Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1895, p. 8

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THE FLI8HIRTO ADVANCI Time Table. UOIMU SOUTH. Mik.U', G 40 a. in Flcalivrtini- 6.63 a. m. OUINO NORTH. r'osWton ll.4Ha. in. MarkdiU l.'itJ i- ni. 4 40 p. m. 4.53 p. m. 0.17 p. m. 9.90 p. m. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. l ~ '1 ho Very Ue**t PL.ACK IK CANADA TO GET A Tlrajh Business Huiliii, Take a Round Trip 3L ft:.,^ rnllv* sod i .11. nrelal Dp4rtineaU In Ctnwte.then !.> Soriheru Uuiiue Collaft* ; uailne every- t nng Hi > "uglily. If w fail to produce th in >. in itvui'i.eoinplota. practical au 1 axton- tin :oj. >f ituilv , tha l<t college preuil'M >il thit 1,1,1 till n o eounplut* and uio>% unit- *jl.f.inuturti.l k|lino*. we will Rive you full count Kill-.... Kor Annual A on ounce iueut.4iviu((uil particular* .free. aJdreu C. A. FLEMING." l'i in. n;il. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Baud Saw- ing, Wood 'fuming of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop Ving done while yon wait, for thi Lvcr turns the wheel. T. W. UIL90M 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED -AT THE- Flosherton Woollen MillH Tor which lli>' hi-.'het puMibl.- price wil lie pnu in caih or Iraile in all kind* vo-ilUn or union woods Huch s tweed* I' .HUM: la, full cloth, blanket* and al Liud* f yarns, etc. CUSTOM WOXK Will b promptly attunded t in all it l-i -mi bet. M|i iniiinn. r.-ll carding, weav in,:, I'l.lm;. dyeing, etc., etc. (JIVE U8 A CALL. John Nuhn, Prop. DOT'S CORNER. Jam.. Almost Passes Belief llr. Jas. K. Nicholson, FlornnovLU, N. U , Ctrus'ffles for Bwen ttong Tears with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS CURED BY AYERS Mr. Nicholson say*: "I eomultr.l do*., tors wli<> prsscrlbed fur mi', but to DO purjHisei tin- rnnrrr t i at into the ipread to my chin, and I inir>r*<1 In riony (or MVCII lour years. Klnally, I 1 began taknm Ayert BarsapailUa. In a wesk or two I uuUcad a Decided Improvement. Kn<'<nirnKod hy (liM rilt. I rrs- vnrr.l, unUI In a month or m the aorn uinUr my chin henaii Li h..l. In three tnontlii mi Up t,,-r in |o liral. anil, after tiling th SaMsnarllla lor su nioiitlii, UK> lax uncunf Uic caoosrdteupiMuroti.' 1 Ayer'So^Sarsaparilla State Conducted Funerals. AaaitU4 M the World'* Fair. AIMM'I riLU Jiayafsli * Iii these days when HI much is heard f tin- nationalizing or the taking over by he State ol everything, from the pro- ration u| our meals to the running uf ur railroads, there is perhaps nothing hat would be more of a boon especially < the poor than the knowledge that i '..I ili.- turmoil and itrjas of existence tin y and theirs would be sure of decent >inial. Dmce in death all men are equalsince 1 1 of c niccrii to each nnd every mem- T of a coininunity that (he dead should ic d, opined of and since if this sad duty were not attended to by the friends, the itale wnuld of necessity for its own good lie o'diged to shoulder the responsibility it would seem just and ri>;ht thai the [mrso- proud should on the one hand be deprived ..f the opportunity uf making; undue, diaplay, and on the other hand that the |> ..r should not be obliged to their slender recourses to the 2 point iu order to lay away their dead with becominu honor and respect. Here is a struggling family which mis- fi.ilune ha* overtaken -liny, uilsfurtuila snd her wholu brinid seem lo fiave turned their entire attention to Una one hunMe home, for troubles hsrea way i'f never coming singly. I need not give instances, for every one can furnish them out of his own experience ; and I m vs. It have knonii of half a d'./.-ii terri- ble trials lo visit one home in a year, any one of which trials would seem enough to put out thu star of hop* foruver. But to return to our unfortunate family: Kor a twelve month tliuy have atniK'.'li'.l against a aea of troubles; each new liial is met with a dumb du*pair which ini^it be iniHtaken for callousnus ; they have tui ued to every point of the compass fo look f. T the mean* to provide nour uliing fo. <!, iiiedicinuM anil nirdicnl aid; their future is already heavily inortgagtd, when di-aih kteps in and carrie* oil" oin>, two or even three the exnenne so far has IH-I-II for naught a. id tin y liave still In faos the necessarily 1 1 eat y uipeusa of internienl. Mutt not the. ni.-ney wbich a'l.-ul'l ii" to buy triad for th>- In inn, ) appropriated for the decent bun il .rf the dead ? In it not true tlmt there is many a |H..,r old Ix.ily stintli-K herself there may 1 a sum; little .sum laid by t pay tin- ui.deitaker 1 V r would (he conduct of funerals by the State interfere with thouc little tri- bute* of teiitiinc-nt which friendship lot i-s ti- pay, leve could mill heap it* rones up.. n i lie c..ld In-Hit mid utrew the .w much willi i>H,iliiMlel, but where tucli ivmi wers iiuvsiiig, there would atill be tin i ..ntriiiii.i al tra|i|-iii^-Hiif woe and the IKX/I man would ba\e the Ratisfaction of kin>*intf that IIM dead weru an r.-verenlly laid awny as l.i- rich nei^hlMirx' and no huge bill to stsre him stoiily in the eye until l.y linn Ii p'ln-biii^ and hardship he is c.inlil.-.i 1 1 pay it. N.r wnuld this care for the oidinary riny.eii | ti-vent tlie l.slio'i nb. .wii'tc *)'.> Itl lionor mi uccaM-iii lo the n.ighly dead. Tin- v lunuwned in kODjf and story tli me wl.ohave It d tin- nati.'i 'H Minn lo \ ictory- - tin. e who have eminently MM v< d lli.n counliy in nc:eiu'e, in >tatesniHlii>lii|i, in .iv and hit undo n, in the arts and i.i plnl.inihr;iic III..M iu. utH, lin^lit, AH n. , I.i- iiifi.ideil all the bom rs wlmh p. in,, n. .1 H|.lendour could lend tu their .. linesmen nii'l tlit- private citixuli* feel Ho giievunce thereat. IXiT. fount) and l.-u ,. i. The Sii>gliiiiii|>t..n Argus Imn x'' 1 ' 11 "I 1 (lie nimble and c.'HKtid In exist. It HIM a inuiiiViii id. a to think a uewnpaner en u|. I l.e ma. le it financial KUcceftB w ith MI. Ii a l.uni.-il lit Id in I'peinUi in. We understand Mr. Mills hit* received a temp 1 n. }> offer lt> i.". to Iirlin which he Hdri. ualy tluiiki of accupting. ('reeu.ore M,r II. .IVII-IN-. DVT., July 1H. ThiH imnn III.' Ii .- blolie out in (lie nHtV Hlld 11 ill millH owned by W. Y. I'elrie. The H:kiii -a ho .11 otivitlojm 1 tli,. K Ii do binldin.' an I juitk y '|irei I t'i the Itunber y.ird ai'jKini n wlieri' luinibi-iU i>f 'InitiHaiids ol t ei Dl I mi! el "ere |.i!e.l, nil of wliicli HUM CIIIIHlnilfd Till! IOM Will ail:..UIlt lo A tine mine, i 1, Sl'.'O, l,i I n ;!!.({ lo Mr. I'. 1. 1 t'.iiu.ii, i.i iliti n.\t i.ln.e l.uili, i- iii. unh n pe^ii.iur Htid fatal in. id, in ..u TliuiMlay l.iot. Tb mure stepped on one end "I n Hick, tl.n other ulid of which ]..'!,. II..I.-.1 I., -I thlgll SO -I. . | l t lli.ll |l| Taliuer, V. 8, wa sum f.-r. lie lieated I the mjui) and th..u K lii il.i niaiv was du- , wlib, a* i.e atMtiiibkinj at a S2>ring on Moml.iy, a bloud vessel in the wound paitud and th* sniuial bled to death in a few minutes. Relief In Uourc- Diiirwsiug Kid y aiid Bhuidnr M relieved in ail hours by the " Urnat 8uuth American Kidney Cure. " Tins new remedy is a Kr.'al surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part of the urinary passages in male or fe- male. It relieves retention of pain in passing it almoat i in mediately. If you want quick relief and cum tint : your remedy. Sold by W. E. Richardson, Druggist. The Cheuley Enterprise explain* a can* <>f bad ipelliiiK, or a bad] casn <>f spelling, as follows : "We announced lust week tbatMr. A. 8 ftnodeve. aent of C P. R. , wnuld Dell tickets for 'hiiths' on the Mackinaw, and upper Uke in, - We made a typographical orrr in thu wcrd 'bertlm' by piittn.'j it 'biitlis' and we hHsien to corruot the error least there be a general ruah lo the x>rner drui; MI re by aeveral of our i iii/ei.M who would pay fabulout prices to get pussewiou of i 'birth' ticket." A few days ago, when engineer Hay w.inl was reluming from Meaford with the mail, he ran into a fluk of sheep on the track near Btayner, giving them a gentle hoist and landing them ai(aiiiHt the fence. When New Lowell was reached however, an ..II ewe alighted from the cow-catcher and walked down the track, having ridden about five miles. She was catuht and Dpon exmuination no broken Uines were luiiml. BtayiN>r Sun. Heart DiseKe ic.-li. >, <l in :: Minnleii L>r. AKIM'S wr Cur. of tli< Heart gives perfect relief in all canes ol tiorijoii.c or Syinpathi-iic Heart Disease in .'H) m in u i I'.H. .-mil speedily etfecti a cure It ii a peerless remedy for Pa!pitntion, ShortneH of Itreuth, Smothering Spcl I'. mi in Left Side and all ymptons of a L>ieased Henrt. One dose convince* Sold by W. C Kichard.u. Mr. James JohiiKton of Toronto, boiler inspector, is a well known gentleman whose word woula not be i|Uen'i<>ned it tny hy tlunu) who know hi He re'ale.l a strange story t'isome friends here the other ni^ht nfter liin returi fi. in a trip up the lakea. About '' o'clock one eveiiii.g la*t Week, while on a tour n iipeclin, Mr. Johnatn, in cnin|>any with seveial Ac<)uamlancvs, was on a tin running from Club Inland to Freticl River When off bustard IiUnds all on lii.jinl tlMu.cily heaid the noise of a tui I'xhnus'ini;, and presently a h rue rutt o logs suddenly ap|*ared in front. Th' cnp'ain in,nu--liately checked down, t. avoid runniiiK into it, and after locating the l.i y of the rsft ran ).ing the eilije o it for a mile, all the lime hearini the n. .it..' of the tug, which tin y supposed was to* in,' the I'.jts, and every minute expecting lo sight it. The liuise of tht tuj; WLismnlible and the lojjs were quitt discernihle to every one on board, ant five or ix anxious people were * it.-h lo M. ml iiiiinin; into the raff, when ami denly the m>ii<e ceasud, and thu r.ift dis appeared. Tha party looked at each othei in utter bewilderment, but none coul( i \,'!.iiirflii' phenomenon. --Parry S<>um Can.idian. At Ni.gira, Mr Krm.k Roguitt tried t< friiihien an Italian farm lalxirer hy play ing i>hont, and was fatally witl tln> pitchfork with which thu luhan w HOLLER MILLS Are now cumplct aud are t iinuin rrgular. CHOPPING HA usual. !. LOUCKS. D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON HOKSBSH^KU AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAND Kepnint for JI;iey ll-rrl-. and .\oxon. Flenry and WllkiuBon farm linulements loiivas l ; lcury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the samo. We mamiUctwe Wagons, Buggies, Cntters. SU-ijli8, etc. ' Hoi-Heitlioeing prompt); atu-uded to. Special attention to tender oolracted feet. Lo^uiuK and Plow Chains constantly on hand. PEOTOSPHOTOi If you i it photoa taken go to the FLESH EBTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY wheie nothiii'; tint Hintc'avi w..rk 'un. r. I out, mill iMu-ra I'.Hri limn i % liarj;i' '.'i city *ork. t'ir.-Mi: s/ixrn I '"I'J'ing otlmr p-.i'tnrem. Jiilii.s' photoj s|iecUlty, I'ictiiro i i-Jiiiii.i; in all its brant-hcs pininp'ly and nr.itlj' done. His, tilitr - S].eDkan St, Repairs, Repairs *Xt- 'ASoftThing * * When you are ilritii'g is always enjoyable. Our bougie* sre easy an<l pleasant U> ride in, neatly finished, strong and durable. Call and examine our stock. Carts and democrats on easy terms Painting, trimming and hn'shing done order. I claim to sell as durable and good a vehicle as there is on the market. R. T. WHITTEN. FULL OF ENCOURAGEMENT <A.XJL. wo: In Bed 5 Months Had Given Up All Hope of Getting Well A Remedy Found at Last to which " I Owe My Life." Science has fully established the fact that all the nervous energy of our bodiea u generated by nerve centres located near the base of the brain. When the supply of nerve force has been diiuiniaimil either by excessive physic il or mental labours, or owing to a dor.iii^.Min-it of tho nerve centres, w are ttr*t conscious of a lun^uor or tired and worn out feeling, then of a mild form of nervousness, headache, or itom \ch trouble, which is perhnpe suc- ceeded by nervous prostration, chronic indigestion, uiui dyBpepsia, and a gen- oral siukinq of tli whole system. In thisdiy of hurry, fret and worry, there are very few who onjoy perfect health ; nearly evuryom) h.n some trouble, an ache, or pun, a weakness, a nerve trouble, Bomethmig wrong with the torn ton and bowels, poor blood, heart disease, or sick heaJ.tche ; all of which are brought on by a lack of nervous energy to enable tho uiflw rent organ sof the body to perform their respective work. Sooth American Nervino Tonic, the marvellous nerve food a ml health giver, is asatUf.yinK8Ucce.4S, a wondrous boon to tired, sick, and overworked mm and women, who have suffered years of discouragement and tried all manner of remedies without benefit. It U a modern, a scientific ron<e<ly, and in its wake follows abounding health. It is uoliko all oth.-r remedie* in that it is not (iei^n.-d to act on the different organs aiV.-cted, but by its direct action on the nervu centres, which are nature's little butteries, it causes an increased supply of nervous oergy to be gcuurated, which in its turn thoroughly oils, as it were, tha machinery of the body, thereby en- abling it to perform perfectly iu dif- ferent functions, and without tha slightest fiiction, If you have been reading of the re- markable cares wrought by South American Nervine, accounts of which wo publish from week to e--k, and are still sceptical, we ask yuu to in- vestigate them by correspondence, and become convinced that they are tru to the letter. Such a course oay sava you months, pei haps years, of suffer- ing and anxiety. The words that follow are strong, but they emanate from the heart, and speak the sentiments of thousands of womon in the United Stateaand Can- ada who know, through experience, of the healing \irti. e of the Sbuth American Nervine Tonic. Harriet K. Hall, of Waynetown, a prominent and much rekpected lady, writes as follows: " I owe my life to the great South American Nervine Tonic. I hava IN m in brd for five months with a scrofulous tumour iu my right tide, and suffered with indigestion and nervous prostration. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors, with i o relief. The first bottle of Nervine Tonic improved me so much that I was able to walk about, and a few bottles cured n>e en- tirely. I believn it is the best medi- cine in the world. I cannot reooui mend it too highly." Tired women, can yon do bctUr than become acquainted with thi* truly groat rcmady I For l>> NVin.

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