THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Ini -rrM I ( IK-UK t !>! Oar wwsi CeMtrv. rat Britain. Ike rail'* Mutes. an.t 111 Pan. .r ike 4.I.IX- < n deB>rd ami t.inrird rerEasy stra)la*> OAK AD A. < 'smaiia'i sealing fleet have reached the lapanaae coast, and nave begun operations Expert* have reported large .(inuitities of petroleum in the vicinity of Kingsville, Louis Bouchard, a Grand Trunk Railway clerk, committed suicide at Hochelaga, on Thursday. Mr Robert Black well haa been appoint- ed public librarian in London at a salary of tm Th* Advisory Board Committe* of Manitoba ha* adopted an agricultural text- book for the schools, It is expected thai Mr. William Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine, will return to Ottawa by the snd of Id ay. Working hours in th* Grand Trunk locomotive ihop* at Stratford hav* been increased to 50 per week. Mr. J. H. Row, of Mooaejaw. ha* been worn in a* a member of the Executive of th* North -West AwemMy. Lientenaut-Governor Chapleau of Quebec ha* left for Florida on a trip which will last some weeks. The Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk, and Intercolonial railways have reduced freights uu ah classes ol merchandise. The receipt* from the Hamilton charity concert, amounuui; to over $4'K1, were divided amongst the various benevolent societies interested. The Montreal Board of Trade i* uiging on the Government the necessity of filling in* long- vacant office of collector ol customs at thai port. There is trouble on the Hamilton market booauae the lessee, Mr. Jacqnen,ia imposin. what I ha occupant* regard a* exoeauve fee* for privileges. The result ef a scandal at Calgary has '.V" arrest of the editors of the Calgary Tribune for ortsura! libel at the instance of Messrs. Hooper and ftw t*. The canal regulations for the current huge urowd, a beautiful memorial window IB memory of Isaak Walton, author of "The Compleal Angler," wa* unveiled. Vr William Waldorf Asu,r has allowed the Pall M%11 Budget to oease tn exist, not- withstanding that it waa paying Us way, oat of respnct to the memory of his dead wife, with whom the paper was a favorite. For more than half a century a greenish glass has been and at the greenhouses of the famous Kew garden* near London. A recent experiment with ordinary glaas has shown a remarkable improvement in the plant* affected. There recently died at Mauchline, in the South of Scotland, Hugh Gibb, ashoemak- er, whose recol eotlons extended so :ai back as to include conversations with and des- criptions of people who had been Intimately associated with the poet Burns. Some mischievous boys in a London sub- urb have been arrested, soundly lectured, and fined, for throwing short lack* on a highway frequented by bicycle nders.lheir object being to see the wheelmen come to grief a* the result of punctured tires. Great Britain will not tolerate any inter' ferenoe by the United State* in the bound- ary dispute with Venezuela. Thin is the r.-ply ot the British Foreign Office to Amba*eador Bayard'* representation of the desire to bring about a settlement of th* boundary dispute by arbitration. UMTKD STATES. According to Marie Tempest, the finest pera houae in the world in at Duluth. The woman suffrage clause, in the pro* posed Slate constitution of Utah ha* bceu passed. Five men were killed by a boiler explo- sion in Lonng A Jones' factory at Wcburn Highlands, Mats. A boa: left. Detroit, for Cleveland on Thursday, which marks the opening of navigation n lake Brie. A report is current in New York that Sir Charles Rivers Wiison has agreed to accept the Piesniency of the <iiand Trunk. The te*t of one of the big S.UOO horse.- powei dynamos recently placed in position in the power-house of the Niagara tuts Power Company proved satisfactory. Mrs. I'aran Stevens, thu well-known society leader of New York died at her home in that city on Thursday Tom pueu- NEW CUKE FOR INSANITY. SOME REMARKABLE EXPERIMENTS WITH HYPNOTISM. Use In a rnrls espllal stcvrals Vl.iBd.-r ul Power lit MyKerlem Atxm ll.,\< Two Laaatle* Were Hi n anil < ured ft Ike Terrllile The conclusion, reoeuUy, of some remark- able ezperimuuu made at the Chareiitoo and Charity hospital!, Parii, if followed by the results that have thus far attended them, will mean a complete revolution in the treatment of insanity and will prove one of the mm tienelicient and startling diaoovcnei science haa ever matte in it* treatment of human affliction*. Insanity haa been the moat dillicuii malady with which sciential* have had to Jeal, for the double reaaon that it ia, or haa been, impossible to control the actions of an insan* person to the extent of giving him uitable treatment, and alao that the oaute of the mental unbalance could not he determined. That a man imagined nil a boiling caldron of molten monia, complicate 1 l,y hi.-art ti.mble. In the Chicago municipal elections. complete return* for the Mayoralty give brain metal, or that he aaw vision* of the moil distracting character before him constantly, might be understood as the hallucination that produced his luianiiy, but Heretofore it ha* been impossible to explain the CHUM of the hallucination. Once that could be arrived at physicians felt they would then be on the right road to a discovery that would enable them to relieve the patient. I To diicovor this has been the efforts of the profesors at Charemon, and starting upon an hypothesis that their later mvesti- ' gallons have been shown to be correct, they have finally solved the question that haa puzzled humanity since the days of the Pharaohs. TWO MINDS III EVTRY IIUMAX BII NO. There is one great proposition the Char- enton scientists have proved daring these the investigation they have demonstrated the year hav* been* issued by th* Dominion [ Mr. Swift, Kpnbli (.overuineut. There will be OO discrnni- twenty-eight, thousand fi nation against the citizens of the United State.. From information received by th* Ro- mmion Depart rent of Trail* and Corn- Tierce, it appears that there are prospects for geod stilt prices for export caitie dur- ing the coming season. Invitations have been issued by Lieut,- Governor Mackintosh to th* Governor* of several Stale* to be present at the opening of the Territorial Exhibition at Kegina a* his gueaii. The Fisheries Department denies the report th*t Canada i* objecting to the en- forcement of the Behnng set award. What it objects to i* the regulation pro- > idiug for th sealing of arms. Mis. Nickerson ha* issued a writ against th* widow of the late W. C. McL*od, \V oods'.ouk's well- known millionaire, claim- ing 9241,000 damage* for the alienation of her husband'* atfect ion*. At the Winnipeg Trades and Labour convention prohibition was rejected as piuralny ol hundred and twenty vote*. William Lake, who murdered and mutil- ated K.inma Hunt, a domestic 'living with a armer near Corlloii, N. Y., last Uclober, Was electrocuted m Auburn prison ou Wed- nesday. Hi-jiry N. Kntwistle, who waa sent no- ed to tineen year* in prison in Lowell, Mas*., i ls",J, for shooting Maria Clegg with inUMt to kill has lieeu release through tna efforts of the young woman, and luey will be married shortly. Mia* Tesea L. Kelso, libranvi of the Public library in LJS Angeles, Califnnia, haa taken an action for slander against, the Rev. J. C. Caimibi-ll, tor having prayed that the I <ini might vouchsafe Hi* saving (race to the libraiian of the City library, and cleanri) her u ull sin sud make her a woman worthy ol her oilier. At Pittsburg. Pa,, John Urotia, Tlios. Orogan, deorge Woife, John \lc\lsiiiisand Wnlmm Ford started to cross the river in a skiff, and when some distance from shore plank in Ihe'plailurm of the UbouVpartv, ' lhe bo * t *P" 11! d n' 1 ; 'o.'an and Kr<*ia and a memorial wa* adopted opposing *"" druwnei1 . It 'S reported there waa . General Booth's colonization scheme. drunken row in ti.e boat,and the three sur- During the coming season the completion of the Toronto Island bnakwater a* far as covered by th* contract of Capt. Murray i* to be vigorously pushed, and in all proba- bility accomplished this year. Report* from C. P. R, agent* in Manitoba late that the farmer* are generally prepar- ing for spring work, but ouly in a lew cases has seeding been d--n. There is a want of now or rain throughout the province. Mr. Frank Skyaer. a Dominion Govern- ment employe* on the Hlacktoot Indian reserve. Alberta, wa* shot and killed by a crazy Indian. The h'.micide rsistd arrest, and wa* shot dead by the Mounted Police. The verdict of the (Joroner'a jury at Gleichen was that Frank Skinner came to his <iea h from a gunshot wound inflicted by a Blackfoot Indian (Scraping Hidesl.and acqui' ting Constable Kodger*. who ihot the Indian while iMunmg arrest. The will of the late Col. Allan Gilmour of Ottawa was probated on Saturday. The estate i* valued at $l,4. r >-2,000. Deceased wa* unmarried. The bu.k of his estate is left to Mr. John Manuel, a connection by marriage. There are several charitable uid other bequeet*. John A. Patlerhon, the acting teller of the Troden' Bank at Strathroy, who absconded about three weeks ago with over $4,000 of the bank's fund* , haa bi en localed by the Guarantee Company at Las Vega*, New Mexico. He will be brought hack to stand hi* trial. Miss Pollmgton of Hamilton, had the unpleasant sxperiencn of rolling down the mountain side. She waa walking a few feet away irom the edge at the top, and, falling on the slippery ground, rolled over and went to the bottom. 3he escaped without serious injury. GREAT BRITAIN. Mrs. Leonard Jerome, mother of Lady Randolph Churchill, died a: Tunbndue Well* on Tuesday. Mr. Gladstone i* writing a work on ex- t ooi, forms of life, with the object reconciling Darwinism and the Bible. of Mr. Stead is writings novel dealing with social problems, under the title of "The Modern Maid of Modern Babylon.* A special commissioner ha* been des- patched from London to enquire into re- port* ol Ireland. ever.) distress in th* south O f The engagement of the dowager Duchess of Marlborougb, formerly Mrs, Hammersley of New York, and Lord William Bereeford, is again anu unced. Th* British Board of Trade returns for March show that the import* increased 8M,.Vi8. and the export* increased 424, 127, a* compared with those for thu corres- ponding month last year. At St. Dunsta>n'a church, Fleet street) , on Friday, in the presence of a vivors were arrested. The multilatc'l body of aoolorel woman wa* found on the street in New York un Saturday night. Superintendent Byrne* say* she was murdered on Friday night by William Caesar, wno wa* taken into custody. Un Saturday night Caesar cut up th* body, and at 9 o'clock look it on a Sixth avenue car, which run* to Waverly Place. When the car Hopped, finding it did not go to thn river, he left the body where it was found. It ia believed that Caesar made a oinfessmn. URN KRAI. A rupture between Norway and Sweden ia said to be imminent. The plague ha* broken out at Kowloon, China, in virulent form. Yellow fever ha* broken out amongst tke Spanish troops sent to Cuba. The field of Waterloo is covered with a crop of crimson poppies every year. Disquieting news has hven received from Algiers regarding the health of the Czare- WUCll. Mrs, Mackay's daughter, the Princes* Colonna, has been granted a separation from her husband by thu Roman court*. Prince Bismarck, on his birthday, re- ceived eight thousand telegrams, fifty thousand let tars, an.l one hundred and fifteen thousand postal cards. With the cose of last month Schaslopol ceased to exist a* a port for foreign ship- ping, and will in future be used only a* a naval port aud arsenal. The famous Johannisberu vineyards have have ju-t reverted to the Rmperor of Austria, Prince Richard Metteruioh having died without leaving a sou, Li Hung Chang ha* so far recovered from thu bullet wound in his cheek a* to be able to resume the peace negotiations with the Japanese representatives. The Czar and Ciarina contemplate a long tour after the termination of their mourning period of sn month*. Among th* capitals visited will be Berlin Vienna, and Paris. The Matin and other Paris newspaper* are insinuating that the collision on March 30, off Mussina, between two British steam- ers, one of which was carrying French troops and munition* of war to the Island of Madagi malic*. existence of two minds in every human being, and have shown thai there is an active and a latent thinking power which they have respectively named the conscious and the subconsc.ous mind. The idea is by no means a new one, but the proof of it has never been given until within a few weeks. That the subconscious mind is a storehouse in which all the information an individual acquires in the course of his life is held, ha* been considered heretofore and ha* been accepted a* a pie.Uo theory, but without any foundation in fact. The theory is now shown to be a correct one and the existence of this second mind, which is kept in it* passive oonditiou by th* great activity of th* other mind, is an established truth. In some pvople the snboonMiiou* mind is more susceptible to the conscious mind than in other*, and in oaaes where this greater susceptibility ex- ist* more brilliancy is tound and the person possessing it is more alert to the affair* of the world. Incidentally, in these experiments the |> r "' mind reading abd the so-called marvels of spiritualism have been more or leas proved, but not established In the manner the practitionist of these arts would care to have. The clairvoyant state, according to the Charanton authorities, ennblea an active mind to read the subcon- scious mind of another person and gather from it fragments of the information it contains, which are repeated as insight* into i he past, to th no small amazement ot the person whom they concern. IIIWKK Or HVI'NUTIHM The met bod of proving this was a very simple one after the scientist* had discov- ered that the subconscious mind oould also be reached through hypnotism. With that At last it was decided to place the woman in a reclining chair in the centre of a nmall room or "least lined with heavy black cloth and kept in utter darkness during the uouri* of th* experiment. A small creacent- napeil mirror was hunt; upon a pivot opposite her and wa> to revolve rap- idly by a electrical apparatus. The only ray of light permitted t < enter was through lall aperture not much more than a pinhole in the opposite wall by which luminous pencil was projected upon the surface of the mirror as it mad* it* swift revolutions. For some time the patient took no notice of this contrivance, but gradually her attention was attracted by the dazzling disk. At flint she glanced al it apethe'ioally, hat every moment it fas- cinated her more and more, till at last her eye* were drawn to it in a fixed stare, and very soon the usual hypnotic effect wa* pioduced and the patient reclined In a oomato** state. RATIONAL STATEMENT FROM A LONATIC; The consciousness being thus lulled to rest the by puovist began bis operations upon the subconscious mind, leading it gradually by well -considered questions to respo-id to his suggestions. By this means liu obtained a rational statement from the unfortunate woman of the oauee that hail thrown her into the terrible hallucination from which she auilvre.d, a statement that no couise or questioning had beru able to elicit from her while her conscious mind wa* awake. Bydegresshe found out I hat the hallucina- tion was caused by a frightful shock ti..> patient hau euc. untered While walking in one of the narrow streets of old Paris at a time that she was peculiarly sensitive to sudden external impression*. A* she waa walking along a sudden wild cry rang out from the top window of one .1. lhe high houses immediately above her, and a woman sprang o t of the casement, whirling in the air, and wa* dashed upon the pavement at her ieet, spattering her dree* with blood aud brains. This horrible accident had such an n. ect upon her mind that she, screamed violently, fell to the ground in convulsions, and irom that moment was a manic p.isevsaod with tue idea tiial she wa* Hurrouuded with blood Acting upon ;tiiN*uugesti'iu thescientitta deviskd a plan by wnich to continue the impress on ot the suncnni-cious mind, aud thus to overcome the Hallucination whicn had so long and so terribly occupied the conscious n mil. She wa* taken, still under the hypnotic influence, into the courtyard of the hospital, and out of one of the upper windows of the bnildmg the figure of a woman, cunningly constructed of a broom, furnished with a bonnet and cloak, w is dashed to the gronud before her. She started violeully, gave a wild scream and exclaimed : " There, see there ! There i* a womaii dashed to piece*. Oh, me blood! the blood! the blood !" and su.ldonly awoke from her hypnotic state aud began to weep hysteric- ally. HOW< II IK THk Ot'MMY. The hypnotist seized the opportunity and picking up the clothed broomstick flourished it before the patient's eyes, tak- ing off the bonnet ami cloak and discover- ing lhe naked truth in tue shape ol a simple nroomhauiile. The patient stared at it in amazement. "There," laid the hypnotist, "see what a fowl you've been making of yourself, then's your woman, but where's the biood? You can't g*l blood from a atone, nor a broumkliok, so you see you have been simply dreaming." The patient accepted t.hi* explanation with loi-i.iiy and immediately cried out attar the received fashion of one awaking from a trance : "Whore am I?" " W here ore you ?" said the hypnotist "Why, don't you remember you were taken uddeuly ill while out walking aud we brought you into the first place that came handy? Your stomach'* out of order, that's all, come home and we'll give you something to put you right." The woman was taken home and kept quiet for some day*, and from that Urn* showed no sign ot an aberration ol muni nor couid the recall any of her sulTering!. HIM BRAIN WAS ON P1BI. Auother instance of transferred con- sciousness occurred in the caae of a man who insisted that his brain wa* on fire. This man wa* put into the hypnotic slat* fact to start upon, several persons were I "X th experimenter, who cause i him to hypnotized and their subconscious minds fix his eyes upon the bras* nozzle of a pipe through which a small stream of lukewarm water was poure i upon hi* head, the ex- perimenter telling him that this waa done to extinguish thn flame*. In this ca*e the cure wa* a very simple one, for the man seeing the stream of water oome out of the pipe became convinced that the right means were being used to quench the flame," and, on cue hypnotist relieving him from thn influence by the usual means, be walked out of the hospital utterly uncon- scious that he had ever been subject to any by pun carefully read. In those instances the person under hypnotic influence shoved an acquaintance with subjects that were entirely unknown to the conscious minds of the subject. When that influence wa* removed the patients were submitted to clairvoyants who were unacquainted with them or with their peculiarities. In som* fifty instances the clairvoyants, while in the trance, described the same unusual | attribute that had previously been de- tected by the scientists aa having poas- evsion of the subconscious mind and being 1 "">" hallucination, complaining merely " that he had a bad headache. , entirely unknown to the conscious mind of the person experimented upon. Following this indisputable demonstr- ation, the scientist* realized they had m lluir possession a force that could be em- ployed in dragging from the unwilling mind ef th* delirious patient the secret it guarded in Its lunacy, and which its un- williugne** to disclose had been the sole obstacle in the rood of the mind's recovery. Before exerting this force the scientist* satisfied themielve* that hypnotism wa* merely a phase of sleep and they divided all possible phases of mental phenomena die to England's A Truthful Boy. Mr*. De Fad (in bric-a-brac shop) Ton have beautiful collection of antique* here. New Boy Ye*'m we have all the latest novelties. Customer " Do you know ld you ever try a wig, sir anything that ia good for baldness T" Barber" Did Space will not permit '.fa full description of the cure* wrought at the Charenton Hospital up to the present time, but the scientist* engaged in the experiment* have fully convinced themselves that the prin- ciple holds good and that, with further development*, still more extraordinary oureeof insanity and it* oorrellative diisasss will result. AN APPARENT MYSTERY fLKARED. Why * person should be subject to the will of another in one state ot being, while i in anotner he is utterly independent of in three ol*se.-.leep. insanity and trance. jd influence, has P u M led many wise Each of these ola. they again divided b h SUofj5.Zl.WS2L and iii to normal, partial, hypnotic and ambula- I tory .leep. subdividing ambulatory sleep j " till f iir tiler *** *** >vii ton xkrirl iiinrMKi'Aii- I Insanity they flST *i clear up th. wnen 'Tided* .ntooTuKd P"*h. subject to. ."P. he. imply primary. Trance wa* divided into oat- alepsy, clairvoyance, spiritual s|ght and alelhean. MAD! PRAlTIi'AI. TEST*? Having once estahlmned to their satis- faction this theory, the scientist* proceeded to make experiment* upen various patient*. upon the store* laid up in th* mental re- ceptacle provided for them, and use* them at hi* will. This may explain several thing*, the abeolut* troth of which cannot be doubted, but the r*a*on of which ha* hitherto eluded research. Hypnotism in ths band* of expert* i* no doubt proved to be a valuable remedial One of the most intractable inn-ate* of the ' agent, but is no more a fit object for unau Charenton Hospital was a woman about I thoriied investigation and experiment than 35 year* old, who wa* possessed with a the various poisons of th* pharmacopeia * J - -I an amateur fixed idea that she wa* continually wading or swimming in a sea of blood. Th* experimenter* determined to get her under hypnotic Influence and would be in the hand* ol l chemist. The experiment* at Charenton, therefore, should b* hailed with satisfaction a* a true and scientific attempt, well safe* thereby to discover, if possible., from th* . guarded and In th* hand* of competent subconscious mind the real origin of the people, to bring into nee aa cautiously and bulluoination. For many week* their ef- , safely a* may be some hidden power* of fort* were frustrate.! by the impossibility nature, pregnant, a* all power* of nature of fining the lunatic'* gale upon toe eye* are, with good and *vil, with safety and of the hypnotise'. , danger. MELT CANADIAN INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OWN COUNTRY. oua money circulate* freely in Gather** rrans tarl.n. P. I HI. r m I be Atlasuie le tke Paelfle. Seaforth has whooping oengh and measles, A JaoksLu's reaideno*, Bairn, ha* been burned. <"<"irnerf*it batham. Bradford firemen will hare a celebration May 24th. Tne Vancouver Kifle Association ha* been re-organized. A rw wheelmen'* olnb ha* been orgssit- ed in Stratford. Almoute will have a mammoth celebration May 'J4th. A fall grown wildcat waa recently cap- tured nea- Fergus. A 34- pound pike waa caught th* other lay at Kingston. Guelph ratepayer* object to the building of a new fireball. Thorold I* to have an old time ball, for married people only. The canteen ot the Mounted Polioe at Regma has been burned. Three hundred Swedu are coming t* rat- tle in the North West. Thu German Evangelical Church of Li*> towel ha* been remodel**?. Spencerville may soon have telaphonio connection with Urockvilie. Vancouver got 4O applicant* where but one fireman waa required. The new Baptut church at Cariboo is to lie 'imstie. 1 in uherry wood. The circulation of Dominion notes in- creased flOU.OOO during February. Joint W. Lewis, proprietor of th* Cad- illac Hotel, Montreal, is dead. The "Couniy of Pnrlli Humane Society 1 * has just been organized. Over J.UUO.OOO lugs have been cut during the past season m the upper Ottawa. An "ffori will be nuvte to organize an Odd Fellows' lodge at Kettle River. The number of hotel license* in Van- couver has been reduced from 63 to 48. Ingernoll taxe* hawker* and peddlers $50 aad $75 if they have a hone and waggon. This spring. 7, t HJO.OOO salmon fry have been turned loose from the Frazer river haleWry. Two student* were recently expelled from Quwn's Umveisity, Kingston, for stealing I >ook*. Ed. Guerin, a Montreal barrister, ha* b*eu left 160,000 by the will of Mary Ann Hayee. It i* reported that some parties from Bel. glum are coming to Canada to buy hone* Over thirty churobei have been burned in Canada tbis winter. The Iocs will be $300.0, Hi. Recently a steamer from Halifax, for I. 01, inn, earned away 1(15, (XX) barrels of Nova Scotia apple*. The oldest woman in Belleville is Mrs, Mary Ashley, who, a few day* ago, celeb- rated her 94th birtnday. In one of , ,, Hamilton ohnrohe* last Suf> day th* Jockey Club ..* condemned a* being a s-mroe of much evil. Middlesex county has a female constable whose duty it i* to look after witnesses ol her own sex called al the aaciae*. Larger rial. Is of ice are ae<n > Lake Huron this year than the oldest inhabi- tant ever remembers to have seen. The annual n-gaita of th* North Paeifio Association of Amateur OarxmeB will take place in Victoria, July 19th aud -Jiiih. Chatham Town Council ha* voted each >f tue newspaper* of that town fllMl lor reporting their proceedings during the past year. Over 1,-iH) persons were added to the hiiirhes of St. John's N.B., a* a result of the labon of Kvungsltst* Crossly and Hunter. A pine tree from which i r >5 large rail* were split from three logs, was -Mil on tho farm of Mr. John Kobson recently at Thompnonville. The International Ice Company ha* erect- ed a freezing plant at Vancouver of a capacity of 10 tons in 'J4 hour*. Four cold st rage rooms will be built. Christopher Kara, of Woodstock, ha* in his possession a Lutheran Bible, printed in I.Vi'J. It to his ancestors in th* old country ovnr 'J'Ki yuan ago. Among th* wains of Golden people re county court *ea*ioni, a pnbiio park, a new achoolhouce, a new bridge, more street work*, and dyking w irks. A woman from Verchern*, testifying in the circuit court al Montreal, gave her ace a* 72 yean, and declaim! tliat her mother, aged 1(14, wa* waiting in Uio corridor. At Fort McLeod, in the North- West, it las been summer weather for over two weeks. All the snow has gone, and the i*rcury some days ha* been 90 degree*. A wealthy Canadian lumberman has, it s said, decided to rsft 20,000 feet of log* rom the Georgian Bay to the Saginaw ftiver, to be manufactured, by reason of the better advantage of handling and die- iomug of thn manufactured stock in the Saginaw market* A serious split in the Local Council of Women, Hamilton, over the way the recent reception to Lady Alxrdeen was managed, ha* developed. It is claimed that the affair was ran by Church of Knglend and Presbyterian ladle*, to the exclusion of Hie Methodist*, and the feeling i* very bitter. The Governor-General ha* granted per- missnm to the Chippewa Indian* to sue the) Dominion Government for the recovery of some land and money which they claim wae wrongfully taken from them. The dupute) involves some 2,468 acre* of land in the) Munoey reeerve in Caradoo township, and aiso a certain sum of money which it is) alleged wa* misapplied by agent of the Government. The total sum at stake i* said to be 1100,000. The Summit. Speaking of drawing, remarked the art let, I reached llie acms of the draughtsman 1 ! ambition to-day. Ah, indeed ? Y**, I drew a nheok aad It wa* honor- d.