TH1 FLBSHIRTON ADTAMCI On.nlting' Ofllce of QEO. MITCHELL FLESIIERrOM Afenaral hanking baitneu transacted Drift* i**u!l ftiid 3'ie^jr* catthed at unual rate*. Money always araiUula for leimat-* bn.iuvu enterprisa. Office two doorm not 111 of Kicuanl- oil A Cat. Vicinity Chips. Characteristic* of the Past faretally Culled for the < urn;i II uiurtt icys among liKali will If charyl at ike fitr nf l<i<- prr liar /-r iHjer<wm. .1 rr'/'.r<ii.H tri'U it <> r.ontriett fur I<J<J Une or over. Rai 1 Jus. Smith's change (if advertise- in-i.t ilm wek. He liaa 8..mcthin^ <>f uii;iorliuic N> Hiy. Lul.t sjirinsj demo, -rat, second hainl, i.ew.y painted and in jjxxl ii-jwir, f->r sale cheap, or will eichn-.<<s for a buu-.-v J. E Rukervillo, Flesherto. Another { the popular Niagara F:ill excursions will be hfl I 'ii \Vlr nnil Thuiwlay, August 14 and 15. Sc .-iilvertiseinenf for full particular*. "Dot's" article w ay*iu uuavoid.iMy IieM "i-er this wet-k nwing to a ureMturu "f I ...! matter. It is cHpcculiy s;.M.d,t..o, b it will ii"t spoil until iK-xf erk. An auction sale nf farm stuck and iui- pVni.mta will be held at the residence of the lata Th'iiuas BruwuriJge, l"t 1-, c. ". .".. lUpiey, on \Vt.lnesday, Aug. 14. See billi. J<ilm Spwem, auctioneer. Tin- Prebyter,aiii will hull a uarden party at the rosklvocu of Mr. Fred Br>.wn, 1 J in Its n. .nil of tln village, on Friday (to morrow) evening. The band will be I .resent. Admission 15 cents. A garden party will Us held < in I he Mfilioilixt par.nai{i grounds on \Vriln.-* lay evening of next week, 14tli iiutt. Meshriton ba-id will be present. The usual game*. Admission only !'> cents. Nervous debility is a common com- pliiint, especially ainonz women. Tue best medical treatment for this disorder is a pfreistint course of Ayer't Sarsapar- illa to clransi- nnd invimimte UK- lil.xil. Tliis iH'iiik- accomplished, nature will do the rest. two sureties of $100 each. Tins appears tn bs> a case where liquor in largely re- inonaibtu. .Spr.'iile claims thai he wan so dtunk that he knows absolutely uo- thing of his movements that night. Phaeton for Sal*. First clam condition, newly painted, a'.afu aud tongue. Only $35 cash T. F. Harrison, Dundalk. The Cow Fasted. A cow belnnginx to Mr. Parsons,(f this ullage, jrliich hail been missing for thir- teen dayn, wa discovered by some buys playing around the pileK nf staves at the irtive mill. The animal liad crowded her- self tlm/ni-h a spac which a man could so irce'y enter after some tender looking grass and was unable to extricate herself, wedgins her body f.-xnh.vr and farther in, he sK remained until discorered. The animal appears to be nor much the worse f T the tirteen days' fit, although her in Ik supply hits falleh off and she was not able to stand alone. A baseball match playe.l between the Vjnileleur and Fleshrrton teams on Mon- day afteriwm was uc-t a vrry satisfactory ntf.tir to anybody owing to the alleyed un- fail ness of the umpire. Flesherton club refused to complete the game They wero one ahead whon the gam* was . t.Ukcd. "Canst thou minister toa mind diseased ?" *ak Macbeth. CVnainly, my lord ; the condition of the luiiul i!c; emls largely, if i nt lolrly, on the condition of thv sto- much, li*er and bowels, for all of hi:h C' ni|liiiitjt Ayer' r*ill< are " the kover- eii!nM*. thiinr on eirth." The Flesliert'Mi buys who have been cumpiiui at Kimbvrley for the past two meeki have ri'turned home. They trok :t rather phenomenal row on Saturday, stalling out early in the iii.>riniu aud rwini{ t Tliornbury, where they arrived t-ixily in the sfteriVKHi, returning to Hoalhcote the si me evi'iMiii}. Thi* beats the rowing record in that \icinity. Kov. Mr. M.Ui:ui preaolied an exol'ent Koiiiion on Sunday evening loacrowdxd Ii-iuse frm the text: "Died Abner as a fo..ldeth" ^id Samuel III 33. Tht preacher rtlalod tl.e facts Icadin-.' up to Abner's do.itli. sli..w.nj{ how lie had fo"l- ulily nte;<pu<l outiide the g-iios of the city of refuge, where Joab s'ew him within i. ne step <>f rafety. Tlie preacher :]>; lieJ the illustration to tlie sinm-r wh ) dies ai the fool dietli, i.fien within i;.ht of i y. It were better t.i die. in l>U i->tim.itioii, in mid oc /an tlmn jmr. out- Mile lite hrb"r li^lit, or in the l>n a I >-\l'ne of dcaert rther than witiiin *iy(l:t <>f the ra i*. Tlie laruo audiei.ce w*s milch mteiLMted and impressed witli the ni.inner in whic!\ the rv. yei.tlomau l.uinllYd his lvl-.--.l S-.iouk' -f MvkitV Hinl \Viilniin (.'u'.omaii w -ro u;i b^f ire imt(:. tTates IliclarilHuit mid VMiDaion o'> Tuesday charged with having ciHernl ho lesidriu- f Mi. Al.-iantlcr VUT. n in. U- west of the slatiou, wul ttoalii R a miiill <innt:ty of cl .thiiv; tl.e n'uhl beforo. Tlie coupl were traced by the buX"J 'f'''' t and arrested at the resi- dence of Mr. Jolm lla/:>r.<. St me's lii.e, by Coiutable Cook. They were both committed to stand theit trial, I ut ad- uiiUed to bail in the sum of $100 and A Horse Thief Caught. On July 23 a young man who gave his name as PatterMon hired a horse and ri/ from the Fleshe rton Station livery for a I iy. He did n t return, and it was hortly afterwardn 'earned that he was a regular ho' el dead beat and shark of th worst kind, lie having bent a Duuda'k hotel and al.-o Mr. White at the Station. R. Cook, constable, was put on his trail, aud succeeded in running his nan to earth on Monday by judicious advertising. Thu fcllnw was traced to collingwiMid, Nottawa, and back again towards Oweu Sound. On all his route he uiccwwfully beat the hotel keepers out of board for himself aud horse until he arrived at Owen Sou-id. where he put up at the Royal lx.te.1, but bciug without money was unable to get away. He stayed around there for nearly a week attempting, it ap(Mars. to raise the where- withal to release the horse. Oil Monday Mr C'.Hik receised a telephone message fro'ii the Sound statiuu that there was a horse and rig there answering to the de- scription of the one wanted and he took the noon train and foui.d the animal, an stated, at the Royttl hotel. In the moan time the thief had evidently become desperate at l.n delay and stole some coins friii a merchant, who had a warrant UMUed. The thief was arnts'ed ami m now in jail. He gave his name as John- Hton when arrested. Mr. 1'atUnson, alias Johnston, will no doubt find that hi* frolic will cost him a few months of the liberty so dearly loved by a llritish sub- juct. PEKSOMALS. We neglected meutiouing a pleasant rUit we recened from Mr. J. H. Cam- paign, who left Flesher'on six yer a^'<> and settled in Chicago. Mr. Campaign is a member of the Chicago police rite pstrot and eiij'.ys a good salary. He spent several days renewing old itc<|uain- t&nces here. The Advance was pleased to meet him. Mrs. J. K. M.itsli. of Mai kdale, visited with friends in town on Friday last. Dr. F. A. Thurs'on, D. D. S , returned to Chicago on Midday, where ho h;.s laleii up a practice. Miss Ntl!ie Brown, of MarLda'e, wa.s the ^utst if ii lends in town last wxek. Miss Nellie llas'mnd of Holland Centre a 1 * the i^urM or" Mis Bulnur. Mr. A. J. IIiuKui'l, son of Re. R. J. H i> . i:-l. H 'lUiid C.'ntre, has been ap pointed modern lan^iia^e master of Brock rille collegiate institute at $800 per year Mr-.. I. B Lucas of Markdale was the v'nist of (Mien**, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kiehardsoi,, for a frw days during the past weel-;. Mr Alt'. I tell of Ulonel/ was the guest of Mr. I'M Strain for a couple of days this week. Mis* (ilai'y mid Miss Stephens, of Stiathaven. :>re tlie uuosU of tho iiisaes Fl"ia .ind .1 .-wie UichrJsi>n. Miss Lillian S>uthgate of Toronto w tlie giu-ft nf Mr t!eo. Mitchell. Mi. (u-'i. lliiehaiian, of Toronto, form- erly of C'o. T\r. in-, Ireland, is the i;ne>t of Mr. and Mrs. O. u's fami y, Mo. f.i.d Uo.i.l. M *'er J. T. IkecK'ft returned on St- un!y after sperdiii)! thiee wie'.. wi h frieiuis in Colliiv,wo.-U. twine. Coiue alonif and patronize the firm that IUM been the meaim f yoa get- ting twine at a reasonable price. Res- pectfully yours, Thorpe Wright, agent. Artemesia Council. uncil met <m Monday. August 5, st the Town Hall, Fleeherton. Mem- bers present: Messrs. Boland, Thompson, Best, McMillan and Kells. The reeve, Mr. Boland, in the chair. The cleik read Uie minutes of meeting of June 29, 1895, which were conBrmed. Several accoums cer'ined to by pathmasters for gravel for roads were read . The trustees of the following school sections had their estimates for trustee rates in, viz.: No*. 1, 2, 4, 5. fi. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12. 13, and the R. C. separate school. Bylaw No. 515, appointing John Hazard, \\iii. Blair, John 'V'nuhr, r . and J. B. Sloan, col- lectors for 18!I5, was introdu^d and passed. Bylaw 514, to levy rates, was introduced and read a 6rst and second tune and laid over. Kel's- Beat That Mrs. Wilson be paid |2 for two days' road work per- formed in hue off paid on the collectors roll of 1893, and pathm.tater J. McLeod be reimbursed 25 cents paid for mending scra[r and for ten lo.-uls of gravel sup plied for the road. 50 cents. Carried. McMillan-Kelts That the following bill be paid to Robert Oliver: '.! loads of gravel for road, $3,45. path mauler having certified to samo. Carrii d Kells McMillan That the following accounts for gravel certified to by path tern, be paid: Joseph Dormer, 30 loads, tl 50: Herbert Purvis, 00 loads, <; Michael Henry, 80 loads, 94; Archy McPliail, 'C' loads, $2.7": AnUK M.-- Leod, IK. 90 cts.; Aithur Johnston, 80 loads, 94; Anuus McLeod, 12 loads, 00 cts. Carried. McMillan Best -That a grant of f!5 be liiven to be expended on hill at lot 2, con. 6, S D R., and that the commissioner of ward one expend the same. Carried. Kills-- McMillan That John Ual- breath be paid $2 dollars, the same being for arrears of Ktatute labor performed by him, certified to by path-uaster. Carried. Thompson Kells That this council grant JO, to le supplemented by an equal amount by coin. Thompson, to meet au extreme harJslnp by repairing a portion of the rvad ltad:a|( TrJmi S. Turner's residence iuto Bugenii. Carried. Kells McMillan That John Whitten, assessor, be paid ten dollars for services in connection with pipializirg union chool sectionn No. 1, Artemeoia and Cleiielg, No. 1 Artemwia and Euphrssia, No. 12, Arteuiesia and Ctlenelg. Carried. Kei; -McMillan That the following afcouiits for gravel supplied pathmssteis for the roads l>e paid, said .tccounts being certified to liy pathmasters : Win. Davis, 4!) loads, $2 45; \\ m. Pedlar, 18 loads, ''-.ti. ; Cuiiuinghain, 60 loads, $3. Carried. Thompson M Mi Un Tlut the bill of VV. J. r>e!lamy for |x*!axe and sta- tionery be paid, amounting bi $4.21). Cirr.ed. Kel:.s Best Tliat W. H. Thurston's b 11 for printiig Voters' List and sdver- tU iu be. paid, t'arii.-d. Bvt McMillan '1 hat the bill of Geo. Thompson, coniiiiissi..ner of ward 4, be paid : Commission on $34.48, on bridge account, at the rate of 8 percent., f2.7">: ou fO. town line, 40 cts.; ou 925, 92: total. 95.15. Curried. McMillan Thoiinon That commia- siouer of w:\nl 2. having finished lii work as per ickolution of Council on bridges and oil.i-r wolk, Kiiii'Untinit to $243.16, be pa.<l Ins commission, ?l'l 44 and that the reee issue his order for payment. TliH Council adjourned tothetirst M. n day in ( Motor, 1896. \V .J. I'ILLAMY, Tp CUik. Get- CATTLE ^STRAYED. Rrom tin- pri-ni <" <'f th- uinl.'i-i K .iiHt. 1. t II. con 10. township of Oi>ry. nbout Iho Usk el JUIID. -J two-\ei -old il stSnsS)l two \ ear- old rud ImifuM o three-y. a'-oM r< it hif*r A'IV !<"''"' '"'i.i-ln inforirati. u that w II lead to tliir recovery will b.' iutibly I.. HI...ON . Out. Farmers' Binder Twine. Hating received 5,000 pounds of binder twine (my tii>t consignment) from tho Farmers Hnulor Twine Co., of Biank- f,.rU, and m>re following, I am prepared to supply the wants of all who use binder Cow Came Astray. C'snio to the prerriM* of thr iinilitmiKin-d, lot IM. .inl w<ii-t l>K.-k Inif, "ii or boti|.luly jo. on* . Ot. Tlio OWIIKI i- rfH|.|kt<>-l <iprn*H i>i|H)iv. P v x]-n ot til 1 1 ko '.ho a n- w kv. ALKX. s i , v u i FlMhaitun P (>., Aug. V W. Sheep Came Astray. Cinio tn tin- pivniK:" "f "i 'in loi ( e<l. Inl :il con 1". ArtTiii-l. ' n July *. on- sin (> IM| Unli. Th <>i r i- i|wr<lto|fOT prop- rtr, P XIHMIIM ' and Ukc ih -a-n. swmy. . . . The Best . . . For Your Honey We are now offering a well selected axtoritnen? of Ladies' and (lent*' Fine Foot wear in Oxfords, BsJmoral and Button Boots and 8lip|M>n, also the heavier grades which we are offering at bottom Prices notwith- standing the recent nae in price of boots and leather. Call and give iw a trial. Custom Work and Repairing attended t" promptly at CLAYTON'S BUGGIES & CARTS. If ynu want a nice light road cart or a good serviceable butrgy we can supply you with it. All custom work in our line dune in tint i class style on shortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. Blair. J&l ^furniture , DAY *> O * s ^ -3 " O v* O Bargain J)ay . . Every dar a busy one. and yet we are offering some very -ipMi.I inducement iu Plush Parlor Suites, and in exceptionally hue unr ment of parlor sitting room odd pieces in plush, nu. silk, ramie and other 3ovvrings. Centre Table, at very low prices in solid oak as also iu walnut and antique finish. Our line of Dining Room Furniture was never more complete she ing a large vatiety of dssigns iu Extension wel. as Fall Leaf and Side Table. " Our new pattern Dining chairs are at oncu cheap comfortable aud pleasing to ilie eye. A special hue of p.ct.i picture frames at slaughter prices Also some vy preliy Shades aud Curtain Poles to be cleared out at cost Our undertak, deparimeut is a* uusual first class, aud prices well ask those we hav, gerved ' Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. J. E. flOORE, Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times: But no such word is heard from the IH'XDALK : PATROX : STOKK. And why not from them as well as from other place* of tmsincf. Wan*? they are selhi.g t prices that bring the custom for many miles anuuid. The $ ai:d els. are 9 and cts. wilh those that have buying to do tliis*a*oii.. It would be aite casv fur us to quote <a pr. ladic-s' ho.: for 25 cts . Hli yds. ('<. cotton for $1 (X). '!'> largo size handkerchiefs $1. etc . but our aim is not to give you a lot of cheap goods for 91 . I tit to give yon good goods which you cannot buy iu other stores for the same amount of U< AUhough Boots and Shoes have advanced wholesale '25., .D we still cell thorn at the old patron price. We are enable.! to do HIM .wing to a largo stock being bought before the advance. You would do well to get yonr supply be- fore the assortment is broken. Wonderful Inw o<ieef for readying aiu! ordered clothing. Meu's ill wool suits for 93.'^. etc.. The highest cash prices for all kiuds ot r"^"^- ^^L^ii^JJ" buying at C A-LiHOU .N S o I Came Astray. Cim* U> the promt*** of tb* mi.1.r'irnl tot the Mh innl., foii upring e*J*ra. Tts own*r in r*<iu!rHl o prow property, pay si> peiiMS Skd tel* tb. saius twsy. Lot ll\ Durham Corn***. Flesi i ton Hardware Doase 1 Car Load of Stoves Arrived at F. Karsittf s. O I KEEP Your bows <rfe frnii) fVi bt f^tlin a thorn * net nl loatb- r. S ,-. 1 K;v <? . S|ijirc an. I K\i-in'el C H.IX and t'arltir Sti-ve, winch WH srw gin M 'ffur cheap fur cash, or wo are iwvpa'ed t<> give one t two years' tniw if r^iuTt-d. Cunw aud get our prices bforn buying. Hfadi{<isrtorsf<T Building Haul ware aud Bindr Twin*. F. t. lint* Pup. O so doing YIIU will TO moi> Y nr h.->rs<"< ar* not 9" apt t. nin SWAV when tb>.T nre.iiKt irriutod by the flies. COMB3 AND BRUSHES 01 -llis lx*t kimlii. tlui' ill ^sniMt 'n Rrostlv iu keeping ynur horses look uig.slkk. Citrringo ''il ^\ ae n Orvaw, (1 ntin-nt. llanMmOil. |{nw>*9oAp. ivtiuli, .i"'l .'-L-vtli M^ th a will pre- serve rour barnrss. Binder long Bin Vr \Vhps, and Whips of cTerr 4*serii>tioo and pricos thr mmit. All kind* of light and henry harncos. WILL HOOKE. - ProrieUr.