Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1894, p. 8

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THE .FLBSHIRTON AD1HCE OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, I The Very Beat Pl.AC'l: IS CANADA TO OFT A, lisiiiss Education, Take a Round Trip :s? BSiJ2i ._. Collesaa and Commercial Department tn Cn-l. tli.'n vllit la* Northern ButiueM College . ennne every- tbini thoroughly. If we fall to uroduce the ,uot thorough. i'i>miile. prsttlral (lid elton- ivecoureeof tud : the be** collmto preuile *u.l Hie bt an.l inoe- complete eud inoet eolt- tbUfurmture an*l i||liiic we will lve you e full coufe Kill... Kor Annual Announce u>eul ftvluc full addreee C. A. FLEMING.' Eugenia Mills A\D Carriage Works.. Carnages made and Repaired, alro Placing and Matching, band Saw. ing. Wood Turning of every dee criptlon. Planing and Grain Chop ping doae while yon wait, for th* Beaver tarns the wheel. T.W. WILttO* Managrr A FAMILY GROUP Tin ... A i . Is hilly equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per tect clans of work. All kind? of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any cit) rork, while the prices aif lower. Picture Framing <i our- lo all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on llic same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at tentmn will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. To the Public. II nnnf rented \VhilUn' blackanillh alu |i i. r a term i>( years, I am now in a ( .1.1 ion to catnrto all waiiia in my tine. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed fur a.tyiMng in ihe blaokamlthing line ff . i BUNT evcc.; Our Public Schools. A rocfQt writer in il>e Century under the heading . ' The nmUini! f Uuvvea in Xi-w Vi-rk." eetimatffl that there are rvit luea than 100,000 children in that ciiy W!IC.K rdiii'itliiin ie nit the atn-et, for whom there ia IM in the public chixilx. Entorintf A primary M>III in one uf th HcliiMiU in the .!.-* i|tiarter lie found it necatary fr Uie children uexttl ediKir t<> riae U-fnr- he could i.|irii it. Coiiiiiientinit upon tin- nvercniwding ..f tlie r.xnii, thi< U-acher replied tlmt tiny r>-ro refuamy children by tliv Hcore every wetk. Where then il thi-ae children Ijii I" he queried. ''They are Jii the Htri-ut learning to be thieve*," waa the aawer. Ky patient invetis(atin the ritt-r fuuiiil tliiH a aaiuplu of the whole city. The city preaenti the anomaly of tru ant ottic.-ra g*lure fr the purpc of ar- reating children f<^ nut beins at echnol, when limy lud rupeatedly been re- fue.'d adinieeitni to achiHiU becauec of lack uf riH>m. A vinit to the ja^la iid the for youthful jirnh'tiera diacloaed the fact that children convicted uf the otf.-im of non-attendance at ecluM>l (whore there waa no achool for tlirin to attend) were in daily contact with yoiiii i ilUinx uf the woret typ, yuulha of 16 t<> SO yeaia, who were full Hedgei! xradu (. in tlie nnt heinoua Crimea. 8>i notiirioua haa llii* diacninination Iwcnm that truant oMccra, tnakinii a choice be tween two evils, pnfn to leave children tn the chances of atreet educatuo, rather than arrest 'In n. and hare them brought in cutitact with worse influences. " Yi-, bnt New York 11 a long way off, anil it u a wicked city governed by a Tammany Kinv, and what Inv. that t<> <lo with u )" I hear ame one say. It haa much tn do with ua, for we are mi the highway to much tin- aamo had manago- uifi.i. Tlii re ia i. nt nne achoul in any tilUge in this vicinity but rei|uire Jouhln the number of teachers which it already possesses. It is nut that the * ti<il* are nt lar^e enough, but that 'he ii|>|'ly of ia> lii-re is iniule<|Uatii. The law eeia the luini at one teacher to every forty |iii|iil, but wlwt do we ttml ' In the primary department* et|wciitl)y, thr ateiagf ia up in the eihty aitd iiinelxn in auuimer, there hrin^ e- nn- days in winch over 100 little onus will b crowded nit . mie IK. in in bu drilled ami durip lined ai.U kept in oniur, by HIM aorvly tried L'lrl who limit the tint- theorii-s anil U-ui'iiu: ioi-ili.i.U taunht her at M< ilrl echihil |Toiionlly i.ullilinl in llie pretvnce f iln. ihi"HL'. who mini be kept in or i or hut I nnlly Intight. To teoclt vi-ry yminK cliilrlren inp- 1- tally, |>., HK! fnmi the ' .1- ln'i in ileceaenry , Inn how in it p >e- HI 1. 1 1- , whuti to mack time ami energy niuet Iw rx|HiniloJ in the aliwr t If 'it to keep order t Aa Dr McLulltn (Mtya : "All .n,-l fiom hunveii couldn't do it." W iniylit (Mrapliraie a Well known lint- tlius : "Economy, what sina aru com- uiitiil in thy imnui ' ' Farcial, ahort- aiyliU'd economy ia the watchwoiil ,,f tlioae who are rea|naiMe for thia t r. of thinus. Mm who ileaire the honor of chuol trustee are not infrequently votod into nfttcK, by rntfpayxrt who are < nu_ St l.y that kind of clap-trap pliHlged to econotiiiKi. Not iMiittnt with keepiiiK down the trm h. i - ealary In the lowrat puesible imiik tkitt a person can live on, they oveioivwil tli rooaM by not pruMd- ing enough leaeheri. tiiua Imnuuik! emi- lumpt ii|. ni the school ayatoin ut whk-h we aro no justly |*roud. The influencu uf a cnltured, traiped and gentle ||irl nuon an iuawbordiilate child may be iitaittcuUUIe, if brouvht to bear upon him lUily, but when thu nom be* of little children ex reeds forty I ho tendency to Uiacord is inoreaaed far be- yond the ratio ef tho increaxu, ami lii leacker'a tlvaire to influvoee i pay wren tKfii in one child haa to I* aaxrnh.vtl . the gond of the whole. Ignorancn is the mother of oriniea, > DON it pay to stint our ssjinoln that we build rufnrui.itoriea, j.iU ant peniu-n- it pay tu >.kXn .liu In tt rinui|{ for te.ich n/ <hii the wund haa vrt awen by brintfinu it into " vile desu- etude '" Uiwi it pay t.i wa>t.- the prec- OUM yuHrs of childlionj tho*e yeain when iiupreaaioDa f. r uouU or evil are noat lasting in a crowded ncbn"lroum. here the whole being of tli ierhiT M axed tu mainlain nr.ler 1 I aked a .nun.' teachur, who c-iiupbtinexi tint ah>- i ton wearied to think by 4 o'clock. Why don't you take it easy 7" " It is nit pouible to take it uaay," aaid ihe ; "if I relax the strain fie; one minute it is all i hi- worse for myself. '" New York in a lont; way off, but it ia not ion far for ua to have a t"""' eizfd imitation of ita Tammany, H* wiinenstlm recent exposure of aldermanic corruption n Toronto; and it IM m.t ton far 'or ut to learn a lemon from iu falie and nii|Uitoiw eroii..iny. DOT. completely e i take A BoOII tO llorM-Hlfll. On- b >ttle Knglmli Kpa>i'i LniuiM-nt coin rtrmovrd a curb from my horau. ileaHuru in rvcoinmrndint! tlie rrnwily, KM t acu wn!i iiiynti.riouM pnnnptnex in the removal from honie^ of hard, soft or cnl- (iune.1 liiinpo, hlmid >[MMn,K|ilintl. curb*, Htvvcny, atitliti and |nitii.^ UluKOR KOBB, Farmer, Markham, Ont. Sold by W. E. Richards<iii. A Racking Cough Cured by Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs 1'. IX HALL, 217 Gc:iessco St.. Lockport, X. V., lays : "Over thirty yrr ago, I remember 1 1 arln? my father describe the wonder- lul iiirative effect* oi Acer's tin rry :>.;. Daring .1 rocent attack of La M|>l. which iMianiml the form of I i r r h, ao renew of the long*, acrom- Aiilvd by an ogfravi^lng cough, I I various remedies anil preMitplkona. ile eon* ol thefte meilii Inn partially . > it-.l the coughing UurtDg tke day, i, i>ne of then afforded me any n llrf from ' 'ial spasmodic action of the Iwnc* which .. '.1 wise me the noment I attempted , . he ilow n at nl|*lit. After ten or twelve >urb nielli*. I wai Nearly in Despair, in.l had about decided to alt up til night HI my eaiy chaJr, and procure what ! 1 could In tbat way. It then oo urr.-il to in that I li.i.l a buttle of Ayer*S Cherry Pectoral. I look a ...'Mini of this pre|i:iraili>n In a little ,itr, aod wa able to Ite down wilhont n.'lnng In u lew monuuu, 1 fell i-lm-p, and awnko In tbc morning : -fatly refniihrtl and Icclfng aiuch I.T. I took a tuaapoonful of Ibr Peo- ' al rrory r'frlit tor a week, tin u crmV- iillr decreaaed the dose, tod tn two u*'ka my ctni^h waa cnn-0." ".yor* t Cherry Pectoral n. .1 C. Arrr k Co., IjTW.II. KM. ourotocur* p TKST f ror e .oneet oetnlon, write t nri > .MTO '" Faisals mot bow tu ob- i. AlMaeatakejseof saeohaa] booki Mint (re*, tbruaih lluna * Oa. reoelm H< irnllfli Amrrli-mi. tad _ tiWIr before the public wllh- klventnr. Thi> n.lcinlul paner. jeieiil weekly, elecaetiy lllwtratd. bu by far the Uireet circuletiim .f uu eonMitilM *ork IB tlie "ujlil, ay*r. Rmple eofieeemt tree. BvilMtn* ftfitiun, monthlT, B M> rear. Hingle eoeiee, -J J eenu. Ftrr niiniu r mhuioe beeo- llful pletee. tp union, and ul...t.r.pii ot n.w fcooeea. with sTssa, enabllne 1 Ml Men lo ehow tae "YtSttSFtSSTSi* >""- < OUR 5TOCK OP Manitoba Patent, Strong TUkeit', . btiaitflit Uollet Klotira, Drettkfttfit Het'ealx, DesHicitteil Roll UaU, Doaai. rnli-il Uoll U'lirnt, ',' in c near, Peu Hour. Split '' is, liiick- wheat Klntir ati> G jorieiof Repairs, Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON. HOKSKSHOER AVD GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON Repairs for Masacy Harris, and Noxon, Flcury and Wilkinson Bros Farm Ipmlementc. Plows: Fleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repair* for the Mine. We manufacture \Yagjna, Bougies, Cutters, Sleitflia, elc. Umeiiiining pi omptl} attended to. Special attention to teudei ( outracttd feet. Logging and Plow Cliaiua constantly ou hand. Pointers "* # Oa CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. (IKSTLKSIEN, Ai ll>e seaion ef tanw I* appruarhrnit. we ileiire to driw yowr iltfiitinu to our stock o( I'otU-i* w. icb in now complete, uavinu * large atncktv eel. pet iruui. IIMI|>- up in a vari> ty of Ktylee ami finmhfil MI the tinehl tvl of rt ml at prirr* that > efy competition In lfi^)i we are prepared to unit you in light nr heavy. A 1 work nmdf uf thr hetl material. Kindly gift- II.H u eal> mid be yoor own jii(li;eit. S, .mn u btlieviag. Ton will Mud it to your fatpreet to call mi Fleshertoii. NO SUCH THING AS OLD AGE To 1 nose Who Use South American Nervine. A Lady of Eighty Years Permanently Cured by Tins Wonderful Medicine. TUree Doctor* Km' t " Old Age Waa Her Complaint," and Her tp IB roe Bottles of Nervine Gave Uelief Buttles Cured Absolutely. MR?. JOJIH DINWOODT, Flenherlon, Ont. \Tnrdnirnrih pak el " An old ng aerrne mid hright. and lo< ely aa a Lap- land nighl." And alaewhere thin name writer t lk of '* An old ig. beautiful and free." Thee are onnditiona iliat rom to tln> n an or worn .n, though tlicir year* mny border elooe on to a cen- tury, when in the efi>>vment of g'wd iiBRltl.. In f cl it in difficult to think of eoii.o uf the old met uad w men on thn tege of lifet"-da*aa old people, there aem tote -non aicrennial youttifnl- nei ulout Uieir every m..\e > n t ..n 1 aou Doe* oomeone tell o that eare* like thin mint be t he eception and cot the rule witli i hone who ha>e approaclied to r gone beyund the u Hotted three acore yeait and ten ? N ,t so. if they Imve be- come nRquainted the viriuea CXHI- taiutd in Sinth Amrrio n Nervine. Be- fore Ui in (kin aketch it the picture of \ir- Jtthn Diuot.dy, of Flenhertoo, Om. . a remdrnt nl thai town fi r forty MI. r*. Nn ir a ia the t n and cimntrr aid* aroaud w perkapa better known thuM' (ni lady, and tione more highly emeepied. Three year* ago it w. tier and lot to looe daughter who kad been all the wnrld to her. The abock auataiaed > y tbia event eximpletely krake up the yalem of Mr*, Diawoody. 6k upp< aed her ead had com*. She 4ewv<red (.T oi.e year with three aoclon, ixi tier gave Ler eaea up, aaylag that It T'or w one of old are and BO ne. lor medicine co Id do her gi>}. M ile of the kind of ttuff that give- aiitv toitjr* at any time ahe did not deopuir. 'hi was i Huenced to tiy NerTiiia Ske V ok threu lottlea. nil thin a* siiOic.ent to eiiow her tht hor i-nd van not yul. Kn>ni thpue -hu b'.Haicd mlicf. Vheur- iw. ,.!, unit in all t <ik twelve ii'itlo of the t (|ir:iii. with t renolt t ;.t *he i* to-day co pletulv cured of that break- ing up of the \ttiu that turtaieacu her three year-, nga T lure n Bothinj woadorfal in the fact that Mm. I'limocdy would | roclaim to the thootumd* uf i.lil |em !n through- nat tint lifi.Ml l.ind. that with old ag-t doe Dot neceaurilr uniadecliiio. <lecri' itudu *nd (iiaeaa*. \\ hv b uld we not live into the eightiet and nmetiee, and 'rait tlie border of tbe century? Sonth Aineritwn Nervine, whether the person be young or old, get* at th<> norv > contort, and when they are kma in pro- per condition tke tjrutem i a well ael* to withetuMd difoaa* at eighty i.a at thirty. With thm proapeot ia view Tin* would not live to an old nge aad en.ny tke i<ltmuiv uf lam ly. Irien'la and a cietr, and take n par* in watcbtB); th marveloua progreea i nd develonmentt < f* these cluaing days of a onderfal ,*.- tur> . whiah mark* ae aot the leaat ul i w wonderful din reriee. the diicowry of fcexitb Am*r oan Nerviae. I*

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