TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." PRINCIPLES, NOT MBN. 1 VOL, XIV.NO. 712 FLBSHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, APRIL 25 1895. W.H THDRSTOH E3ITOR4 PROPRlCTCM TMI5 SPACE BELONGS TO rmstrong Bros,, J Watchmakers and Jewellers FLESHERTON. ook out for announc- ment next week. Fur The Advance. The Public Jree>. Forth in th name of Troth and Uiifhv Let all thy winged word! proceed, Kncircle a* with r*\sof light Hue h step* as always upward load. Hold up the torch of free'toru etill ; Kularrf* (he upbore of life for all. Reprove all foruii aod way* of til Till every kuowu abuse ahall fall. DIM solemn trutb still keep In view - Nothing abide* but what n true." Arouod tbee gather truoit frieutli. Direct with care the public mind. Voice thoughts in which tru i>t>*iity blende, Aud plead tht* cause of all mankind. No other instrument to-day Can with the public preee compare. Each nation feele ite mighty sway And doth its bountooui harveiu ihare. Still may the pree* iu oonree puriue Aud iliow to all men what ie trur. T. WITHON, Colborne. Our Business Directory Carte. f AIUIIAU E LICBNHM. IsS'it I dav or night at the Jeweler? Store and at tne rseidane* at the undersigned. Ournu.Ueioner la H C I. Conveyancer, Ac. Ketary public. JOHN W. ABMSTBOSO. H,*TOK. AS. VaNDUSE*. Clerk Sth Div. Conrt, Co. Grey. ttauor nf Marrlags Llocnse*). Commi*eionr iu H.C.J, Conveyancer. Auctioneer, etc. ARent for tbe Maeeey-Harrt* Ajjricultural Implo- ineut* Clayton's Block, Flesberton, oppoeil* Kicbardaon'* hardware (tore. McCtLLOt'GHATOUNQ. BanVer*. MaHidal*. do a ceneral banking; bu- inaes. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call on na. ^^__^__^___ U R. HAMMOND. i*ol Master. Kiruberley. Commlmionc: for takinn MBdavit* etc. Insure* and loan* uinuey t lowent rate*. Kxecutc* Lea* *, Deed*, Will*, te. promptly, cheaply and efBcieotly. ail 'I n J. SPBOULE. Poelmaeter, Flherton, Cn:nmlmioner in B. R, Lie need >ucliouer, 'onvyanc. A pralcer aod Honey Lender, Iteal Kitate Inaiirance Agent. De<ta, Mortoan aad Will* di awn up and Valuatloim uia.ln on thorUint notice. Auction Helen attended to tr any part uf the County. Mmioy to loau at low e*t rate* of intereit. Colloutlun* >tt.<uile<l to with proinntnee* auil deepatob CbvK low. Aent(or the Dominion hteautuhiu Company, iheap ticketx from Flmbertuu to Liverpool, lilaacow. London or any ol the Mulish |ort 1-artie* inteudlug to visit Rngland. Kcotlan.l or Irelan'l. will p'eawakk rate* before p their -.ickot* elaewhero. T\R UUTTON. M. D. C. M.. M.C. P. * R.Ont.. I'rioeTille. Beiiii'iic anil office one door wti*t of the Moth aaiitrburob.Klnroe* St. Office day*. Tua*dayi aad Hatui .lave. T\B fAKTEB. II C. P. A 8., Ont. Physician, inrReon, etc., Fle*hrt<>u office tttraiu* b'ock. Ue>*ideoce Uuithaw'* butel. JOIJN A. SCOTT, M. B. Member College Physio. A Surgeon*. Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University. Kulluwx) ip DtyJoma, Poet Graduate Medical School ami Uo|iital. Chicago. Dl*ea*e*of eve, ar, nunw aj( throat upocially treated. Itesl denceUaxw*!!. visits Kevercham Thnrsda}-* 1 J P. OTTBWELL. Veterinary 8nrgon Oradnate at Ontario Vstrr'-'iiy Collet!* Ke^kieiicc Xt door noutl: uf Mooro'i piauiug factory. J T. HAL8TEAP. 11 i> . U. C. * K. Ont., practise* at Kim bsrUy. Kliuuuinuv uiaeaoee i tpeciality. J)R MARY U. BKA.MII K M.D.C. M., M.C. P. * R.. Out; Prioevtlls. CsXeand reeii DIKM ofpo^te Butaer*' H*el. Call* ttiht or day, proiopMy attended. Viaiu station 10 to Ii. Wdbesda>. M IW EDITH RICHARDSON. fnnll of Bobt. Uahr, of Herhn. Germany, 'viotlnl ; Mr*. Bradley, of Toronto Conservatory Mu.ic (Voice oulture); Prof, kerrieou, lat of Tnrnntn, (Piano) will recaivo pupila in HLNUINU. \ lOblX. PI- AM) anil UKOA.N. J I' MAKSUALL, L. D. 8., M. D. S , Dentist. Vlsiti Markdalr heist and Snl We<lneeday of each month rieabertou Kacb trip on tbe dav 'c. winij. J. W. FB08T. Harrinter, Solicitor, Conveyanoer, Ktc. Klesbertono.Tlce- Nrxt tje po*t office Sproule'i on Thursday*. Owen Sound office Froet I I'CAH <t WKiUHT, Barrister*. Ho'k-itor*. Cunveyanoer*. eta.. Own riound. Oa.t llarkdale. Out. w H WIU..BT. I. It LUCA*. N. H -K!...lit.rton office, Mitchell'* Bauk. every Wndneiiday. AO U.W.-meetM every Ant and third Mon dav iii imch month, in thoir IIMJRO room Chrlstoe'i Iliock. Kliwhorton. at .p. in. A M.OibHon, M.W.; >V -I Itnllan.y. 011*111: r, W. irwiii Ilocorder. VisitiiiK Iliethuru InviUd. R OYAL TKMI'LARH OP TEUPRKANCK - Ttcular Council mret* every flretand th'ni Tinnlsv evuniiiK In aach in.uuli. In Sprnnln > block *t H p in. Select degree llu*ur*uc) ir.'iitu monthly, the Wuduxoday g the !Bud of each month. SONS OF TKMPKHANCR.-Thle aoclety IIIIVI.K in Ur. Cbrlstou' Hall every Wed newlay evening at H p.m. \'iitii,n breth* i rcn invited. Intuiaiice in coniicctii-n Y. P. B. A., meet In their hall. Christoe UliM'k evert flr*t and third Thu red a> in each mouth. \Vui. bharp. T.Clayton Secretary. IJMNTK AHTHI K LODGE. So. .138, A. K A A. M., meet in the Manonic Hall. BlraiiiK Hlock. Klofbrrton, every Friday ou or l)fn ra the full moon. Dr. Carter, W. M., K. J. Bproule, Secretary. I) UKFKBIS LODGK. No. . I O OF. In Clayton n hall every Tiles day evening at 8 o'clock. Vlkiiinti brethrenoo dlally invited. A. 8. VANDrrSFN.NM). \Vn MooitB, Si I-. lash For Uides! Sheepskin* and all kind of fura pur- chaaid, for which highest uiarknt puce will be paid. Homemade aausagM on hand, also all kiuda of nival s. M. WILSON, FLESliERTON MKAT BMrOBH V HelsUyre. Frum our owi eurrespotutaU. There are a numht-r of f.irmuii iu thia locality out of work and have nothing to do in their line during tbe present spring. Now this is a most unfortunate mate of affairs, and one that should nut .mil would not exist if " Jack Frost '' w mid only ab- sent himsrlf from the land. A number I of others are succar-uiakiiig, or at leant syrup making, as tbe nap lias unt yet come in sufficient t|uantitiu* for sugar, although it baa for taffy ; what think you, sliok r Misses Bella and Maggie McDonald have been home for holidays. Mia* E Giant, of Sinpliampton visited friends hnre. Mm-< L. Mclntyre, spent EiuUr with her brotht-r at Clark* villo. Blias A. Mclnlyre spent part ol her Easter holidays at ClsrksvillH. (It, beinj a new p!nce, has attrtctivo- power). Miss M. Mclmyrt! rc'turncd frum Tor onto. Mr. Hoc. McDonald has bad ;i severe attack of LaOrippe. Mr. Stoncr moved into Mr. Campbell's house. Mr. McConuell, of S.nuliainptoii, who rented Mr. H. Laniont's farm, moved on to it on Tuettday, Ifith in^t. Mr. Null McPhjil hud a wood bee on Tuesday . I'riceville. From or ocu Currt$tiui,dent. Another iiuetinn iu thu interest of the propostd cheeae facLiry was held iu Bolger'a hall last Fiidny evening. After a good dual of speech ifyini; it WHS dually decided that Mr. .Stewart and others thoroughly canvatH the vuri.-us routi in order to obtain if potaible the [T"iiu.i- of llie iui|iiiKKe nuiiibi-r of cows to start a factory. Tho next braw buck t<> the sue cess of the pn>jcot ia that Mr Stewart will not conxetit to build a factory unlusn the farnnrn bind tliemNelTea lo support the factory for three yours, and a a great many ara unwilling to put themselves under such an obligation, it is to be feared that the ostablishini; of such an industry will be a failure for this your at least. However, we trust that success will altfiid the ctfoits of the promoters. HO cannot aeo why it is noce.-.isry to Imul anyone for more tlinn a year, for if it pays wull the fitrmris will not fuil to sup- port it iu\t iteason. Our bi'tanisLs havu not luvceeded in obtaining tlowei* iu eaily this spring uhurch. A large number were preernt. Mr. A. Mi-kiiinon hax made consider- bis impruvemcnts on Ins imploment ahed which now is neatly floured and otherwise fixed up Our Eaater holiday visitors have all rat urnad to their acbotila. W wish them all succeaw next July. You want * A FIRST-CLASS An Unknown Race Discovered. * <> (>. (> (t Suit, Overcoat, or pair of Pant a We Guarantee To irive yuu them at closest prices. C. J. Merchant Tailor. LONDON, April 21 Great interest is displayed in the revelation made by W. M. Flinders P. trie t Edinburgh this week that in excavating in thu distiict between (Jeblin aud Abydus last year remains were found nf a hitherto unknown race of people whom he is disposed to identity with tbe Amoritra. In one of their towua which haa been unearthed about north of Theb-s, nearly 2,000 gravm were opened. Not a single scarab, aiiiuK-t or other EgypUtn object was found, and the bodies, instead of being ' iii-jiuinitird and stretched sc full length, were buried in a aitting posture, with kiieen bent to the shoulders, and all facing thu west. -They were * large and ;jowr- ful pfople, many over six foot in height, j with brown wavy hair, prominent au,m- line nose, and development augxe ting j that they were moiintaiuefa. They seem also lo have been cannibal*. Though there U no sign of alphabet or hierogly- phics, they were well advanced in the use of niu'als, and had better and moro artis- tic pottery than the Egyptaius, tinmen all hand made, showing that the putter'* whfi'l wasi unknown to them. Tins un- loukiKl for appearance of a n';w factor in thu problem of our olduat civilization has naturally made a deep nnprvimioii in scieniitio ri-lics, and then- in ea-r cun- Catalonues of all seedsmen in stock ..sily on all sides t: know more of i'. It. fr , )fu w|lk . h y , m . make ,,., iou , o( in supposed that thenu untves dute fri in choice tteuds. abaut the seventh ilyn.tHty. or 3,000 ynirs Garden Seeds I r-h Cartes. Seed* jast received Feme's Seeds Steel Bros/ Seeds I h. BeHt ! the War Id. B. ('. , and i hat theae were the pe|>l(i ... who overran Euypt under the Hykmor itheplierd kin^i. Honor Rolls. 8. S No. fl, ARTEMBHIA. V. Norman Fletcher, Hell* Harrow, Flossie Stone. IV. sr. SIIMH Oe>, Liazio Mo Arthur. IV. jr. Ulrio Stone, Fsrrell Sullen, m- Butler. 1 1 1 R. .y r'luiohei , Recgie Stone, Mag- II. Maugie A. McArlhur, Willie Whit- taker, Richie Si, me. ft. '-'ml. Kitti.- Fletcher, U"ti Robin son, Willie Byoe. I. Dr., promoted fco pt. liml Malml .Mr Arthur, Eddie Whittakor (wjual). 1. jr. Norman McLod. Average attendance, 29. EDHA J. STOMI, Teacher. They are Giving Way. TUB Richardson, Fleshertoii . FOB ^f ^t> j Potatoes, OIVE- f"} .. . T ruMMH.NCB TO KKAI.IHR . Vi.t K OP ItODD'S KlIiNKV 1'll.U. OTTAWA, April 16 The inveterate re- ! / T" J /"S CL T^TT A. QTZ 5 Inciance to itdmit the ureo* of" patent I WW * JbJ * ' " * " w wv " niedicino, usually evinced l.y physicians in r pull) giving wny a* far (V* Dodd'R Kitltn-y 1'illK aru concurm-il. Tile cnntis of Dr K. mt! and Dr. McC'irmirk, who detail* of their rrei> ry fiom A ninl>i'ti- and Bright'* dimms*. through ' the *."'iicy of lliin remedy, were th firtt fit the citadel uf thi'ir and now it apppara as if thu rumnrknble recovury of Mr (I. H. Kun^ of thin city, thu drlallfl of which liavn tn-on alrondy irnuiiiiiitted in the prew>, wimM onnplHtc .. ii, T* , ii n .-t n o xv/iin. a. they did The folluwmg ^ (iu!)ll- | ie j interview* ...h Mr. .n,l spocLiieus have been found in bloom, vix: | Mi*. Kmit and the sworn statement uf The Hepatic* and Spring iJeauty. At the annual luuxtinK of the Ep^torlh League held on Friday evening tbe following .illiiviH were elt-vtfd for llie enauioK yKr, \\?..: Prus , W. J. Blakca- ton; Vicu t'leat. , Dr. Hr.uiili-r and M\na JL-UIIH: .l.i.i.i--. 8ec., \Villiuiii Walters; Trjaa., Miss Oobtiuin; Rec. Sec,, Jin.', Sunporj. Muuef KiuhaiiUon & Brodie, from Van- deluur or vicinity, have opviicd up a inukili^ i suliimlm;< 01 in our liuri;. V\ e aru nry to luarn that Mr. Lachlnu own 14 mill in a very low ' he foriuor loaven no fiHit hiilil for lief, A li-ttor in the Mail anyt there are over 100 |ili\ -10 ans iu Tnrontn who do lint FIESIEITOJ mm wmi I havo opened up a complete *tam lanmli . in )Vnnluirton. aiul %iu iu.|.ii..| Uitakeinanv quantify o,f laundry woik at lonnr price* thn.ii aro ahivr^ed else wb era. I Have put in thela >i un t iiiust nnpi'ivi-.l niacnlntiiv tu l.hitt Mini. Kiudlv give me a onll. fcuiire eatibfactibu guaranteed, aud pi loev low. Mn*. QBO. UooncBouki. Hmse anil Lot For For *Je chnap and -*n tiasv teruan in Ktnnii. . vnlltnc. witi, and woon '. i< linn make $2 a day. Tl.o 1^1 ,,! nifi) |ic.l j J^, %&S pnifvMioiis art) overcrowded lh writer | hoiieo, alo good frame nble, ____ \"f, ami the win* of (WntWI should stiek p o'"ie contain* twolanciliiwanrtiroo'l yonnt 10 their real buine in lif.- ins'*d of ? l ?.T d : b ^"?-,. ?.",!" n< A "."""' ' l! "' " ci ii wiling into profe^si<'i wtim there i* no roum uxceut at the top The facli aro only an illustration of what mtglil \,r eaoeptioually i)l (ininliud sad ti very oouvsm- tril from sll the htigp centres, And Uiu a lv,,-,\ t slick t<< thu fuiiii . uiilil profit- ably be hoedtd by thouKui'JH on f.-u-nis wh-i are now painting to thenuulvcs vis- i :i'..> lajrt out. Apply to H. J. 81'iuH'i.a, Pluhertuu I million of t"i) of aucoea* whvn they ruh Uie citf. K 'b'. A. Staik, ex Patron i-an.lidvo. ( mrvioes were conducted ',,f Drhy, <Ji! on'da; at, the sg uf in U*cJ:c In*; Suudny in the l'i. h'hjlerit:! 01, Ki*s}ti(Usw) in-u In a Buy 'i.iiiili Ainrncaii r! li.-iiniHt sm CtJNi ' c ' Rheumatism and ^ivuriUxia, radkuliv cuiea iu 1 to 3 dajs. 1m action upon thu *jj[*j|wiu It reiuovi remarkmbla anJ nt))it*>rii.ii*. t one* lltfcauao an.i the) slit ""' kf V P. Rn.l-.ardol) A."