Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Jun 1895, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MSN.' m,XV.NO. 720 FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, JUNE 20 1896. W. fl. THUBSTOK rron W. A. A R n s T R 1*1 o cheap quality of goodc. We py cash for oar itock jiving you the JNj Grood of the cask discount. Coll and tee if we don't tell tbe truth. Q Will you want a ring for that June wedding ? if so, we prepared to give you what you want and at a reasonable price. .Are you a ware that we carry one of the best stocks north of To- ronto and are Ready and willing to show you good* at any time. Udoney cannot purchase goods cheaper than we are selling them. See also that our repaiiing is done to your satisfaction by giving us a trial. Take a few minutef while in town to call ajd see us and examine our stock of Rings, Brooches, Chains, Charms, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, also goods for wedding aod birthday gifts, etc. We have no goods, stock new, large and wcii assorted. Mrator.1 It u ail. From our OICH Corrap,i<Unt. Mr. Will Coleman ..f Sault Ste Maria u spending a few weck.i m this neighbor- hood. Mn. Thoe. Kells U rutting at her daughter's, Mm. Delbert Henry, at Ing- ersol. Mr. Samuel Douglas has improved the front of his lot with a wire fence. Mr. Samuel (Jilbert baby w very ill with bronchitis. Mn. D. L. Devins and her tw> little boys, frum Emery, ara visiting at her father'*, Mr. Win. Hutchiuaon. Mr. Ed. Hully, who u working in the old aettleinenU, arrived here last week ' toaaiat at hi* brother's wed.liuir. Mr. eiacob Holly, a well known and prosperous) bachelor, of this place, and | Mn. Jenny Spoors of the west back line, embarked in the sei u[ matrimony < n Wednesday of Unt week. We wish them a prosperous and happy voyage. I 1. xhcrl.MI NI..IIHU Our Business Directory a{ AKRIAUE UCESaES. Issued dav or nlM a th Jawelery Stor* and at the reia<iaco of the undersigned. OwBUii**in*r lo H C *l. Cooveyaneer, fto. Notary publU. JOHN W. AKM8TP.OXO, - Fl*TOli. 4^ Isu*rof Mania^n 1. let MM, Cosasiiarioner In H. J., Conveyancer, Auctioneer, U.^ Ageut fur U>* Maawy-HnrrU Agricultural " Implc- uieoU. Clayton',. Block. FUaberton, oppoaite liicliardaou'n hardware storex. McCL'LLOUQB 4 YOl'XO. naaXan. Jlarkrtiiln. do a neneral banking bne- iuee*. Mouey toauert a* reasonable ra*. CaJI TVKI; rs < OLLECTKD. The underlined i prepared to undertake the colleatiun ...f ail kind, of deU*. Sota* bought, account* collected, etc' R.X MENDKBSOX p Poetmaiittr, FleBhorton, Commissioner la B. B., Lie ud Auctijeer, Conveyance * yraiMi and Mouoj Lender. Baal Etate^ao-l Inieranco Aut-iil. Deed*. Mortgagee, Leases. aud Wills di-awu up and Valuation! iu*J* oo auurteet uutic. Auction Sali attended to in any part of tlm County, ilouey to loan at low *t rate* of iuteraet. Collections attenJod o with ptouii>tn** au.l despatch Ch*re* low. Attenttor tbe Dominion St^anuhip Company, vbeap ticket* fioin Fleehartou to Liverpool. tilaow, London or any of tbe Itritiib port*. Parti** intendinK to viilt Kimland, Scotland or Ireland, will pleasu ak rate* befor* lintr ticket* elsewhere. T\K. HUTTO*. M.D.C. M.. Js.C.F.* .,0e,t. Pricevill*. |U*i4euce and office one door we** of tbe Mutb- odiet Cburob.Klnrue. St. Offlee dsye, Tuesday* and Saturdays. ' T\B. CAHTKB. U. C. V. * S., Out. Physician. orf*on, *t*., H.ebertoD office-Strain* b'ock. l**id*noe aluusbaw'* hotol. JOHN a. BCOTT, M. B. " Member Coiled* Pbyrto. A 8nrs;*on*. Ontario Oradnat* in liicin* of Toronto I'bivermity, Killow.l.i]. Diplomn.. Po* Oraduat* Medieal Hchool and Ho.|.itl. CHk:aa)o Di**of *v*. rar, noMand tbroat pecU'ly trMtod. Iu.i axwell, l*it* KvunSi*ia Thursday* 1- J P.OTTBWELL, Veterinary Butfeon. Qraduat* of Ontario Vvtrlnarv Coll. KB Bwrldeaee Next door outb of Muoro'* pianiug faetorf . J r. HAL8TEAP. M. D , M. C. * H.. Ont.. rMtlw a* Elm- brler. Kbeoru.tic <H*MM* JJR M AUT U. 1IKAMUKK M.D.O.M.. M.C.P. * K. PM. Prteevltl.. MtoU. M ISS EDITH KICHAHD80!*. Pupil of Kol.t. Uahr. of Berlin, (i.-rraanr, (violin) Mn. UradUy. of ToronluConMivaiory Miuiu. cortarai ; Prof. Karri*ou. lit* of Toronto, iPiuioi will rocuive pupiU In SLUING, VIOLIN. PI. ANO .ul OKGAX. J I'. MAKSHAI.L, L. D. 8., M. D. 8 , Dentirt. Vniu Uarkdale tbe lit aud Jrd WodMaday of euh montb. riMhtrtoa-Kacb trip ou tOjo da* U..wwmg. Frm* out own C<trrttpondent Time* are rather dull at present Mita HemphiU, of Dmulalk, ie apead- iug a few daya with fnenda here. Mn. .\.Haontth ia vtaitiu^ otd aoiuarB- tauces here. Hra. Boll, of Mclntyro, if viaiting with Mn. A.McMillen. Mr. N. Lawrence and son are spending a few days witU friends in Menfvrd. ftliM Millie and Mary Couk returned on Saturday evening after completing thir cUv|{e Cdiirae. I-utl Friday uveninK a cow beloOKinx to Mr. Sergeant was killed with the night train. On Saturday evening a v<-ry intereatiiix Baa* ot football aa played hy the Cor- betton and .Station teams which reaultvd in a tie. Mr. & HempbiH haa completed his new shop. We arc aorry to hear that Mr. A. Me Aulay ia Still very ill. I ii-.-in i. J W. FMOST. Daniiter. Solicitor. Conveyancer, Etc. FlWton oKee Next tlta poet office Spronle'i buil.lluR, on Thunday*. Owen sound oBce Fioetl building. TIX'AS Jt WRIGHT. Barriften, Solicitor*, Conveyancer*, ete.. Owen tiound. Ou.l - Markdale. Ou*. W H Wnioiir. I II LI-CAS. N. B Fleaberton office. Mitchell'* liauk iTi-ry Wtdnaaday. From otiruir Last week our <[uitt little village was thrown into a xute of ooniiternai ion by a firo that bn \a out on the lull on the I north bank of die falls. A gentle wiud fanned the flauicri :uid the smoku became intolerable. h - rears were for T. Wilson's mill and the factory. All nr*lable help wnH soon on the ground and miiny i.neuau- ii'. B.I taken. Happily about noon the wind lowered, the lire abated .tin) nil dakgor sliaitppearvd Tlie hill which f ''tninly was cowri'd with hemlock aud birch is uow i )>:>l ! looking H| ot. Mr. ami Mr.. I. aiinier > r T > .:> are paving a visit t-< th parental li .me herr. M.tttlu-jiH ot Markdale was, tlie guest of S. < Isboriie of this place IIIM Sunday. It ia generally believed tkat the hsv crop ia a failure. Meadow* look a shade brown. AO.C.W . ajeete every first and third MOB <tar in eaca mouth, in tlmir Inlg* rum (hritoe- Mtock. Fl.brton. .t M p. m. A. M (iib-a>. U.W.; W.J. IWilaiuy, fluDc : er W. Irwiu ttocordor Vl.itinn Hntbern invltwt. ROYAL TKMI'LAHS OK TRMPERAXCR. 'iMtilar Coun.-i) meet* every flrt aii<) tbird Tuee.lay rvunlnu In each tnoiith. In Sproulo'i block st H p in. Select desiree liiiKurauce) meets monthly, tb* " pesssdlug the 28nd of each mouth. asedav in tacli month a* 8 p.u VioltiUK bretb<rea laviteo. laiuranee in ceauectloa. UP. R. A., meet is tbeir ball, Chriatow't Hlock ev\ tecond Ttiamd*> in each month. W iu. Sharp. Master. T. Clsyton. Sejc- r*t*ry. PKlNCB AKTHl H I.opc.K. No. id, A. F * A. M . meat in the Miuonic Hall. Strain Bloes, rtajskavssa, every Friday on or Mfore the full moon. Dr Carter W M R. J. iipruule. Sacretai > rvUFFKUIN LODOK. No. V isa. I O i O r. meets in Clayton 1 * hall ewry TeM*. *y vnfnif Kt B o'clock. mlticiK brvtlmnoo, dially iuvlted. A. 8. VDriaT,N. Q. WM MooM. 8w. k.ltllirrl, > A number of people from this place at- tunJcd the Patron piouic at Hewijill s grove, which i.s about seven IU.IUH front here. We arn sorry to loam that Mr. James Fawault, sou of Alex. Fawcctl, has U-cn obliged to send his 1-year-old sn t.. tli.> hospital. The littlu fellow had a . vure ; illness in the wiuter and never nvm 1-1 .1 ' tlie use of some of his limbs. Much i* felt for the parents. ii parry for the church and a 1 picnic for the Sunday school is be inn talked of. We noticed in rhe Epping correspond- ence of la a week in regurd to the baeo ! ball match, the idea was thrown out that Epping wnnld have come our even if not ihtftd of Kmiberley only that Kunlx-rlay had one more inniui;* tintn Eppuitf. How- ever, at an even inning the sc ire stood 26 to 7 in favor of Kimberloy. Mr. Will I'lcwis has accepted a situ- ation in the Clarksburg mills for the sum- Cash For Hides! Shvepskins and all kind* of furs pur- cliased, for which highoat market prioe will be paid. brains dowu on paper tu day and will be to morrow. Promotion exama. Mis* Blakely visited bar lister, Mrs. Little, a couple of daya hut Week. Miss Willett returned to her home in Parry Sound la*t week after spending the) witter with Mr. and Mrs. Rev Woodger. 1 ur boys organized a foot-ball club laat week and are aow prepared to. receive challenges. Mr. Win. Lon)(, of the S. A., visited the home of hi.-, childhood here lait week. A number of our young people drove to Feversham last Sunday evening to the S. A. The Rev. Woodger move* with his family to his new ttald of labor ou Moo- day. sauasgua on baud, iilsw all kinds uf sneats. M. IfYILSON, rUBBKRTON MKAT From our uicit CurrttpondnA. The Rev. Woodier relumed from con- ferine* lant week. He goe* to \Vooler and a Rv. Leuate Comes to M.-ixwi-ll. The Rev. Hudson mid Mrs. Hudson have been in Loi'donfor a t me. Mr. Hudauo is delegate to the general assem- bly. School Inapeetor Campbell visited nur scademy on Fiiday and n'ported every- thing in tcood shjtpu. Th uhildnm here are always pleaded to see the genial in- spector. The picnic, in Mrs, Long's buah in con- nection iih St. Mary's, on laat Thurs- day was largely attended. Our buy* aud tgirlc are putting their Frum o"f otoi Corrftftomlrnt. Quite a lorx*) i. umber of cattle were offered for sale Lu*t Monday but only a few hoail changed hands as motit of the aumiuls went srockart for which there waa no demand of any extent. Owners of fat ctttle held out for high prices. Laat week Mr. Hugh McArthur's barn d stables were struck by lightning and burned to tlie ground. Host of the) con- tent* were saved. This is the second the caused by lightning on the) 8. L. thut spring. The brick work of Mr. Butter's store. waa finiahed laat week. The carpenter! ami tinsmiths are btuy this week getting it ready for ra occupant. Mr. F. Waite is Disking extensive ira pnivements on bra residence at prvoeot. The public Hchixd is porly attended at prexent owing to the presence of that fell 'Jiaeiue, diphtheria, m our midnt. Two of Mr. Geo. Tryon's children are ill with it at present. \V trust the precaution* taken by our citizens will prevent u from becoming epidemic. Mr. R. Fsrslow of Swinton Park aad Mr. and Mrs. s. Lawrence of Durham were the gueaU of W. J. Blakcsjton this week. Dim- <n Saturday, June 15, after ne week n illnms with diphtheria, Fiank AtUMem. tbe only boy of Mr. and Mrs. Auasem, w-\ I "> yeara. The blow to Mr. uid Mrs. Aunsem in the death of Frank can only be imagined. The deceased was one of the bust boys in the village. His km. I and gentlemanly conduct wan no- ticed by c\ ; V"IHV How much he will be missed in his home can oaily be known to who hare lout tin ir only child. Knrwk will alo be sadly missed in the MiHir ,\nd Siuulay -ulMoU, both of which h *tt*niteil n-i:u!:irlv, but our low m his gnin. The funeral toi.k plicw early on Sunday UI-TIIH.^' hfadcd by a contingent Mom tin- S .< '.T. , i luch deceaaed was i . oiisiMteiil IIK-III^. r. Mr. Richard \Vatlers pri-ichcd a i>n.-f hut very sym- pathetic and unprra-ive discourse for the occasion. The Iwroaved family have the hitartfelt \nipatliy of the whole neigh- urhod m their aad atfliatioa. Seeds ! Field Corn, Mangel, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds Ii large qusnutiesj at W. Richardson. Flshwrton . Honor Rolls. EI oa.xiA rfBLlc SCHOOL. Claw III. (>. Turner. E. Smith, K. 1WII, A. Mc.MulK.-u. Claii II., tr. A. Wilson, B. Turner, N. McMullfii, Kv. Smith. Clan 11, jr. E. Uenoe, E. Turner, F. Carr. ClnRs A. of II. Alice Hoy, C. Smith, K. Smith, V. MoMullen, M. Boweriuan JOH> II \A, Teacher. FOR FRESH Bananas. Lcnnons, I^Iovir. an* I QIVE- Its Value Proved. A STRONG FEBL1MO IS PAVOK OF A CASAMAJf PHCH'1 rr IN TUB MTR OF VKW ToKK. STKACITIB, N. Y., June 10. In spite of a strotiic sentiment prevailiiiit through- out tbm state that nothing ood can come out of Canada, a feeling n> boKinning to irrow thnt tliere are certain notable ex- ceptions and among them is clamed the new specific remedy for all diseases of the kidney* and all complaints arising from a deratiuement of those onjaim, k.iown as Dodd's Kidney Pill*. The medicine haa reteivrd a thorough tost and is beiii H pre- Kcrilnxl not only by ilruggisU but by phy- iciaiiH, whoae well known reluctance to admit any virtue in a proprietary medi- cine makes their testimony to its merits still more remarkable. Belter ! am- Distressing KiJ Bey and Bladder diseAttea relieved in *u hours by the " Oreat South American Kiduuy Cure. " This new rvmedy is a great Mirpriae and delight on account of lU exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bliulder, kulneys. back and every part of the urinary passage* in male or fe- male. It relieves retention of pain iu passing it almost immediasety. If you waut quick relief and cure this is) your remedy. Sold by W. B. RichardM. FLESIEBTOI STE1I L1IIIIT. I hare op?n*'1 up a oiuplrt* MtAm I*wuiUry lo FIvHbertoo, *uil am i>rtp*ied touUi io any quantity of lii'iri.lrv wurk at tow*r uric** ' n .we cbrgl l*ewht*re. I have put in tb!a - ; ami tuns t uiiprnvv*d niAohinerf to that kiudly Kive ui a call. Kntir *MB>Lif>fsMUuu fcrnrd, aud piirtM low. Mas. OKO. Mooacuor > aid Lit For Sail, For nale cheap and ou eaiy trm* in JHeelicr- ton. Splendid lari;*'. x>ii'l brick .Ivelllnn. iii (tiwd itone oellar. eumntor kitctieu and wo*i - banee. aln (uuU (rune itabl*. brick ' n. .1. P>*iii*M contain* twolnreelofta an.l^tNMl \ou. . orchard. bi OIK- Houee and ou*butidinf* > esceptionallr well fiaiibed and vary COIITCIH- lutl.v laid out. Apply to H.J HraouLB, Fle*bertoa. W.)tr and Henderabott, Us* MW4le- nmrderere, were hantwd at 8*. Thomaaou Tueaday. In a y South A mm OKI i Rheuniatisfn Curv. fr Khunwti*m and Nruralnnt. rndita y cure* in I to S day*. li action pun ti.*> xysaeni i* resrtihle and yNri*a. U raejaweaat ouce Ike eaueti asi tke 4U- I * afW I

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