Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1895, p. 8

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THE FLI8H1ITON ADTARC1 Time Table. 001NO SOl'TH. Markdale-6 40 a. m. 4 40 p. m. Flcshvrtim- (5.63 a. m. 4.63 p. m. UOIMO NuBTB. rlrnherton 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. m. Maikdale-12 .04 p. ns. 9.30 p. u. OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO, 1 -s '1'lit; "Very Beat M.\( :'. IN CANADA TO GET A Business Education, Take a Hound Trip $&, ^ e T,Ji in:iiiiiurriMl l>.'|iartine>uts in Caiiaila. them visit fie Nor'.!ier>i I Inline** Ci>llrit ; exaiuiue every UI.UK th i I'uj'il, . If wo fall to produce the mutt t . o -ijiift". )n Ai-th-al aud exUm Irer- ' thu bet collage jiicmUt'i suit' '..os complete ami must iuit able f in ii.t-jre %ui1 | | liancvs. we wR) five you a fill Kor Annual Announce iteut.rfivui,; full particulars .free, address C A. FLEMING, Principal. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carnages made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Band Saw* ing, Wo'Xi Turning of every des- cription. Planing aud Grain Chop omg doiie while you wait, for th<* Beaver tarns trie wheel. Winter Wheat*. T. W. U1LSOX .tlunaurr -Ifr.. tfof ./fct..on. Ayer's Pills "I would like to adit my testimony to that of others who have used Ayer's rills, ;md to say that I have taktu llirm for many years, an>! always derived tue bast results from their use. For Stomach and liver troubles, and for the nirr of draitarlic rauard by these ileraiiiienwnls, Avar's Pills rannnl he rqnalndT When ny frlrnds ask rue what h Hie licit remedy for disorders of the stomach, Liver, or Bowels, my Invariable answer Is. Ayer's Pill*. Talien III seaann they will break up a cold, prevent la Krlppe, cheek fever, anil repilate the digestive organs. Thy are easy in take, aud Are the best all-round family medicine I have ever known." Mii. MAY JOIIHSOK, 3kS UUlcr Ars., New York City. AVER'S PILLS Hlgheat Awards at World's fair. ^ l/rr 'a i'arujmriUi/or ffc< blood.. I Brly O a Baxly Bad Ctesnoai I Joiim' Winter Kite J Trirtv of UDHH> n Aiii.TK-4ii lirousa T HuriirUc M i:arlvl(lpe * Karl v White Leader One hundred and twenty-two varieties of wiutur wheat have been teatod at the Ontario Agriculture College within the past six years Borne of thew varieties aave produced yields of grain which were muru tliau double thuso of other varietiea jrown beside them on plots of the same area. In the fall of 1894, nine leading varieties of winter wheat were selected from the kinds, which had been grown from otiu to live yean at the Agr cultural t'nllt'"* and were distributed thnuvhuut Untarin fur eo openitive expeiiuiental wurk. These were divided into two sets, with five varieties in each, the Dawaon'M (iildfii Chatf being ued in buth seta to form a luuis by which the results of all the varieties could be compared with one another. The fnllnwing table nivcs :he compara- tive yields of straw and yniin per acre of the- winirr wheat varieties tested during the pant season mi ne hundred Ontario farm* : Straw |>er acre drain per acre Itoiul (bush flOllM.)| 1 I)ws<.,, (old. n Chaff 1 W K9 Uiaut 1M !B)H 1 ii IO I. II >M I .11 KM.H 1H tH.S IM W.I I 97 l.W 174 As none except the one hundred (food re|K>rts nf aucceegfully conducted exixTi menu have been used in the preceding summary of results, they should be of uruat value aud worthy of the thoughtful attention of wheat growers in Ontario. niHTKIIHTIoM or HIID. In the following table will be found two sets of winter varieties, which will be sent free, by mail, in Imlf (munii lots of each variety, to farmers applying for them, who vtill carefully test the fire kinds in the set which they choose, and will n-piTl the results after harvest next rear. The ared will be sent out in the arder in which the applications are re- ceived as IOIIK M the supply Insist. Sir 1 Dawsou's Golden Chaff. Early Red Clawaon, Jones' Winter Fife, 8ur- urute, American Bronze. SET 2. - Dawsjn's Golden Chaff. Early Oeneiee Giant, Prid* of Oenesee, Bul- garian, Jones' Square Head. Earh penson wiithini{ one of these sets whuuld write to the Experimentalist, Agricultural College, Guelpii, m<iift<niii>j/ which art he detirtt; and the grain, with instructions for teniinif, and blank foim on winch to teport, will bo furnished true df coat t > his addreas, until the sup- ply of (tram for distributing become* ex- hausted Ontario Agcicultural College, Uuelph, August 22nd, 1895 C. A. 25AVITZ, Expenmentalist and Director of co operative expenmenls in Agii- culturo. So, ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED -AT THE JFlosHer-ton Woollen Mills For whicli ths highest possibla price wil Ira p ml in i-.i-li or trade in all kinds ol woollun or union vooda HUC)I is tweeds, ftannells, full cloth, blankets and al 1 of yarns, etc. CUSTOM WORK Will be promptly attended to tti all its lir.mcho*. Spinning, roll carding, weav in;,', fullitr,', dyeing, etc., etc. GIVE US A CALL. John Nuhn, Prop. per cent. There are 2,400 dailies in Denmark, of which 1,000 are owned by individual fanner* ; the remainder aru co-operative crt*aineriea, woikiug op the milk furnished by small cultivators, whose juint effort* hrciire the, iiiunt improved apparatus and iciuntitic processes, while obtaining uniformity of brand. There in a lesson here for Cai>adiau I utter pio- docen. They must produce the nei brand if they want to get the British market in competition with the Dane*, and tn attain thii renult they must c-<- operate to have their butter made and marketed in prime condition. A Boon to HorM-mru. One tttle of English S|i:i. i-i l.iimiifiit completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure- ii> recommending the remedy, an it act* with inysteriouH promptness in the removal from homo* of hard, soft or cal- loused lump*, blood sp.n iii.Hplints, curb*, sweeny, stiflew and spraina. GKOUOB ROBB, Farmer, Maikhain, Out Sold by Vf. E. Richardson, DniK-it l!h. IMII.HIMII < urcd in a Day South American Itheuinatisin Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. 1m action upon the system in remarkable and myt-i"U*. It renioveaat once the cauao ami the dis- ease immediately disappear*. The tin) duae greatly benefits. 75 cento. Sold by W. S. UiohanUon Druggist. Heart l'r.-i.i- itHi. M-<I In 3o Minute*- Dr. Ague's Jwr Cun-of tbe Hi'.iri gives perfect relief in all canes of (inrtioiiic or Sympathetic Heart Diaeaae, in :t'l minuted, and speedily effects a cure It i". a peerless remedy for Palpitation, 8 ...riiit-s- of llreath. Smothering Spells, Piin in Left Side and all Symplons of a Diseased Heart. One dune convinces. Sold by W. K Richardson. < .Karrh Rrlicvrd III IO to 00 MinutrH. One short puff uf the breath through tin- blower, supplied with ouch bottle of Dr. Agnew'n Cittarrhal Powder, diffuse* this powder ovei the surface of the muutl pitaitaxeM PatnleMaiid delii(htfu- I", it telieveit instantly, and jtermanl rnily cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Hi .ul.iclir, Sore Throat, Toiurlitis and Deafness. UO cunts. At W. K Richard- No th drey Fall Exhibition. Tin year's fall show on the pleasure grounds at Owen Sound, Sept. Iti, 17, 18 and lit promises to far surpass the nit-al exhibition held laat year. The program, which appear* in another column, shows that the directors have secured the very boat attractions. Cyrene, the character and acrobatic dancer and alajkwiro artiste, has a world wide reputation. LA IJ.-ile Broil, in the Meiicau revolving ladder, double trapeze, etc , will certainly prove a drawing card. The Graham Bros, are also billed. The high still walking clown and contortionist is well known in parts of Oruy. 92.500 cash are offered in prices. Two Urge cattle sheds hare been built. A lartre tent, formerly owntd by the Wood- bridge Poultry Association, will contain the poultry exhibit. Accommodation, N Mm feel, will be furnished for machin- ery Day and night (ire worka will en- live the proceedings. A large aquarium will cm. tain ten -iifferunt kinds of fish. The speeding in the ring and bicycle raoea on the splendid half uulu truck will aiisist in drawing one of the largest crowds ever gathered in Owen bound. Denmark's dood Butter. In a recent addreasMr. Vander Ueyde, a Buluian expert, drew attention to the inorwasuiK pnwperily of Denmark in the production of butter. The Danes hnvu had next to monoply of the market, while taking at the same time the inp prices. '1 hia is not ei*ct, since France holda the record in thnt respect for their basket butlers. His own country Helium once occupied hixh butler rank in tint Hritish market, but loat that position notely from negligence in tliH |ne(mrin>ii of the buitur, mid also t adulteraiioii. Tlie Denmark butter thanks to vigilant inspuution- -is wholly free from then* drawbacka. Between 1888 and 1892 the export of Danish but - Ur to England alone augmented 1,400 KEEP Your horses frre from flies by gutting them a net of leath- er. o doing Yu will save money. Tour horses are Dot so apt to run away when they are not irritated by tLe flies. COMBS AND BRUSHES Of the belt kinds, that will assist you grMtlv it> keeping your horses look- ing slick. Greases Carriage Uil, Wagon Oreaw, Hool Ointment, Harness Uil. Harness Soap Polish, sod everything that will pre serve your harness. Binder WHipa Bmler Whips, and Whips of every description and prieea the same All kinds of light and heavy barm WILL MOOKE. Proprietor ROLLER HILLS Are now eomplet and are ruuniug regular. CHOPFlo P. LOUCK S. A BIG RUN -ON- Laciies' Fine Boot and Slippers AL8O- flen's Plow Boots FOU FALL WEAR Selling away down in price for a tune If you want bargains in these lines now is the time tosocure them. 'I'li:-. in > genuine salo at - low prices. BepairiD) Promptly Done as Osoa Jos. Smith - Flesherton PEOTOSJPHOT03! If yon want photos taken go to ths FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY where nothing but tirat class work i turned out, and prices lower than charges for city work. Careful attention iriven U. copying .itlii-r pictures. Babies' photos specialty. Picture 1-Vitiniiiif in all its branches promptly and neatl done. In. Iilnr SyinkuSt. Repairs, Repairs D. McTAVlSH, FLESHERTON HOR8E8HOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEl'S ON HAND Repairs fur Massry Hurris, and Noxon. Fleury ami Wilkmsou Far in I in pl- in.- nli Plo~wa: Fleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for tbe same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, Cutter*, Sieijjlis, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to lender o r.i-ij ted feet: LogK' u g aud Plow Chaius constantly o ' hand. ^'dl{t^sUIfejlkdlfejK>j|^lfe^bdlfcdlfedtfedlfe4(-^lfcJK Hk$ltL&ltl& I A J9 1 A Soft Thing t > < '/I* * w When you are driving is always enjoyable. Our buggies are easy and pleasant to ride in, neatly finished, strong and durable. Cull and examine our stock. Carts and democrats on easy ternm. l*.ii,itini;, triininini; and liii'KTiiug done to order. I claim to sell as durnble and good a vehicle as there is on the market. R. T. WHITTEN. ED I TORS, CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS Men and Women in all Walks of Life Tell of the Remarkabto Gores Wrought by Sooth American Nervine Tonic. SIX DOSES WILL CONVINCE THE MOST INCREDULOUS. EDITOR COL WELL, OF PARIS, ONT., RKVIEW. Newspaper editon are almost as sceptic*! * tbe average physician on the subject of new remedies for sick people. Nothing short of a series of most reroarkaulo and well authenti- cated curea will incline either an editor or a doctor to seriously consider the merits honestly claimed for a medicine. Hundreds of testimonials of won- derful recoveries wrought with the Great South American Nervine Tonic were received from men and women ail over the country before physicians began to prescribe this great remedy in chronic cases of dyspepsia, in- digestion, nervous prostration, sick headache, and as a tonic for build- ing up systems sapped of vitality through protracted spells of sick- Daring hit experience of nearly a quarter of a century as a newspaper publisher in Paris, Out , Editor Ool- well, of The Paris Review, has pub- lished hundreds of columns of paid medicine advertisements, and, no doubt, printed many a gracefully- worded puff for his patrons as a matter of business, but in only a single instance, and that one warrant- ed by his own personal experience, has he given a testimonial over his own signature. No other remedy ever offered the public has proved snub a marvellous revelation to the most sceptical as the Sooth American Nervine Tonic. It has never failed in its purpose, and it has cured when doctors and other medicines ver tried in vain. " I was prostrated with a particu- larly severe attack of ' La Grippe,' " nays Mr. Oolwell, ''and could find no relief from the intense pains and dis- tress of the malady. 1 suffered day and night. The doctors did not holji me, and I tried a number of medi- cines, but without relief. About tbw time I was advised to try the South American Nervine Tonio. Its etfecU were instantaneous. The first dose I took relieved me. I improved rapidly and grew stronger every day. Your Nervine Toaio cured me in a single week." The South American Nervine Tonio rebuilds tbe life forces by its diroct action on the nerves and the nerve centrrs, and it is this notable feature which distinguishes it from every other remedy in existence. The most eminent medical authorities now concede that fully two-thirds of all the physical ailments of humanity arise from exhaustion of the nerve forces. The South American Nervine Tonic scting direct upon the nerve centres and nerve tissues instantaneously supplies them with the true nourish tuent required, and that is why its invigorating effects upon the whole system are always felt immediately. For all nervous diseases, for general debility arising from enfeebled vital- ity, and for stomach troubles of every variety no other remedy can possibly Uke its place. for \Vin. HichardaoB.

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