Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1895, p. 3

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THE :?WS A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. - :. ir rr. mr llratt b*al war *)wa rawmrr- Ireal Krllalu. t*r lallrd Ulr- aatl All r.iri. of iae tileee. leatlea.ed aad iuriru (or Ea>7 Mra<lla*> CABADA. Mayor Stewart of Hamilton ha* gone to Europe. Paying com panic* are squabbling over a contract in London. Tbe Merchant*' Bank ba. imported $l<JO,oOo m gold from Sew York It ha* been dec-ded to enlarge the St. Vincent de Paul no*pital at Brock vil.*. The iau Mr. W. 0. Wykoli o ; Cariton laiaad left an estate of a million do.iar* bat no will A large pi!gnm.i,;e left Montreal on Saturday for Lourdea. Franco, on board the Labralor. Alex. Wilaon, a young local pntcher of - .am who u charged with a number of then*, ha* lost nis reason. Col. Hendenon, City Solicitor at.d Treasurer of Beueviiie, dropped dead in hie otficr. A copy of William Lyon Mackenzie'* bisibiy of the rebel ion is in possession of lu-p _-tor Smith of Hamilton. Maoiioha Patrons and Prohibitionist* nave passed a motion in favor of tbe * te enrrancbitemeut of women. The .Sir Jonn Mac.luna..i *'tue :or the ( Kingston ha* beta (hipped front n i. It will be unveiled on Labour Hay. The final returns of the *econd election A committee of Cincinnati ottiiea* presented a magnificent ti.ver (ervioe to the L'. X. crniaer Cincinna i. \ New York and Brooklyn syndicate will, it it laid erect a tweiv.-storey iron iiotel on toe ite of tne old Delaware houae, in Albany. Without any kaown reason for tne act, Charles A. K.mi*!., a New York broker, committed tuicide by turning on the ga* in hi* PL m Arrangement, are being mad* for a con- vention in Pittiburg, Pa., for tbe ituiy of the BioUpropnrcie* in regard to tne second com.og of Christ. A Kankakee man iried to drown a -at by wa ling out into tne river and pulling it under the water. The cat cam* t>a. k. but the man took cramp* and wa* drowned. William Brusseau.'he accoinp'lce of Mr*. I*, pe in Ihe murder of Dr. Horace X. Pope in sentenced to men;. Four (warms of bee* .lavetaken poeeeasion of the Mutr.o .;isi cnur.n in Kul >aa Jose, Lai., and it i* estimated tbat tcere are al .e>tt 3-<O pound* of nou*y between tne->uter and in- er wall*. Inspector De Barry, o: Bu ia.o. na* ap ed half a d .z<n nor* < anaiian BAPTISM OF ICZiR'S SON SOMETHING THAT NICHOLAS HOPES TO SEE SOON. IL l* at Ike C'brUiealBX Aa>l- WMk Oil Bi>tkl rrea* r >verr ef I leiar. al Their I Ir.i r*s>lir Tne young Caarina ot Rauia i* luponn- Un.'.mg ju*t oow the preparation of a ayette, and ail ihe world s interested in the expocted advent of an neir u> ihe Rnaiian throne. ctrenonie* alway* surround the birth of a royal ciiti.l in KUMIV, [.erhapa Detroit iaat F.bruaryTwM ' more con*picuonsly tnan eiatwnere. The twenty-five yean' imprison- christening, according to the ritual in the " Tn* tervaat of Go.1 cnmtr.aaicate. m the am* af the Father, in* ->..n **d the Holy Gto*'." l':ier. it no tuch ceremony a* eonnqna* tiuo in in* Russian rhurcn, but ihe en. id I continue* to receive the aacrantenl from i it* baptum, twice a year, al Kaater aad oo it* saint's day, unl.l it it **ven yean old, when u i* brougnt ta in* aooi'euioo oa i Good Friday. The socis. function* attendant upon a birtn in the royal family are very elabor- ate. Ti.ey iatt asveral day*. All the rich*. of tbe court and nobility are displayed. At night the illumination* transform in* capita.*. Lamp* are removed from the treet poet*, and in tneir place* shine illuminated stars aad c me*. AH hoase fronts, root*, and coimney* are outiioed 1 ao whitee * _nu. The irer* are full of festoon* ! g t tes. o! i lime** lantern*, and from every limb hang giote* of glaca in red, yellow, bike, and green, each formed and hung *o a* to resinu:e fruit. Tba nouses o: the nobility A SOUTH EXECUTED in SIGHT OF A HYS5J- SINGING NKOBO 903. All- D umber* who went to Butfalo in recM>a*e . ll: Greek Ch rch. must t.k.* a. *oon a. ; ok e fairy palace,. The garden, are . e witn light, and everywhere app-ar arttr tae birtn. The baby * i th> b-irntog monograms of th Emperor ng robe* are marvel* of to* n j Empree* worker', art. The a rat godfather. ' On tbe day iho child don. iu firet shoe. -no i. alway a high and migbiy poraoo, '/" <-*" " * <* *OU pair. t. b. atamboted among the poor enildren of St. givoa me enild a gold croa* loiaid with ; Pj^nburg. Theae are ordinary .noes, of jewel*, and tne godmother provide* the r virUaa WITe-l tails* aa BUalaalap.1 i *>ei>*v>e er "Jew CBJId The tewa of MayersviUe, Mi**., wil henceforth bo famous a* the teen* of a tr-.pie aangtng, undsr moat dram*:.* cir- cumitaoo**. Heretofore it na* oeoa notod a* having the largest proportion ef oiack of any place IB the United The proportion i* actually 16 to L Tn* ex*cution oi tbe tnree negroes in ma I*, quena Coanty Coart-HouM yard re iuc- od to* proportion somewhat, and la* town and ail to*) country lor mile* around white* tad black*, armed to the teeih, and I anticipating an ou'.Ucak, bad a pablio holiday, wnieh will ge down to History aa marked by moot * aoenea. On Wednoaday, July 3, crowd, of to or Hi: t,.e ti ' " pl*e* of tri>er> who re.'u*ed to return to ' ceremony i* completed. The occMion te- ith gold. The nurse ef a royal Raman ebild la I quire* gift* from ail proos connect* 1 witn | a ; wtlV , aor gou* in her apparel. She wean Record) r < -off, of Xew York, to Thnrtday ' tt* court. The** gift* are often tba toy j a rich veivel akirt with two broad bands *L eo.-ed Maria Rirberi, who iuurdere-1 mo *t ,;klv t., .miue a tiny infant, although her .over I ataloii, to .h* in toe c chair .luring the week beginning Augut m " T ' ""*l for a grown cnild 19. If thi* tenien e ia carried out. she . gift, may be land, or jewel*, will be the nrt woman to un.!-;o execution I AT THI CHRI~T.MO the child i* earned in tae arms of ita god- f of i'or tne (election of the county seat Vipiaeiog North Bay a m.jnnty tight votes. --. Frank Bak*r and Gr-org* lUrr of iiie bravely rescued a iisniag party how noal had upsei in in* St. Lawrooe River. \ .- pn in* Norway Iron A *'*! Company's building, ID course o: ere -tion, a< b own down and three man hurt. Mr. Tuck was seriously injured. There sai.i to be an organ./* 1 gang of thieyo* fo lowing Birnimi's LI.- us and opeiatiog in farm Bouse* in tn* country during ihe attendance of tho occupant* at i be show. M r*. I'rmca of Aocaiter, woo wa* pi.-k- e i up oo the roadside n*arly dead a tew days ago, n recovering, but ner memory i* a prriect blank, and in* can tnrow oo light on tn* my * nous atfair. K ngcton'* National Council of Women I* waging war againit ihe practice of put- ting immoral picture* ID cigaretU- -n i tobacco paekago* for aal* ; a. so against in* umc Bonoreii prixe chewing gum. T e l aoa.liaa trad* return* for the pa.'. twelve month* are oo<r unmp.ecr. am they how that toe decrease in Caua i.aii imp >i u nd export* wa* not nearly at great a* might be .xpacicd during tho late ucpree- A Chatham deipalrh report* that a trunk i/inukinijtf human* ha* been D*b< ; out oi .Mi-cneii'* Bay. Tne At- toruey -tieneral'* department ha* boon cooimnnicated with in regard to th* tnat- 'er. A Beach train itnck on tbe grade near tbe Kartou itreet bridge, Hamilton. me reguiar train iron the north ran i to it. Fortunately, the engineer had lime .o reduce ip*e<i before the oulunon. Sir Adoipbe Caroa ha* entered an ac- tiou for twonty-bx thousand dollar* the Montreel Herald on toe k-roand that he ha* been libel, ed by hat n'. (a oonnection with recent o) tjo. V*DU Mr. juart Joae*' barn ui C.-aatham Towaahip waa i < ru*.i, i:h a !<- of ive look. A oolorva man uameu Hogaa mployad by Mr. Joaee i* mining, and it i* feared that he **t the premia** on ire, aad committed tuioi.U by drowniou in tho eaaal near by. OKBAT MJTAIIf. Thetalarie* of tbe Marqux of Salisbury ' niaetoen (Cabinet Minitter* amount '.u i ' .'K> $475,000) per annum. U i* regarded a* certain that the Duke of Connaugbt will be the new Commander- in-Chief, in euccraiion to the Duke ef Cambridge. A report i* gaining currency in London that Prince Kdwwd, -.he baby child of the Duke and Duchea* of York, i* deaf an i dumb. I ii- (jneeo baa decided togoto the iti* of * v ."n, lu opposition to her phyuiaii,w ,o r*<.<>mm<-udde her Highland reiidence at V . moral. by electricity. Commercial .a-c-parie, from th. atenc>rt molntr lh<j Qr ^ ol M.S. t. I'un aad Braditreet repor: lab* tavourai'lehu'ioee* cuod.non* I umxpecWdly wrll mamtamea for i.ii* usually .lull period oi ihe year. court*, not a bit Ilk* tne royal baby'* j negroes had gainered in Mayanvill* from which are of white leather, embroidered ' s>very aeunvy in in* 3ta.t, aad from Louuiaoa and Arkansas aa well. Far daya anging ngiy rumors bad gat) attempt at reecae, and tnia of gold round it, a bia* velvet apron, aiao trimmed with gold, a bodice of bia. k vel- vet, rasteoed w:tn si ver buttons, at 1 round her neck a gmden chain. Thi* i. the dree* for ordinary day*. For state A crowd ' occaiton* there are einer coetumee more eiaoormie. t h* d.mand kep up, and" mor* important t: . .* tne t.a-iy advance of wagee in itveral Itnee of m-iufry. Thnuih we are ' now ta the aiidtt a: wn&t i* knowu at the "holiday aeaeoo," trade ai. roueJ i* much in escea* of wnat it wa* on* year ago. 1 There nat bea a weaken m( m the pn.-e of aome connn o<ltt M. tut a more than com- ' penaatinir advance n other*, and wnere there ha* been no actual mere*** quotation* are reported a* being well maintained. Among the advert* condition* are poorer ' wheat prosp-cU. n:pn ent* of gold to Europe, leee favourable Unred State* Trean-ry return*, and aome rather Mriom**. Black flat:* .n Fonnoea compeilod the ! Japaoeo* truop* to retreat ft- r a *tubnorn b*ttie. Warrant* for the arroat of I'mon Hsak dirict r ' Newfoaad.aod hav* been lasu e.l. . '.red aad forty-eight live* were loel oy tne linking of :i e steamsr Maria P. m c -'l.isioo with tr.e Orngia 10 tb* Gulf of I'nt Ptri* Memorial Dipiomati>jn* an- -ci tha' tne Duke of >eie-Coburf(the I'uke of Kdinburgh. will reaign hi* dake- dom next I >clo*^r. Tnere ha* bora aerioui bread rioting la tn- :ry of /.amora, Spun. Several gen- darme* were injured, acd one ipectatorwa* kuied. The New South Wale* I'ar.iamrot u coot tierinit a bnl to reitrict not only tne entrance of Cbinae, aa ai preaut, but Japaneao an<i Kanaka* a* well. New- ha* been received in Auckland from Samoa, to tne 'eel that the aa.ivee are or kr-viA. iiooility, guttering in m uo.torm* aud ga.a toilets, fill th* ANTIDOTE FyR SNAKE BITE. Pror. rraaers lairre-.lla(*rlo* ef Exaerl seal* with IBr 'ill . Prof. Fraser, of tdinuurgn. ba* jut giveo to ih* Royal Society tnere the rasu.t* of his experiment* en soake-poikon. Alter year* of labor Be ha* discovered a genuine antidote, which bo aali* antivenin*. He bat bean collecting inake-powon from India, Africa, Aiuenoa aud Auatralia ; but It wa* only in in* en i of laat year that be accumulated enough to begin hi* systematic experiment* on th* lower animal* H* baa- it in a dried aad powdered form in carefully seeled little bottle*. It i* peculiar- looking tall, tomeuiing like brown sugar, bat ooi ao sticky. Tbe nnt ducover> from hi* careful experiment, wa* that th*re i. a great " to.erauoa " for aaak*- poiooa. Having ascertain*! the m nuiuai do** required to caue the deatn of an aannai, by starting below ihatamouot and increaiing his dooo, leaving an interval of ton day* or a fortnight between eaco sucoeasiv* on*, be got up a* nun a* nfty time* tne amount of tn* minimum lethal dee* without causing any bad effect* to th* animal. In fact, it* general health teemed to imnrove. as be had tbe animal weighed enoe and some- ef brilli body of tn* .-huron aad *tand grouped i lime , twlc . . ry day . Mj ji u,. u,,, he round the tout. The*t* wear iragm" wa* adm. metering t:e venom tiere Oceut robo. with gold or>**ee, and aacreti are borne tefore them. Two arry a portrait of Chrwt or the banner* deao n* Virgin Mary Tn* godfather* give in* priest nine wax ! oandie*. ar- iignte<l and faataoe.1 ' again in an uaaeliied latv. preparing a big scruas the ion:. Th* pr.est incense* tn* con eu I. oo to decide oa peace or war. godfathers and godmothers and ooo(ecral*( A Dar'.y of live Engli.n tourist* asceudiag tbe Orller mouotain in the Tyro . without a gui e, r thrown from a precipice, and ail w-ir nj i'eo, '.wo of them daugeruualy. Fichtiug of a very determined Character i* reported from Cuba, where tn* insurgn ts compelled a force cf Spaou'i troop* oom- iiicreaa* in weignt. In the time, he ha* now carried it further than fifty time* the minimum l*thai 4> : but till, when h* ba* reacoed ibat point trie animal wa* recievmg >na aiagl* do**, wito- out being affected, enough to kill fifty an.nais of the same site and weight Al present Prof. Fraser la immunizing a nor**, rut b* haanol got enrhcieo' vcoom to oomplet* the experiment. HeKasouly nio* gramme*, an i he still require* thirty. Prince Ado phu' of tho daughter of the a cauiiida'e lor it u Haled that Ire*, who married l>uae of Wi>*i m. outer, tbe throne o: Bulgaria. Mr. Hoary Irving, Mr. WalMr Beunt, aiMi su'een other* e- to WintUvr oa Thursday and wei* kn ;htea ty tho Quern. Leiiy Lugar, widow or Karon Liagar, wno a* Sir John Young wa* Governor- General of Canada from 1868 to lit;:, .. man led by Geoerai ( ampoe to retreat. The anniveraary of Vie declaration of war with France wa* entbueiaetically celebrated at B run L*niv*rsity, and anniversaries of tne rviout battiea will be celebrated throughout Germany. Tn* representative* < t England, France, and in* United State* al 1'exin are de- mandirg reparaiion fur tne ill-ireatmeot of uiionar:e* and the daitructiua of foreign properly IB me Province of Sxi- Chuan. It if ta.d tnat tho Oceanica Steam-bip Company, ot !>y<!ney, N. s. \V.. wi I e*k i-. onia. aid for tbe ooi.itrac' ion of new acd .'a*l (learner* to run u it* !iof to Sao Fnncitco. 1'here i> talk guaranteeing a mail aervice of iwenly-eigni dayt from Auckland to London. Baron Adoiphv Van Der Hmiaaeo, bro- ther of the famou* euera! Van Der Smitten, of tne Belgian army, commilled uicid* al Bruiael* by blowing oat hi* I raiu* with a revolver. Aooltier of Ihe General'* brother* co.iuintl*d taicid* in Jon* with tn* tame rv,.ver. the water many camnoniea. I a proco**ioa i. formed round the font by laoea taking part in th* ceremony, each . . - , one bearing .lighted wax taper. The I but *> lndl " Govornment :. try lug hard name 01 the child i. givon in wr.ting to the pr ' ">""> for him and h* priest, wno put. toe paper on n image "P?" h '" " """ Wu " ** h * which h noid. on \hV child'. brea*t, ^- been .mmumwd he .xpecte to ascor* m-anwn,le aa> iog a prayer. When ihe noo 8 h "" '">" ' * ' ' pr.est ask* if th. ehild foraaka. th. d.v.l [ ^ n * l *" ch m:c * 11 '- M ' find ' tod bit works, the godparent* turn tneir apt. Whitochurch ba* been awarded tbe \ ictoria Cross for bravery during the le^t of Chitral, wnen, under a jallmt: fire from L'mra K -an'* irootw, he fought hi* way back to tli fort, witn Capu Kaird, who wa* woanded, on hi. back. The Knghih Mtybrtok Ansociatioo wil aooa pre**at a petition, to Sir Matthew Navies of the World Compared. Sum* .ulvrecliD^ itatu'.ic* hay* beet' compiled recently coooeroing me number and the typo* of war veaoel* of the leading uavie* oi the world. The table* enow that England ha* at the preieut time com* 43 I at leinipe, l> <.oa*t deien irr*, and 1$ armoured cru'ers, and 10 baflahip* building. Ti>e Kreaoh navy contain* 4 . armoured vetnl* built, and 'X> autborixe.i building. Roaua ha* 40 men venela, liwinauy :t, and Italy IS. Theao uavie* , hav*,ioaJditu>u,many unarmoarod vooatl*. Tn* number of war veaaol* in Ibe *ervioe of , , . nit n B a Hw" U U i" 1^1 VI vy an VBJVWIB iu wU v 9V I T 1VT V rVh,,.. Ridley, the new Horn, Secr.ia-y. j R , d moU j protect*! cru,a*r,. or Mkmg him to reopen ihe Maybnek ca*e. a*kmg him to reopen the Maybriak caee. Mr*. Mtybrick i* undergoing life impnion- mont for poiaoniog her hoiband. At the National rVfle AaaooUtioa meet ai Bialey, BnglanJ, on Saturday, I'rirat* Hay hunt, of the 13th Battalion, Hamil- ton, Ont , won, her Majesty the Veen's priae. Tht* u the higheei honour lo wbioh | take a very '.mpo Britiali markimen can attain. It had ! Franco ha* '.'1 never before been won by a member of the Canadian dinary cruuen, gunboat*, and torpedo veawU, *xclu*iv* of torpedo boat*, i* 358, and tome 48 additional one* authorized and building. The Freneh navy oootame in ail 147 veatela, with 24 building. Ger- many hat altogether 39, Ru**ia 32, and Italy 71. Torpedo boat* hav* com* to riant part in naval warfare, torpedo boat* ia itrvice. an. I 42 authoriied aad baiiding : Kr 1 ha* 165 and 64 retpectively ; Italy 178 n.i UKITtD STATE-*. The War Department of Sti*. ha* oewided M> abandon 111; Kuiiia 103 aaa 14 : an i (lermaay II!' Tne oonip*ri*<>n : etween the Unite.i i the Uiiied land foTeiun navies ttfi-rtl-il by this 'ai-' Fort P*m- vry signitirat. Al | i*ut the Unite. i i Stale* ba* 3 torpedi> i..t aud X back* to tbe foot to snow their horror and aversion to the queelion an i answer "ye*. ' They gam face the font, anti the pr.est take* tn* child, which is quite naked, and, h-'.ding it by the head, to hi* thumb and finger *top the ears, dp* u three time* tn ih* water, pronouncing the words : " I baptixe the* in me name of ihe Father and of the Sou and of the Holy Ghost." THI CHKUM. or baptiamai unction, wnich i* calloii the teal ol me gifl of the Holy Ghoti, imme.ii- ttely follow* baptism. In performing this ceremony tne priest anoint* the ihild with holy oil ; on the eye*, in order that it may tee only good ; on the can, that theoe may admit only what it pure ; ou the mouth, thai it may speak a. become, a Christian ; on th* hand, that it may do no wrong, and on the feet, that they may tread only IB path* of virtu*. At tb* end of vni* cere- mony, ih* shirt, which th* godmother na. provided, is put on to* ohild by tho priest, who say* : " Thou art a* clean and a. oiear from urig'oal sin a* thi* shirt ; tho-i art baptized, ihou art aanctified, *hou art washed, in the name of the Trinity." The croea, which has been given by the god- father, tbe child suoiler obligation to wear all it* life. If th oroea be aot found upon th* child at death, tha priest say* to th* godparents, the child may not have Cnris- tian burial, even though he be the eon of a huodrod kiogs. A particular saiot i. al*o a**igned to th* c.uld, whose imago he is cbaiged to cherish with *ueoial devotion. H.. y oil, or chrism, which i* u*ed at royal baptism*, coronations, and conaecra- tioo of onurch**,!* prepared with elaborate ceremony . There i* a copper vaae.overlaid with pearl and called th* alabaster, in which ia kept the original oil tent from Constantinople when Christianity wa* in- troduced into Rtiatia. A f*w drop, are taken to prepare the chrism and are replac- ed with other oil, *o th* quantity never JecreMea. Wine, roees, lavender, balaam*, and cpicee are mixed with th. oil. Forty day* after the birth of the ohild, il* mother, tbe Kmpreaa, u churched, aad th* infant M received yiiibly into Christ's church by the giving of m riaV-T SACtUMINT When the royal gate* are daring masa, the deacon appear* with th* chain.- The baby i* earned to th* steps, and the tirieet com ing forward, put* a drop of wine iato '*< mouth with a ipooa, eaymg i tn* subetaoce* wh en ao<agoni* the venom. Whea b* discover* these n* can prepare the antiveniue chemically and send the antidote to India in small bottle*. Thi* discovery will bo of vory groat practical i-nrwtaooe t<.- India, becauae fully 90.001) of tba population are annually killed by snake- bite. Tbe Government ha* boon trying to reduce th.i .nortality by offermg a reward for inakaa' head* ; but it seems to have ao prior to tho h abroad ef ess coupled with the deiparavo sheracier of tsM men, their two attempt* at eaoape, aad '.no proatac* of ao maay black*, lad M exira- ordiaary prooaauon. to guard against a arprta*. Kvery white man IB tk* lawn wa* armed, and joined a Boeeo el oantad citizens, who eaoorted tho pcuuaan to th gallows aad coat tne crowd at a i.tanoa. The ooodamned war* Grant Wuaoai, Griffin Habbard and Bob Purvia, and MM* oad Data ootivicted of tho Bard*r ol a wiit* trader. King by *rae. Nsvsr wa. fcher* a aisrt itanroauve tea). at a vao'old. Erected in A BOA ram naova of cotwawood tree*, ov*rloukiag tbe Mia- aiaetppi Kivar, with a cioared open cpaoa fenced m, it roaombled more torn, fatuval wnere liimh makiag and port, were IB jider. Bat it wa* aa exniMiioo el th*) majesty al tb. Law, and wa* intended aa a leesoa to toe thoaaaod* gathered there. The gsllowa wa* bout wita tbe drop far tb* prisoner* inilsad of a weight. Berore the black oaf wa* piacod an ih*ri tho Jooeied ateo wore givia nv* miaatoe to addrew tsw crowd. Thi* they did . me language of a revival mooting, admitting insir wnMnoa wa* jut, but *ayBg they were fomf, itraigat 10 neavea. Purvi* smiling y tbowted to a friend that th*y wo a Id uo mere for tne Tevtn ol July. At tbo cap waa drawn ovor taair head* tno Wilaon tisu-Md v> siof a darkey nyrno. Tho retrain w*. taken up oy too crowd tad aha tbouaud* oi group- ed* tb* gallows railed laeir voicea :n a wild tad byvtericai cnaot. Jut aa tho laat of the Dtaintive note* diad away the) drop fU aau all tare* murderer, feil simal- taoeonsly into ih* great ankaown. Thcnurder of King waa tbe first murder ia that wction in twenty year, al a wnite) man by a black man. King, who waa a native of Sew York, had for awn* year* run a trading boat oo the M iwiaiippi River. It was hi* practice M Mock hi* floating tore in St. Louis and then .irop down tne river, stepping at the plantation* *u rout*. He had been at Cereiiaa Landing some day> wben tbe attack wa* naadt) which ooat him hi* life. On thi* trip h* wa* accompanied by hi* wif*aad infant child, '.he former, a slander, anbork-haired, gray-eyed little woman of about twenty year*. On the evening of tne murder tne aasamns, W lisoo, Hubbard aad Purvia, with oo* or two other* from the adjoining plantation, viaited toe boa* aad mad* com* snail pur.-h.ite*. They went ashore about 9 o clock and King seated n I tnaelf oa th* joanter near tne bow of tn* boat. Gnthn Hubbard, who wa* armel itn a shot guo charged with bird not, without warning, rrred twice in rapid auccessioo at THI ci.farnTiso yiorisL Supposing King to b* dead th* murder- ers rushed on board the boat, but met aa unexpected advenery in Mrs. Kmg, wno had eiM>i ner hnt'v.nd's piau>l, itiogu'b- the way of reducing their number*. thelignw and optn*d fire. Th. negro*. vs. breed tbe make. IB order I *g**1 retreated aad oiooed Exerting all her itrtogtb the plucky llttia woman lifted her husband to hi* bed and then awaited a renewal of tne attack. A fussiiia.1* from id* sh.ire was directed a^'aio.l ihe little craft, which was riddled with bullet., but none of tneni .truck tbe httle heroine. 1 he negroo. then tried to break down the door with an axe, bat Mr*. King, with her revolver, drove them olf. Her infant, which wa. ill, had boom dragging itealf aftsr her along tb* floor a* h* m. rel about, and aba waa obliged to tie it in a chair, in tpue of iu screams, in order to fight. Kxaaperawd by thsir failure tb* Doaroo* tried to force the scuttle and agaia oackod tor tne oativ** to secure the reward. There would be quite sufficient time to adminuter the antnenine, a* death doe* out eo*u* until from three to twenty-tour hour* after a bite. Prof. Fraaer ha* mad* a remarkable di*cov*ry,a* on* of the *uccee*ful result* of a qaarter of a century'* careful laboratory work. Filters and Pure Water. Tb* comforting notion populaily eenr- tained that water which baa been boiled and filtered i* ab*oint*ly aafe tor drmk ng purpooea, nai beeo rudely aaaansd by Prefeeaor Ray Lankester al ihe Royal j al the door. In this attack Mrs. King Io.l,iuuon. That briilian, ac.eoti.t .ake. actually tafer to drink, tnougn teeming ! I>'' ">* attenuoo the could with mic.-obet. that pur. spring cr lake j '"""dat .he" v^tr.' tb* startling statemant that such water j retrri) -,,i a* rood old Father Thames snppli** i. I All mat night Mr*. King wa* oo guard, ' to her . Tbo the aton on th* plan tauoo, but, finding oaly on* whit, eaaji there tad a number ef nogroea, she wa* afraid to tell bar terrible etory, and return- ed again to the boat aad to another night of ileeplan vigilano*. It wa* not until 11 o'clock on the tecond day, when tba proprietor of another trading boat and water I A domeetio filter, it appear*, is worta than usel***, uole** it is boned and iteriuzed .very tw.aiy-tu'ir hour*. W* rave been accuitomed te boil oar water, but to boil our niter will be a n.w dspart- ure in domeetic *oonomy. Tbo *xplanauon of tb* proiwaor'. attonishing atatemente t* that the barmlea* bacteria which abound in ; friend *f her hutband chanced to virit her her Tbe story **ol a thrill of horror through all tbe neighborhood, and a strong pceae wa* aooa> on ta* traok of the nurdarer*. The nin were oapmrad and quickly coavic:d. King died from hi* wound* two day* after he shoot lag. ordinary drinking water are ihe sworn boat, and hor bran battle ta save foe* of tbe typhoid and cholera germs, and j butbaod and child became known, promptly kill them off whenever they ' themcelvo* into their tociety, bat boih tbeoe microbe* oaa liv* and flourish IB pure diaiilled water, treat which their inveterate enemies bav* been banished. "Peopio kave been addiag something like a hundredfold," (aid ihe ih* profeasor gen- ially, "to the baciena IB their water by fiiterm.: it. ' Thoroughly (teiilued water, after paasmg through a new filler only tn use a week, ba* been foun i to contain two hundred thousand bacteria to tbe cubic o*nlim*lre. The moral ol Profeaaor Lan- kwter'* iecture* i* 'hat a httl* knowledga u a dangerous aad unreliable thing. Begin Army Life Early. Military education i* commenced at a* earlier age ia Turkey than IB any other civilued ,-ountry. Before the acmranl fat military ho.-r* is It yean old he baa received a preliminary oouna el 'a* true-

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