THE WEEK'S NEWS, CANADA. General Booth'* laur of w ntern Ontario U a triumphal inarch. Both the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Legislatures opened Wednesday. The mercury dropped to 3-1 below zero at Port Arthur on Thursday night. Mr. James A. Cantlie lias been elected president of the Montreal Board ot Trade. The Ontario Legislature ban been called to meet on Thursday, February -1st. The town of Blenheim, Out., ha* decided to separate from the County of Kent. Premier Gretnway, of Manitoba, is ill with broochitii, and i* confined to hi* Mr. F. W. Stone, the well-known stock breeder, of Guelph, i* dead, aged SI yean. The smallpox quarantine against O. A. College student* at Guelph has been raised. The net earning* of the Richelieu Steam- ship Company last year amounted to $164,000. A Manitoba school teacher ha* been bounced from North Dakota under the alien labor law. Thomas Ringer wa* found froxen ititf on Hamilton bay on Tuesday, and foul play i* impeded. Rev. J. G. Stuart, B. A., of Toronto, ha* boon invited to become pastor of K.DOI church, London. Sergt.-Major Smith ha* been appointed chief of police of Hamilton. . He lias been on the force many years. Melvin McPheraon fell 40 feet from a tree in the bush near St. Catharine* Friday and broke Ins neck. Mr. J. 0. Rowand, a farmer living noar Klknorn, Man., waa gored to death by a mad bull last Friday. Archbishop Cleary lias sent a balance of 115 to Hon. Edward Blake for the Irish parliamentary fund. John M. Lord, the collector of London West, baa been committed for trial. He U I charged as a defaulter. I Mr. W. Evan*, Dessrcnto, ha* been ap- pointed hull inspector at Toronto, succeed- ing the late Capt. Harbottle . A business man in Winnipeg who lost fifteen hundred dollar* in poker threaten* to bring action for it* recovery. \Vithin the pant, 12 months Mr. G. W. Hincklev, of Chatham, Ont. , ha* shipped over 1,300 hones to the old country. The G jvernor-Genereland Lady Aberdeen have) accepted for February 111 the ball tendered by the citizens of Montreal. It is stated in Ottawa that Mr. J. M. McDougall, Q.C., of Hull, writ soon succeed to the Provincial Treasurership ot Quebec. The aanoal debate between Toronto and McGill universities took place in Montreal Friday night, Toronto winning ihe deci- sion. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange has ar- ranged with ion r-'ilway company to carry | seed gram to farmers at half the usual rate*. I us taid ox-Detective Kahey.of Montreal, will soon be liberated from penitentiary. Ha wan sent for 14 years, and has served half that lime. Ambrose McTiernan, 20, was caught in the act of counterfeiting 50-oeut pieces in a house in .larvis street, Toronto, and lojkeil up at police headquarters. The Ilev. William Harris, M. A., has been appointed professor of church history and bursar of the Wesleyan Theological Collegu in Montreal. Mr. Jacob H. Burkholder, who wa* clerk of the township of Barton for forty yean, died on Sunday at bartonville, Ont. , in hi* ninety-third year. Preliminary steps were taken at a meet- ing held in Toronto the other night to form a permanent provincial organization for the better observance of the Lord's day. About. 200,000 barrels of apple* have been (hipped ihi* season from the Annapo- lis valley. Nova Scotia for the old country. The proceeds amount to about f50C',OUO. The Rev. Mr. Silcox, ol the Emmanuel Congregational church in Montreal, one of the belt known preachers in the oily, naa resigned hi* pastorate, because, it i* believed, he held some view* in advance of his congregation. Koberlson, the caretaker of the Mont- real Mechanics' Institute, who was arrest- ed on suspicion of having set fire to the building, wa on Friday committed to stand his trial at the Court of Queen'* Bench. The chlorate of potash works of Gibb, Frauchot, McLaren A (,'ompauy, al Bassin du Lievre, Que., weie totally destroyed by tire early Friday morning. The estimated lou is $80,000. with little insurance. Archbishop-eleet Langevin has decided that the consecration service shall taVe place at St. Boniface lu the presence of a large number of the bishop* of the Domin- ion? The papal brief i* expected to arrive in a week or ten days. While three boys were playing in a snow house which they had built in Montreal on Thursday, the roof and the walls collapsed, and before re*nu-d Leopold Gingras, aged fourteen, one of ihe-lads, wa* ludooated. The Governor-General and Lady Aber- deen left Montreal for Ottawa Wednesday evening. They were accompanied by a detachment of one hundred policemen, and a number of MoGill student* drew their Excellencies' sleigh a portion of the way. Mr J. S. Kwart, who was one .of the counsel retained by the appellants in the Manitoba school case, arrived in Winnipeg on Thursday. When asked what his client* would now do he replied that the Roman Catholics would first ask the Dominion Government to appoint a day for hearing the appeal on its merit*. Owing to the opposition of the descend- ants ol the U. K. Loyalist*, it is possible that the proposed monument to Cherrier, the leader oi tho insurgent* of St. , Kustache in 1837, may nt be erected in ..lonlreal. The Town Council of Longueuilareanxiou* to have it. there. The Canadian Pacific railway authorities in Montreal ridicule the despatch from Lonco i stating that a scheme was on foot to build a railway paralleling the Canadian P, cine. Vice President Shaughreny laid that he would like to be shown the Knglish capitalists who would endorse such a scheme. On Wednesday at the Court ot Revision for the Dominion vniors' lisl at Lon- don, Out., Aid Hremer's name was struck lit, a document from Washington hav- ing been lubmiited in proof that he was an alien. The deciciou is important, a proceedings will be taken to remove him from the City Council on the same ground . In regard to the fall in Canadian Pa- cifio Railway stock, Sir Wm. Van Home says thai ihen i* no reason whatever for the decline outside of the present universal bad condition of business on i he American continent in consequence of low traffic. He knew of no insiden who were selling Cana- dian Pacific stock. The City Council of Chatham, Ont, lias been adviaed by Mr. C. K. Atkinson, o. ('., that ihe contract under which the town and Water Work* Company have been acting for more than three yean wa* in- valid. Advioa in the mailer will be secur- ed from the highest authority in Toronto. In the meantime the town ha* nothing but the Thames river water to drink. Six Methodif i missionaries in Japan re- cently sent a letter to the Executive of the Missionary Board of the Methodist Church, in which they expressed a desire to be recalled. At a meeting of the Executive, just closed, the matter wa* discussed fully. It wa* decided to write and ask the missionaries to **nd concise and detailed statement* aa to their reason* for wishing to retire from the work. (1UAT BRITAIN. The colossal battleship Majesty was launched at Portsmouth en Wednesday. The vessel was ohristened by the Marchiou- ers of Lome. The Prince of Wales presided at a meet- ing of the Colonial Institute in London on Thursday, when Mr. Jameson spoke on South African affairs. There wa* a heavy snowfall throughout England nn Sunday night, and intensely cold weather prevailed. In Lincolnshire there have been case* of persons frozen to death. In London on Tuesday Reginald Saun derson, a nephew of L'oL Saundenon, the Orange leader in the House of Commons, who murdf red Augusta Dawes, an unfor- tunate woman, last November, wa* for- mally declared a lunatic, and wa* sent to Brood mo or asylum. r SITED STATUS. Ward McAllister died in New York on Thnnday night. The gold reserve at Washington i* now down to 142,361. JB6. Owing to a railroad war, soft ooal was old in Chicago on Thunday at 92 a ton. Lawrence Maxwell, Solicitor-General of the United State*, ha* resigned. The naval hydrographio office at Wash- ington predicts a stormy February. The will of the late James G. Fair, the San Francisco millionaire, ha* been stolen. The " bargain sale," so dear to the wo- men of this continent, has been introduced into Germany with results so disastrous Io conservative derman methods lhal the Government has been appealed to Io cure the evil. In the Spanish Chamber of Deputies <>x Tuesday Senor Molinas, a member from Porto Kioo, moved for the negotiation of a trealy with Canada, saying thai ihe beel market for Porto Rico was Canada, and not ihe United State*. The Czar, in a rescript addressed to M. de Staal, the Ruasian Ainbaasadoi at London, upon Ihe latter completing fifty yean in the service of his country, thanked him for aaiiiting in bringing about the friendly relation* existing between Russia and England. BASE INGRATITUDE. A Mast Beba ami Hum. ike Property or a Belailve who bawl Brrrira-dni Him. One of the liases t crimes that ha* taken pl*oe in Brown County, Indiana, for .nany yean wa* committed the other night. Sanford A. Richardson, a prominent far- mer, residing near Speenville, wa* the unfortunate victim ot an infamous ingnte, who, when a friend lex outcast, had come to him for food and shelter, and wa* gener- ously given a home, but whose k'ndness wa* repaid by ihe destruction of hi* prop- erty and the imminent danger of hi* life and that of hi> family. The alleged author of the crime wa* Terry MnGinnis, a young fellow of '21 yean, and the brolher of Mr*. Richardson. Being out of employment and in destitute circumstances, he besought his brother-in- law for food and shelter, and wss taken in and treated as one of the family. For sev- eral months he had lived off the bounty of Mr. Richardson, doing nothing in recom- pense for bis support. A few day* ago the farmer received $70 for ihe sale of some fattened cattle, and thi* money wa* *een in hi* possession by MoGinnis. Thunday night the farmer was aroused from sleep by hi* brother-in-law ihouting to him that the BARN WA* OX FIBK. Springing from hi* bed and seeing the enlire structure in a sheet of flame*, he rushed from the house in his night clothes to try and save some of hi* Hock. He succeeded in getting one horse from the burning building, when ihe roof fell in and three horses and seven head of cattle perished in tho flames. The barn was located so near to the residence lhal il caught fire, and but for the timely arrival of active neighbors it would have been con- sumed. The family were forced from the endangered house in the scantiest attire, and in the winter'* ooH of the chilling night the delicate wife and shivering child- ren almost succumbed to the severity of II HONOR OF PEABOLY. CELEBRATION OF THE GREAT PHIL- ANTHROPIST'S CZNTENNIAL. The Ex-iil lu In- < oiniiK-illiirnlril In Two Villou. tunirllilu:: or lhr l.rrM ltnk T - ,irrr lloV Be li i|illr< I ! I .ir tuae asnl tlave II A war. Very rarely are centennial celebration* held in honor of thoee who lived and died ae private individual!. Still more rarely io iuch celebration* aw.ime anything be- yond a looal character. But on February 18 the world i* u> witness commemoralory erercises on two continent* in honor of a man long dead, who never did a thing to attain fame except give away money his own hard-earned money. He gave away money ae no man ever gave it before or linoe, and unit became almost an immortal. Hi* 100th birthday come* on the day *et apart for thi* inter- national celebration, and it ha* been made a legal holiday in American commonwealth* and one of special observance by the Lon- Judge K. Rook wood Hoar, the eminent i *heir hani*hip. Mr. Richardson wa* Massachusetts jurut, died on Wednesday *everly burned in heroically fighting the evening in Boston, aged 79. The United State* Whi*key Truit hi* been placed in the hand* of receiver*. Poor buiinee* cauaetl the trouble. David Hampton wa* electrocuted at Sing Sing on Thursday for murdering Mr*. Aherni, a wealthy widow of New York. A dog wa* the only survivor of the wreck t.f the steamer Chicora, wnioh wa* loat off Benton Harbor. Mich. , last, week. Congressmen Breckinridge and Heard came to Slow* and oauwd a commotion in the Hona* of Representative* at Washing- ton yesterday. The champion American oycliit, '/Am- merman, ha* uompletetl arrangemect* for a racing tour through Australia, Japan and K ranee next *ea*on. Prof. Vigo Anderson, one of the greatest flutists in the world, and a member of Theodore Thomas' orchestra, shot himself in Chicago Tuesday night. The Buffalo K* press tell* of the proposed departure at an early day of a party of gentlemen for the gold region* on the Fraser river, B. C. They will purchase their machinery in Toronto in order to save the duty, and will ship via the C. P. R. Our telegraph advices from the leading centre* of business throughout the United States indicate no improvement. The financial uncertainty is having a most de- rssing effect on business in all directions, the Eastern cities the price of money has advanced, while, as a rule, collections are poor. The belief that a new loan will be carried through somewhat simulated trade the pact two days, but the majority of mer- chants everywhere are simply awaiting levelopmenta, and carrying a small trade just suited to the requirements of the mo- ment. The demand for skilled labor has latterly shown a tendency to decrease, and a complaint of over-production i* nearly universal. The revival so confidently anticipated a few week* back has not ma- terialised. Money is cheap, snd the commercial dem.tnd easy. The position of ir n and steel shows no sign of advancing. UKNKRAI. More Italian troop* are being sent to EgypU There wa* a heavy fall of mow in Rome on Monday im;liK The Ameer ot Afghanistan will visit England in ihe spring. The Port.iiguesn troops have defeated the Uelagoa Bay rebels. The Norwegian Ministry have resigned, and the King has accepted lliair resigna- tion. Petition* in favir of confederation with Canada are being circulated in Newfound- land. Six hundred French Royalists held a meeting in Parm Thursday evening and pronounced for restoration of the monarchy It is laid a confederation of Central Am- erican republics has been formed, and Honduras, Nicaragua and San Salvador will co-opuraio wit h Guatemala in repelling any attempted invasion by Mexico. It is staled that the I'orte has animated a confidential agent in London with a large amount of money to lirilw tlie Executive of the Anglo- Armenian Association before the reassembling of tho British I'arltamen'. When the house was saved from destruc- tion the owner discovered thai his pant* in which he carried the $70, were missing. They were found in the room occupied by his brotnar-in-law, but the money had dis- appeared. M Hiinnis then asserted that he had been robbed of Sl-.">, which he claimed he had secreted in his clolhing. His aciions aud many circumstances combined to create suspicion ogamsl him, and when it was suggested that he be searched for Ihe money he became alarmed, and calling Mr. Drone to one side, he handed him a pack- age, telling him to. KlK.r IT CONCEALED, and after the trouble was over he would divide with him. Drane at once too* the parcel to a company of neighbors, in whose presence it was publicly opened and fouud to contain three twenty-dollar bills and one ten-dollar bill that Richardson assertei he had loat. McGmni* wa* at once arrested for stealing the money, and, confessing his crime, was sent to jail at Nashville, Ind. , where he is now confined. The report of his guilt ha* aroused the greatest indignation in the neighborhood, where ihe crime was committed, and talk of lynching is openly heard. The destruction of his brother-in-law's property, amounting to nearly $2,000, and the endangering of the lives of the entire fam ly, one of them his own sisler, and all of whom had treated him with Ihe greatest ton. Dr. .lal"-* f.. M. Curry, who i prao> tically actuaiy o lit* mini, and liai uliar*;e> of the distribution of it among thu South- ern S.alo*. will deliver the meinoiial aildress. Tin' school of gO'ilofy a' Yale will observe I'to day us that of I. HID ter. Harvard holds a reunion of the classes of ethnology and archa-olovy. John* Hopkiasi will hear an address in honor of the day by its President, I). C. Gilman, u trustee of the fund. President Eliot is to participate) in the exeioises of the London Alderman, who have formally dedicated the day to Peabody memorial observances. I.KVII.ANI) TOTAKI PART. President Cleveland take* part in hi* caoacily aa trustee. He will make no ad- dress, however, but takes nan in tbe Washington conference. The English ceremonies will be held on an imposing scale in the chamber nf the County Cvuouil, London, and also in Exeter Hall. One of the results of the oommemorstlioat will be the inception of aa entirely new fund for a monument to George Peabody. It is to bo an international undertaking, and 82JO.OOO is to be subscribed. The osly difference of opinion is as to whether it might not he mot advisable to found ss> educational institution in Peabody'* mem- ory with the money subscribed. Th*> matter is to be definitely decided by tho Peabody trustees this year. Some rather o id stones about Peabody are circulated nowaday*. It u stated that he was always haunted by a dread that the banking buriness was not a legitimate way of making money. Hi* own fortune represented to him a fund to which hi* ethioal right was at the brat i|uealiona>ble. This doubt preyed upon him, It is contend- ed, on the evidence of lately published letters of his. So he gave away in Croeu*> fashion the enormous fortune won by hi* nstulencas. If tun be *o, the Paaboby is the greatest conscience fund me world ha*. ever seen. of kmdne in his avaricious desire to secure and conceal the theft of but 970, cause* the crime to appear unusually heart- less and atrocious. Aa the prisoner i* confined in the only log jail in the stale, and it* anliqualed appearance make* a new one deeirable to ihe more progressive citizens of the county, a suggestion to burn the ancient prison over the head of it* lonely occupant wa* received with a mild cheer of approval, and the indication* for the furture welfare of the prisoner i* not of ihe must reassuring character al preeeuu Mr. Richardson is quite popular in the county, and his property being uninsured makes his loss a sevire one, and the sympathy his misfortune has awakened grows in fury against the ungrateful author of his wrongs. There Is a Fellowship in Prayer. The Count of Aberdeen is old-fashioned enough to have family prayer*. John Morley, when tho guest of the Christian nobleman, never fail* to attend prayers. Why ? Because he belisves a* hi* host doe* ? No. Because, first, he is a gentle- man : and second, because, as he ssys, "if only to renew his own sense of liillentsa amid Iho mysteries of life and to begin tho day with a feeling of fellowship in service with the humblest member of the house hold." Flattery. " I don't gtva anything to chronic beg gars," said the artificial lady. " I'll bet you have been a beggar all your li:<-. ' " Ye*," assented Mr. Dismal Dawson, " I was in the beggin' business 30 year* before you was bornod, I guess." As Mr. Dawson ia plainly not over 30, and the artificial lady is 43, it is needles* to stale Ihe effect ol his diplomatic re- mark. liKORlil riABODY. don County Council. The Knglish speak- ing world will unite to do honor to thi* man's memory. His name is Georpe Pea- body. Very tew English-speaking persons have not been influenced, directly or indirectly, by George Peabody'sooloesal fnttune. That fortune is a part of contemporary history. It's influence has grown with Hi size and it* size has kept pace with the vears. The greatest names in Knglish and American history are connected with its administra- tion. HONOR KHli-.l THE idlTIIKKN STATKS. 1 he Southern State* in particular are Io unite in honoring Peabody's memory. These Slaioa have benefited molt by his money. Three and a half millions of George I'eabody's money is to-day devoted to educating the children of the cotton belt. Yet there i* no part nf United Slate* and Great Britain in whioh George Pehbody's money i* not doing good to somebody. Peabody Mass.. has $200,000 of it in Ihe town library and lyoeum. The neighboring town of Danvers ho* a large amount. Baltimore has ft!,'i(K),iHXl ami more in her institute. London ha* $3,000,000 given over to benefit the poor of the world'* metropolis. Harvard University has fJIJO- 000 of ihe fortune in her endowments. Yale possesses even more in her scientific eduoaltonal fund. George Peaboby liegan life a* a poor boy. Everybody knows ihe story of his life. It d liter* from the typical career of the poor boy risen to wealth, only in it* super- lative success, and fro'n the nanner in whioh the money wa* parted with. George I'eabody gave away his fortune in his linilime. February 18, 1705, is the exact date of his bin h. It look place al South Danvers, now I'eabody, in Massachusetts. The biograpn- en dwell with the usual encomiums upon hi* early industry. We are edified with the inevitable detail concerning his early balllo with poverly and the industry aod probily displayed by him when he clerked in his uncle's store m Isli He went into partnership with a mercantile Irader the year following, doing bniiness in New York and Baltimore. He made money. Tho biographers tell us how he did it, aud eem to know so well that one woiders they did not go and do likewise. By 1843 I'ea- body had a competence and he set up in London a* a banker. Everything he touch- ed, as they have it in the biographies, turned to gold. In spite of that, or, perhaps, on account of it, Peabody waa always a bime- tallism His predecessor Midas, too. it may be remembered, found the gold standard inconvenient. No sooner had Peabody brought the golden avalanche down upon himself than he proceeded to get rid of it. How he got rid of it ihe world know*. WHAT Hli AI,TH HAS AO'OMI-UMIED. It i* cot >flen Ihst a fund like the I'ea- body accomplishes it* object. Hut the dead tnan'n millions have achieved that distinction. His monny was primarily in- tended to give the United S'.ale* a univer- sal common school system . Il has made that system truly national. The South in particular ia indebted to it on this account. To-day the 'und accomplishes much in the education nf school teachers. The normal system is practically sustained by George Ptabody's millions. When the noi-ual cho.>l system of one .Mate gets upoi its feet, the fund is placed at the disposal of some other Slat*. Unusual, too, is the success with wluch the fund hsa been ndmini:ered. U con- stantly increase*. Its headquarters in the United Stutea sre maintained at Washing- ton. The trustees hold meetings snnual- ly. There i* a vacancy among them now, owing to the death of RoberlC. Winihrop, Iho late venerable statesman of Massachu- setts. Thi* will be tilled next autumn. i'i eir forthcoming meeting the centennial memorial one will be held m Washing- P EARLS Or TKUTH. Human knowledge is the parent of douliU Gnville. Self-trust i* the essence of herosen*. Emerson. To believe a businas* impossible i* to- mke 11 so. Collier. The silenl man i' often worth listening io, Japanese proverb. I dare no more fret than I dare cane and swear. John Wedey. Men, like bullels, go fartr.eit when they are smooinesl. Riohter. Truth ha* rough flavors if we bit* it through. George Kliou Civility is a charm lhal attracts the lovo-. of all men. Bishop Home. Company, villainous company, hath been the rum ol me. Shakespeare. The intellect is perfected not by know- ledge, but by activity. Aristotle. The diMi.-ullies with which ws are met are me maid* of honor which set off virtue- Moliure. What gift hs Providence bestowed i> mill that is so dear to him aa his childien T Cicero. He is incapable of a truly good action who tintis not a pleasure in contemplating the good iijtions of others. Lavater. Thu wealth ot a man is the number of thing* which he loves and blesses, wkucli he is loved and blessed by . Carlyle. Under my tent in the fiercest struggle >>l I war I have always found lime to think ot I many oilier things. Caesar. A disciplined conscience is a man'* best- I friend, 't may not be hi* most amiable. | but it i* his uiofit faithful monitor. A. Phelps. Ihe one serviceable, aafe. certain, n- muneralive, attainable quality in every study aud pursuit is the quality of atten- tion. Dickens. There aro no better eosrretics than a < fere temperance and purny, modesty and humility, a cracioiu temper aud oalmuca* of spirit. Ray. Every person i* responsible for alt trre good within the scop* of his abilities, aud tor no more, aud none can tell whose sphere is the largest. (-ail Hamilton. The slave has but one master, the am- bitious man his as many as there are per- sons whose aid mty contribute to the ad- vancement of his : or tunes. Rruyeie. The moil original authors are not so be- cause they advance whal is new, but Iw- cause they put whal they have to say as if it had never heo said before. Goethe. Under the veil of those curious apoth- egms are hid Ihose germs of morals which Ihe masters of philosophy have afterward* developed into so many volumes. I'lut. arch. Anger is the most impotent of passioi.x. It effect* nothing it goes about, and luiris Ihs one who is possessed by it more U>,m the one againat whom il i* directed. Clar- endon. 'Ti* not that I forget thee gone from here. All things on earth are speaking slill of theo ; but thou what light nr sound can briuic earth near ? Soul of my win), canst thou rememoer me ' Kditli M. Thomas. Most of our censure of others is only oblique praise of self, uttered to show .he wisdom and superiority ol the speaker. It has all the invidiousneFS of wlf.uraiec, and all ihe ill-desert, of iul**ho id. fryon Edwards. A Dowry on Approval. A curious custom prevails ainung Rou- manian peasants. When a Roumanian girl is of a marriageable age, all her tros seau (whioh has been carefully woven, spun and embroidered by her mother Mid her- self) is placed in a painted wooden box. When a young nun thinks of asking to be allowed lo,pay his attentions to ihc girl, he is al liberty first to open the box, which is always placed conveniently al hand, and examine the trosseau. If the suii-ir is nalistieil with the quantity mil qutliiy of the dowry, he makes a formal application tor the B' ri ' hand, but if, on thu aomr.try, the trosseau does not please mm, he iiiiuiie al liberty to relira. To be Considered. Editor "Somehow or other, 1 don't the sen** of this thing." Pott "My dsar sir, that'* poetry."