Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1895, p. 1

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Jt&mttte. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' VOL,UV.NO. 703 FLBSHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 1895. W. fl. THDRSTON EDITOR* PROPRIETOR RMSTRONGS' Cash and (} one Price. Flosbrrton Station f'nim mil ou-n (''irrrtpoiulnit. Business is booming herb just no Markdnlr From <mr oicii Carretfxindent. Ax dim IH the flint appearance uf Nero's teU-L-ni].li poles, square timber, hawing*, I budget in the column! of The Advance tii's and jt< Kta. One would think that limlier wan its plentiful na ever. Mr. Borgennt, butcher, of thin place, him been Ia:d up for the past week. R ciH'k in looking uf'er tho business until ho in aMf to aet nn>und aunin. Mr D. Mi-Ki'ii/.n- purchased the, Hamil- t 'ii |,r.'i>erty mii' mini: the Station for tin- man >{ 91200. Who siys Iniid is wortli nothing .iriuinil the *tntion f Mm. R. Cook is spending a few weeks in the city. j Wtts. RiunScy leaves hero this week. IJn is icoi i iff onto Inn farm near Meaford. FIXE x I^EPAJIxJlXG x AS x USL'AL. s .. rry u.ily,,,,, w. . | M r . .\. Hannah took a trip to (he city NEW GCXXDS. Never before gncli styles, sncli qualities, snc'.\ values. L-msr prices prevail owius; to our li^lit expeiim*. If ytvt don't iret more f r your uioiioy tliid year it will lie buoitti-ii) j-r.\ i^iinrirtha ad\'.viUi{8s our stare o.T.'rs. A Urge discount on all kir.d* of jewellery fjr the next 30 days. Remember we guarantee saUsfictiju on all orders or money clieer- thin e. k fully rtjfutid-id. . . . ARHSTRONG BROS \Vatc limaKer's and .Jewellers. Our Business Directory (tartl*. VI ARBIAGE LtCJiSBES. I oiuwt day or night 4 tlw rnl<lmK of the Coramiwioiiar in H IV. Ornvsymocvr. Ac. Notary public. JOHN W. AilUSTUDNU. - PLBHSUUTOM. myr ( CLLOCOII A YOCNO, BanXvra. Mark-tain, do * genoml hnnkins bu- inew. tkNMy l<MMd si anMnnahle rw*. Cs.ll on us. _ tf It. HAMMOND. i-ost Matr. Kiiubrlcy. Cmmiton<ir tor taking AffliteTita tc. Innuron an<l lon mnnvy at loimt rates. ExccutMLMnti. Dowls, Will*. Ic. promi>ly, olxaply uil mrientlT. R J SPUOCLE, . Commiminiiar In r.. R.. U DM >uclioneur. l'oiiTryani'r, A - V r*tMrad Mcncy IxnMer. lUtnl Kxtato au-1 Innrnn< AfOmt. D-ert. Mort, Lea, HII.I Wllta drawn up ni ValiiaiiotiH maJ on >burtont atto. Auction Snlf i. tv. n.N',1 tu n- any fut of ta County. Money to loan nt low t rO of (i*crnt*. CollH. u.m to vita J>roin4n u4 d|*<'li Clin<ii low. A|;M fur tinl Doutllioo htnain<<hi|) Cniu|Ntii v. <-htiat> Ucki* tfotn Kfc-li<T*Dii t;> L<*an> lin l. Ula*M'>*. L<oiidon or any of lha Hnfi-li im,'- Partio* lut.uilluK to --it lntlmi.l. Sc..Un.l or Irulatd.wlll p BK i. heir tiokft* lwwlira. \ I ISH liUlTH KU-HAKDMON. Kniiil of R.Mtt. Mahr. n( Merlin. iWinanv. 'violini llra.lluv. ul Toronto I ^unSi vU>r> MIIMU. ol.iral; IVrf, Kcirrimin, lafe* nf Toronto. 'Piinn will raosivii PI, i UN- u, M -I.!M, VIOLIN. |'|- AM) *u.l UUOAN. Mi. \V,iiiiiu thinks Mr. Cronsley need ot lind any fault with hi boots, aa they are mine too largo for his feet thia cold weather. Tin; remaiim of Mr. Hector McLean, sjn of Mii... i Mi Lean, north of Pricevilh*, .n:e off the tiain herts on Monday iiijjht from Diiluth, wheru he was woikiiij. when lit? died. We would like to know why son don't fix thoiib roadi ? Thy ure almost impunsablu. and wo liaiv III..IH need nf ^HX( r mds now titan at any other time, as them is HO mujh irntfic. The. sate at Mr. HIIUX'I n ore did not come i ilflriM week, ooiise<|Uriitly you will liavo ;<> do wnln.uta plug hat, .Mr. Kdiior. .in. I oilier relic* which I intended to buy fur you. Ma.xwrll. From imr H>CH I ',-, rs;,,,n . Mr. K|ilnaim JiUkely, of UumUlk. visited IIIH nmtur, .Mm. J. Little, lust week. Misa Mary Stnchnn retuined fioni To- iler many J W. KKUHT, Karrinur. Solicitor, Coavevtiicvr. Ktc. rUbBrtpc>nofnaB- Next tho p,it <j!i,-,. snreulei ronlo last Thursday. :,ou Tbu0.y.. Owm So-,,,,1 offlce- I ,,,.,. W1 . re ,,.,, |ll6J|H( .j t(> ,. ,,,. Our C. O. V. gave u a fic<: OJH;II con- cert last Satiirday i.-venin^ The Hv. Wnodicer addrcssod the Sab- bath .Hchool last Sunday. Mr. Win. Clark has become a citizen. Mr niovud hi-, family have hat week. We u-ulcomu him to our town and mh success. M,.4 Minnie DiiJlimh snutit a few dayn hero lately. 1 CCAS A WRIGHT, RtTiteni. Ho'ioltoni, Conviiviinrtni, etc., Ow*n Sou ml. DIM - - Mai Malm Out. W. H \Viii [ ,i I.L-eAn. K. n.-Kleshertou ofllco. Mttchulfs bank, overv Wei1l.oi.Uv. binder' M OliIlK. a STUMS 1'raotical mirtei-taker*. Slmms block, Ion Kimt C!MI liem-ne. lew cllarKM. tion H'Mfunti-.-l. ai woUavo puriunoe In Hm bimlims. l)r S.-ott and Rev. .I.mOH sttemle 1 tho at Rob 1'oy hi*t Tumday, and the JJIt. HtTtTOS. M. D. C. U., M.C.P.* 8.,()t. llfmilance uil oWce oi> iS oihitChurab.KiDroM bv Otlic.i*>NT uii.l Stui i Ueth y TJIl. CAUTEB. M C. P. A 8., Ont. PhynlPiMi. arKo. Moibertou oflJoa Straiai U ook. Munibaw's hotol. AO.L.Vi. -mH3tvri dn-t ami thir.l M,,n Iv In ..ncli nioiitli. in their loilR* room i ('iriKtou'- H:.. k., t .n. n. \ M. (;ilt4on. M.W.; W.I liellaii.\. ftiii'c'er ; W. Irwlii lluimnlcr. Vlkitinf; Iliuilu-rii invitee:, |>OYAI, TKMrr.Aits or TEMI'KKANI-I:. |^ - '(.-):' ilnr i "in,, th*r^ THOU In v i-vi-niuu in .arh mon,li , in ttproato's hloek t H |> in Hulwet ilenroo i ^'"""i.n. iv .ninthly, thu Wmlnemliiy . i luocmhnu tlmtiuil of Bch month. DNS JOHN A. SCOTT, U. B. Mmnbor Collo<iPliyic. * SurgBOB.. Ontario 'liailuat* In Mdiciu ot Toronto I nivoriotv. Keilowtii Diploma, Font (iriuluiita Mixlioat Scbool an. I Ho|jitl. Cbicao. Dtcaof ev, r. tioMaml throat upecially tieateil It. i UIIM Uaawvll, visits VmnnaiM Thurvta J P. OTTKWKbU Vol*riu*ry Bungmn. Rradimto or Votorinary Cv41o(a. Kiiilnco > I Moor's piaainn tti\nty. TKMPRBAXOIt-TMl In Ur. Chrmior' Hall ovary . i- . newlay cmnlnii t R n.m Vlsitn.i? In . in <-rcn itiMti'.l. IliMiintieM in .-..nil. . II..M Ylt. I'. K.A., nwettn thvlr hall. C'hrUto> Hlock ver\ firrt anil thlrilTliiinnta> in \\iii. Shan', Mator. T. Clayton n r Sam. Linley is under thu weather Hgniii. \"> o h..[>e IM>II to hear of his re- covery. Tho conciTt given by (Ui last Thurn- day wns a decidud MIICCFHM. Dr. S|in<iile, who iiucuiiivd th chair, in A whole pic- nic within lnn,:eli'. Hu was jul. the ii)iht m. in in thu ri^'hl |>Uci!. ThiMf. Uamey, M. P. P.. gon to To- r. iii'.i this no k \V'o iux> t-.T|im-tiiik! a wedil.ii-.' this week, but (Tuesday, timo of wilting,) wu can- not <cll you anything alxmt it. Marahal Morrinoii and t.unily nioveil to i lie fin in on the 4th lant week. We. were to low him aa he wnaa citizen. nfPKKltls I.olxiK. No. 1*1, Ft'itm nut' unit t'nt'ffuftitttjfnt, Tho people of tins bur.: aru much he wishes to nay to you, gentle reader, Morning." We trust that tho little time 8pent scanning our few and brief iieiiiH limy bii t.i you moments of and profit. It is our intention to lw courteous and nvur oHeiisive.and if at any time our remark* apptarntherwue kindly r member it is not our intention au in be. Minx Brown, of Meaford, who has been thuuuot of Mrs. _ Young, has junt re- turned home. During her short sojourn in M.trkdidu she has made many warm friends. Denial cfiiinteiiancuH of a numlirr of the yoiiny men of Kleshurtoti were to be seen at thu bail and nuppur hint Friday Wo Mieve, that in tocial mat- You want . * A FIRST-CLASS uit, Ovcrooat, or pair of Pant a > Guarantee To izive you them at cloweHt prices. C. J. 9 Merchant Tailor. 4 > ters, recioiouty l i. -.Mills. Mr. Oiniaxhnn hud and will hare npent Snmliy with 1 fn.-mlii in .Shclbunie. Mr. and Mrs. I. U LUCAS and Mia LUCOM tuok in thu aights at the carnival in Dundalk hut Friday ninht, and Mr.'. jr , 2 was prawei.t with thu hacholars of \Vini;- Imm :\i the annual ball. \Vn undeiHlaml that the P. of I. held their annual ineetini; for the Kant Hiding of (irey in our village List week. Humor \n that iiioHt of tht) old officers were re- j elected, but <ui your xciibe in not imong u favored pi-niUHNioii haw not been {ranted to peep behind tho sere. n. Me>Mi. Mi K.irland and Miicphenton attended thu minimi ini-elnm of Ihu Ex- eeimnr Lifu I.'iMiranc" d.'y in Toronto last week, when the former .-is ,-li. M-M as one of the company's direct. .n. \\ e .;oii:;r;itula4j him oil tho of j thu honorublo [lOHilion, and tho company m their wims choice. They report the; r to he in uxcullent standing. Tiie many Iriunda of Miss Bvimon were i|. -lighted with thu entertaining and social .-veiiiiij spent nt her residence on Thurs- day in honor of In-r i;uest, Miw ( Jrcur, of Mount K.'iust. After an enjoyable even- ing and a .sumptuous repast the visitor* lilted thu air wiih i!:u sweet melodies .,f "Aiild Liii.i: Syne." Miss Helicon is nn excellent c-attrtainer and a charming hosteis NBKU. \ Case Insect Powder Patent Medicines Drugs Just Received. If you want a good CIGAR Gallon us. CHASE'S PILLS AND OINTMENT NOW ON HAND. IKUllSflrS DflUG STBBE, I LI.slH.Ki-i,> To the Public. Whilten's blacksmith .shop fora term nf yearn, I am now in * to oatnrtu all wantH in my line. From <ir OHM The IIHMII hern uf Ihu Epworth Loa^no of tho Mt'tlioii:.<4l churuh intend giving a tiijiic wiutal in thu imr-ona^e nn t!i evoll- inn of the tirt nl Muruli. The |iroui-e.|< of thu social aru to be sent to tho Wo- man'* Mitutioiiaiy Society. With such a worthy otijvui in view tlio H.>uial will, no .loii lit, receive tho hunrty oi-o|)er:ktion and sii|)[iort of uvtryoh inttrestad in iiiismonnry work. 'Hie iloloi;iite>: fr.'in th Kpwnrth Lvngutt In Ihu I'rovincial .\Mi>cialion to be held i in Toronto, \viil In.- Dr. Blunder mid Horseshoeing a Specialty. -- :c: - Satisfaction Guaranteed a.iytliin^ in the blacknmithin,} line oatl '.n I A. BUM OI'I'OHlTR KK'HAHDSON S HAHIIVVAKi: T('KK Eiluli Hartley. Mr l>.ii .M'l.r.ui. who left last week for Dnlnili t.. I. no.; homo the. body of Ins bro tiler, nrn.ed her with tho re- mams lust Moiid.u- Tho fanural took nlai-n oil 'T'lewl.iy at'n-i no..ii. Mr. Duncnii Muiraiul family are hav- ilUf a great dual of tninble at pn s.-l.l. mvoopen n .l ,,n a~^n7,,let lannrlrv .Mint !!..> threoof thu fninily ate ill with i" KUmherton. n<1 am pre|>a ml tot*lilnanv mumps diphtheria and ncai let n i. r- 'l'<aity oflanmlry work at lower nrii-^ thn'i FLES9E8TOH mill UDIOI,. I i i \l \i M j- |IMIIlf. *llde .Mio. Mllir \ still suiter aru cbariji),) IsvwilefS. vttA m in I Imve put ill thl> la'en. Home tinm lint ho|n) the storm in over now iind that the ix.aiiH will .-..mi IK- J F. HAL8TKAD. M P.M. T. AS., lierloy. Hbeumatic illwiacw TVK MAKY M. BANDK M. U. C. M.. M. r. r. * H.. Out : I ifflOH *ll(i rwfv QllCe oflpoMto Hu ' falls nil)t or.lnv. |iroi-i|.tlv tti-ii.ln.l. VlwtH ion suif..m nt vi 11, wedsssxlajr*. (i K. ,. < llftll i-vevv TIH-S. rtay i-venlnx nt H ..Vl.nli. iiKbrethranoo ilially invituil. P. ri.v-T..N, , N. Ii ; D. UI-TAVIKH, >.n . |lfMti$ti[(. J P. a VKSIIALL. 1. D.S..M II. s.. Dvatint. th>i (ft mi. I -till WU.IU..H.IKV Visits Mrkdal of uxh month. WAITED SS'ESHEH linn .if NrKSKUY HTOC Mr. Kit-haul Hull, .-f Toroiit". who In.-, IM-I n visiting Ills ihiuuhter, Mi*. John Matliew 4.,n. for a fortnight., returned ' his home on Thuiwlay of lant weuk. His many old friends wuie pL-iuted t,.. Nee him to .ell _ eliolua ami i- o in p!i't him nf XfHsr.liY srn( K "i si, I. n l-iii \ nii'.K...] h.ah. PERM ANKNT ami PAY- lN(i I'dMTI'iNS to ilOCIi MK.N. W.- *'' \ .... .-\.-lie.ivt. t.*rritirv it y .u wi^ll It Will 1'AY VOL' to wiiln IIH for SSTins. A. I, i The Havks N'orsery Co., Rochester N. Y. . look inH . . -.<i II. MIHS Mabel ClnrU is \ isiting friends in KNKRORTIC MKN to !! our h..ire Ami line nf Nuraerv Stock mtil nee'l point OM. rfifiheKt Kalni v ninl oom ii PHI, I w.-ekly. iistinu an. I porinaniiiil )M>Kition ctiaranteti'1 snd mieeeKii iiH^nrod \ft I'll--.! s ,:.! i-iilii VH ,.i t^ ! l> -ijinnarH, .\IM-I IPMCI* not neei*iir\. I-!\.-|UMV.' t.-irioril , noil your own I-'K. i.e. .f sin KIVIIII. Do not TO hKNT. Mrs. \V. .1 lUik.-nton and Mis A. Hull spent Sniiuilay nnd Sund.iy with liiends nuar Swihloii T*uik. \\ i> very winy to |enrn thnt Mr. Ah-x. M.Mill.m still continue* in a very 1 .W roi'.htlon. M.--.SIH. I! He ley r.tid W . ll!(lklt .'II paid a llyn> v M; t.. I' laiv.y. Ai i!i,- --iiiieiiiaii'-iiar' npellinu mntcli at tho S O. T l.-ini Thuisilay cvcinn..', Mi. Malc'.lm M. I '"i, ..lil d.'Hued tlie holu Imxiiiexs. M.ilLolliI 14 ;i speller fioni away U-Kk n;' to modern oitho- Tbo t..nhip a^s's-.i.r. Mr. ('lias. L).:Mi'. i:< imikiin- liiaitnniml i-.,vnniM. " fhe" Uev. Mr. Mc\ itkcrw, of Dromon-. Mr. ,1 Ini tho Meaford mail | w ,n ,, cci , ( , y t |, u y.,.\ l,,.,iit pulpit i 1 >. \ ,,,..,. h:id lhelnroltUO.t.*10MIWMof ., ,],,. ;,,,, Sunday ill .M For -.1. -hoap ami on o..r t-rmMr, FI.H.W. hl ll-.rM-s by lull. niAt .ion lu.-it wuok. The following al-o llie. olhceis in lliet". r..n S| li.l larii*. nollil bn. k .Iwi.llinfe. witli M-. John lii-..ckit!'..niik i* p.ei.iuin/ to I i,,, . ,(, , :1 , M ,i,^ tvrw : 1',^.. I 1 . :--r "'o^'TrS^ sW l **brWt TliSi' build a IMW brink fco- is* OaW Dimmer. ,,. . \ ,^ a J',,., , I'ei.r MiK.-iln.n-: PinlKiioosaliis two lanis lots Mil (nodymnii Mr. .! hi! Ea'"D m b*vhul his Bouti (',, !,<., )<M . do. i' Sec. M,s M. li-.n; "* h amm Hou.e and -.ieh.iil<lin and Lot For Sals. IU Hi-h..rton. U. J. Sra Apnly painted. Mr. A. V/'-yyill, of JlaikJalc, in Tr.-a dii lUo Ouncrwn A. . - ..tmilv wl) nnili(jd and vjry coitvuui- .;> .M . i. jM'iv to 4i,J

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