Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Sep 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FLISHIRTON ADV1NCB Office of OEO. MITCHELL FLEKHERTON A gen. -ril banking buiiuiu transact. "I Draft* iMuod and chet|ueb wu'lu-d at usual rates. M'iuav always available for legiirati builneu ntvrpriM. Office two door north of Hicbard- aoo * Co i. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of the Pact Week Carefully Culled for the 4'urioux. ft t*iN'M MOCKVW anumg lotalt irill he charged at the rate uf lOe per Iin fur *acH insertion. JL reduction will bt made OH contract* for 100 fines or over. Fall fair next Than lay and Friday. Any quantity of fresh burned lime for H. Best, Flesherton. The Durham Chronicle ha* the East <.rey fair date* wrong. Please correct, Mr. Chronicle. Any person desiring job printing for tha fair next week will do us a favor by bringing in the same thia week when we have plenty uf time to dispose of it. There will be> a rush next week. Rills were issued from this office last week f r the Osprey fall fair, which will l>e held at Feversham on Thursday, Oct. 3. Fie herton brass band will be prevent. The bills contain the prise lis'. Mr. C. P. Cole wa* up before Magis- trate* Richardson and Vandusen on Monday on a charge of cruelty to ani- mals, preferred by Mr. Wm. Burnett. The case wa* withdrawn, however, each party paying his own costs. Mr. Jehu Jelly of Shelburn* died on Friday, 6th in*t. Mr. Jelly i* well known a* the discoverer of the bones <<f two prehistoric animals, a mastodon and a mammoth, one of which he exhibited at our fall fair here a few yean ago. Before going on a sea-voyage or into the country, be sure aud put a box of Ayer's Pill* in your valise. You may have occasion to thank ua for this hint. To relieve constipation, biliousness, and nausea, Ayer's Pills are the best in the world. They are alao easy to take. Mr. W. Ramhouse had thirteen or fourteen head of cattle turned into hi* garden on Saturday night They de- stroyed 300 heads of cabbages, a lot of corn just bt for use and a quantity of other vegetable*. Mr. Barnhouse be- lieve* it to have been the work of some malicious individual. One advantage of taking Ayer's Sarsa- parilla to purify the blood is that you need not infringe upon your hours of labor nor deny yourself any food that agrees with you. In a word, you are not compelled to starve or loaf, while taking it. These are recommendation* worth considering. The Walkerton Telescope mentioned the fact that Hro. Mitchell of the Han- over Poat drove through that town re- cently behiud a spanking blood mare, whereat liro. Mitchell attempts to cor- rect the Telescope by informing it that the mare was a k. me. Tlid Advance would like to know if the Post man sup- posed, from the remarks of the Tele- scope, that it thought the mare was a cow ? Inu'tauy mar a horse, dear boy providuiu; it hasn't been docked and i* nut hidebound 1 A steer was wandering around the streets in great agony one day recently, with both its eye* put out. Who owned the animal or what became of it e do not know. The wicked act i* supposed to have been the work of some inhuman wretch who would have made a first das* howlint; Iri|ii"is Indian had he lived 900 years ago. It it hard to believe that there aro living to-day individuals of such vicious nature* that they will wan- tonly main- aud wound God'* creature*) ': tliih way, yet they are evidently here. The financial district meeting of the Owen Sound district of tho Methodist church was held in Markdale on Monday afternoon last, the Rev. Alfred I'.rown, chairman of the district, presiding. After the businew was gone through with a very animated discussion took place on a resolution introduced by the Rev. Dr. Campbell of Dandalk, urging the district meeting to memorial** Ike Toronto conference committee to invite the Rev. Dr. McKee of the United States to conduct the religious eiereiae* at th* next conference during it* session*. Tkia resolution WM strongly opposed by Rev J. Mahan, Rev. 8. H. Kd wards and otatn. Th resolution was loat, . In tftw evening an interesting Sabbath School meeting was held, the Rev. Mr. Brown in the chair. Telling addresses were de- livered by Rev. H. Lee on the Relation of Temperance to the Sundayschool, and M. Ricliarthvni, on the Qualification* of Teachers, and Rev. Mr. Scott on the Re- lation of Children to the Church. The choir rendered some tine (election*. A peculiar and fatal disease broke out among several herd of cattle in Osprey some weeks ago which rather puzzled the local veterinary surgeons for a time. The same disease has been prevalent in Nor- man by and i-i the vicinity of Gait, ac- cording to Mt. Fi rest paper* The dis- ease i* generally fatal within twenty-four hours. Dr. Ottewell of this place diag- noses it as anthrax, caued in the Osprey case* by eating marsh grasses along the river. He fiel quite positive of it* idea thy. Anthrax is contagious oymnoc- ulation. There are several kinds which show different symptoms The Owen Sound Time* print*) what purport* to be the law regarding stray animals, quoting the Ontario statutes as its authority. Will the Times), or any brother publisher, .kindly tell us just where in the statute* this law may be found f The paragraph referred to has, we believe, appeared in all the news- paper* in the country and crop* up an- nually. We made it our businew to look it up but were unable to find any author ity for the statements made. As the Times ia no doubt in a position to get ihe desired information, will it kindly give us the reference) Thia matter should be set right at once if the para- graph is in error, and if the law in stated correctly the people want to know where to find it. On Friday evening Ust a very ful tea and entertainment was held in the schoolhouse at the Station. The ladies exercised great taste and energy in the richness and abundance of the provisions they made for satisfying th* inner man. It has not been our experi- ence to see finer or more abundant bak- ing provided at any party during the Ma- eon. The intellectual portion of the en- tertainment was specially fine. The Rev. J. Mahan i-cnpivd the chair. Choice selections of music wer given by the Misses (Cells of Vandeleur.and little Miss Ashdown sanx swtetly. Appropriate re- citation* were given by Miss) Rutledge and the Whittaker family, and Ust but not least cnoid two uitnesting and in- spiring addresses by the Rev*. P. Hum- phreys and Bftlfoar. The proceeds amounted to 915.35. Militia Notice. The "Grey " Ride Association matches take place in Owen Sound on 36th inst. , and a cordial invitation is extended to all good marksmen of No. ti company who ould like to compete. The association offer t!25 in prize*. For further inform- ation apply to R. J. Sproule, Lieut. For the Ladies. Mr*. Trimble has returned from the city where she ha* been for the last ten days attending tho millinery opening.and has brought home with her % beautiful assortment of millinery iu hats, bonnets, feathers, flowers, ribbons, etc. She will have her opening days on Sept. 26 and 27, the day* of the fall fair. All are welcome to come and inspect. PGR5ONAL5. Miss Harnden of Brighton i* the guest of her sister, Mr*. R. N. Henderson. Mr. R. M. Henderson was absent last week a* a juryman it the fall assises in the Sound. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong left on Friday last for Toronto and London. They ill take in the Western fair,which is in progress this week at the latter city. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland of Bombay, India, sre the guests of Mr. M Richard- son. Mr. Rowland is a civil engineer in tbe employ of the British government, and hi* accomplished wife, who is a niece of Mrs. Richardson, was the well knwu and talented elocutionist, Miss Florence Washington, previous to her marriage nearly two years ago. lira. W. W. Trimble is in Owen Sound tkm wesk attending the fair, where she it acting a* judge in the fine art's de partmeut. Mr and HIM Boyd, and Mr. Howe and MiM Brady of Ball's Corner* speut Sunday with Mr. J. BoyJ. Miss Annie Richard*-* ha* taken up her duties in connection with the Toronto ftchool of Klocutiou, where she haabacn a the staff. Our Public Library. Flesherton public library is in great uck this year, havinr secured from the government a jrant of $219.00 It moat t be called luck, e.ther, hut is entirely mi! to the euerijet'c effort* of the sec- retary and' directors to make it a success. ia grant ia received a* an equivalent or books purchased, ui-mbersliip and nixht school Twenty five dollar* of the .mount goes for eXpeuseK in connection vith the Utter, leaving f 1!M as tbe ac- ual sum which our library will receive his year. Tu;i> amount will Iw expended u new books and in surfing a reading r utm. This places our public library on a splendid footing, but UI.HT the tie* law t will he much mom difficult t maintain. Sot only are the grants cut down for the uture, making it impUMiu**] for us to ever draw u large ati amount auMiu, but the membership standard h<u> been rawed, making it octMwary io h> .1 hundred member* iu order to secuie any grant at ail. This number lian n- t tliua far been reached this year, and h< ..1.1 it Dot do so we will be led miuu* any grant next Fear. The only way to i-, uiw the deeir- eu number ia for ev. r\ u.d .idu.l inter- ested to talk li.e man, r up with his) ri.uds. The ren'.ii g r ... w u km free all, aud uieui en-mo to rh>- imrary M 01. ly 50 cent* per year. It liou.d ot ha difficult to *ecure <. > n m< .re > HAH ihe re- quired Lumber in I.I.-..JMI. ouiuiun- Fall Fairs. East Grey, Fle-her n s t. M 27 Proton, Dunda.k i>_t 1011 Ariemena, Pricrvi l Oct. 8-9 North Giey. Owe" SrnnJ S i.r. 1(5-19 Ilingw NH!. Cla>kl>uni Sept 19 20 Jlenelg, Markuale .0 t. 12 Jiorth Simciw, a< S> ... r . c 3 and 4 Your horses iff 'ram flies by getting them nst uf leath- er. By BO doing Ton will sav* nvni~v T- or bone* are not so apt t run * when they are not irrilatvd by tl COMBS AND Of the best kinrl*. that greatly in keeping v.,u ing slick. G re rises Carriage <>ii '-V Ointment. H .!.. . i I'olUh. an I v..ivii serve yout hniHi". Binder Wl> l.,uig Hm tverr *V**)f r Ail kiu.l- > WILL you < ^ look- v. Hoof > Soap, iil pre- Whip* of- mtme "mtis*. ri,-lor A. Ltfiar. Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Wluch Doctors Failed to Hlp, CURED BY TAKING Cherry AY t R Pectoral. "I contracted a severe cold, which settled on my runs*, sad I did what Is often done In.uch eases, m-glecUKl U, thinking ItwouXt to away as. It eame ; Bui I found. a(Mr a Bute Whue, that the sllgbtest ----- 1. I tnn Consulted a Doctor woo foond. on tumlnlnc mj limits, that tb* aoper pert o* th* Mt one was badly afleeted. H tve BM sosse Bedlotua whk-b I took as fireeted, txst It dM not seem to do any feed, rortnnately . I happened to read ID Avert InaanaB. ot the sfleet that AT'S Cbenr reotoralbad on other*, aad I determined M I!T ttatrlal. AftertnklB(alswose*iv troubt* wa* rebwveit, asJ iMor* I had lo- a**) ttMbetU* I waa cor4."*-A. Lan^*, wateb*Ma*r, Oraafwrtlle, Out. AIM'S Ghem Pectoral t World'* Get' . . . The Best . . . r For Your Money We are now offering a well selected assortment of Ladies' and OenU 1 fjr Fine Foot wear in Oxfords, Balmoral and Button Boots and Slipper*, ' also the heavier grade* which we are offering at bottom Prices notwith- standing the recent rise in price of boots ami leather. Call and give ua a trial. Custom Work ami Repairing attended to promptly at CLAYXOX'S - - | j*r T. Hill Wishes to Announce That he baa now in stock for the fall trade a large stock of Plain and Fancy Dress Goods Suitable for all classes of people. A nice assortment of Mautles, Ger- man make, beautiful titling garments. Don't fail to get one. For Gentlemen's suitings, superior ia quality and pattern. Also fine Worsted Coating and Trouserings. OVERCOATS: Men s. Youths' and Boys' at close prices. CAP5 : We can gi?e you caps for 10 cents and upwards. One car load of Salt ou hand. One case of Lacon sweet and nice. Call and see nj. Your custom solicited. T. Hill Flesherton HELLO THERE! Do you want a first clans carriage I Then go to D. Blair ; he can supply you. Have you seen our 44 Eclipse " Cart? If you have not then see one before purctutMing and you will buy no other. If you are at the fair do not fail to osdl and see us ; we will be pleased to meet you. Remember we manufacture everything in the carnage line and satisfaction guaranteed Shop in connection with McTavuh's blacksmith shop. D. * ^^/g^wgwsgj^s^T^fcfeCg&gfe'Cf.^ furniture C/v ' DAY Everv day a busy one, and yet we are offering some very inducctneu" in Plih Parlor Su.tes. and an ~*** ment of parlor sittuig room o,ld p.eces m plusb. rugg other 2 ov,ring 9 . special and tuig room o, . . Centre Tables at very low prices m solid oak as alsc Furniture wa. never mfo Ub and to the eye. A spectal served. r-. ^/~v/^rmi^ Furniture Dealer J. E. HOORE, and L'ndertaWcr Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times: But no soch word is heard from the DUNDALK : I'ATI?ON : STORE. And why not from them as well as from other places of boainow. because they are selling at prices that bring the custom for many miles arjuud. The $ and ota. are $ and oU. with those that have buyiug to do this season. It would be quite easy for us to quote 6 pr. ladies' hose for 25 ets . 36 yds. G. cotton for tl.oO. 25 large size handkerchiefs $1. etc., but our aim U not to give you a lot of cheap good, for $1. but to give yoa JSd iS which you cannot b, in other stores fc. UM smm. amouut of biug bought fo B the M ordered clothing. Shoe. haveadvd wholwal4l.o/o w. Ml sell ' W are enabled to do this owmg to. a large stack the advance. Yoa would do well- to tJ*<P& * broken. Wonderful tow >no for raadymad. and Men's all wool SHIM for etc., U.

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