TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT V3L, XV. NO. 753 FLESHERTON, OUT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 1896. W.H TffiJBSTON EOlTCR* RCPRiETCH Solid Gold AffD ROLL PLATE Brooches Ladies 1 Gents' ROLL PLATE Chains j OF BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS Our Business Directory Card*. 1 AKKMUE LICENSES. !uxl >! or uigh at ths JeweJery Store and at the residence of the undaralgaed. Comnilraiuoor Notary j"iblic. U C .J. Conveyancer, Ac JOHX W. AKM8TEONG. - FtmsRTox. A | -.- . i I.Tk 5th Dlv. Court. Co. Grev, iMuer of Varriage Llccue*. Comniiioner in H.C.J.. Conveyancer. Auctinui cr. oW. Agent .' r tbe Wanaey-Harris Auriciiltnral lu'vl.-- uieuU. Claytou's Block, riesbvrtoii. oppoaite lLk-har.l*n' hardware str. lyj,-ci.-LI.OfGH * Yi'' BaVer, Mark.lale. do a senerej banking bu<- IneM. Money loaned at a reasonafcle rale. Call rjEBTS COLLECTED. Th.< -in l*rigned is prepared to undertake tbe collection of all kiuiU of dbt. bought, accounts collected, etc- E. N HKNOKRSON FLKSBMTQ.X. R. J SI'ROCLB, l'otmrtr. ri.hrto. Comi*Wocr In H B . Lie nrf > actioow, Convyaiicr. A praise, an.l MoDy Loncr. Eoa.1 EataU aii-l inco Afent. DiKls. JOIB^, Leae. aud Wi"< diawn ininiid Valuations wad* on abortost noMce. Auction Sale* attoudvd to In auy prt ii< the County. Money to loan at low eat rate* of interest. Collections att.' with prowtuest. an. I de]>atch Cliare low. ..[.(ninpany. cheap ticket* Jroui Klenhertou - OlC"W.ljOuJ<'n or any of tho P.HU..11 iwrn Vartio* luwu.liun to TI I. olan.l. will ir*e a*k raton before pur.-- i-Uwhero. J\U. HI 1-TOX. U.I' CM. M.C.P.* 8..Ont.. Tiicetillo Ke*i 'net' and office one door we*t ol the Ueth oaistrhiirch.KiurossS*. Offlee days, Tuiay audSaliudayt. ^_ TJU. C \IXTEB. kl. C. P. * 8., Ont. Phydlcian. surReon. etc.. FleeJiexton oOUe Strains b'ock. Keaideuce- Uuuabaw'i hotel. A I tSS EDITH UK 11 \KDSON. Of Bo M If of H,...i:i. <..-rman*. <. violin ; . of Toroutu Conservatory Huie. l'r(. Komson. late of T.To-to, i will i ;N - A.NO au.l Ol.i Jcutistvu. J P. MAKSII.VLL, L D S..M D. 8. DeetUI. Visits Uarkdal* ths 1st and :UJ Wsdnosday of sach month. ri.ibortoo -Each trip oo tb Jar a. ..wing. gtftftl. J W. KhOST, Xu-ri^tar. Solicitor. Couv*Taac*r. Ftc FlbiUm office N.l th pot offlc* Sproule's builtiibg. ou TUurxlays. Owu Sound offlc* Krost s buildiu*. - Jt WKKiHT. Rarriiten, Ho'iciton, ConTancer. etc.. Own Soun I. On.t - - MaikJalo. Ont. W. II. WRMHT. I. B. LITAS. N. B. Flabrton oOce. Mitchell Batik, very Wdne>day. JOHN A. SCOTT. M. B. Member Co!lrhyl<!.* Surgeon*. Ontario Gradual* In Mdtet of Toronto t'nlvrsity. Kellowshtp IHpJouia. Pout Graduate Medical School and He|>ital. Chicao. Diaeejwa of et, ear. nose and throat upoclally troe,td. Hesi- Uence Maw*ll, vtalta FevewaamThurtdav. 1 J P. OTTEWEtL. Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veteii lary College. KwUUHMe Kelt doar soutb of sloore's pianing factory. Ai)f\v aMeUcvej -I, \,, i Moo ' '" -" ' '.v%e room i.*e Block. Kleabereon - v SI. liil>~ ir M A R- K. rvun.iiK i!i *arh tuooib in Bproale's block ai |> ui iiKuruucei uu-etn KiontMy. tli.. procedlug the ttud of each ui.ii,tii. SIASCB. Thi. -. "I 1> < : ril . >i nendiy in iac'i ui.utth at s |,.m , 1-retli* reri :-:vi:. .i. liiMirancu iu ce Ur. H A., meet in H.-ir hall, t ' < vr\ soound Thursda) in each snniHli. Wm. Sharp. XItrr. T. Clavton, Sec- retary. PiXi'K AKTIM K LODOK, \ . - .A.I \ A. M niM.i in the Ma>nic Hall Strain's block. KU-burto. , vi . r y Kn Uv on or jHsfore tho full moon. Dr. Cartrr. W. M., K. J. Sproule, Seotetarv. I il.-'-r-i i From our men 'Jut rtayomitn t. The refreshing showers of the past week have been a great bleaaing to this part uf the country, and the cropa are greatly improved by them. Buildiiii- operation* are booming at En je i.u. Th.i masous are working at the Presbyterian church, alco at Mr. Peter Munshaw's house. Mr. Jake Willmins haa the basement of his house up ready for the framers. Jake is ruahiug bus nes. lie intimate! that he don't intend to keep bachelor ' hall. Mr. J. .men Lanton ia about commenc- .r, r to erect a new house on hU lot. M-. Muaes) Sherwood ia putting up a small burn on his place. M. Samuel Pedlar, Bx deputy Reeve, i had a tin* wind luill erected un tho h- m farm at Eu.-enu. Mias Surtl. Pedlar, of Toron' home on a V.M.I at her parent s. Her many fiieiuU welcome her icturn. Mr. Albert Lit mer, uf Toronto, has been vUitiux his parenut here. There ia some talk .'f a bachelor's sale at Eugenia tins fall. There are a number ilthy sitcciniem t-> be dup.'eil . f. Let the sale proceed. MI.SJ r i.l.i Boverman, who haa been visiting her aunt iu Dakota for some time past, rerurne I home some time ago. 1 She says she thinks Canada u the best place. Blaster NVillij Purvis aud v . are visiting their aunt, Mn. H. M. li .weruian. Mr. Alrx. Carruihets hss bvru very ill ilia p ist week. Mr. CUad-* lleiuaiiDg, of the Veneer factory, has been seriously ill with in- flammation of the stomach. Mr. Will Purvis aud wife, of Toronto, have been visilin* at Mr. Wm. Pui VIM'S. The Salvation Army held a camp meet- ing lit Eugenia the I>.IM wet-It. Great in twmai was taken in their meeting! and Home have pruftssed conversion. Mr. ileorxe O'.rdon in very sick th:> I iu time with inflammatory rheumatism Mr. Samuel Paul, who has been sick so II.IIK, is u <w improving in health. : . M-..X ami Steel, of T'.rt.nUi. i< k a trip ut> on their bicycles ti enjoy a few dys fishing around the falls. Master Stanley Banks, of Toronto, spent the past week visiting at Mr. H. \1 1 1. ' Mrs. Ureenberry, of Pickering, ia vis- , i:in_' at Mr. Alexander M .id ill's. Kiiiii i::.i *ti!l seems the favorite reaor* f.r picnic parties. The I'm. m Sunilay School held its an- iiu il p.emc on Tliursdy afternoon laKt. The young people had a good tune. SAM SLU K A Good Thing * I PICK IT UP. A floe lot of Worsted Panting!, usually sold at $6.50 and |o. to be cleared out at 14. Chance of your life. Don't leave it as they will not laat lon{ at that pricv. C. J. Leitch . MERCHANT TAILOR. < i_\ruxrJuuxn/>j-.jr,.trL-*jS/j^^ -j uighr. The meeting nn Sunday i wai th lanteat seen here for yean. Tli* crowd was estimated at about euiht hun- dred people, coming from Flesln r Eugenia. Prinulise, Gibral-ar, Rob K . . Mcln'yre and Maiweil. If number* count for anything the meet- ings have been a success, (juita a num- ber have urofened a change, others that were there need it bad enough, but we ." n. >t look lor too much all at once i 'tricers of Court Feverslxam, So. 534, ' " F f. C. Bruce, P. C. R . R. belt Mel.lruui. C. R.; George Millrr, V.C.R. ; William L. Hudson, Roc. Sec.; John A. .dan, F. Sec. ; Amue. Kentner. Treasurer: R. J. Coquet, Chap am: Eh R bin- n. S. W ; John Gnth'n, J. W v - ':ur. S. B. ; William Murphy, J.D Epliini:. PAIN i 5! PA I NTS FUoM W. Richardson. t>trr>liam. f ,-uwi our OU-H mrretitoiuitnt. , W.- have bn taking holidays lately, Mr. K .-. r, and Hud it rather hard to nj> the pen again. Matters in this viciui.-y are much the name, we persume, as every where ehe. Peoule are doitnf a uood deul of urunibiing ance of the crops. : ilie hard uinei that are to be and ,, ' in a i;o..,l m.uiy caaeH without much rra- -..i!. T!:o hay crop here waa a f.ilure hits been a good many other pl.ves. but the ^rain crops are fairly good and -.hovers will do a vast amount '.>d to late cr-pa also to roois and after gran. Young Ontario U not . to starve yet by any mean*. Mrs. (Uev.) R. Strahan of Ravenna, Mompanied by her two daughter*. -. Mr Wm. MeOoiinell's last Mimes T!i..iii|on of St. Vincent are ing at the came place tint week. MIIH Johmuon and the M?se U ill of Meaford visitvii Miss BIcKmi;l.t lately. Miss McMurchey of Meaford viaiteii .it Bre'>uni Place last week. The new ministers. Rev. Messrs. VVarr and Fox. have arrived mi the circuit and bn . l-.;!i i-ri'ichi'd here to Urge cor,gre- Flesherton. Maxwrll. our </*cit C. rrfjpom/Ht. The li;lit showers of rain uf the pad week have greatly iuipruvtd the a; w a very . ' 'iirrivj).!!! The heavy rain on Monday night will help cn.p* a K"od deal, especially th* The potato crop in tins part 1. nk - \|.. TS run. ho ha* been visiting fiieiulshere for the 1 month, returned home l.isi w llvstarrlon Stativn ' M IKS Tena aud Mary Oleiiorowi, who have been spending their v.-u-ittion with fiieiulK around here, returned to the city Mr. .1. Col:hard has gone to the Main- on Saturday OKiii'iir. , toulin island f. .ratline. Mivs Stewart of C.ait. ap.-i.t i few days MM. A. >!..- iirr has returned homo fr.'in viaitiii!* friiMuls in Fleshertoii. Mr. Md M:< KKu-herof Black Batik ill with ni'KTKKIN I.OIMJK. Vo. I*, loo K. inwts In i'lA\tou'H liall L'V^ry Tuen- ilay *viiini] i%t 8 . bri>thruco. rtiall y A. S \ vvi" -' v.N. <;. J F HAL8TEAD, * 11. D.. M. C. A 9.. Oat..>raloM at Kiu- brly. Ubtuuiatle dlMtMW < speciality. T)K M MIV M. BRANDKB M. D. C. H.. XI. C, P. * B., Ont ; PrlovvilU. Office aud ntiusoo* at alaibodlst panoaac*. rll n clit 01 tly. pro^iptlr tt*uJo.l. Visits .Ksiiertou 8Utioa.Vu> to H, W,duosd).. Cash For Uidrs! Sheepskins anil all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will be (Mild. sausages un hand, also ail kiuds uf meals. M. FLESHERTON MEAT EMPORIUM were visiting <vt Mr. Htntman's for a few tat week. Mr. ami Miss Hall have returned to tin- city after spending a cou^l* of weeks with Irit-inU here. The Misae> Gayrrs <-f the townline are visiting at Mr. Gen. Thompson's. Mr. E. Ptiul is home from high school, having n>te at the last exam. H .pe he m iv bo successful. Mr. Duviilson of Toronto Junction is visiting at Mr.H. Davidson 's,on the tenth, at present. Mr. K. Horton ,.f the Valley spent a few days at Mr A. Conroti'a laat week. The tent brigade, of the S. A. is storm- ing the town just now. They came first uf hut wk aud wound up on Monday last week ith Mrs. S Mrs. Beirr, ia at present very inflammation. Mr. H. Wilkerso'i left on Friday even- ing on tn friend* in Roehextrr Mr. D. and Mb* McKei.zie of Fever sham are visiting at Mr. S UemphiU's. Mr. X. Lawrence lost a valuable h'.iie last week. The. Station football team ; friendly eame with Corbelton team nn Saturday wl.ioh resulted in 2 to in I favor of the Corbettoii team. A yotms man wh<* aid In- .11 an agent for cheese factory supplies ctojK^l S. White's hotel last Monday ni-ht. HB hiivd a h<. rue and Vehicle of Mr A. Me Aulay anil slut-col that he won 1.1 I* back evening, but neither man nor !i..i: have been heard of since. Despatch*, i nave been sent to ditfunut parts. about over, light crop. Mias M.ibie Strnchan is n.:.n^ acouplo of months with fnendi .. A. -i HI. A week a^o laat Thur.di.. M. l!i..mxs Br.iwundge was laid tn reit in -.he Metho- dist irrave ymrd and the remain* ..i Mr. Wm. Am. .it in the Englmh ih'jich gravo yard ; also Mrs. Thomas Uauiey was Uid to rest. Thus hardly a weuk piuae* with Mioiirnful procession p.wiLg ry or through our village. Mr. and V ;-* Hall of Toimito have ru- tunitd home after ipeu liiu * few ue.ks iu t..wn. A week ago last Moi. .lay Mi. T'.iomaa Beatty went to L'olian .':'.- to wurk. The Methodist Sunday vhocl picnio was well attended. Mr. J. L. Wood spent a few days in mity. Mr. C. M. Field and Min.i'y luttc re- tained home after visiting fin.n>.s 1.1 Aurora. \ !.n ..'.-r from hero went on thi -n fr -in CulUngwood to P*iry Sound on the seventeenth. Mr. Arthur Brownridge u viMtiLg in Shelburne. A larve cruwd went, from here to tho army at Fdvershaui last Sim lay tv. UIIIL, Mr Fred Field and Mi s a Alice Field Sunday ui Ravenna. Mr. I'liilipe spent Tuesday in town. U . ,ili.rl Road. our uirti t'r>efi>ntttKt. Miss of MineH|>. ha u vuut- in- at her aunt s, Mn. B. land, sr. Mr. John Kilpatriik and Mr. Wea. Sj. irling, of Goring, spent Sunday witli Mr.Ueorg* Hutchinaon, *r. Mr and Mrs R. (J. \\-tilmg tisiteJ friends in Meaford laat week. Mr. K .bert Shannon, who resides iu I'rofon, u apending a few J:\ys with h..i son, Ueorye. The Methodist Sunday avhod hern i j.-ihc.l the MarkiUle school in .t pio ic ui Mjrkil.ile,..n \V e li.e-- dny of laal Weak, Mid <[>ent a \\.TJ ulutrf- uut Jay.