con- science. To much the same purpose spoke Dr. dm. long connected with the Indian cavil service. He denounced the con- tinual attempts of Kuro|iean* to uproot ancient civilizuti UN not inferior in some ways to their own. and to destroy cus- toms which are not contrary to moral law. He implored missionaries to he more tolerant toward native ideas and usages, and to do Christian things in a Christian way. A long experience in India bad convinced Dr. Cust that the wisest plan is not to interfere in things that are not unlawful, and not to fy \nglicize the people of that country. II . . i.-idercd it absurd for missionaries . ; to alter the marriage custom* of a j> . >le which only tolerate* divorce in I he cine of European*, and to dictate to natives naturally sober, far more rate, indeed, than Englishmen, a* 'o \\t,it they should eat and drink. He .mull! even go so far as to protect the peooh- ..' India, China, and Japan from preachers who intrude where they are not uantcil. II" m. ni inned the m- i' men of a missionary in China who er.-c'i'd a building under circumstances w h ch m.ide ihe art a desecration, and in view of such performances be was not surprised that from time to time the Chinese rose against the "foreign devils " fn closing. Dr. Cust referred to th Ktcreligioun act committed in India )>v a Wesleyan, by whom a chapel was luiill on the edge of a sacred tank. but who was forced by T.ord Canning to raze the structure to the ground. Dr. H. O Forbes and Prof. Haddon. bn'h of whom have lived in New Guinea, we.it furt hnr, and objected to the meth- ods followed hy most missionaries in deilinq* even with savage tribes. Dr. Forhe thought the Papuan* should be left alnne to adopt civilization in their own time. He said that, so far as his observation of missionary work went, ' fh- art nil religious change that took place in a converted native was extrem- elv smill. and sometim-.i disadvantage- ous. MS natives who went to chapel IrmusrM themselves better than others, and berime insubordinate. Prof. Had- don siid that the desire of the mission- aries seorned to be to crush natives in a prorriistean bed : they forget that flic onlv lasting civilization is that which springs from below. He added that not a few good people confuse clothing with morality, and that if the purpose was to extend the market for rmt'in goods, it should be carried out openly and honestly, not under the pre- teni-e of promoting religion. English- men the Professor said in conclusion. do not, theoretically, wish to extermi- nate native races, but as a matter of fart they do so. and what has happened In Tasmania, where not single native durvivejt, is likely to happen elsewhere In the islands of the South flea. At to Polities. MI 't Sriaggs quit Ile gels lurne.l ilown alt the Ihe habit has III Ii.' r.lii'l lueilk it off I'HEKEffSHIlBlITSHELL THI VK Y LATEST FROM ALL OVBB THE I lfT.< a ! 4 k. l r Sws Cn tr r llrrml Hrllmln. ll> F ***<! l il... a. 4 All rarta ! ihr liUix, <->4ou aa4 .rlrf fr CANADA. Stratford b to have a 190.000 trunk sewer. The Cabinet has appointed Solicitor' (General C'urran a Judge of the Super- ior Court of Quebec. Shipments of rattle from Manitoba and the Northwest this year already number 35.000 head. A Winnipeg carpenter. Mr. Drown. fell seventy feet and will recover from hi* injuries. At St. Catharines a seven-year-old hoy named Orin W. h'ilkins was drown- ed by falling into the canal. Mr. Ouimet baa granted the suffer- er* rendered homeless by the fires in Chatham. N. B., the use of the public building*. The report that Chief Justice Sir Henry Strong is about to retire from the Supreme Court is emphatically de- nied in Ottawa. The trade returns for Beptmnbar show a decline as compared with the corresponding month of th* preceding year of l,iu:..i*i Rev. Canon Towensond died at Am- Tmrst. VS., in the With year of his ag*. For 61 years he was rector of the Par- iah of Aiuherst. Lord Alfred Douglas.who figured so prominently in the Oacar Wilde, case in London, 1* at present at Niagara Falls with his wife. Miss Lillie Stewart, a patient at the St. Joseph's Hospital. Hamilton, jump- ed from a window in the third story. She is in a critical condition. The Winnipeg Grain Kirhang* pass- ed a resolution protesting againnt the art ion of the Dominion Government in raising the inspection fees on grain The Dominion Government is being urged to put a tax upon natural gas, which is being piped in large quantities from Canada to cities in the United States. A vounfr man named Carter, a son of Mr. Wm Carter, of 59 Bay street. Tor- nto, was accidentally drowned in Rock lake, Man., on Sunday evening, by the of a boat. Mr. Wm. Kyle, the Toronto man who was arrested at Niagara Falls, Out., on the charge of attempted bribery of an alderman, died on Friday afternoon at the latter place. Full-back Morin of the Ottawa Uai- veniity Kugby football team, tbertmm- pions of Canada, was vtrtously injured it practice, and the club baa summar- ily closed iU season. At the (squeal isto the death ol John J.aynr. it was shown that bia reason for "lulling to marry Mix* Koiaon was that he knew she would come in for valuable property when she cme of age. Hotelkeper Maybee of Grinwby. rUims the reward offered for the ap- prehension of Teller Palmer of Hamil- ton on the ground that be told the police where the man was. A writ of quo warrant o to unseat Mayor Villeneuve, of Montreal, was ap- plied for on Tuesday, on the ground that the Mayor is interested in a firm that supplies lumber to the city. A circular has been issued by the Cuxtornn Opart ment at Ottawa to tin' vnrioiiH rollnrtorH, calling their at- tention to the fact that the French treaty is now in full force and effect. A despatch from Kegina states that W. Curren. who ia in charge of the Dominion Public Work* Office, baa been arrested on a charge of incendiar- ism. lli.s arrest has caused a sensation. W. D. Palmer, defaulting tiller of the Kank of Commerce, and Fred. A. Kiln m no, defaulting cashier of the (iraiid Trunk at Hamilton, were each ent cured to three years in peniten- tiary. The repairs to the city of Toronto Water Works were completed on Fri- day and an ample supply of perfectly pure water is now coming through the mains. The cart at- r vice baa been dis- continued. Two shipments of Canadian tomatoes to England, made as an experiment have been reported upon. While not an entire succeMs, they have demon- strated the possibility of developing au important trade in Ibis respect. Dr. Dell, of the Canadian Geological Survey, who has just returned to Otta- wa from a trip to James' Bay. reports having discovered a river in the north wliii-h he claims to be the sixth of the great rivers of the world, and charac- terizes as the Nile of the North. The finances of the General hospital at Kingston show a deficit of 9.1.000 this year, and the authorities have issu- ed a circular asking for a consensus of oiniiioii regarding the curtailment of the salary of the superintendent aa in the case of the superintendent of nurses. Further news of prairie fires in Manitoba have reached \Vinnipeg. Near Shoal Lake the flainiu spread over the country for about ten miles, running at a fearful rate, and many people had narrow esca|iea. Two young men were so badly injured that they cannut live. Application will be made in Parlia- ment next session for an act to incor- porate the Canadian F.lcclric Hallway & I'o WIT Company, with powar to op- arate an electric railway from Mont- real to Windsor, via Brockville, Kinga- ii.ii, Kelleville, Toronto, and London. U hen Charles Peel was engaged in tearing down a bric,k structure yester- day in Hamilton I hn wall cnllapatul, burying I'e I in i he ruins. When res- cued be wan unconscious, and died shortly after his arival at i he hospital. The deceased was twenty-four years of age. Victor Talioreti. a Montreal drug clerk, has been arrested on a charge of abducting a young lady with whom he was in love on the eve of her mai IIHUI- iii Hiuiihrr man. The girl was missing from Monday to Thursday, and when found had evidently bee'n given drugs to render her |ioHi-rleas. I'be death is announced at St. ^ Val- entin, WIM- "f Mi .liwi'iih Noel, aged ninrl V four years. He was a vateran of tin' war of IHiJ KJ IH.IIIK- mil- nf the last survivors of that stirring turn along ihe frontier of the Quet>r i>tov- inv As a by he took part in the de- fence of I*colle Mm. The missing will of Mr. Thrm. Young. an elderly citi/.en of Hamilton, Dm , wli'> was killed on the railway Crsvk. and whose funeral took place on the day fixed (or Ini marriage with Miss Tessie Atkins, of Dublin, Ireland, was found secreted in an old clock on Saturday. The deceased left all his estate to Mi** Atkins, who has taken out a caveat against letters of administration being issued. GREAT BRITAIN. The Rev. Edwin Palmer. D.D.. Arch- deacon of Oxford, is dead. Mr. Herl*rt Wilt>erforre has been appointed aide to Lord Aberdeen The Queen will retrn to Windsor castle from Balmoral on November 16. The Queen laid the foundation stone of the Duke of Fife's Highland resi- dence. English society is burryiny homeward for the Ixindon season, which promises to be an unusually brilliant one. The British battleship Victorious was launched at Chatham on Saturday. It has a fifteen thousand tons displace- ment. Sir Charles Lee*. Governor of British Guiana. has been summoned to London to consult with Mr. Chamberlain on Venezuelan affairs. Dr. Guntber, the well known head nf the department of zoology in the Bri- tish Museum, retired on October 1, ow- ing to the age regulations. The Prince and Princess of Wales begin holding receptions at Sandring- ham house this week. The house will be full until after Christmas. Mr. William Kenny, Q.C . who was recently appointed Solid! or-<;enorsl for Ireland, is a Roman Catholic I'nwuist. a rare thing in Ireland. The competition of Canadian cheess in the English market is so keen that the agricultural papers are writing very pessimistic articles on the sub- ject. . I' is stated in official circles that Kngland intends to land troops on some part of Turkiih territory if the Arme- nian reforms are not honorably exe- cuted. The British court has received the worst advices concerning the Czare- witcb. who U the victim of consump- tion. It U not expected that be will survive the winter. The report that Lord Salisbury had sent an ultimatum to the President of Venezuela is confirmed. The Cleveland Administration at Washington U said to be interesting itself in the matter. The North German Lloyd Steamship Company baa ordered from a shipbuild- ing firm at Govan, a suburb of Glas- gow, two steamships, the dimensions of which will exceed those of the Caatpan- ia and Lucania. A number of the friend* of Mr. Tim F|o|y who was recently rear! out of the IrUb party, met in London on Satnrriny and subscribed *i'..VK).(jriO for n new daily paper in Dublin, to lie started at once, wits Mr. Healy in control. Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of Bnperor William, and Prince Cbrixlian victor recently rode a thirty-mile l.i cycle race from Balmoral to Braemar cast Ic for a prize givea by t he Queen. 1'rmoe Christian won by half an hni Lord Koxebery. in a speech on Friday delivered at the opening of th* new clut. st Scarlnrough. said that U> his imrt'l the primary obstacle to all reform and the greatest danger t the stability of the State lay in the present constitution of the. House of Ix>rdB. The Fishmongers' Company are seek- ing to [irohil.it the sale in Ixwdoa of frozen salmon from British Columbia. alleging that the fish i* salmon trmit. the sale of which ia illegal in the f'nit- ed Kingdom ltwen the months of Octolwr and February. The following members of the Impe- rial Parliament have Iwen raised to the (peiTsge: Sir Algernon Rorthwaite, proprietor of the Ix>ndon Morning Piwt : Tlaron Henry de Worms, formerly I'n- der-Secterary of State for the Colon- ies; and the lion. Horace Curzon Plun- kett. l-'erdinnnd Meier, a retired sjeneral of the, German army committed suiridp in LoMM on Sunday evening by taking pruasic air id on the Thames eniiwnk- ment. He had become rmlucnd to l*g- gary through the failure of Jaliex Hal- four's Liberator building and Ixmn Companies, in which all his money was invested. UNITED STATES. It is said that George J. Gould has in his puNKcasion twenty-three paint- ings of bia wife. Thirty Mormon saints leave Phila- delphia on Saturday on a proselytiiing tour of Burope. Miss Frances Willard says that the bicycle is a great factor in advancing temperance. Mr. Joseph Ramsey, Jun.. of St.Louis succeeds Mr. Hays as General Mana- ger of the Wabash Railway. James Dixon, accused of the murder of ('apt. I'hillipa at Tonawanda. N.Y., hanged himself in his cell. An explosion of dynamite on the Ni- agara Falls Gorge Railway demolished the lioiler house and injured several men. Mrs. John I<angdon, who lives six miles from Dnlta, Ohio, baa given liirt h to five children, all hoy*, and they are doing well. The ctrikn of bicycle makers in Toledo, O., was on Friday morning turated into a lock-out, with th* result that there are five thousand men idle" in the oity. The Pope has written a letter te the Catholic hierarchy of America, con- demning religious congresses such aa were held recently at Chicago and To- ronto. The Superintendent of Insurance In Springfield, III., on Saturday granted a license to do business in Illinois to t he .; Supreme Court of the Independent Order j of Foresters, of Toronto. It is understood that the psstal offi- ' MI-' in Washington have asked the Do- ' minion Government for peraii.Hxiun to ' run United State* mail oar* with clerks on Imard through Canadian territory, and thr-v arc siTuruine that the perrnis- io i u ill h g ire i. 'Ih' Duke, of M in I borough wan arrest - f.l iii Central Park, New Tork, for coasting, rapidly dnwn a hill on his hi- , M I., with his fuel an the handles. The Duke accompanied th policeman to the station, where Kotiiulmiian It van, who was in charge, discharged him after w trning him not to repeat the offence. Rev. Petsr J. Rswe of Smili Marie, M.. h . who was named Hishop of k.i in i ! Episcopalian Mouse of Bishop* at Minneapolis, was Imrn in Tor- "in. i 36 year* ago. He cn:eie<l '1. " 'liege, and graduated with the B.A. gree, an n been granted the M.A (\rprt-f bv the same col lego. Id- iva< for a number of years a m - ary in Al, ouia. i :iiiii..-icial advices from the I'nited States report business for the week just MKasd te be somewhat more quiet than bas been the case lately. There haa lx-'n a less active movement generally, v. iih an irregular, though fairly w i !> 1 mini fo. goo.l . 1'al irno e, ai.p.'srs to be an exception, for the.ro trade is re- ported most satisfactory, due largely to the favorable conditions at the South The manufacturing industries show no change, but. central aud Western cilice find a bettor demand for shoes. The enquiry for iron and steel is easier, and slight declines in price are experienced Woollen manufactures are dull, but cot- ton goods are in active request at steady or advancing prices. The. conditions ol t he week have not been cheering for t In 1 speculative markets, and further ship ments of gold are feared. GENERAL. Six hundred soldiers were killed in an explosion on a steamship near Kincbow, China. King Meuelek of Abyssinia was struck by lightning and either killed or par- alyzed. A French company has concluded an agreement for a new Atlantic cable from Brest to New York. It IB officially announced in Madrid that twelve thousand additional troout will start for Cuba next Tuesday. Great Britain bas aent an ultimatum to the King of Ashantee. who i* accus- ed of violating treaty obligations. Sir Kdward Malet, the retiring Brit- ish Ambassador to Germany, u., . en- tertained at dinner by Chancellor Prince Hohenlohe. An irade has been promulgated in Tur- key announcing that the Sultan hat .igne.il the Armenian reform scheme demanded by the powers. In the storm that swept over New- foundland a church was blown down, forty or fifty vessels driven ashore on the coast* and several live* lost. The Sultan has informed President Kaure of his intention to contribute 50<>,- IKK) fr. to the subscriptions opened for the erection of a mosque in Paris. According to the latest information received in Constantinople f rom Trehi- znde, Armenia, four hundred persona were killed during the recent rioting there. It is reported the Czar ha* informed the Japanese Minister at St. Petersburg that Russia will never abandon Core*, and will protect her against all en- croachments. The insurgents in the province of San- ta Clara, Cubs, have circulate! a pam- phlet advising t h.- inhabit .tais not louse the cail roads, as they have determined > hfew them up with dynamite. It is reported as one uf the warlike sigA of the time* that Turpin, the in- ventor of melinite, bas been summoned firm l':iii.x to Couxtanlisuple, to assist in fortifying the Busphorus and the Dardanelles. sadur of Turkey! haa received from sn Anm-nun source a warning that the Young Turkey party will prolwlily in- duce some Armenian miscreant to at- tempt his life in order to disgrace the Armenian people. Newfoundland's revenue for the Sep- tember quar.er was 9315,700, being (Vt! *OO \<M* I ban the same quarter nf Ism year before the commerciil crash. aaril an improvement of f lOil.OUO on the nvious quarter of thii rear. The Rmeeror and Empress of Ger- many, aitompanied hy ex Empress Fred- erick, participated on Friday iu the cere- monies attendant UIMHI [he unveiling of the Emperor Frederick monument on the battle-field of Woerth. The liiivernnr of Coa, Portuguese In- dia, has cabled to the Minister of Ma- rino in Lisbon that th Portuguese troops have Joined the insurgents and \\cre pillaging the town and country. Sir Philip Currie, the British Auil>a- News is received in London of the ilrmh of Makololo. one of Livingstone'* must faithful follower* in Africa from 1K51 In 1W.4. What make.s the taking <iff the sadder U the fact that he left forty five widows to mourn him. It is reported that the summer season at Monte Carlo, which has just cloned, has been an almost complete failure. The attendance at the games was n MII ill I hit th' number o rouli-tte table* in use was reduced from eleven to three. Queer Effect of Light It i* asserted by one of the leading authorities on light and beat that the lieauis nf the sun and moon have a very deleterious effect upon all kinds of edged tool*. An exposure of a few hours to sunlight will " turn " the edge of the best razor ever made, and one night's exposure to the rays of the full moon will ruin such an instrument for- ever. Similar exposure to ligbt will finally apoil knives, scythes and sicklea, the premonitory aigns of coming use- lensness being noted in the blue color which the metal aatturnes. When the edge of such tools once disappears aa t result of continued exposure to the light of either the sun or the moon, they are absolutely uncles* until they have been reteutsered. Because of this peculiar action of light on steel purchaser* .should always be on their guard against buying from peddlar* who carry their wares exposed, or from retail dealers who have such tools on display in show windows. especially if such windows tie located so that the; receive the full glare of the sun or moon at any time of the day or night. The unaervtceableness of tools acquired under such ciicuiusinnces i* generally wrongfully attributed to bad material or inferior workmanship. MasaarjAitken Carlyle, the historian's aaiecaae,itd bia Q- urse and companion dur- i ngbdiiiliat yeaszra, baijust dMsdat Eilio- fcunj -gUt t he a-^ge of 50. Jh-jintract t ween Stanley and the 'iir9-<il tt B*selgiani, binding the ex- i^loH-serio tbe e=rvic o( the (JongoStat i j mil I in haabssen cancelled. Th ntiliefn of pzxili.-e in a number of Ger- anun i iiiee bae lieen notified by the dis- n.'i ,11-nlru- of Schltawig to atop all 'rwe<ias of =3ocialiita e-loxaa, a dec-re* ^^bic -.'hi liwliirxul illegal by the Liberal EMpexenin Berlissn. pniposes to tor tif y the island, ttbsn Strait of BaoelMandeb. t hroisujlwbitli sanll vesels using ths Sues .Uu.it pa^is*. Hiilwr to t begarrmoQ ftlaio wonted n^l forty Sepoys, under a itiv vt Indian o*sT(uer A ciraiical w orks on the r*uik of tha sHhiin ne.in t be c-imnt< >n of Cene vs. u devot- d i ii. ibc ma nufarture of artificial ciiu\bAz,iad it u fi>und that the tubes. xoioraoe specially tbe trout, in the rivet iire i-aujrHit in the neifc hboiarhoodl fcaie e musky amsvur. Th sail'nni-i- o f \Valn in trie freatast ->l<inrl,m s nu-^jnerical sense, the world emknowa . To tay notiiing of bis IMIV i-ilnn'lri*s ia f urea an armies. arMnosbdn tbe le***ulersbip of t be Blue her ' to the colonel uf no fewer t hin ft iileen regimwls in bia myal Milling in Jerusalem. Flour milling baa become an Import- ant industry in Jerusalem. The pro- duct is disposed of entirely for inland consumption, none being exported. Dur- ing WM but ween 28,000 and 90.000 sack* of 191 pounds each were produced. Tht wheat is obtain* I from the Jordan Val- ley and Samaria. There are also in Jerusalem 11 mil la driven by horse- power. !u Jaffa are ten steam mills, imt only a very small quantity of flour is imported into Palestine, and that only of the finest sort. lOlilLE TOLD V/H ItflS GOES MO 01 IN Till POOR (MINUS OF Till GLOBt ni of f =. at Dal*. alt hundred and t hre* mile* belc _- inking to the Japan , yearsEB agoEnaTlaad produced "Itthre* tuaavt* ai much iruo a>s to ['nit sdStatM. K(iiJitfihousa. ml Armenian Catholics fcave smiht an<l obtained refuge ia the aucasv^u. Iwjc cw sweat, of the railwaya os* ta[jn<yiti.(>vvneiL by ttaGover iiment and saieifTilio ccirpossrationa. Of * ia total lBna:th [the grtl Siber- ian r rail, 4.700 uuleur Js a. re already 1 aiil oiover l.OesTJO rnilei. ty liiltuly. . ;i-.|en, Hanover, Ruasis riuuiiiusirke} receive daily weatbr- rre^aepotts f ran. _ Harlitad L.jndon. Th-aaemly daughter of Sag. Crbpi. the Pnirsaiiiiof Ital^y, hsa become engaged t* '"^dii L.iogi ugloaia, a Sioilian. i-anekng distzsunre telepbocae between ml Lundi baiorer two hundred cralln a* i lay. at the rate of 92 (or eacb lei A print was recently poisoned at th altii-xri[Friedb=iiu. in thai Prumiao Pra- i, kstoy poiion pat so the -win* of Pt^.ua.si all laid tone* gr*** Hinder, a,_nd reada kvx>fcs in KIHJ- t ub, litocb an-d (Jeruian, as well as ID ThxaiQMM hassu gim, oat of her pri- vate eDirae. Ibe^ cost uf n. cavtiin at the afiivisual Stilor/ Heist, Devonport. thus svincxxiij her iii terest in this work. The >*iuiii j|iiDorip;iin snt from OBoorne is : '' : ' ilby QUCMMO Victoria. 1896." ll.-r jto asae abaszW **Mt H eur raved por- tlkemlf . framed in g It. for th< i Ken' r rut Jt Oi .ami I* Si TISB. tkiaat'onoinrr. *ofc E<nl in mc*ndi _ ng Mount Blanc a few (ui;'> in a furious axiuw-storm. uily ewap^d .ilqipiiaK "" a cre- _ ud va.< anoMlmuiii \v ithout food a. 11 it 1li'lir..intdaBmry'M Humps fur a iriiiht Im days. But be tried it again am forirtiiiht UtOBT, andmavde tMMMft. beiruin bin r>iurn In CThacnounix he >'ai ultited >v 'iih cannnii stml cham- < Kin reonga^Diiion of Ins pluck. Oo (i lr L.ondK>n District R.ailway, by a jauliniiat ic immur baniiuu . tbte name f i union l^s now sliown in everr c~*rn. iiaji 1 lir fore the station ia ivachra. ' madesi neoeuary by the fact t hit (i t he s t ' i i.- i heuiselves the rfli i' 1 -*- 1 ' lnHt I >.v i lie ad- i i*entj ii a. cunr the walU, yet u to be t lif rat nf the ift .re imptuvenaent IB siirmu ndiiiK the name* that ilmn by the machine M'ith more <!vr: -nioent. Th-rw fat oh koa3#per had liut little con- iilervnim fur t _be fling oC the amav- i|rtuia - n. A novice from the hiw out mi amour iim the Wrat tlie ot her day. avnd baviuK i jihii unufull.T af ireil twice at a covey of iinls lul roen lews than twenty yards i -!]>' .atUp eiu laiuieil excitedly, It's f-*irt i if that L_iunc of them (ell. I'm i. Jtiiiaome u in. jtl" "I Ii" U k'tper. wit r In -v lire itr -'in muff aae iiu u< Im Ih- t hm must bare >en iliiuiii doot." returned i a siraii au ''in. " that ck wi' astonishment at easy." it.' Ijinl Hoi>etouD was 11 ill lidieinht i- ( his ([lory * the most >'i|i _ilu Uo vern^or ever ttMin in the col- * Mil"-- I, 'iin-' yo un(C men entered a Isir- a> wr'im iko|> in Stiuth MeUiourne. Two - tin t,i-p M.-.I to IIM nair-drewier t Ini ...lift bird waa"Hts Kxcellfiu-> " M:fj>''K '{Hi . '!! nmr wits sbared wit b eh ireaaaajr^j and that same evening Miiwing s i<o appeared in the liar- >!'-. -.mi.) iv* "ShaunK 3d. With the -w ir nine i - I stmc.l 1 ...nl Hupe- * OUILCXI, U." It n <ii' t iti*-_t in thf antarctic couti- ii-nt , irhi nd the fringe tf ice that -iMrrt irb, a rri<iililiii(! anci impHio{r will ll.nva.-ii'.iiiLallv i ivu IHI l-s high, alnptc * he 99 wlbern aa 01, is the f ui LI re parailine 'i it i lii'inr.|\ di 1 1 intr.'|.i.l explorer. The iniit u tv vice the siie (if Kurop. - owe lcyi> nd the ice wall, it pre- litw oft In' oMacleH t.hat baffle iro(i>r iht=. iiorthtrnv pole. It has million of wtraiiBf nature, hiilden nieiil wealthsa in metala aaad preciuus ^lunninil prt -.sents numeroua attrao- ^ioiuKa! that are^ likely to force a way over T-Mhroug- -h the awful wall of ice. Inu sipnic vessels condemned and Viriit3*i up. 1,1534 ship* of 10O toaa )>ur- len oiui.re, wsMlh sniggreKtate tonaakftj <>I7TMI|. wr*- deal roved tluring 1894. *wwi oriiig to I. _ l.ivil's !!>. isi i- r . nf i hums 281 * Mr si Mm in s and K7:i Sailing vea- eli. .. The lota^.1 of itennerw u forty- finir TTibve the are rage of the three pre- -di iii'J.r!(. tiuini; in.! to casualties. Lii to the unmasual nuinHer omilemn<l \Vnij ilnlic mill ii.i n[ iir 1 1 1< i ahipg lust u lasaartr t hn that ol any other coun~ try, . tin pero-*nt age of IOHJI to t tie who ill !>.i I v of? ii HMTOII ile abippintt ia the i iiillaat, h^aina 2,8 nf vesavN iinJ 2.2 <ifu > HIV- I '! numher "f vrssch de- acril 1 W aa ab^andontil, fo'indcred, or iiiiH^uiii haa tasteadily dajiiiiiintied ; the ii iu iln waji 7XS in ISIl tud. <iuiy i? us