Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Feb 1895, p. 1

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Jttomtte. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." PRINCIPLES, NOT MBN.' VOL, X1V.NO. 708 FLESHERTON,ONT. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14 1895. W.H THURSTON EDITOR* PROPKltTO* l'rT>ham. We have jitst placed in stock a large quantity Jewellery Suitable for Christmas presents. N* <( tlie follow inn with price* : SOUP GOLD BROOCHES i AS D H.VKIMXS FROM *1.75 t *'.. > WORD PINS AND BATTLE AXES FHOM 50 rent* t,. Si LADIES' SOLnToOLP WATCHES FROM f!2 to $30 STERLING StLVKiT St V K N IR SPOONS. The b we are th latent in styli-s. You should ee them. A large ' <l'i*ntiiy of rolled plate guo-U in hniclie, chains, cuff bultons, ear niigi, lie pins. etc. A splendid choi.rc in wed. lint; ring*. LADIES' FOB CHAINS. I'r\E KEPA1RIXG AH L'Si'.iL. Armstrong Bros. - Jewellers, From oir otpii Cvrre*ptmdrnt. Owii.g to the severe iti.rm there w no aervica in the cliuich or army lt Sun- day. There are a lot of fnwthittrii none* ruud. Mr. F. C. Bruce lust one of Ins driver* laat week. Mr. Pa'mer ia on the lick list juit now, but we Impu to nee him around noon. MIKM Sara Pel igu<> 8|>rnt a few day* viiitiui; fiinudij at Fiuilii-rt >n last week. Mr E. I'.iul wiiH hutiie fr a few d*y U-i week, hut hai gone hack to t.'ulling wood. Si.nii- . f the S. A. were down b> Tor- onto attending ihn biK meuiinj{i laat week. We underaUnd the C. O. F. intend ln'lilinij a concert here in the near future. Look util for auiiiellnng ^uod when they Our Business Directory XI AKKIM.K 1.U-KSSKS. luuH <tav r nb* at th of the CooMiii*uMar Notary pabUo. JOHN W AHMSTaO-NG. ia H C .J. Ctmvtjraacar. <bo. FuiniTOM. McCULLOUSR 4TOCSS, llan>iri. MarkdaU. do a Rurl bnkiog bun- i uw. Moavy laamd at a rauonable rat*. Call n u. U R. HAMMOND. iMM M tr. KimlwrUiy . Omra)Mi<r tor taklnu AUtflavitii *c. Inmra* and IOMIH monoy at lowimt ratsa. KxnntM La.i . Dmda. WMU. to. promptly. diMply aad Oeienilr. p J. 8PKOULK. Pontmaiitcr. FlmhcrMn, Omnni4miloor in B. .. Lie n*d >ucttoor. Oonv)ran(r, A l.rier ami Honor I*ndr, Nal l->ut *>H and Witt* drmwn up and Va,lorini ! ou kb*r*iaoUre. AucMvo Salat attndl to IP AIIJ part *) Ounty. Monay to loau * low , iaii ( inannMt. C'elletini .tti*4.t to with pratuotiKiM aii'l dwpa,toh l'hr low. ARnt(orthe Uomlnioa S*ottihij'Couipii.v. . heap tlckots (i-oni Flvthorton to Llrerpuo). *lt(o-. Uin-lon or mv of tba Uritinb portx. Vartiaii iutaudtag to *Mt Bnfcland. Scotland or Iraland.will piMMaok raM kWr f arobuinc iltwr liokoM lMWkr T\R. HUTTOS. M.D.C. VI . M. C. P.* K., Ont.. Prt<M*ille. KMidaiim anil offic.OD.door otf th Moth Vf I.SS KU1T1I UICHAHOtiU.N. I'Qiiil of Hoht. llalir, nf I^.-rlm, Oermanv. Mm. Hradliiv. u( Toronto CaliMN 1'nif. Kiriiwni, late of Toronto, (Piano) will M..UIV.I pupilH tu blNUINU, VIOLIN. ri~ AMI mi. I HKOAN. and Saturdays. uuni > and UUtrirt. Michal Ryitii, of Proton, delivered a nf oatw at tin- Ml. Forest elevator < that Manned uut 142 timihela. On Wudnemlay evening last the express from Owen Sound struck H I torso above thenkew crossing, Omimeville, mil cut it to pieces. The iron step was pullml off flu; mail car and ihe *te[> "( the hai!!ptge car was sliuhtly liivken. Mm. Wm. Whitmoro. of the 10th con. of Minto, is tho owner of a hen that brought out a tirtxid of chicicpiiH on the 23rd of January, which are doing welL Tht old hen located hemlf m th cattle table which is<|inr.u wanu, ai d accomp- lished a feat not nftan etfi-cteil on the 23rd uf January m Canada. One of tho limit tiendmh acts ever heard of in this seciion waa pre|HHrntd before dayliulit Sunday inorninK st the Harristar. Sol*eltor, LV>nmrano.r. Kc. bl of Mr. J. 8. WoodH,' inilkmaii, on Heafcanon offloe Nwt Ui )H>Mofflc* Hpraitle'i I Sligo road In the morning Mr. Woods .ouThurmtey.. Uw.u Monad offloe- r , 11|(( , mt , ( , |. Mjk sfler bis stock dis- covered that mime inhuman wretch had taken AH axe and literally chopped the fletih off the hind quarter of hi* line live- tlarkdale. Out. year-old black homo. The (Hior brute wais fntally wounded. Ml. Fotes', Kep. A )ouun IUAII ill a iMHtih boring town, who tuny be called John J. Jones, an swertxl the advurtinement of u New York liriii. who said tha they would send the name of uny man's mur i! on receipt of ten cents. The yunnir nmn sent th money and rev'eivedthm answer by r- turn nuiil : Mm. .Jonn J. JtineH. A curious sccident happened in a place, called Soutliport, Kiiulunil, which Some of our readers well know, the other week. Two married ladies living iu ihe ona house were brouuht to bed with liabies t IIH same day one hitvinic twins the other it simile child. Previous to the InmliHinl continu home to dinner the rwoplu mtend- I l'C\8 * WUR1HT, Ilarrinton. ffo'icttora. CV>ovyan<wn. etc., Owrn Sound. On.t W.H. WM^HT K. M PlMhnrto* vry Wwtnmdajr. B. Uwn. offlea, IKu-liail-i Bank. III U audartakara. Strain ' block, Klvah.r- Wn. Klmtulau liMim.. low oliaiRra. iatttfae- tion arantm>l. as wn bav. bad *< voait' x- pcr4au in tu. buniiuw. AO.U.W. m Hutu e vary rut and thin) Mnn day ih oarh mnuth. in their Icxlgo room CnrMoe's Hlork, rlawkeMetv at* P. m. A M (iibwn.M.W.; W..I H.illa..,.v, Him.'.- ... . W. Irwin Uaoorder. Vinitio* llrutlieru R OYAI, TKMPr.ARS OK TEMPKHANi'K. T\R. CARTER. M. C. P. A B., Ont riMburton oe- Strata* a> oo*. Iduusbaw' M<4ao- JOHN A. 8COTT, U. B. Member (.'olIoipiPhyMc. * SrKon. Ontario (Iradwate ia Mmlicin. of Toronto UolTertity. Kollombiji P i.M.iiia. Pott tiraduat* Modioal (tobool a*l Houpital, Chicago. DiMacMof >. ar, nonaud throat pially trraUd. Ri d.ooa sUxwall, vUMa PvMranato Tburadaya 1- Hgiilr Cnunctl nieem yry nrntaiui ' mi/ on the sick thouulit they would play &K,I*|I TMA* la. AUH!..M IK n __l. .__.. w I a joke on him, so placing the three child- ren in bed with the d II.,* s wife, peritiia- ded him tu believe hc had hml triplets. \\ lii-n i li" fun wim cter, and the uialtui 'X;p'auu'd, the nnr-es found it impossible lav nveniuK In nacb inon.h. in Mpreole's hloi* n* 9 p. in. Select d*n 'iiiiirani.|.i u,..i.t tonthlv. th Wadueaday |ir.c<ltug tliu iin.l of ach in. .nth. SONS OP TKMI'KHANCB.-Thi. soilety meet. In Dr. ChrlntoT Hall <mrv We,f neday .v,-nii. K at a p.m. K brath- Inkurancaln oonuKliun. J P. OTTBWRLL, V.toriiiaiT Hurxneo. Oraduat. W Ontario Vtriiiarj> Collate. **<- !* it door outh ul Moore's piauinf (auswry. J F. HALSTliAl>. M. rrn iuvit<l to seimrst* tho hahitiii us they coiild not Y' ,B A,ro<H,tln their hall, Chri-rto.'. ; , |h . Jjif..^ between Ihe three so block ever\ flrit anil UilrU Thursday iu .achmnntb. WM. sharp, Maater. T. Clayton a * *" P vo v mother .her own. The : Heoratary. dithculty had not been got over when lh _ , i^ mail left pKlSCK ARTHL'H W>DOK. No. WS, A. r. * * iii ?h "H.'T'u"^' M * onio H tin i Hlock, Klnrlleitnii, befor* Mw full imjun. K. J. Kyrnoln. Hecratary. try Friday on or Dr. Carter, W. M., D,M. C. Khou AS.. Ont .prMMoMat kirn nae<am*. r\R MAKV M. HBANDKK M. U r M.. M. C. f. * R., O ; PHUI>. . <.i n. O|I|K>MUI iluttuin' H-4uU 'all UIU-K '' >*ay, nNU|>tl* t*i..l~l. ViatW Kluahorv.ii Htaslsua W to IU Werta*i>^ gcutistni. Mr. Tho*. Fox, fixed fifty-seven years, died at his residence at tne flowery end Dt KKKiiiN I.OI.HK. N,,. I a short illness. 1S6. I O O r niMI in I , , Clayton', hall MPM 'Tnaii. fr forty yuara a <1ay'iiinu at ft o'oliMA jj ... . i ... i , WIITEI S11QIEI WW Hne of NITKHRKY HTOCK ol KKKn KOTATOKB.orbotb. PKKM ANKNTaud PAY- IWi I'OMTKiNS t.' HOOD MKN. \Vnean Rive Toil ftXcltlBIVi* tmiritory If yon inb It will P VY YOU to write us for terms. Adilrn. Ik Htwiu Muiary Co., Roctetir N. Y >f ill" toe, i, on Sunday evening, after hut The < had been ri, dmi of Durham or li<tiii:t, but heingof a i(iiirt, unobtninive nature he WKK most widely known by his building contracts, for there WM no bet . j ti-r toawn or bricklayer in tht> four ci-ui-- to MM I '""* "" ''' ntl< i hin trade under the old eboiueand \tm-j- term apurentioesliiii, o understood C <l III pint,, aft ft o'oliH.-fc. Unix brethren o dially D. V'I.ATVON. , N. .; U. McTkviMi, s*c. it thoroughly. H. built a number of uhurchra, mnonu them beinu the Presby- AP.IT terian place of public worship at Dro- ni'ire, Durham, PriceTilln and Rocky Sauueun. He was an houont inan, but rather too vwy g%inrf for A successful oo- tiaotor in tht^edays of km-p corifpetitioo. To i. .inn their lose hu wife and a family I vt lit'evUldixa tm nvc him. T!: fimeiaj look ]ilace on Tuesday to tliu English church cemetery where lie the remains of relativen ^oue before. The obrequics were conducted according i<> the Work- man's ritual, the deceHtied havmi; been a member of that Order. He wan an Orangeman also and many of the latter helped to swell th* cortege. Chronicle. You want ; A FIRST-CLASS & ' I*rirrville. Owiug to tliu tthuutt impassable ul llie roatis Una budget may uot iciicii you m tune lor puuncuuuii. Oui of the tcarcuBl articles ol luod during llie lure part ul Unit weak win baker s bread. Mr. J. L). brown has purchased the bankrupt slock of Mr. Cliiau'U uf i' ledliei lull isiuiiuii. J. 1'. lias Ueeu an bus) a a nuiu-r ci.cckin-j utt guudo, etc., cunaequeuUy cheab had to lake a Iron i seal belaud. A wayisliaie a cuurt, presided over by Mr. Juiui .Nicijol, J, 1'., wan he-Id iaai i'uunkUy iu Luib Uurg to adjust cerium ditlfiLiices thai had atiweii in-- iweeu uuuie parlies. A sa'-lblacUji v sclllelueul wua ai rived at. 1 lie KI.-V. Mr. AlcVickeiH, of Dro- mure, is expected lu occupy the pulpit ul me AluuiouiNt oliuicu utiXt buuday uiuiuiug. Liasl Thursday eveuiug a debate look piace in Uiu O. U. i .1 nail un uiu luiiowiug snbjeci, via. : "Iteuoiv- ed llial laiuiiug uunug the laul lew years' liatf nui been a piutiluble u"cu- ouuou." llie judges n*ve llieir Ue- CIHIUII iu favor ul Uie uegaliv*. MUCH inii'ii..ii uiid eiiiliuiiiaam wufo display- ed by butu .speakers anc liituiiui .1. lu bhu upuuuii ul uiiti ul llie judges llie UIUHI '.uiiucd anil practical Mpeeoh ul liio evuuiug wad Ueliveiuil by Mr. Alex. .Mci^auhlau uf ihe H. L. LIIV. u4 aie buuiuiug iheir order at prH>- eul. llii-ieaio uUutil sixty uu'inueia on the I'Ull wilil iiuuaiiuuH utiirly eVeiy UieullUg. ' Mr. James Watson paid a buaiuuM vioU lu Uoynui lital wi-<jK. Mr. J onn auu MIHH Maggie Mc- liecuuie aiu vimuug liieiiu* lu I'aisney auU elbwWIicre ul prcatiUl. Mr. C. U. Jauieo had part of the lureliuger ut nib ri^ui haud auipu~ utleu iaai week. Tlie oueiallou was ^rlurintd by i)r. liuiluu. V>e eLleuu our siuceio sympathy to Mr. and Ai.s JNu.l .\icLvun. ul 1'iuiuu ouiiun, ou the death ut iUu liule IJIM , wno wait buried litre Iaai .Viou- aay. Aiiolhur tad oveul ocsurred llns week iu tne daUi ul Air. riuctur .<ic- Lieau, 111 1'niui.u, L'. b. Ltug Ml. Allen McLean uf ihe N. L. auU bio- lliei ol All. i'uii^ean of Una vil- Ihu ulllicleil tauniy have Ihe ' ut iiiu couiuituiiiy . Suit, * Overcoat, J or pair of Pants * We Guarantee To L'ivo you them at chswet prices. C. J. Lei Merchant Tailor, f i Valentines Valentines. Gel your Yalcutines at W. Richardson's, Flesherton. I BIS STOCi TI SELECT Fill, Stationery of all kinds. School Books, drugs J$ and all patent ! OW& medicines. To the Public. Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Cal., saya : "Shiluu'H (.'aiaiiati lieiuedy is the lir.t ineJicine I Imve ever found mat would do ma any good." Price oO owns, A New Era. IK TUB HWTOKY OF MKIIK'U. PRACTICE! W- l ill KATRIl V A KMl'KNT CfRE OP BRIUHT'I .....,,..; rented Whit ten's blacksmith sh..| fora term of years, I ant now in a position to calm to all wants iu my line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed fur a lythm,' in the blscksmlthmrf line oalloa M.I.VTUKAI., Ktihy. 11 -Although Rome weeks have rlupK^l since tliu Aral de- spatch concernuiK I'r A. McCormock, of Richmond, Wait aei>t out fr-ua this city tin' public inlet-eat in (he man and his re- covery ftom (fright's diwaae, has not abated. Doctor* have invi-sl ? gated the report of this wonderful cuiv, and have xatisticd themitulvea ot itn truth. AN A prominent physician remarked to your corre*|iomlnt to-<)_v, "Dr. McCoriiuck H oaMi marks a nev IH in mediosvl practice and Dodd's Kidney Pills, whiuh cureti linn cannot fail to nucure wiile rco|;nilion from the msdioal urofewion. ' L>cal drugginU rejB.rt a hMtvysaleof thette pills thioutfhout tliu city since tin* cure was first reported. F. A. BU,\T Ori'OHlTIt lllCH.ABDHON N HAHDWAKK 1.1 I i . . FLESiElTOl STEII I lin n|inoil up a couplet* itoaiii laundry in Kt boiton. anil am prep, od totakoinauv quantit> of laundry work at luwar iirlium tbait aiw chnil nlnrwhar*. I bavoput in IhoU'etl MI. I tiiont IIII|.MIVIH| inaebinnry U> tbat eod. Kin.iiv ivi. me a oall. Kniirn wtUfaotluu Ruwaiitaed, and pi ice* low. Mna. Uio MOOBKBOUSK. KNKKHKTH! MBN to Mil our ehnioo and oniplnt Hue nt Nursarv Htock nd .! pout <" H. Ahatt mlary uiu] ooui miMioD paid vkly. pajlnn itnd purmanent lionitinn ;:iinianWMHl aad HUDWIM aMiiruil to i?ool iiitin. Ipeslajl In4s)esoi *ns<t so bnuinnors, HX|>I iinr#i not iieoinasry. KxcluiiiVtt terriorHy and your owu ehoion uf MAIDO uiv>n. Do not RlK-umalisin 'urr<l in a liny s,,iuli American RhHinnatiKtn Cure, for Rhe\trflatiam and Neuralitia, radically otirea in 1 to ,'! ttayn. li-< acduii urxm the ttiDl is reaiarkabte and mjrsie-iuua. It. ri>mi.veatt micft theraiiM. ami tho Jis- U luiineiliabily tl)Nap|M>sri>. Th* first do. ratly benefits. 76 penta. Sold i.j \v. B. Kiclundswat Urowera A I'ropacator. UOCHKHTKH. N. T. HODS! aid lit For Sail. Fr>t rain ohaap and o *ay tnrmt ia Plah*r MM. Kiilmi.llil larKA, lid hrti k d*Htn|. lb Rmxl itoiM cellar, anssmar kitchen asd woo*- houM. alo <>o.l f'wn rtabls, brisk liaea. nnThard. bMrtaf. Bosne aad oa*hu(!d?'TJ ..r..|,ti,,nll wall nlahe4 aad ry tuUy laidm*. '

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