Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1895, p. 1

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tf^^ ^^r TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCirLES NOT MEN.' VOL, X1V.MO. 78 HESHERTON, ONT. THCRSDAY, JUNE 6 1895. W.HTEURSTON VV. A. "Will you want a ring for that June wedding ? if so, we A.IC prrpaicd to give you what you want aiidut a reasonable price. A. re you aware tliai we carry ono uf tl.e best st.cLs no; Ji of TJ- routo aud aie Ready and willii g to show you gools at any time. Adoupy cannot purchase goods cLeapcr than ire are selling tlicia. So also that oar repairing a done to your satisfaction by giving us a tiki. Take a fcw minute* while in town to call and see us and eia;niu onr stock cf HLiiisjs, Broocbep, Chains, CLarm, Watches. Clock', Silverwarr, also goods for wedding aud tfifis, etc. We have no Old goods, stock utw, large aud well assorted. N't) cheap qr.ality of goods. We pay casli for our stock giving you tlio Good of the cash discount. Call and see if we dou t tell the trutL. f LESHERTON A R n 5 T R o N Q JJmvcr. "Our God' Thou i h* Cock" ou which our all w bui. I. Thuu a. t " I'lio Tuwot " ID which * ufdy hide . Than art "f 'nr r<se" by which life's Is* Sh*>ld~ in wb eh our hesrti eon f the univene a t Thou ; of all matter, wind and (pace, The King" before whoee throne we Jehovah" full of truth and grace. The Stoade' beneath the corching The Sun" the wurcc of all our light. -Cr And -r. Thou . TUou Thou art ray; Tiiou art ' Thou art Thi Cl ml" directing u> by day. Thou art "The Fire" Men hoc 01 by night. Thou art "The Fountain" flecinc for the rock, Thou art "Th Strength" on which *ch one reliM. Thou art "Th* Sheplie- d' k*ping all Tlr. Heck. spending a week with her parent* and friends hre. Rev. Mr. Hartlej .f Priceville preached here on Sunday ait.rnoou frnni die text : "Bleated are the pure in heart." Mrv Miller of Da4uth is the guest of Mis Liliie White at present. Mr. Hane; burned- a lime kiln la-it lek mhich s^cued to be the centre ni ^ttractiuu. Mit ZKm hat) ben> tbetmgod with seekers after Hitii clurine the part wek. Rev. Mr. C'oburn preached hert> to weeks ai{" Sunday from the text : "F r for thin ia the kingdom," and lectured on the following Friday evening <>u "The darfers and duties of the preaeut hour. ' things tru* L I Our Business Directory (Eatd*. \ I \RT.IAOE LICENSES. Issued dav or night at tlis Jwelry Stors and at ths residence of the undents*!. Comi4oner lo H, C .-I. Coaveyejseer, Sutaiy public. JOHN W. AHMBTXOSG. - FimsMmaTO*. AS. VASDf K. Clork iU> Div. Court, Co. Grey, Jurof Maniac* LievSMe. Coeiuionr In H i J.. Conveyaacer. eke. for the Maasey-Harris AartaoKural Imple- ments. Clayton's Block. Flesl dwareeta**. UcCCLLOCuH * TfOCNO,. Bankers, Mark-tale, do a general banking bus- iness. Meu.y loaued at a reawnable rale. Call on us. _ TVENTS COLLBCTKi). The undenlgned is prepexed to .:ctkon of si! kinds of bought, eceoants i<olleeted. clc -,1S - PlIBMSTON. tir..ltrtkr NulM T> J SPUOL'L*. rotmaster, nehrtoe. Commissioner la B. K I ic uwl >uctloneer. Convyanot. A - ,,rai*.rn,l Money Lenor, l^al Etat In-urance Agent. Pd. Morvaee, Leases. , \ills d.wnupa*' Vlauone ua.U on shortest notice. Auction Sale* attended to Ir- an y pert of th County. Money to loau at lew ,.,t rat o( iulor?.t. Co.leclion. .tten.U.1 to iTLmLtnew au I de<pateb Cnant*. low. . for ths Dominion fceaudlpCotnpa cheap ticket" from Flesliertuu to Liverpool. Ulasguw. IAJO.IOU or any of ths Ilritl.h ports 1 rti* iutouding to vuit Fiii-'liiM-l. Scollsnd or Ii eland, will p-ease a.k rates b(jr purchssinn . o r\K sTOTIOV. M. PC. M., M.C. P.* S..0nt.. Prlotville. . nee sud ofncs one door went of th M.-lh i hnixu.K-uroHS St. OUJcelay.Tuela) . TJR. CARTKB. M ( P. a 8.. Ont. Ptyirlan. inr*on. etc.. rieshcrtou oOkte ria b'ock. EesWwKe- lluualiaw't hoeH. J . s A. SCOTT. M. B. H i.i-r College Physio.* Surgeon* Ontario (Iraduale in Medicine of Toronto linvrly, rlrowsH|> Pii'loina. Poul Uraduate Medical School and Hospital. rim-j<o. IM ,* of ve. >ar noai:l thro IHM.IHV lrl<iJ. Itesl- Aence Maxwell. vUits FYiam TliuiJ\ 1- Veterinary Biirgron. l.rliU W Onttrlo Vttrr; -ary Crllege. IterSWace KMt Joor cult of Moor' pisninc ttctsxf. J F HALbTKAD, M P.M. f. * tX. Out .ara^teMiat Kiin- heVlev. Rheumatic diaes> < i .<. T)K MARY M. P-KAMiRH M.IVC.M.. M.C. P. * a.. Oaleeai' neMeee erpour Tall* sight ereVa*. areasrslT rlfcrtse atatloa W se U. Ont: Prle*vll)e. Tlslts M ISS EDITH BICHABDSOX. <** Makr. ol Itorl I'll . Urnman*. (riH,i . Pruf. Krri>ou. lat* ol Toronto, Piauol will rrcnvs pupils m 8LNUINU, VIOLIN, PI. A.NO and OHGAN. J P. MAKSBALU L.DS.U D. S. Deatist. Visit. Mttfciai. she 1st aoj 3rd \Vedaeeday ol each woat-h. Pleahertoe-Kach trip on the dav lc...wia. l .rri,ler. Sttlloltor. Caovwya FleahertonoKcc Su the I'uctoflW Sj' boiMlkg. on Thursdays. Oweu SouaJ Froet . butMing Ftc. Than art "Th Judge" ia all wise. Tboa art "Onr H >!' when other hopes are led. Thou art "Our Tracher" making all thin; ':. Thou art -Our Fi lood" when bumaa friends are dea.1. Thou art "Our Father" alwavi kind and near. Then art "Our God" whose (oodaees we adore Tboa art "Onr Healer" bleet forever more ; Tboa art "Our Helper" bleat forever more: Tbon art alwavi 'The Lord ear laghssssnui '' Colborm/s. April 30. UK. T. WATSOM. Heixiershott and Welter Must Hang:. Deputy Atturury (teneral Cartwright has) carefully gone uver the evidence taken at the trial of Duncan Underhott Mid ^> D. Welter, sentenced to be exe- cutexl >.St ThotueM oo June 18 for the muni. f the's urphew, and has refuae the application of thr r the prisoner* for a new trial < ' vrruht haa given the matter the attention and reviewed the various subaaitted by the counecl. and lias arm- i at thu coDclusi-m that the priaon- era h.vs) had a fair sud impartial trul aad h nam no reason whatever why a new : i, should be granted. The) only hope left for the accuMid bow ia the commutation of their sentence to imprisonment fur life, which haa beiea applied for from the Deputy Minister of Justi .. In view of the nature f the crime, it highly improbable that the commutatiun will b granted, and the law will probably be allowed (o take its course The conUeumied men have cotuuienced to aiiowsixusuf weakeninif. Particularly this the case with Hendtfrsholt, whu U I growing eiy uneiwy aa the time of ex- iecution draws ner. He slei-ps very little, and pauea the long nights in walk- ing about kia uaixuw <.cll, i<cvaj:unal!y rva<l Mr. Barristers, Ko'icitors. Conv\-aneere, etc.. Owen iloeed. On-t W. H. Wuioerr. N. H. Fle*hprton offlce, every Wedumday. You want fjf A FIRST-CLASS C'oBBty and DUtrict. Mr. Ricliard Burrwll, f Brant, handed o*er t a l-iiyvr <>n Moi il-tr, a j. k - cattle win h t:;;t:d the beam at pound*. Put. At S*ult Sle. Marie the opejwrior . f (ho I'.wadian canal have been i.nlrred ta report for duty thia week. Thin indi- cates that the lock wit! be in operation .n thirty day*. a-wi-nting at larn-rauing near Mr Finl.iy McLeod was thrown from iho buildinit by some of th timber breaking and received injuiiwi from which he died. teuit. $ I or pair of I ^ ' f We Guarantee \ 1 1 T _->e yutt thetu at cl.west price*, jj JC.J. Leitc.!^ \ M rchant Tailor. ** The 15 year old dui{hter of Hunrer. Mulmur township. wag accidmitly (hot drnad by a 15 year-old lad. who- wss handlinc loaded rifle. The clvxrjfe itiuck hrr in the forehead nd paaaed out at the back of the haul. She fell dead. A utianK" incident occurred in the farm of Win. H. Chowen, FuJlartoti, lately. About sil weeks ax he had a ewe which nave birth to a lamb, and n May 10 the same) shep eave birth to two more la tube. The first tautb WM appar- ently healthy, but it WM trampled on by iti mother aud killed ab->ut a weak aft.-r ita birth. The utlier two are strong and healthy. The party who penned the following had some knowledge o/ hia tuhjecl : If a doctor make* a IN intake he hurien it ; if a merchant make* a mistake he never tell* it : if a lawyer niakrs a mistake he crawli .-it ..f it ; but if an editor makes. a tuwtake lie puu in on a sheet uf pnper for the world to look at, an-l ID e-"7 Mu.imtv then are omnln wh<> think they are inodela of wind' m because oocaaiurully discover it. Seeds ! Mangel, Garden, Field and Flower 5eeds Iu Urge .jiianuties at W. Richardson, Flsherton. was blemed with Hf ohriatenel tlietn A party down east rin both bys, Peter and Repeater. Another blee-unx >f a like naturu .x-curred a year afte' both girla and the happy ftther c;ir-l Duplicate But the latent I'-.tli |iri..iir *e.n.l nm.-h affctd birth uf twin* ban bren a pustler to him when told that Cl>.ttvlle hnd bevn ese- ' f,, r K time - as on wait a bo nn-i : c irl. H '< diffi.-ulty h cuted at Stratford. The only impr.- made upon them by any vitntia/ cU-rirv- rgy. ttatkdalv. Ont. man was by Meatrv -n d Hunt lie ovanitelis'a. Th- y still rvul the i an effort will HOW l! Mliultf to |.r. ]..i:v them, fur the fate which awaits them. Maxwell. , been jot over by callini; the boy Ma* and FOR FRESH the Kirl Climax. Mordcu Monitor. A" C n in-fHerxrt Uv IN . l.ocotrler. Visltiug 1 r.l Von *i rvom R c OTAI. TKMPMRS OK TKMIT! Ugnlar I'l-un -il in-.'. vry BT r-jeU svenitw in each inonUi. - Mi-ck si H p U |. Select deiirce . the Wedns>Uy preceding the Mud el each uioutb. ^' ss OF TEMPK1 in ' frusn ut Mtrit Cm i lijiimefsiit The hesutiful of the past two weeks has brou)(hl lmua>adocidedchaii';f in the appearMic of the cropa. - Srldn that tlio farmers thought would have to be resowu are noir liMiking idl rigbt. 'ic Uev. J. W. Jones lesves us and jjot-e to Tara. He liM been itn excellent vrorker while amongst us and thus has for liiiusflf tuany friends. We *re uf -ThN Hall L'I '' ourY-sn will be a gain to the people in tbir hall. ChritrM>'. Tir *' r> second Thu~da> in cl, < >ur town lis been alive with T. Master. T. Clayton, Sec- **** _ Mr. Chan. Hudson of Ravenna occviSkM the pulpit of tlio Methodist church here R I.ODT.F. So ca, A r * **' iNthhath. ths) Btsjseeilo Hall stutin'o Mr. Inane Kiehl uf Ravenna gave in a >-.. very . Ki May . oil jot ,.,, J,,^,,],,,. ^ \.-i Str:*chati returnexl fn>m . lt w,-ok. I - r ami Little are uow wi-rkiiiL: in * prcinixaB. * I iylor w l-nsy uvttiug the woollen mil. in sliape to commence work. Dr. Caitc ! .-nm-d i' \^ mill. N latrly. It i- i year-oM son of Mr. R.>ri'. wa pii'tinx a \ alt :i the pnlley, by mean/ of s rop*. while they were in M. luimeiii.iri-'v I he belt cail;ht on the 1'iiiley*. it dn-w tho ro|ie and rhe un- fortunate U<< with it. II- anin; the noise th" wnrktnon ran to the engine r^om litre th>'V found the governor I e t had : .onif <>tf ami the pi'.'ine was runuiOK nt | random. The remains of the poor child ' were found all over the nx.ui a the body was toru to atotvA, The Trent Valley cnnal comprises Lale e. Ralxain, O-nuep-n. Stiif/eon, Pijteon. Huckhorn, St..n-T. I'lear and i^kee, and when coin di.stsnr from Sault St> Mar >tnii .'I 7'"> inilo*. It ( H";in at H*' . and outlets at Treuron. Its entire length when . pli-t.-d will l-e il>4\ n.iion. of which 1<U mile* is now completed nd i'viif\>lc, Icavini; on'y 5S^ milee. Of thin .'*' is now mi ler contract, lotving <'n!> miles to let. n mctna.s, L,c 1 1 1 > n .- . Flour, Peed . uicl - (JIVE- A TI^IAL. FIESIEBTOI STHI LJ330By, I have opened np a complete steaui la in Kliwburtuu. and ;n |>re|>a <! to lak in an i iuaiitity >f Isuiidry work at Tower price* tbaa I have put in the la ei an. I moos iaiprorud uiaebiaery tu that < ,V.l. Kntire isUslaettoa) guanuileed, aul p> io*~ low Mua. OKU. M.iuiu no. hfKKKUIN l.OIMiV V,.. 1st*. I 1 1 , ' K ineeSS in brotbreuco diallv iuviu-l. , A. S. Vxi>rrs - \Vu. Cash For Hides! Zion. t'vrrrspntulrnt. Mr. Win. J. Jcknn ..f the fnat haok Inn-, H ill.-ind. about two uiil< fr'in Berkley, met with i criotiH accident- on M.m.liv '-vi v ! .ioh In- lie-* in acriti cat condition. He IKK! Iven'ins: out manure from tin- harnyanl, HIM! about ' 4 o'clock p. in. ho w i found lying in an uiniinei".u.i colid-t'on. It Is tlioitglit that the w:n;.in wheel h>id struck the gate pout while rvturrting fn>m the field, throw- Frew .mr < CvrrrtfxHulfHt. , r n? hinl f,, rwsr< l ,,,n,,g the horsw 1 fwt. The majriiy of farmem here fii'inhej i Dr. Eo wa hnm(tiat<>ly srnt for to svnlii.g SOUK- nine sn.ce ->' ! i-ifp. Mtrkil.d> and nrrivod in abou' an hour, ltliii)(h Iw.ilv diinaitcd liy the severe ami n'i l>.i arrival Jack*'n wns just * and all kinds nf fur pur- fronta, are now Wgiunuit; t" ]>urli foi w in . --^11111.1; c. >nsoiou<in^8. Hw skull was: rha.v-d. for which h:ghnt market price Mr. U-U-rt L'onriM has had n .-.TH . fom,d to Iw fractured, the wound li.tvin< will he paid. ' attack of illmtie - i. - I i^t > vrioie you ; the |>i>*"rai>c of h luv cnueed liv tlio ! h has h-en attvuaWd by lr 'a|ter aid kirk of a hone. Mr. Jck-im cannot r Honi'mnde sauanga uM baud, alao all waH ^ttnm SM>UIM| nict-ly but e f.r member an vlliinn of the aovtihnt or how uf m> i. now ho nan a rvlapne, although we trutit it nccnrr4i aini it < thought that he must it will not be aertoua, and we hoj* tu wr have 'alien forward fr*>m the wa ;oii ami hi>n around amo.u( IM ehoitly. Ejiis, an. Lot For Sih, Far ! ohr ami " v term* in F'- -iili-U'li-l laisje. ,'liil bri. k i: . lur. -tniiiniur kitchen an \ * lo (fii.M fraiu* l!>ie. I eK i-i TiUnm two ]rj^ lot- sn>) . l.tMartM H.-:- id and very con %uU> Iai4 o*|4. Appr- 10 . sritoi L. Fleibertoe). It kruiuat Km <'urcU in a Dny > 'ii'h American Rheutnat sin Cure, f< r Hhuutuatiam and Neuralgia, radically curwa in 1 t<> 3 day*. If n*action uptm the Kyssvra in remarkable and It renioveast otiee I h aauer and th die- M FLKUJKTOX MEAT JIMPORICM. Miss I^Olie Roe. uf Shelburnc has bi-v-n of the hor*. - St.odan}- eaen immediatoly diaappeare. The irsl t<-vn tramped up-xi or wlae kicked by one doe* greatly benefits. Tt hr W.. K Rics)aisJao

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