Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1895, p. 7

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VICTORIA'S TREASURES, i Prince*., wa* born ia 1NO aad died THF RaRF TARINfTC ruiv rrr '*-' th* mom.ntou. COB ' AT WINDSOR CA^ ' ! ""- "^ " "" ^ " ""' Vr tretv. Fersea*! lalrml la ' frtrtlrtt I llrril..- 4 Long >wrl, .r *! Kllr aad rertrall.. Among the many rare and costly treaaur* open to tho view only of the ipeciallf favored Tiaitor, in tb* privat* apartment of tb* royal oaitl* of Wmdaor, on* of th* m*t ouriou* u a carved ivory cajket, lined with crimaoD velvet, and mounted aad doooratod with roacwood andsilv*r. L'arv- Uny penonage, who. ha i .he lived would bav* been Queen of England. In the " Grand Corridor* al ttandi a remarkabU caskst or nliquary compoeed of rock oryital and enamel with silver- gilt mount*. Th (id* pan*i* art of ngra*d crystal. The caaket, which i* pouibly Carman work of tne aevent**nih century, i* surmounud by a ailver-gilt group of St. George and ih* Dragon. Bat iu claim la none* aria*. not ao much from WB baauty, which i* great, relio which it contain*. A the a* from thrill of motion p.ase. thrc ugh th* heart, of all I spe. tators wbia they l*arn that the Bible .J in low r.iief in iht c.ntr. i. a winged of thattru..oldi.r of b.aven. Oeo. Gordon, figure, .urmoantiag aa altar with aacred raau wtthia. Th* book is ea* of th* plain- fir*. BiBeath thi. is th* ten* but expre**- ' * deecnptioB, bound in oommon brown IT* inscription, "Frou, u, Par***.. " i ' th [' bn ' |U ">cb-worn appearance at once .hows that it was in conataal us*. I Tao aacred and much-prized little nlic A CAT1LO&1JE OF CRIMES, SOME GREAT CRIMINAL TRIALS OF THE PAST PEW MONTHS. a Cr\m- That Bu Barely Parallel Th* casket reiu on a piinth, adorned on eicner udo with carved chimera*, wiib golden wing* and crowned bead* aad baaring superb ruble* in th* c*olr* of tb*ir forehead*. OB th* carved back ot th* lUd to th* Queen after Gordon wa* preava aad death. Th* last work of art to bo noticed in thi. wonderful oorridor i* a charming little bust by W. Bebne* of tb* Princes. Vic- plinth u th* monogram "V. I.," and th* j toria, BOW h.r Maieely th* Qaaea, at th* 'acnption, "Bombay. 1S77," Th* back I ** ?? 10 T ~ It i( of potloal white alao boar, tb* imperial crown. la tho "Large Diniag Room i. th* not beautiful bat certainly imposing dlv.r-gilt punch-bowL It was design*! by Klaxaao and manufactured by Rund.ll and Bridge* for George IV. whan Prince of Wale*. Iu proportion* an a* veal that th* gildiag aloas u *aid to hav* eoat flu.- 000. Tho ladl* which *taad* in front of th* bowl, wa* aad* for tb* present Pnao* 1 of Wale* aad i* of very prel-y design. Throughout the collection one u ooa- tantly aotieing ran *pecim.ns of clock* i all period*. H.r.. for lactaao*. i* a fla* xaaplo of Louis SOIM work by th* o. .orated Lepanle af Paris. Two eaa* i* marbi* and a perfect g.m. Oa th* .abject of picture* IB the grand old caail* tnere i. no urn* to dwell Same* it to aay that all th* but of th* old master. are most worthily represented, both in tho stale and private apartment*. For instance, in th* " V aadyk* Room" an ao lee* than tw.nty-two of that gnat ma*ter's finatt work*, Including that wonderful spec mso " Charlee L oa a (ray hon*, aooompani*d by hi* Ma*tw Antoiaa." al tb. Hun*. M. a. Si. THIS MammrucB ! far *ic**d. in quality tho pietor* by th* I earn, pamtar of tho oan* *ub]*oi, wbiuh I wa* recently purchased by tbo nation for l>*7.50u. Her* i* alao th* portrait of Henrietta Maria, mentioned by Pepy. m 1665. " I wa* only pliai.d at a *ory Dae I Baoaare of tho Qu**n'i mo tb.r. whoa *ho 1 with ormolu mount*. Th* BOVO- wa* young, by Vandf k* ; a Tory good menu which i* in perfect or ler, roqain* pictan and a lovely fi winding bat ooe* a yoar. Thtoaatl* it a dfk. ; a very good [ace," Ia ta*Qae*a'* private eadieoce room* are alao *oa>* Sue Gaiaaboroagh portrait*, and. lot into the I woodwork, glaatca*** containing ovei two old china, aoelly so fin* that oa* .land* hundred *nam*l portrait* of royal person- agha*t at th* men thought of ages.froa Henry VII. and Khuabeth ot Yura, to tho Quota aad Prince Consort, the. r chil- I draa and grandchi.dren. la ihe " Graad i 'oTi-lor" are *om* fin* Canal*tto*. aad a 1 beautiful Cornelia* Jan*s*n*. " Tb* ball given to Chart** IL at The Hague, oa bio tar* to Bag land." fall of aad admirably pnaotvcd. Alao n a white ground. The ceatn vaa* has i ' *" T vartou* modern arliata illustrating perforated lop The height of the TM , otabl* evenU during her Majaety't nigo. I* fourteen inches. Old Sevree, even ** wt " M ' fio * Slr J BU . " Priacea. whan fint made, wa* *tna*;y *xpoa*iv*, i S P'* Matilda," aad (omo (aperlative bat now caa seldom bo purcneeed eieepi Hogarth*. museum of miXOUsOOS TALUK. Look for instance, at a set of three vase, * ' Roe* da Barry* Sevres in tbo grand oo. rid or. They an (imply priceless. Th* taiga* ia front are beautifully painted aaormi in pan.,., the** at th* back dow.r. **s.* LI re -The Trial of rv Bari- 1*1 as Braal(*re-Tao ward-r .r Jea.1* B>ua a, ,., Tr.wjpi Chanel le aeaeaalaalsaa f rraak Weiw. - Willie Well. *Jvtlerl*B< BeatB-TB* eaeenaett Narwer Caae. Throughout the l.ngth and breadth of the country little el*e ha* been thought cf but th* extraordinary diacloeare* which hav* been 1 ia ta* daily paper* concerning th* crime* of th* Ban Helm**, aad th. rinding of th* bodie* ot hi* two young victim* IB in. cellar of 16 8k Vin- cent street, Toronto. It ia doubtful if ver tn* country has boon ** (lined by a mur.jer.jns dead. Toronto ha* of late had I a surfeit of crime*, a plethora of criminal provocation* ; th* peopi* hav* ooa* to look upon aarder, Baaalaoghur, aad idcendiariam a* almost being ilea* of daily o.wa, *e plentiful hav* th*y be- co me. Event* which two year, ago would hav. areoaad th* wtd*at interest have bacon* a* nothing, IB th* tao* of the remarkabU aad ev.o astounding aerie* af d*vs!opmeat* which have, dunog the la*t twelv. aioatha, been brought to their Bot.c*. Thi* province ha* been during that Urn* th* aeon* of a chain of occur rone** which i* almoet unr-.*a. . 1 ia th. erim'nal annal. of any country ; aad the angular feature characterizing ae*t of them i* that they hinge, IB oa* way or another, upon th. qae*tioo *f Uf* insur- ance. It ia oo aocooat of tot* that To- ronto ha. late.y gained a notoriety a* th* seen, ef remarkable orimea which, thoogh far from aaviabl*, is acveribeleee unique. Ia connection with the case which i* now oo oompleiely abeorbing th* public mind.i' b worth while recalling briefly in* few great onmiaal trial* of th* pa*t Booth*. Som. of the** ar* a* yot *ub judice.bat th* facie a* ao far kaown nay b* briefly touched .poo, and th* proaent posit. on of th* case, defined. There hav* others of leaser importance, bat to be be mentioned .land oat amid th* ayttri*. or crime, of 1.11* country with a prominence which almoatdefieacompariaoa. i*lib*ratu>a, aad the t we pruoaer. are noi in zaol, awaiuag a re- trial at tao Fal MOBSTERS FIGHT. CEEW OF THE MOBTHUN LICBT L**t ipnng th* Heaxienhott axwrdor i oat* developed .ear St. Th* j particular* of taw crane ar* a* y*t freed WATCr^ IAT BATTI 1 ia th* publw mind. How tne.viienc* we* WATLM A GREAT BATTL*. oollec-ed ; how th* toils were drawn reaad I .. me two kXDIUHOTT AS D W1LTU ; how th* deed which tney nad laoagaia* car.faily bidden from the sy. of ta* law ' wa* gradually aad nmoraeleasiv *xpo**d . by the detective* ; hew/ to* Ugh toot ward counted for voiumee, and th* of a j v> " morr.eut forced the Uak that bouod th* chain* ef death ; how too yeang girl piead- d for th* reprieve of her father aad b*r lover, in vain ; and how, at tn* iat, every recouro* being *xhau*tii, .v.ry avenue of escape being blocked, forced Baclarvr Ha4'aa aa4ta Teaael Left TBVBI yarn ot tao ferta by eye e* aad backed ap by aa aaimpa*. entry in th* log of the oil-tank ..earner Northern Light. Beth log aad ou-taak arrived at Now York together none th* worse for wear, bat upoa the by miilionariaa. Not many year* woo* a Mt of threo .mall wa* cold by It aay not bo generally kaown that the name W indoor i* from lh* Saxoa Wiadlo- auction for 150,000. Single* plate* 'hav* I * iadiag bank.. W indoor a* a roy al fr*qu*ntl> been (old for 200 guinea, (about <=""' r ">">il*<Dome(d*,y book. King ll.UOOi and a cap aad saucer lor ISO J" ly at Wiaitaoi duriag theooa'oreace guinea, (about |75O) each. IB th* " Green '* Runoymed*. Tb* Hound Tower wa* Drawing Room" w*mut look with adaira- * lU k * Wward I1L. and th* t.rrece* lion and woader al the grand desert service i "" "" br Q u * Klixabeth. Oharlee to which BO rival 0x1*1*. it wa. oommeoced , l ' dj d * 8 <* f <>il<liBna. Grmling at Sevre*in 17S4 for Loui* XVI and wa* GlDboal o*Med all th* beautifal floral parchaood by George IV. Th* manufacture I*"* 80 * ' * dinWeal room*, took about t*n yean af th. time of th* IB * *i u "* B ' h*r*lf a world renown* 1 Dr.iceramicarti*Uiatheworldtocompl.u ''<> of art. take* an eitreme in Th. ground of the piece, i. of th* moi * oll*w, and no alvoratioa can be perfect Bleu da Roi, or " On Bleu." The m * d * wltnoat h<r eBotioa. So accurate painting, chiefly figure .object* in sylvan u Ber T ** "* laodsoapes, an by the vest.rrm.ot artuu ' ">" .h* at once detect* any alter- .ver employed al the royal manufactory. " lon ln tb * P 1 *^" 1 * ' object* no matter The portrait* of the Quota ana Princ* i Dow ""'" Conaort, which won *xhibitod in tb* *x- hibilioa of 1891, are very fine example* of modern Sevres work. Thew are half-len^lh portrait* of the auo of life, each painted oa a single slab of porcelain. They an copies f the picture* by WiaterhalUr, and were eiecuted by order of Loai* Philippe a* a proMBt to nor Majoaty. Th*y were oom AMERICAN LAWLESSNESS A Tatar aa4 Vartfer*- mi. r**a4* la la w**t.m deeperado *tyl*. a man, up- po**d to bo C. K. Colo, aaaaultod and Th*y ar* probably THI meoesd just before the revolution of 1S48 attempted to rob H. 0. McGlom in hi* . were ann.,.d by the Repablicaa Oov- ; ..,... ., u Ad4Bl . ttr ^ m Ch,c^,o. in ernni.nt, but afterward Surrendered to I , Louis Philippe a. hi. priv.t* prop*rty and I *" h **" ' *" butlDts:: - tplal '". preeenlod to her Majealy. on Maaday v*aiag. After s*riou*ly la th* On*a Drawing Room* u alao a j wounding MoGloin, th* thief .ap*d, aad four bron and ormola mad . , h . .^.t r.markabi. rao* for liberty aaaaalakr. .mbleaiatical ot the oaaaoas. .,. r ^n ln th* .lr*.U of Ch 1 c*go. After firing into the mob that punned him, aad ; aer'ously wounding three cilu*n., h* wa* rua down aad killed by Offi or Koerothal, -ork in exi.tence. Th* di.-o.. o ppo, lt , tb* trance of tb* Auditorium. Tb* wounded ar* : 1'. -. - - i ^.i ^^"1"^, tbree wounde on either of the late Loui* Quaton* or Lou,. tb . ne , d> w ,u ,,,. H. U. Suml-erg. VMBM period, when turnitun brona*. of tho t IB th* abdomen, taken to hoapital, the but cla*. w.i. being* in Frano . W1 u probably die. Samuel Ston*. (hot in rtunalely. th. ar isi . nams K not | nghl l.g ; will r*ov.r. aricmaii* Bedelling of th* flgur**. and *b*ing of th* O n street. TZtZ!!*&S lt S. Th " n-ii. -1-.0-.* known, a* they, iu common with mod of th* bnest piece* of th* period, are unsigned. IB th* "Whit* Drawing Room," the Sovreo cabinet of th* Loui. Sou* period demand, mon than a cursory glanc*. oGloin wa* alon* in th* *aloon when Col* *nt>re<i and ord.rod a gla*. of b*r. Thi* wa* eerv*U to him, ao J h* th.n \aktd th* oaloon- keeper to **t him aom. moat that berlaime-i to nave lo:t in the ice-box. ... L. t i. wn*ei uv v.eeiiiiv i w IIBTTT !>** iu vuoj .t*J- rrom the elaborate characur of it* d**ia McGloia walked to th. *o trance of tn* lee- it* Hnisned workmanship, it wa* bo, and Col*, drawing a r^volvr, ordored abably mad* for a preeeat tea royal I aim t* go ia*id ana ;u>y tnere. Mi.l 01B U!T5**o j P' 00 * 1 "" r n u * o' , turned and .truck th. robber'* face, nearly oilde Ferdni turquei**. Th* plaque* | kno.-king him down. Tne two men then in the door, have paintioe. of flow.r. ia clinched and foujht d perelely. Coie ba*k*t* suspended by ribbons. Th* other D ,anag*d to get one arm free, and with bi. ooncav* plaqae. hav* bouou.t* of Bower, revolver h* pounded th* aaleon keeper with aounu. Thi is only one , viciously inflicting t.ine eoven wound* oa of *numb*rof the** rar. cabinet* IB the the head The robber thoo broke looo* ;, ivate apartmenta. They an moetly made f r0 m McOloia, and running to th* front of y tb* Brst of th* old French "Kbeni.iea." tn . ^looo. fl*w Jown lh* .tr**t, cloeoiy luch a* th. world-famed Rie M o*r.Ro*nlg*B followed bvMc<; omand a crowd of citizen* (uch and the other giante of th. Loui. Seise | A running nht with it* iragic ending then period. Th* gilded bronze mount, are by ' eo*u.d. th* great (iothi.r*. who** work, for design, lodelling and tiin.h. ha* never been anal- led. Hi. mldm** alao n to good, and ao thickly laid oa, a* to hav* sutler*! no A Liberal Education Th* lat* Prof. Huiley hold this opinion injury whatever from age. Th* urn. may j aa to what con.tilule* a liberal education ale* b* saiu of th* Loui* Quaton* cabinet _.The man ha* a liberal education who ha. ~f$SryX3iz:$ *~~*^ ^ .-.*, .. th* value of theae works, may b* named a I th " ready eervant of his will, and doe* with Boui* cabinet in th* Jon** collection at * " d F'* U " " lh work that, a* a South Kensington which waa bought for | K capable of ; whoee intellect fSO.OOU. Similar price* war* reached ia ' ' d logio-ensme, with all r. (evoral instance, for Loui. S*ic* oabio.U, > P* rU o( M u l "a*' * nd ln >B *o<>th t.-.. al th* Hamilton Palace aal* some lew '>" ocd*r,r*ady,hk* tb* steam engine, to b* turned to any kird of work, an i *pm to mo*t th* brow* of th* seamen wno bad aaaa the sight punuhm.nt which had been a*t*d oat to | M .^ ^j memory af th* wond*r reeled ih.m by eatraaed joatioe, and given over ( . t* the deatn which th*y *o richly m*nud, !-'" the two murderers met their Ujrgreoefal ; And Ml* a* far a* it I* poeuble I* .pia doom upoo th* scaffold. All theaa *v*au I thi* yarn ia ta* laggard Engli*h tonga* an wail known, aad th* .badow of their vhat ^f 9ii lDe99 ,^ m , n . paeeing ha* aardly yot faded away. It a , Hijh and uxht 10 baliaet. the N irtaara nardiy aeem.d then ihatcru*lty could reach ' l*s*oe*. bemor. Light put oat from Rotterdam Jane 21, bound for New York by way af Shield*, in England. Attar npUnieniax b*r banker* at the E-gii port, the oil- leak turned her ctubby BOO* to ta* westward, anH be- foro the day wa* done wa. cut of light of .and. Overhead the akio* cayed fair ; aelow, the aea* heaved Intleoaiy, aad onul July I it we* a vtyag* wilhout sight of ail or (iga of lacidac. July 1 dawned fair and fine. Light ski** i addiuoa to tnoa* f*w then Bav* beoa many othan Tit OICK5 CASK, % which th* aocoaad n charged with hav- ing auidered hi* wife and burnt hi* no***, ha* been postponed to tho Fall Aaiiaai, and th* Soeili* oaa* at Peterborough i* BOW under way. The** are, a* already (fated, the eaief er-.rnmal * <1 t -hor clear a* a bail th.y fora * < t -or cear a* a of detail, i '* <* * d * 'or clock p n*.d tbrooga a. Caps. Parton cam* oa deck with hi* orBoor* to BXJOT TUl (ALMT sv.nt* of th* pa*t yoar, and a series which, for intricacy (trangeneai of active, aad variety of ctr- j cumataaa* caa aardly bo equalled hi reooat I history. It will b* noticed that of in*** aad amok* th*ir long pipe*. Ino ahip waa oaae*, *OBM of which nave, a* have been I & tu jfio mile* w*el a. Rock Hail Aslera aid, proved to be unfounded, the *>ouv. y,. toamar'i ocnw wa* kicking pieaaaatly. al..ged i* insurance money The Hart.ey and ah. w a* rapid. y reeling at the kaoH ' boiwooa her aad America. Swddealy th* orcer oa watch (tartod wita aa *;acnlation of arprue, grabbed hi* b nix. ..ars and drew a careful O.aj upoa tho iisieni horixoa. "Gnat Soolt !' he oaid, aaly it sounded different at sea, "look at there "' Nine know ahead over the weather bow the aaa wa* IB a great commotion. Column* of .pray da*h*d Digh in tb* air and two involved uuuranoa : tb* Hyaau caa. Laod epoa a active of alloyed in.or- tne Henderahott Border wa* .nown to bo th* oatcom* of an uuoranc* policy ; th* earn* principle nt a-ao al.eged to be involved in the Dick* trial ; aad tn* charge in the Soolli* oaa* i* founded *poa aa allo- gauoa which, while aot directly involving an iniuranc* policy, i* Buch upoa th* *am* THI 1REATE1VT AIX. Before tn* Pitoxol m jrdsr. ail the** great fad* lato uuignihcanc*. la thoeo which have been proved in* plot of th* cria* he* oomparaiiviy aim p.*. Wiough JUBB^alaa ' to * ^ t * 1 '* hav* ia aom. instance, beta theee te * & * rj ** *** M oonciwioa. Bat in ihi* ' uutaaco there is d. .covered a (tory of .uch infamy, *uch groo* hearlieesne**, combined with aa acutea*** of m'.l *ct aad a cold- iti*aot P ropo*dhoretodoalwiih'aao,o a t J 1 ' ? 4 * 4 ""'* * --nmon*U hutory. bat aonly to draw the reaier '* i ' lui * o">nmani:y. a* has pern. p. mind to th* pnvioo* n*(*. in order that h* may compare them with the terrible and almr.tmcomprehen.ible hatchery by which th* community u now confronted. It may, however, be staled that the** crime* hav* not, a* a raj*, been th* deed* of Canadian great citizens, aad that tk. preeeat oalrago was insurance' companie* and in *v*ry oto*r concocted, aad it* *i*cution commenced, in ; (ui.e.i* infinite in ita van-ty aad a foreign country, aad that Toronto wa. mad* tne aafortanate acen. of a doubl* mard.r which has hardly aay parallel in the record* of offence, again*', hamaa lue. writhing like giant suana. piayed upon the booom uf th* deep. Bat a* la* .hip dnw nearer tney saw it wa* aot all piay. A battery of binocular* bare upon tn* two great creature*, and whoa tney were ..ill mile* away th. seamea gradually mad* oat their true form. i >ne af the two wa* a wneie..and a aoa- ter of all Boa*t*n at that. Th. crew didn't .top to measure r, hut tney Mid a* on* man that it we* full I JO fool in length. In thi* th*re we* saf.ty in narr ben. It wa* wnthing lurii-us y, beating th* aea into BgraLLaD. acre, ot creamy ft-am Leaping litheiy to The career of the priaoner K one to which and Ire aero** it* back th* other oreatur* history parail*!. Hi* repealed gambolled IB it* terrifying (port. For swindling, mif hi b* under. tood. Such time the asamen could not toil what it offence* bav* been frequently known, aad Then, a* it tnrew ii**lf cioar from lh. frequently Dwindling, both ef i they saw it wa. a thra*h*r, ordiaariiy knows a* a grampus. Tb* 13 it* .en.mes, aad a new method of acquir- ing on*'( neifhbor'( *oi( attract* hardly a pa*, ng Bui wh.n .uch acan*r u attached BaVC.tT OBBAT *alAL. A BISTORT Or M"ROIB, Of the** (real trial* the rJr.t we* that of running from chapter to adapter : when a Mr*. Hartley, for th* alleged poisoning of Dka Wlla univ*r*ity eJucation, rennwj 1 in manner and clear from olher vice, hav- : ing DO moiiv* *uon a* ordinarily precede* I the execution of murder, bocauee a man of hi* ooald hav* found otner mean* of escape from tb* position in which | h* found hiawlf ; wneo such a man brm*. all hi* intelligence to bear in order to oom- ' ait a murder in *uch a manner a* t* evade ! it* consequence* and barfl* the pureuit of I the law, h. weave* such a network of infamy a. caa oaly be *arevelled by the mo*t .laborat. research Of thi* natun i* the eaae BOW btfor* th* pub ic It* hutory read* lik* th* wildcat dnaai of th* ro- mancer, aad lie aeau.l promt*** to be equally dramatic. Iu chief actor ha* h.r, which trial took place at Braatford la*l fall. Thi* pro**cuiioa <x- cited witl* controversy and attanhoa, both on account of the fact that Ihe accused wa* a woman who*, lit* wa* at stake, aad toat the chief witnees again.! her was a man whoee evidence impressed tho pub.ic with .uch contempt a* could hardly hav* been surpassed haa h* coofsasd to th* crime which wa* before the jury la tni* caa. in. woman wa* diauharged, the *vi dene, aut being .uch a* to snow that tb* death of her husband bad been oaoaod by pouon which (h. wa* .uppooed to hav* admin. >. red to him. Alrtio.1 on th* sam* day a* th* Hartley tria. commenced th* MTBDIH or IBB1II alITU tnraaher i* a mon*t*r of th* 4*0* wao commonly ha* (per wr.h th* wbal*. it ia great sport for lh* grampa*. but it is leata for th. whale. la th* log of the Virtnern Light tney deocribe the grampu* a* betaf II..HTT rtrr ix Laicon. Thu i* about arty feet longer man tao linn: giv.o to tne grampus in tne oa- cyciopufiia, but. men tni* was a record- break. ng grampu*. With all ihi* (how at hand and not a coat to pay for sdmias.on, th* omcr* were juit.Oed in cnan^iug the steamer s course, And a* the Nor*nera Light drew nign, th* grampu* kept OB ..uggiog. Wuh 11* two horny pectoral fin (it bit th* wbal* right aad l*:t. aad th*n >*aping it* whole length from tn* eta. It delivered thumping blow* OB the back at it* groggy combatant. Even th. .hip's boy cried " Fuui : Tim* and again th* whale ruaaed to the urfao* aad threw it**lf aloft in 1*4 agony. triving nerceiy to shake off it* Bat th* < ram pus kept on. and wn.n the .team.r wa* hove to hard by claimed first Mood. When tb* whale tnrew itaelf IB th* air. th* grampu* darted aside and waited until the whale cam* down. Thoo it sailed n roar* ainc*. In th. "tirand Corridor." who*. 520 f*t f length i* literally crowded with object. f th* gr.atMt iat*re.l, on. notia*. a whit. n-arbl* r*cuinbeat Catue of H. K. H. Prino**. Kliiahoth of Clarence, daughter ot William IV.. and oonaeqneatly apparent to the throne of England. Mat** whioh i* heir Tho DUII<iMn to a *l**piag infant, bear* the culptor name, W. Soolar, So. It w* the goeaamer. a* w.ll a* forg* th. anchor. of lh. mind ; who*, mind u .lored with a knowlclg* of the great and fundamental trutr-* of nature and of th* law. of her operation* : OB* who, no atuntod aooatic, n full of life and fir., bat who** paMioo* are trained to oom* to a halt by a vigoroa* will, th. **rvant of a t.nd.r c*n*ci*no* ; who ha* learned to love all boaaty, whether of na lure or of art, to hat* all vilene*., and to r*>p*ct othen a* himtelf . Such a one.aad uo other, ha* had a liberal aducatiea. hown a character aach a* ha* boon met with, and h* aa* gone through a career .uch a* could nardiy be docribed. What by the tramp CbalteUe look plaoa aear I further will be drawn to ngtit concerning him Li.towel, aad arouaed an abhorraac* aad I time alone can toll. Toronto may yet play agitation which spread from end to end of a larger part in the terrible drama, and it delivered a body blow and heeled off betor* th* province. For a few day* th* count. > i* po**ibl that a f*w more of the thread, wa* la .u.p*n**, a* th. eiciling news surrounding th** coDntctod with uf tne **aroh for the mucreant oaa* av*r ' lh* oaa* may yel be uataagled. the wire*. and when at Ungth it wa* known that h* had been apprehesdedand had con feawii people breatn*.) mon freely, in th* knowledge that Can.diaa jiutio* would b* v>scut*>l to 11* ulinoat uinit and the scoun dr.. brought to th* gallowa Aad th.y wen not disappoint*.!, for t'hattall* wa* Hanged with com 'n*n (able promptltuda. Frank K. Wastwood, the young eon of Mr. Benjamin Westwood, of jaaoooa ave- nue, Toronto, wa* .hot at hi* father', door by an unknown person, and died within a few .lava. To tbi. day ihe oaae i* wrapped in mvitery. A woman named Clara Ford wa* arrealed on jp cion of Having com- muted the d.a.1, dre..d IB mt.c attir*. Invedigation produ.e-l a singular sequence f ciroum.lantial detail* pointing i* bur guilt, and Th. caa. wa* pui' nh I far and wid*. H.r irial lasted .everal day*, during which time feeling ran very high oa bath (lie*. At the end *h* was acquitted, and BO olher clue has fino* ben obtained by the authorises. So far a* is known there wa* ao motive for the murder, young We.1 wood having uo eoeoiy in tne world, aad being an nuiiest-minded, straightforward boy, of whom there wa* nobody to aay an ill word. Of all the aenee of recent trial*, how- ever, there has been nou* to equal in iouo- illy ol in eiest and romance ot detail thai of TMl for ih* aliened murder of Willi* Well*, m January oi last yoar. Thi* trial comnien-'<i in th* boKinnog of M.y, 1895, and lined foiirteea day., each of which wa* replet* in sensational and lacid.Bta, Kminent oouoeel were engaged oa both tided, and a battle of legal giant, took place, whil. lh. two youug men looked on it all from th* dook, with drawn an I (arrowed face, aad acnous *ye* The termination of th* caa* witn.*d a scene a*v*r, porhapa, parall*l*d ia Toronto. During th* hour* whil* th* jury was out (h* crowd in front of th. court hjaee incr*a**d, unt 1 ih* .tree* was blocked by an agitated mob, eager to know th* result. The jury disavree.1 after aiaay boor* oi The Ant Doctor. Mr*. A. K. C. Masks! . who probably know, mor* abuat th* habit* of ant* than aay *tb*r living p*r*o*. uoiea* it should b* Sir John Lubbock, relate* th* follow, ng curiou* (lory of how ah. obe*rved a nnm ber of (ick ant* viaiting " doctor :" " Th.y wen each accompained by **v- *rai att.ndant*. acd I kn*w that they were *ick by their *maciaied appearance indeed, we nr*t imagined ibat the aat hospital had turned oat for an eirug, out they appeared to have another object in view. A grav*. eirouK-iooking ant wa* ittiufi on a brick wall, about a feet abov* th* ground, and imagine our surpriee when an invalid crept *lowly up the wall to the eat of th. 'phy.ician. Immediately the doctor' began tu make paneee over the afflicted one head, a* though he were | trying to effect a cor. by tne electrical qualitie* or some other properties in his antenna* or feeler*. During all this im.e the. ick am remained penVnly mouoaiex, with bowed head, while (oinn through ih* operation. " And o one after ano her came up for treatment, the stream of invalid* coolinu- at from sunnae until suns*'., when 1 oeaaad to make obtervaliona." ConscOnctou*. Wife If 1 though*, a tiiioii wa* wicked, I'd die before I'd <1o it. Husband So would I. W'fe Hah ' I think smoking cigars K a wicked wast* ; an impious defj, in fact. Husband Than you should not smok*. Hand mo a match, pleia*. More Philanthropy. Mother What did you do with th modicin* th* doctor left fnr you ? Small Boy 1 heard there wa* a poor b >v ill IB th* back .irect, aa' I took u r un i and L: i it for hua tb* whai* ceaid oounter. I'ataiact* of water wer* toeaed into tb* air, aad tb* o*a boiled far aad near with tho conflict. Time and a^ain the combatant* were hidden by tb* cload* of (pray, a picturesque yot t*rribl* sight, which broofht the -bief engineer almoet to the verge of lean in aorrow that th*r* wa* no photographic camera aboard. But in piaoe of the 1 ho >irew a sketch of the ai:ray. It represent, th* thrasher IB it* no.p->rt.- Ilk* act of thampuiK th* whal* in th* Th*y My abroad th* Northern Light that tb* ihrath.r. with hi* .nonnou. Boa, would rise vertically twenty fe*t or more abov. tn* surface, and then fall full force upon tho other e back. All the **am*o felt carry for th* whale, but time is ooe! aad coal i. mon.y at eve, o tb* Son hero Light bore away on h*r coune, anil left the two to 6|;ht it ouv They may be fighting yet for all any on* know., for tney were .till at it when tb* learner lefl them far av.ero. A Wist Choice. Mother 1 am very i(iad to learn that tat voung !ady you are engaged to i. deeply religioue. You have ma<le a WIN choice. Son Ye*. W* go to all th* prayer meet- ings, church sociable., and revival* that come a ong. It'* a neap cheaper than thaai.ia, balls, and op*ra*. A Fair Partner hip Stranger Bay, there', a dim. mu**uB oacewhere Around ben, I und.rstand. Do you know wber* it is ' Boy Yeaair. 1 with I bad a d me t*r get in. Stranger Weil, yoa ,-oodact me to the , and I'll give you th* d me. Boy Ah rirfnt. lh*l*e fair partnership. You luroish th' capital, an' I furni.h lh' brai us. Where He Was. Ou**i ,n<r.i> i What ha* become of that waiter I gave ay order to mjet aa hoar ago * H*i Waiter I don't know, (th, but most likely h' waitin' on (<>me g>-nt w- lipped him, saa.

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