THI FL18HI1TOI ADTAMOI Banking? Office oi GEO. MITCHELL MLMIUMON and iwininioff, wi:h illustrations of tb* latest fasl.i'Mis in bothiny ocwttimes Mr*. Royer A. Pryor's article on the etiquette <if letter writing bear* tho stamp of .tirlioiitjr, and will be helpful to evry. >ne Aaiiaraj baiitioD bmiuMi trmnnacto.1 Draft* j who re-uli it; and the paper on art needle- iua<l and choouat uatiied at usual rated Monay alwaynavaUabla fur legimal-? liumn-^ ! work In ilia employment wruM "III direct amrd " the attention of many wviien to this) oc- cupation as a mvanf of livelihood There are lso the numerous uther practical papers arid articles of the clai usually found in th in popular maitaatue. Sub scription price of the Delineator ft per year, 16c. per sing e copy. Address, The Delineator Publishing Co. of Toronto, Ltd , 33 Rjchni.inil St. Wnsjt, Toronto, Out. Vicinity Chips. Charnrleristles of the Fwt Week < ar full> Called for tk It iriit Moric4< awung Uml* trtU ht at tkt ratf of lOc per line for ttu-k uurrtiim. .4 rerfwd'ow wi'U ht male * mulmett forlMluta or aver. tUmrwber th excur*in to Niagara to-day and to-morrow. See Light spring democrat, second hand, i.ewly painted and in good repair, for nV che-ip, or will exchan-.'f for a J. K. BaAervillo, Flmherton. The Annual rifle match of the 31 at bat- talion belli* held this month. Dur I. mil Mid Fleahertnn cumpan'es alxHit it the range here on Tuesday. 30iii mtt. Messrs T. Clajti.n, Fleaherton ; Jue and Fred Ammtronir, Toronto ; Oeo. IVrry, Luckno* , and Bert and W. A. Armstrong, Flenhart-on, are in camp near Ki nl'-rl.y iLrs week. Linn. W. Wilson.lot 31,con.lO, Arti- cutuiii, h I ju.t ban e-1 t'lr.-e kilns of lime an I liaj any ani-unt of No. 1 stock on I:, u 1. Any ne Ji*iriiiy i o should cum- with Mr. Wilson, Eugenia P.O. The tokuship of Otprey ha 1023 \oten entitled to vote at municipal elections and a total of 1067 names on tho list. Tlie. lut U now in the hands of the clerk ...d liaa Wn poateU for irupeuiimi. Tito result* of the recent examination* not yet teen uiaJe public by the it-part mtut, but those who wrote have received their ttanding through the in- aj^ctor. Tlu-y *ill nudoubt be publiahed in next week's issue. A couple of youiu nien were up before nttos Richards-it, and Vauduaen f.<r t ii-jiii'K dUturlmnce <i July 12. Their fun out them the Hum "f about $22, cu'jutiiii( coils. Theie liitU burt of tuerxy comuhi^b. COMUIU Dr. Sinclair, ipcia!ut in the tiL-.ttinciit of KuigH, heart, kidney and I l.idtlrr di<eaHen, diHvasrx of women and I i.vatu diteanu*. Will be at \VIi.-. ' hotel. Fleahertou Station, on Tuo-l.iy. July 30. froiu 4. .HO in the afternoon until U o clock at in -lit. Consultation frue. tried others, but like Aytr' U the itateuieut mado ovir and uver K '"' by those who tcstiriy tu the t* in LI derived from the ue of Aycr's Sartaparillii. When the \ ital Huul is im- (iiiie uud lu^xih, them cm bo neither l.i-.ilth, strru^'h, nor ambition. EfTBCTfAL C'bU'lesJ. Booth, Olive wood. Col , > : "I have used Ayer'n 1'ilU in my family for several year*, and liuve always found them mo,t otf-.-ctual in the relief of ailments arising from a <1 i >rderv<l stomach, torpid liver, liiidcon- >i|>uted bowuls." On Sabbath last a Miuujii Band was T^iNizod in connection with the Woman'* Miwionary Society of the Methodist c'.in. ch, with the following! officers : Tr. , .Mr-. Thurstou ; C..r. Sc , Mii Eva Irwin ; Kec. Sec , Miss Annie Dinwooaie; Miss Lucy The Stiain Bros, of Minot, Dak., and t ireal Kails, Mont., are probitbly the beat Lusinem nun evi r graduated from Flesh- (ton. We lu.irn inciduntnlly from M i.iutuiil fiiend that in their l..r^-i tore . t tiieat Fl they employ thirty cleikn. Thw will give aouie iue* of the Urge tusi iiea* .ouduc'ed by them. The Dundalk Hoiald ill not ap|>ear thin week We believe Br. (ileiidinnuitt i*. maJliMy a tour of the province on h>n bicycle, Mid k*| wmler in n tlie prohts which Old Stamps U anted. Boys and tfiils, get your parent* to al- low you the prmWe f tfoiiig through their I-:. 1 letters ; take off the stamps and bring r ln-iii to Uiis . tji^-e. Wu will huy all old ISSUM fruiu you, paying according tu their value. PERSONALS. ' Messrs. Joe and Fred Armstrong, of Toronto, are spending holidays in this vicinity. Mr. Jaa. Ludlov, of St. CU<r, Mich. wif a caller, on Saturday. Mr. Ludlow IH paying his annual vmit to relatives and friends in Arteiiiimia. Mim Annie Kichardaon in camping with friends"up the Uke. Mr. and Mrs. John Brut ham, of ChaU worth, were the i<uets of relative* here during the pant week. M.M KiiUa Moor<-, of Owen Sound, is the guest of MIM Mart Wright. Mr. EJ. Strain of Colliiigwood hujli chool is hoiue for vacation. Mr. ana Mrs. J D. CLirk returned to their home in L tvlon on Monday. Mis Dr. K-id, of Horninx's Mills, U visiting ith her sinter, Mm. W. Trimble. Mr. A. M. Gibson, of tho arm of M Kiehardson i Co., has) been takn.x his h-''i'layn during the pitat week, vuitin^nt various points. The camping party at Bell's Uko broke cainp yesterday und returned to tlieir permanent abodes. Mr. Frank Sullivan, dru<{ cicrk, of London, is viailing at the parental home. Mr. John <Kwld, ,if Jauetville, V, c t TU Co., is via ting with his brother, Mr. D. Oswald ..f M. RichardHon <t Co'*. Miss Annie Sharp left on Tuesday to pay a \iit to her brother in Southern Dr. E. K Richardson left nu Monday to acorpt a positi >u in the children's hospita 1 . Toronto. Mr. H. Dysnn in taking in a Mackinaw excursion thin week. Mr. Henry Aikin*, of Uncle SAIII'S man-of-war Kichinoiid, is homt on a three months' furlough. Mr. Aikini left home al>out_ cveu yv.tri *^<\ and lince tlic'ii has served on ihr < American battle shijie and present on the flag shiu Chicago during '.h* naval review in New York harbor two yean _">. Ho has trav-ll.-d pretty well <er the world duniij the pas', seven yean. t Uone>jiea.-0n4 b >tt! of KugliHh Sp.i\n Liuinifiit completely removt-d .1 curb from my hon. I txke pleasure iu recoiinuriidiiig the remedy, as it acts wit!i niyt>'riotiH promptnens n. the romoval from horse* of haul, soft or cal- loiiM'il Iuni|>->. liloixl )t.i\ in. splints, curbs, nwvoliy, stitics and sprains If KOKUK KOBB. Farmer, MHikh.iiu, Out Sold by W. E. Richardson. Drux^ut Mr. Ales. Mitchell of Red Wing is tho poseaHr of undoubtedly the oldest set of deer's hi i s above gn>iind. Ihcywere found by him latt 24th of May solidly im- bedded in ice in the rock caves on lot 5. con. 11. towi.shipof Collingwood. These c.nrcriis, though of vast e.\tent, r but little known, even to those people who live in that viciuiry. Mr. Mitchell in- forms ut that the icniaindrr of the ani- mal's tones is lying in the ice. The horns bvl >ng to the caribou specie* of deer and are thought to be not let* than 200 years old. They measure 10J feet in Ungth, and are three feet in width from he made by selling refreshments to hun- i tip to tip. The hi ms arc wonderfully ury and thiisty Orun^inen on July, Ui. W may eipect some entertaiuiii{ nut IAS of Uvs trip from liis ttenclutnt pen wben hu retarns. Tb* Auttint number of The Delineator i< called the midsummer number MH) OKU- mn a laue variety ( ii.t^rosting sut- tc> ui table for the nnasuu. Ladir.* who !..n Jfrrml eouipletniK their IMUIUUI wardtuke* will b* particularly phtatMnl uU this number, f,.r U.o styln* wwie tie or Mure iia>iuty and appropriate. A pwctaj article is dvtolnU tu Jr4f):i ^ fi r stjt UJ>s, and another U> bathing well priservnl, sjiU when Mr. Mitchell Utuuivi>tlf >.r*t of tin- btitiH*, .is he in- tend* to dm, he will possess a very vah - able relic. It i* supposed that tho hii- animal fell in from tie top, for the pre- sent i pp-*arai. ^ of the cave shows no way by winch it could hare entered at. the niouth - -T2j/u4swy AVER'S Hair VIGOR color to th hair. ad also pr*Tant it talus.* rat. Hn. H W F.nwlck, of S, "A little more than two yean ago my hair began to turn gray and fall oat Af- ter the use of one bottle of Ayer*s Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling oat An occasional application tats since kept the hair in good condition." Mrs. H. T. FISWICK, Digby, Jf. & Growth of Hair. "light rears ago, I had the rario- loid, and lost my hair, which previ- ously was quite abundant I tried a variety of preparations, but with- out beneficial result, till I began to fear I should be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband broafcbt home a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I benn at once to use it In a short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospeot of as thick a growth of hair as before my illness." Mrs. A. WEBKR, i'olymuia St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR rBfU-ABED BT eU.C.*Ta4CO..LOtlll,MAS3.,US.A. a rT' I'llli cure .<<* Headache. Get . . . The Best . . . For Your Honey We are now oflVrine a well neleered asnurtment of Lsvdu 1' and GeoCa' Kine Foot wear ui Oxford*. Balmoral and Button Boot* aud Slippers, also the heavier grade* winch we are offering at bottom Prices notwirh- standmg the recent rise in pi ice of hoots and leather. Call and give un a trial. Custom Work ami Repairing attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S RUGQIES& CARTS. If you want a nice light road cart or a food serviceable busrgy w* t| can supply you with it. All custom work in our line done iu tint class style on shortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. Blair. rtnnruuiHxfvnjUar&5&uwuu ta d i EVERY DAY. ^-^ TIIIKD .K VM) Excursion To Toronto -AND- NIAGARA FALLS Tho I. 0. F. of Own Sound Ami the various trwni ioiitli to Hhrlburn*. will KIT. a (rs>u<l excuniuu to T<iiouto 1:1 1 Niagara Kalii. pr C. 1'. K. snd SU-a.mur. (. liippowa Chicuta auJ C.bola. Thursday Afteruoon, July 25 FRIDAY, JULY 26TH, 189- 1 , Ticket* on Steamer goo-l fur ono day only. Be 4Ui anJ ai>k fur i i>. K. exunrnioj ticket. BK TO TO raoH TOItONTO XI/OARA FALJ.S Owen Sou ml ......... J AS ........... M 7.1 Cliatuwortb ........ J *i .......... g 90 J i. .......... i 3O Z 4S HrkeUy ............. t MarlutaU block L. Jr Sill la on* r about* Mof tb .ou. oo thr u-ol<1 hi'*r. iu itr iu f r>-b**d u,l lari,* Inf >rmtion So her Wbr Wx. , riMkwrt P.O. * UO Kl <l.rtoa ...... .... XUO ........... S Prulon .............. * <W ........... 4 U Dun.lalk ............ * 00 ........ < iS c.iilN-tton ............ 1 TJ ........... 400 Mrlam-thmi ......... 171 ........... UO Sbt-lbuiru ----- ...... 1 7i ......... UO (H1I.UKKM HALF f-RICE Do Lot wias the oiiportun ty of lecinff nue of th. Krfottint nonilrn cf tha wnrl't. an*l III" hintoiic uriMixl uf Vurnittun Htiiihls. Niaara an.l llr-.Kik N Miiiiunit-ut Toronto tickru H>M up to SiUuitlay JiilyJTth. Niagara Kulln li. ki'tn n<xxl to luturn up to Moutlav. July JUth. J ft. Myl'KK.N \V. WILSON. 9. EDGAR Voters' List. MUNICIPALITY OF OSPREY IHOo Sutice is hernbjr gWn that I !IST> trnnsmittrtl or di'luertxl to the pur*un ui.iiti.inad IB iwo tionK ."> ami 6 of th Ontario VaMn' List Ac-t. IhHU, the oouiTt rf(|ur--i hv *iri *,- I.HIH to be sn tram*iultU'<l or ileilTruii of lh Hut uml- iiurmiwitto n.iil c-t. of all im-sonn appdirtnu nv tht> liifJt rcvinoil asAAKHtiiuiit roil < f Ui wt,ln iiiiiiitci|lity to bn.ntitlMl to vole Us MM aaU uiunictpa ity at e.ct'Uon* for iimnibvrB of tlio I*iiltiv iMM-mbU itml at Municipal KUt- timi*>. uil thn.t MUil w. rtrt ponUxl il|' at no oWce at Mcliit;reon Ui IHth Pav of July. 1 9 . and nina;n. tlurv for iuspecllon. Klmrujri arw cft'lul upon to t<xtaiin* the Maid Mat and if anv iinimliialuii* or auv otbnr arrort ai foun>l tbrvin tu taku imra.* iati proc - iiiK" to hav tilt taiil crrora corrvotwl actoru- iti to law. TOWA S< OTT. Clrk Muui.-ipaiily of Opry. Datl Julv mil. IH9.V Mail Contract: Soalc-l tf ii JOI-K. fxlilrnaitwl to the Uvnnral. t|l b* rectiiTxl %t Otta > a inn II nmwi .-n Kn.lav. llr" Allll'wt. !*.. for thoonTnyailo ; klar Ma-ot)'s Mnilx. oil a pro|Ml contract tor msar yoarn. tbri- ui*> !"' 1 ^ l it '' "* T . -.XI-aJifjr.iiii and VaoitoUiu fiom t]U Octnlxr, nal, conoju>,>*>bHsaJiiii a .4>:c|s> or or o. Printed notlo sontss nK.lT'h^-r tioo M to ooiKlltioni of prof,,*** utrmct mar ba aD an.l blank [mm* of Tnmlar in>T '^ "b- Kjocd at th Pout < ifllcna iu rtaaixarton nd Vaodelour anil at tbis uOu-o. R. O HiTm. Past offle* Inai atoi. Pout oOVoa Impawn 0. tttnttord.lUi July. Mi. Every day a busy one, ami yet we are offering fxjme very special inducements iu Plusli Parlor Smu>, an.l an exceptioually fine assort meet of parlor luitn; room o.ld pieces in plush, rugg, silk, ramie auJ otlrtr jovpriufrs. Centre Tables at very low prices iu solid oak as alo in walnut and antique tinisli. Our line of Dining Boom Furniture w-is never more complete. show injj a large variety of d?sii;u.s in Eitensiou Tables.M wel. as Fall Leu: .MiTl Side^ablc. Oar new pnttfi'ii Din in chairs are at once cheap, comfortable aud pleasiutf to die eye. A special Hue of pictures and picture frames at slaughter prices Also some very pretty Wai 1 ..v Shades and Curtaiu Poles to be cleared out at cost. Our nude.-takiujj deparimeul it) as uusual tirst class, aud prices-well aik tliose we Lave sei ved. Jc nnrsDc: Furniture . b. i lUUKt, and Undertaker. x i . . anu Lnaerianer. ji s* >>>- T" *r.~ V.rHPTiF^SFv!? -.11- t,f -*>- : *. '/i.' ,^^ Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times. But no such word is heard from the DL'XDAI.K : I'ATKOX : SXORI . And why not from them as well as from other places of business, because they are sellii.K at price s that biin{ the custom for many mile* aiixiud. The S and cis. are S and cts. with thone that have buying to <Li tliisneasou. It would be quite easy for us to quote (5 pr. laJius' liosc fur '25 da , Hi; yds 0. cotton for l n i. 2-i larK" si/.L- liaiiiikerchii-fs f I, etc , but our aim is not to give yon a lot of cheap goods for W. lut to give > oil aood goods wLicli you cannot buy in other stores for the same amount of one. AlUiough Boots and Shoes have advanoeJ wholesale '2.V o we .till sell them at the old patron piice. We are enabled to do thw owing to a largn alack being bouRht before the advance. You would do well to get your supply b- fore tlio ansoi-tuieiit is broken Wonderful low prices for readynijde auJ; ordered clothing. Men's ll wool suits for fj.'2'.J, etc., etc. The liiifhest cash prices for all kiuds ot pro.lnco. Suve your dollars by bnymg.t Hardware House. lamst Tools, Our prices on uailp, locks and hinges are a lo as auy hard .van? house nor tli of Toiouto. M t;i),4HX' lb. tiintln twin*v. Dlue Ribbon. 7 Jo.; Red Cap, tjjc-., Comuiou Sense, Ik. larwt loo's SCYTHES, FORKS, For* 1 HOf*. t'tileys aud Traclw. Tb finest XXX lubricated lardine tnacinu* oil on the market. Tour hrrsrn irru from flics bv (,-wttin ^ th:u a nl of leatb- By so d oi r& v Y.>H ilt aT rami. v Vnur lu ar tint sxi-iipt bi run awv beu srnot irriUUil by the rtn-. COMB3 AND BRUSHES 0(ib bcrt kimlii. will ssnist T, xrostlv iu fcevpiutf your horses loot- in,sllok. Carriage Oil, Wagon Or****, Hoof. Oinlm.-nt, Harms* Oil. IIariiMs4op. i I'lilidh. an.l STtnTtlnug thsU will pra- ter,a your ' f. t. Intril Pri|. I.oaf Rrn-Vr mi p*v> and Whip* of TaTT dvavrliitina au.i nriovn tha all kiu- J*4 ! Um WIUL *>OKl, - rrwto***?