Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1895, p. 8

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'HB FLISHBRTON ADVANCl D. McTavish FLESH KEEPS ON HAND airs For Mt-<>y Harris, snd Noxon, Flenry and Wilkinson farm implements. F'eu v and Verity 1 1 ws n hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs foi i e same. VVe inaiinfuciure Wagons Duggics, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. HurReshocing promptly attended to Special attention to tender, con tmctt d fiet. LovgiiiK and Plow Chains coiiHiantly on hand. About Cutters and 51eighs (JENTLKMr N- A- t 1 SI'IIMII of i-leniliinn in again approaching I would call jour ernet iteration in n.y wtntrr M. rk in which 1 um i IT pat id to live y. u entiie n-fa, IH.I. b lli in quality and price. In cutlers I have a la>u>- si- ck t-. i-elect ir in, n adt- >.f hex' uf niateiial m.d lattat dea'gns it, tin nit I am src'-ii-i ' mini- In il,-'glia I can ac i-mui' date >ou, either liuht ,-t h- a> > IV- tnji 1 ,.1't-i iii. ii ultra to.repainiig, paint ing and ret iiininin . (.'.ill. t t'hri >, u want to purchase or Hot, and be R.T.Whittoa* FlosHer-ton ^ A TBIJ OF HAPPY CITIZENS. Effectively Cured of Indigestion and Nervous Troubles By . boiuh Anierit itn Nt-rvine No Trif/ing With Disease This Mcd.cine Cures at the Nerve Centers and thus Kile ts a Certain Cure Never Fails in (.'uses of Indigestion Weukuesa u:il Nervous 1'iostratioa " Tn a multitude of o .tinmllnrs there ii i. f " a d a wive n a . rentur t a-;" A n I ',! n f co ne:lor tveiif. that ho i . '... r n Nil me ei-ret dioeiae et, r ,,M>nf'(jr nr - n 1 1' er med cme ill ,1 v In i ne-e |, :: Innn week t" week, h apt eirod the e-n - ny o( well It. i, p. | l men nnd - n>- i. in all 1 1 i of 1 1 e I nminn n, tell n; n diatinnt and thanklul lermt hat thii wt,n lerful 4ic very hca doi for them. A Urge in'iin.e would be needed to o ,m..iii nil the evidence that comes to the di-c verer ef thin medicine. lii.e Ulk is to-day illniirate,! with fare* of three well known people whos/id the r te-tiinomale t the tiier-<. Here we have Mr. II H. D.irrooh, of Mount l',,ie-t, l<. , .mini hitn-elf e k to deier. t,on afu r ..D atuck of la grippe. i-O'jth Aini-r o n Nrr>ins wa the only insdicin* to be i, ,i.n,l that gave him Lack hi former Ktrengtti. Mr 'J mini, e .Sulliv n, a, eeo nd figure la the gioun, w..i a eiifferer lor a nunil er of ve^r* witii nggi.itkted indi^entiuu. Ite had been treated by sereral doctors, Ith very little beaeflt. A friend recom- mended South American Net-, no, and after taking a few bottle* he ba< found bin. self eon pletoly relieved of swelling of in,lice%tin. In a 1 r ef ntoure, be a "it Ii: a cur"! me." Mr. N,,lile Wii.-ht, of Orncville, was .it ffur, r f- r n l..n; r^riud with inilig- lion and : higgmh Ii er, in" in (--!! n: tid n I tot li.l d . i t ' . i , \\ .cue culn inat- caturrli. I' . . i ,< rre ur.arail- in- to cure lia n : t i nly two ), til.-i,.! South Aiiirncun Nn vine he f. ntnl liiini-li grra'ly ^vnxhierf, . mi nix b< tilu.<i i-uil been used lie u li.,lHil th. :in d ntcr* often are with dinette, wnen tue tui.t ircmlilu i* <i re T- ered , one i- not difiionh. H>r* tet> the entire tnrrtu of l-o itii Am licm Nei\ine. < T;. in neiv< control entirely tbesiunmcli livur .mJ all the internal organ* o.' the body. Lrt tlii><* beet, in* weakened nd disji<e folluwii .,nl will continue until tr, n ;ih i* given to Iheee DIT center*. The motor power ia cen- tered there. Atte.i.pta to heal i, n orgnn Uonly pa;r!iwi-ik nt the worst kindi.iil naiiinit V i-i'ily b*) ofTccuvo. 8 uih Americm Nu. vim heaU at the nerve sentrei. and lor tl.U reason |eoi.le, attar having tried duciuri kiul doctori' medi- cinei without aucotsa beoauie tl.e effort is only ti gite lompor>rv ulief, And ii effeoU an rbsulute, tunaU- twMSSi ui ether iiiagreeable evidsnoee ( takeable utue> for \Vm. It i-linrlwon. Atlvrtncc* \A.'ill be triveii frorn now until .Tun. 1, 1807 for Only $1. DOTS CORNER. 'Did you ever slaud ana Kze fur. and ever farther, into tlie bluey gray of the skv wiieie iho first young snow- tlakfg were forming, ant ma) Imp single out one from the many and watch in slow and geuilu progress to the dirty, muddy cailh ? Have you uotioed with what an aimless, inconsequent manner it pur- sues 1(8 comst- ; blown hither and thither by every tiny current of air ; coyly slimming contact wir.lntH fellow*, like a youi.g maiden with instinctive mi "I, sty sin in knif,' from young love's first embrace, or a iiitle child adroitly evading the grasp of his Hay-fellow*, it 8inka at last into its grave of mud and blackness, trampled ander foot and obliterated. I'oor snow-flake ! poor child I poor maiden ! 1 think there is nothing more lovely in nature than the b'rst t>now storm. The cloud* whiclc precede it take on ;t form and color uuver equalled ex- cept by the sunsets of xniniuer. The deep, deep gray is broken into irregu- lar masses tinged upon its ragged odgeti with yellowish pmk and silver, and should the KIUI shine Letween, it is a 8k y fir a picture Then, as the u fades behind aud the heavy clouds unite, how pink it grows, until the air fcilently thickens with spots of whiteness, which, as they muhiply and grown larger and larger, reded a ritdiunce wTiich dispels the darkness nf a inomriit ago and an uncanny secondary light illumines space. To let the eye wander from BIJOW- tlaku to snow-Hake, until the very farthest M found, or ujion a summer i:ight seek tin- most distant star, "Or, to bhold tin- wandering raooij Hiding near hur liightfat ouon Like kniue waud.rer r"ii aitray Througu 111* lioavttri wi.le. natlilem way ' gives one a deliglufuj souse of detach- ment a sense of ihe triviality of all things mundane. What is care, what sorrow ? V\ e spurn them ! we are t in the grtdl univ, isc, mrrged in u, become one with it. Our petty worries of a moment ayo a&Hiirne theii just proportion in the jifiHpi IMVC of ingf. our personal triiunphfi, how insignificant they are! So if hunt is lost in the universal and a gieat, love toi "all thiiif-H. both great and small," ;iki-.s us "oMt of oiirseves." The BOD! Hprnads her wings and re- joices in her freedom, gathering strength in ono ecstatic moment to lucu tiiu years, it may bo. of imprison incut inclay.the years whcremslieuiay ,ave to "I'aidelx bear, to groan uud -iviui under a weary life " For she nan inemoiv aud can recall her biitt iliolit, the i>-meinbiaiice of which like i sweet Imimony cclioing llirntigii lie chauibr-is of the heart like a .lavenly vision which haunts the i am, like perfume with sweet HSMHM u, ms or like tlie, Hreivt triinH|.orl t prayer ami meditation, dan |> wei o buoy her up ilnou^h the sordid -iiuggle for (xiHlrtioP 'I'll in has nature tier nimUtra ions oid her coir peiisa limit) to thnxr who , leully In r chlliheii und <!., no: ill i her u feigned .illr^iitiice onl\ but >--ilr closer to lier great ptilnHiing heart. DOT. Honor Rolls Tlio followinc ia the rejmrt of the tanditii; of (ho | npiU of S S. N . b, (I. [>ri-v,tor the mon'h of Huptember : CIlMI 5- Ail K iiliui . Cliiii 4 --Klisabe h II <k',-.-M. Jane l'ia full], Jatir ll"d'.'Oll,Ctflliia 1'1,'mr". CljiHi :l M.ili. I Hiirkingh.un, Harry Tiii'lin, Mary *'lenif, ClaiH ". Aimer ItarVior, Henry Hew- itt. ('hiintina McKri /.!, I't. '-' Miiuil Buckingham. Harry Buckingham, Sii, linn Myem. I'l 1 Miy Hull Tu|.hn, Sandfonl < ' ,-ni, : J,iliii Dand, .him, H liuckinK ham, (!liiirl> H Hoilgaon. !'. 1. jr Mortm Saj'frs. (Win My, Tii, NrUon l,iii,lly, Miunui llainlily. Y..I v Dyrr, N< rni.ui Tuphn, Nonimn liuckinvlinni II .IK-HUNG, Teacher. l!i!|>,.rt ,,f 1'iii-i-villw P S C'lam 5- Dniiuld MiL'i d, James Mo l.i-.d, Kiluti JiinieN, r'nu.k Ufil.-y, Annie Hotrartfa ( :|'ihjV4 .laini I Sullivan, E(!die \Vtton, Ji i mi- McArtl ur. Class a,Sr- Willi.. Reik-v, Lottie Tryi'ii, Nathalie Giur.Uella llonderaon, Alex, t'-uni'ioii Sol I! Myrtln MoArlhor. Coniitance '<iiik*y, Maud Wason, IVun MoKiu nun, JeHtiu M l.i in. :t. I A Inu McDonald, (Irettn Nu-li |>I. Maifuio McDiuudd, Mamie McLean, Henry \Vals,>n A|,pli,-.iti,,n will bo niftdo in Par)iiinii','t next Hi'Mtii-n f,ir an net In in ,?;,..! ,iip tliu (/'aiiHilian K'loollic. Kaihvay & Power ()nni- I'Hi'V, itli |i,ii'i 10 o|>ri:iM) an clfClrio rilwy l'n>m Mnntrml In WiuHn,,r, via. l',Ki.:livill', Klin-i'i'ii, Utlluvilli', Turnnt'i tii id London. \Ve Keep . . ON HAND Fli>ur and Fe*J. Confuoiinuery, , I! ! . K HH Sumn.-f^, Haui and S'd Muat, Cuiinud Meats, FratU and VoyeUble*, etc Give us a Trial Wm. Barnhouse FLESH ERTON WE ARE Still in I hn Lind of tlin livmj, lellin liiide Kluur, gude Tea and KM jar ' oilier Grncurif* We have Home r.dc j; id,- for atild and yui.ff, ai.d if yeu want a rale glide Trunk tae' keep your >-las in, i<r a nude Satchel braw an. I now fr.iu tlio niaiiufactur^r, JUK utf lae' Willie Hundrreou in 3pn,ul,- hi ,ck, and lie ill au^dy you at luwe WM. HENOEBSO"- FIES1E1T01 STEil L11H1Y. Ibavopeo<l up a complete itxam lann>lry in Klchlierton. and am prpr<Kl totakelQaov quantity of lantnlry work at lower pric9 than are chrge.l eltrwhort. I haw put In Ibt la'oiit and niont Improved machinery to that end. Kindly glv uio a nil. Kntire latufutlou (uarauteed, and piioei low. Maa. QBO Uooaxaouba. o- Brton Mm BODSJ I Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. Karstedt's. if, I lla. ^>s. Cant Ranvci, ami Kxl-m!ed C,M.k Slovi-, B,,x and Parlor Sti,ve, wl.uh *i- ar gointf to .'ffer cheap ',i raali, "r we an- pr-p!ed t,, give <>rf t.. two ycara' imn- if n-quirrd. Coin,- .1 .,' get our pi icra Iml'it,' buying Ilca.l ,|imr'ra for H il lit-.'.- 11 r, I ware a',<l Hinili-r Twine. F, 0, brsMt - Prop, O o A Common Affliction Pinnneiti Cured by Taking 5arsa- parilla AYERS A CAB-DKIVER'S STOKY. "1 was afflicted lor eight year* with Salt Ui i-iim. Dinln.! th;.t time, 1 trleilagreat many medicines which wore hlghlv toc- ommendod, hut mmn t;ave me tellrf. 1 was at last a(l>lse<l In try Aver'* S.irsn- li.irlil.i. by a friend who told me tbat I must purcliaso lx bottle*, and Me them accorulngt'i directions. I yleliltul tohl.1 in-rsii i-i ,n. txiugh! the sin houles, and took the. contents of three of thete hot- tl<"< wlihont noticiiiK any direct Itencflt. Ill-inn- I had Qnlshed the fuurUi bottle, my hands were as Free from Eruptions as ever they were. My hniiness, which h that of a tab-driver. re<|tili<'s me to he out In col, I anil wet weaih.-r, ,,|t,-n without cloves, an<< the trotiMn hiia i..-i,r i,-t .rtieil." TBOMAS A. J'.:.\s, fr.ialforJ, Ont. ;Sarsaparilla Onli Admitted at the World'. Fair. rut* C{cNe the Jwcl. SELLING OFF I hnv do, id,-,l t-> clear off my entiie s'ocli of It, .,,t at,d .Sln>e Mt Sacrifice Prices. Moiit-y I want a, id ..... ney F niu>r have. T'MTHfore chMo wanting B,i..t i.r Shoe* wiii oiimul' their own iui>rar bv buying wliile my j.rc.-s ur .took l.inta, aj I do not intend to replace it. Great Bargains may b* had imw. The same induiv- inenla may t-ever ajain t,e given. Call and test my Kta'eniKi.tH JOS. Smith, Hlesherton CuHtont work and repairing attundel '" aa utiual. OWEM SOUND, ONTARIO. t* '1 lio Vet-y lt3wt Pi>ACE III CANADA TO liKT A Mm [.ncatioi, Take a Round Trip ^ ft:,.A ! : Oollegnt aa4 Comourelal Departments in Cauaiia. then vin lb Northern Kimntxm Colloge ; euuniin every thict; thoroughly. If we fail to pr<*lucM t>-. mot tboroutfli. complete, practical and xten eive ooorae of -tu'lv ; the buMt collexv |ne-no.-*t aii'l th* b.,Ht mi, I ii oi ccmplet* ami inmt -ml ablft far?iitu r e urvl a| | Imncen, WH will ylvn \o a full oourne I- Hi.. f'or Anriuai Aiinouoe. meut, giving full partlculam fi.a. a>l-lre C. A. FLEMING.' rrincipnl. ROLLER MILLS Are uow cumplcl aud arc n-gular. CHOPFING as usual. P. LOUCKS. PKOTOSlPHOiOi! If y,,u wu if [ili.i'.'M tskun gu to the FLESHE3TOM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, "here noihmg I'Ut HiKtclam work le 'urnod 0111, .ui,l p icea lower than cliargtd or city vi,rk CtUrefui MIMStiiin tfiVM to :,,pying ntli-r pn-turen Lta'.iiin' photue a | in, nlty. ill all it promptly and neatly Irs, Bite St. Your liorti-A r?i MIIUllll'S b- 'lirln 1 lift ,'f Iratl.. er. By so doing You il H:IV NIOM.-V. Vi.ui 1 ar-' <i"t MI upt t i awnv wkeBlho* arv nt n' i .L.-.l 1'v tl.e tl,.s. COMBS AN!) BRUSHES Of tli. l>t-t kin-Is, tbat Kill nxiti'tt 5011 Kivtlv in ln"-puiK your lujri-.'a lot.C in^ slick Oilitiu. nl. lUrin-s Oil. UarniHM S-i|i. 1'oh i \ ' lunx Ih. a wi.l pro servi' \i .H li.r Binder Wnips . Iioni! Bui. lor \\ liiiin, and Whip* of every i)<-nf.ii|.ti.,n an.l priivx th xaniH All kiinl-i ,,( hilit unil heiivv harnemi WILL MOOKE. - PropriUr Flesherton Planing l< now 111 active ojn-iutu.ii and preiMr- fd to i IP n out any i|ii.n : iit_v of tint clait woik.iuch aa doom, niouldiug,tlooriuxa, hvutiiiga, etc. Ba n c!&a.vvin|,. IK, no <> ,,ulur Wr i>ln iiianuf <ctuii' Kuvliivuti. (iivo us y>>iit v-rdir f,,r any ||.::>X iu i.ur .111, . Beecroft 6c Sloan.

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