Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1895, p. 1

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TBUTH BEFORE FAVOE." " PRINCIPLES NOT MBN.' ?OL, IV. NO. 754 FLESHERTON, OST. THURSDAY, ADGDST 8 1896. W.H TBUBSTOH EDITOR* Gem and WEDDING Swinton Park. Frum otiruim Curropuudent. The quarterly service iu the Methodist church wan largef? attended last Sabbath iLadies / Gents' ROLL PLATE Fobs I Silver- ware OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS The garden party in connection with the Methodiat church which wa* held in the ground* around Mr. H. BUck'i house ou Thursday evening of last week waa a (.rand succeaa. After spending the even- ing and having tea in tliegrounda all pro- ceeded to the church where a very pleat- ing and entertainiug program wat render- ed. The music and tinging wa* of a sup- erior quality. The proceed* amounted to28. The Sunday school picnic, held iu Mr. Wm. A Mo TII'S liii-li. in connection with the Prwibyteriaj church, on Tuesday of last week was largely attended. Although the day was cold yet uvery one seemed to eujoy thoiiitelve*. ^ T.Feim and Joaeph Ferriajr , accompl ,. h ^TVU A Good PICK IT UP. A tine lot of Wonted Pantings, usually told at $5.50 aud 86. to be cleared oat at 14. Chance of your life. Don't leave it at they will not last ln.{ at that price. C. J. Leitch MERCHANT AILOR. ii\j\j\njuv~j\ruvijinri*v\j\j\r^^ Our Business Directory Vf A**UAUE LICENSES. [sued <U or nihl at the Jawalary Store a"" 1 at tha reeidance of Iba ondersloed. Cumuli-loner la H C J. Coaveyancer, *c. Notary public. JQkfft W. AHMSTROXO, FlsWsMMOli. AS. VANDU8ES. . Clark 5U WT. Court. Co Qrey, I uer of Mariiae Lieeasea, CosaaUaioneT in H. C. J., Conveyancer. Auctioneer, etc. Aent for the Massey-Harrl* Afrienltural Imple- weuts. Clayton's Block. Flesherton, opposite lllchardeou'shanlware store. _ _ ItanXers. Uerkitalc. do a general nankin* bus- t nuOT llotMy loaned at a reasonable raw. Call on us. _ ^^___^_____ TXKBT8 COLLECTED. The undersized ' prepared fa ondertske tb collection of all kinds ot debta. Note bought. aceuiiDts collected, ate R.N. HENDEK8ON - - FtJUJtaaTon. T~y. BPKOCLE. Pewtmaster, Flesherton. Coaimisetoejer ID B. K.. Lie nsd /actiooeer. Conveyancer, A liraiiwr and Money Lander, Reel Ktat aiM Insurance A K ent. Deeds. Mortgagee. Leases. and Wills diewnupend Valuations mad* on hoi tent notice. Auction Bales attended to ir- any part of the County. Monty o loan at low u>t rate* of iutersst. Collection* attended to with pronii-tnees and despatch Charge* low. A|<ent for t h Dooiieloa bsoaoiship Company. cheap tickets from Flesbarton to Liverpool. Cilasgow. London or any of the Ilritiah porn. Parties intending to l*lt EnR'.end. Scotland or Ireland, will pleaxt ask rates before porchaaini; Uteir tickets elsewhere. r\R. HUTTOS. M. D. C. M.. M.C.P.* 8., Oat. Pricavtll*. Beaidance aud ofBca oua door wast of the Math odlst CbuKjh.Kinros* St. Office days, Tuesdayi" aud Saturdays. TVR. CARTER. M. C. P. * 8-. Ont. Physician, surgeon, ete., FWeherton oBlee-Strain* b'eok. Reaidance- alunsbaw's hotel. JOHN A. 8COTT. M. B. Member College Physic. A Surgeon*. Ontario Graduate In Medicine ot Toronto Vniversity, Fellowship Diploma, Poet Graduate Medical Bcbool aud Hospital. Cbioafe Diseaaeaof ave, t-ar. nose ai.d throat speeially re<i. Real dtnce M*jwll. viit* Faversliam Thursdays 1- opened up a but. -her *h"p hen last weeit. Misaea Alice and Katie La*rence, of Gleuelg, are the gueitu of Mr. Robert Pai-slow. . Mia* Nellie Mc<^uarter. at Toronto, u spending a few week* with Mr. Donald Ferguson and family. Mrs Hargrate spent last week with friend* in Egremont. Mian M. C. Hardy is rusticating in "weu Sound. Him Sarah Ferguson, of Balaam Val- ley, cpent last week with Ilia* JMM M ISS EDITH 1UCHAKD80.X. Pupil of Robt. IJahr, of Herliu. (iornrnnr. riolin . Mrs. Bradley, of Toronto Conserrutory Muaic. t Voice cultural ; Prof. Karriwu, lata of Toronto. (Piano) VIOUX - FI - f there were uo muii around. Hut here he walked off again muttering that he would go over to that h-Hiae where the window blind* were down and disturb the women there. Fortunately he went away much to the relief of the frightened parties ; but judge of their curpnne when on Suuday morning the name fellow wa* back again sneaking around. All at once two stout young men went to him and demanded ; that he should follow them. They took , him to constable Latimer's, and not being to wait the delay of the law and Jcutistui. J P. MAKSBALL, L. D. 8.. M. D. S , DeoMst. Visits Markde.l the 1st autl *rd Wadaesday of each month. Plashartou-Eaeh trip on the da fc..vWia. J W. FB08T. Harriiter, Solicitor, Conrayancar. Fto. Fleanerton udloo Nit the pout ufflca hproula's bulldiug, on ThunKlays. Owan ttoand office Proet's baildiag. cajoe f|uM HiiTtfravt? the insecurity of property in Mr. Hugh Hatrfy, of Osprey. spent a j thpy , ut him ^ ^ few d: iys last week at home. new sum. back. H Mrs. Henderson, of Cleveland, is hav- ing a prolonged ty with friends here. Mi* Whitrw&jftl Clem-.), i. riiiting m , iujdlty ^ , witk friends here | w . MJ JM h , re Mr. Sandy McLean, of Dundalk, is , \vhite Cape, spending his kolid.ys at home. _ Cuo , mmAMr _^ [ml , er"ps look well. i MM ays he> came another time W taid he Such leniency premium <>u cnrae. to Make use of the late >1. . tin I /ion. : The Mount Ziou Sabbe,tL school picuic, which took place in Mr. Geo. Thompson's from our <rn grove on Thursday laat. was in every way The) people of thia place are tvjoicinj a decided success, quite a number being over the recent showers, especially those and all sceuitxl to heartily enjoy interested in berry picking. Our | rctty village continues to be a Master Willie Hetnphill, of Fleaherton source "t aliraclinu to summer tourist* Station, got a bad cut fp'm sitting dcwu gj,J caiii[irs. on an adze "ti >l> nday. I ue&s he Ul Mias J. Buckly of Chicago, Miss L. watch where be Kits in future. Hogg, of SheHiurne, Miss Annie and Master Walter Taylor's barn raising Mr. Walter, of Walters Falls, were the came off n Monday and an e/ijoyable guests ot Mr. aud Mrs. Walter, of thtw time waa spent by all present. Mr. Rod- place, . erick Me Leod, of Flesherton Station, is! A party of campers from Flesherton ton offloe. MU.|ir. Uank. the (ramtfr . a,,d Toronto have been spending a few Mrs. Morton, Miw M.try Morton and weeks on the river about a mile from thi* Mitt Lixz.e HeiHK-rson took iu tliveicur- place, but we ha.t >.! Vanl of them sioti to Niagara and report a grand time, making a better catch than did an old yuire a number of our citizens have C'.uolo who had n<>t Wen ti.!img together been Uid up recently with a cold or some for over thirty years: yet they succeeded thing akin to la ;:ii;ipe. m landing a speckled beauty of over three Mrs. Wai. Love bat been visiting pounds wemht. I'ncrds in Calcdoi. Owing to the ipiarterly service held at Mis* Tillie Roes r>aid a ahort viait to KM-. -ma on SiinJay'. thero wius 1:0 PAINTS! PA 1 N TS FROM W. Richardson, - Flesh* rton . CCAS A WRIGHT, Barrl.ters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen dound. Ou.t W. H WHI.iHT. every Wednesday. Markclale. Out. I. B. LK-AS. AO.f.W - uiMtterery Int and third Mon . da iu aach mouth. In thair lodga room :<>a Hloek. Kli,ertou, at S .p. in. A. M. Oibeoo. M. W. ; W J llllauiy, flnaoe er : \V. Irwiu Recorder. Vlniting Ilrallic-ru invited. ROTAL TKMl't.VHS OF TF.MPEK\SCE 'tegular Coun il Mich., who ha* been viaiting with her iater, Mrs. A. Neilaon, for the pat few weeks, ha* returned home. Mr. Th.nnaa Wyvill, our proviaHin merchant. h*s within the pat few days ad- ded to his stature a couple of iiiche*. Tre cauae asaiyned for the sudden develop- ment is ancribed to hia rvjoiciug over a bran new iady boarder whu hat amveU at hw residence, with the itileotiou if remaining. Our C. P. R. reporter h*a Lul an ex- perience of the saiue character. How* ever, George, had he his choice, would hare preferred a Keiitlemau bvarder. Mown. G. Sherson, J. Shertou aii<l T. Ludlow leave next wuek for :he bound- ing pntirio, Manitoba. Tommy's smilii.g viaige will be uiuch miased by Lia m-uy lady adnurvr-. Mia* Jennie Nixon, of Waterloo, Cat . U *peudix her vacation with fneiida ti.' \ei; ird uieetnevary (lrt an.l Tuw.lav avenio* iu ach monib. . . in Sproule block at H |. u >. slacl decree liusuranca) uivats monthly, tba Wadneaday fveeedlnc the Wad of each uiontb. her parents here reo-ntly. S bra U III 111! ratal 1 >K ON8 OF TBMPRBAKOsX Thl* meats in Or . ciiristoe "Hall 'erst''^'^!* ' * Wediiusilay). Some of our young men , Dr. K. A. Thurston returned P. B. A., meet Iu their hall. Chritoe-s Illock sver> second Thnnda) in each luoolb. W m. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. J P. OTTEWKLL, Veterinary Surgtou. Graduate Veterl-.ary ColJeje. Res*dai eoutb of Moore's piauiDf factory ot Ontario Next duor AKTIU K I.HIH.K. No. :i. V F. * A. M . m*ot In tha S:_....U ':'.. Straiu - Hlook, rleahertoa, oi-r Fri.lit on or rf tli.i full uioon. Dr. Carter W M K. .1. S|iroiilv, Svcrvtarv. uinc.r. So. It*. I O OK. ntwta iu l 1 ntnu ball aatry TUCM- day cwT'inc at 8 . Visiting l>ithivticd dially luvUed. A. 8. V\M.I -VN.N.G. \\ H lUH.UK. SBI-. I'-nt. species ff made his Mrs. T. Cewosic. uf Toronto, is visiting, her mother, Mrs. H. Hod^m s. Mr aod Mrs. McDonald. . i M.ii.stieM, I also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fetch, of Flesh- morning service in the Methodist church ,,,.,, wert; t , u , k>ue , s ^ Mr anj Mr , Howell last Sabbath. At prvav'ht it is freoly discussed i Orange circles the alviaibiary if organii- inu an Orange .irdtr here. W eipec.. .- will be a realized fact shortly Mr. George Blakely, of Lhindoik. spent Sabbath latt with friend < here. Mr. Reid, of Fleahertoii, has uiovc'l into the residence formerly owned by M:'. Turner, but u->w owned by Mr. Reid. Mr. Turner ia at present advert uliiig for an architect of the first water u< draw tho plan for the erection of a c >:Iy terra cotta villa on Broadway. The townlinc between Proton and \r teuieaia wdl shortly be ^opeiiud. T!.o Maud Wilson and Miss Lu 0"rn hero, but in the i-venn .; Mr. Balfour held intend retuiuiug to Toronto to-day preached to the young pv. pie. to ago where he intends to fi.Uow his Mrs. McNally. of ToronU\ U visiting profession. Hu many friend; wish him her many friends here. \Te are very I success. pleaeed to have Mr*. .McXally among us j A number of the young people spent a once more. pleasant social evening at the home of Mr. iuul Mrs. R. Millsapp.of Markdale, Mrs. Magoe on Monday evening, spent Sunday with Mrs. Millsapp'* sister, \\'e thiok people ought, to be little Mrs. Thomas Taylor. [ more cartful about tetting out tire iu n ich a dry tontou. The pr{vrty of two ,,r three 1 of our citizens a* well as *>iuc public property was greatly endangered by tire a short time a_-, and but for the timely arrival of mvi> and ban with i' *\.l-*>> VI "^v* t iai'uw uiw - i i- .1 plenty of water great uaiuage would have the *ifk<borhood a little boeu doue. T F. 1IALSTKA1). ' M. D., M. C. * 8., Ont ., |>rac ..oea at Klui- berley. Hbauuiatw dlaeaeet i .periaHty. J^KMARVU. BRANDKR M. D. C.M.. M.C. P. A S.. Out: Office and rcaUauoe at atatUudlit >>e>ruiiaa. fall*, ui^bt ur day, pruuiptly atteuded. Visits Vleeheittiu tttativu 10 to 11, WeUueedays. Cash For Hides! Sheepskin* and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homemade sa kinds of From our utcn CWrwjj (.in Saturday the 3rd inst. tramp, ab"Ut 35 years of a<( appearance in east of the village. He is about 5 feet 7 inches iu height and wears brown whiskers and moustache. After getting a v-iN.d breakfast in one of the houses he I i'lum our rn look his departiire but had not gone far We are pleased to be in a position to till h met an eldorly and res;i*erble report a fair average crop of c-a's. pea* lady whom he accosted wilh nbecene and such grain iu turn st-cti.-ii. Y< ur re- atid thrvaU of using violence, porter has had tour throughout the I'fol -HI >' .11 1011 on haml, also all she hastily not *wy aud the rascal mo-, vd muth eat part of the province and in no ^A/ I LSC5N , oil to where a youug woman WM nnlkuig. section did I see auylhii.g to surpass 1 j She came in for a similar made of abuse ton in the grain line. FLESH EKTOS MEAT EMPORIUM . ceouii>aiea with otths that he would Mrs. Dr. RosoSorvirgh, of Rapid Rivr, want of thin accomodatiou has l bec:i felt by our thriving little villxge, aa it waa impossible for the *t-*t uf 1':..: bare any accve* in) the summer :.ionil,s to accomodatioiis here at all. H"<i ;uu Bro*. have chiefly the contract uf opvnin ; the road. e> Mi A. H. Wheeler, 'Jth lino Sr, Vin- cont, threshed hia fall wh*t on Tuesday list. Nine acrua yielding _. r i ' bus., or about 'M bus. pr acre, tic i* utfered at Meafurd SOtt. per bun. for the crop. Monitor

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