Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1895, p. 3

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HELD BY PffilTES* THE HISSING WILL OF CAPTAIN PARMENTIER. I Id Exs*4HI**>. Ik* Walea ar* Aalkwsllc.aa* WBIB Rival* tlM tl.rlj rrall.a f B*s"rr' Stranger than any creation of a ficUon writer, is the history of the Parm*nti*r will TTt whicb bM an additional interest to < aoalian. * <<> a* tb* chief actor, Captain John L. ParmentisT. was a Canadian by birtb, bat an American eitusn, and lived in Boston. la the early part of tb ceutury BBS cap- tains bad a lucrativa occupation, and Par- msnti :r in addition to a fortune mad* by himself in herited $300,000 from bit brother. He married twioe, and by bu fint wif* bad on* child, a too. In an antenuptial egrae- ment th- second wife resigned all inteieet ,n h*r husband'* **tau, and tbu Uft the oo, Richard, *ol* heir. living then, and if rightly approached could t*U all that WM to b* known of Her nandez aod his priz**. Ihcn Pet*r ttiut up and begged to b* pat ashore at Turk'* Island, explaining that if it ever cam* oat that b* bad gives* this information hi* lit* would not b* worth a rotten ** After doe consideration Captain Sampl* came to tbe conolneion that th* pilot'* ad vie* was th* b**t thing 10 follow. It wa* rather A DESraTJUTI to T*nlure into the piravt't bold with six men. Th* Spaniard old crew might not b* dispersed and they would *how no mercy lo intruder*. However, it wa* tne only course Uft, and the Dolphin male her way south M"***; th* i 1 ^*"** along ihe Met ooaat of Saa IJomingo. A fw fliher- men and turtle hunter* were met, bat they were not communicative, and when Saoo* u,n I wa* mention* i th*y ihut op quick- ly, and all effort* to learn anything of Macphrraon were foul*. OB the -.'ad of May U* Dolphin entered the MOD* psssags. It WM a lovely day and tne land proepect wa* glorious, tb* Han Domingo Mountain*, veeted to the top with luxuriant palm*, waring Ilk* featbei* in toe wind. The pilot bad indicated tbe landmark* *o that tbere wa* BO dirhculty in finding the channel. Th* lead wa* need every few minute* and *how*d thirty fathoms. a* mere WM no danger For a mil* the court* lay between deaa* thicket* of nangrov* but it began to widen and tb* anchor was dropped 400 yard* from a clut- ter of low hut* on tb* auialaa '. Tr. rough hi* glaas Captain Sample coal 1 let * low parapet from, wbicb the muzzle of three gun* projected, bo* not a man could be teen, nor were there any mark* of recent habitation Directing hi* men to keep a bright look the room, an i on thi* wa* a curion* of rubbish old flag*, chart ease* and cocked ha . box** all th* remnants of a chip* tquipmsnr. Tb* captain wat turning the*- over when b* heard a ihoat, and here in th* broken light be *aw a (tout Spaniard, hi* tace livid with paeuoo. " Keep back, you infernal pirate, or I'll cut you down," yelled Sample. A tall, powerful negro armed with a knii'e made for Some s. Tb* big Jersey- man grabbed up one of the musket* and brought it down on the black'* head. He mad* a clutch for tbe (half, it fell OB th* Spaniard's bead, and both cn*rnie* were powerless for barm. The coo tan u of th* ihelf were Mattered over tb* floor. Suddenly Maton, th* oth*r sailor, made a grab. " Ten it n, Cappea : *e* tbe name on the lid and the hrissn. " Sun enough, there wa* ( Captain Parmen- tier* lost instrument box:. "Now, boy*, l*t'* leave.' It wai just in time. Around th* corner of the building came a iwarm of black*, tome of them aimed. Fortunately their aim wa* had, and tbe Dolphia t men reached SAWS FINE GAME, ROARING SCOTCH SPORT THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. aril a s .. la* Beaten rtar ll-ll I* **H f t. ir llrnir B l a*Ml . W y flB* Pl" - Sportster* ana 1 Player* .r It U doubtful if then i* port that can sarneat *ntha*ia* pulatioo, tb* combination anything in ompar* with th* the tkilt'ul mani- of strength and aeienc* with jn*t sufricisnt ef chance to lend a cbarm to the uncertainty that it experienced ID a well- fought game of curling. Th* loch on tuch a day preeent* a tcene that i* difficult to describe. Tbe rink* are arranged in order ; the directors or skips an at th* ute-headt; tb* player* a' *ogag th* schooner and in a moment were speed- ed ia throwing tbe stone ar* (taadiag ready with broom la band, and tbe moment it is delivered they watch it with intense eager- IMS, aad if it is lively to fall abort of Ih* mark th* wearing vote* of the skip is heard. Instantly they tackU it. aad thrashing j th* ice with their broom* ia front of it. . they clean away every speck or spot inat could possibly impede it* prog urn, ths insipid be- , t ,p all th* time urging them in almost frantic terms to "Soop herap,' 1 until b* ha ing through th* water. When examined the box wa* locked, and after being broken p th* miaaiag will, ihip'i manliest ud several note* of Tain* were found. IL tn day* Captain Sample wa* telling hi* ttory in liaeton. Tb* will wa* proos.te.1, and Richard Parmentier nlieved from all ap- pnheniion a* to hit innonianct. It will then be th* aim of the other aid* in torn to guard ibis tu,oe, which ha* be- cume th* winner: and so th* stnugU may coatian* till all have can tb*ir linns* As tb* stone* ar* played and lie in all naaner of position* around taste* tbegame get* much more oompliaatod tnan w* have indicated, and require* mack more know- ledge sad tbe nicest calculation ia giving direction* and the utmost car* aai precision of aim oa tb* part of tn* next player, The tone* may be to mixed that an attempt t* remove the winner of the ens side, if unsuccessful, may result in yet greater damag* to th* other. A VEST fixe 9TBOKE, When a stea* IM* doe* to th* to* and is s* thoroughly guarded as to b* impreg- aahls to a may yet be remov - ed by a dexterous iawick. Tb* lawick M 'ccted by designing a (tone MOSS Jr-*- in front of the tee and oat of tbe direct Uae. kud forming with the tee an angle of forty-five dsgreas. mon or less. A stone played with skill upon a stone so placed may diverge direct upon the win- ner resting on th* tee a* at one* to remov* it and nil in its p^es. This is one of -.he of the finest points in tbe gam* of cnriiag. A good -!urlr, when his Band is in. may be depended upon to take the shot by an in wick. The excusment both of players aad spectators becomes intense when a Because- Boiled water tattet flat and eaaa* th* gasss it contained have driven off by th* heat. A burning gat jet i* unhealthy in a cham- cloee'y ooat game draw* near a clo ock tide* hav* attained lose. ashore. Sample noted with satisraction that tb* path from tne shore wa* grown over wilh th* lush tropic grass, aod as h* approached tbe huts everything was silent. H* made hi* way to the largest. As bo turned th* corner A WOXAH OATE A STREAK, aad a very tall man, in a re ! cap, cntlaw is band, cam* out of tb* door . He was a giant in build, his hair wnite, but there was no sign of decay in nit massive frame. What do y* want !" in a low growl. Wall, I want to as* a man named Macpiicnon," said ths captain, resolutely ' Heave ahead : my name * Macph*r*oo, but ye'r* a bold fallow to come here. " I am not alone, and I know thai Her- nandez aad his crew an gone. Tbe Yanks* gunboats, an an too coast, aad it woo t pay to do me any harm, while I can pat yoa ia a way of making a fair sum v.thoal risk and 1 don't want lo injure you or your as- social** . But I'm going to kaow what be- came of th* Yank** ship Cashmere thai heat it evolved and in flammable traces an engendered. knows no' progreseee, but work* with an earn A plumb lin. by th. *i U of* very large *hat i* worthy of all praite to put th* high **t possible icon to his owa side. building incline* a little from the perpen dicdlar beoaoa* tbe weight la atuacted ov th* mass ol the edifice. Woolen good* feel warm because wool is a poor conductor of heat, and tb* goods APACE. As th* gams go** oa aad th* excitement ns coats an cast aside, and ia shirt TBE OLD PIRATE CAME OCT. In th* Spring of H-tJ Captain I'armsntier sailed on his ship, tb* Cashmere, wilh a valuable cargo lor Port Royal, Jamaica, and illustrated ths s*u 'or *snp*ntilion about th* fatality attending last voyage*,for such the captain intended this to be A year passed away and no tidings ol the (.'ashmen were received. A* there had been no exception- ally bad weather it was conjectured that the ship had been takes by pirates, a* th* gait swarmed with desperate free-bootors at this time. How common such an oc- currence wa* may be seen by consulting th* shipping journal* of that data. THE LOST WILL. Richard, tb* son, was a uuist. studious gentleman, about 30 years old, much given to scientific neoarch aad averse to business or money making, aad it was with dismay that h* learned of the intention of his father's relations to begin litigation logst a mare of hit estate. Captain 1'armentier had mad* a will befon tailing oa his last voyage. and it was known by th* testimony of several witnesses that hs bad taken ths instrument to sea with him, having pat it ia a seerst drawer in his quadrant oass. Ths Captain'* two brother* claimed that a promise in writing bad bssn given to them Utonth.d*atnofth.irbrolh.rhi,.tal. ^ m'spocie on board, and this should b* to settled that the other Parmen tien besides hi* *on should hav* equitable opposed any stance large quantities of air, also a poor !* * * * **** P7. conductor. sweating with their exertiont, bid defianc* Th* hone'* *v* has a thick glutinous so- lo ths nipping cold in their eager anxiety cntion Iwcauas, hi* *y* being large and : . ascnr* a victory, I much exposed to dust, th* viscid secretion . I el*suss* U mon effectually than would a mon watery agent. Whit* spots appear on ths nails because th* vascular tissue underneath is attached to the substance of ih* nail, bat from som* accidental cause, inch a* a blow, occasion- ally become* separated. Chimneys amok* because th* carbon of th* son! is disintegrated aad drawa off by tb* neat instead of being consumed in tbe Hernandez took last year or then will b* trouble, Aad now I'll tell yoa jast what I am after. In a fsw words Sample told Macpherson all that was accessary. H* would give Nor can tkaters and onlookers resist th* influence of th* enthusiasm of which tb*y an witnesses, aad generally toward th* close of th* f*me. if th* contest has been at all class, you will find th* scattered company gradually draw together to wit- ness the concluding effort* tnat an to decide the hard- fought field. Tbe Dutch, the Gorman and th* Scotch tire. A furnace properly tended would not have all in turn been credited with a know- smoke, as all th* fuel woul i b* consumed. ( ledge of th* gam*. la Scotland, however. A cal i* enabled to ssnd oat or to ntract it has boon practusd for a*srly 300 years. when perhaps bom twenty aad ar* fighting at the last round for tn* decisive soot. It comes at length that th* issue depends upon tn* play of the respective skips. Tb* thing required to be done by on* or th* i other, as it may happen, amounts sometimes i lo all but an impossibility. Tb* winner is well guarded, cull an inch If it remain* to the falls lo ihs one to the rival take* up his posi t>gr i uou. to* iasi none remain* to b* thrown. , sad tha; throw is charged alike with defeat sn.i triumph but to which party, who yet can 1*11 T Tne ic* is cleared from th* crowding spectators to admit daylight through la* nak. Th* veteran curler baa adjusted himself on hi* crampst*. Steadily, delib- erately he take* aim at tha visible portion of the wiuner. dimly described through op- posing barrier of blockading stone* in th* distant perspective. Tb* luspeaae bsgsts a snlsain tilence Delivered by the master hand oi a h*ro of many fights, tn* stone speeds toward tb* mark. It brush** tb* guard* oo ih* saw side and the other, creating smoke of granr.e particles, but,- rushing on, in aa instant more u ipius th* winner out. Fast follow the roan of applause from th* sxcited spectaionand the snout of triumph from in* victors. The roaring game is all over th* world. Scotland it* birthplace has over 900 societ- ies, th* Province of > >ntario aiots has near- ly fifty, and her* in America BOW ar* springing up sv*ry year. her c'.aws because th* boo* to which the claw* an attached has a rotary movement all that was nsoessary H* would give fciUO claws an attached ha* a rotary n for the quaJrant case and then leav*. keep on Ih* boa* above, aad a powerful ligament hi* own counsel and rnak* no further in- I draw* ihs former down and exhibits tn* nd it is eqnally certain that wherever the gam* is aow sagag*i in it has been im- iorted by Sjotcninen quiry. Tb* old pint* deliberated a DM.- ment and said, "Coins in." A long .handsomely carved table filled the Uw room and a hideout negroes brought bottles and glass**. Brandy was pound oat, aad then Macpherson began : "I am 90 yean old and I need money, and you speak fair, so I'll tell y* of the Yankee ship. Hernandez took her in the windward patseg*. The captain aod his men fought and were all killed. She was tbsa brougjt down th* west side to th* island, beached, skipped and burned. There claw*. shares. Richard's lawyett compromise, and finally cam* 'to th* con- clusion to tend out agent* to th* West Indies to secure if possible some authentic knowledge of tb* fate of ih* Cashmer*. Caplain JohB SampU, ol Philadelphia, had been Parmenli*r'* fint officer oo sever- al voyage* sad was wrll known and esteem ed by hi* son, so he was sent for, want to Boston and after long consultation with many of th* old shipmaster* was furnished with ample msans to charter a tasi sailing schooner aad crew, and thess wen sasiesi procured in the port of Philadelphia, le a IT SEEMED A WILD of bat f easibl* enough to an experienced sailor. Th* Cashmen's course lo Jamaica was as alraight as Irom New York to th* Cap** of Ifelawire. aad BO had weather ancounUred her loe* wss due to causes most probable in those limes. If takta by pirate* her hulk would b* lying in som* bay or iaUt along the Cuban coast, and there wat no trouble m gelling agent* lo hunt up pro- perty so lost. In Havana, New Orleans n.( Philadelphia w*r* man who furnish*-! the** ruffians supplies and took their booty In exchange. So Captain Sampl* in a f>too schooner, tb* Dolphin, with a crew of six men, Uft on March 3, 1S27, in search of a mahogany instrument box with lions' heads , brass on the ends. Everything war done to insun success The Dolphin was v*ry fast and th* craw of Delaware Bay seaman of th* fint clans, Uadar a strong northwest brae*.* tb* Dolphin fairly new south wtrd, h*r declina- tion bsing N*w Providsao*. H*n th* captain reeolved to take a well-known and intelligent negro pilot and beat down the old pint* channel, making inquiries amoug th* islands. P*t*r Benbow, th* pilot, knew nearly every resident along shore, and advised that they wers all mon or Us* affiliated with ths lawless ssa rover.. A Spaniard named Hern*nd*z was captain of last -sailing top-sail schooner, th* Shark, and hs wasa ruffian that would stopatnoth m* H* was outlawed and th* Knglisl. corvettes **r* looking for him all along the coast. BE.1BO*'* BEVELAT10S3. Sampl* soon realUed that Beabow knew much more thsa h* cared to unpai t and at once mad* him an offsr of $100 in gold for such information. P*t*. afler much squirm- ing, admitted that be had h*ard of a \an_ kee ship with a rich cargo which i had been ta?en by Hsrnand.z ia U. Wmdwsrd pLsmi* Ik* y"*' nnvionf, also that the i iratebad a read*voos In the mmmnfJ bs- iweenSaoa* '- 1 ' "* ' iernandei tri*d to keep. A fight com- menced right in this room. He and hi* roungeat ton were killed and a dozen mon. Them'* th* grave* in front of th* door. The rest seized the shack and th* money and Brlef and Brletht Proverbs. Rich** rais* weak children. Big word* won't split rails. When lathers fl** mother* fight. Sweat it th* champion fertihzer. Tb* blackguard is th* thief of slim*. iiost farm* pastun too many fence*. Ache corn* do sot grow on boot C Scalding toar* will scar th*Jair**t cheek. Bank books contain many tales of fashion. Short sermons mak* wide-awake Chria- It is supposed fint to hare been played itb small ttooss. dnved along th* ice by nger and thumb, in th* manner the gam* Summer ice" is BOW play*!. Subse- neutly an improvement was effected by enlarging tbe stone and fixing a wooden andie to it, but it was not until th* bsgtn- ing of th* present century that attention given to the preparation of stones pec i ally for th* tpcrt. Dr. Taylor, an enthusiastic lover of th* game, givs* th* following description for benefit of novice* . Hard frost of two ihree days' duration provides ice ef tficient thickness for playing, and whi.-h is to be found *a so -ne n*ign boring loch or mad. either natural or Art lot** nothing by conceding modesty fig leaf. A man'* sign may be Gun* without foresight shoot wide of the mark. A tooth brush should go with *v*ry dirty tory. s It taks* many a wall to mak* a drank ard'* laugh. Doa't pat your sscret* in th* advertising colu-nn, Bewan th* stnngtb bom of carrying al he burden*. Temptation reh*s more on *ugge*tion thsa sxposara. tb* oulh*a*ura * * Ttandu wa* dead aad hi* onw dispersed. and that a man namfd Macpherson wa* HERB n n, " Uft, aad tb* next day ran into an English cruiser aad NOT ONE ESCAPED. Hernandez left two sons, Henrique an Pedro. They have a plantation IB Porto Rico, right across the Uewrd passage 1 hey earn* her* aad took all that was Utt. and most lik*ly bar* th* box y*'n alt*r. Two meaner men don't livs, and if y* shot em both, I'llgirsy* th money ye've prom- ised m* . Then is on* way to do, go there uvmorrow morning, y*'ll hav* th* bnez* to-nighu The war*hou*e with tb* plunder I* near the shore. Go in aad take what yon want. It's your only chanoa. Now. my information i* worth $100 down. Tb* aged pirate was paid at once, aad the captain Uft with tb* determination to give no chance to send word across lo Porto Rico that h* was coming. Ths son was just tipping th* wave* with ruddy light as the schooner cam* up in th* wind, two hundred yard* from shore. Th* barracooa indicated "by Macphenoa was not hit y yards from th* beach in a grov* of palm*. Th* boat dropped IB the water and four men well armed got in with tb* captain. It was run up on th* beach and one sailor remained to guard it. Ths others CHARGED THE BARRAOOOH OS A RVIt. Oa OB* tide wa* a h jar y iron bound door, bat th* tar** men pat their shoulders to it and th* frame gave way. It was a long shod. Old oaaonads* wer* heaped up in oae cornsr, rusty masksts and cutlass* I in another, a long swinging shelf The Queen's Conservatism Th* Qu*n i* remarkably eonaarvativ* so far a* the routine of life go**. She love* old customs and doesn't hk new things not sven new furniture or new fashions. \\ ban a distiaguwhed lady,' it U said, a fsw year* back, sent her children her Ma)*ty's nque*t to Windsor, she sen the.n dressed at was and is ilill th* mode in tacked bioass dnasss without sashss. But lh*(jus*n considered Ibat nochildshoul Mbrought to her ia other but (all dross, an ull dress in her mind did not exist withou .he smart aah sb* has always known And very courteously bat firmly she mac objection to th* little frocks, aad ask*d that ths next time th* Connies* brought her children to her that ' *h* would not forg*l th* PERSONALS. False Hopes. FUnnigac "Say, Moik*. thi* won't do. 1'aple say you an sawat* oo Mrs. Flaherty, and sb* a married woman. " like "Phwist ! Mot a wmrrd, Thot's only to Oi coa to on borryin' terbacky av old Flahsrty. He t ia hop** Oi'll *lop* wid 1 ar." The curler* repair at tbe appointed im* to tb* place of rendezvous, each provided with trampsts to steadv the nnon in th* act ef playing, with a \issoiii o sweep the lot and two curling stone*. The stone* an of granite, sphet ical ia orm. fiaoly polish*.! on th* under side sad araiihed with a handU for throwing oa he upper Tb* weight of each stone i* rom about thirty-throe pound* to forty or mon. according to ths taste or strength of tbe player. la order lo play the game, th* fint pre- ss i* to clear aad prepare a suitable space of ic*. A portion f on y two yards in length 3y some tan yards broad is marked off ; at each end. thirty-sight yard* apart, an cat marks called tees or witters. PEErARIKO TUB ICE. This portion of ios U the rink, and with circles described round each to* as a centre to gaide tbe eye in estimating tb* position of ihs etnas* when played, with one lin* drawn across th* middle aad on* seven yard* befon each toe, it is complete aad ready for playing. Th* line in tbe middle of tbe nak marks tb* place when sweeping may commence ; tb* line* befon each tee an the ho scon, which must b* passed by the running ttooe if not it i* remove*! from th* rink a* a bog, aad held as us*l**s for tho rouad. Four players form a aid*, beaded by a skip or director, who is, ia fact, th* commander in chief of hi* oorps. Ih* principle of th* gams is simple. Tb* stone* of either party played from oa* t** to th* other and found al th* conclus- ion of tb* round to b* nearest the :* count as shot*. A gam* is generally reck- oned as twfaty-oa* shots : the side which first makes good that number claims th* victory. But to gi* an idea of actual operations: The player oa oae side is followed alter- nately by th* player on th* other until all tb* *ight players have cast their stones. It Is tho aim of the leader on either side, landing at ths oae to*, or a yard or two bshmd it, to place his stone ia a vantage It was at a conn bail in th* palace at Rome, aad King Humbert wa* surrounded by a group if well-known editors. After referring with sxpressions of admiration to th* work which wa* done by th* press, and th* conscientious manner in which tho* responsible for the conduct of the various paper* carried oat their arduous and diffi- cult duties, he added: "lientlemea, I hav* often said that I should wish to b* a journal- ist were I not a king. Henry Irving'* ascend son, Lawrence Ir- ving, who is now about J2 yean ef age. will soon publish a book called "Godafroi aad Yotaads," It will b* somet formed for the | styU ot a m*di.fval play. Aubery \ \ Icy ha* made three illustrations fir ihs ething ia th* bcry Boards- A singular reason for deciding to end hi* lit* wa* given by Charlo* Jeakia*. who< body wa* found IB th* Hunter River, ia New Soui h Wale*, la a Utter to a friend, h* stated that he had a fixsd opim m that a man over 55 had no right to ootapeta ths labor market with younger men aad so hs had determined to qait lit*. Hs ssk*d that tas verdict tbould not be temporary insanity. Th* jury relumed s verdict of "Found drowned. ' position near lo or som* short distance ia front of th* fint opposite tee. Should th* fint stone of the fint player b* favorably placed aad it remain* un- touched by th* play ol hi* opponent, it will be hi* endeavor to put down a goard some diataaca before it so SB to prevent its removal. If h* dons so, th* opponent will probably b* directed by hi* skip to remov* the guard . that th* winner sr asarsst stone to is* to* may b* struck sway by the n*xt player of that aid*. This any be done and t j fairly that tho sinking stoa* rests o th* place of th* oa* struck sway. Th* Duke of York is making arrmnge- monta for a visit to Canada next spring. After sreoding some time in th* Dominion tbe duke will proceed to Australia. \V hen Ibsen write* a new drama h* goes about it to seer*' ivsly that sot svee th* member* ef bis own family know what Ihe subject is. H* copies th* manuscript himself, and it is said that a printer has never received neater copy. Vernier, the vouag French mathematical prodigy, I* only IA yean ot age. M. Jols* Simon will hare to undergo a operation for cataract. A ssanh is being made for the buna: place of the great English tenor, Braham, who died in London in KVi. Hurbert Voa, the court painter of Hol- land, has been summoned to The Hago* t* paint th* portrait of th* little QMS** of Holland. Prtac* Poniatowsky, who recently mar- nsd Mini Sparry, of California, ic Paris, will return to New York early ia th* BOW year to establish an international magazine, which has ssveral rim** been prematurely announced, and about which considerable has been said and written. Jam** Whitcomb Riley. wboas poetry ha* mad* the children extremely fond of him, i* constantly in receipt of letters from admirers, who ask him for picture* of his child ran m return for photographs of their own. As Rile* is bachelor h* finds these complimentary epistles somewhat embar rsjMing. Captain UcOun, th* new TIC* admiral of the Chin*** fleet, ba* bad a long experi- ence in eastern water*. He took the Kow (.'hiag from England to China, and at the opening of the preeent war bis assistance was secured by the celestial* for dispatch and transport work. Dr. Zakharia, th* late Czar t physicians has lately devised a new method of stanch- ing th* flow of Mood. Steam is injected into the wound through a catheter for a minute or Us* Th* patient, under chloro form, feels neither pain nor ary *vil offset. from th* steam. Kipenments on show that portions of tbe liver, spleen, kid- ney*, lungs, aad. to a certain extent, of tho brain, may be removed without loss of blood and without fatal results. Paintings sad designs by Bartram Hi!** SB armless aitiat, sr* now on exhibition in London. Mr. Hile* lost his arms, dons to the shoulder, when a -hild. by being FOB over by a hone oar, and i* obliged topaiat holding to* brash between his lips. He has obtained a fint prtss for modeling in clay, and won ths national scholarship of $300 a year al South Ksnungtoo.

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