..'// A 1 AT. For a month pa*t fJ'imany ha* fttiehrat.cg thi> nenty.fiith tnuivraary / the oundmg ot the German oa'ioe. Th* ae'tea of conrnemoraiioni ha* included the :r:iiu.ph* of th* German urn* at Woerth, Sraveiotte, Mats ao.i =!>.' n, by which Gurm.tn unity wa* finally aoconnphstied, and ha* called out tin warmeet eninuaitam f the German peopi*. It i* charged by the French that th* celebration! have beta loo largely of a military character, and taat the achievement ol Uerman ur ideation naa Ven lo>t light of 10 t 14 national exultation iv*r tr, vu-torie* won from Franc*. Rut *hile the anniTeraary ''nnor bat be dis- ^Mteful to Franca, la a pom tad reminder f her great humiliation, the diapiay of fe> ling it haa ev. k<i in Germany ha< on the whole lei-o temperate, and tree from .r.ytn.n.' <*! u atrd to give undue offence. If the army had been m ion m evidence, it mu-t te remain Ix-mi tnat it waa through Ite inatrumenU.ity tr, unity waa won, an i tnat in the view ol tn* young emperor wnoee will dir*uttd the ceremonies, the nan army le the <rmau nation. In- dent, considering the loug icru^gle for nationality, a struggle wh.cn baa all the intereet >-i fiction, and the rapidity with which the final crashing biow* that won it were delivered, the Germane might wall be Tardoned had they carried ueir rejoicings farther than they have. The annihilation f PruM>a at Jena exposed .he German people for a time u> atierption by ether nation*, aad n.l aut the opprrsston of Napoleon stmiu.ated dormant national sen- timent, it it poeoible that they might have shared the fate oi lite Pole*. Am it waa, the downfall of Kapoleoo waa Urgely due te Serman arma, though mieruat.oaal jealona- ir and advarae eim i ,ona preveatei me realisation el their denre for unity on the oollapee of the Napoleonic empire. Seev tionaliam, factional <i lien L. *i and the jealouaies an i intrigue* of strong nsighhor* farther postponed its acccmpiiaiinient, and even when tne tweak with rr.nce Q'aally came, Italy and Auatria atood ready to tnrow tlmiT weight on '.he French aide on thefiret German revere**. Bat evacuation and method turned the acaie, and the terrible biowa of a campaign wift ae that of Nap. leou in Italy averted the meoeoe ; aad won unification for Ger- many a* it :oal<i only rave been won with Europe cumulated aa it theu wa and continue* to be. The aeriee ol ccmmnui- caliona tbua stands with the (t>rn.an na- tion for the realization of an Migration and a right that belongs to every s'rong ;., . t> e. and remeirlariojr the humiliation that n.tioa one* eodurrd at tbe hand* of i'ii, and it* .01 u waiting an. i the world will hveinue i\mpatny with Freocu cuaipiaiuia ol andue eiulta- NevertiieleM, '.here arr many dan- Hera ounfrnnting the German) of to-day which might well terve to temper the general re' u. 114, notably tne growth of nsm ind the greed for heavier arm** nirnta, redacted in -ne emperor's deciara- ruu at tne dedication of toe natiuonl aioouni'Dt to Will in I., that he intended o u alee the German army alrong enough, 101 unly " to guarantee, but to dictate, .i.e peace ot Europe. ' but the proceae of Baking the army atronger has already gene n far that it thraatena to break town the nation, aa the mad deaire :or orgaaiza- tion threatena to dealroy ite government. TIE OTS U i ffUTSHELL pro<nia*M an editnrul eiplaoatioa and the publication of evidence ahowiug the purity of the Canadian product. Buainea* in to* L'aitad State* thi* week ___ -__ . .__._ _ Buaines* in to* (Jolted s-.ates this week TH 71RT LATMT F10H ALL 07KB aa* hew te a certain ex-en: .nflu.no.d by THE WORLIX terealtac I < -wa. **> *r wa Ctaatry. real Mrtaala. ike Ball*)*! atatm. and All ran. *r aae IMeae. e*>a4*a**4 aaJ Aaaerte* rev Oar aV*aliaa> the financial itualion, but the vnlum* of trade, while not up to txpeotauiooa, ahowa After a *u*peuaion of fifteen y**ra the ineteoro.o^ioal obaervautry on itte Brockeu, in the Hartx mountain*, wner* witcitee air Sabbath on May day nigni, u to be re-eilauli*ned thia fa L A ^piniah ouarumartial in Havana haa cond'-nne 1 '. ne 3ep'*in of an Am-r:. au an incraaa* of twenty per cunt. ov*r laat I veseel to eight and the tiremen ~n ten yean' I year, though still b*h.nd th* snowing at 1892. Th* cotton market ha* been uoev tl*d, and stocks are large. Th* Stock Exchange at New York ha* flnctua/ed considerably all tbe week, and dearer ; money i* probabl*. Iron continue* to mere*** in price, and ther* i* a notueabla ehrinkay* in th* hom* demand ; ihe mill* ar* loaded down with ord*r* for rnonin* aheaJ, notwithstanding a I Cotton mill* ar* advancing th* pr:o* of goods, theaifh damand |>ut now is easier. There, u a failing at! in in* enquiry for ome line* ef woollen goods, and a few mi 111 havclo*ed. fNITEDHTA' Van larbiu lames that Ml- Hamilton oow propose* to terrace part of the mountain. Typhoid fever 's reported to b* *a the increase in i naih.m, On'. Mayor Stewart ol Hamilton, ia expected boms from Florence at the end of next month. Order* nave been leeued te hav* the Saul'. Ste. Marie Canal kept open on Sun- day* until the end of th* wiaaon. Constable Kisyicole of tbe Northweet , Mount,- i P..IL-B, at Wepnila. wa* fatally kicked by a bora*. Mariborougn. Hon. Ur. Dickey ha* ordered IJOt La* .VUtiord r&Va and *t*> Le.-M.Hfor i carbine* . i** 4r V *"S*"E r~menef for th- Cai.ad.an ninitia. ?'"" S? I"* butter th* year round. The aiaiu* of Sir John Ma.-doeaid ha* AW hid ' tttS&KStZir** lhat "-- -man.,, constitute an aaaault. Over lour hundred ..f Winnipeg or. izens atleailed tna tarew*.! receptl'.u at Goveui- > . m...t Houa. given oy Sir .1 ,hn ad Lady , M ". Mack at BalTalo lor utterma couuter- ieiiQliz ' ten American staiuin. Th. Queen's Hot.) property at Mnn ^ ^ >U * U * 6n * """ oo Oooi - was lo.d uy U!* Si.erffto Mr. W... ', "*", ,.*' Hanson, .---:r. k - on beha.f of lom* of the I crsdr.ors, I'.ir if-!. Korty-fcur cents a bushel i the price buyers ntve fixed for M in > wheat at points where tne eighteen cent rate to Kurt Wiliiati, *;!>>At exist*. Lord !> . :rm haa aoceiled t<i the requeet tne dimmer of A man in Uilrom, N. H. while (Meaning out a raoiwaj recently, found a gold nnu wnich hi* wif* Had loat ecven year* ago. About l.iXX) Grammar aohool graduate* of Brooklyn are unabie to find place* in imprisonment at iiard labour (ar landing cr-r:iiij-s in Cu'.iafor tne ineur.-ente. * It la reported that tjv* Bntiah cruiser* ar* ascending the River V ioi;-le K:aug mi onieqiience of informatioo tnat foreigner* ar* being threatened with violence in toe in enor of China. la honour of th* f*t** e*mmemorating the entry of the Italian army into Rome in ry ' lT'i. .<. .- Humnert has granted a pardon ' u all tbe Sicilian rioter* wno were uudergomg aeDMiucei of .mpnaouinent for less tban ten year*. Th* uprisiuar among th* native* in Morocco i%preadiu4 and.*suiaing a much mor* t*nou* aap*ct. Three great tribes have made a ooinuii.ed attack upon me stronghold ui a chief woo i* on* ef the principal adherent* ef the Sultan and ' lonied hi* ir <-s. Captain Maurice Vermont, a member of a trench mission an in* Upper Ubanfi. who has returned te Franc*, penetrated into Rrum'* province of Kqnetoiia, and sip .-.I ii , w ,:,T-iie.i between th* Well*, tbe rtv*r-. t! -wiug intu Lak* Tchad, and tu* tributaries oi ilia White Nil*. Th* manoeuvers of toe French army in tne Vosgee oloeed on Thurcday with a grand review at Mirwxmrt, whicn wa* mad* remarkable by tha presence of the Russian aaeral Uragomirott aad Prm Lobanorf, th* RUM. an Minuter of Foreun ArTairs. The Ruxcian official* war* received with immense enthusiasm. d clded wili do- not th* High building*. ! for h.s purlrait for the Natiocal Gallery at Montreal, accompanying it with a very c. niulimrutary letter. A sharper who gave hi* nan* a* Fr*d | Wilsrn ui Montreal wa* at rusted si Lon- don after b* nad tmncoed Mr. .lame* Blakw, a White Oak farmtr, out of > Toe C. P. R. is opvniug new etsjtioaa, | putting oc right operator* and employing m*l r*in craws to handle the big ; wheat crop m Mauuoba and tu* North- I \>*u Two of tne women employe** of th* W. C. McOouai-i tohacoo work* at Mont- real wno were injured in th* recent fire hajre entered action* for damage* against Mr. M.-rWinald. Th* ervicfc* of Rev, Prof. B. Wartield, D. D., of Hr rueTOM t'oiveraity, nav* been >cure.i u. K. .ox Coileg*, Toronto, for a course of Ie .tjrui on the general aubjecl of systematic thology during. tht month of October. park. The Montreal Company eontempUte* . ' hoi in ,i grand fair in Montreal MIC year, ! co\er't jj i.- ween May J4 and Octebrr ! J. . The eipontion will oe called the Bruno ) rinpire r.i. n and International dia- I play of Ail Nauona. An agitation la baiarf worked op | amoagat- 1 he German* ol the Northwi^t i T*rriiori* to have the u*e ol the German I*LKU*K* allowed la tn* (chooi*. Mr . '' I'* er Giaaasen el Rosthern -ias written ! a ttrong letter in support of th* move- I Debt. Tn* Toronto City Council M a special meeting held on Thursday *ftera**n by a ! vote oi 13 to 8 -irci.ii to engage Mr. ergh. theeminentwat*rworksur.ert, ..[ London, Kng., to cum* te Toronto te tepurt .n tne neat system of water supply i lor the oi t>. acnuola, (u crowded are thoee Altnougn tha more kombie among those ' oaacerued in the manaaare ef miaaionarie* at Ku-Cheng have been punished, the i.tmoat erfort* of th* British Conaul nav* been ' vailme to induce the authoritie* to deal A nerd of 7,000 honee wa* nought oa a | wltn ' B V'.ceroy ef the province and otner Waenmg'on ranoh th* otn*r day by the ! b 'K n oifi-'inl* who ar* alleged te have been Portland Hone Meat Canning Company at responsible for th* not*. 13 a head. Bfls'on i* aa d te have spent 175,000 to Knight* Templar, and the enier'am the knight* left behind Il.000.0u6 in the city of baked ewuu. A movement ha* been projected at Vinreone* looking M t.ie eilabli-nmcn* of a university at Lincoln City, Ind , .n ta* site wh*r* Lincoln spent his boyhood. The record of attendance at the Public schools oi the United State* during th* laat year gives a lotal of 15.530. 'JtW pupiis, a figure larger than that oi any ochar nation. Th* battle-field ef Chickamauga, in T-nnea.ee, where, thirty-two year* ago, thirty thousand dead and wounded lay, wa* on Thursday dedicated a* a pl*a* re Kan*a* City Bfard ef Eduirati.in has promulgated an order forbidding to* smuk'ng oi cigarette* by pupil* during school hour* (on penalty of expulmon>, aud instructing leacber* te rigidly enforce toe rule. The Cotton State* Kxhioitionat Atlauta, opened on Wedoead.ty wun much Pre*id*nt ( leveiand started ihe electrical connection at hi* ttsideoce, "Virsy Gable*." Daaial Sprak*r. of Fonda. X.Y., i* th* PESTH*S TELEPHONE NEWSPAPER. Soraething* Else.' A London journal make* fun of th* lady bicyciwt, r rather of Her ooe'ume. I n-re had been aa accident, though naii|iily it waa aoi very seriou*. 1 am very aorry, sir, said the fair 'oy .-list to the victim of the aaoideat, bat what can you expect at thia period oi th* nineteenth ventury if you ride a horse that snies at a lnc> Cuecibly her manuar gave ofTeoo*. At ail event*, ne anawered in a very dry ton* ' M idam, it wavnot th* bioyol* th* horaa hi*u at. Carrie's Blunder. Little Carrie bad been instructed to learu a Scripture verse with the word ftod in it. Accordingly her parent* taught her. It i* jawt'ul to do good on th* !iabi<atn day. Th* little maid repealed her tei'. many tlma tuft.y to her*e4f before the beginning it the general exercite, a which all th* %y*chool claases wer* to join. Tneu, when her turn came, the aent a ripple over ihe audience by reciting, in ciear but hap. Mr. Hty'or Keed. Deputy Superintend- ul-i.eneral of Indian Attain, ha* returned i to Ottawa 'row the Weev. Regarding th* , rum < -it:g among the Blackfeet I Indiana, Mr. Reed aajra tn*r* is no '.rouble i wtiat ->ei. In '*.)'. be ountenda that there never wa* auytnmg aeriou* or uiunuaL A memorial lervice to th* Rev. Robert i Stewart aad p ui wife, who were murdered j rectni.y in Ciuna, wae he.d en -Sunday evnmg in Sv G*org*'* church, Ottawa, when the Rev. O. O. Troop, of Montr**,!, d*. tared that Robert Stewart :a a* nearly I a martyr aa Stephen, who prayed for hi* mur<i*r*r*, and aa much d***rve* to wear Us* martyr'* crown. UR1AT BRITAIN. Mr. Sima R**ve* i* reported to have i married again at the age of 73. Tbe Britian A*eciation forth* Advance- ment of Soieno* ha* decided to meet in Toronto in 1 v'7. Forty thouaand pound*' worth o' jewels belonging to Mr*. Langtry were taken i from th* Union bank. London, on a forged order. TheateamerCn*tantin*and Trevetnick collided on Friday olf the mtrauo* of the River Tyn*. The Ooi.iotiae wa* out to th* water'* edge, and foundered, bat her crew were rracued. Th* story that th* sum of on* billion oniy preaident th* Mohawk River National Bank ha* aver bad. He na* n*ld tn* utfiov for forty year*, and, although b* I* 97 yean eld, joes te the bank daily aad attends to busmea*. General <Jre*iy, who ha* been inter- U *.*0* bwrl Wr aad Haa Beea la IMTalloa Two Vrar-k Tbe telephone newspaper organize-: at Peeth, Hungary, ha* now be-c working aou*a>:ully for two year*. It i* th* only a*wspap*r of tbe kind in the world. It ie called the Telephone Hirnondo, or Herald, soate '2 cent*, ike a printed paper, aad i* vaiuabie lo person* who are unable or loo laxy to na* their eye* or who oan- not read. It ha* 6.000 subscribers, who receive the news a* they would ordinary telephone meeaajee. A special wir* 14) miles ong runs along tne windows of the house* of subscriber*, wbioh are conueoled wi'.n tbe main in* by separat* wire* and special apparatus wnieh prevent* th* blocking of th* syst*m by aa accident at any on* ef the stations. Within th* bouses long, dexibix wire* make it poeoibi* to carry uic receiver to me bed or any other part oi th* room. Th* u*-s i* not delivered a* it happens to come ia, bat M carefully edited and arranged according to a print, d schadul*, viewed nn the proposed balloon polar expo- that a *ub*cr>b*r at any time know* what part of tne paper he ia going to hear. It begins wno the nigh t*lrgrnu trom all part* ef Kurope. Then come* the calendar of event* fur th* lay, with th* city news and th* In'.* of atran|*r* at th* hetela. Alter that follow article* on muaic, art and iitiou ol Mr. Andre*, duee not beiiev* the ifrature Tne star? i* organized like u.ai plan afeaaibi* or u**ly loo* *nca*M<ul. ! ' *? orh c apaper, and i* on duty j Engineer Melvi.l* la of a like op.mou. and froro ' :3 lu *> <>fn"> till 9:70 at night. regarda Mr Andree'i acheme a* fooluh. **** ll > *opy na* pa*d tnrough th* i editor'" hand*, i*r the paper i* aut) tec t to ciNERAt. |)| ( same reatrtctions a* ordinary news- Chili aa* renounced the eommeroial | papers and is liable for it* cominunuati.jua, treaty with &ogland, ouooluded in ISO*. liti*giv*n toth* "apeaker*," The** are Several aa*** of cho.era have beeu re, " men lln " ron ll TOloe * " a cl ' M ' portlin(x>n*taniino P l*, and on* of them *nunoiation, who worn m Uifte of two at ha* rwaul led fatally. [ * aot "* '*"' lo * n*w* through th* p wUphune. Tb*r* ar* twenty-eight edition* 1 t.i*r..i a day. Addition* to th* first edition ar* announced a* new* item*. To fill up the tun* when no new* is coming in tbe subscribers an entertained ' with vocal and inatrumantal concert*. Thee* wereat 8r*t given for tnem **p*cially in the offio* of th* Hirnondo. but now th* wire is in communication with th* opera buua* and the muaic hall*, an i on Suouay* and ajunt*' days with ta* chniche*. The ID 0*10 ia trantmilMd at time* to otner ; place* ia Auatro- Hungary, and recently the ] I dollars u to b* I Catholic* of th* ng accsuts : It is rawed by the iaiibfu! world to obtain for th* Cope temporal power ia utterly discredited in Washington. Qeoflrey Perkia*, an Amen an, who r*pre*ented nuneeif to b* a lawyer and jouri.a.Ht, waa senienoed ia London on 1'uesday to ten year*' p*nal servitude en A military train returning Thursday night WM wrecked, and thirteen wer* killed and iixty injured. Fifty houaee and the Dominican Monas- tery at Fruwach, Carintbia, Austria, wer* burned. A **cood Chine** loan guaranteed '-y Fraaue and Ruaaia will oe una*rtak*n tu November. Th*r* are indication* that th* power* may b* invited tu interfere in the affair* of lay. awful to b, good on tb. Sabbath ' *ff** ' "*">/* otlatoti., black- Very Considerate. A true hu*b*vid thin..* tint of hit wife'* comfort, says a French j uruaL Friend r"errichon, accompanied by bia wit*, took a trip to the out*kirt*of Pane, Very tired and hungry, they entered an eating-house. The proprietor declared that he had nothing but a chop to offer them. only oa I exclaimed Perrichoo, Then what i* my wif* to hav* t The Rival Beauties. l>*ar Girl I wouldn't go down in a coal mine lor the world. Rival Belle U'* nothing. I went down ia one once. Dear Girl I know I'd get all black, and look hk* a T'gv. rival Bell* I spent an hour in one, ami none of ib* party spok* of any change in my appearance when we cam* out. Dear Oirl Bat you are a very pronounc- ed broaetU, you know. lh* n*w* tbat an American sugar planter na* obtained the exxoaive right to laud a submarine caul- in Hawaii IK th* occasion oi orach diiouseion in London among the advocate* of a British cable to the uland. Th* highest speed ever attained upon th* water i* credited to the new RuMian Mrpedo boat 3*kol (Rua*ian for hawk), juat launched in Knglaud, which went thirty -five miles an boor on her trial trip, At that rate an AtUnuu liner would orona th* ocean in three or four day*. Discussing th* revival ol the rumour that Italy may be induced to sell a small terri- tory te the Pope, a Pari* correspondent telegraph* to London that th* prefect for th* Pop*'* r Acm by tbe Catholic world i* no ceoret in the Cabiaesn of Kurope, The prompt denial ot the Dommion (ioverameot that Canadian filled eh**** were piovd on th* Kngliau market haa had th* desired effect. Tft* editor of the Serih Kritian Agriculturist admits and r*gr*t* the grave error aneJ* in uning th* ord Caaadian matead of American, and Belgium and the Congo Free State. A lot of rio*< and military store* in- tended for the Cuban maurgeut* hav* been uiiKovered on the Hritteh lalana of Androe. 1'wo gunboat* hav* been ordered tu Kuchrng. China, to enforce panishineat of th* rioter* wh* attacked the missionanei there. In the Province of Voihjraia, Russia, during ou* week toward* th* do** ef Aug- act tn*r* were J.MK oa** of cholera, with i, 134 deaths. A Spaniah warship wa* sunk in collision near Havana. Admiral Varej*, Capiaia Bin. .?., tnre* ether* othoers aad 30 *f the crew were drowned. ASt. Petersburg decpatcn cay* that from a good ouro* it i* leareed the Porte baa accepted the demand of to* power* with regard to reform* in Armenia. It is reported that a rebellion ha* brokefl out on the boruM oi the) Province ef Fo- Kieu. A deeecluieot of Imperial troops are advancing te giv* battle te '.us msur- gent*. Tb* Brazilian Gov*ram*nt ha* d*cided te pre**nt the Britiah Minister at Rio Janeiro with hi* paasport if England eetabluhee a oahle station ou Trinidad blend. Daring a review ef the Sultan's troop* at Fax the soldiers mad* an attack upon the tribesmm who were among the spectators, killing nine and making pri*ours of **v*n- JU Th* National Z*ituni{ ha* authority far declaring that th* rumours tliat Prmc* Hohenion* i* abeut te retire from tbe po*t of Imperial Chancellor of foundation. utterly devoid A Pari* in venter aam*d Turpi i claim* te aav* authority from th* Porte te fortify th* Dardanelles, and to b* able to make th* strait* impassabl* te th* united fl**i* I th* world. Hirnondo michrophon* wa* connected with th* circuit going from Trw*i* through Vienna. Bremen, and Peeth, to Berlin Hie irusui being heard in all theet places with ci|-jal clearness aad force. T.'ie happy Hungarian can lie abed all day and near very un ug that I* going on in hi* town. The New Woman as a Nlmrod A f*w days age, at a shooting party in the north oi Scotland, a woman appeared elad in th* erinodox sporting outfit^ hitherto monopolized by tbe sterner tax. A: i hough she _ejipomlrd a oonciderabl* number of eartrtdg**, an* did not succeed ' in bringing d iwu a ingle bird. Th* gamekeeper, after the return of the party, ipre***d hisvserf a* follows regarding tbe lady ( performance : "Sne apit tha gentlemen a' tbat ahe cud. She wore the earn* cia**, ah* smoked, drank , a nip e' whusky, ay an' aoo* gied a bit wear laioh in, bit as tor snutin, ah* oudna hit a barn door at 10 yairds, an' ah* n*v*r anee said thank y* ta* masei. If ony mair o' her kind com* ahoot I'll throw up ma job." One Defect Counteracts the Other. la Paris it takes twelve minutes for a team fir* engine te get under way. But yea mu*t remember that fire burn* v*ry (lowly ia Paris. Their system of con- structen i* vastly better than that follow* ed in thi* country, aad til* losses In con- sequence materially lea*. While there are n* complete statistics available, careful Mtimatr* from all poe- i ble source* of in format ion make it probable that, at the time of the discovery, there wer* no mor* than SOO,0* Indian* ia all North Atnenoa. HOUSEHOLD. Mother Docwrt. It ireqentiy happen* in :amilie* e< many children, tnat the mother compelled to aainrau Uie diitiea of the pliyaician.wriuea correspondent. Hence I brietiy euggeet the) 'allowing : A two uaaae hard rubner ear eyrmge. Tina inatrun-ent invaluable in a iiuuae, and will laai fer generation* if eared for. Filled with warm water and aed gently m the eara in caae of earache, or to waah on foreign euoetanoee tnat nave accidentally gouen beyond tbe naoh at fingers or tweezer*. It will quickly weak onl bug* that gel in the aari, gravul, grain* ol corn, hvaaa, and other round and alippery object* that ciuldren *em eepeciaily fond of poking in each aeviuee. I'tie aajor remark apphe* to the noae, from wbicn 1 have removed piece* oi rags, cnewing gum, peaa, etc. Iheee aubatanuea produce gnat miecrief if allowed te remain, bat in* early application of the tynoge and wrm water aavee untold nuaery and often many dollar*. A good aupply ol court planar i* anetnec eaeentiai. it will cover and neal many cut* and brnieea that, if ieft unattended or onafexi by toe ordinary raga uaually bound over tne aorea, are iODg in heaiing and often aeriooa eoa>iilioua r~ault, niaii.ng aufforing and aipenae to cure A big jotue of aiinpie arnica liniment mould a>way* be found on a peruuutar aheif for darned neede. It* vi^orou* appiicauoa wiil eooine any a aore tpoi or bruu* in jnndrea, aua iame> bnck* in tne o.aer member* ot tne family. A amaUar .belt ie XU per cent. aoluuon W nenioui anouid be *ept *o hand y ae to be found in Uir dai k. The day* eapecially aighta--wil! oome when Johnny er Suaie acrame with a viu.au ttootn acae. Them it ia that a litt.a an el cotton wool aatormted in mentnol and applied to tne acniug toota aooinea tne yonng or old euDVrer into biiaefal Heep. Or perbapi m> -nor haa one of her axcrujiating need- acnee, moat likeiy the r-eult of over* work and oar*. A piece of aid linen priu* e>i wun tbe menuiui, preenod tirmiy to tne foreheaii and covered wun a few thickueeaea of paper, to prevent too rapid evaporation ol the nediciae, and that r.eadacoe piaiae o*T ilk- a ahann. Ot p*rh*pe grandpa ha* a pain in uia bank, or neural^iaof the face, or a awoi.eu ;om', then i* the meutnol appned aa oerere directed, worm :ta weigni in geld. But be very careful not to permit any of toe liquid or it* luoiee to gel into tne eyee, a* it w'i. p:ove very painful. Co.d water api- icationa kept over the -ya .a the beet remedy in caae uf accideuu Laetly, a gooa magnifying giaae. There are many p.mru. puin'a that cannot eaany be iteen wun tne naaed rye. I'nuru* m tbe dean, cinder* or other minute aubatauc* in tne ey* that <ne heip of mawn glaa* will anaol* you to detect an.i remove. Beeide toil valuable ore .t i* aa exceed. ng- ly aeefui otceaeily in any hom* to Jeveiop many i>it- > in na: ure u> itu.iy the beauty of dowera, and the inii.iacie* ol amina.cule lire eo iutruc:.ve an.l n'er- t*tiag to one and nil. By ail meau ^.fjip in* numa wun a geed. large magnilying glaaa. The coat ia email a .lu.iar or two and will laat a ire time. An for tha waabinij : Aiwav* that ail taut* iiueua inouid be ' water by tnemeelv**, and not with in* ordinary wun. 1'hia 40*4 :ar to inaure dean iiuena. Waab tnem un a day trparate from the general waahday.aini a t>r gin day i* in- lapenaabia. Kzamin* every piece, aad if mere are my wine or collea ataiaa waantnani out in a week solation ol borax water, and (ut them in tha eon for a* hue iwfure being put in tbe waah water. Fill your too with clear, hot water in wnicn you have duwoived three or four tableepooofui* of puivenxed borax. Waah the imeu throue'i thi* with- out *cap,and without ueicn tne waehuoard, touaing it well in and out of the water. Th- u work the borax water on* of the) linen* in ciaar, hot water. J>ext put them tbroagh a clear ct>ld water in the aame way (Ot board or *oap), but into whien cold water you hare a very Uuie a'.arcb, an.l a - pniverized borax. Wring caretully, and (tretchent on your line n the ahad* tiil dry. Take down, and pull all wrinkle* out gently. Sprinkle, ana fold eveoiy at edgee, and leave in your l>aaket a couple ol hour*. Iron till *moob ana perfectly dry, and fold lighUw, having aheive* r diawere in which to keep them out of the duet, of uch uze and ahape ae will need but little creaaing and folding of the linen. Table Linen. A* all our lady readera kuow, it il oow quite faahionabl* to uae pale-un'e i linen* for luncheon cloth*, and moat ladiee com- plain of it* being very hard to keep them pnre and freah. The aame may be aaid of wnite linen. With the following poiott oloeely adhered to, mcii articlee will remain all that i* deairvd for a much longer time if laundered in the ordinary way. Delicatt lorgeume-not blue, pal* green, crre.ni color bordered with brown, delicate pink, are all good for lunoheon cloth* and can be matched in napkin*, and found in beautiful artietic deeigoa. With auca table linen luncheon lableem*>> be deinnly *t with white and goid china, or wun china of white ground and Dreadan iimail flower i daaign in faint oolor* of in* cloth. Tbe flower* ieoorttiog the table abould matcn in color. Reeea or pink* for a pink one, curn>flow*r* or forget- me>not* lot blue one, and *o on. Window Boxes. Th* attraotiveneai of a window garden may b mcreaeed by the addition el a win* dow box. Ti.ee* baxe* are made joac th length of the bottom uf tne window tram*. The width oan be varied ;oauit theoiroum- ItaJica*, bat it muet have a depth of earth to do well. The** boxe* have a na* moulding aronnd the top and are fattened to the window framn with a: oat bracket* e4 iron nr wood. They may be painted et tnjned any color deaired. er may oorre- apond with the other oolor* ef the room. Smaller boxe* or bracket* to hold plaoe may be tautened at convenient diatauo** aioog the aidee of tbe window, o<ld ahaped hanging baiketa may be *uap*>n.led tree* the oeiiing, and we will trnithvre * gUmp*)* of innimr when all uataid* iie* wait* *) bare.